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“Kan du berätta hur du tänker” : En kvalitativ studie av lågstadielärares användning av talk moves i matematikundervisningen / ”Can you share your thoughts” : A qualitative study of primary school teachers’ use of talk moves in mathematic educationJashari, Sadije, Nilsson, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att fördjupa kunskapen om vilka talk moves 1-3 lärare använder sig av i matematikundervisningen. De datainsamlingsmetoder som använts är klassrumsobservationer följda av semistrukturerade intervjuer med klasslärarna. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna omedvetet använder sig av talk moves i undervisningen. Vi upptäckte även en ny talk move som vi benämner teacher-repeating-adding on. Studiens slutsats är att det verkar finnas en konflikt mellan lärarnas ambition att genomföra matematiska samtal och en stress att eleverna ska hinna med att arbeta i matematikboken. / The aim of the present study is to deepen the knowledge of which talk moves 1-3 teachers use in mathematics teaching. The data collection methods used are classroom observations followed by semi-structured interviews with the class teachers. The results of the study shows that the teachers unconsciously use talk moves in their teaching. We also discovered a new talk move which we term teacher-repeating-adding on. The conclusion of the study is that there seems to be a conflict between the teachers' ambition to carry out mathematical conversations and a pressure of time that the students need to finish their work in the mathematics book.
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Handskrift i dagens skola : En studie av lärares och elevers attityder till handskrift och datorskrift i läs- och skrivinlärning / Handwriting in school today : A study of teachers’ and pupils’ attitudes to handwriting and computer writing in literacy educationOlofsson, Linda January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers and primary school pupils view the use of handwriting in literacy tuition and what their thoughts are on the future of handwriting. In the study, handwriting is compared to today’s digital ways of writing. The study sets out from the Swedish curriculum (Lgr 11) and is based on interviews with teachers and pupils in grades 1–3. The results show that the pupils tend to see handwriting mainly from an individual perspective and that they consider it to be important knowledge in adult and professional life. The teachers in the study view handwriting from a pedagogical perspective and focus mainly on its role in literacy tuition. In contrast to the pupils involved in the study, the teacher are uncertain regarding the future of handwriting.
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”Tala nu om för fröken vad du kan” : en komparativ studie om fem lärares syn på bedömning i skolår 1-3Söderqvist, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
<p>The evaluation and assessment of a pupil’s knowledge is today an important part of a teachers work. The function of the evaluations for younger pupils (grades 1-3) has assumed a more prominent role in the school system due to the introduction of written assessments as well as national testing in grade 3. One of the purposes of this research has been to find out the teacher’s opinions of the written assessment in grade 3. My intention has been to study how teachers feel about assessment in general, what they assess as well as when and how they do it. I also wanted to find out when and how they used “formative” or “summative”assessments, respectively.</p><p>In the empiric research I have used qualitative, unstructured interviews with five professional teachers. All teachers interviewed work in the elementary school system (1-3) and have worked within this school system between 10-30 years. The material gathered from the interviews have been analyzed and categorized thoroughly in order to find various patterns.</p><p>The result of the research showed that the evaluations and assessments are used mainly to indicate each pupil’s individual scholastic development. Some evaluations are, according to the teachers, included in the daily work with the pupils (and are formative), while other evaluations occur at special, less random occasions (and are summative). It was clear to me that the teachers don’t base their opinions of, and methods in assessment on research but on their long experiences as teachers. One major result from my study is that the teachers don’t look on assessment as being of any greater importance in the elementary school (grade 1-3).</p>
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”Tala nu om för fröken vad du kan” : en komparativ studie om fem lärares syn på bedömning i skolår 1-3Söderqvist, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
The evaluation and assessment of a pupil’s knowledge is today an important part of a teachers work. The function of the evaluations for younger pupils (grades 1-3) has assumed a more prominent role in the school system due to the introduction of written assessments as well as national testing in grade 3. One of the purposes of this research has been to find out the teacher’s opinions of the written assessment in grade 3. My intention has been to study how teachers feel about assessment in general, what they assess as well as when and how they do it. I also wanted to find out when and how they used “formative” or “summative”assessments, respectively. In the empiric research I have used qualitative, unstructured interviews with five professional teachers. All teachers interviewed work in the elementary school system (1-3) and have worked within this school system between 10-30 years. The material gathered from the interviews have been analyzed and categorized thoroughly in order to find various patterns. The result of the research showed that the evaluations and assessments are used mainly to indicate each pupil’s individual scholastic development. Some evaluations are, according to the teachers, included in the daily work with the pupils (and are formative), while other evaluations occur at special, less random occasions (and are summative). It was clear to me that the teachers don’t base their opinions of, and methods in assessment on research but on their long experiences as teachers. One major result from my study is that the teachers don’t look on assessment as being of any greater importance in the elementary school (grade 1-3).
