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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

»Tritt oder Passus«: Rhythmisch-metrische Modelle in Tänzen aus Michael Praetorius’ Terpsichore und Johann Hermann Scheins Banchetto musicale

Serrano, Daniel 27 October 2023 (has links)
Michael Praetorius’ Terpsichore. Musarum Aoniarum Quinta (1612) präsentiert sich als Sammlung von Tänzen, aus der von Ausführenden verschiedene Stücke zusammengestellt werden können, um daraus eine Tanzfolge zu bilden. Das Banchetto musicale (1617) von Johann Hermann Schein hingegen gliedert sich in zwanzig Tanzfolgen mit zusätzlicher Intrada und Padouana. Drei gleiche Arten von Tänzen lassen sich sowohl in Terpsichore als auch im Banchetto musicale beobachten: Pavane de Spaigne, Gaillarde und Courante bzw. Padouana, Gagliarda und Courente. Der Gegenüberstellung dieser einmal französisch, einmal italienisch bezeichneten Tänze in den beiden Sammlungen ist diese Untersuchung gewidmet. / Michael Praetorius’s Terpsichore. Musarum Aoniarum Quinta (1612) takes the form of a collection of dances from which different pieces can be selected by performers to form a set of dances. The Banchetto musicale (1617) by Johann Hermann Schein, in contrast, is divided into twenty sequences of dances, with an additional Intrada and Padouana. The same three types of dances can be observed in both Terpsichore and Banchetto musicale: Pavane de Spaigne, Gaillarde, and Courante, and Padouana, Gagliarda, and Courente respectively. The focus of this study is the comparison of these dances designated in the two collections in French and Italian respectively.

La conservación y restauración de las obras de Hermann Nitsch: el Teatro de las Orgías y Misterios como obra de arte total

Limatola, Laura 16 November 2023 (has links)
[ES] El presente trabajo de doctorado se centra en el artista, accionista, intelectual, compositor, escenógrafo y filósofo austriaco Hermann Nitsch y en su controvertida producción artística de mediados del siglo XX. Esta investigación se ha realizado desde la perspectiva de la conservación y tutela de obras de arte contemporáneas de naturaleza mutable y polimatéricas. La peculiaridad de este tipo de obras y los problemas derivados de su conservación son un tema que se entrelaza con los valores filosóficos intrínsecos a cada pieza. La investigación y el análisis de todos los factores implicados, tanto materiales como inmateriales, son los que hacen especialmente compleja la función del restaurador. Esta tesis propone, en primer lugar, un análisis de la compleja obra de Hermann Nitsch que, a menudo, se desarrolla con dinamismo, asumiendo la connotación de lo que él mismo considera Gesamtkunstwerk, es decir, Obra de Arte Total. A continuación, se analiza el "Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch" de Nápoles, donde se alojan las obras del artista vienés, llevando a cabo una catalogación de las tipologías de obras, de los materiales que las componen y del papel que cada objeto adquiere en las instalaciones artísticas. A partir de este análisis de la conservación de las obras de Nitsch, el objetivo final es articular el concepto general de conservación preventiva, incluyendo la fase de documentación y los criterios de prevención de daños, para garantizar la correcta conservación a largo plazo durante el almacenamiento. / [CA] El present treball de doctorat se centra en l'artista, accionista, intel·lectual, compositor, escenògraf i filòsof austríac Hermann Nitsch i en la seua controvertida producció artística de mitjan segle XX. Aquesta investigació s'ha dut a terme des de la perspectiva de la conservació i tutela d'obres d'art contemporànies de naturalesa mutable i polimaitericas. La peculiaritat d'aquesta mena d'obres i els problemes derivats de la seua conservació són un tema que s'entrellaça amb els valors filosòfics intrínsecs a cada peça. La investigació i l'anàlisi de tots els factors implicats, tant materials com immaterials, són els que fan especialment complexa la funció del restaurador. Aquesta Tesi proposa en primer lloc una anàlisi de les complexes obres d'Hermann Nitsch, que sovint es desenvolupen dinàmicament, adoptant les característiques del que ell denomina Gesamtkunstwerk, o Obra d'Art Total. A continuació s'analitza el "Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch" de Nàpols, on s'allotgen les obres del mestre vienés, duent a terme una catalogació de les tipologies d'obres, dels materials que les componen i del paper que cada objecte adquireix en les instal·lacions artístiques. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi de la conservació de les obres de Nitsch, l'objectiu final és articular el concepte general de conservació preventiva, incloent-hi la fase de documentació i els criteris de prevenció de danys, per a garantir la correcta conservació a llarg termini durant l'emmagatzematge. / [EN] This doctoral Thesis focuses on the Austrian artist, intellectual, composer, philosopher Hermann Nitsch and his controversial artistic production which started in the mid-twentieth century. The research is carried out from the perspective of the conservation of contemporary artworks of unstable and multi-material nature. The peculiarity of this kind of artwork and the problems resulting from their conservation are subjects which relate to the philosophical values intrinsic of each piece. The investigation and analysis of all the involved factors, both material and immaterial, represent a particularly challenging task for the conservator. This Thesis proposes at first an analysis of Hermann Nitsch's complex work, which often develops with dynamics, assuming the connotation of what he calls Gesamtkunstwerk, i.e. Total Work of Art. This is followed by the study of the "Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch" in Naples, where several works of the Viennese artist are collected, characterizing the different typologies of artworks, the used materials as well as the role that each object holds during the art installations. On the basis of these investigations, the final goal is to articulate the general concept of preventive conservation, including the documentation phase and the criteria for damage prevention, in order to ensure proper long-term conservation during storage. / Limatola, L. (2023). La conservación y restauración de las obras de Hermann Nitsch: el Teatro de las Orgías y Misterios como obra de arte total [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199856

