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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Fishing Tackle Should I Bring Today?: Safety Harbor Resource Collection Tools as Adaptations to Aquatic Environments

Davis, Richard J, III 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reports on the results of research conducted to determine whether technological adaptations to local environmental conditions can be observed through geospatial and artifact analysis of Safety Harbor collections from the Tampa Bay region of Florida. Past artifact and spatial analysis did not take advantage of modern technological advancements when studying how human-environmental interactions can influence certain adaptations to local conditions. In this project, GIS was used to reconstruct local aquatic environmental conditions of waterways adjacent to Safety Harbor sites. New statistical software programs have also proven themselves useful to archaeologists seeking to conduct hypothesis testing of artifact data. The Safety Harbor artifacts used in this analysis were accessed through the Alliance for Weedon Island Archaeological Research and Education (AWIARE) lab on Weedon Island. Fishing artifacts from these sites underwent hypothesis testing to identify any statistically significant morphological differences. Geospatial analysis was also conducted to determine if these differences correlate with differing aquatic environmental conditions. Technological adaptations to local conditions at these three sites were then compared to those previously identified in research on the Calusa. Ultimately, it was found through this research that Safety Harbor peoples did adapt their fishing technology differently depending on the aquatic environment adjacent to their occupation site. Additionally, the adaptations observed in Safety Harbor fishing technology were similar to those identified in research on the Calusa.

Foraging ecology, diving behavior, and migration patterns of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) from a glacial fjord in Alaska in relation to prey availability and oceanographic features

Womble, Jamie Neil 12 March 2012 (has links)
Understanding the movement behavior and foraging strategies of individuals across multiple spatial and temporal scales is essential not only for understanding the biological requirements of individuals but also for linking individual strategies to population level effects. Glacial fjords scattered throughout south-central and southeastern Alaska host some of the largest seasonal aggregations of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) in the world, and an estimated 15% of the harbor seal population in Alaska is found seasonally at these glacial ice sites. Over the last two decades, the number of harbor seals has declined at two of the primary glacial fjords, in Aialik Bay in south-central Alaska and in Glacier Bay in southeastern Alaska, thus raising concerns regarding the viability of seal populations in glacial fjord environments. From 2004-2009, the foraging ecology, diving behavior, and migration patterns of harbor seals from Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska were examined in relation to prey availability and oceanographic features in Glacier Bay and the surrounding regions of southeastern Alaska. Time-depth recorders, very high frequency transmitters, and satellite-linked transmitters were used to quantify the vertical and horizontal movement patterns of harbor seals in the marine environment. Specifically, (1) I characterized the diving behavior, foraging areas, and foraging strategies of female harbor seals from terrestrial and glacial ice sites relative to prey availability during the breeding season (May-June) in Glacier Bay, (2) I quantified the intra-population variation in at-sea post-breeding season (September-April) distribution and movement patterns of female harbor seals in relation to oceanographic features, (3) I quantified the post-breeding season migration patterns of female harbor seals relative to the boundaries of the marine protected area of Glacier Bay National Park, and (4) I characterized the use of the continental shelf region of the eastern Gulf of Alaska by female harbor seals from Glacier Bay, both as a foraging area and as a migratory corridor in relation to oceanographic features. During the breeding season, there was a substantial degree of intra-population variation in the diving behavior and foraging areas of juvenile and adult female seals from glacial ice and terrestrial sites in Glacier Bay. The presence of multiple diving strategies suggests that differences in the relative density and depth of prey fields in glacial ice and terrestrial habitats in addition to seal age and reproductive status may influence diving and foraging behavior of harbor seals. During the post-breeding season, juvenile and adult female harbor seals ranged extensively beyond the boundaries of the marine protected area of Glacier Bay National Park, throughout the northern inshore waters of southeastern Alaska and the continental shelf region of the eastern Gulf of Alaska between Cross Sound and Prince William Sound, Alaska (up to 900 kilometers away). Seals exhibited a relatively high degree of intra-population variation in their at-sea post-breeding season distribution patterns that may be a function of extrinsic factors such as oceanographic characteristics, which can influence prey availability as well as intrinsic factors including previous experience with foraging areas and seal condition and age. Use of the continental shelf region of the eastern Gulf of Alaska by harbor seals as a foraging area may be due to enhanced biological productivity which may be associated with ephemeral hydrographic and/or static bathymetric features. Despite extensive migrations of seals from Glacier Bay during the post-breeding season, there was a high degree of inter-annual site fidelity of seals to Glacier Bay the following breeding season after seals were captured. / Graduation date: 2012

Cooperação, experiência e sobrevivência: a história dos trabalhadores do Porto de Porto Alegre (1961 – 1989)

