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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The physiological relevance of phosphatidylserine synthase and SERCA pump in Toxoplasma gondii

Katelas, Dimitrios Alexandros 05 March 2025 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii ist ein intrazellulärer Parasit mit hoher Anpassungsfähigkeit, der verschiedene Wirtszellen infizieren kann. Der Lipidstoffwechsel spielt eine zentrale Rolle für seine Vermehrung. Phosphatidylserin (PtdSer), ein anionisches Phospholipid, ist essenziell für die Membranbiogenese, doch seine genaue Funktion in T. gondii bleibt unklar. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Phosphatidylserin-Synthase (PSS) untersucht, indem genetische Mutanten des Parasiten erzeugt und lipidomische sowie phänotypische Analysen durchgeführt wurden. Die konditionelle Depletion von PSS führte zu einem Wachstumsstopp, beeinträchtigter Gleitmotilität und Endodyogenese. Die Lipidanalysen zeigten eine Störung des Phospholipidgleichgewichts mit einer Reduktion von PtdEtn und PtdThr sowie einer Hochregulation von PtdIns. Zusätzlich wurde die Rolle von lipidbindenden Proteinen untersucht. Der Verlust der Ca²⁺-Pumpe SERCA oder des hypothetischen Proteins TGGT1_229030 beeinträchtigte die Parasitenproliferation erheblich. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass PtdSer für den lytischen Zyklus und die Calciumhomöostase von T. gondii entscheidend ist und potenzielle Angriffspunkte für therapeutische Strategien bietet. / Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite with high adaptability, capable of infecting various host cells. Its lipid metabolism plays a crucial role in its proliferation. Phosphatidylserine (PtdSer), an anionic phospholipid, is essential for membrane biogenesis, but its precise function in T. gondii remains unclear. This study investigated the role of phosphatidylserine synthase (PSS) by generating parasite mutants and conducting lipidomic and phenotypic analyses. Conditional depletion of PSS led to growth arrest, impaired gliding motility, and defective endodyogeny. Lipid analyses revealed disturbances in phospholipid balance, with reductions in PtdEtn and PtdThr and an upregulation of PtdIns. Additionally, the role of lipid-binding proteins was examined. Loss of the Ca²⁺ pump SERCA or the hypothetical protein TGGT1_229030 severely impaired parasite proliferation. The findings highlight the critical function of PtdSer in the lytic cycle and calcium homeostasis of T. gondii, offering potential targets for therapeutic interventions.

Zelltyp-spezifische Interaktionen von Toxoplasma gondii und murinen Skelettmuskelzellen in vitro / Cell-type specific interactions between Toxoplasma gondii and murine Skeletal Muscle Cells in vitro

