Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geoarchaeology"" "subject:"bioarcheology""
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Geologic and Lithic Analysis of the Red River CacheGregory, Brittney 05 1900 (has links)
The Red River Cache is an assemblage of 33 bifaces, found in Cooke County, along Cache Creek, a tributary to the Red River. Also found with the cache was a hearth which yielded charcoal for AMS dating which returned an age of 2770- 2710 Cal YBP placing the cache in the Late Archaic. The geologic investigation of Cache Creek established 3 Holocene allostratigraphic units that provide information depositional environments adjacent to the Red River. Lithic analysis explored the production of bifaces during the Late Archaic and compared the cache to regional records. Using both geologic and lithic analysis this thesis investigates the temporal and cultural context of the cache using a geoarchaeological approach.
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Assessing Paleoenvironmental and Geomorphic Variability in Relationship to Paleoindian Site Burial; Centennial Valley, MontanaJones, Hillary A. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Wave action along the shores of Lima Reservoir in Centennial Valley, Montana is actively eroding the southern margins of three neighboring Paleoindian sites. Despite ostensible similarity among the sites, major site formation differences are apparent in exposed sediments. Shoreline cutbank exposures one-to-five meters high connect the sites and reveal a complicated geomorphic history. Although each site contains artifact evidence of terminal Pleistocene-early Holocene occupations, Paleoindian components at these three localities occur in very different contexts: one is buried, while the other two are apparent surface scatters. This raise the question of why sites of the same age are in both buried and exposed contexts. Moreover, buried sites are more likely to have preserved spatial layout and sites with buried components are more likely to be considered significant under National Register of Historic Places criteria. These factors therefore prompt the management question of where might other buried sites be located in the valley? In order to answer these questions, I used a multi-pronged approach including optically stimulated luminescence dating, sediment grain size analysis, stratigraphic profiling and sediment facies analysis. I accomplished two nested objectives with this research. First, I reconstructed the last 60,000 years of geomorphic events for the area surrounding the three sites in order to determine what conditions resulted in site burial. Second, I used those findings to outline criteria for differentiating occupation-age and pre-occupation-age stratigraphic layers in Centennial Valley. I determined, in part, that cultural-age deposits are present at both high and low elevations and that they may be marked by a specific soil sequence. The oldest packages, far pre-dating potential human occupation, are deep lake and high energy stream sediments that may be recognized by soil color alteration and thick gypsum horizons.
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Microartefatos e análise geoarqueológica: um estudo de caso da região de Rio Claro - SP / Microartifacts and geoarchaelogical analysis: a case study of the region of Rio Claro - SPRicci, Olivia 20 August 2018 (has links)
A análise de microartefatos não é rotineiramente realizada no Brasil. Porém, devido às particularidades envolvidas em seu transporte e deposição geológica, os microartefatos podem fornecer informações específicas e complementares para a compreensão do contexto pedogeomorfológico dos sítios arqueológicos estudados, permitindo uma melhor compreensão da gênese, cronologia e processos de formação desses sítios, justificando, deste modo, a necessidade de sua análise. A presente pesquisa realizou a análise de microartefatos em três sítios arqueológicos localizados no município de Rio Claro e municípios vizinhos, o sítio Lagoa do Camargo (Rio Claro), o sítio Abrigo do Alvo (Analândia) e o sítio Alice Boer (Rio Claro), de forma a auxiliar nas pesquisas arqueológicas destes, com dados novos e complementares. Cada um dos sítios arqueológicos propostos como estudo de caso apresenta um contexto pedogeomorfológico muito distinto. O primeiro encontra-se próximo ao divisor de águas, o segundo encontra-se dentro de um abrigo e, por fim, o terceiro encontra-se em uma área de baixo terraço fluvial. Os dados coletados