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Designing typozilla : an online application that appeals to gifted children : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Design at Massey University, Wellington, New ZealandBlachnitzky, Angela January 2009 (has links)
This thesis responds to the specific educational and social needs of gifted children within the context of online applications. Online enrichment activities and social opportunities are only successful if they are able to attract and sustain attention of the advanced interests of gifted children. The aim of the research is to design an online application that appeals to gifted children and recognises the identified intellectual and social needs within the New Zealand context. This was achieved through research through design by establishing a design strategy that uses the findings of investigations and applies them to a prototype application. Developers of online content for gifted children may benefit from this research. As an initial investigation a survey was conducted about how gifted New Zealand primary school children are using online applications. It was assumed following the literature review that online applications would appeal to gifted children if they teach a new skill, have multiplayer functionality and address higher order thinking skills. Basic design characteristics of the most popular gaming websites amongst gifted children (from the survey) were then used to inform the design strategy and to develop the prototype online application typozilla. Key findings were retrieved through observation of gifted children using typozilla. The majority of children observed were especially enthusiastic seeing other players’ avatars within multiplayer areas and competing against each other. They enjoyed learning a new skill (which was touch-typing) and engaging in creative tasks. In interviews all gifted children confirmed that they perceived the typozilla design as appealing.
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Savoir métacognitf relatif à la production divergente et impact sur le concept de soi, chez des doués du primaire /Minier, Pauline. January 1989 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Ed.)--Universite du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1989. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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The self-concepts of gifted and nongifted students: A meta-analysisLitster, Kristin M. 11 December 2007 (has links)
The current meta-analysis compares the self-concepts and perceived competencies of gifted and nongifted students. Gifted and nongifted students’ beliefs about themselves differ across six domains. Using meta-analytic methods to synthesize the results of 37 studies, this meta-analysis shows that gifted students score significantly higher than nongifted students on measures of perceived academic and behavioral competence. Gifted students score significantly lower than nongifted students in perceived athletic competence. The small degree of difference between groups in the appearance, global, and social domains suggest that gifted students are not at significant advantage or disadvantage in these areas. Moderator variables such as grade level and measure account for systematic differences between gifted and nongifted students’ academic and behavioral perceptions of competence. The current study concludes with recommendations and guidelines for future self-concept and perceived competence research.
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Phénoménologie de la donation, héméneutique et religion chez Jean-Luc Marion / Phenomenology of Givenness, Hermeneutics and Religion in Jean-Luc MarionRoggero, Jorge Luis 19 June 2018 (has links)
Le présent travail propose d’examiner le projet phénoménologique de Jean-Luc Marion en le caractérisant comme une herméneutique de l’amour. Il s’agit, ce faisant, de trouver au sein des possibles de la phénoménologie de la donation une réponse aux deux principales objections qu’elle a reçu : l’objection herméneutique (Greisch, Grondin et autres) et l’objection théologique (Janicaud, Benoist et autres). En suivant le modèle de la phénoménologie du jeune Heidegger, la phénoménologie de la donation opère comme une herméneutique en tant qu’elle doit déchiffrer le sens énigmatique du phénomène saturée et elle ne le fait qu’en s’appropriant philosophiquement d’une idée théologique : l’idée de l’amour. L’amour en tant que Grundstimmung fonctionne comme puissance de phénoménalisation de la donation. / The present work aims to examine Marion’s phenomenological project by characterizing it as a hermeneutics of love. In doing so, I will try to find within the possibilities of the phenomenology of donation an answer to the two main objections it has received: the hermeneutic objection (Greisch, Grondin, and others) and the theological objection (Janicaud, Benoist, and others). Following the young Heidegger’s phenomenology, the phenomenology of givenness operates as a hermeneutics insofar as it must decipher the enigmatic sense of the saturated phenomenon and it does so only by philosophically appropriating a theological