Falcão, Jairo Luiz Fleck 10 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T12:06:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar a trajetória dos trabalhadores do porto de Porto Alegre, subdivididos em funcionários subordinados ao DEPRC e trabalhadores avulsos – estivadores, conferentes, portuários, consertadores, vigias portuários, arrumadores e trabalhadores do bloco – que prestavam serviços para as companhias de navegação na área do porto organizado e, crescentemente no entorno do porto. Por meio da metodologia da História Oral, cotejada com a documentação escrita, investigamos os indícios deixados pelas diversas categorias de trabalhadores que construíram sua história a beira do cais, explorando as relações do ponto de vista estrutural e os nexos com a conjuntura do momento. Caracterizamos as formas de atuação desses trabalhadores na beira do cais, examinando a solidariedade de classe, as assembleias, os costumes e as disputas internas, peculiares na formação da experiência de cada categoria. Com a crise e decadência do porto de Porto Alegre e seus desdobramentos, ocorre uma reorganização dos t / This thesis objectives to analyze the way of harbor workers of Porto Alegre, subdivided in subordinate employees to DEPRC and single workers – dockers, conferents, portuaries, repairman fault, portuary watchmen, usher and block workers – whose made services to navigation companies in organized harbor area and, increasement around the harbor. Through the methodology of oral history, collated with written documentation, we investigate the clues left by the various categories of workers who built his story to the waterfront, exploring the relationship between the structural point of view and the links with the conjuncture of the moment.We characterize forms of actions of these workers in the edge of the pier, examining sympathy of this category, assemblies, habits and intern fights, singular in formation of experience in each unfolds occurs a reorganization of single workers and autonomus whose tried alternatives to beyond the harbor.

Sublethal effects of estuarine carbaryl applications on juvenile English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus)

Pozarycki, Scott V. 23 April 1999 (has links)
The pesticide carbaryl is applied annually to tidelands in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, WA to control populations of burrowing shrimp which modify sediments making the habitat unsuitable for oyster culture. Fish trapped on sprayed mudflats are often killed, but little is known about effects on fish present in subtidal channels or migrating over treated mudflats with a flood tide. The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of estuarine carbaryl applications on fish present in these areas. Field studies with caged juvenile English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) indicated that brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity is decreased following carbaryl application. Mean brain AChE inhibition was 26% in fish placed on treated mudflats and 24% in fish placed subtidally. Maximum individual values approached 50%. Maximum carbaryl water concentration measured by HPLC was 1.2 ug/ml at the cage sites. Sediment concentrations on treated mudflats were as high as 2300 ug/g OC 24 hrs post application. The concentration of carbaryl in invertebrates collected from treated mudflats has been measured as high as 76 ug/g, and English sole likely ingest these contaminated prey in the field. Laboratory studies conducted to evaluate the effect of such an oral exposure indicated that brain AChE activity is decreased with the ingestion of as little as 1% body weight of food pellets spiked to field concentrations. AChE inhibition exceeding 25% is predicted in wild fish based on the ingestion of average quantities of food (5% body weight) at average measured concentrations (30 ug/g). Limited recovery occurs 24 hrs after exposure indicating effects can be compounded with further ingestion. This oral exposure coupled with the effect measured in caged fish suggests AChE inhibitions exceeding 50% are possible assuming the effects are additive. The significance of this decrease in AChE activity was then evaluated in terms of two ecologically important endpoints. First, the effect of carbaryl on the ability of English sole to bury in sediments was determined Results indicate this behavior is affected by carbaryl in a dose-dependent manner with fish not burying at higher concentrations. A regression model indicated that 50-60% brain AChE inhibition is a threshold value below which burying decreased sharply. This is within the range of estimated field exposures. Recovery of burying behavior occurs shortly after the removal of the exposure with all exposed fish in the present study recovering the ability to bury in sediments within 24 hrs. Mean brain AChE inhibition at the time of recovery was 60%. The effect of carbaryl on the English sole nonspecific immune response was also evaluated. Head kidney phagocytes were isolated from English sole and exposed to carbaryl in vitro. Phagocytosis was then evaluated based on the percentage of cells ingesting heat killed yeast. The percentage of phagocytic cells decreased at doses of 10 and 100 ug/ml. These concentrations are likely higher than can be attained during an in vivo exposure. Effects on this immune response are thus unlikely in field exposed English sole. / Graduation date: 1999

Överraskning - Vilka indikatorer påverkar? : En studie av de två fallen Pearl Harbor och Sexdagarskriget / Surprise - What indicators affect? : The cases of Pearl Harbor and the Six Days War

