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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos vaiko globos (rūpybos) sistemos reogranizavimo strategija: problemos formulavimo analizė / The strategy of lithuanian child care system reorganization: the analysis of problem formulation

Varaškaitė, Raimonda 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe atlikta vaiko globos (rūpybos) sistemos probleminės situacijos analizė parodė, jog socialinės rizikos šeimų bei jose augančių vaikų sumažėjo, taip pat sumažėjo vaikų atskyrimo nuo šeimos atvejų, globos namuose augančių vaikų. Kaip teigia Vaiko teisių apsaugos ir įvaikinimo tarnyba, šie teigiami pokyčiai gali būti įtakoti socialinių darbuotojų intensyvaus darbo su rizikos šeimomis. Tačiau taip pat išlieka ir kitų faktorių įtaką: iš apskaitos rizikos šeimos išbraukiamos, kai jos išvyksta iš savivaldybės į kitą, emigruoja, Darbe analizuojama vaiko globos (rūpybos) sistemos reorganizavimo strategijos problemos formulavimas. Empirinis tyrimas atliekamas W. N. Dunn‘o prielaidų analizės metodu, implikuojant surogatinė bei perspektyvinius politikos modelius, taip pat D. Stone požiūrį į skaičių įtaką problemos formulavimui. Atlikus Vaiko globos (rūpybos) sistemos reorganizavimo strategijos problemos formulavimo analizę paaiškėjo, jog: 1. per anksti ar dėl kitų priežasčių, tiriant vaiko globos (rūpybos) sistemos būklę, buvo atskleistos ne visos probleminės situacijos prielaidos. Remiantis šiomis prielaidomis, buvo suformuluota problema ir parinktos jos sprendimo priemonės, kurios neįgalina spręsti esminės vaiko globos sistemos problemos, ir sprendžia tik formalią. Tokiam problemos formulavimui įtakos turėjo vaiko globos (rūpybos) sistemos būklės analizės duomenys, tiksliau statistiniai rodikliai, kurie, remiantis D. Stone skaičių įtaka formuojant problemą, atliko esminės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In 2006 an analysis on the condition of the children’s custody (care) system was performed and a conclusion was drawn that usually the children who have lost parental custody had originated from the families which belong to social risk. Also it was noticed that the number of persons wishing to adopt or foster is decreasing. After the analysis of the children’s custody network in Lithuania has been performed, it has also been noticed that this network does not correspond to the needs of a child and his / her biological family both in the geographical and services senses. Therefore in 2007 the strategy on the reorganization of children’s custody (care) system was approved as well as the plan on optimisation of children’s custody network. The main hypothesis of the research: Although children’s custody (care) system’s reorganization strategy is designed to solve the essential problems of the system, but due to the improper formulation of the problem it solves only formal problem, i.e. that of EIII type (improperly / badly formulated). For the reasoning/denying of the hypothesis, W. N. Dunn’s model on the analysis of assumption has been applied, implying surrogate and perspective models of politics. Also D. Stone’s approach on the creation of numbers in the pole is used and their influence to the formation of a misleading problem (problem of EIII type) is interpreted. The second hypothesis – if the problem in the children’s custody (care) system’s reorganisation strategy is... [to full text]

Sveikatos stiprinimo galimybės bei poreikis Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namuose / The opportunities and demand of health promotion in Klaipeda county children’s foster care homes

