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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conditioned atria in the built environment - A possible solution for unsustainable urbanization and climate change in Nordic climates?

Cupello de Vasconcellos, Lucas January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the research is to explore the differences in final energy consumption and environmental impact of the construction materials related to the atrium alternative and a business-as-usual and evaluate how to improve thermal properties of old buildings that require renovations to fit thermal efficiency standards and comfort in operational conditions while reducing the overall impact of the projects. Results show that for the low-rise atrium most of the parameters related to the final energy demands and environmental impacts of the atrium construction materials are proportional and linear to the increase of the glazing area size. When compared to simply renovating old structures, the atrium alternative can promote a decrease in thermal losses by transmission and increase in incident solar radiation through the glazed area depending on the atrium dimensions and glazing area size. And although cooling, heating, electrical and ventilation demands are raised for the overall demand of the building the construction of an atrium bears less environmental impact than renovating old structures damaged by weather. / <p>2021-04-08</p>

Den bebyggda miljöns påverkan på trygghet och säkerhet : En komparativ studie av Skogås torg och Turebergs torg / The built environments’ impact on safety and security : A comparative study of Skogås square and Turebergs square

Pettersson Capasso, William, Berggren, Linus January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur tryggheten och säkerheten påverkas av denfysiska planeringen av offentliga platser med inriktning på torg. För att uppfylla detta syftehar en litteraturstudie samt två fallstudier av Skogås torg och Turebergs torg gjorts. Ilitteraturstudien har Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED),kameraövervakning, grönska och belysning undersökts och beskrivits och effektiviteten avdessa som brottsförebyggande åtgärder har analyserats. Fallstudierna utfördes i två delar där den första delen bestod av ett platsbesök på respektivetorg. Torgen analyserades utifrån hur väl den fysiska utformningen bidrar till att ökatryggheten och säkerheten på respektive torg. På de båda torgen var belysningen bristfälligoch avsaknaden av grönytor och växtlighet var märkbar. Vid Turebergs torg finns det gott ommötesplatser i nära anslutning till torget medan bristen på mötesplatser kring Skogås torg ären av torgets stora svagheter. Den andra delen bestod av en enkätundersökning där enkäter skickades ut till boende iområdet där de fick besvara frågor om sig själva och hur de upplever torget ur etttrygghetsperspektiv. De övergripande resultaten som erhållits för de båda undersökningarnavar att de allra flesta personer kände sig som mest otrygga under kvällar och nätter. Denstörsta bidragande orsaken till otrygghet var att det befinner sig för mycket gäng på torgenoch de flesta personer är mest rädda för att utsättas för personrån. Högre närvaro av poliseroch väktare var den åtgärd som flest personer ville se för att deras trygghet skulle öka mest.Vid Skogås torg tyckte även ett flertal personer att torget är för ödsligt och att flermötesplatser bör skapas kring torget för att tryggheten ska öka. / The purpose of this work is to investigate how safety and security are affected by the physicalplanning of public places with a focus on squares. To fulfill this purpose, a literature studyand two case studies, of Skogås square and Turebergs square, have been done. In theliterature study, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), camerasurveillance, greenery and illumination have all been investigated and described and theireffectiveness as crime prevention measures has been analyzed. The case studies were executed in two parts, where the first part consisted of a site visit oneach square. The squares were analyzed on the basis of how well the physical designcontributes to increasing the safety and security of each square. In both squares, theillumination was deficient and the lack of green spaces and vegetation was noticeable. AtTurebergs square, there are plenty of meeting places in close proximity to the square, whilethe lack of meeting places around Skogås torg is one of the square's major weaknesses. The second part consisted of a survey where questionnaires were sent out to residents in thearea where they had to answer questions about themselves and how they experience thesquare from a security perspective. The overall results obtained for the two surveys were thatthe vast majority of people felt most insecure during the evenings and nights. The biggestcontributing factor causing insecurity was that there were too many gangs occupying thesquares and most people were most afraid of being exposed to robbery. Increased presence ofpolice and security guards was the measure that most people wanted to see to increase theirsense of security. At Skogås square, several people also thought that the square was toodesolate and that more meeting places should be created around the square for security to beincreased.