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Matematisk begåvning och läroboken : En analys av läromedel för gymnasietAndersson, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Läromedlet spelar en stor roll i matematikundervisningen i den svenska skolan. På grund av att de har en sådan betydande roll för elevernas möjlighet att träna och befästa deras matematiska kunskaper och förmågor finns det höga krav på att läromedlet ska kunna tillgodose alla elevers behov i klassrummet. Trots detta finns det inte längre någon statlig läromedelsgranskning, något som innebär att det jobbet är upp till lärarna istället. Enligt skollagen ska undervisningen i skolan bidra till kunskapsutveckling för samtliga elever, oavsett tidigare kunskapsnivå. För matematiken innebär det att de uppgifter och problem som eleverna jobbar med måste kunna tillgodose behoven hos elever med svårigheter så väl som med begåvning. Denna studie har undersökt i vilken utsträckning fyra läromedel i matematik för gymnasieskolan kan ge stöd åt matematiskt begåvade elever. Resultatet av studien visar att läromedlen täcker något eller några av de kriterier som forskning visat ger stöd åt matematiskt begåvade elever. På samma gång är det viktigt att understryka att resultatet av studien endast visar potentialen läromedlen har, det är fortfarande upp till lärare att ta tillvara på det material som finns dem tillhanda och använda det på ett sådant sätt att det bidrar till begåvade elevers kunskapsutveckling. / The coursebook plays a key role in the mathematics education in the Swedish school. Because it has such an important role in the students’ abilities to practice and fortify their mathematical knowledge and abilities, there are high standards to be met for the coursebook to accommodate all of the students’ needs in the classroom. Despite this, there is no national review of coursebooks, which means that it is up to the teachers themselves to review them. According to the law, the education in schools should contribute to knowledge development to all students, regardless of their prior level of knowledge. For the subject mathematics, this means that the exercises and tasks being worked on by the students need to meet the needs of students with difficulties as well as giftedness. This study has examined to what extent four coursebooks in mathematics at the upper secondary level can support the knowledge development of gifted students. The results of the study show that the coursebooks meet one or some of the criteria research has shown supports mathematically gifted students. At the same time it is important to stress that the results of this study only show the potential that the coursebooks have, it is still up to the teacher to use the materials available to them and use them in such a way that they can contribute to the gifted students’ knowledge development.
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The present research inserts itself in the Research Line of Special Education of the Course of Mastership of the Program of Post-Graduation in Education of the Federal University of
Santa Maria UFSM. The interest of doing this research came from the moment that a female student with gifted and talented features was led to the project PIT team to proceed a pedagogical evaluation. This evaluation had the aim of verifying if this student could achieve the pedagogical conditions to enter in the first grade of the elementary school precociously. After the conclusion of the pedagogical evaluation it was realized that the student was pedagogically able to enter the school. From this fact, we investigated the process of school inclusion of the student with gifted and talented features, who attended the first grade of elementary school in a state public school in Santa Maria RS, problematizing questions related to school inclusion. Besides, other questions guided this study, among them: to
accomplish a survey of the gifted and talented features this student showed during the observations in the classroom and on the family environment; to investigate in what way the
disciplinary devices were used by the teacher A to become efficient the action of disciplinary power over the students bodies , especially on the observed student; to verify how the normative practices act around of the gifted and talented students; to analyze the speeches produced by the school inclusion polities; to propose a discussion about the school inclusion of the gifted and talented students hoping to problematize it. To answer these questions, I have made use of some Foucault s references besides other researchers who study this area. The data were collected from the observation of the daily routine in the classroom that the student was registered, as well as enrichment school activities, besides interviews with the student s teacher and parents. The results of the research point to a pedagogical practice that the disciplinary power and the power of the rule (FOUCAULT, 1988) contributed to the female student with gifted and talented features, in spite of being included, also was exposed to school exclusion situations. / A presente pesquisa insere-se na Linha de Pesquisa Educação Especial do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM. O interesse em realizar esta pesquisa surgiu a partir do momento em que uma