Kairienė, Brigita 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namų auklėtinių ir administracijos darbuotojų požiūrį į sveikatos stiprinimo galimybes bei poreikį Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namuose. Tyrimo metodika. Atlikta anoniminė Klaipėdos apskrities vaikų globos namų auklėtinių (12 – 18 metų amžiaus) apklausa. Pusiau struktūrizuotame interviu dalyvavo 18 Klaipėdos vaikų globos namų administracijos darbuotojų. Rezultatai apdoroti SPSS 17.0 versija ir MS Excel. Statistinis duomenų reikšmingumas buvo tiriamas naudojant Chi kvadrato (2) kriterijų, laisvės laipsnių skaičių (lls) bei statistinį reikšmingumą (p). Rezultatai laikomi statistiškai patikimais, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai. Dauguma respondentų yra vidutinių gabumų mokiniai, kurie savo sveikatą vertina kaip „labai gerą arba gerą“ (66,9 proc.). Vaikų globos namuose gyvenančios mergaitės savo sveikatą nori pagerinti daugiausiai dėmesio skiriant sveikatos stiprinimui (sveikai mitybai ir fiziniam aktyvumui), o berniukai – žalingų įpročių atsisakymui. Priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo ypatybių analizė parodė, kad daugiausiai vaikų globos namų auklėtinių (didžiausias procentas) vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus (75,4 proc.), 44,4 proc. – yra bandę rūkyti arba ir šiuo metu rūko. Bent kartą kitas priklausomybę sukeliančias medžiagas yra bandę 38,1 proc. vaikų globos namų auklėtinių. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad statistiškai patikimai dažniau berniukai ir vyresnio amžiaus vaikų globos namų auklėtiniai rūko, vartoja... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: To evaluate the approach of administrators and juvenile wards to health promotion opportunities and demands in Klaipeda county children’s foster care homes. Research methods: An anonymous survey amongst juvenile wards of Klaipeda county children’s foster care homes (age range: 12-18) was carried out. Additionally, partly-structured interviews of 18 Klaipeda county children’s foster care home administrators were conducted. The results have been processed using SPSS Version 17.0 and MS Excel. The statistic importance of the data was investigated using the criterion of Chi-square (2), the number of the degree of freedom (df) and statistical significance (p). Results were considered statistically reliable if p<0.05. Results: Most of the juvenile respondents are schoolchildren with medium-level capabilities, who evaluated their health status as ‘very good’ or ‘good’ (66.9%). The girls who are living in foster care homes want to improve their health by paying greater attention to health promotion (healthy nutrition and physical activity), while boys want to emphasise anti-addiction work. An analysis of the use of addictive substances shows that the majority (75.4%) of the children in foster care homes are taking stimulants, 44.4% have tried or are using cigarettes. At least once in their lifetime 38.1% of juvenile respondents have tried one or more addictive substances. The research identify as statistically significant the fact that more often boys and older... [to full text]

Senyvo amžiaus asmenų socialinės globos įstaigų veiklos organizavimo tobulinimas / Development of the organization of actions of sheltered accommodation for advanced in years individuals

Gribauskienė, Daiva 29 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - išnagrinėti ir įvertinti senyvo amžiaus asmenų globos įstaigų veiklos organizavimo aspektus ir pateikti tobulinimo galimybes. Daugelyje socialinės globos įstaigų vykdoma veikla dar neatitinka šiuolaikinės socialinės globos sampratos. Socialinę globą teikiančio personalo sudėties, jo kvalifikacijos ir darbo organizavimo trūkumai, fizinė paslaugų teikimo aplinka, socialinės globos paslaugų reglamentavimo netobulumas daro įtaką senyvo amžiaus asmenų globos įstaigų veiklos organizavimui. Darbe analizuojama senyvo amžiaus asmenų globos įstaigų veiklos organizavimo specifika, kuri susijusi su šių įstaigų teikiamų paslaugų paskirtimi ir tikslais. Be to, aptariama socialinės globos vieta socialinių paslaugų sistemoje, apžvelgiama socialinės globos politika senyvo amžiaus asmenims, socialinės globos paslaugų plėtra, apibūdinta šių paslaugų valdymas, teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys globos paslaugų reglamentavimą. Siekiant įvykdyti iškeltus uždavinius atlikta mokslinės literatūros, statistinių duomenų analizė. Išnagrinėta socialinės globos samprata ir reikšmė, senyvo amžiaus asmenų socialinės globos įstaigų veiklos organizavimo aspektai. Apžvelgta Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos socialinė politika, nagrinėjanti socialinės globos klausimus, apibūdintas šių paslaugų valdymas. Atlikta socialinės globos įstaigų veiklą reglamentuojančių teisės aktų aprašomoji analizė. Socialinės globos įstaigų veiklos organizavimo vertinimas šiame darbe vykdomas atliekant tyrimą – interviu su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the study is to analyse and evaluate the organization aspects of the actions of sheltered accommodation for advanced in age individuals and to propose the development possibilities. The actions performed in social sheltered accommodation mostly do not yet conform to the conception of contemporary social care. The make-up of social care providing staff, the shortcomings of its qualification and organization of actions, physical environment for providing of services, imperfection of regulation for social care services impact on the organization of actions of sheltered accommodation for advanced in years individuals. The study analyses the particularities of the organization of actions of sheltered accommodation for advanced in years individuals that are related to the purposes and goals of services provided by those sheltered accommodation. Moreover, the place of social care in the system of social services is discussed, the social care policy for advanced in years individuals and the expansion of social care services are reviewed, the management of those services and the acts of law for regulation of care services are defined. On purpose to accomplish the set tasks the analysis of scientific literature and statistical data is performed. The conception and importance of social care, the aspects of the organization of actions of sheltered accommodation for advanced in years individuals are examined. The social policy of European Union and Lithuania dealing with the... [to full text]

