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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How the Stock Market Rewards Green Bond Issuers : A Comparison of the Issuers’ Environmental Profiles

Rahmberg, Eric, Jesper, Zakrisson January 2022 (has links)
As global warming is becoming a bigger problem, sustainable investments and the issuance of green bonds have increased. In this article, we study the announcement returns of green bond issuers based on the environmental firm effort and the environmental appearance of the sector to see how the European market reacts to different types of issuers. By doing an event study based on both a one-factor analysis (CAPM) and a three-factor analysis (FF3) we show that investors are rewarding firms based on the sustainability of the issuer’s sector rather than the individual firm effort, with an average CAR from CAPM of 1,87% (p-value 0,06) for all issuers, and 2,91% (p-value 0,05) for issuers in green sectors, during the 21-day event window. The three-factor analysis shows an average CAR of 3,08% (p-value 0,02) for all issuers, 3,26% (p-value 0,03) for issuers in the green sector and 2,91% (p-value 0,04) for issuers in the brown sector, on the same 21-day event window. One possible explanation for the result is the fear of greenwashing, where firms in a brown sector should be more likely to greenwash. This implies that firms who are acting green in a brown sector are rewarded less, which could limit green investments in brown sectors.

Är gräset grönare på andra sidan? : En jämförande studie mellan gröna och konventionella obligationer ur ett investerarperspektiv

Jackson-Peters, Elias, Jakobsson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Obligationer är grundläggande för kapitalmarknadens funktion, och på senare tid kräver investerare möjligheten att diversifiera sina portföljer utefter miljömässiga och klimatfrämjande ändamål. Gröna obligationer omfattas av osäkerheter som exempelvis risker för greenwashing och obefintlig reglerad tillsyn över det öronmärkta kapitalet. Gröna certifieringar sägs motverka dessa risker och integreras därför i studien. Sedan gröna företagsobligationer introducerades på marknaden har det även florerat rykten om att investerare avstår en del av sin avkastning för att investera enligt sina gröna preferenser. Den gröna premien har undersökts i många utföranden, men alltför sällan på den svenska primärmarknaden. Studien använder sig av en matchningsmetod tillsammans med en hypotesprövning och korrelationsanalyser för att undersöka förekomsten av en grön premie. Matchningsparen består av likvärdiga gröna och konventionella företagsobligationer. Resultaten visar att det förekommer en svagt positiv premie för gröna obligationer och att gröna certifieringar har en stor betydelse för fortsatt marknadseffektivitet och minskad informationsasymmetri. Slutsatsen blir därmed att gröna företagsobligationer emitterade av svenska fastighetsföretag inte nämnvärt lönar sig ekonomiskt, men kommer med andra fördelar såsom en riskdiversifierad investeringsportfölj. / Bonds are fundamental to the functioning of the capital market, and more recently investors have been seeking the possibility to diversify their portfolios by making more environmental and climate conscious investments. Green bonds are accompanied by uncertainties, for example risk of greenwashing and insufficient regulations and supervision of the earmarked capital. Green certification has the possibility of minimising these risks and has therefore been integrated into this study. Since green certification has been introduced into the market, rumour has it that investing in green bonds results in losing part of one's profit margin. The green premium has been examined in many ways, but all too rarely in the Swedish primary market. To investigate if a green premium exists the study uses a matching method, together with a hypothesis test and correlation analysis. The matching method consists of equal parts of green and conventional corporate bonds.  The results show a slightly more positive premium of green bonds, and that green certification is both meaningful and important for continued market efficiency and reduced information asymmetry. The conclusion is therefore that green corporate bonds issued by Swedish real estate companies are not financially advantageous but do bring other benefits such as a risk-diversified investment portfolio.