Swierzy, Izabela 16 January 2014 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii ist einer der häufigsten intrazellulären Protozoen weltweit und ein wichtiger Krankheitserreger des Menschen. Er kommt in drei Lebensstadien vor: Sporozoiten, Tachyzoiten und Bradyzoiten. Während Sporozoiten nach sexueller Vermehrung im Endwirt (Katzenartige) und Freisetzung in die Umwelt gebildet werden, entstehen Tachyzoiten und Bradyzoiten asexuell durch Endodyogenie in Zwischenwirten wie Vögeln, Säugetieren und dem Menschen. Tachyzoiten sind schnell replizierende Parasiten, die nahezu jede nukleäre Zelle des Körpers infizieren können. Dagegen bilden die nach Differenzierung von Tachyzoiten entstehenden, weitgehend ruhenden Bradyzoiten Gewebszysten und persistieren bevorzugt in neuronalen oder muskulären Geweben der Zwischenwirte. Der Verzehr von Bradyzoiten-haltigem, rohem oder ungegartem Fleisch von T. gondii-infizierten Nutztieren ist einer der Hauptübertragungswege des Parasiten auf den Menschen und kann zum Ausbruch der Toxoplasmose-Krankheit führen. Die Toxoplasmose ist vor allem bei immunsupprimierten Patienten und erstmalig infizierten Schwangeren nach Übertragung auf den Fötus klinisch gefährlich und kann sogar tödlich enden. Da Fleischverzehr infizierter Nutztiere einen der Hauptinfektionswege darstellt, weisen Skelettmuskelzellen (SkMZ) eine enorme Bedeutung für die Übertragung von Toxoplasma auf den Menschen auf. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, zelltyp-spezifische Faktoren zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren, die die Toxoplasma-Entwicklung und Bradyzoitenbildung in SkMZ regulieren. Die Untersuchungen wurden mithilfe der murinen C2C12-SkMZ-Linie in vitro durchgeführt, die von proliferierenden Myoblasten in Pferdeserum-haltigem Medium oder aufgrund erhöhter Zelldichte effektiv zu polykernigen Myotuben differenzierten. Die Effektivität der terminalen Differenzierung von C2C12-SkMZ wurde durch den Nachweis muskelspezifischer Marker wie MyoD, Myogenin und Myosin Heavy Chain (MyHC) mittels Reverse Transkriptase-qPCR (RT qPCR), Immunfluoreszenz sowie Nachweis des Zellzyklusarrests mittels BrdU-Markierung validiert. Die Infektion von terminal differenzierten C2C12-Myotuben, proliferierenden C2C12-Myoblasten und murinen NIH3T3-Kontrollfibroblasten mit T. gondii zeigte, dass der Parasit in Myotuben deutlich mehr bradyzoitenspezifische ENO1- bzw. BAG1-Transkripte exprimierte als in Myoblasten und Fibroblasten. Außerdem war die Gewebszystenbildung bei gleichzeitig reduzierter Parasitenreplikation in terminal differenzierten C2C12-Myotuben deutlich erhöht. Demgegenüber förderten proliferierende C2C12-Myoblasten und NIH3T3-Fibroblasten die Replikation von Toxoplasma bei gleichzeitig geringer Bradyzoitenbildung. Diese Daten weisen erstmalig auf die Bedeutung des Zelltyps und dessen Differenzierung für die Parasitenentwicklung und die Stadienkonversion in SkMZ hin. Für genauere Untersuchungen von Zelltyp-spezifischen Interaktionen mit T. gondii wurden die Transkriptome von terminal differenzierten C2C12-Myotuben und Neuronen sowie von proliferierenden NIH3T3-Fibroblasten und Astrozyten vor und nach Infektion mit T. gondii für 24 Stunden mittels High-Throughput RNA-Sequenzierung ermittelt. Die Analysen zeigten einen deutlich größeren Einfluss der zelltyp-spezifische Genexpression auf das Gesamttranskiptom der vier Zelltypen als die Expressionsveränderungen aufgrund der Toxoplasma-Infektion. Allerdings wurden auch Gengruppen identifiziert, die in den terminal differenzierten SkMZ und Neuronen im Vergleich zu Fibroblasten und Astrozyten differentiell exprimiert waren. Des Weiteren bewirkte die T. gondii-Infektion eine signifikante Expressionssteigerung u. a. von Zellzyklus-regulierenden Transkripten spezifisch in terminal differenzierten SkMZ und Neuronen, was auf ihre mögliche Beteiligung an der Toxoplasma-Stadienkonversion hindeutete. Daher wurden anschließend die Expressionsprofile ausgesuchter Zellzyklusregulatoren im Laufe der terminalen C2C12-SkMZ-Differenzierung und der Toxoplasma-Infektion mittels RT qPCR- und Western Blot-Analysen untersucht. Während die Transkription der negativen Zellzyklus-Modulatoren Tspyl2 und dem ‚down stream‘-liegenden Targetgen p21 im Laufe der terminalen Differenzierung von C2C12-Myoblasten zunahm, sank begleitend die Transkription der Uhrf1- und Ccnb1- (CyclinB1) Aktivatoren. Nach Infektion wurde spezifisch in Myotuben, nicht aber in Myoblasten oder Fibroblasten, eine weitere Steigerung der Tspyl2-Transkripte durch RT-qPCR-Analysen nachgewiesen. Gleichzeitig reagierten C2C12-Myotuben auch mit Hochregulation der Uhrf1- und Ccnb1-Transkription auf Toxoplasma-Infektion. Allerdings wurde durch BrdU-Markierung nachgewiesen, dass die spezifische Modulation von Zellzyklusregulatoren nach Infektion von Myotuben den Zellzyklusarrest nicht aufhob und C2C12-Myotuben nicht zur Zellteilung anregte. Da Überexpression von CDA-1 (humanes Tspyl2-Ortholog) in humanen Fibroblasten die Stadienkonversion von T. gondii fördert, wurde die Funktion des Tspyl2-Zellzyklusregulators in SkMZ analysiert. ‚Knock-down‘ von Tspyl2 mittels shRNA unterdrückte effektiv die terminale C2C12-Myoblastendifferenzierung. Bemerkenswerterweise führte dies nach T. gondii-Infektion zweier ausgesuchter Tspyl2 shRNA-C2C12-Transfektanten zu einer verstärkten Toxoplasma-Replikation im Vergleich zu Kontrolltransfektanten und WT Myotuben. Gleichzeitig war in Tspyl2-‚Knock-down‘-Mutanten die Parasitendifferenzierung zum Bradyzoitenstadium sowie die Gewebezystenbildung vermindert. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass in SkMZ die spontane Differenzierung von T. gondii zum Bradyzoiten wesentlich von dem Zellzyklusregulator Tspyl2 und der terminalen Myotubendifferenzierung abhängt. Differenzierung von SkMZ führte u.a. auch zu veränderten Expressionsprofilen von Zytokinen und Chemokinen in C2C12-Myotuben, -Myoblasten und Kontrollfibroblasten. So wurden mehrere pro-inflammatorischen Zytokine in Myotuben deutlich stärker als in Myoblasten oder Fibroblasten exprimiert. Nach Infektion von C2C12-Myotuben stiegen die Transkriptmengen von IL-23, IL 1α und IL 1β an. Diese Ergebnisse könnten neben Zellzyklusregulatoren auch auf den Einfluss von Immunfaktoren bei der Zelltyp-spezifischen Stadienkonversion in differenzierten SkMZ hindeuten In dieser Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass der Differenzierungsstatus der SkMZ die Stadienkonversion und die Gewebszystenbildung eindeutig beeinflusst. Da die terminale SkMZ-Differenzierung von Zellzyklusregulatoren eingeleitet wird und ihre Expressionen offensichtlich unter dem Einfluss der T. gondii-Infektion stehen, könnten sie einen Einflus auf die Induktion der Stadiendifferenzierung von schnell replizierenden Tachyzoiten zu persistierenden Bradyzoiten ausüben, was am Beispiel des negativen Zellzyklusregulators Tspyl2 in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesen wurde. Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass Myotuben mit der Produktion von proinflammatorischen Molekülen aktiv auf die Toxoplasma-Infektion reagieren und ihre Expression zur lokalen Immunantwort der SkMZ beitragen dürften.


