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Det ornerade bronset och dess griftefärdFransson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to study the evolution and differences of motifs on bronze age objects associated with men and women, the differences in plastic ornamentation and the differences in grave goods in five danish oakcoffin burials from II-III, and fourtythree swedish cremation graves from period IV-VI. The methods used for the motifs and plastic ornamentation are an iconographical one and for the grave goods I have chosen to make a chart. The spiral motifs on beltplates and the ships on the bronze razors, for example, have played a significant part in bronze age life. The same could be said of the plastic ornamentation on the horse headed razors from period II-III. The grave goods from the danish oakcoffin burials could possibly be seen as something connected with sunpriestesses. The few gravegoods coming from the swedish cremation graves could be viewed as a consequence of larger villagers appearing during the late bronze age.
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Våra (inte så) självständiga kvinnor : En kartläggning av svenska tidningars rapportering kring Damkronornas bojkott / Our (Not So) Independent Women : An Analysis of the Swedish Newspapers’ Coverage of the Women's National Hockey Team’s BoycottSalo, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to survey the news coverage regarding the 2019 boycott of the Swedish national women’s ice hockey team. The primary focus is to convey the portrayal of both gender and the boycott, while eventual changes in framing through time and between newspapers have been considered. The study has utilized a theoretical framework, consisting of media theories Agenda-Setting Theory and Framing Theory as well as gender theory. Both research fields have also been supported by previous research. The study has been conducted through a mixed methodology with quantitative content analysis as well as a critical discourse analysis as described by Norman Fairclough. The material has been assorted through a stratified sampling, consisting of a total of 224 articles from 79 different Swedish newspapers published between August 1st and November 30th, 2019. The material for the critical discourse analysis consists of eight articles, two from each month, which has been chosen through a purposive sample to match the quantitative content analysis. The results show that women have a prominent and professional role in the news coverage, in both body text and headlines. However, women mainly defend the boycott and the choices that lead to the situation. Men discuss the topic more freely, although they are not the primary source of information. The boycott is portrayed as a consequence of an economic factor, rather than the treatment that lead to economic differences between men and women. The news coverage has mainly framed the event in similar ways, giving a tantamount report of the boycott. Although there is a measurable change through time, there are no differences in the main framing, such as the economical take of the articles. Therefore, this study concludes that framing contributes to the portrayal of traditional gender roles. Furthermore, the portrayal of the boycott promotes that men, who mainly write the articles, are unable to understand the problem of treatment, leading to framing that aims towards male readers.
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HBTQ & könsidentitet i läroböcker : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om framställningen av HBTQ-personer och könsidentitet i läroböcker för samhällskunskap på gymnasiet / LGBTQ & Gender Identity in Teaching material : A Qualitative Content Analysis on the Representation of LGBTQ People and Gender Identity in Teaching Material for Social Studies in Upper Secondary School.Hultman, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en innehållsanalys ta reda på hur läroböcker i samhällskunskap framställer HBTQ-personer och könsidentitet. I uppsatsen beskrivs en bakgrund till både genusteori och queerteori för att kunna få en förståelse för de teoretiska begreppen som ligger till grund för uppsatsen. Kodschemat i uppsatsen är konstruerat utifrån olika teoretiska begrepp. Denna uppsats ger en bakgrund till tidigare forskning inom området och materialet som studien genomförs på är totalt sex läroböcker i olika kurser för samhällskunskap på gymnasiet. Resultatet av analysen visar att HBTQ-personer och könsidentitet framställs olika i läroböckerna och genom fyra identifierade teman. Dessa teman är sexualitet och kärlek, lagstiftning och rättigheter, kön och könstillhörighet samt HBTQ som paraplybegrepp. Resultatet visar att läroböckerna har ett heteronormativt perspektiv samt innehållet få normkritiska reflektioner. Resultatet visar även att i några läroböcker framställs inte HBTQ-personer eller könsidentitet alls. Resultatet visar även att läroböckerna inte definierar begreppen och att det i vissa fall inte stämmer överens med de vetenskapliga teoretiska begreppen. Uppsatsens resultat indikerar på konsekvenser för både lärare och elever. En avsaknad av HBTQ-personer och könsidentitet i läroböcker kan få konsekvenser för elevers utbildning. Slutsatsen är att lärare kan behöva komplettera läroböckerna i sin undervisning och ta ansvar för att ha kunskap om HBTQ-personer och könsidentitet för att inkludera och genomföra normkritiska reflektioner i sin undervisning. Förslag på vidare forskning kan vara att intervjua bokförlag om processen och innehållet i läroböckerna.