Planering för en grön och tät stad : En kvalitativ studie om hur miljörättviseperspektivet inkluderas i svensk kommunal grönplanering. / Planning for a green and dense city : A qualitative study on how environmental justice is included in Swedish municipality green planning.

Gunnarsson, Petter January 2022 (has links)
The urbanization of the world is a worldwide challenge that requires solutions at several levels of society. Cities are places for good opportunities for a high-quality life but with an increasing population growth in need more and different needs to be maintained. This study presents a case where the purpose of the study is to investigate the degree to which environmental justice is included in the planning of green areas in Swedish municipalities.  The study is based on the collection of documents as well as qualitative content analysis. A document for a Swedish municipality has been selected to be analyzed. Based on the purpose and issue of the study, the data material has been analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Environmental justice and spatial justice form the theoretical framework of the study.  The results show that the investigated case has great potential to contribute to the development of a more equitable city as an environmental perspective is included in several parts of the planning of green areas. However, the material examined tends to be somewhat unclear in how the solutions will concretely solve the challenges of an increasingly dense and multicultural city, suggesting a lower consideration of the environmental justice perspectivein municipal planning of green spaces. / Urbaniseringen av världen är en världsomfattande utmaning som kräver lösningar på flera nivåer i samhället. Städer utgör platser för goda möjligheter till ett liv med hög kvalitet men med en ökande befolkningstillväxt i behöver fler och olika behov upprätthållas. I denna studie presenteras ett fall där syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken grad miljörättvisainkluderas i planering av grönområden i svenska kommuner. Studien baseras på insamling av dokument samt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Ett dokument för en svensk kommun har valts ut för analys. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställning har datamaterialet analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Miljörättvisa och rumslig rättvisa utgör det teoretiska ramverket i studien. Resultatet visar att det undersökta fallet har stor potential att vara bidragande till utvecklingen av en mer rättvis stad då ett miljöperspektiv inkluderas i flera delar av planeringen av grönområden. Dock tenderar det undersökta materialet att vara något otydligt i hur lösningarna rent konkret ska lösa utmaningarna i en allt tätare och mångkulturell stad, vilkettyder på en lägre hänsyn till miljörättviseperspektivet i kommunal planering av grönområden.

La place du jeu non structuré des enfants de 6 à 10 ans dans des espaces publics végétalisés de Montréal : une ethnographie critique

Epikmen, Ipek 07 1900 (has links)
Le déclin du jeu extérieur dans le contexte urbain se manifeste sous forme d’une épidémie de sédentarisation, d'obésité et de dépression chez les jeunes. Il s’inscrit dans un contexte où, depuis la deuxième moitié du 20e siècle, les efforts des villes pour créer des environnements destinés à l’usage des enfants s’orientent principalement vers la production d’espaces ségrégués et fortement régulés. Aujourd'hui, certaines municipalités adoptent des objectifs d’inclusion et manifestent un intérêt à repenser la place des enfants et de leurs activités sur leur territoire. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension des pratiques de jeu non structuré et des environnements qui les rendent possibles devient nécessaire. Cette recherche a été réalisée dans une approche d’ethnographie critique, dans la perspective d’une facilitatrice de jeu durant l’été 2021, au sein d’un camp de jour promouvant le jeu non structuré et risqué. Elle prend appui sur l’outil TOPO de cartographie comportementale, ainsi que sur des observations participantes. Menée dans trois espaces publics de Montréal, elle porte un regard critique sur les différents facteurs spatiaux et sociaux influençant le jeu des enfants dans la perspective du concept d’affordance. Elle discute l’influence des caractéristiques physiques de l’espace sur le jeu des enfants, l’influence de la perception du risque chez les adultes supervisant le jeu, les conflits avec les autres usagers de l’espace et l’influence de la gestion et de l’entretien de ces espaces publics, menés dans un souci de régulation et d’aseptisation. Cette recherche tente d’offrir un regard holistique et critique sur les conditions favorables au jeu extérieur dans le contexte montréalais. Elle met en lumière l’importance de la plasticité des lieux, des conventions sociales d’utilisation de l’espace et des « capabilités », pour une meilleure compréhension et un meilleur aménagement d’environnements propices au jeu. / The benefits of play for children are innumerable; however, we are observing a decline in outdoor play in cities, tied to a sedentarization, obesity and depression epidemic in young children. This situation is attracting increasing interest in academic and municipal contexts. Until recently, North American cities’ efforts were limited to the provision of segregated children’s spaces. Now that some cities are ready to rethink the place of play in our cities at a larger scale, it becomes important to better understand urban outdoor play and the environments making it possible. This master’s thesis is based on a critical ethnography conducted as a playworker in a day camp promoting unstructured outdoor play in three green public spaces of Montreal, Canada during the summer of 2021. It explores a variety of physical and social factors influencing children’s outdoor play from a perspective of affordances. It discusses the influence of space characteristics on play, the importance of supervising adults’ perception of risk, the conflicts with other users and the influence of different approaches to management and maintenance of public spaces. This research attempts to offer a holistic and critical view on the adequacy of public spaces in terms of facilitating play, in the Montreal context. It highlights the transgressive nature of play and its confrontation with everlasting regulatory practices of public space management. In an attempt to provide a better understanding of planning spaces that can accommodate unstructured play, it discusses the importance of plasticity of spaces, the social conventions around the usage of spaces and capabilities.