na análise de microartefatos auxiliam para uma melhor compreensão dos processos pedogeomorfológicos de formação e de como ocorrem os processos de transporte e deposição de cada sítio. Dunnel e Stein (1989) definem microartefatos como vestígios de atividade humana que apresentam tamanho reduzido, com limite entre 2 mm e 0,25 mm. Segundo os autores, um artefato é qualquer objeto que apresente atributos artificiais. Podem ter suas propriedades alteradas pela ação humana, sua localização alterada pela ação humana ou ainda podem ocorrer as duas situações. Foram testadas diferentes formas de processar os sedimentos, como elutriação com utilização de agitador mecânica, agitador de Wagner (rotativo) e aparelho de ultrassom, e depois comparados os resultados com o intuito de buscar o melhor método de elutriação para processar os sedimentos. Também foi feita uma experiência com microesferas de polietileno como amostra implantada para procurar estabelecer um número de grãos suficiente à contagem para detectar com eficácia o número de microartefatos de um local. Foi possível observar que a elutriação não afetou o resultado final e que a contagem por peso é muito mais eficaz do que por quantidade de grãos. / In Brazil, micro artifacts analysis is not common. Nevertheless, due to the micro artifacts\' transportation and geological deposition particularities, they can provide specific and complementary information to understand the pedomorphological context of the studied archeological sites. These informations allow us to better understand the genesis, chronology and formation processes of these sites, justifying the need for its analysis. This study analyzed micro artifacts from three archeological sites - Lagoa do Camargo site (Rio Claro), Abrigo do Alvo site (Analândia), and Alice Boer site (Rio Claro) - localized in Rio Claro region. Our goal is to provide new subsidiary data to these sites\' archeological research. Each one of these sites presents a distinct pedomorphological context. The first site is found next to the water divisor, the second site is inside a shelter, and de third site is found in a low river terrace area. The data collected in the micro artifact analysis help understanding the pedomorphological formation processes and how the deposition and transport processes occur in each site. Dunnel e Stein (1989) define micro artifacts as human activity traces with reduced size, limited between 2 mm and 0.25 mm. According to the authors, artifacts are any objects that present artificial attributes. They can have their properties or location, or even both of them, altered by human action. Different ways of sediments processing were tested, such as elutriation using mechanical stirrer, Wagner\'s stirrer (rotative), and ultrasonic device. Then, the results were compared so we could select the best elutriation method for processing the sediments. We also tried to establish a sufficient grain number to the counting experimenting polyethylene microspheres as implanted sample so we could detect efficiently a site\'s micro artifacts number. We observed that elutriation did not affect the final result, and that counting by weight is way more effective than counting by grains\' quantity.
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Παλαιογεωγραφική εξέλιξη της ευρύτερης περιοχής Μοδίου – Πόρου / Palaeogeographic reconstruction in the wider region Modi rocky islet and Poros islandΠρεβένιος, Μιχαήλ 14 February 2012 (has links)
Οι μεταβολές της στάθμης της θάλασσας τα τελευταία 20.000 χρόνια και η εμφάνιση καταστροφικών φαινομένων (σεισμοί, παλιρροιακά κύματα) έχουν οδηγήσει στην καταβύθιση αρχαίων πόλεων, οικισμών και λιμενικών εγκαταστάσεων. Οι περισσότερες των αρχαιολογικών παράκτιων θέσεων σήμερα, βρίσκονται βυθισμένες στη θάλασσα και η μελέτη τους απαιτεί τη χρήση σύγχρονων συστημάτων θαλάσσιας γεωφυσικής διασκόπησης. Τις τελευταίες δύο δεκαετίες οι θαλάσσιες γεωφυσικές μέθοδοι έχουν αναδειχθεί σε εξαιρετικά αποτελεσματικό μέσο στη μελέτη τέτοιων περιοχών καθώς είναι εφικτό: (α) να εντοπίζουν και να χαρτογραφούν με ακρίβεια και σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα μεγάλης έκτασης περιοχών αρχαιολογικής σημασίας, (β) να εντοπίζουν και να χαρτογραφούν γεωμορφές σχετιζόμενες με το περιβάλλον ανάπτυξης των αρχαιολογικών θέσεων έτσι ώστε να αναπαριστούν την εξέλιξη της παράκτιας παλαιογεωγραφίας. Επιπλέον, οι γεωφυσικές μέθοδοι χρησιμοποιούνται πλέον συστηματικά για τον εντοπισμό και τη μελέτη κινητών μαρτυριών (ναυάγια) της ανθρώπινης δραστηριότητας στον πυθμένα.