GUIMARÃES, Liliane Rego 01 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:30:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 liliane.pdf: 1600508 bytes, checksum: e9fcd25a4570269e3820045946b731d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-01 / Toxoplasmosis is a protozoosis of high incidence in the world, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, transmitted by the ingestion of food contaminated by oocysts found in feline feces, or cists in raw or underdone meat, congenitally in other instances. The disease is usually asymptomatic, but in embryos or in imunodrepessive patients it may be devastating. In this work, the experimental serologic profile has been evaluated after specific therapy in isogenies mice Balbc, infected with a cystogenic lineage ME-49 of T. gondii. Fifty animals have been intra-peritoneal inoculated with 10 cists of T. gondii (lineage ME-49) obtained from the maceration of mice brains of previously inoculated mice. The mice have been divided into three groups of 15 animals each and a negative control group (not infected and not treated) of 5 animals. All the animals have been daily accompanied, and the symptoms were verified during 20 days. After this period, two groups of 15 animals underwent specific therapy schemes in which; group A: pirimetamin (12,5mg/kg/day) + folic acid; group B: pirimetamin + folic acid + sulfadiazine (500mg/kg/day), orally administrated during 10 consecutive days. After this period, all animals have been scarified, with an interval of 5 days, and the blood has been collected by a heart puncture and the serum separated for the Indirect Immuno-fluorescence Reaction. The samples from the treated animals presented a significant diminution in the quantity of (IgG) antibodies evaluated by the two schemes by the indirect immuno-fluorescence reaction (t=3,5, and t=7,6 respectively), in relation to the control group. There have been no significant differences between the two therapeutic schemes (t=0,36). Our results have shown that the experimental precocious treatment reduces significantly the IgG levels, suggesting a diminution of antigenic stimulus, and consequently a better prognosis for toxoplasmosis. / A Toxoplasmose é uma protozoose de alta prevalência mundial, causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii. É transmitida pela ingestão de alimentos contaminados com oocistos excretados em fezes de felinos, ou cistos, em carnes cruas ou mal cozidas, congenitamente entre outros mecanismos. A doença é usualmente assintomática, mas em fetos e/ou pacientes com imunodepressão, pode ser devastadora. Neste trabalho foi avaliado o perfil sorológico experimental após terapêutica especifica em camundongos isogênicos Balb/C infectados com cepa cistogênica ME-49 de T. gondii. Cinqüenta animais foram inoculados intraperitonealmente, individualmente, com 10 cistos da cepa ME-49 obtidos de macerado de cérebros de camundongos previamente inoculados. Os camundongos foram divididos em três grupos com 15 animais em cada grupo e um grupo controle negativo de 5 animais (não infectados e não tratados). Todos os animais foram acompanhados diariamente, observando-se sintomatologia, por 20 dias. Após este período dois grupos A e B, foram submetidos a esquemas terapêuticos específicos; Grupo A: pirimetamina (12,5mg/kg/dia)+acido fólico; grupo B: pirimetamina+acido fólico+sulfadiazina (500mg/kg/dia), por um período de 10 dias consecutivos, por via oral, onde as drogas foram ministradas de acordo com o peso dos animais. Após este período eles foram sacrificados, com intervalo de 5 dias, o sangue coletado por punção cardíaca, e o soro separado para a reação de imunofluorescência indireta. As amostras provenientes dos animais tratados apresentaram diminuição significativa nos títulos de anticorpos (IgG) avaliados com os dois esquemas, pela Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (t=3.5, e t=7,6 respectivamente), em relação ao grupo controle. Entre os dois esquemas terapêuticos não houve diferenças significativas (t=0,36). Nossos resultados demonstraram que o tratamento experimental precoce reduz significativamente os níveis de IgG, sugerindo uma diminuição do estimulo antigênico, e conseqüentemente um melhor prognóstico para a toxoplasmose.