Beslutsprocessen vid investering av gröna obligationer / The Decision-making Process when Investing in Green Bonds

Landgärds, Karolina, Lövgren, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Med en allt högre fokus på klimatpåverkan i samhället har marknaden för gröna obligationer under det senaste årtiondet blivit en attraktiv plattform för investerare att placera kapital i. Studier i ämnet visar även att finansmarknaden utgör en avgörande roll för att klimatmålen i Parisavtalet ska uppnås och gröna obligationer är ett viktigt verktyg. Marknaden för gröna obligationer är däremot fortfarande otydlig vad gäller definitioner och klassificeringar, vilket ökar komplexiteten i investeringsbeslut. Studien syftar därför till att kartlägga investerares beslutsprocess vid gröna investeringar och belysa vad som är avgörande för investeringsbeslut på en marknad under konstant utveckling.  Arbetet genomförs med en kvalitativ metod i form av litteraturstudie samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer med aktörer som är involverade i investeringsbeslut på den gröna obligationsmarknad. Resultatet visar att den gröna stämplingen på en obligation inte är avgörande för investerare utan att finansiella faktorer såsom avkastning väger tyngre. Såvida skiljer sig beslutsprocessen gällande gröna investeringar jämfört med konventionella främst genom att den har en ökad komplexitet och innehåller kvalitativa faktorer i större utsträckning. Investerare har fortsatt ett stort intresse för hållbar finansiering och är förberedda på de resurser som krävs i investeringsbeslut men utgår snarare från hållbarhetsarbete som helhet än specifikt gröna obligationer. / With an increasing focus on climate impact in society, the market for green bonds has over the past decade become an attractive platform for investors to redirect their funds towards. Studies in the subject also show that the financial market plays a crucial role in achieving the climate goals in the Paris Agreement and that green bonds are an important tool. The market for green bonds, on the other hand, is still unclear in terms of definitions and classifications, which increases the complexity of investment decisions. The study therefore aims to clarify investors' decision-making process for green investments and shed light on what is crucial for investment decisions in a market under constant development. The work is carried out with a qualitative method with a literature study and semi-structured interviews with actors involved in investment decisions on the green bond market. The results show that the green labelling on a bond is not decisive for investors, but that financial factors such as returns weigh more heavily. Therefore, the decision-making process regarding green investments differs from conventional ones, mainly as it has an increased complexity and contains qualitative factors to a greater extent. Investors continue to have a strong interest in sustainable financing and are prepared for the resources required in complex investment decisions but prefer sustainability work in a wider aspect rather than specifically green bonds.

Assessing Value at Risk and Exploring the Green Premium : A nordic Bond Market Analysis

Håkansson, Felix, Ehn, Joel January 2024 (has links)
The green bond market has gained significant traction over the past few years. In 2019, issuers released $320 billion worth of green bonds, compared to $490 billion in 2023 (Yamaguchi & Ramos, 2024). This study applies the widely used metric Value-at-Risk (VaR) to better understand the risk profile of this relatively new financial instrument. The study forecasts volatility using an ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model to simulate VaR. The thesis employs regression analysis to explore higher downside risk and a green premium in the primary Nordic bond market for green bonds. The findings reveal that green bonds carry higher downside risk, as evidenced by significantly larger VaR values for green-labeled bonds. Additionally, the study identifies a lower yield to maturity associated with green bonds compared to conventional bonds, indicating a green premium in the primary Nordic bond markets. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on green finance, providing valuable insights for investors regarding the risks and yields associated with green bonds. The findings of this study are essential since ESG is a crucial topic for today’s investors, and a green premium encourages firms to invest in more sustainable projects. If proof of investors willingness to pay a premium for sustainability was confirmed, firms might undertake more climate-friendly projects. Further research should explore alternative risk metrics and apply these metrics across different regions.