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζονται τα προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα από την εφαρμογή των μεθόδων θαλάσσιας γεωφυσικής διασκόπησης στην ευρύτερη περιοχής Μοδίου – Πόρου. Στη βορειοδυτική πλευρά της νησίδας Μόδι, το Ινστιτούτο Ενάλιων Αρχαιολογικών Ερευνών (ΙΕΝΑΕ) εντόπισε φορτίο ναυαγίου που χρονολογείται τον 12ο αιώνα π.Χ. Επιπλέον, η περιοχή μελέτης αποτελεί μεγάλο αρχαιολογικό ενδιαφέρον για τον Ελληνικό θαλάσσιο χώρο διότι στην αρχαιότητα αποτελούσε σημαντικό εφαλτήριο και βρίσκονταν σε ενδιάμεσους πολυσύχναστους θαλάσσιους πλόες του Αργοσαρωνικού κόλπου.
Τα όργανα γεωφυσικής διασκόπησης που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στην συγκεκριμένη έρευνα ήταν o τομογράφος υποδομής πυθμένα υψηλής διακριτικής ικανότητας και ο ηχοβολιστής πλευρικής σάρωσης.
Η επεξεργασία και η ανάλυση των δεδομένων επέτρεψε την αποτύπωση της θέσης του ναυαγίου με σύγχρονες μεθόδους διασκόπησης, την κατασκευή λεπτομερών χαρτών βυθομετρίας και γεωμορφολογίας του πυθμένα, τον εντοπισμό ιχνών (scarps) καταβυθισμένων παλαιοακτών και τον προσδιορισμό της στρωματογραφικής υποδομής του πυθμένα στην περιοχή μελέτης. Με βάση τα παραπάνω δεδομένα έγινε προσπάθεια ανάπλασης της παλαιογεωγραφικής εξέλιξης στην ευρύτερη περιοχή μελέτης για τα τελευταία 18.000 χρόνια. Επιπλέον εντοπίστηκε στην ευρύτερη περιοχή έρευνας, ένας σημαντικός αριθμός στόχων πιθανής αρχαιολογικής σημασίας. / The changes in sea level over the last 20,000 years and the emergence of catastrophic events (earthquakes, tidal waves) have led to the submergence of ancient cities, settlements and port facilities. Most of the archaeological coastal positions today are immersed in the sea and their study requires the use of modern systems of marine geophysical surveys. Over the past two decades, marine geophysical methods have become an extremely effective tool in studying such areas as practicable: (a) to identify and map out accurately and in a short period of large areas of archaeological importance, (b) to identify and mapping landforms associated with the development environment of the sites to represent the evolution of the coastal Paleogeography.
In addition, geophysical methods are now used routinely to detect and study mobile testimonies (wrecks) of human activity on the sea floor.
This paper presents preliminary results from the application of marine geophysical methods in the wider region Modi Rocky Islet and Poros Isl. On the northwestern side of the rocky islet of Modi, the Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology (H.I.M.A) identified a cargo of a shipwreck dating to the 12th century BC Furthermore, the study area forms great archaeological interest in the Greek sea area because in ancient times was an important springboard and was located in intermediar and frequented sea voyages of the Saronic Gulf.
The geophysical instruments used in this study was the subbottom profiler and side-scan sonar.