Vaikų globos namų galimybės formuoti globotiniams socialinius įgūdžius, būtinus jaunimo savarankiškam gyvenimui / Possibilities for children foster homes to form social skills necessary for youth independent living

Lipinska, Juliana 07 July 2010 (has links)
Solidarumas yra esminė Europos Sąjungos vertybė, ypatingai svarbi krizės metu. Žodis “Sąjunga” reiškia būtent tai – esame kartu, kad kovotume su krize, tuo tarpu solidarumas sukuria apsauginį skydą mums visiems. Lietuvos integracija į Europos Sąjungą bei naujų visuomenės požiūrių į vaiką formavimasis skatina tobulinti socialinę politiką Lietuvoje. Tai skatina tobulinti ir politiką vaiko atžvilgiu, taip pat ir vaikų socialinių įgūdžių formavimą globos įstaigose. Taigi, šio darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti vaikų globos namuose teikiamą socialinių įgūdžių formavimo dinamiką, indėlius, galimybių įgyvendinimus rengiant globotinį savarankiškam gyvenimui. Siekiant įgyvendinti tikslą, atlikome literatūros analizę, taip pat vykdėme penkių etapų tyrimą: apklausti trijų globos įstaigų vadovai, 11 globos namuose dirbančių specialistų bei 23 buvę globos namų auklėtiniai, buvo trys metus stebimi vaikai išėję iš globos įstaigos, pravesta diskusija su buvusiais ugdytiniais. Nustatyta, kad globos įstaigose teikiamos įvairaus pobūdžio paslaugos, formuojant vaikų socialinius įgūdžius. Vaikams sudarytos galimybės lankyti mokyklą, jiems suteikiamos medicininės paslaugos, stengiamasi globos institucijos aplinką padaryti kuo artimesne šeimos aplinkai. Taip pat rūpinamasi vaikų laisvalaikiu, sudaromos galimybės lankyti būrelius. Vaikai aprūpinami rūbais, gauna kišenpinigių, maitinami. Ugdomi ir vaikų socialiniai įgūdžiai. Analizė atskleidė, kad vaikų globos namų galimybės, įvertinant juos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Solidarity is a fundamental EU value, particularly important during an economical recession. The word "Union" means just that - we are together to fight the crisis - creating a protective shield of solidarity for all of us. Lithuania's integration into the European Union and accomplish public attitudes to child support, improving the formation of social policy in Lithuania. This forces to improve child policies, as well as the social skills of children in institutional care. Thus, this work is: To analyze child’s social skills dynamics input and realization of possibilities at foster homes. In order to achieve the objective, literature was analyzed, as well as five stages of the investigation was done: Three heads of institutional care, 11 social workers and 23 children in foster home was interviewed, children who came out of care institutions have been monitored during three years and discussion with former learners was held. It was found that care homes provide a wide range of services in shaping children's social skills. For children able to attend school, they provided medical services, residential institutions seek to make the environment very close to the family environment. As well as care for children in leisure activities, allowing it to attend the section. Children are provided with clothes, pocket money, meals. Children social skills are also trained. Analysis revealed that child care home options, assessing their regulatory framework, the existing... [to full text]

Spaudos klubas kaip neformaliojo ugdymo efektyvinimo veiksnys vaikų globos namuose / Press club – as effective nonformal education factor in children care house

Skuodas, Giedrius 12 June 2006 (has links)
At the moment there are over 6 thousand children who have lost parent’s care and the biggest part of them live in children care house. Some children get to children care house when they are already adolescents. Adolescent must overcome not only difficulties that are typical in this age but also adapt in new social environment. Purposeful organization of nonformal education helps adolescents who live in children care house to develop their personal, educational, social, professional competences, it also helps to ease their integration into society. Schools, various centers and children care institutions who organize nonformal education face the problem the amount of the children who attend activities is diminishing. Likely that content, methods and activity forms of nonformal education not always suits present situation, needs of adolescents who live in children care house and there are no specific education programmes that would be designed to organize nonformal education activities for adolescents in children care house. The purpose of this research is to examine (determine) factors that could make nonformal education in children care house more effective and according to what an effective nonformal education programme could be created. We hypothesized that Press Club – is one of the most effective forms of nonformal education in children care house which suits needs and wishes of adolescents and which helps him to adapt in new social environment more effectively, to... [to full text]

