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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det sakrala landskapet i Olands härad

Karlsson, Sandra January 2005 (has links)
This paper analyses the existence and nature of the sacred landscape Olands härad during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Olands härad is located in Northern Uppland, onthe way to Östhammar, about 30 km northeast of Uppsala. The interpretations are done with help of place names studies as well as archaeological finds. The results indicate that different types of cult locations can be found in the area.

Till Guds förtörnelse : Utom äktenskapet födda kvinnor i Stranda härad under 1800-talet och 1900-talets första hälft. / To the resentment of God : Women born out of wedlock in Stranda judicial district during the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

Bodenholm, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the work is to investigate what the conditions were like for women born out of wedlock during the 19th century in Stranda judicial district in Småland. Since the Middle Ages, illegitimate children have had a special position in Swedish society, they have been regulated by both laws and by the religious power and this makes them an interesting group to investigate. Furthermore, my work intends to investigate women born out of wedlock, this as women throughout history have also experienced social and legal restrictions. Combining these two subordinate groups in society and examining how their lives turned out is not only a fairly unexplored area of ​​research but also an interesting one. In the work, a comparison between the 1830s and the 1860s will be carried out in order to examine whether the position of women born out of wedlock in society came to change. The conclusion is that there wasn’t a significant difference between the women born in the 1830s and the 1860s, most women got married and their husbands were neither socially untouchable nor from a similarly unfortunate upbringing as the women was. It’s also possible to see that the economic situation for the women wasn’t as bad as one might think but it’s important to clarify that only a handful of estate inventories were found in the archives. To summarize it’s possible to say that these women were not as badly affected by their title as illegitimate as previous dissertations have concluded and it’s even possible to think that illegitimate children in this part of Småland wasn’t as badly thought of as we like to think.

1600-talets Sjuhundrads häradsting ur ett genusperspektiv / The court of Sjuhundra härad in the 17th century, from a gender perspective

Ottosson, Sverker January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

”Detta måste ske i mörkret” : Barnkvävning och barnamord i Västbo härad i Småland 1860–1949 / ”This must be done in the dark” : Child suffocation and infanticide in Västbo district in Småland 1860–1949

Dyberg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
In the following essay I have studied child suffocation and infanticide in Västbo district in Småland 1860–1949. This has been done with a quantitative study of the district's death and funeral books which have shown the reduced frequency of the phenomena over time. I have also been able to point to a connection where child suffocation tended to occur in cases where the parents were married. Infanticide, on the other hand, was in most cases caused by an extramarital affair. Based on theories concerning the role of marriage,combined with the assumption that a female ideal is constructed on the basisof two counter-images, I have been able to show how the child murderer was seen as a greater threat to the social morality, compared with the married woman who suffocated her child in her sleep. Thus, there was also a greater tendency to punish the former more severely. In the qualitative part of thestudy, I have reviewed the district court's records concerning child murderers. Based on a theory that pregnancies, births and morality fell within the scope of a female sphere of responsibility, I have analyzed the actions of to the accused woman's homosocial group. Here, the study has been able to shed light on a significant female presence. This was partly reflected in the gender distribution of witnesses, as well as in how the authorities seemed to show aconfidence in the female sphere to bring clarity to the case.

Bonden stämmer prästen till tinget

Johansson, Annika Edit January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Nämnda ting men glömda : Ortnamn, landskap och rättsutövning

Svensson, Ola January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation describes the names related to justice and places in the landscape where justice was administered, applying an interdisciplinary perspective with place names as the chief source material. One aim is to collect and describe place names in Skåne designating or indirectly associated with meeting places and districts of the court, and to study the named places. The study covers many different periods, but especially the Middle Ages and the transition from the Late Iron Age to the Middle Ages. The analysis raises questions such as: Was there continuity in judicial sites between prehistoric and historic times? How old are the hundreds (härader)? Is there a spatial link between judicial sites and other central functions such as cult, markets, or rulers’ estates? The work is permeated by material-based onomastic research in combination with current perspectives in text research, historical geography, and archaeology. Nine case studies are conducted to describe the interaction between place, linguistic expression, and meaning. The study demonstrates the existence of a large corpus of names reflecting the early administration of justice. Most of the many field names which contain ting ‘court’ and galge ‘gallows’ can be related to the actual administration of justice. The medieval sites where courts assembled and people were executed stand out in particular, but in many cases these have prehistoric roots. Both unbroken continuity and the reuse of earlier places of assembly may be assumed. Close to sites with names indicating the administration of justice there are also landscape features with names that grant epic and mythical status to the locale. The special quality of these places was handed down, incorporated in larger narratives, based on changing ideas and circumstances in different periods. The landscape of the hundred courts (häradsting) is archaic, magnificent and mythical, and shared, qualities that contributed to the maintenance and legitimation of judicial practice. A division into a general, public judicial sphere and a more limited and exclusive sphere can be seen. In the medieval exercise of justice this division is manifested in two different judicial districts – härad and birk – but the phenomenon can be traced back to the Late Iron Age. The study also problematizes a traditional image of the names of the hundreds.