The processing and data analysis enabled mapping the location of the wreck using modern marine geophysical methods, build detailed bathymetry maps and maps with the geomorphology of the seabed, detect traces (scarps) of submerged palaeocoast and determine the stratigraphic infrastructure of sea floor in the study area. Based on these data attempted reconstruction of the palaeogeographic evolution of the study area for the past 18,000 years. In addition, in the study area, was identified a significant number of potential targets with archaeological importance.
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Paisagens testemunho: um estudo geoarqueológico no norte do Estado de São Paulo / Landscapes that testify: a geoarchaeological study in the north of the São Paulo StateLima, Paula Cabral de [UNESP] 08 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Paula Cabral de Lima (paulacabral.l@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-19T23:05:24Z
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Dissertação Paula Cabral de Lima.pdf: 9021228 bytes, checksum: 5605142a7fc8973749ed5f962a2dd492 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Claudia Adriana Spindola null (claudia@fct.unesp.br) on 2018-06-20T11:28:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-08 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta o estudo de três sítios arqueológicos localizados no Município de Magda, no norte do Estado de São Paulo. Os sítios são: Abelha, Dourados e Lajeado, todos da Tradição cerâmica Aratu-Sapucaí. O estudo tem como enfoque a Geoarqueologia, sob o viés do modelo geossistêmico, utilizando as escalas taxonômicas propostas por Bertrand (1968), no intuito de apresentar os sítios e suas possíveis escalas de análise, para que assim seja possível identificar características que nos levem a compreender e a levantar hipóteses sobre o modo de vida dessas populações indígenas. Trabalhar com escalas, nessa perspectiva, exige um estudo detalhado dos registros arqueológicos e do meio físico, a partir da construção de modelos sobre as dinâmicas ambientais. Fez-se, também, o levantamento e a análise do material arqueológico lítico e cerâmico encontrado nas áreas dos sítios, para que, por meio da comparação e análise, fosse possível relacioná-los aos grupos indígenas e inferir sobre o assentamento e o modo de vida desses povos. Para tanto, foram realizados estudos bibliográficos nas áreas de Geografia, Arqueologia e Antropologia, além de trabalhos de campo. Reforça-se o caráter interdisciplinar proposto na pesquisa, que exemplifica e torna possível a visualização das condições dos sítios arqueológicos nos dias atuais, fazendo um exercício de compreensão do passado ambiental e histórico da paisagem. O trabalho busca contribuir com as pesquisas geoarqueológicas e históricas no Estado de São Paulo, principalmente, aquelas que visam ao estudo sobre as migrações dos grupos Jê e sua interação com grupos Tupi-guarani. / This dissertation presents the study of three archaeological sites located in the Municipality of Magda, in the north of the State of São Paulo. The sites are: Abelha, Dourados e Lajeado, all of the Aratu-Sapucaí Ceramic Tradition. The study focuses on Geoarcheology, under the bias of the geosystemic model, using the taxonomic scales proposed by Bertrand (1968), in order to present the sites and their possible scales of analysis, so that it is possible to identify characteristics that lead us to understand and raise hypotheses about the way of life of these indigenous populations. Working with scales, from this perspective, requires a detailed study of the archaeological records and the physical environment, from the construction of models on the environmental dynamics. There was also the collection and analysis of lytic and ceramic archaeological material found in areas of the sites, so that, through comparison and analysis, it was possible to relate them to indigenous and infer the settlement and mode of life of these peoples. For that, bibliographical studies were carried out in the areas of Geography, Archeology and Anthropology, as well as fieldwork. It reinforces the interdisciplinary character proposed in the research, which exemplifies and makes possible the visualization of the conditions of the archaeological sites in the present day, making an exercise of understanding the environmental and historical past of the landscape. The work aims to contribute to geoarchaeological and historical research in the State of São Paulo, especially those that aim to study the migrations of the Jê groups and their interaction with Tupi-Guarani groups. / CNPQ: 132936/2015-1