The changes of psychosocial functioning during Solution-Focused Brief Therapy among foster care adolescents / Vaikų globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių psichologinio-socialinio funkcionavimo pokyčiai, taikant Į sprendimus sutelktą trumpalaikį konsultavimą

Čepukienė, Viktorija 22 April 2008 (has links)
Most of studies have revealed that children entering foster care have various mental health problems and need help of mental health care professionals. Unfortunately, many authors notice that psychological help rendered for foster children lack organization, for mental health care professionals giving services for foster children are forced to use methods, which empirically are tested among adults or among children having specific mental health disorders or to use methods without empirical proof. Thus issue concerning effective psychotherapeutic methods for foster children remains especially relevant. The aim of the study is to assess the potential of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) improving psychosocial functioning of adolescents in foster care and factors related to better outcome of the SFBT. Research group consisted of 228 adolescents living in foster care homes (12-18 years old). 47 adolescents participated in SFBT group, 47 adolescents from the rest of the group were selected for control group. Research methods: 1) three methods for evaluation of psychosocial functioning; 2) five methods for evaluation of intervention outcomes. Research consisted of three stages: 1) evaluation of the psychosocial functioning of adolescents living in foster care; 2) intervention for treatment group; 3) evaluation of the changes in psychosocial functioning after the period of 6 weeks since first evaluation. Research results demonstrated that SFBT is an effective method for... [to full text] / Tyrimai rodo, kad į valstybės globą patenka psichikos sveikatos sunkumų turintys vaikai, kuriems būtina įvairių psichikos sveikatos priežiūros specialistų pagalba. Vis tik pastebima, kad psichologinė pagalba globojamiems vaikams ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir užsienyje dažniausia teikiama nesistemingai, taikant metodus, kurių efektyvumas patvirtintas kitose amžiaus, socialinio statuso ar problemų grupėse, tad specifinių psichologinės pagalbos metodų, efektyviai veikiančių būtent globojamų vaikų grupėje, klausimas išlieka itin aktualus. Pagrindinis šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti Į sprendimus sutelkto trumpalaikio konsultavimo (SSTK) galimybes, skatinant geresnį globojamų paauglių psichologinį-socialinį funkcionavimą ir problemų sprendimą, bei veiksnius, susijusius su geresniais konsultavimo rezultatais. Tyrime dalyvavo 228 paaugliai (12-18 m.), gyvenantys vaikų globos namuose. 47 iš jų buvo konsultuoti, taikant SSTK modelį, 47 – sudarė kontrolinę grupę. Tyrime taikyti metodai: 1) trys psichologinio-socialinio funkcionavimo vertinimo metodai, 2) penki poveikio efektyvumo vertinimo metodai. Tyrimo planą sudarė trys etapai: 1) vaikų globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių psichologinio-socialinio funkcionavimo tyrimas; 2) poveikio vykdymas; 3) vaikų globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių psichologinio-socialinio funkcionavimo pokyčių, praėjus šešioms savaitėms po pirmojo įvertinimo, tyrimas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad SSTK yra efektyvus vaikų globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių problemoms... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Vaikų, gyvenančių globos namuose, profesinio apsisprendimo charakteristika / Vocational Inclination of the Children Living in Foster Home, their Character

Paičienė, Julija 23 June 2006 (has links)
We spend at work about one third of our life. That’s why the profession we have chosen reflects not only our duties, but the style of our life, abilities and talent. The main subject of this research work is the vocational inclination and vocational trend. The economical and political situation in our country is changing very quickly and, of course, it has influenced on the way of life in a family, children including. There are too many orphans in the country, they have no parents, they live in poverty, they are pressed by different situations, at last they get in to children’s homes. The aim of this work is to examine the vocational aptitude of the children living in Foster Homes. The following tasks are discussed: 1. To compare the vocational inclinations of the children living in Foster Homes and the children living at home. 2. To compare vocational inclination and orientation of a personality in test groups. 3. To compare vocational aptitude and inclination of girls and boys. 4. To find the linking between vocational trend, personal orientation & age. After getting the results of the research, we see the children who live in Foster Home take the decisions much more difficult. They are not sure in their decisions, they can’t come to final conclusion. This psychological stress greatly influence on their vocational aptitude.