Liquidity Risk and Yield Spreads of Green Bonds : Evidence from International Green Bonds Market

Sun, Chen, Wulandari, Febi Caesara January 2017 (has links)
Our thesis aims to help the market participants to understand the source of the risk in green bonds market. We estimate the liquidity risk effects in green bonds' yield spreads as well as controlling for credit risk, bond-specific chracteristics and macroeconomic variables. Both of our liquidity measures suggest that green bonds are more liquid than investment grade US corporate bonds. We find that liquidity effect in green bonds' yield spreads is pronounced, and the result is robust after controlling for potential endogeneity bias. The power of green bonds' liquidity premium is about 10 to 100 times as strong as speculative grade German bonds and investment grade US corporate bonds respectively. In addition to the lack of clear risk profile in green bonds market, our three-stage least squares regression shows that credit risk influences the liquidity risk of green bonds, this indicates that credit risk is a potential source of private information that affects the high liquidity of green bonds. This result has an implication for policy as the credit risk and liquidity risk could be the pitfalls in green bonds market.

Gröna obligationer - Vägen till en mer hållbar kreditmarknad : En studie om aktörers motiv och ekonomiska drivkrafter på den svenska marknaden för gröna obligationer / Green Bonds – The path towards a more sustainable credit market : A study about the motives and economic incentives amongst the players in the Swedish green bond market

Johannesson, Maja, Stejmar, Sofie January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2007 emitterade Världsbanken den första gröna obligationen i världen tillsammans med SEB. Vasakronan emitterade den första gröna företagsobligationen år 2013 och därefter har marknaden expanderat. Gröna obligationer har samma finansiella egenskaper som traditionella obligationer, skillnaden ligger i att obligationslikviden från gröna obligationer ska finansiera miljö- eller klimatvänliga projekt. Gröna obligationer ger investerare och emittenter incitament att implementera hållbara investeringar eller projekt. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och analysera motiv och ekonomiska drivkrafter till aktörers deltagande på den svenska marknaden för gröna obligationer. Utöver det ämnar uppsatsen kartlägga de institutionella förutsättningarna för uppkomsten av gröna obligationer, samt belysa utmaningar och framtidsutsikter. Genomförande: Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ metod och 13 intervjuer har genomförts. De intervjuade personerna representerar grupperna: emittenter, investerare, banker och certifieringsinstitut. För att belysa gröna obligationers och marknadens karaktärsdrag har en litteraturstudie utformats. De empiriska materialet har analyserats med institutionell teori, spelteori, finansiell teori och CSR teori, samt tidigare forskning om CSR och SRI. Slutsats: Ett antal institutionella faktorer och enskilda aktörers initiativ har varit bidragande till den svenska gröna obligationsmarknadens uppkomst och utveckling. Framträdande motiv och ekonomiska drivkrafter för samtliga aktörer är möjligheten att visa upp en grön och hållbar profil, det faktum att gröna obligationer har samma finansiella egenskaper som traditionella obligationer och att de har en grön egenskap. Framtida utmaningar för marknadens fortsatta tillväxt är utvecklingen av standarder och att öka utbudet av gröna obligationer. / Background: In 2007 the World Bank issued the first green bond in the world in co-operation with SEB. Vasakronan issued the first green corporate bond in 2013 and since then the market has expanded. Green bonds have the same financial characteristics as traditional bonds, the difference being that the proceeds from green bonds have to finance environmental or climate friendly projects. Green bonds give incentives to investors and issuers to implement sustainable investments and projects. Aim: The purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyze motives and economic incentives behind the participation of players in the Swedish green bond market. In addition, the thesis maps out the institutional conditions that enabled the emergence of green bonds and highlight the future challenges and prospects. Completion: This thesis is a qualitative study of 13 interviews conducted by the authors. The interviewees represent the following groups: issuers, investors, banks and certifiers. A literature review about green bonds is provided to illustrate the characteristics of green bonds and the market. The empiric material is analyzed using institutional theory, game theory, financial theory and CSR theories, as well as previous research about CSR and SRI. Conclusion: A number of institutional conditions and individual actions have contributed to the rise and development of the Swedish green bond market. The motives and economic incentives that apply to all the players in the market are the opportunity to enhance a green and sustainable profile, the fact that green bonds have the same financial characteristics as traditional bonds and that they include a green feature. Future challenges for the growth of the green bond market include the development of standards and to increase the supply of green bonds.