City decision-making : optimization of the location and design of urban green spaces

Leboeuf, Caroline 04 1900 (has links)
Le besoin grandissant pour une planification urbaine plus durable et pour des interventions publiques visant à l'amélioration du bien-être collectif, ont grandement contribué à un engouement pour les espaces verts. Les parcs sont reconnus pour leur impact positif en zone urbaine dense, et nous sommes intéressés par l'application des concepts théoriques du domaine de la recherche opérationnelle pour assister les décideurs publics afin d'améliorer l'accessibilité, la distribution et la conception des parcs. Étant donné le contexte, nous sommes particulièrement motivés par le concept d'équité, et étudions le comportement des usagers des parcs à l'aide d'un modèle d'interaction spatiale, tel qu'appliqué dans les problèmes d'emplacement d'installations dans un marché compétitif. Dans cette recherche, nous présentons un modèle d'emplacement d'installations à deux étapes pouvant être adapté pour assister les décideurs publics à l'échelle de la ville. Nous étudions spécifiquement l'application aux espaces verts urbains, mais soulignons que des extensions du modèle peuvent permettre d'aborder d'autres problèmes d'emplacements d'installations sujets à des enjeux d'équité. La première étape de notre problème d'optimisation a pour but d'évaluer l'allocation la plus équitable du budget de la ville aux arrondissements, basé sur une somme du budget pondérée par des facteurs d'équité. Dans la deuxième étape du modèle, nous cherchons l'emplacement et la conception optimale des parcs, et l'objectif consiste à maximiser la probabilité totale que les individus visitent les parcs. Étant donné la non-linéarité de la fonction objective, nous appliquons une méthode de linéarisation et obtenons un modèle de programmation linéaire mixte en nombres entiers, pouvant être résolu avec des solveurs standards. Nous introduisons aussi une méthode de regroupement pour réduire la taille du problème, et ainsi trouver des solutions quasi optimales dans un délai raisonnable. Le modèle est testé à l'aide de l'étude de cas de la ville de Montréal, Canada, et nous présentons une analyse comparative des résultats afin de justifier la performance de notre modèle. / The recent promotion of sustainable urban planning combined with a growing need for public interventions to improve well-being and health in dense urban areas have led to an increased collective interest for green spaces. Parks have proven a wide range of benefits in urban areas, and we are interested in the application of theoretical concepts from the field of Operations Research to assist decision-makers to improve parks' accessibility, distribution and design. Given the context of public decision-making, we are particularly concerned with the concept of fairness, and are focused on an advanced assessment of users' behavior using a spatial interaction model (SIM) as in competitive facility locations' frameworks. In this research, we present a two-stage fair facility location and design (2SFFLD) model, which serves as a template model to assist public decision-makers at the city-level for the urban green spaces (UGSs) planning. We study the application of the 2SFFLD model to UGSs, but emphasize the potential extension to other applications to location problems concerned with fairness and equity. The first-stage of the optimization problem is about the optimal budget allocation based on a total fair-weighted budget formula. The second-stage seeks the optimal location and design of parks, and the objective consists of maximizing the total expected probability of individuals visiting parks. Given the non-linearity of the objective function, we apply a ``Method-based Linearization'' and obtain a mixed-integer linear program that can be solved with standard solvers. We further introduce a clustering method to reduce the size of the problem and determine a close to optimal solution within reasonable time constraints. The model is tested using the case study of the city of Montreal, Canada, and comparative results are discussed in detail to justify the performance of the model.