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Läsförståelsestrategier i undervisningen i årskurs 1-3Smith, Fanny, Westerlund, Frida January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to reach profound knowledge about reading comprehension strategies that teachers in grade 1–3 use in their reading instruction classes. The relevance of the study is motivated due to Swedish students’ declining results at the latest PISA examination and the lack of Swedish studies regarding grade 1–3. With the qualitative research methods, observations and interviews, the study examines which reading comprehension strategies teachers use in their classroom and how they use them. Through a thematic analysis, two main themes are identified with three sub-themes respectively. The results are then analyzed through sociocultural theory. It is concluded that students should be able to interact with each other during reading comprehension strategy instruction and teachers should be more explicit. Reciprocal teaching of strategies can be implemented among younger students, although summarizing and questioning is more difficult. Note-taking strategy instruction could be implemented in grade 3. Concretization of strategies by the use of characters is favourable for younger students, although teachers must be aware of the risks. Concretization by the use of hand placements and movements should be implemented with younger students.Nyckelord:
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En framgångsrik undervisning i läsförståelse : En litteraturstudieSandberg, Marielle January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie har varit att ta reda på vad läsforskningen anser som viktiga faktorer för elevers läsförståelse samt vad läsforskningen anser om läsförståelsestrategier och dess positiva verkan på elevers läsförståelse. Det framkom i denna litteraturstudie att forskningen anser att en lärares kunskap, speciellt i elevers läsutveckling och hur man undervisar i läsförståelse är en viktig faktor för en framgångsrik läs-och skrivutveckling. Resultatet för denna studie visade bland annat att läsforskningen anser att läsförståelsestrategier främjar elevers läsförståelse samtidigt som det i svenska skolor och deras undervisning visade sig att det inte ges speciellt mycket tid för läsförståelse. Att den svenska skolan i sin undervisning inte ger mycket tid till läsförståelse anses bero på lärares okunskap. Detta kan således vara en anledning till svenska elevers allt sämre resultat i de tidigare undersökningarna som PIRLS och PISA genomförde 2000– 2012. / <p>Svenska</p>
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Lärares användning av digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om sex lärares svenskundervisning och hur den har förändrats genom användningen av digitala verktyg i årskurserna 1-3Atterlid, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine how teachers’ Swedish teaching has changed by the use of digital tools. Life stories as a method was used to gain a deeper insight into the teachers’ lives. The material was then analysed by using the theoretical framework TPACK. Two questions have been formulated to achieve the aim of the study: How do teachers´ in grades 1-3 describe the change of their Swedish teaching by the use of digital tools? What affects teachers´ use of digital tools in Swedish teaching? The result shows that digital tools have changed the Swedish teaching as they give the teachers´ new ways to present the subject content. By using digital tools, the teachers´ state that they now are able to capture the student group more easily than before. IPad is the digital tool the teachers´ use the most. It is used primarily in the pupils´ writing process and teachers´ emphasize that the use of iPad makes it easier to visualize and illustrate the pupils´ texts. The result also shows that teachers´ attitude towards the use of digital tools in Swedish teaching was an aspect that did not affect their use of them. Although there were several other factors that did affect their use: The availability of digital tools at the school The support of digital tools Teachers´ views of the advantages and disadvantages of using digital tools
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Digitala läromedel i matematikundervisningen : En enkätstudie om att använda digitala läromedel i matematikundervisningen / Digital curriculum resources in mathematics education : A questionnaire about using digital curriculum resources in mathematics educationMarcusson, Anton, Fredrik, Sturesson January 2022 (has links)
