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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les grandes familles marchandes hadramies de Djedda, 1850-1950 / The big hadrami merchant families of Jeddah, 1850-1950

Pétriat, Philippe 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude suit le parcours de familles marchandes hadramies établies à Djedda, de 1850 à 1950. Appuyée sur des sources européennes, ottomanes et des archives privées, elle présente un groupe particulier, remarqué pour son rôle économique au Hedjaz, de la notabilité provinciale ottomane et de la diaspora hadramie. Son appartenance à la notabilité locale, remarquable dès les années 1850, tenait à l'adaptation des structures familiales à un réseau marchand étendu, au rôle de ces grands négociants dans la communauté hadramie, et leur intégration au milieu d'affaires de la cité. Djedda jouait alors le rôle de port de La Mecque et constitua une plateforme commerciale entre l'Inde, la côte africaine de la mer Rouge, et l'Égypte. Le parcours de ce familles issues du Hadramaout croise ainsi l'histoire économique et politique du Hedjaz sur un siècle. Il replace l'histoire de la province dans son contexte global, notamment dans celui des relations entre la Méditerranée et l'océan Indien. L'évolution de la composition du groupe des grands marchands hadramis de Djedda et de leurs activités accompagne les changements du cadre économique et politique du Hedjaz successivement province de l'Empire ottoman et émirat chérifien, royaume hachémite en 1916 puis région occidentale du royaume d'Arabie saoudite à partir de 1925. L'effacement, au cours des années 1930-1940, de ces grands marchands, et l'émergence d'hommes d'affaires eux aussi issus de l'immigration hadramie au Hedjaz, soulignent la réorientation du commerce et des migrations régionales, autant que le changement de régime politique et l'avènement des revenus pétroliers. / This work adresses the history of Hadrami merchant families settled in Jeddah from 1850 to 1950, a group that is still well-known for its economic role in the Hejaz and Saudi Arabia,. Built on private, Ottoman and European archives, it describes a specific group of the Ottoman provincial notability and of the Hadrami diaspora. As soon as the 1850s, their being part of Jeddah's notability was the result of three main factors : their success in adapting family agency to an extensive network of trade, their role in the local Hadhrami community, and their integration into the business group of the city. In the 19th century, Jeddah was Meccas harbor and a platform for trade between India, the East-African coast and Egypt. In this way, the history of these farnilies from Hadhramaut was closely related to the economic and political history of Hejaz. It brings back the history of the Hejaz in its global context, evidencing the connections between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. Changes in these merchants' activities and in the composition of their group paralleled the changes in the economic and political situation of the Hejaz, which was successively a province of the Ottoman Empire and a Sharifian Emirate, the Hashemite Kingdom in 1916 and the western region the Saudi Kingdom from 1925 onwards. During the 1930s and the 1940s, the gradual disappearance of these traders from the economic elite of the country, and the emergence of other Hadrami business men, illuminate the impact of new directions of trade and regional migrations, that proved as important as the new political regime and the beginning of oil wealth.

New perspectives and challenges of puerto Matarani within the regional context and the globalization / Nuevos retos y perspectivas del puerto de Matarani en el contexto regional en el marco de la globalización

Fernández Ibarra, Elder Junior 10 April 2018 (has links)
The permanent and each time fastest scientific innovations, as well as technological and telecommunications in the industrialized countries, irreversible influence the productive patterns of the underdeveloped countries. This pushes them to insert themselves and to include withinthis new world order that brings the globalization. These changes are dramatic in countries like ours, whose productive structure is still traditional. The transformation of these structurescomes together with the increment of social inequalities and therefore territorial expressed in hierarchies. However, this will depend on the adaptability capacity of each social group to the new economic context.Peru is not foreign to this type of harbor system that generates a series of dynamics in the role of harbor cities, enhancing them as spatial logistics at global level, where the public and private enterprises’ intervention, as well as the role of the State as local and regional subsidiary agent. These dynamics that result from the network system, the spatial configuration patterns and production of these traditional spaces, and the changes that may occur when insert themselves to a more sophisticated stage than the actual one, is focus of economic development understood as the bettering of the peoples quality of life, are the elements for this research. / Las permanentes y cada vez más rápidas innovaciones científicas, tecnológicas y de telecomunicaciones, en los países industrializados, influyen irreversiblemente en el cambio de los patrones productivos en países subdesarrollados, de tal modo que obliga a estos, a poder insertarse e incluirse dentro de este nuevo orden mundial que trae consigo la globalización. Estos cambios son dramáticos en países como el nuestro cuya estructura productiva es aún tradicional. La transformación de estas estructuras viene acompañada del incremento de las desigualdades sociales y consiguientemente territoriales que se expresan en jerarquías territoriales. No obstante, esto dependerá de la capacidad de adaptabilidad que tenga cada grupo social al nuevo contexto económico. El Perú no es ajeno a este tipo de sistema portuario, generando consigo una serie de dinámicas en el rol de las ciudades donde se encuentran estos puertos, consolidándolo como espacios logísticos a nivel global, donde la intervención de las empresas públicas y privadas, así como el rol del Estado como agente subsidiario local y regional, donde se determinaran las condiciones de consolidación y desarrollo de los Puertos en el país. El puerto de Matarani juega un rol importante y determinante en el departamento de Arequipa y en la Macrorregión Surdel Perú, donde se convierte como el principal centro logístico, desplazando a otros puertos importantes no solo dentro del país sino de países vecinos. Estas dinámicas producto del sistema de redes, en los patrones de configuración espacial y producción de estos espacios tradicionales, y los cambios que se pueden producir al insertarse a una etapa mucho más sofisticada que en la actualidad es fuente del desarrollo económico establecido como la mejora en la calidad de vida de la población, son los elementos para esta presente investigación.