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Interpretando a dinâmica de um assentamento Jê Meridional na bacia hidrográfica do rio Forqueta/RS: estudo de caso do sítio RS-T-126Rosa, Lauren Waiss da 10 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-10-02T13:50:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-05-10 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Esta dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo discutir as possibilidades de interpretação de um sítio arqueológico a partir da análise química do solo. Pretende-se a partir da bibliografia apresentada analisar a dinâmica de ocupação do espaço Jê, verificando a partir da análise química do solo diferentes usos do espaço dentro do que concebemos como sítio arqueológico. A análise química das amostras de solo e dos artefatos cerâmicos foram
elaboradas por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, executada pelo MEV EDS. Esse tipo de microscópio propicia a realização da caracterização química das amostras por meio da fluorescência de raios X. A pesquisa estrutura-se como estudo de caso da geoquímica do solo e da cerâmica, coletados durante intervenções ao sítio RS-T-126. A unidade operacional está situada ao norte da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Forqueta, marcada pela ocupação dos grupos Jê Meridionais, conhecidos por deixar na paisagem o registro físico de sua ocupação, na forma de estruturas subterrâneas, aterros, montículos e etc. O rastreamento do solo permitiu a observação do fenômeno denominado solo antropogênico tanto para as coletas realizadas no interior das estruturas subterrâneas presentes no sítio RS-T-126, quanto para os pontos de coleta realizados na superfície do sítio. O mapeamento químico permite ao
arqueólogo visualizar aspectos referentes as diversas práticas do uso do espaço, como por exemplo, diagnosticar áreas de preparo de alimentos, descarte de lixo verde, descarte de rejeitos de animais e ossos, cozimento de alimentos etc. / This dissertation aims to discuss the possibilities of interpretation of an archaeological site from the chemical analysis of the soil. From the bibliography presented, it is intend to analyze the dynamics of occupation of the Jê space, verifying from the chemical analysis of the soil, different uses of space within what we conceive as an archeological site. The chemical analysis of soil samples and ceramic artifacts were elaborate by scanning electron microscopy, executed by MEV EDS. This type of microscope propitiates the chemical
characterization of the samples by X-ray fluorescence. The research is structure as a case study of soil and ceramic geochemistry, collected during interventions at the RS-T-126 site. This archeological place is located to the north of the Forqueta River Basin, marked by the occupation of the Southern Je groups, known for leaving in the landscape the physical records of their occupation, in the form of pit houses, landfills, mounds, etc. The soil tracing allowed the observation of a phenomenon named as anthropogenic soil, both for the samples collected inside the pit houses present at the RS-T-126 site, as well as for the samples collected on the surface of the site. The chemical mapping allows the archaeologist to visualize aspects related to various practices of the use of space, for example, to diagnose areas of food preparation, green waste disposal, discard of animal and bone waste, food cooking, etc.