School constantly changes and adapts methods to teach and contents according to the society. The change has led to a growing trend for digitalcurriculum resources in the classroom and mathematic as a subject. Thepurpose of this paper is therefore to investigate usage of digital curriculum resources in learning mathematics and teachers’ opinion about thedigital curriculum resources. The data was collected by a questionnaire,in total 87 respondents participated. The data was interpreted with thedidactic triangle and external factors.As a result, teachers express that the digital curriculum resources can leadto a wider scale of teaching methods and increases motivation for the pupils. On the other hand, teachers also express that the digital curriculumresources can lead to a distraction for the pupils and that they tend to hassle. The result shows that less teachers express that digital curriculum resources are used rather than analogue material. / Skolan är i ständig förnyelse och anpassar sig både i arbetssätt och innehållsmässigt utefter hur samhället ser ut och fungerar. Det har bidragit tillatt det i matematikundervisningen idag finns ett stort intresse för att använda digitala läromedel. Denna studie har därför som syfte att utforskaanvändningen av digitala läromedel i matematikundervisning samt vadlärare som undervisar i årskurs 1–3 uttrycker om de digitala läromedlen.Studien genomfördes med forskningsmetoden enkät och 87 respondenterhar använts till studien. Empirin som samlats in har tolkats med den didaktiska triangeln och ramfaktorer.Resultatet av studien visar att lärarna uttrycker att de digitala läromedlenkan bidra till ökad variation i undervisningen och till att öka motivationenhos eleverna. Lärarna uttrycker även att de kan bidra till en distraktionhos eleverna och att de digitala läromedlen krånglar. Resultatet visarockså att det är en mindre andel lärare som uttrycker att de använder digitala läromedel i sin matematikundervisning än analoga läromedel.
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Vad kan du göra när du inte förstår vad du läser? : En kvalitativ studie om lärares användande av läsförståelsestrategier i svenskundervisningen / What can you do when you don´t understand what you are reading? : A qualitative study on teachers’ use of reading comprehension strategies in Swedish teachingKarlsson, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Läsförståelse är viktigt för att klara sig i ett kunskapssamhälle som bygger på skriftspråklig kompetens (Bråten, 2008a). Det senaste resultatet i Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016 visar att svenska elever är svagare i att tolka och värdera texter jämfört med andra länder (Skolverket, 2017b). Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare arbetar med läsförståelsestrategier i svenskundervisningen för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse i årskurs 1–3. Frågeställningarna för undersökningen är: Vilka läsförståelsestrategier används? I vilka sammanhang används läsförståelsestrategier? Hur främjas elevers läsförståelse med hjälp av läsförståelsestrategier? Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. En kvalitativ metod har använts och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts för att samla in material till studien. Resultatet visar att lärare undervisar i läsförståelse och läsförståelsestrategier på flera olika sätt såsom läsfixare från materialet En läsande klass, högläsning, läsläxa och genom samtal och frågor. Slutsatsen är att lärarna betonar modellering, stöttning och repetition som viktigt för att elever ska bli mer säkra i sin egen användning av läsförståelsestrategier och därmed utveckla sin läsförståelse. Att börja tidigt och att variera sina arbetssätt ses också som positivt hos lärarna. / Reading comprehension is important for coping with a society whose knowledge is based on written language skills (Bråten, 2008a). The latest result in Progress in the International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016 shows that Swedish students are weaker in interpreting and evaluating texts compared to other countries. The aim of the study is to investigate how teachers work with reading comprehension strategies in Swedish teaching to develop students’ reading comprehension in grades 1-3. Questions for the survey are: What reading comprehension strategies are used? In what context are reading comprehension strategies used? How does students’ reading comprehension develop with the help of reading comprehension strategies? The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective. A qualitative method has been used and semi-structured interviews have been conducted to collect the material for the study. The result shows that teachers teach reading comprehension and reading comprehension strategies in several ways such as “läsfixare” from the material A Reading Class, reading aloud, reading homework and through conversations and questions. The conclusion is that the teachers emphasize modeling, support and rehearsal as important in order for students to become more secure in their own use of reading comprehension strategies and thereby develop their reading understanding. Starting early and varying their working methods is also seen as positive by the teachers.