Spanska sjukan i Säffle och dess närområde : En historisk studie om hur Näs härad klarade av spanska sjukan / The Spanish flu in Säffle and its immediate area : A historical study on how Näs hundred managed the Spanish flu

Fjälltorp, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how a hundred and its public healthcare system managed the 1918 flu pandemic, with Näs hundred as a case study. Relevant information is found using archived copies of the provincial physician's sent letters, editions of the local newspaper, and death-and-funeral books. Such information includes mortality statistics, which measures were taken, which role the private sector had, and if there was any change within the public healthcare system. The study finds that the Spanish flu stood out from other illnesses and the general state of health. At its culmination in October, hundreds were sick and private workplaces were short of staff. The mortality rate seems to have been around 0.49% of the population, which is a reasonable rate in comparison to other case studies. When the epidemic was at its height, the authorities closed schools and prohibited events that attracted larger masses of people. This was announced through the local newspaper, alongside urges for the people to avoid crowding. Within the public healthcare system, there were no extensive changes, except an increase in workdays, a higher salary and a decrease in the number of nurses. There was a discussion on who should be allowed to be cared for in the epidemic hospital, as this hospital, according to routine, did not care for people with influenza or people from outside the central locality. There is no evidence on how this turned out, but some information seems to suggest that the hospital, or at least the epidemic nurse, did get to care for people with influenza. Nonetheless, it is clear that the public healthcare system could not manage the epidemic, and that the majority of people had to be treated in their homes by a relative or an ambulating nurse. When it comes to actions taken by the private sector, charity funding for the victims is the sole provable action. In contrast to other case studies, there is no evidence of private healthcare or charity organizations that would have cooperated with the public healthcare system. This charity, as well as those measures taken by the authorities, can be seen as consequences of a so-called institutional weakening, which itself would be a consequence of the epidemic outbreak. The outbreak showed that the public healthcare system could not handle an epidemic of this size, which in turn made established routines obsolete, showed that there were holes in the system and legitimized interventions made by the authorities. As a consequence, the aforementioned measures were taken to inhibit the spread of the epidemic and to care for the sick. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett härad och dess sjukvårdsorganisation klarade av 1918 års influensapandemi, med Näs härad som fallstudie. Relevant information hittades genom att granska provinsialläkarens konceptböcker, nummer av Säffle-Tidningen och död- och begravningsböcker från tiden. Sådan information inkluderar hur sjukan utmärkte sig som bidragande faktor till det allmänna hälsoläget, vilka åtgärder som vidtogs som reaktion av epidemin och ifall någon förändring i sjukvårdens organisation skedde till följd av spanska sjukan. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att spanska sjukan stod ut från övriga sjukdomar och det allmänna hälsoläget. Vid kulmen i oktober var hundratals insjuknade och arbetsplatser hade brist på personal. Dödstalet låg på runt 0,49% av befolkningen, vilket är ett rimligt tal i jämförelse med tidigare forskning. När epidemin var som mest utbredd stängde myndigheterna skolor, biografer och liknande tillställningar som drog till sig större folkmassor. Detta utannonserades i Säffle-Tidningen, samtidigt som de uppmanade folk att hålla distans till sjuka och undvika trängsel. Inom sjukvården kom inga större förändringar, utan främst utökade arbetstider, höjd lön och en minskning i antal sköterskor. En diskussion fanns dock kring vilka som skulle få vårdas i epidemisjukhuset, som enligt rutin inte tog emot folk sjuka av influensa eller folk utanför den centrala köpingen. Det går inte att belägga hur detta kom att se ut, men en del tyder på att epidemisjukhuset, eller åtminstone epidemisjuksköterskan, trotts allt kom att vårda folk sjuka i influensa. Oavsett är det klart att sjukvården inte hade beredskap nog att hantera sjukan, och att majoriteten av de sjuka fick vårdas i hemmet av anhörig eller kringvandrande sjuksköterska. Av vad man kan belägga med det givna källmaterialet är en välgörenhetsfond åt de utsatta det närmsta man kommer vad gäller reaktioner från privat sektor. Till skillnad från fallstudier i tidigare forskning finns inget bevis på att privat vård eller välgörenhetsorganisationer kom att samarbeta med sjukvården. Oavsett kan detta, samt de åtgärder och förändringar som vidtogs av myndigheterna, ses som ha kommit till följd av en institutionell försvagning, som i sig var en följd av det epidemiska utbrottet. Epidemin påvisade nämligen att sjukvården och samhället inte kunde hantera en så stor mängd sjuka, vilket gjorde att rutiner blev obsoleta, att hål i systemet uppenbarades, och interventioner kunde legitimeras av myndigheterna. Som följd vidtogs ovannämnda åtgärder för att försöka hämma epidemins spridning och vårda de sjuka.

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