aluna com características de altas habilidades foi encaminhada para que a equipe do projeto PIT (Programa de Incentivo ao Talento) realizasse uma avaliação pedagógica. Esta avaliação tinha como finalidade verificar se a aluna obtinha condições pedagógicas para ingressar precocemente numa 1ª série do ensino fundamental. Após a conclusão da avaliação pedagógica foi constatado que a aluna encontrava-se pedagogicamente apta a ingressar na escola. A partir deste fato, buscamos investigar o processo de inclusão escolar da aluna com características de altas habilidades, que freqüentou à 1ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola da rede pública estadual de Santa Maria RS, problematizando questões referentes à inclusão escolar. Além deste outros questionamentos nortearam este estudo, entre eles: realizar um levantamento das características de altas habilidades que a aluna manifestou durante as observações em sala de aula e no ambiente familiar; Investigar de que forma os dispositivos disciplinares foram utilizados pela professora A para tornar eficiente a ação do poder disciplinar sobre os corpos dos alunos, em especial da aluna
observada; Verificar como as práticas normativas agem em torno dos alunos com altas habilidades; Analisar os discursos produzidos pelas Políticas de Inclusão Escolar; Propor uma discussão acerca da inclusão escolar dos alunos com altas habilidades buscando problematizá-la. Para responder a estes questionamentos utilizei alguns referenciais de Foucault além de outros pesquisadores que estudam nesta área. Os dados foram coletados a partir da observação do cotidiano da sala de aula em que a aluna foi matriculada, contou também com atividades de enriquecimento escolar, entrevistas com a professora e com os pais da menina. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma prática pedagógica em que o
poder disciplinar e o poder da norma (FOUCAULT, 1988) contribuíram para que a aluna com características de altas habilidades, apesar de ter sido incluída, também estava exposta a situações de exclusão escolar.
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Nadané a talentované děti na prvním stupni a práce s nimi / Talented and gifted children in a basic schoolKOZLOVÁ, Stanislava January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with talented and gifted children in a basic school. A main goal is detection of situation of work with talented and gifted children in a basic school. The thesis is separated into two basal parts - theoretic and practice. The theoretic part introduces terms and theories which are relate with studied problem. Practice part deals with methodology for detection of talented and gifted children. The thesis uses the question-form method. There is substantiated using questions and their evaluation . The important close is assignment that teachers and parents have a different view to children (from finding site). The teachers are closer to children, due to they have closer to find talented or gifted children. The thesis uses casuistic method for classification of children. Thesis also mentioned legislative ground in Czech Republic and organizations that is worked with talented and gifted children.
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AvaliaÃÃo e intervenÃÃo pedagÃgica para alunos com indicadores de altas habilidades/superdotaÃÃo na perspectiva da educaÃÃo inclusiva / Evaluation and educational intervention for students with indicators of high abilities / giftedness in perspective of inclusive education.Marisa Ribeiro de Araujo 17 December 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / A avaliaÃÃo de alunos com altas habilidades/superdotaÃÃo (AH/S), conforme expÃe literatura especializada, tem apontado que a identificaÃÃo desses indivÃduos requer formaÃÃo adequada dos profissionais envolvidos, a fim de evitar equÃvocos nesse processo. Uma vez que, a despeito das diversas caracterÃsticas comuns encontradas nas pessoas com AH/S, tÃm sido evidenciadas variadas habilidades e competÃncias, demonstradas em diferentes proporÃÃes, por meio de suas performances. A despeito das garantias legais do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) para os alunos com AH/S, a presenÃa de mitos e preconceitos tem constituÃdo obstÃculos significativos para as provisÃes educacionais voltadas Ãs necessidades dessa clientela. Adotamos como abordagem metodolÃgica a pesquisa colaborativa de natureza qualitativa. Objetivamos, de modo geral, analisar a implementaÃÃo procedimentos de avaliaÃÃo e intervenÃÃo pedagÃgica para alunos com indicadores de AH/S na sala de aula comum e na Sala de Recursos Multifuncional (SRM). Especificamente, objetivamos: i) descrever os procedimentos de identificaÃÃo, avaliaÃÃo e intervenÃÃo do professor da SRM no AEE destinado aos alunos com indicadores de AH/S; ii) identificar as caracterÃsticas socioemocionais de alunos com indicadores de AH/S submetidos a atividades de enriquecimento curricular; iii) realizar um estudo comparativo das percepÃÃes dos familiares, professores anteriores e atuais, pesquisadora e colegas de sala de aula acerca das caracterÃsticas dos alunos com indicadores de AH/S. A amostra foi constituÃda inicialmente por 865 alunos e 33 profissionais da educaÃÃo. Conforme os critÃrios dos