Šeimynos tipo globos namų bendradarbiavimas su bendrojo lavinimo mokyklomis sprendžiant paauglių mokymosi motyvacijos problemas / Cooperation between the family-type foster-home and comprehensive schools solving problems of teenagers‘ motivation

Vosylienė, Edita 08 June 2004 (has links)
Cooperation between the family-type foster-home and comprehensive schools solving problems of teenagers‘ motivation Relevance. Each person is unique with the combination of his/her abilities, experience, emotions and values. The wish to learn is a natural exploratory reflex which is based on positive emotions and stimulates the activity, tempers the will and gives a sence of aim and work. The expansion of these first principles depends not only on private attitude, but also on the interaction between a child and real-life environment. Statistics shows that 95 % of 7-15 year-old pupils nowadays seek for compulsory education (www.std.lt). In the reports about the social evolution in Lithuania (1999, 2003) it is said that 18-24 thousand children do not attend schools because of the lack of motivation, poverty, illnesses and living in associable families. Solving this problem the state limits or takes away the right of growing children from parents of associable families and provide the child with the supervision: firstly, it is being searched for the relatives of the child to legitimize the care or adoption; secondly, the child can be taken to the appropriate institution: families or state foster-homes (Civil Code, 2002). Juridical documents indicate that a care of a child in a family is such a form of a care when the corporate body (a family) takes care of six or more children. The children of such a family assume the status of foster-children and the social workers... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės ugdytiniai globos namuose / Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home

Mazuronienė, Dalia 08 June 2005 (has links)
Research: Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home. Purpose of research: To revel chilgren' risk group pupils' pecularities of activity and behavieour their types. Task of research: 1.To give a scientific and pedagogical literature analysis about risk group children; 2.To give choldren' survey(including foster home pupils'); 3.To formulate a typology of risk groupe infoster home; Hypothesis: The characterization of children foster home risk group pupils according, their behaviour helps to solve their education problems. Pupil of risk group in foster home are relevant today's theme. Firs of all, speakingof it,we should consider children'care and social work tendencies, the of risk group children, features of their behaviour and reasons of such behaviour. While decreasihg children' busyness more and more children don't attend school and offend. Children who are tending to offend are called children of risk group. Homeless, children who live in asocial, unharmonious families or broken home, who suffer psychical, corporal violence or sex abuse also aggressive and cotemporaries castaway children who already one some small delinquencies are referred to risk group.(R. Žukauskienė, S. Ignotavičienė,1993:3). Lately, the number of minors losing parental care is increasing. One part of the children is taken in charge by public care institutions and another part by social orginazitions and families. More and more children who are ascribable to risk group come into foster home.Each... [to full text]

Lietuvių moterų organizacijos: motinų ir vaikų socialinės globos veiklos aspektai 1918-1940 metais / The Lithuanian Women Organizations:the Aspects of social care for mothers and children

Morozova, Jelena 10 June 2005 (has links)
The beginning of the XX century brought many changes in distinct spheres of life including the women movement which in Lithuania rezultated into the social care for children and their mothers as one of the women organizations’ work field. The notion care in this work is treated as the work done by Lithuanian women organizations to decrease the rate of infant mortality though this process in Western countries was noticed much earlier still in Lithuania this problem became serious at the examined period. The main aim of this work is to analyze the basic public social care features in the First Republic of Lithuania disclosing them trough the aspects of the social care work done by the Lithuanian women organizations. The geographical area – Lithuania without the Vilnius and Klaipeda territory, the chronology is 1918 – 1940 – the period of the First Republic of Lithuania. There are few methods used: analytical and comparison. Work deals with these problems: 1. the preconditions for the women organizations’ social work, 2. the preconditions and functioning of the social welfare centers, 3. the types and work for patronage houses, 4. relationship between the women organizations and the State, 5. education of the women in villages and towns. There are two women organizations that are being examined: “The Lithuanian Catholic Women Association” and “The Association for the care for Lithuanian Women”. These organizations belonged to the different Unions. “The Lithuanian Catholic Women... [to full text]

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