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Geoarqueologia dos sítios pontão e Santa Helena na região de Silves-AMSantana, Rafaela Ferreira de, 92-98196-7677 09 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-08-22T12:49:12Z
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Dissertacao_RafaelaSantana.2018.pdf: 10128840 bytes, checksum: 442134efbb618d4c2b83d92da2fdf8a2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-08-22T12:49:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-09 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This article provide a Geoarchaeological contribution for the study of the settlement of the Pontão (AM-SL-06) and Santa Helena (AM-SL-07) archeological sites located in the Lower Urubu River, in the township of Silves, Amazonas. The objective is analyze the deposition system of the archaeological vestiges and characterizing the black earth of indian and ceramic artifacts related to these sites. The methodology process adopted is based on a morphological, mineralogical and chemical analysis of soil samples, sediments and ceramic traces. The soils of the region are classified as immature profiles, formed on Alter do Chao formation, the mineralogy is represented by quartz, kaolinite, hematite, gibbsite and goethite, the sediments come from alluvial deposits that constitute a clay-sandy material, mineralogically composed by 2: 1 clay, quartz and iron oxides. The black soil can reach 40 to 220 cm depth, with a sandy granulometry for Pontão site and a sandy-clay for Santa Helena site, consisting of quartz and kaolinite and high proportions of Ti, Zr, Ag and Mn. Ceramics artifacts are commonly associated as pre colonial period: Incisal Edge Tradition an the Saracá regional Tradition, being mineralogically constituted by quartz, kaolinite, smithite, illite, gibbsite, hematite, feldspar, phosphates, and presents additional seasonings to the blend of cauixi, cariape and ceramics shards, which are distinguished only by the proportion of this constituents for each of the studied sites. Based on the analyzes of ceramic data is possible to infer two places as being the material provider: the first, associated to the immature profiles is formed on the cretaceous deposits and the second, associated to the sediments is coming from the alluvial deposits present in the lakes of the region, which currently provides primary resources for the manufacture of tiles and bricks. For questioning about the origin of the resource areas and manufacturing of the artifacts from the studied sites, we can correlate that the ceramics were produced locally with the raw material available in the region. / Este trabalho apresenta as contribuições da Geoarqueologia no estudo sobre o assentamento dos sítios arqueológicos Pontão (AM-SL-06) e Santa Helena (AM-SL-07), localizados na região do baixo rio Urubu, no município de Silves, Amazonas. O objetivo está em analisar o ambiente de deposição dos vestígios arqueológicos e caracterizar a terra preta de índio e artefatos cerâmicos relacionados a estes sítios. A metodologia adota está na analises morfológica, mineralógica e química das amostras de solos, sedimentos e vestígios cerâmicos. Os solos da região são classificados como perfis imaturos, formados sobre a Formação Alter do chão, com mineralogia representada por quartzo, caulinita, hematita, gibbsita e goethita, os sedimentos são provenientes dos Depósitos Aluvionares que constituem um material argilo-arenoso, compostos mineralogicamente por argilominerais do tipo 2:1, quartzo e óxidos de ferro. A terra preta nestes sítios alcança profundidades entre 40 a 220 cm, com granulometria arenosa para o Sítio Pontão e argilo-arenosa para o Sítio Santa Helena, constituídas por quartzo e caulinita e proporções altas de Ti, Zr, Ag e Mn. Os artefatos cerâmicos são associados as fases cerâmicas pré-coloniais: Tradição Borda Incisa e a Tradição Regional Saracá, sendo constituídas mineralogicamente por quartzo, caulinita, esmectitas, illita, gibbsita, hematita, feldspatos, fosfatos e apresentam temperos adicionados a sua mistura de cauixi, cariapé e cacos cerâmicos, sendo diferenciados apenas pelas proporções destes constituintes para cada um dos sítios estudados. Com base nas análises feitas é possível atribuir dois lugares como áreas de proveniência de matéria prima desses artefatos cerâmicos: o primeiro, associado aos perfis de solos imaturos formados sobre os depósitos cretáceos e o segundo, associado aos sedimentos provenientes dos depósitos aluvionares presentes nos lagos da região, que atualmente constituem depósitos de matéria prima para a fabricação de telhas e tijolos. Para questionamentos sobre áreas fontes e fabricação destes artefatos dos sítios estudados, podemos correlacionar que as cerâmicas foram produzidas localmente com a matéria prima disponível na região.
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La pierre et les hommes en Bourgogne : archéologie et histoire d'une ressource en oeuvre du Moyen-Âge à l'époque moderne / Pas de titre en anglaisFoucher, Marion 10 December 2014 (has links)
Pour dépasser les limites inhérentes à la déconnexion des disciplines ou celles imposées par les sources, les périodes ou les sites, cette thèse propose une approche pluridisciplinaire et diachronique de la question de l'approvisionnement en pierre des chantiers médiévaux et modernes. Grâce à la confrontation de bâtiments d'origines et de fonctions différentes, ce travail cherche à décortiquer les processus de choix et réseaux d'approvisionnement en pierre, pour envisager le rapport des hommes à une ressource naturelle. / In order to go further limits inherent to subject disjunction, or those imposed by sources, periods or sites, this thesis emphasises a multidisciplinary and diachronic approach of stone supply on medieval and modern building sites. Thanks to the confrontation of buildings with different origins and functions, this work tries to dissect process of choices and stone supply network. It finally considers connection between people and a natural ressource.