instrumentais utilizados, 19 professores sinalizaram 64 alunos que apresentaram indicadores de AH/S. Realizamos propostas de avaliaÃÃo e intervenÃÃo pedagÃgica para oito desses alunos. As anÃlises dos dados referentes ao estudo comparativo acerca das caracterÃsticas dos alunos com indicadores de AH/S, foram obtidas de acordo com as categorias interpretativas que emergiram das anÃlises dos discursos de seus familiares, professores anteriores e atuais. Mediante a identificaÃÃo dessas categorias, foram agrupadas e comparadas as percepÃÃes dos colegas de sala de aula e da pesquisadora. Os resultados evidenciaram, em sua maioria, convergÃncias entre as percepÃÃes dos informantes sobre os sujeitos. Com relaÃÃo, especificadamente, aos componentes necessÃrios para identificaÃÃo das pessoas com AH/S, segundo a teoria dos trÃs anÃis (RENZULLI,1978) e o modelo multifactorial de sobredotaÃÃo (MÃNKS, 2000), os resultados foram, em sua maioria convergentes, exceto a categoria criatividade que foi menos assinalada pelos familiares dos sujeitos. Ainda segundo esses fundamentos teÃricos, as anÃlises individuais das caracterÃsticas dos oito alunos participantes da proposta de intervenÃÃo, na SRM, confirmaram a presenÃa dos componentes de AH/S em 62,5% da amostra. ConcluÃmos que a insuficiÃncia de polÃticas pÃblicas voltadas à educaÃÃo dos alunos com AH/S poderà ser atenuada mediante investimentos na formaÃÃo continuada dos profissionais das instituiÃÃes escolares. As propostas de identificaÃÃo, intervenÃÃo e avaliaÃÃo pedagÃgica de alunos com AH/S implementadas neste estudo, evidenciaram que aÃÃes alternativas como a formaÃÃo continuada, com uso de ambientes colaborativos on-line em cursos semipresenciais, e ainda, implementaÃÃo de estratÃgias pedagÃgicas, disponÃveis na literatura especializada poderÃo ser inseridas em nossas escolas, para avanÃarmos significativamente nessa Ãrea com escassos investimentos em nosso paÃs. / The assessment of students with high abilities/gifted (HA/G), as the literature states, has pointed out that the identification of these individuals requires appropriate training of the professionals involved in order to avoid misunderstandings in the process. Once, despite of many common features found in people with HA/G, varied abilities and skills have been presented, demonstrated in different proportions, through their performances. Despite the legal guarantees of Educational Service Specialized (ESS) for students with HA/G, the presence of myths and prejudices has made significant obstacles to the educational provisions focused on the needs of these clients. We adopt as a methodological approach the collaborative research of qualitative nature. We aimed, in general, to analyze the implementation of assessment and pedagogical intervention procedures for students with HA/G indicators in common classroom and in the Multifunctional Resource Room (MRR). We aimed specifically: i) to describe the identification, evaluation and intervention of the MRR teacher in the ESS for students with HA/G indicators; ii) to identify the socio-emotional characteristics of students with HA/G indicators submitted to curriculum enrichment activities; iii) to conduct a comparative study of the family members, former and present teachers, researcher and classmates perceptions about the characteristics of students with HA/G indicators. The sample was initially composed of 865 students and 33 education professionals. According to the criteria of the instruments used 19 teachers have signalled 64 students who had HA/G indicators. We perform assessment and educational intervention proposals for eight of these students. The analysis of the data, for the comparative study on the characteristics of students with HA/G indicators were obtained according to the interpretive categories that emerged from the analysis of the speeches of their families and former and present teachers. After identifying these categories the perceptions of classmates and researcher were grouped and compared. The results showed, mostly convergences between the perceptions of respondents on the subjects. Regarding specifically to the components necessary for the identification of people with HA/G, according to the theory of the three rings (RENZULLI, 1978) and the MÃnks gifted multifactorial model (2000), the results were mostly converged, except the category creativity that was less marked by the families of subjects. Also according to these theoretical foundations, individual analyzes of the characteristics of the eight participating students of intervention proposed in MRR, confirmed the presence of HA/G components in 62.5% of the sample. We conclude that the lack of public policies for the education of students with HA/G could be alleviated by investing in the continuing education of professionals in the schools. Proposals for identification, pedagogical intervention and evaluation of students with HA/G, implemented in this study showed that alternative actions such as continuing education, using collaborative environments online, in semi-distance courses, and also the implementation of strategies pedagogical available in the literature, may be inserted into our schools to significantly advance in this area with little investment in our country.
