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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När pandemierna når Sverige : spanska sjukan och corona- pandemiernas influens på media samt företagen

Wallin, Gustaf January 2021 (has links)
As a future teacher you need to make your students understand and realize that history is repeating itself. Frequently, as teachers this results in us providing examples such as how Napoleon and Hitler tried to invade Russia and how both ended up failing their sought-outquest. Time of despair is typically moments of the history and past which later will show in our history books and we teach our children in school. In the society today, a pandemic has spread around the world. World hunger and war are no longer the main news filling our tv screens. The pandemic is showing everywhere in media and might be equally terrifying to think about in both a medicinal point of view as in an economical. The horrors that a pandemic brings affects the society in many ways. Time of uncertainty, both to our health and economical status are effects of the pandemic and one way of understanding the gratitude which situations such as a pandemic brings is to teach our students about pandemics of the past. The Spanish flu was a pandemic which affected the world approximately one century ago, and its characteristics seem to resemble the modern-day corona pandemic. In today´s society, we are attained by media from several angles some of which are through social media. In many ways these global platforms are a main part of our source of acquired news through internet´s global characteristics of being instant and easily accessible. To teach diseases such as the Spanish flu and the corona virus, it is easier to use examples and materials which the students understand and use. Magazines was the “present day” information providing source which we used, and still is to some extent in today´s society. However, with the growing online-based society the tool of providing information through magazines is slowly progressing to becoming outdated.  Therefore, in this study, a comparison between the two pandemics will be made through data collected from the magazine; Hallandsposten from 1918, and the social media platform;Instagram in 2020, will be presented. The study will focus on both medias way of portraying the different pandemics, both in an economical point of view through advertising and through the two medias way of depicting the two pandemics.

"Vi är inte en tummelplats för dårar" : Hur journalister och ansvariga utgivare resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material i lokaltidningar / "We are no playground for maniacs" : How journalists and legally responsible publishers reason about and react to user generated content in local newspapers

Öberg, Therese, Borgström, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Sedan 1700-talet har läsarnas medverkan varit en väsentlig del i tidningarnas produktion. Utan deras deltagande har det inte heller blivit någon tidning. En förändring på området skedde när professionaliseringen av publicistrollen blev ett faktum och läsarnas medverkan ifrågasattes. Samhällsförändringar och tekniska utvecklingar har sedan lett fram till det vi har idag: ett samhälle där medieorganisationerna är i allt större behov av att läsarna återigen deltar i olika former. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka hur journalister och ledning på tre olika lokaltidningar resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material, samt vilka möjligheter användarna har att delta. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med lokaltidningarnas ansvariga utgivare och två journalister på respektive redaktion har vi fått fram att tidningarna generellt har ett positivt förhållningssätt till användargenererat material. De anser att teknikens utveckling både har hämmat och främjat relationen till läsarna i takt med att olika plattformer har utökat tidningarnas grundläggande publiceringskanal, det vill säga papperstidningen. Informanterna tror på ett ökat samarbete mellan yrkesverksamma journalister och användare i framtiden. De hävdar samtidigt att användarnas material inte får ta allt för stor plats och på så sätt konkurrera ut redaktionsmaterialet. Vidare menar de att yrkesprofessionen och de kunskaper som den omfattar är en av grundpelarna i tidningens funktion och så bör det förbli. I diskussionen använder vi oss av begrepp som offentlighet och deltagande samt resonemang kring det förändrade mediesammanhanget och den journalistiska yrkesprofessionen. / Since the eighteenth century user contribution has been a crucial part of newspaper production. Without the participation from the public there hasn’t been a newspaper at all. The professionalization of the publicist role became the starting point who changed how people valued user contribution. Societal change and the technical development has then led to the society we have today – a place where media organizations find themselves in a greater need for user participation to survive. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine how three local news papers reason about and react to user generated content and also to find out what possibilities the users have to participate. Thru semi structured interviews with the legally responsible publisher for each news paper and two journalists from each editorial staff our result shows that the news papers have a positive attitude towards user generated content in general. The informants say that the technological development have been both an improvement and inhibitory in the relationship to the readers. They believe in an increased cooperation in the future but at the same time emphasize the fact that user generated content can’t be allowed to take too much place and become a rival to the journalistic material. The informants also say that the knowledge they posses thru their journalistic education is the main core in their work as well as in the idea and function of the news paper. That is the way it should remain. We use terms and theories about the public sphere, participation, media convergence and the journalistic profession in our discussion.

Johan Svipdag och Hallandsposten möter "Dåren Hitler" : Slutrapport 2013-03-25

Skagshöj, Matts January 2013 (has links)
<p>Faktagranskning: Mats Bergquist, Docent i Statsvetenskap</p>

Borggårdskrisen – en liberal intern strid : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om Hallandsposten och Dagens Nyheters ställning under Borggårdskrisen

Arvidsson, Amanda, Eliasson, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
This study circuits around the swedish monarch, Gustav V, courtyard speech february the 6th 1914, since this action is seen as the critical moment in the discourse of the defence question in Sweden during that time. This study examines how the local newspaper Hallandsposten and the nationwide newspaper Dagens Nyheter describes the discourse during the courtyard crisis in 1914, and the internal conflict in the liberal party between the left och right wing in the defence question. The purpose of this study is to examine how the two newspapers describe the discourse about the defence question and if the descriptions contain any differences. The purpose is also to study why the differences exist and what they contain. To track any differences this study aims to review the two newspapers use of words that are of significance to the reader's perception of the discourse. The material of this study is thus the article sabout the courtyard crisis found in the two newspapers. This material is analysed by a critical discourse analysis method and the result of this method is then reviewed from the discourse theory.

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