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Omvänd remediering – Från FPS till traditionell litteratur : En adaptionsstudie av Bioshocks gen(us)modifierade berättelsevärld / Reversed remediation – From FPS to traditional literature : An adaptation study of the genetically/gender modified story world of BioshockHollström, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats utgör en jämförande studie primärt inom fältet för traditionell litteraturvetenskap, adaption, remediering och transmedialitet, med ett innehållsligt genusperspektiv. Det undersökta materialet utgörs av två verk, tv-spelet Bioshock samt romanen som är baserad på spelet och är en prequel till det, Bioshock: Rapture. Det rör sig därmed om en form av adaption av berättelsevärlden, snarare än den mer konventionella adaptionen. Gestaltningar och representationer utifrån ett genusperspektiv analyseras utifrån hur de transmedieras mellan två tämligen olika medieformer. De utförda analyserna tyder på att genus, som det förstås i uppsatsen, representeras stereotypiskt för att därigenom rikta kritik gentemot detta, samt att de stereotypa skildringarna i viss mån förstärks i den transmediala processen i romanadaptionen. / This essay constitutes a comprehensive study within the field of traditional literary studies,adaptation studies, remediation, transmediality, whereas the content is analyzed through gender theory. The material examined consists of two sources, the videogame Bioshock, and the novel based upon the game, the prequel Bioshock: Rapture. The adaptation can be considered as an adaptation of the story world, rather than the conventional form of adaptations. Manifestations and representations of gender is being analyzed based on how they are being transmediated between two rather different types of media. The analyses conducted indicates that gender, as understood within the essay, is being represented rather stereotypically to thereby direct criticism against it. This kind of representations is also being emphasized in the transmedial process of the novel adaptation.
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Änglar och demoner : En tematisk analys av porträtteringen av offer och förövare i två svenska true-crime podcasts / Angels and demons : A thematic analysis of the portrayal of victims and offenders in two Swedish true crime podcastsLemon, Elin, Dalman, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur offer och förövare beskrivs och framställs av programledarna för ett urval av svenska true crime-podcasts, utifrån teorin om ideala offer samt genusteori. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av tematisk karaktär genomfördes på olika avsnitt av poddarna “Spöktimmen” och “Mord Mot Mord”, i vilka fyra teman kunde urskiljas; ”oskyldiga offer”, ”starka offer”, ”galna förövare” samt ”osannolika förövare”. Resultatet visade att sättet som offer och förövare framställdes i poddarna till stor del överensstämde med stereotypa föreställningar av offer och förövare samt män och kvinnor, men att dessa stereotyper i vissa fall också utmanades. Vidare framställdes kvinnliga och manliga offer respektive förövare på ett sätt som bekräftade tidigare forskning. Vår slutsats var att stereotypa föreställningar om offer och förövare samt män och kvinnor var vanligt förekommande i våra valda podcast-avsnitt, men att kontext spelade en avgörande roll för hur offren och förövarna framställdes av programledarna. / The purpose of this study was to examine how victims and offenders are portrayed by the hosts of Swedish true crime podcasts. Through a thematic analysis of different episodes of the podcasts "Spöktimmen" and "Mord Mot Mord", and by applying Christie’s theory of the ideal victim as well as a gender theoretical perspective, four themes could be identified; "innocent victims", "strong victims", "mad offenders", and "unlikely offenders". The result showed that the way they were portrayed largely corresponded to stereotypical representations of both victims and offenders as well as men and women, but that these stereotypes in some instances were challenged. Furthermore, female and male victims and offenders were portrayed in a way that confirmed previous research. Our conclusion was that stereotypical representations were common in our chosen podcast episodes, but that context played a central role in the way the victims and offenders were portrayed by the podcast hosts.