Axelsson, Lucas January 2013 (has links)
Principen överraskning är en av de äldsta principer som finns att använda i striden. Principen ses som grunden för striden och för vilka metoder som kan använda för att lyckas i striden. Men vad innebär överraskning egentligen och hur har den använts? Uppsatsen kommer att problematisera principen överraskning och anknyta till forskningen om överraskning till Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget, som har setts vara typiska överraskningsanfall. Såg anfallen likadana ut och vilka indikatorer utifrån litteraturen påvisar att det var en överraskning? Inledningsvis kommer överraskning beskrivas utifrån vald litteratur för att åskådliggöra innebörden. Litteraturen kommer att analyseras och göra underlag för senare del av uppsatsen. Därefter appliceras och granskas de på de två olika överraskningsanfallen med vilka indikatorer som användes vid respektive anfall till litteraturteorin. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultatet och författaren ger förslag på ny forskning med anknytning till ämnet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att problematisera principen överraskning och vilka indikatorer som påverkar principen överraskning. Jag kommer att genomföra en komparativ modell mellan Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget. Denna analys genomförs genom en kvalitativ textanalys och uppsatsens analytiska ram är principen överraskning. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i denna uppsats är analys utifrån teorin överraskning samt litteratur om Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget. / The principle of surprise is one of the oldest principles that is to used in battle. Principle as the basis of the conflict and the methods you can use to succeed in battle. But what does surprise really mean, and how is it used? The essay will problematize the principle of surprise and connect the research on surprise to Pearl Harbor and the Six Day War that has been seen to be typical surprise attacks. Did the attacks look the same and do the indicators from the literature show that it was a surprise?Initially the principle surprise will describe the selected literature to illustrate the meaning. The literature will be analyzed and make a basis for the later part of the essay. Then I will analyze the literature and apply it on the two surprise attacks, if they were using the same indicators. Finally it discusses the results and the author suggests new research related to the topic. The purpose of this paper is to problematize the principle of surprise and the indicators that affect the principle of surprise. The essay will conduct a comparative method between Pearl Harbor and the Six Day War. This analysis is performed by a qualitative text analysis and essay analytical framework is the principle of surprise. The theoretical basis of this paper is the analysis based on the theory and literature surprise of Pearl Harbor and the Six-Day War.

Att definiera “Cyber-Pearl Harbor” Validering av DSLP-ramverket i “Offensive Cyberspace Operations Targeting Ukraine: a Cyber Pearl-Harbor

Eishayea, Eleshwa, Lilja, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Användningen av cyberattacker mot organisationer, sjukvård och individer har ökat parallellt med digitaliseringen. Nationer har också blivit offer för dessa typer av attacker, som ofta kombineras med andra medel för krigföring såsom markanfall och missilattacker. En Cyber-Pearl Harbor (härefter förkortad CPH) är en term uppmärksammad av Leon Panetta som enligt honom består av kombinerade attacker som resulterar i mänsklig död, fysisk förstörelse och som lamslår en hel nation. Gazmend Huskaj använder sig av Panettas definition för utformande av ett ramverk (“DSLP-ramverket”) som är tänkt användas för att kunna klassificera en händelse som en CPH. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska om DSLP-ramverket kan valideras då termen har brukats de senaste 25 åren utan att en global definition tagit fäste, det är därför inte säkert att de kriterier som presenteras i ramverket överensstämmer med vad cybersäkerhetsexperter anser att en CPH är. Forskningsfrågan som utvecklades från denna studie blev följande: “Hur kan ramverket "DSLP-ramverk" från "Offensive Cyberspace Operations Targeting Ukraine: a Cyber Pearl-Harbor" (2023) valideras för klassificering av cyberattacker som Cyber Pearl-Harbor?”. En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes med en litteraturöversikt över termen CPH samt en semistrukturerad intervju där 3 experter utfrågades, vilket sedan analyserades via en tematisk analys. Som ett första steg för att besvara denna studies frågeställning applicerades ramverket på tre verkliga fall, detta för att avgöra huruvida dessa fall kan klassificeras som en CPH eller inte. Dessa tre verkliga fall var en attack mot en publik sjukvårdssektor i Costa Rica, ett TV-torn i Kiev, Ukraina samt dagligvarukedjan Coop i Sverige. Resultatet av valideringen av DSLP-ramverket var att endast fallet med TV-kornet i Kiev, Ukraina kunde klassificeras som en CPH. Den kognitiva effekten av eventet var dock inte förlamande nog att paralysera hela Ukraina, vilket gör klassificeringen diskutabel. Det andra steget bestod av en tematisk analys som gjordes på de tre experterna, vilket resulterade i skapandet av fyra huvudteman: Begreppets betydelse, Försvar mot Cyber-Pearl Harbor, Probabilitet och Kombinerade anfall. Följande slutsatser kom att dras i denna studie: Avsaknaden av en internationell/global standard gör det svårare att 1) göra upp om en gemensam definition av termen samt 2) klassificera en CPH i verklig kontext. Kombinationer av flera attacker och verktyg är en annan aspekt som understryks vid definiering av en CPH. Huruvida en CPH har skett eller inte varierar från expert till expert, och detsamma gäller probabiliteten för att en CPH kan ske i dagens kontext. Baserat på dessa slutsatser blir det svårt att validera DSLP-ramverket. Ytterligare forskning och data, intervjuer med experter och förtydligande behövs för att skapa en universell definition och därmed en gemensam grund att utgå ifrån. / The use of cyberattacks against organizations, health care and individuals have increased along with the constant digitalisation. Nations have also fallen victim to cyberattacks, often combined with other means of war like boots on the ground or missiles. A Cyber-Pearl Harbor (further shortened as CPH) is a term mentioned by Leon Panetta described in his words as “combined attacks that result in human death and physical destruction and that paralyzes an entire nation”. Gazmend Huskaj used Panettas definition in order to create a framework (“DSLP-framework”) for classifying an event as a CPH. This study strives to see if the DSLP-framework can be validated since the term has been widely used for the last 25 years, however a universal definition of the term seems to be missing, therefore it is not certain that the criterias presented in the framework is accurate to what cybersecurity experts consider a CPH to be. The research question developed from this study's problem became the following: “How can the framework “DSLP-Framework” from “Offensive Cyberspace Operations Targeting Ukraine: a Cyber Pearl-Harbor” (2023) be validated for classification of cyberattacks as Cyber Pearl-Harbor?”. A qualitative case study was conducted through a literature overview regarding the term CPH and a semistructured interview with three experts, which were later analyzed through a thematic analysis. As a first step to answering the research question, the framework was applied to three real life cases in order to determine whether or not they can be classified as a CPH. The following cases were an attack on a public health sector in Costa Rica, a TV-tower in Kyiv, Ukraine and the grocery company Coop in Sweden. The result from applying each case to the DSLP-framework was that only the case of the TV-tower in Kyiv could be classified as a CPH. However, the cognitive effects of the event were not crippling enough to paralyze the entirety of Ukraine, making the classification debatable. The second step was done through the use of thematic analysis on the interviews with the experts, in which four main themes were created: The meaning of the concept, Defense against Cyber-Pearl Harbor, Probability and Combined attacks. The following conclusions were drawn in this study: The absence of an international standard makes it harder to 1) conclude a common definition of the term and 2) classify a CPH in real context. The combinations of attacks and tools is another important aspect to highlight when defining a CPH. Whether a CPH has happened or not varies from expert to expert, and the same goes for the probability of a CPH occurring in today's context. Based on these conclusions, it is hard to validate the DSLP-framework. Further research and data, interviews with experts and clarification is needed in order to create a universal definition and therefore a common ground to start from.

