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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1944-1953 m. partizanų karas šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos istorinėje, politinėje ir teisinėje kultūroje / The Guerrilla War of 1944-1953 in the Historical, Political and Legal Culture of Contemporary Lithuania

Gailius, Bernardas 07 July 2009 (has links)
Šis disertacija išsiskiria tuo, kad yra tiesiogiai skirta partizanų karo sampratos problematikai. Disertacijoje tiriama šiuolaikinei Lietuvos kultūrai būdinga partizanų karo samprata, atskleidžiama jos įtaka politiniams ir teisiniams reiškiniams ir sovietinės indoktrinacijos vaidmuo jai formuojantis. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturios dalys, išvados, šaltinių bei literatūros sąrašai. Pirmojoje dalyje atskleidžiama sovietinio pseudoistorinio pasakojimo apie partizanų karą įtaka šiuolaikinės Lietuvos istorinės kultūros susiformavimui. Antrojoje dalyje aptariamas politinis partizanų karo vertinimas, tiriami bandymai politiškai įprasminti partizanų karą ir tokios politikos atmetimas visuomenėje. Trečiojoje dalyje pagrindžiama, kad šiuolaikinė Lietuvos teisinė praktika kyla iš sovietinės „teisės“ tradicijos. Ši teisinės kultūros savybė siejama su istorinės ir politinės kultūros deformacijomis, sąlygotomis sovietinės pseudoistorijos primetimo. Ketvirtojoje dalyje nurodomos prielaidos formuotis alternatyviai, sovietinę indoktrinaciją atmetančiai partizanų karo sampratai. Visos viena kitą papildančios disertacijos dalys leidžia formuluoti išvadas apie sovietinės pseudoistorijos primetimo pasekmes šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos kultūroje ir šios problemos sprendimo būdus. / This dissertation for the first time deals exceptionally with the concept of the guerrilla war. The main problem of the research is the influence of the specific concept of the guerrilla war on the political and legal spheres and the role of the soviet indoctrination in the formation of such concept. The dissertation consists of the introduction, four parts, conclusions and the lists of sources and literature. In the first part the influence of the soviet pseudohistorical narrative over the formation of the contemporary historical culture is being discussed. In the second part the efforts to pay political homage to the guerrilla war and the failure of such efforts is being investigated. In the third part it is being argued that the legal practice concerning the former guerrilla fighters stems from the soviet “legal” tradition, this being the consequence of the deformation of the historical culture. In the fourth part the premises for the formation of the alternative concept of the guerrilla war are being considered. The research enables to formulate the conclusions about the consequences of the soviet indoctrination in the culture of contemporary Lithuania and the possible ways to cope with this problem.

1944-1953 m. partizanų karas šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos istorinėje, politinėje ir teisinėje kultūroje / The Guerrilla War of 1944-1953 in the Historical, Political and Legal Culture of Contemporary Lithuania

Gailius, Bernardas 07 July 2009 (has links)
Šis disertacija išsiskiria tuo, kad yra tiesiogiai skirta partizanų karo sampratos problematikai. Disertacijoje tiriama šiuolaikinei Lietuvos kultūrai būdinga partizanų karo samprata, atskleidžiama jos įtaka politiniams ir teisiniams reiškiniams ir sovietinės indoktrinacijos vaidmuo jai formuojantis. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturios dalys, išvados, šaltinių bei literatūros sąrašai. Pirmojoje dalyje atskleidžiama sovietinio pseudoistorinio pasakojimo apie partizanų karą įtaka šiuolaikinės Lietuvos istorinės kultūros susiformavimui. Antrojoje dalyje aptariamas politinis partizanų karo vertinimas, tiriami bandymai politiškai įprasminti partizanų karą ir tokios politikos atmetimas visuomenėje. Trečiojoje dalyje pagrindžiama, kad šiuolaikinė Lietuvos teisinė praktika kyla iš sovietinės „teisės“ tradicijos. Ši teisinės kultūros savybė siejama su istorinės ir politinės kultūros deformacijomis, sąlygotomis sovietinės pseudoistorijos primetimo. Ketvirtojoje dalyje nurodomos prielaidos formuotis alternatyviai, sovietinę indoktrinaciją atmetančiai partizanų karo sampratai. Visos viena kitą papildančios disertacijos dalys leidžia formuluoti išvadas apie sovietinės pseudoistorijos primetimo pasekmes šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos kultūroje ir šios problemos sprendimo būdus. / This dissertation for the first time deals exceptionally with the concept of the guerrilla war. The main problem of the research is the influence of the specific concept of the guerrilla war on the political and legal spheres and the role of the soviet indoctrination in the formation of such concept. The dissertation consists of the introduction, four parts, conclusions and the lists of sources and literature. In the first part the influence of the soviet pseudohistorical narrative over the formation of the contemporary historical culture is being discussed. In the second part the efforts to pay political homage to the guerrilla war and the failure of such efforts is being investigated. In the third part it is being argued that the legal practice concerning the former guerrilla fighters stems from the soviet “legal” tradition, this being the consequence of the deformation of the historical culture. In the fourth part the premises for the formation of the alternative concept of the guerrilla war are being considered. The research enables to formulate the conclusions about the consequences of the soviet indoctrination in the culture of contemporary Lithuania and the possible ways to cope with this problem.