Étude sur l’épistémologie naturalisée de Hermann von Helmholtz et Friedrich-Albert Lange dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle et ses analogies argumentaires avec l’épistémologie naturalisée de W.V.O. Quine au XXe siècle.

Descarreaux, Samuel 19 January 2024 (has links)
Cet ouvrage est consacré au kantisme non orthodoxe de Friedrich-Albert Lange (1828-1875) et Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) développé dans la seconde moitié du XIXe qui propose une révision psychophysique de l’épistémologie kantienne. On affirme que ce procédé n’aboutit pas à une réduction psychologique de la connaissance qui aurait pour conséquence d’éliminer une objectivité judicative (contrairement à ce que prétendent plusieurs commentateurs) ; en revanche, ce procédé apporte des modifications significatives aux conditions de possibilité nécessaires et universelles de l’expérience qui légitiment chez Kant une objectivité judicative. On démontre que l’épistémologie développée par ces deux auteurs peut être qualifiée de « naturalisme méthodologique » et partage avec l’épistémologie naturalisée développée au XXe siècle par Willard von Orman Quine (1908-2000) une série de stratégies argumentaires analogues qui expliquent essentiellement « how evidence relates to theory, and in what ways one's theory of nature transcends any available evidence. » (Quine, 1969, 83) Ainsi afin de soutenir qu’il existe une telle épistémologie naturalisée au XIXe siècle, on divise l’ouvrage en trois parties. La première section (chapitres premier et deuxième) introduit le concept de « naturalisme épistémologique » et étudie ses conséquences doctrinales et conceptuelles. La seconde section (chapitres troisième, quatrième et cinquième) argumente que l’inscription de l’épistémologie kantienne dans un cadre conceptuel naturalisé n’implique pas l’élimination d’une réflexion de second ordre sur les raisons qui légitiment une objectivité judicative au profit d’une simple étude des causes psychophysiques de la perception et des jugements qui s’y rapporte. La troisième section (chapitres sixième et septième) est consacrée à la question de l’objectivité des jugements logico-mathématiques et plus particulièrement à leur signification intuitive dans le cadre de l’expérience psychophysique. À partir de ces trois sections, on prétend pouvoir démontrer que l’épistémologie naturalisée de Helmholtz, Lange et Quine mobilise des stratégies argumentaires structurellement analogues malgré des contextes historiques et conceptuels radicalement différents. On retrouve à la fin de chaque section des remarques conclusives comparatives qui mettent en valeur (autant que faire se peut) ces stratégies argumentaires analogues utilisées au XIXe et au XXe siècle.