Gröna miljöers användning på demensboenden

Jónsdóttir, Anna Elisabet Skovsgaard January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the use of green environments in dementia nursing-homes depending on the staff's educational level, the geographical position of nursing-homes and the time the elderly spend in green environments. This was a cross-sectional survey study with a total of 49 assistant nurses working in retirement homes for elderly with dementia in Gävleborg county, Sweden. The survey included a series of questions derived from four hypotheses:  There was predicted to be a difference in 1.     the nursing assistants use of green spaces for the health of residents depending on the nursing homes geographical position, 2.     the use of green spaces for the health of residents depending on the educational level of nursing assistants, 3.     the time the elderly residents spend in the green spaces depending on the nursing homes geographical position, and 4.     the time the elderly residents spend in the green spaces depending on the educational level of nursing assistants. The data was analysed using the analysis program IBM SPSS Statistics, version 27. The study findings suggests that there might be a relationship between nursing assistants use of green spaces to promote the health of elderly and geographical position of the nursing home. Further research is needed to determine which factors are at play regarding nursing assistants’ use of green spaces for residents of nursing homes. / Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka relationen mellan användandet av gröna miljöer på demensboenden beroende på personalens utbildningsnivå, boendens geografiska position och tiden de äldre vistas i gröna miljöer. Detta var en tvärsnitts enkätundersökning med totalt 49 undersköterskor som arbetar på äldreboenden för äldre med demens i Region Gävleborg Sverige. Enkäten inkluderade en rad frågor formulerade utifrån fyra forskningshypoteser:  Det finns en skillnad i 1.     undersköterskors användning av gröna miljöer för de äldres hälsa beroende på äldreboendens geografiska position, 2.     användningen av gröna miljöer för de äldres hälsa beroende på undersköterskornas utbildningsnivå, 3.     tiden då de äldre vistas i gröna miljöer beroende på äldreboendens geografiska position, 4.     tiden då de äldre vistas i gröna miljöer beroende på undersköterskornas utbildningsnivå. Rådatat analyserades med hjälp av analysprogrammet IBM SPSS Statistics, version 27. Studiens resultat tyder på att det kan finnas en relation mellan undersköterskors användning av gröna miljöer för att främja de äldres hälsa och äldreboendens geografiska position. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att fastställa vilka faktorer som påverkar undersköterskors användning av gröna miljöer för äldres hälsa på äldreboenden.

Pathways from Nature to Wellbeing through Immigrant Narratives : An Exploratory Study on Urban Green Spaces and Wellbeing in Sweden / Vägar från natur till välmående genom invandrares berättelser : En utforskande studie av urbana grönområden och välmående i Sverige