Guerrilla interventions: questioning the use of unoccupied space

Zaborniak, Onilee 09 September 2013 (has links)
This interior design practicum explores alternative options for itinerant living in the twenty-first century with concern as to how unoccupied space is used more efficiently through questioning the way an individual identifies, inhabits and transforms unoccupied space into meaningful place. The designed solution emerges through case study research, photographic analysis and supportive space and place related theories as the guerrilla intervention of an adaptable, mobile interior unit. This micro dwelling challenges typical urban lifestyles and demonstrates that for individuals to form genuine connection and dependence on place, place must continuously reflect its occupant. This understanding of place and its subcomponents leads to a greater knowledge of user needs when designing alternative housing options within an increasingly itinerant society. Utilizing mixed methodologies and studying a 1:1 prototype, this practicum reveals an extended understanding of the potential unoccupied urban infrastructure has in providing rich environments to house temporal, versatile places to dwell and call home.

Gerillakriget : En kvalitativ studie om taget utrymme / The guerrilla warfare : A qualitative study about occupied space

Christerson, Louise, Samsson, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Forskningsfråga: Vad karaktäriserar framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring?  Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att tydliggöra de väsentliga inslagen i gerillamarknadsföring för att öka förståelsen för denna marknadsföringsmetod. Vi gör detta genom att analysera och klarlägga kärnan i gerillamarknadsföring, metodens olika inslag samt dess styrkor och svagheter. Vi kommer sedan att analysera den funktion gerillamarknadsföring kan ha i företags och organisationers samlade marknadsföring.  Metod: Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ studie som utgått från en deduktiv ansats med en induktiv karaktär. Den empiriska datainsamlingen gjordes främst utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter med spetskompetens inom det valda forskningsämnet.  Slutsats: Vår studie visar att framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring karaktäriseras av stor kreativitet, men att gerillaaktiviteten inte får ta över budskapet. Just för gerillamarknadsföring är det särskilt viktigt för marknadsföraren att definiera målgruppen, då detta är avgörande för kampanjens utfall. Slutligen är gerillamarknadsföringens syfte att skapa engagemang för att bidra till den ”buzz” som krävs för kampanjens framgång. / Research question: What characterizes successful guerrilla marketing?  Purpose: The aim of this paper is to clarify the essential elements of guerrilla marketing to increase the understanding of this marketing method. We do this by analysing and clarifying the core of guerrilla marketing and its various elements, as well as strengths and weaknesses. We will analyse which role guerrilla marketing can play in companies’ and organizations’ overall marketing.  Methods: The thesis is based on a qualitative study that assumes a deductive approach with an inductive character. The empirical data collection was done mainly based on semi-structured interviews with respondents with expertise skills in the chosen research topic.  Conclusion: Our study shows that high level of creativity characterizes successful guerrilla marketing, but also that the guerrilla activity may not take over the message. For guerrilla marketing, it’s very important for the marketer to define the target audience, as this is crucial for the campaign’s outcome. Finally, the aim of guerrilla marketing is to create engagement to contribute to the “buzz” required for the success of the campaign.