Remodelação de obras portuárias: fundações em estacas mistas no porto novo do Rio Grande

Dziekaniak, Nelissa Gonçalves January 2005 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Oceânica, Escola de Engenharia, 2005. / Submitted by Lilian M. Silva (lilianmadeirasilva@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-24T21:08:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Remodelação de obras portuárias fundações em estacas mistas no porto Novo do Rio Grande.pdf: 4211844 bytes, checksum: f74687913f7ccb9fd3b84d92bf2b6138 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira(bruninha_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2013-06-13T18:45:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Remodelação de obras portuárias fundações em estacas mistas no porto Novo do Rio Grande.pdf: 4211844 bytes, checksum: f74687913f7ccb9fd3b84d92bf2b6138 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-13T18:45:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Remodelação de obras portuárias fundações em estacas mistas no porto Novo do Rio Grande.pdf: 4211844 bytes, checksum: f74687913f7ccb9fd3b84d92bf2b6138 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Um porto é um sistema dinâmico, que cresce e sofre mudanças. Quando o tipo de carga ou o modo de transportá-la muda, o porto necessita ser modernizado para ser adaptado a essas mudanças. E por estar sujeito a um ambiente extremamente severo e a condições de serviço bastante pesadas, um programa constante de manutenção e reparo precisa ser conduzido pelas autoridades portuárias. Neste contexto, esta dissertação apresenta diversas opções de projeto e métodos de execução para serem utilizados na recuperação, remodelação ou modernização das mais diferentes estruturas de atracação. Além disso, são apresentados dois casos em particular. O primeiro trata-se da recuperação do Cais do Porto Velho do Rio Grande, onde se aponta as providências emergenciais já tomadas e indicam-se soluções que podem ser empregadas de maneira definitiva para a completa recuperação do cais de gravidade, que localiza-se no Centro Histórico da cidade. O outro caso particularmente estudado, é a obra de remodelação do cais do Porto Novo do Rio Grande. Neste segmento deu-se maior ênfase a uma análise das estacas do mar do novo cais, objetivando avaliá-las e obter conclusões sobre sua segurança. Para isto, foram aplicados Métodos Dinâmicos(Fórmulas Dinâmicas) e Método Estático (Método de Aoki e Velloso) para a previsão da capacidade de carga. Foram feitas análises de ensaios Dinâmicos (Equação da Onda) com variação de energia a fim de comparar o comportamento observado com os valores previstos. De um modo geral, foram obtidos valores médios aceitáveis para os coeficientes de segurança adotados. Por fim, procedeu-se a análise estatística dos resultados de capacidade de carga obtidos através da verificação do desempenho pelo emprego de 3 metodologias: pelo conceito de Resistência Característica, pelo conceito de Coeficiente de Segurança Global e pelo Conceito de Probabilidade de Ruína, com o intuito de complementar o estudo sobre a resistência e a integridade do elemento estrutural e a resistência do solo. Ficou comprovado que as estacas suportarão satisfatoriamente a carga de projeto, inclusive absorvendo-a somente pelo fuste, o que ocasiona coeficientes de segurança aceitáveis para o estaqueamento. / A harbor is a dynamic system that grows and passes by changes. When a kind of cargo or a way of transporting them changes, the harbor needs to be updated to be adequated to these variations. And being exposed to an environment extremely severe and to so hard work conditions, a constant program of maintenance and restoration needs to be conducted by port authorities. In this context, this dissertation shows several options of projects and methods of executions to be applied in rehabilitation, remodeling and updating of the most different structures of docking. Besides, two cases are specially presented. The first one is related to the rehabilitation of the Old Port Pier of Rio Grande, where it is pointed the emergencial providences already taken and solutions are indicated to be applied in a definitive way to a complete recuperation of the quay wall, that is located at the Historical Center of the city. The other case specially studied, is the remodeling building of the New Port Pier of Rio Grande. In this segment, it was given greater emphasis to an analysis of the new pier sea piles objecting to evaluate them and obtain conclusions about its security. For this, Dynamic Methods were applied (Dynamic Formulae) end Static Method (Aoki and Velloso Method) to the bearing capacity prevision. Dynamic Essay analyses were made (Wave Equation) with energy variation in order to compare the observed behavior with the foreseen values. In a general way, it was obtained the acceptable mean values for the adopted security coefficient. At last, it was been done the statistical analysis on the bearing capacity results obtained through the examination performance by applying three methodologies: by the Characteristic Resistance Concept, by Global Security Coefficient Concept and by the Failure Concept, intending to complement the study about the resistance and integrity of the structural element and the ground resistance. It has been proved that the piles will support satisfactorily the project charge, as well as absorbing it only by the shaft, occurring acceptable security coefficient for the stacking.