Untersuchungen zur Inhibierung der Expression der Poly(ADP-ribose)Polymerase (PARP) nach Infektion mit Toxoplasma gondii / Analysis of the expression inhibition of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) after infection with T. gondii

Gais, Andrea Nadja 30 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamique spatio-temporelle de la contamination environnementale par Toxoplasma gondii / Spatio-temporal dynamics of the environmental contamination by Toxoplasma gondii

Gotteland, Cécile 19 December 2013 (has links)
La toxoplasmose, dûe au parasite Toxoplasma gondii, est une zoonose dite à cycle complexe car le pathogène fait intervenir plusieurs espèces pour assurer sa transmission. Les félidés sont les hôtes définitifs de T. gondii et, lorsqu’ils sont infectés, peuvent excréter des millions d’oocystes dans l’environnement. L’ensemble des animaux à sang chaud, y compris l’homme, constituent les hôtes intermédiaires. L'infection des différents hôtes s'effectuent par transmission verticale ou via l'ingestion de tissus animaux contaminés ou d'oocystes présents dans l'environnement.Les objectifs de ma thèse étaient i) de mesurer la fréquence et la distribution spatiale des oocystes de T. gondii dans l’environnement en milieu rural, ii) d'estimer la prévalence et la distribution spatiale de l’infection dans la communauté locale de rongeurs, iii) de déterminer les principaux facteurs responsables de la structuration spatiale de la contamination environnementale et enfin, iv) d’évaluer l'importance de l'environnement en tant que source de contamination tant pour les animaux que pour l’homme.Nous avons mis en évidence une forte contamination des sols (29%) distribuée sur l'ensemble de la zone et, avons révélé un gradient spatial similaire de diminution de la contamination avec la distance aux bâtiments au niveau des sols et dans la communauté de rongeurs. Le modèle de simulation multi-agents a permis d'expliciter le rôle prépondérant de la configuration de l'habitat humain, qui de par son effet sur la structuration spatiale des populations de chats domestiques, détermine la fréquence et la distribution des points chauds de contamination. Par conséquent, en milieu rural, l'importante contamination des sols au niveau des fermes suggère que le risque d’infection pour l’homme est élevé, indirectement à travers la consommation de viande issue d’animaux d’élevage infectés, mais aussi directement via l’ingestion d’oocystes présents sur les substrats manipulés lors de diverses activités. / Toxoplasmosis, caused by the parasite T. gondii, is a zoonosis with a complex life cycle as the pathogen requires several different species to achieve it cycle. Felids, in particular domestic cats, are the definitive hosts of the parasite and when infected they can shed millions of oocysts in the environment. All warm blooded animals, including humans, are potential intermediate hosts. Host species can be infected through vertical transmission or by ingesting contaminated tissues or oocysts present on environmental substrates.My goals were: I) to precisely measure the frequency and spatial distribution of the environmental contamination to T. gondii in a rural area, ii) to estimate the prevalence and the spatial distribution of the parasite in the local community of rodents, iii) to identify the main factors driving the spatial structure of the environmental contamination and finally, iv) to assess the importance of the environment as a transmission source for animals and humans.First, we found a high frequency of contaminated soil samples (29%) that were largely distributed across the whole area, and, we found a similar spatial gradient of decreasing contamination with increasing distances from buildings for soils and rodents. Altogether, the results obtained allowed to identify and rank the determinants of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the environmental contamination to T. gondii. The agent-based model showed the primary role of the spatial configuration of human habitat, which, through its impact on the spatial structure of domestic cat populations, determines the frequency and distribution of the hot spots of soil contamination. Thus, in rural areas, the high level of contamination within and around agricultural buildings suggests that infection risks for humans are important, either indirectly through the consumption of contaminated meat or directly due to the ingestion of oocysts contaminating earth, water or vegetables.