Circum-harbour afforestation plan around Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

Loh, Kwai-lam, Dorothy., 羅桂林. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Geography / Master / Master of Philosophy

Regionalization of Scar Patterns on the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Observed at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida.

Unknown Date (has links)
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is native to Florida and the Indian River Lagoon. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) is located in Indian River Lagoon and is frequently visited by manatees. The Manatee Project was created in 2009 to document and photograph the manatees visiting HBOI. Analyzing photographs of 146 manatee that visited HBOI showed that a majority of the injuries sustained were caused by boats. 97% of the manatee had at least one propeller injury and 31% of the manatee had at least one skeg injury. Other non-boat related injuries seen in the images included cold stress and entanglement injuries. This study looked at the prevalence of scar by anatomical region, the cause of injury, and compared injury locations between male and female manatees. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Pearl Harbor and 9/11: A Comparison.

Nielsen, Chad L 03 May 2008 (has links)
Pearl Harbor and 9/11 have been compared together since the 9/11 attacks. This thesis analyzes the two from the viewpoints of the politicians, the media, and finally the effects on culture. Sources were gathered from newspapers, books, journal articles, government resources, and internet web sites. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are similar on the surface, but upon looking into further circumstances, dissimilarities are found between the two events. With sixty years between the two events the outcome and delayed reactions are different, but the initial response is similar.

Habitat Use by Bottlenose Dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon

Unknown Date (has links)
The objective of this research was to examine bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) habitat use in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) based on monthly relocation of photo-identified individuals, prey availability and environmental factors from 2003-2015. We focused on the variation of spatial and temporal abiotic and biotic factors and their influence on bottlenose dolphin habitat use patterns. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) conducted monthly photo-identification surveys along the length of the IRL and GPS locations of photographed dolphins were collected at the time of surveying. Stratified random samples of prey and environmental variables were collected monthly by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) as part of the Fisheries-Independent Monitoring (FIM) program. Kernel density estimation was used to determine the magnitude-per-unit area of dolphins across a continuous raster surface of the IRL by wet and dry seasons each year, the values of which were used as a response variable in Classification and regression tree (CART) analyses with FIM fish community and environmental factors as predictors. Understanding how dolphins respond to environmental factors over time in the IRL could be used to predict future responses in estuaries and prioritize conservation and restoration actions. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2019. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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