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Signatures des paléo-pollutions et des paléo-environnements dans les archives sédimentaires des ports antiques de Rome et d’Éphèse / Fingerprints of the paleo-pollutions and the paleo-environments in sedimentary archives of the ancient harbors of Rome and EphesusDelile, Hugo 05 September 2014 (has links)
Rome et Éphèse sont deux villes portuaires emblématiques de la Méditerranée antique ; la première fut le centre de l’Empire romain et la seconde devint la capitale romaine d’Asie mineure à la fin du 1er s. av. J.-C. Leur rayonnement économique et commercial en Méditerranée reposa notamment sur leur système portuaire. Cette étude a pour vocation de retranscrire le développement économique de ces deux cités par le signal des paléo-pollutions. Pour mener à bien ces travaux, nous avons prélevé des carottes dans les archives sédimentaires des bassins portuaires sur lesquels les isotopes du plomb ont été mesurés. La reconstitution des paléo-environnements par la géochimie élémentaire a été un préalable indispensable. Sur le temps long, la dynamique des masses d’eau portuaires fut visiblement soumise à la progradation des systèmes deltaïques, ainsi qu’aux interventions humaines qui modifièrent les environnements aquatiques initialement ouverts et bien oxygénés au profit de milieux fermés en déficit de dioxygène. Ce confinement des bassins portuaires franchit un seuil irréversible pour la navigation dès lors qu’un régime épilimnique se mit en place en raison d’une trop faible profondeur de la colonne d’eau. Les niveaux de contamination au plomb ont relativement bien enregistré l’état de santé économique de Rome et d’Éphèse qui évolua notamment au gré des périodes de prospérité et de troubles. Cependant, l’évolution des conditions environnementales et les multiples dragages semblent avoir altéré une partie de ces enregistrements. Les données isotopiques du plomb, converties en paramètres géologiques (Tmod, μ et к), nous ont également permis d’émettre des hypothèses sur les sources d’approvisionnement en minerais de plomb à l’origine de ces pollutions. On peut en retenir que les stratégies d’alimentation en plomb à l’époque romaine furent locales. En effet, il semble assez logique que ces deux cités aient dominé les espaces économiques environnants avec lesquelles elles étaient en contact. En revanche, alors que l’entrée dans le Moyen Âge s’accompagne du déclin de Rome, Éphèse retrouve sa prospérité passée avec l’importation de plomb hercynien d’Europe de l’Ouest produit massivement à la suite de la révolution économique médiévale. / Rome and Ephesus are two iconic harbor cities of the ancient Mediterranean; the first was the center of the Roman Empire and the second became the Roman capital of Asia Minor at the end of the 1st c. BC. The economic and commercial influence of these two ports in the Mediterranean depended heavily on their harbor systems. The aim of this study is to discern the economic development of Rome and Ephesus from the geochemical signals of the pollution they were exposed to. To this end, we drilled cores through the sedimentary archives of the two ancient harbors and measured major and trace element concentrations and Pb isotope compositions. Both harbors were subject to delta progradation, Rome by the Tiber and Ephesus by the Caÿster, which changed the aquatic environments from being initially open and well oxygenated to becoming closed and anoxic. The harbor basins finally shut down for shipping when an epilimnic system came into place due to too shallow a depth of the water column. Although changing environmental conditions and multiple dredgings appear to have altered some parts of the geochemical record, the pollution levels of lead quite accurately reflect the state of the economic health of Rome and Ephesus, which evolved the most during periods of prosperity and disorder. Pb isotope data, converted into geological parameters (Tmod, μ and к), further allowed deducing the provenance of the geological sources of lead ores at the origin of the pollution. Based on these results, it appears that lead ore supplies during the Roman period were of local origins, reflecting how Rome and Ephesus dominated the surrounding economic areas with which they were in contact. However, while the beginning of the Middle Ages is accompanied by a decline of Rome, Ephesus regains its past prosperity with the importation of Hercynian lead from western Europe. It was produced massively as a result of the medieval economic revolution that Europe experienced from the 10th century onward.