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Estetiska lärprocesser i engelskundervisning 1-3 : ur ett pedagogperspektivFridenholm, Rebecka, Lund, Alicia January 2019 (has links)
Studien handlar om estetiska lärprocesser i ämnet engelska. Syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur pedagoger i årskurs 1 - 3 arbetar med estetiska uttrycksformer i engelskundervisning och hur de kombinerar det med icke-estetiskt lärande. Frågeställningarna undersöks mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning samt vad pedagoger på fältet har för åsikter, uppfattningar och erfarenheter om estetiska uttrycksformer och läromedel som kombination i engelskundervisningen på lågstadiet. Studien är baserad på två forskningsfrågor som undersöks och blir besvarade: Hur kombinerar pedagoger estetiska uttrycksformer och icke-estetiskt lärande i engelskundervisningen i årskurs 1 - 3? Hur ser pedagoger på relationen mellan estetiskt lärande och icke-estetiskt lärande i engelskundervisning i årskurs 1 - 3? Studien består av en teoretisk och en empirisk del där fokus ligger på estetiska lärprocesser med ingång i uttrycksformerna musik och drama samt ett icke-estetiskt lärande som lutar mot läromedel i engelskundervisning. Den teoretiska delen utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet med Vygotskijs syn på estetiskt lärande där han vill ha in det estetiska perspektivet i skolans undervisning. I denna studien har det framkommit att med hjälp av estetiska lärprocesser som hjälpmedel förstärks elevernas möjligheter att nå kunskaper i engelska språket. Kroppsspråket och sinnena är också en viktig del som hjälper eleverna att på ett enklare sätt befästa engelskkunskaper. Kombineras det estetiska och icke-estetiska lärandet med varandra så blir det en relation mellan lärandeformerna som leder till ett varierat lärande i engelskundervisningen i grundskolan. / This study is about aesthetic learning processes in the English subject. The purpose of the study is to contribute with an increased comprehension of how teachers in grade 1 - 3 work with aesthetic learning processes and how they combine aesthetic learning with non-aesthetic learning in the English subject. The study draws on previous research as well as working teachers’ opinions, perception and experience of working with the combination of the aesthetic form of expression and the teaching media in the English subject in primary school. The foundation of the study lies on two questions which were examined and answered during the course of the study. The questions are as follows: How does the teachers combine aesthetic learning with non-aesthetic learning in the English subject in grade 1 - 3? What do teachers think about the relations between aesthetic learning and non-aesthetic learning in the English subject in grade 1 - 3? The study consists of a theoretical and an empirical section where the main focus lies on aesthetic learning processes drawing on music and drama, on the one hand, and non-aesthetic learning based on teaching media, on the other, in the English classroom. The theoretical framework of the study has its roots in the sociocultural perspective with Vygotsky’s view on aesthetic learning in education. It emerged in the study that with the aid of aesthetic learning processes the pupil’s knowledge of the English language has increased. The body language and senses have an important function in helping the pupil’s to acquire the English language in an easier way. If aesthetic learning is combined with non-aesthetic learning it creates a relation between the two learning processes which leads to a varied learning in the English subject in primary school.
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