Tañada, Jose Maria Rafael January 2024 (has links)
With increasing trends in global migration and urbanization causing human health issues such as psychological stress, context-sensitive planning and strategizing for outdoor nature-based interventions, such as urban green spaces (UGS), paves way for sustainable and socially just cities and communities. This study aims to explore and identify this context in regard to immigrants in Sweden through triangulation of collected data involving participants’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors toward migration, urban green spaces, and human health in the framework of the perceived restorative qualities of Kaplan &amp; Kaplan’s Attention Restoration Theory (ART). Methods for data collection included an online survey and perceived restorativeness (PRS) test administered to 100 respondents, and semi-structured interviews, photovoice storytelling, and a similar PRS test to 18 interviewees. The collected data was analyzed through mixed methods. Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis and the Kruskal-Wallis test to detect significant differences of PRS test results of survey respondents in regard to aspects of their migration background and UGS perspectives. Qualitative data analysis was performed using thematic analysis on data collected from the interviewees resulting to five identified main themes. Furthermore, results from both qualitative and quantitative analyses are interpreted through a reconstruction of narratives of potential UGS beneficiaries. Findings have shown evidence of migration-related experiences, memories, and lifestyles as main factors of current attitudes and behaviors toward UGS, and consequently affecting maximization of intended UGS benefits. Air pollution and negative social experiences were shown to be main factors affecting participants’ wellbeing and frequency of UGS use. Water features, family-friendly orientation, and walkability in outdoor spaces were shown to be main preferences hinting at pathways of UGS toward improved human wellbeing. Despite the challenge of needing personal life context to enlighten socially just decision-making in the planning of urban outdoor spaces, the interconnectedness of perspectives of interview and survey participants with varying migration backgrounds through the reconstructed narratives shed light on pathways that urban planners can choose to focus on. / Denna studie utforskar migrationens och urbana grönområdens (UGS) kontext i Sverige, med fokus på invandrares uppfattningar, attityder och beteenden gentemot UGS och hälsa inom ramen för Kaplan &amp; Kaplans Attention Restoration Theory (ART). Datainsamlingen inkluderade en online-enkät och ett test för upplevd återhämtning (PRS) som administrerades till 100 respondenter, samt semistrukturerade intervjuer, fotoberättelser och PRS-test till 18 intervjuade. Blandad metodanalys avslöjade migrationsrelaterade erfarenheter som nyckelfaktorer som påverkar UGS-användning och välbefinnande. Preferenser inkluderade vatteninslag, familjevänliga områden och gångvänlighet. Luftföroreningar och negativa sociala erfarenheter påverkade välbefinnandet och UGS-användningen negativt. Resultaten informerar om socialt rättvis stadsplanering.

Réduction du ruissellement par l’augmentation de surfaces perméables : évaluation de 2 scénarios d’aménagement d’un ensemble résidentiel à Laval

Fernet, Catherine 07 1900 (has links)
L’implantation répandue de nouveaux quartiers résidentiels sur le territoire de la périphérie urbaine est en partie responsable de la baisse du couvert végétal et de l’augmentation des surfaces imperméables à grande échelle. Les villes sont maintenant aux prises avec une augmentation constante de la production de ruissellement qu'elles doivent gérer au moyen d’un vaste réseau d’égouts et de canalisations. Des données sur les impacts de ces modèles de quartier résidentiel nous révèlent que cette forme d’habitat provoque la dégradation des milieux naturels et aquatiques. La présente étude vise à mettre à l’épreuve la stratégie d’aménagement de l’Open space design en comparant l’effet de trois situations d’aménagement d’ensembles résidentiels sur le coefficient de ruissellement pondéré (Cp). Les trois situations étudiées sont 1 : le développement actuel tel que conçu par le promoteur, 2 : un scénario de quartier visant la préservation des cours d’eau existants ainsi qu’une réduction des lots et des surfaces imperméables et 3 : un quartier avec des types d’habitation plus denses. Les coefficients pondérés obtenus sont respectivement de 0,50 pour le quartier actuel, de 0,40 pour le scénario 1 et de 0,34 pour le scénario 2. Au terme de cet exercice, il apparaît, d’une part, que la densification du bâti, la nature des surfaces et l’organisation spatiale peuvent concourir à diminuer la production de ruissellement d’un quartier. Cette étude permet de situer l’importance de la gestion du ruissellement dans la planification et l’aménagement du territoire. / The widespread introduction of new residential developments in the urban periphery is partly responsible for declining vegetation cover and a large scale increase in impervious surfaces. Cities are now grappling with a constant increase in runoff, which they have to manage through a vast network of sewers and drains. Data on the impacts of current residential models reveal that this form of development causes the degradation of natural and aquatic environments. The present study aims to test Open space design strategy by comparing the effect of three development situations on the weighted runoff coefficient (Cw). The three situations are 1: the actual development as conceived by the project’s promoter; 2: development aimed at preserving existing streams, reducing lot sizes and impervious surfaces; and 3: a higher-density cluster development plan. The weighted coefficients obtained are 0.50 for scenario 1, 0.40 for scenario 2 and 0.34 for scenario 3. As a result, it appears that the density of the structures, the nature of the surfaces and the spatial organization can all contribute to reducing the runoff in a given area. This study underlines the importance of runoff management in planning and land use.