Access and Barriers to Services for Dependent and Non-Dependent Commercially Sexually Exploited Children in Florida

O'steen, Brianna 15 July 2016 (has links)
“Human trafficking” has become part of the everyday lexicon in the United States and globally over the last fifteen years. The issue has made its way into political platforms, scholarly work, church congregations, and international aid agendas. Florida is currently recognized as third in the nation for number of cases of human trafficking. This thesis employs ethnographic interviews and observations to understand one portion of Florida’s human trafficking problem referred to as domestic minor sex trafficking. This type of trafficking affects mostly teenage girls from marginalized populations, such as those that have experienced the child welfare system, homelessness, and impoverished circumstances. In 2013 the state passed the Florida Safe Harbor Act, modeled after the New York State Safe Harbour for Exploited Children Act, to address the needs of this population through legislation. The Act specifies certain policy and procedural changes, as well as the role of the Department of Children and Families. Further, it prohibits minors from facing prostitution charges, recognizing that they cannot consent to commercial sex because of their age. This study investigates the Safe Harbor Act’s impact on agencies and the public in terms of raising awareness about domestic minor sex trafficking. With no immediate funding attached to the bill, or dedicated in the state budget, Florida is still struggling to provide adequate care for this population. In addition to policy analysis, this study examined existing services, assessed current needs in the field, and created an interactive map to locate services for professionals working in the field. While Florida has clearly improved its ability to manage these cases over the last three years, there is still much work to be done to address domestic minor sex trafficking. Based on these findings, this thesis offers recommendations for policy and further research on successful practices in working with this population’s specific needs.

Les activités maritimes de la Province d'Afrique romaine (de 46 av. J.-C. – jusqu'en 439 apr. J.-C.) / The maritime activities of the province of Roman Africa (46 av J. -C - up to 439 after J. C.)

Saidi, Ali 29 January 2016 (has links)
Il s'agit de faire la reconstitution de l'ensemble du paysage portuaire. On va aussi étudier des différents mécanismes des activités maritimes faisant des cités portuaires de la province d'Afrique romaine, des véritables centres économiques. Autrement dit, on essayera d’étudier les infrastructures portuaires et les aspects, du rôle assumé par ces villes, en tant que points de contact, entre le monde de l’arrière-pays et de l’outre-mer. Dans ce contexte, on tâchera de réexaminer plusieurs thèses, concernant l’évaluation du rôle des ports, dans le processus du commerce maritime extérieur. Cette réflexion nous amènera à examiner les aspects de l’aménagement du réseau routier terrestre ainsi que l’organisation des itinéraires maritimes, qui contribuèrent à l’écoulement de divers produits africains. On examinera également, la nature des marchandises qui constituaient les cargaisons, les divers navires partant des ports. L’organisation administrative et législative du transport, surtout de l'annone, aussi le commerce maritime, son importance, tant qu’elle nous renseigne sur les procédures employées par le pouvoir central romain, pour organiser ce commerce, enfin sur l’importance des villes portuaires, de la province d'Afrique pour Rome. / This is to reconstitute the entire port landscape. We will also study the different mechanisms of maritime activities which make the port cities of the province of Roman Africa, the real economic centers. In other words, we will try to study the port infrastructure and the aspects of the role played by these cities as points of contact between the world of inland and oversea. In this context, we will try to review several theses on the assessment of the ports role in the process of foreign maritime trade. This reflection leads us to examine aspects of the organization of land road network and the organization of maritime routes, which contributed to the flow of various African products. We also consider the nature of the goods which were the cargo, various ships from the ports. The administrative and legislative organization of transport, especially the annona, as maritime trade, its importance, as it provides information on the procedures used by the Roman central authority to organize this trade, finally the importance of port cities of the province of Africa to Rome.