Dein Reich komme : eine missionstheologische Arbeit über den Zusammenhang zwischen Reich-Gottes-Verständnis und missionarischer Gemeindepraxis am Beispiel August Hermann Francke / Thy kingdom come : a missiological study on the relationship between the concept of the Kingdom of God and missionary church practice using the example of August Hermann Francke

Schultze, David Kurt Hilmar 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, English and German summaries / Die Masterthesis zeigt auf, wie das Reich-Gottes-Verständnis die Theologie und die missionarische Praxis im hallischen Pietismus bei August Hermann Francke beeinflusst hat. Mittels einer Literaturarbeit wird in missionstheologischer Perspektive das hallische Gottesreich-Verständnis erforscht sowie aus missionsgeschichtlicher Sicht die Praxis der hallischen Pietisten dargestellt. Beide Blickwinkel werden miteinander in Verbindung gesetzt, so dass die Zusammenhänge zwischen Reich Gottes und Gemeindepraxis herausgearbeitet werden. Es zeigt sich, dass die Reich-Gottes-Rede die Rahmenbedingungen, den Bezugspunkt, die menschliche Partizipation, die Ganzheitlichkeit sowie die Reichweite des missionarischen Handelns in Halle maßgeblich beeinflusst hat. Auf Basis der Forschungsergebnisse werden Schlüsse und Praxisimplikationen für die heutige Diskussion um den Reich Gottes Begriff und die missionarische Praxis gegeben. / This study shows how the concept of the Kingdom of God has influenced the theology and missionary church practice of August Hermann Francke. By means of a literature study, the concept of the Kingdom of God in Halle Pietism is researched from a perspective of mission theology. In addition to that the church practice of Francke will be presented from a perspective of mission history. Both points of view are linked to each other so that the relations between the Kingdom of God and church practice are worked out. It is obvious that the view of the Kingdom of God has decisively influenced the framework, the point of reference, human participation, the holistic approach, as well as the range of missionary activity in Halle. On the basis of the research results, conclusions and practical implications for today’s discussion about the concept of the Kingdom of God and missionary practice are given. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)


LUCIANE GONZAGA DE OLIVEIRA 20 May 2005 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da Dissertação é o estudo da Arquitetura Moderna Alemã, das condições sociais, políticas e econômicas em que ela foi elaborada, de seus antecedentes teóricos e sua participação no Movimento Moderno. O período estudado neste trabalho abrange os trinta anos iniciais do século XX, até a chegada dos Nazistas ao poder na Alemanha, em 1933. A Alemanha passou, em um espaço de tempo de 60 anos, por guerras e mudanças políticas profundas que unificaram o país em 1870, transformaram-na em uma república democrática em 1918 e, com a chegada dos Nazistas ao poder em 1933, em uma ditadura. A Primeira Guerra Mundial afetou toda a Europa e, principalmente, a Alemanha derrotada, estabelecendo um marco divisor da produção arquitetônica. Além das questões políticas, trata-se de uma época marcada por profundas transformações da ciência e da tecnologia afetando as relações econômicas, as condições de trabalho, a indústria, a família, a vida humana individual e coletivamente, a cidade, os objetos da vida diária, desde os utensílios até a moradia. Os profissionais deste período tiveram de dar conta desse novo conjunto de condições que passou a determinar o mundo em que viveriam a partir de então. Esses anos foram definitivos para a arquitetura alemã e para a arquitetura moderna, não apenas pela incorporação de novas idéias, mas pelas atitudes práticas tomadas em relação aos problemas contemporâneos. / [en] This dissertation aims at studying the German Modern Architecture, the social, political and economical conditions in which it was developed, its theoretical background and its participations in the Modern Movement. The period of time studied in this paper is the first thirty years of the 20th century up to the moment when the Nazis got the power over Germany in 1933. For sixty years, Germany went through wars and other important political changes. The country was unified in 1870 and after the First World War it became a Democratic Republic in 1918. Then, in 1933, it became a Dictatorship with the Nazi government. The First World War affected all Europe and mainly the defeated Germany establishing a boundary in the architectonic production. Besides the political considerations, this moment shows meaningful changes in science and technology which influenced the economy, the industry, the work relations, the family, the human life - individual and collective, the city, the daily objects - both household objects and also the house itself. The professionals of this time had to deal with a set of conditions which would determine the world from then on. These years where expressive in Modern Architecture, not only for the new ideas, but also for the practical attitudes in relation to the contemporary problems.