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Contraintes et potentialités naturelles de quelques sites portuaires antiques de Méditerranée et de mer Noire (Fréjus, Ampurias, Kition, Istanbul, Orgamé) / Natural Constraints and potentials of some ancient harbours in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Frejus, Ampurias, Kition, Istanbul, Orgame)Bony, Guénaëlle 04 July 2013 (has links)
Il y a 7000 ans BP, la stabilisation du niveau marin a entraîné la formation de deltas. Ces zones deltaïques abritent des milieux aux degrés de protection différents favorables à une activité maritime. Cependant, ces espaces sont soumis à des contraintes naturelles : à l'échelle de la longue durée, l'alluvionnement des deltas entraîne la mobilité des littoraux et le colmatage des milieux portuaires ; à l'échelle de l'événement, les tempêtes, les tsunamis et la mobilité crustale entraînent la destruction, la submersion ou le soulèvement des zones portuaires. Ce travail porte sur l'étude des contraintes et des potentialités environnementales de cinq ports antiques répartis dans le monde Méditerranéen en marge de deltas. L'objectif est d'estimer le poids de ces contraintes sur les sociétés via une approche statistique. Pour quatre des sites d'études, l'alluvionnement est le forçage majeur. A Kition et Orgame, l'impact de l'alluvionnement est indirect. La fermeture des baies marines par l'édification de cordons littoraux crée des environnements lagunaires propices à l'installation de zones portuaires. En revanche, Fréjus et Ampurias sont soumis à un alluvionnement direct qui a rapidement colmaté les bassins. A partir de l'époque romaine et avec l'invention de la pouzzolane, des zones portuaires sont installées en milieu littoral ouvert, comme à Istanbul. Dans un contexte tectoniquement actif, les tsunamis constituent la contrainte majeure opérant sur le port byzantin de Théodose à Istanbul. Un dépôt grossier et chaotique, contenant du matériel marin et archéologique remanié, compose une partie de la séquence stratigraphique de colmatage du bassin et témoigne de ce forçage. / The stabilization of sea level at 7000 years ago led to the formation of deltaic areas. These areas constituted sheltered environments particularly conducive to maritime activity. However, these areas were also subject to natural constraints for human occupation: at long timescales, high sediment supply to deltaic areas led to significative coastal changes and the infilling of harbour areas; at shorter timescales, high-energy events and crustal mobility led to the destruction, submersion and/or uplift of harbour areas. This work focuses on the study of environmental constraints and potentialities governing five ancient harbours, located on deltaic margins in the Mediterranean. The study aims to semi-qualitatively measure of the weight of these constraints on harbour cities, using statistical approach. High sediment supply is the major natural forcing. At Orgame and Kition, the closure of marine bays by coastal barriers led to the formation of lagoon environments conducive to the installation of harbour areas. Frejus and Ampurias were subject to direct siltation which quickly infilled the harbour basin. The invention of the pozzolan in Roman times means that harbours could be constructed in coastal areas open to the sea and away from river mouths, such as Istanbul harbour. In a tectonically active context, tsunamis are the major constraint acting in the Byzantine harbour of Theodosius in Istanbul. There, the stratigraphic sequence contains a coarse and chaotic deposit composed of reworked marine and archaeological material which demonstrates the societal impacts of such a natural and destructive forcing agent.
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