Passive Acoustic Studies of Estuarine Fish Populations of Southwest Florida

Locascio, James Vincent 25 February 2010 (has links)
Recordings of fish sound production were made in Charlotte Harbor, Florida using Long Term Acoustic Recording Systems (LARS) programmed to record 10 seconds of sound every 10 minutes. Results demonstrated a strong circadian pattern in fish sound production that occurred within a few hours of dusk each evening. Sound production lasted on average 8.7 hrs each evening during the peak spawning season. LARS were deployed when Hurricane Charley crossed Charlotte Harbor in August, 2004. The hurricane did not inhibit nightly chorusing events of spawning fish. Rather, sound levels produced by spawning fish on the night of and 3 days after the hurricane were higher and lasted longer than any of the 9 days recorded prior to the hurricane. Acoustic time series data recorded at multiple sites in Charlotte Harbor during 2005 revealed changes in the spatial distribution of fish sound production in response to increased freshwater inflow and consequent decreased bottom dissolved oxygen concentrations in early June. Fish sound production decreased rapidly over several days at study sites in the northern portion of the harbor most immediately affected by changes in environmental conditions. Meanwhile, fish sound production increased at the study site furthest seaward where normoxic levels were sustained. By August levels of fresh water inflow decreased substantially, bottom dissolved oxygen levels increased and sound production resumed at sites previously affected by these conditions. Fish sound production began intermittently in February and ended in November. Peak levels were reached by mid-late April / early May and continued throughout the summer time. Seasonal patterns of sound production match the reported spawning periods of estuarine sciaenid species recorded. Black drum sound production was measured in the canal systems of Cape Coral and Punta Gorda, Florida during the 2004-2006 spawning seasons. The circadian pattern of sound production was similar to other sciaenids documented in Charlotte Harbor. Seasonal patterns of black drum sound production occurred during October through April and peaked in February. This seasonal period of sound production also matched patterns of black drum reproductive readiness and spawning reported in the literature for the Gulf of Mexico. A hydrophone array was used in the Cape Coral canal system to localize calling black drum and measure source levels and propagation of calls. Source level estimates averaged 165 dBRMS re: 1muPa SPL (SD=1.0) (n = 1,025). Call energy was concentrated in the fundamental frequency (94 Hz) and first two harmonics (188 Hz and 282 Hz). A square root model best described propagation of the fundamental frequency and first harmonic and a log 10 model best described the second harmonic. Based on the mean RMS source level, signal propagation, background levels, and hearing sensitivity, the communication range of black drum at the study site was estimated at between 33 and 108 meters and was limited by background levels, not auditory sensitivity. The timing and levels of sound production and egg production were compared in black drum. Eggs were collected hourly from 1800 - 0400 by surface plankton tows on two consecutive evenings while black drum sound production was continuously recorded. This sampling effort was conducted five separate times from January through April, 2006. Evidence of the time of spawning was indicated by the collection of blastodiscs (fertilized single cell eggs) or back calculated early cleavage stage eggs. Neither the timing nor the quantity of sound production was positively correlated with egg production on a nightly basis and the greatest densities of eggs were collected on evenings which had the lowest levels of sound production. This may have been due to differences in the fecundity of individual females spawning on the evenings when sampling was conducted.

Trademark infringement online : The accountability of internet intermediaries for third-party trademark infringement in the EU and the US

Lindell, Philip January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Ceriodaphnia bioassay on three types of field applied sewage sludge fertilizers /

Chou, Ya-Juin 01 January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

The United States and Naval Limitation: From the Washington Conference to Pearl Harbor

Murphy, David Jonas January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

An Evaluation of the Secondary School Curriculum of the Harbor Springs School

Luce, C. Lester January 1949 (has links)
No description available.

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