Desenvolvimento de teste imunocromatográfico para detecção de anticorpos IgG anti-toxoplasma gondii. / Immunochromatographic assay for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies

Mioranza, Sônia de Lucena 02 February 2010 (has links)
Sendo uma patologia prevenível e tratável, o importante na toxoplasmose congênita é o diagnóstico precoce, fundamental para intervenção terapêutica imediata. Em Cascavel-PR a soroepidemiologia da toxoplasmose foi avaliada em 334 soros de gestantes, com prevalência de 54% e risco de 2,5%aa de infecção aguda. Para monitorar e instrumentar o pré-natal através da triagem de gestantes soronegativas por acompanhamento mensal foi desenvolvido um teste imunocromatográfico para detecção de anticorpos IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii. (TIC-toxo). Conjugados de ouro coloidal com diferentes extratos antigênicos do agente e os reagentes controle e teste da reação foram preparados e avaliados por imunofiltração e controles intraexperimentais, incluindo microscopia eletrônica, sendo. selecionados na padronização o conjugado de ouro de 6nm recoberto com 2,5 ug/A 540nm de ouro de extrato antigênico alcalino de T. gondii, na linha teste da membrana, a Proteína A de S.aureus e na linha controle, o anticorpo anti-T. gondii,. No ensaio foram testadas 70 amostras de soro em duplicata, sendo 35 reagentes e 35 não reagentes, comparando com ELISA comercial, ELISA in house e IFI. Sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e eficiência do TIC-Toxo foram, respectivamente: 88,6% (IC 72,3-96,3), 80,0% (IC 62,5-90,9), 81,6% (IC 65,1-91,7), 87,5% (IC 70,1-95,9) e 0,8429, havendo concordância e reprodutibilidade (Kappa=0,712171) entre o TIC-toxo e os métodos clássicos. O teste desenvolvido é rápido, de baixo custo, de fácil execução em única etapa para uso ambulatorial, precedendo a confirmação laboratorial, na triagem de gestantes ou grupos específicos, permitindo especialmente, o manejo adequado das gestantes de Cascavel em risco de toxoplasmose congênita. / As preventable and treatable condition, the main goal in congenital toxoplasmosis is early diagnosis, essential for adequate therapy. We study seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis in 344 sera samples from pregnant women of Cascavel, PR, Brazil. By consistent serology, we demonstrate 54% prevalence and a 2.5% risk of acute infection/year, using several approaches. For supply the antenatal office care, it would be important a quick immunochromatographic assay for detection of anti T.gondii</I. IgG antibodies (TIC-Toxo), to be applied in the follow up of pregnant women at risk of infection. To develop the TIC-Toxo assay, we evaluate and standardize the gold particle conjugate adsorbed with several types of tachyzoite extracts, aside to specific reagents for the control and test area of the strip test, by immunofiltration assays, with several quality control steps including electron microscopy. Those analysis provide data for defining the reagents for mass production of TIC-Toxo, constructed with 6 nm colloidal gold conjugate recovered with 2.5ug/A540 of alcaline extract from T.gondii tachyzoites, with S.aureus Protein A at test dot and anti-T.gondii antiserum at control dot. Seventy sera samples were blind tested, 35 positive and 35 negative, comparing to ELISA and IFA assays. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were respectively: 88,6% (IC 72,3-96,3), 80,0% (IC 62,5-90,9), 81,6% (IC 65,1-91,7), 87,5% (IC 70,1-95,9) e 0,8429, with good agreement of TIC-Toxo and other assays (Kappa=0,712171), with good intra and inter test reproducibility. This TIC-Toxo is a quick, low cost, one step assay and easily performed, to be used for prenatal ambulatory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis, preceding the laboratorial confirming diagnosis and allowing adequate care of pregnant women or others selected groups at risk of acute toxoplasmosis and fetal congenital disease, specially at Cascavel-Pr.

Estudo das populações de linfócitos T e linfócitos B esplênicos e do sangue periférico de camundongos BALB/c imunizados com taquizoítos de Toxoplasma gondii irradiados. / Study of populations T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes in the spleen and peripheral blood of immunized BALB/c mice with irradiated T. gondii tachyzoites.