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Atitudes de professores em relação aos estudantes talentosos e à sua educaçãoBrandão, Tarita Machado 26 November 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-12-21T11:46:54Z
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-26 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / As atitudes têm alto valor preditivo para os comportamentos, uma vez que fazem com que os indivíduos se aproximem – atitudes positivas – ou se distanciem – atitudes negativas – de determinado objeto. Portanto, as atitudes dos professores em relação aos estudantes talentosos e à sua educação determinarão, até certo ponto, se e como ocorrerão a identificação e o desenvolvimento desses alunos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever atitudes de professores em relação aos estudantes talentosos e à sua educação. Contou com a participação de 217 docentes da rede pública de ensino de cidades de Minas Gerais e do Distrito Federal. Os professores responderam a três instrumentos, duas escalas de atitudes tipo Likert e um questionário. Após análise quantitativa dos dados, verificou-se, entre outros resultados, que a maioria dos professores não se considera dotada ou talentosa, não tem aluno com essas características e, na graduação, não teve atividade ou disciplina voltada para essa necessidade educacional especial. A experiência com identificação de dotação e talento se associou à percepção dessas características de capacidade superior em familiares, pessoas do convívio e alunos, assim como a estabelecer conversação sobre essa necessidade educacional especial. Embora os professores acreditem na importância da educação para o alunado talentoso, a maioria não se sente preparada para educá-lo. As escalas de atitudes apresentaram evidências de validade satisfatórias. As atitudes dos professores em relação aos estudantes talentosos e à sua educação foram, de modo geral, ambivalentes em ambos os instrumentos. Não foram identificadas diferenças significantes entre essas atitudes quando se considerou a experiência dos docentes na identificação de dotação e talento. São apresentadas várias associações entre as múltiplas variáveis pesquisadas e essas atitudes. Recomendam-se estudos adicionais que continuem a obter evidências de validade das escalas e que contem com amostras mais representativas da população de docentes brasileiros. Não obstante, há evidências de que aprimorar a formação docente constitui um dos passos fundamentais para promover atitudes mais positivas em relação aos estudantes dotados e talentosos e à sua educação. / The attitudes are highly predictive for behaviour, because they approach the individuals to a particular object - positive attitude – or they distance themselves from this object - negative attitudes. Therefore, the attitudes of teachers towards gifted students and their education will determine to some extent, if teachers will identify gifted students and how to identify and to develop those students. This study aimed to describe the attitudes of teachers towards gifted students and their education. 217 teachers from public schools located in cities of Minas Gerais and Distrito Federal participated in this study. Teachers responded to three instruments, two Likert scales of attitudes and a questionnaire. After quantitative analysis, the data showed, among other results, that most teachers do not consider themselves gifted or talented, they do not have students that had these characteristics and, at graduation, they had no activity or discipline that focuses on this special educational needs. Experience with identification of gift and talent is linked to the perception of these characteristics of superior ability in the relatives, person`s daily living and students, as well as establishing a conversation about this special educational need. Although teachers believe in the importance of education for gifted pupils, the majority of them do not feel prepared to educate gifted students. The scales of attitudes presented satisfactory evidence of validity. The attitudes of teachers towards gifted students and their education were generally ambivalent on both instruments. No differences were observed between such attitudes when it was considered the experience of teachers in the identification of gift and talent. This study shows a variety of associations between the multiple variables investigated and these attitudes. Additional studies with a more representative sample of the Brazilian teacher‟s population are recommended to obtain more evidence of validity of the scale. Nevertheless, there is evidence that improving teacher‟s education is a fundamental step to promote more positive attitudes towards gifted and talented students and their education