Guerrilla interventions: questioning the use of unoccupied space

Zaborniak, Onilee 09 September 2013 (has links)
This interior design practicum explores alternative options for itinerant living in the twenty-first century with concern as to how unoccupied space is used more efficiently through questioning the way an individual identifies, inhabits and transforms unoccupied space into meaningful place. The designed solution emerges through case study research, photographic analysis and supportive space and place related theories as the guerrilla intervention of an adaptable, mobile interior unit. This micro dwelling challenges typical urban lifestyles and demonstrates that for individuals to form genuine connection and dependence on place, place must continuously reflect its occupant. This understanding of place and its subcomponents leads to a greater knowledge of user needs when designing alternative housing options within an increasingly itinerant society. Utilizing mixed methodologies and studying a 1:1 prototype, this practicum reveals an extended understanding of the potential unoccupied urban infrastructure has in providing rich environments to house temporal, versatile places to dwell and call home.

Partizaninio marketingo kanalų taikymas elektroninei komercijai / Guerrilla marketing channels using in online marketing

Galinaitytė, Dainora 07 June 2014 (has links)
Šiuo magistrantūros studijų baigiamuoju darbu buvo siekiama identifikuoti tinkamiausius partizaninio marketingo kanalus elektroninėje komercijoje. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama e-komercijos samprata, aiškinamasi, kas yra partizaninis marketingas ir kokių kanalų panaudojimo pagalba internete jis yra panaudojimas. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiami ir analizuojami rezultatai lyginamojo tyrimo, kurio metu buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip keturios pasaulinės informacinių technologijų kompanijos „Apple“, „Google“, „Microsoft“ ir „IBM“ panaudoja 16 netradicinio marketingo kanalų. Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuluoti tokie sprendimai: norint tinkamai pasirinkti reklamos kanalą reikia turėti aiškią strategiją, kuria bus bandoma pasiekti vartotoją. Todėl siūloma vadovautis tokia pateikta schema. / According this Master studies final thesis, was seeking to identify the most suitable Guerilla Marketing channels in digital area. In theoretical part of thesis was analyzing conception of e-commerce, clarifying what is "Guerilla Marketing" and which kind of digital media channels are the most suitable for "Guerilla Marketing". The analytical part of the thesis presents and analyzes the results of a comparative study, which was conducted to examine how four global information technology companies Apple, Google, Microsoft, and IBM's use of 16 non-traditional marketing channels. The practical part: To select the proper channel of advertising you need to have a clear strategy that will attempt to reach the consumer. Therefore, it is proposed to follow the scheme which is the third part. According the details of the proposed scheme and follow the other criteria to choose the most appropriate non-traditional media channels.

Foreign Intervention and Warfare in Civil Wars: The effect of exogenous resources on the course and nature of the Angolan and Afghan conflicts

Lockyer, Adam January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) / This dissertation asks how foreign assistance to one or both sides in a civil war affects the dynamics of the conflict. This overarching question is subsequently divided into two further questions: 1) how does foreign intervention affect the capabilities of the recipient, and 2) how does this affect the nature of the warfare. The puzzle for the first is that the impact of foreign intervention on combat effectiveness frequently varies significantly between recipients. This variation is explained by recipients’ different abilities to convert the inputs of foreign intervention into the outputs of fighting capability. The nature of the warfare in civil war will change in line with the balance of military capabilities between the belligerents. The balance of capabilities will be responsible for the form of warfare at a particular place and time whether it be conventional, irregular or guerrilla/counter-guerrilla. The argument is then illustrated with two extensive case studies, of civil wars in Angola and Afghanistan, where temporal and spatial variation in the type of warfare is shown to correlate with the type, degree, and direction of foreign intervention.

Persistent and continuous? U.S. carrier aviation in irregular warfare.

Volpe, Kevin. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Jan 5, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

Fourth generation war : paradigm for change /

Katoch, Ghanshyam Singh. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Defense Analysis)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2005. / Thesis Advisor(s): Kalev Sepp. Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-185). Also available online.

One in Four

Zwiener, Nicole V 01 January 2016 (has links)
One in Four is an ad campaign targeted at raising awareness of on-campus sexual assault and the effects that assault has on survivors. This ad campaign will include testimonies of survivors of sexual assault within the Claremont Colleges and will be shared through social media and printed on physical flyers. This thesis will explore how marketing strategies, such as, social norms marketing, has the potential to change the audiences behavior in relation to their peers’ behavior. It will also explore the work of the Guerrilla Girls and how anonymity was crucial to their success. In addition, One in Four will examine the work of Barbara Kruger and her use of graphics and red text. Through the use of various marketing strategies and influence of the work of the Guerrilla Girls and Barbara Kruger, One In Four will be successful in it's goal of raising awareness, destigmatizing sexual assault and have survivors feel that their stories are important and they are not alone.

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