Gröna obligationer på den skandinaviska marknaden : Sambandet mellan obligationers gröna egenskaper och dess yield, likviditet och volatilitet. / Green bonds on the Scandinavian market : The relationship between a bond's green traits and its yield, liquidity and volatility.

Averland, Amanda, Bredberg, Nicklas January 2020 (has links)
Med finansiella egenskaper som liknar konventionella obligationer spelar gröna obligationer en viktig roll i kampen mot klimatförändringar. Trots att marknaden för gröna obligationer har vuxit snabbt sedan 2008 så har sambandet mellan de gröna egenskaperna hos en obligation och dess avkastning inte studerats i en större utsträckning. I den här studien använder vi data från Eikon och regressionsmodeller för att undersöka hur de gröna egenskaperna påverkar obligationens avkastning, likviditet och volatilitet på den skandinaviska marknaden. Vår studie visar att gröna obligationer har en lägre avkastning (-42,7 baspunkter) än motsvarande konventionella obligationer. Resultatet i vår studie tyder också på skillnader i likviditet och volatilitet (0,01 respektive 0,30 baspunkter) men dessa resultat är ej signifikanta. Eftersom det här forskningsområdet är i ett tidigt stadie kan den här studien ligga till grund för framtida forskning. I takt med att den skandinaviska marknaden för gröna obligationer växer kan vår studie replikeras för att se om resultaten blir mer signifikanta när urvalsstorleken blir större. / With financial attributes similar to conventional bonds, green bonds play an important role in the fight against climate change. Even though the green bond market has seen a rapid growth since 2008, the relationship between the bond's greenness and its yield has not been studied to a great extent. In this study, we use a set of data from Eikon and regression analysis to examine how the green traits of a bond affects its yield, liquidity and volatility on the Scandinavian market. We match 62 green and conventional bonds into 31 bond pairs and show that the yield of green bonds are -42,7 basis points lower than its conventional counterparts. Our study also indicates that green bonds are slightly more liquid (0,01 basis points) and more volatile (0,30 basis points) but these results are not significant. Since the research in this field is in its initial phase, this study may serve as a foundation for future research. If the market for green bonds proceeds to grow in Scandinavia, our study could be replicated to see if the results may be more significant as the sample size increases.

Green Bonding With Finance : What Motivated the Swedish Government to Issue a Green Bond?

Witkowsky, Patrik January 2022 (has links)
This study explores the increasingly popular government practice of issuing green bonds. By interviewing individuals involved in the development of the Swedish green government bond issued in 2020, and examining key documents, it provides an in-depth understanding of the motivations driving a government to issue a green bond. The empirical analysis shows that the Swedish government did not issue the green bond to finance green investments, but to promote the green bond market, communicate what it was already doing in terms of environmental investments, help investors attain more sustainable portfolios and strengthen the Swedish government as a bond issuer. While the political driving force behind the green government bond was the Green Party, it was strongly supported by segments of the financial sector. The main criticism came from authorities within the government itself. Even though the proponents of the green government bond shared a concern about the environment, it was not clear how this policy would ultimately contribute to the green transition. This analysis suggest that it is more appropriate to consider it as a form of industrial policy for supporting the sustainable finance industry. This is the first in-depth case study conducted on a green government bond and thus contributes to a new research topic. It also contributes to the literature on Sustainable Finance and Investment and green bonds more generally. Furthermore, it contributes to research on government debt policy and the political economy of the green transition.