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Desenvolvimento ocupacional de estudantes com características de dotação e talentoLamas, Karen Cristina Alves 14 October 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-08T17:42:22Z
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karencristinaalveslamas.pdf: 2049591 bytes, checksum: fce936f46fbff8b1fc82f1a123c43aff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-09T10:49:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-10-14 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Os estudantes com características de dotação e talento (D&T) geram benefícios pessoais e sociais quando transformam suas capacidades superiores em habilidades ocupacionais. Para tanto, precisam efetuar escolhas profissionais que elevem a possibilidade de sucesso acadêmico e profissional e que permitam usufruir de seu potencial superior. Com base na Teoria Sociocognitiva para o Desenvolvimento de Carreira e no Modelo Diferencial de Dotação e Talento, compararam-se fatores pessoais, contextuais e experiências que afetam o comportamento de escolha profissional de estudantes com e sem características de D&T ao longo do ensino médio. A amostra foi composta por 275 adolescentes de ambos os sexos. Os participantes responderam a um questionário com variáveis socioeconômicas, educacionais e referentes às intenções de escolha profissional. Além, responderam a mais quatro instrumentos que avaliam interesses profissionais, autoeficácia para atividades ocupacionais, autoeficácia para escolha profissional e expectativas de resultado/valores. Verificou-se que os adolescentes com D&T (9,1%) participam mais frequentemente de atividades extraescolares, sobressaemse em determinadas dimensões das variáveis sociocognitivas investigadas e estão, em sua maioria, entre os participantes que possuem níveis mais elevados dessas. Quanto ao desenvolvimento dessas cognições, o grupo alvo apresentou níveis de interesses profissionais e crenças de autoeficácia mais elevadas que os pares desde o início do ensino médio. Porém, quanto aos valores a diferença ocorreu apenas no segundo e no terceiro ano. Os resultados desta investigação podem contribuir para a compreensão do desenvolvimento ocupacional dos estudantes com características de D&T e principalmente fornecer subsídios para o planejamento e a implementação de intervenções no campo da orientação profissional adequadas para este grupo e para os demais estudantes. / The students with characteristics of giftedness and talent (G&T) generate personal and social benefits when they turn their superior ability into occupational skills. In so doing, they need to make career choices that increase the possibility of academic and professional success and exploits of his top potential. Drawing upon Social Cognitive Theory of Career Development and Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent, this study aims to compare personal, contextual, and experiential factors that might affect the behavior of career choice of students with and without characteristics of G&T throughout High School. The sample comprised 275 adolescents of both sexes. The participants answered a questionnaire on socioeconomic, educational and intentions regarding career choice variables and four instruments to assess career interests, selfefficacy for occupational activities, self-efficacy to career choice and outcome expectations/values. Adolescents with G&T (9.1%) most often engage in extracurricular activities that stand out in certain dimensions of the investigated socio-cognitive variables and, mostly, among participants who have higher levels of these. As for the development of these cognitions, the target group showed levels of professional interests and beliefs of self-efficacy higher than their peers since the start of High School. Regarding the values, however, discrepancy was detected only in the last series. The findings of this research can contribute to understanding the occupational development of G&T students and mainly provide support for planning and implementing interventions in the field of occupational guidance appropriated for this group and other students.
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