Zorgi, Nahiara Esteves 03 March 2016 (has links)
Taquizoítos de T. gondii esterilizados por radiação ionizante é uma vacina interessante para induzir uma imunidade semelhante à infecção, mas sem a formação de cistos. Neste estudo avaliamos as populações celulares do sangue e do baço induzidas pela imunização, a resposta imune humoral, celular e a proteção após desafio com parasitas viáveis. Camundongos foram imunizados com taquizoítos de T. gondii irradiados por v.o. ou i.p.. Os animais foram desafiados com 10 cistos da cepa ME-49 ou VEG por via oral e apresentaram altos níveis de proteção com baixa carga parasitária. Camundongos imunizados por i.p. e v.o. apresentaram anticorpos específicos no soro e o aumento das populações de células B, plasmócitos, células TCD4+ e TCD8+ tanto no sangue como no baço. As células esplênicas de camundongos imunizados por i.p. mostraram a produção de IL-10, IFN-&#947; e IL-4. Células TCD4+ e células B do baço de camundongos imunizados por i.p. proliferaram após a estimulação com antígeno. A imunização com esse modelo vacinal induziu uma resposta imune mediada com células B, TCD4+ e TCD8+, com aumento da resposta imune humoral e celular que são necessárias para proteção do hospedeiro após uma infecção. Essa resposta imune induzida é uma resposta semelhante a uma infecção natural, sendo assim o desenvolvimento de vacinas utilizando a radiação ionizante como uma ferramenta, pode ser um modelo atrativo e eficiente para testar novos imunógenos no futuro. / Tachyzoites of T. gondii sterilized by ionizing radiation is an interesting vaccine for inducing immunity to infection similarly but without the formation of cysts. In this study we evaluated the cell populations from blood and spleen induced by immunization, the humoral immune response, cellular and protection after challenge with viable parasites. Mice were immunized with irradiated tachyzoites of T. gondii by v.o. or i.p.. The animals were challenged with 10 cysts of the ME-49 or VEG strain orally and showed high levels of protection with low worm burden. Immunized mice by i.p. and v.o. present specific antibodies in the serum and increased populations of B cells, plasma cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in blood and spleen. The spleen cells of immunized mice by i.p. showed the production of IL-10, IFN-&#947; and IL-4. CD4+ T cells and B cells in the spleen of immunized mice i.p. proliferated upon stimulation with antigen. The immunization with this vaccine model induced an immune response mediated by B cells, CD4+ and CD8+ with increased humoral and cellular immune response are necessary for host protection after infection. This induced immune response is a response similar to natural infection, therefore the development of vaccines using ionizing radiation as a tool, can be an attractive and efficient model for testing new immunogens in the future.

Padronização de método colorimétrico para avaliação de atividade biológica de substâncias sobre formas taquizoítas de Toxoplasma gondii, com a avaliação de triterpenos ácidos sobre o parasito / Standartization of a colorimetric method for evaluation of substances biological activity on tachyzoite forms of Toxoplasma gondii, with evaluation of acid triterpenes on parasite.

Silva, Mariana Rosa da 26 May 2009 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii é um protozoário pertencente ao filo Apicomplexa, de distribuição mundial, e que infecta diversas espécies hospedeiros, como mamíferos e aves, possuindo como hospedeiros definitivos o gato e outros felídeos, enquanto o homem e outros animais são os seus hospedeiros intermediários. O tratamento é feito, na maioria das vezes, com uma combinação de sulfadiazina e pirimetamina, agindo na via metabólica do ácido fólico, o qual é necessário para a biossíntese de purinas, pirimidinas e certos aminoácidos. Propusemos estabelecer um protocolo de avaliação sobre esse protozoário, assim como padronizarmos uma metodologia por espectroscopia para uma rápida avaliação ou triagem de substâncias potencialmente ativas contra o parasito. Verificamos a atividade das substâncias ácido ursólico e ácido oleanóico, as quais já demonstraram atividade biológica sobre outras espécies de protozoários, como Plasmodium, Trypanosoma cruzi e Leishmania sp. em sistemas in vitro e in vivo. A metodologia colorimétrica pelo MTT, pelo Alamar Blue®, do kit CyQUANT® NF e a contagem manual em meio líquido das formas taquizoítas do parasito em ensaios biológicos in vitro mostram-se inviáveis, pois há grande dificuldade em manter a integridade do parasita em meio de cultura líquido, o qual se mostra sensível à adição de qualquer outro componente que não aqueles necessários para manter sua viabilidade em ambiente extracelular. O ácido ursólico mostrou-se potencialmente ativo in vitro sobre formas intracelulares de T. gondii. Entretanto, o contato de células infectadas com as substâncias avaliadas por um período de 48 horas não resultou em diminuição mais acentuada na porcentagem de células infectadas do que a ocorrida no tratamento de 24 horas. A comparação dos resultados do tratamento pós infecção celular por 24 horas e do pré-tratamento das formas taquizoítas houve diferenças significativas, indicando principalmente maior ação do pré-tratamento sobre T. gondii. Quando administrado na dose de 7 mg/kg/ dia a camundongos infectados, o ácido ursólico não apresentou atividade sobre o parasita. / Toxoplasma gondii is an Apicomplexa protozoan, of worldwide distribution, that infects several species, from mammalians to birds; its definitive hosts are the cats and other felines, while man and other animals are considered as intermediate hosts. Treatment is, generally, a combination of sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine, triggering the metabolic pathway of folic acid, which is necessary for certain purines, pirimidines and aminoacids biosynthesis. We have proposed an evaluation protocol on this protozoan, and also to establish a methodology by spectroscopy for rapid evaluation of pottentialy bioactive substances against the parasite. The ursolic acid and oleanoic acid bioactivity were tested. These substances have already demonstrated to be effective on another protozoan species, like Plasmodium, Trypanosoma cruzi e Leishmania sp., either in vitro or in vivo. The colorimetric methodology by MTT, Alamar Blue®, CyQUANT® NF kit and manual counting of tachyzoite forms in liquid culture medium showed to be unviable, because there is a great difficult to maintain the parasite viability in liquid culture medium, wich one is sensible to addition of any other component different of that necessary for its survival in extracelular ambient. Ursolic acid was pottentialy active on T. gondii intracellular forms. However, the infected cells in contact with the tested substances for a period of 48 hours did not show a statistical greater reduction as compared to infected cells which underwent treatment for 24 hours. Significant results were observed when comparing pre-treatment of tachyzoite forms and treatment for 24 hours post-cellular infection. Our data pointed in the direction that pre-treatment exerted a higher effectiveness. Any parasiticidal activity was observed when ursolic acid on a concentration of 7 mg/kg/day was administered to infected mice.