A framework of blockchain technology for green real estate bonds / Ett ramverk för blockchain-teknik för gröna fastighetsobligationer

Bauer, Julian, Bachmaier, Benjamin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates potential solutions to blockchain technology to develop thegreen real estate bond market further. Previous research focused mostly on thetechnology itself, or in connection to other real estate processes such as transactionsor land registries. However, due to climate change and the increasing awareness ofsustainability, a growing interest in sustainable bonds developed. As a result, thenumber of bond issuers increased, and various guidelines, which impose differentrequirements on green real estate bonds, were developed. The result was a lack oftransparency as well as an increased number of discounted sustainable real estateinvestments, so-called greenwashing. This also led to a loss of confidence.Additionally, conventional green bond structures are costly due to administrative effort. The goal of the study is to investigate how blockchain technology could increase thetransparency of, and trust in, sustainable real estate bonds. Also, the technology'sinfluence on the process is examined from a financial perspective. A further goal is tosee what additional data on sustainable real estate bonds could be added to addressthe problems. To answer the research questions, interviews with experts were conducted due to thelimited literature available on the subject. The evaluation of the interviews led to theconclusion that uniform guidelines, and the linking of CO2 emissions from buildingcomponents with sustainable certification, can reduce greenwashing. Furthermore, animproved risk assessment of real estate plays an important role in times of increasingclimatic changes and should, therefore, be considered in the risk assessment ofsustainable real estate bonds. The combination with blockchain technology couldreduce costs and increase confidence in the investment form. / Denna avhandling undersöker möjliga lösningar av blockchain-teknik för attvidareutveckla den gröna fastighetsobligationsmarknaden. Tidigare forskningfokuserade mest på själva tekniken eller i samband med andra fastighetsprocessersom transaktioner eller markregister. På grund av klimatförändringar och ökad medvetenhet om hållbarhet utveckladesemellertid ett växande intresse för hållbara obligationer. Ett resultat av växandeintresse är antalet personer som vill investera ökades och fler riktlinjer utvecklades föratt ställa olika krav på gröna fastighetsobligationer. Detta orsakade olika problem så som brist på klarhet och hållbarafastighetsinvesteringar, som kallas för greenwashing. Konventionella grönafastighetsobligationer är dyra på grund av det administrativa arbetet som krävs.Studiemålen är att undersöka hur blockchain-teknik skulle kunna öka transparens ochförtroendet för hållbara fastighetsobligationer. Teknikens inflytande på processengranskas ur ett finansiellt perspektiv. Studien undersöker också vilka ytterligareuppgifter om hållbara fastighetsobligationer som kan vara till nytta för att lösaproblemen. På grund av den begränsade kurslitteraturen i detta ämne så besvaradesforskningsfrågor med hjälp av expertintervjuer. Enligt utvärdering för att minskagreenwash, behövs det: enhetliga riktlinjer och koldioxidutsläpp frånbyggnadskomponenter med hållbara certifieringarMed tanke på klimatförändringar finns det en ökad riskbedömning av fastigheter.Därför bör riskbedömningen göras på hållbara fastighetsobligationer. Kombinationenmed blockchain-teknik kan minska kostnaderna och öka förtroendet för investeringar.

Green Is The New Black - A qualitative study on the motives and future of the Nordic green bond market from an underwriter perspective

Andersson-Junkka, Emil, Malmström, Felix January 2021 (has links)
This research analyzes the motives and future of the Nordic green bond market from an underwriter perspective. Threefold motives for being active in the Nordic green bond market are found. There are monetary gains, corporate social responsibility, and an opportunity to receive and maintain legitimacy. Several important factors for the future of the Nordic green bond market are identified. The EU Taxonomy will have a major impact on this market, and is the most important factor for the future of it. Further, sustainability-linked bonds enable the transition of various sectors towards sustainability and are an important factor for the development of the Nordic bond market in general. Experts that possess roles within green bond underwriting and green bond investing have been interviewed. Stakeholder theory, corporate social responsibility and legitimacy theory have been implemented in this research with the aim of analyzing the motives and future of the Nordic green bond market. By doing that, this research contributes to a broader theoretical discussion in the area of sustainable finance.

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