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"Jag vill liksom inte vara besvär för andra" : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers upplevelser och syn av psykisk ohälsa och könsnormer.Almhana, Rand, Gebreslase, Diana, Kirnaui, Rooa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en ökad kunskap och förståelse om gymnasieelevers upplevelser och syn av psykisk ohälsa samt huruvida könsnormer påverkar deras förutsättningar att söka hjälp. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts i form av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med gymnasieelever i Sverige. Intervjupersonernas svar har presenterats, tolkats och analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning samt studiens valda teoretiska utgångspunkter, vilka är genusperspektivet och det salutogena perspektivet. Resultatet i studien har påvisat att intervjupersonerna upplevde psykisk ohälsa som något negativt, vilket kan leda till negativa konsekvenser. Bidragande faktorer till psykisk ohälsa förknippade intervjupersonerna exempelvis med dålig mentalitet, försämrat mående och skolstress. Resultatet har även visat att intervjupersonerna upplevde att könsroller och normer påverkar deras sätt att tala och hantera psykisk ohälsa. / The purpose of this study was to gain increased knowledge and understanding of upper secondary school students' experiences and views on mental illness and whether gender norms affect their ability to seek help. To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative research method has been used and six semi-structured interviews with upper secondary school students in Sweden were held. The interviews have been presented, interpreted, and analyzed in relation to previous research and with the help of gender theory and the salutogenic theory. The results of the study have shown that the interviewees viewed mental illness as something negative, which can lead to negative consequences. Contributing factors to mental illness were associated with, for example poor mentality, impaired well-being, and school stress. The interviewees felt that gender roles and norms affect their way of dealing with mental illness. The results have also shown that interviewees experienced that gender roles and norms affect their way of speaking and dealing with mental illness.
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Ἀνδρεία, Τόλμα, Θράσος - Male and Female Courage in Classical Greek LiteratureNyholm, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
This thesis discusses the differences in the descriptions of and the attitudes towards female courage in the literature of the Classical period. Male authors of this period wrote extensively of the martial and virtuous courage of men, andreíā, yet in some instances labelled courage instead as tólma or thrásos. Tólma and thrásos are even more commonly used in descriptions of female courage, audacity or rashness. How these three words could be used in relation to men and women is discussed, and the fundamental belief of the Classical period that women were not capable of courage is encountered. As courage was outside the nature, phúsis, of a woman, her actions were always more likely to be viewed as tólma or thrásos. To what extent the literature of the period can reflect the lived experience of the ancient Athenian is unknown. However, it is concluded that literary works both impact and are impacted by social and cultural values, such as the view that women should not or could not be courageous.
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Power and Perfection in Karen Finley's <em>The Constant State of Desire</em>: Creating a New Discourse.Greenwood, Melissa D 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Karen Finley's The Constant State of Desire merits attention because it acknowledges modern language's inability to represent the suffering of victims and creates awareness of our personal involvement in constructing gendered identities. Finley expresses her abhorrence of the desire for power and perfection by asserting that power is secured in American culture through physical and economic domination. In addition, the pursuit of perfection is engrained in one's psyche through media images and habituated behaviors. Finley does not offer a new language through which to communicate suffering, but she draws the reader's attention to the inadequacies of psychological and cultural rhetoric, thus engaging in an important step of language creation. Finley's art makes use of dominant and nondominant languages combined with body language to illustrate that neither are adequate for representing marginalized bodies of postmodern culture.
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The economic experiences of fathers: Before, during, and after divorceFish, Roy 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Ἀνδρεία, Τόλμα, Θράσος - Male and Female Courage in Classical Greek LiteratureNyholm, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
This thesis discusses the differences in the descriptions of and the attitudes towards female courage in the literature of the Classical period. Male authors of this period wrote extensively of the martial and virtuous courage of men, andreíā, yet in some instances instead labelled courage as tólma or thrásos. Tólma and thrásos are even more commonly used in descriptions of female courage, audacity or rashness. How these three words could be used in relation to men and women is discussed, and the fundamental belief of the Classical period that women were not capable of courage is encountered. As courage was outside the nature, phúsis, of a woman, her actions were always more likely to be viewed as tólma or thrásos. To what extent the literature of the period can reflect the lived experience of the ancient Athenian is unknown. However, it is concluded that literary works both impact and are impacted by social and cultural values, such as the view that women should not or could not be courageous.
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