Mestská zeleň a inštitucionálny rámec jej zabezpečovania / Urban green spaces and its institutional framework

Sukupová, Kristína January 2012 (has links)
The thesis Urban green spaces and its institutional framework attempts to analyze different cases of urban green spaces foundation and administration in which various public and private entities act. Based on these foundations it tries to come with an overview of the most important forms of provision of greenery in cities. Through research of available literature we came to the understanding that greenery in urban environments is not just a result of municipal service provided by a public authority but to its foundation, administration, financing and maintenance contribute also other entities. The overview created in the thesis is not exhaustive but can serve as an inspiration for various subjects at a time when local public authorities do not have sufficient resources to ensure satisfactory range and quality of public green.

Réduction du ruissellement par l’augmentation de surfaces perméables : évaluation de 2 scénarios d’aménagement d’un ensemble résidentiel à Laval

Fernet, Catherine 07 1900 (has links)
L’implantation répandue de nouveaux quartiers résidentiels sur le territoire de la périphérie urbaine est en partie responsable de la baisse du couvert végétal et de l’augmentation des surfaces imperméables à grande échelle. Les villes sont maintenant aux prises avec une augmentation constante de la production de ruissellement qu'elles doivent gérer au moyen d’un vaste réseau d’égouts et de canalisations. Des données sur les impacts de ces modèles de quartier résidentiel nous révèlent que cette forme d’habitat provoque la dégradation des milieux naturels et aquatiques. La présente étude vise à mettre à l’épreuve la stratégie d’aménagement de l’Open space design en comparant l’effet de trois situations d’aménagement d’ensembles résidentiels sur le coefficient de ruissellement pondéré (Cp). Les trois situations étudiées sont 1 : le développement actuel tel que conçu par le promoteur, 2 : un scénario de quartier visant la préservation des cours d’eau existants ainsi qu’une réduction des lots et des surfaces imperméables et 3 : un quartier avec des types d’habitation plus denses. Les coefficients pondérés obtenus sont respectivement de 0,50 pour le quartier actuel, de 0,40 pour le scénario 1 et de 0,34 pour le scénario 2. Au terme de cet exercice, il apparaît, d’une part, que la densification du bâti, la nature des surfaces et l’organisation spatiale peuvent concourir à diminuer la production de ruissellement d’un quartier. Cette étude permet de situer l’importance de la gestion du ruissellement dans la planification et l’aménagement du territoire. / The widespread introduction of new residential developments in the urban periphery is partly responsible for declining vegetation cover and a large scale increase in impervious surfaces. Cities are now grappling with a constant increase in runoff, which they have to manage through a vast network of sewers and drains. Data on the impacts of current residential models reveal that this form of development causes the degradation of natural and aquatic environments. The present study aims to test Open space design strategy by comparing the effect of three development situations on the weighted runoff coefficient (Cw). The three situations are 1: the actual development as conceived by the project’s promoter; 2: development aimed at preserving existing streams, reducing lot sizes and impervious surfaces; and 3: a higher-density cluster development plan. The weighted coefficients obtained are 0.50 for scenario 1, 0.40 for scenario 2 and 0.34 for scenario 3. As a result, it appears that the density of the structures, the nature of the surfaces and the spatial organization can all contribute to reducing the runoff in a given area. This study underlines the importance of runoff management in planning and land use.

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