Ativação de macrófagos por proteínas de micronema de Toxoplasma gondii é mediada pela interação com receptores do tipo Toll / Macrophages Activation by proteins Toxoplasma gondii micronema Toxoplasma gondii is mediated by interaction with receptors toll type

Silva, Aline Sardinha da 11 May 2012 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii é um protozoário coccídio intracelular obrigatório conhecido por sua habilidade em parasitar uma ampla gama de espécies hospedeiras. A região apical do parasito é rica em organelas que, em função dos produtos liberados, estão envolvidas no processo de adesão e invasão da célula hospedeira. As proteínas liberadas por micronemas (MICs), solúveis e transmembrana, possuem domínios adesivos essenciais para a virulência do parasita. Algumas dessas proteínas são encontradas associadas entre si na superfície do taquizoíta, formando complexos como TgMIC1/MIC4/MIC6 e TgMIC3/MIC8. Em estudos anteriores demonstramos a que o subcomplexo TgMIC1/MIC4 (Fração LAC+) liga-se à lactose e estimula macrófagos a secretar IL-12. Verificamos, utilizando células HEK293 transfectadas, que um dos principais mecanismos responsáveis pela produção de IL-12 decorria do reconhecimento de N-glicanos do ectodomínio de TLR2 pelo domínio de reconhecimento de carboidrato de TgMIC1. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de investigar a capacidade de TgMIC1 e TgMIC4 de ativar macrófagos murinos e qual o papel desempenhado por TLR2 e/ou TLR4 no desencadeamento dessa ativação. Mostramos que macrófagos derivados de medula óssea de camundongos C57Bl/6, estimulados com TgMIC1 e TgMIC4, utilizadas isoladamente ou em combinação, secretam altos níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, como TNF-?, IL-6, IL-12 e IL-1?, produzem altos níveis de óxido nítrico, e têm aumentadas suas capacidades migratória e fagocítica. Os ensaios que utilizaram macrófagos de camundongos C57Bl/6 nocauteados revelaram que a ausência de expressão de TLR2 ou de TLR4 prejudicou os efeitos ativadores exercidos por TgMIC1 e TgMIC4. Macrófagos TLR2-/- tiveram as manifestações de ativação celular significantemente reduzidas em relação aos macrófagos selvagens. Por outro lado, esses efeitos foram mais afetados pela ausência de TLR4, uma vez que as respostas obtidas frente ao estímulo com TgMIC1 ou TgMIC4 eram similares às verificadas em células não estimuladas (controle negativo). Concluímos que TgMIC1 e TgMIC4 interagem com os receptores do tipo toll 2 e 4 expressos por macrófagos, levando à ativação celular manifesta por alta produção de citocinas e outros mediadores inflamatórios, e aumento das capacidades migratória e fagocítica. A interação com TLR4 é preponderante em relação à estabelecida com TLR2 no desencadeamento de ativação celular / Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular coccidian protozoan known for its ability to parasitize a wide range of host species. The parasite\'s apical region is rich in organelles that, because of the products it releases, are involved in the processes of adhesion and invasion of the host cell. The soluble and transmembrane proteins released by the micronemes (MICs), have adhesive domains that are essential for the parasite virulence. Some of these proteins can be found associated with each other on the taquizoite surface, as it is the case of TgMIC1/MIC4/MIC6 or TgMIC3/TgMIC8 complexes. Our group has demonstrated in previous studies that the TgMIC1/TgMIC4 subcomplex (LAC+ fraction) binds to lactose and stimulates macrophages to release IL-12. Using HEK293 transfected cells, we showed that one of the main mechanisms leading to IL-12 release by macrophages, was the recognition of N-glycans of the TLR2 ectodomain by the carbohydrate recognition domain of TgMIC1. Thus, the objective of this study was to address whether TgMIC1 and TgMIC4 activate murine macrophages and what is the role of TLR2 and TLR4 in macrophage activation. Our results show that the stimulation of C57BL/6 mice bone marrow derived macrophages with TgMIC1 and TgMIC4, alone or in combination, induce the release of high levels of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-?, IL-6, IL-12 and IL-1?, and also nitric oxide; and increases phagocytic activity and cell migration activity. The assays using knockout C57Bl/6 macrophages showed that the absence of TLR2 or TLR4 expression impaired the activating effects of TgMIC1 e TgMIC4. TLR2-/- macrophages presented significantly reduced cell activation manifestations compared to WT macrophages. On the other hand, these effects were more affected in the absence of TLR4, once the responses obtained with TgMIC1 or TgMIC4 stimulation were similar to those observed in non stimulated cells (negative control). We conclude that TgMIC1 and TgMIC4 interact with the receptors Toll like 2 and 4 expressed in macrophages, leading to cell activation, resulting in high cytokine and inflammatory mediators production, and increased migratory and phagocytic capacity. The interaction with TLR4 is predominant over that established with TLR2 in the triggering of cell activation