Modernizace rakousko-uherského válečného námořnictva v letech 1897-1914 / Development of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, 1897-1914

Kalecká, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this study is to describe the way Austria-Hungary followed to create and develop a modern navy in 1897-1914, and to determine, which factors were decisive in creating the final composition of the fleet. As the base for the research, a number of works related to the subject were studied, but far more important was detailed research of primary sources located in Austrian State Archives. The main line of the research as well as of this study follows negotiations on navy's budgets because of the assumption that the very base for building ships and developing the navy are financial resources. Among the more important subtopics are the way the navy had to award producers form both state, Austria and Hungary, with adequate portion of contracts, the Austro-Italian naval arms race, and the structure of the Austro- Hungarian fleet. The research revealed, that the ideal fleet as imagined by the commanders of the navy was a product of theories concerning a decisive battle and naval supremacy then widely widespread, and of the rivalry with Italy. However, the extent to which the ideal could have been followed, depended on the economic situation of both states; in the process of discussing and voting navy's budgets, the decisive word belonged to governments, not to delegations. The way the navy had...

Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en a Whistling Woman : Kielhaal (roman) / Kielhaal

Kapp, T. P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In fulfilment of the degree of Magister in Creative Writing: Afrikaans, a novel titled Kielhaal (Keelhaul) is presented in which the main character figures as an abject hero. It is accompanied by a formal essay titled “Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en A Whistling Woman” (“The abject hero in Steppenwolf, Fight Club and A Whistling Woman”). The essay researches the application of the abject hero in literary texts.

Inner Experience : An Analysis of Scientific Experience in Early Modern Germany

Rydberg, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
In the last decades a number of studies have shed light on early modern scientific experience. While some of these studies have focused on how new facts were forced out of nature in so-called experimental situations, others have charted long-term transformations. In this dissertation I explore a rather different facet of scientific experience by focusing on the case of the Prussian university town Halle in the period from the late seventeenth till the mid-eighteenth century. At this site philosophers, theologians and physicians were preoccupied with categories such as inner senses, inner experience, living experience, psychological experiments and psychometrics. In the study I argue that these hitherto almost completely overlooked categories take us away from observations of external things to the internal organisation of experience and to entirely internal objects of experience. Rather than seeing this internal side of scientific experience as mere theory and epistemology, I argue that it was an integral and central part of what has been referred to as the cultura animi tradition, that is, the philosophical and medical tradition of approaching the soul as something in need of cultivation, education, disciplination and cure. The study contains four empirical chapters. In the first chapter I analyse the meaning and function of experience in Christian Wolff’s philosophy understood as spiritual exercise and cultura animi. In the second chapter I examine experience in the theologian Hermann Francke’s cultura animi, focusing particularly on the relation between scientific experience and what scholars have referred to as religious experience. In the third chapter I chart aesthetic experience in Alexander Baumgarten’s aesthetics. In the fourth chapter I examine the role of experience in the medicine of Georg Ernst Stahl, Friedrich Hoffmann and their followers. The analysis of medical experience channels the discussion into questions regarding the relation between the cultura animi tradition and the kind of attitudes, practices and processes that have been connected to modern objectivity.

Generál prof. JUDr. Bohuslav Ečer / Bohuslav Ečer-his life and work

Dudáš, Michal January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I focused on the czech lawyer and jurist JUDr. Bohuslav Ečer. He became one of the main ideologist of international criminal law thanks to his hard work . He represeted Czechoslovakia during the Nuremberg trials after World War II.

Změna okupační politiky ve správní oblasti od léta 1942 do konce roku 1943 / The transformation of the occupation policy in the administration demain from the summer 1942 to the end 1943

Havlínová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The beginning of the occupation of the Czech Lands was closely linked to a variety of political, economic, and social problems. It was necessary to gain control over all respective administrative structures in order to ensure the smooth function of the state. In the first phases of the occupation, the temporary military administration was established and the basis for the future development of occupational structures was thus laid. An autonomous administration continued to work alongside the two-levelled German administration. Although the German administration was to take care of German citizens' affairs and to watch over the Protectorate authorities, the autonomous one soon began to succumb under the German influence. After some time, it became obvious that the German administration was overgrown and inefficient; that a reform had to be made. A man behind the reform was Reinhard Heydrich, sent to the Protectorate with a special mission to restore order. The number of occupational authorities was supposed to be diminished together with the number of staff, the redundant employees to be commanded to the frontline. This situation was made easier by the fact that the autonomous bodies had already been infiltrated by German officials; therefore there were not many difficulties while taking over them....

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