Avaliação da prevalência de patógenos zoonóticos de importância para a saúde pública em tatus de vida livre - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil / Prevalence of zoonotic pathogens important for public health in wild armadillos, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. São Paulo

Souza, Danilo Kluyber de 11 August 2016 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos, a humanidade contribuiu para o surgimento de diversos patógenos, tornando-se vítimas de doenças transmitidas dos animais para o homem, as chamadas antropozoonoses. Dentre os animais, os tatus, mamíferos selvagens primitivos, apresentam características anatômicas e fisiológicas peculiares, que os tornam mais susceptíveis à diversas doenças e potenciais reservatórios de patógenos zoonóticos, relevantes para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de cinco patógenos zoonóticos (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp, Mycobacterium leprae e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) em quatro espécies de tatus; P. maximus, E. sexcinctus, D. novemcinctus e C. unicinctus do Pantanal e Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Um total de 50 tatus foram analisados. Sendo, 43 amostras de soros de indivíduos de vida livre (16 Priodontes maximus; 17 Euphractus sexcinctus; 02 Dasypus novemcinctus e 08 Cabassous unicinctus) provenientes do Pantanal e 07 conjuntos de fragmentos de tecidos (pulmão, fígado e baço), de 06 E. sexcinctus e 01 (D. novemcinctus) atropelados em três rodovias do Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Dos 43 indivíduos amostrados no Pantanal, 13/43 ou 30,23% apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii; 01/43 ou 2,32% anti-T. cruzi e 4/43 ou 9,30% anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi. Amostras de fragmentos de orelha dos 43 indivíduos do Pantanal, e fragmentos de tecido (pulmão, fígado e baço) dos tatus do Cerrado, também foram analisadas para M. leprae e Leishmania spp através de biologia molecular, nas quais foram negativas. Dos tatus provenientes do Cerrado, analisados para P. brasiliensis, 07 ou 100% dos indivíduos foram positivos. Baseado nestes resultados, pode-se afirmar que os tatus apresentam uma relação e histórico de exposição a estes patógenos, seja através do contato com outras espécies, seres humanos ou condições ambientais onde ocorrem. Contudo, confirma-se a importância destas espécies para o entendimento dos ciclos de transmissão de patógenos e de forma estratégica, como indicadoras da saúde de um ecossistema em programas de investigação e monitoramento de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. / Over the years mankind has contributed to the emergence of several diseases, while becoming victims of those passed among humans and other animals, known as zoonosis. Armadillos are primitive wild mammals who present peculiar anatomical and physiological characteristics which make them susceptible and potential reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens relevant to public health. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of five zoonotic pathogens (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp., Mycobacterium leprae and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) in four armadillo species (Priodontes maximus, Euphractus sexcinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus and Cabassous unicinctus) found in Pantanal and Mato-Grosso-do-Sul tropical savanna ecoregion, the Cerrado. A total of 50 armadillos were sampled: 43 free living individuals from Pantanal (16 P. maximus; 17 E. sexcinctus; 02 D. novemcinctus and 08 C. unicinctus) and 07 individuals found dead in three different roads of the Cerrado. Of the 43 individuals sampled in Pantanal, 13 (30.23%) presented T. gondii antibodies; 01 (2.32%) showed antibodies anti-T. cruzi; and 04 (9.30%) showed anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi antibodies. All 50 samples were also analyzed by molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). None of the samples tested positive for M. leprae and Leishmania spp. And all seven or (100%) individuals from the Cerrado were tested positive for P. brasiliensis. The results suggest that the armadillos have been exposed to these pathogens, either by contact with other species, including humans or by their own environmental conditions in certain ecosystems. The armadillo species studied may have a greater susceptibility to these pathogens in the natural environment where they occur. Armadillos are key species in understanding diseases transmission cycle, especially regarding zoonotic pathogens and they can strategically act as an indicator of ecosystem health for research programs and zoonotic diseases monitoring.

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