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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den vanmäktige allsmäktige : Framställningen av Gud i två senmoderna svenska romaner

Siljeholm, Lars January 2014 (has links)
Both contemporary research in History of Religions and current public debate tell us that Christianity as a religious form is challenged in today’s society. Nevertheless, Christianity is often present in secular artistic expression such as fictional literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine how God is portrayed in two late-modern Swedish novels, Djävulen och Gud by Mare Kandre (1993) and Boken by Niklas Rådström (2013). The examination is based on a hermeneutic method using close reading in order to answer the questions asked. The result of the examination shows that God in the late-modern novels is portrayed as a figure with shifting emotions, and in both novels God goes through changes which are in some ways similar. The creator’s understanding for the human beings increases the more he learns about the humans and their free will and the closer to humanity he gets.


Arvidsson, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Forensic psychiatric care is a complex business. Patients who are cared for in forensic psychiatry are usually in need of care for a long time. The forensic care is a major intrusion into a person's life and the nurses and caregivers are the people who spend the most time with patients. They have a difficult mission providing a good and personalized care while patients are deprived of their liberty. Previous research demonstrates that patients experience forensic care as uncertain, insecure and punitive but that there are also glimpses of "good care". Caring is described as unreflective and that nurses are left for themselves to use their "common sense". This study's aim is to highlight nurses' experiences of what is caring in forensic nursing. The study has a qualitative design and a theoretical framework that is based on caring idea and ethos according to the description of Eriksson (2002). A total of six nurses at a forensic care clinic were interviewed. The interviews were then analyzed through a phenomenological hermeneutic method. Caring in forensic psychiatry was perceived to be associated with both closeness and distance, as well as to create balance. The comprehensive understanding of nurses' experiences showed that that caring is a balancing act between getting close to the patient while creating a functioning structure in the care which is interpreted as a "tender purging".

Så länge någon kan minnas : Historiebruk i samisk identitetsbildning 1969-2018

Björklund, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
This paper deals with how different operators use Sami history, what kind of use of history they apply. The material I have analysed are lesson plans from Samiskt informationscentrum, The Sami – an Indigenous People in Sweden by Sametinget and the government, brochures by Gaaltije/Sydsamiskt kulturcentrum and the journal Samefolket the years 1969-2018. The study answers two main questions: - Which use of history is made by the actors claiming Sami history? How do they use Sami history? - In what way are global historical references used in the writing of history? I have used a hermeneutic method as a tool in my analysis to try to understand in what aim the use of Sami history is made. My main conclusions are that there often are deep historical arguments that are used, where the authors in my material are trying to legitimize the presence of the Sami people as far back in time as possible. A genealogical perspective is used in all the material, where the history that is important for them is shown, as well as that the actions of the Sami peoples ancestor is often raised. This is connected with an ideological use of history, because arguments like “the Sami have been here as long as anyone can remember” are used. This is linked with the existential use of history where I see it as an aim to legitimize the rights of land, fishing, hunting and reindeer husbandry. There is also a moral use of history that are shown in connection with an existential use of history, where I see it as strive for remembering the history of the Sami, but also a reconciliation and restoration with the past. Often the moral, ideological and existential use of history is used together to achieve the same thing – more rights for the Sami’s. There is a political dimension of history culture that I see in my material where the history is used to legitimize, in this case, the rights of the Sami people. The use of global historical references is partly showed in Samefolket, some of the brochures and in one of the lesson plans about colonialism; where there are comparisons with how the Jews, the indigenous Americans and aborigines were treated.

Specialpedagogers tolkning och upplevelse av skolans förebyggande och hälsofrämjande uppdrag : - möjligheter och hinder / Special education pedagogues' interpretation and experience of health prevention and promotion in school : -possibilities and obstacles

Karlsson, Lena Catharina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how special education pedagogues interpret and perform the prevention and promotion assignments in the governing documents as well as how policy is created to deliver it in their own school contexts. I work from a salutogenic perspective focusing on health factors when discussing possibilities but also obstacles to working proactively. The obstacles have been made visible in order to use them as a starting point to discover new possibilities. I utilized semi-structured interviews with seven special education pedagogues from different age groups and cities. Data was collected, analyzed and categorized according to themes from a hermeneutic approach, a so-called hermeneutic spiral. Main themes that allow for a health prevention and health promotion outlook are: 1. shared leadership, 2. clear delegation of responsibilities with mandate, 3. having sufficient time 4. cooperating school culture, 5. positive approach towards work tasks at hand 6. a shared knowledge about governing documents and the schools’ visions.   The involved special education pedagogues interpret the health prevention and promoting assignments as being imperative to be ahead as much as possible, in order to reduce the amount of reactive work. Results indicate that the needs are bigger than the available resources in school contexts, resulting in feelings of moral dilemmas and feelings of insufficiency among the informants. Resources need to be divided between the academic tasks and the health promoting task, enabling all students to get equal possibilities of academic success and minimizing feelings of inadequacy. In this case it is imperative to receive enough support in time. My study is put together as a puzzle, one piece gets added to another, contributing to the bigger picture, aiming to make it as clear as possible. The bigger picture indicates a complex situation where clear leadership along with collaboration towards a common vision is essential. Schools are differently developed in this aspect and frequent changes of principals and staff complicates the systemizing and sustainability of the school culture. The study ends with discussing the main themes from salutogenic theory and background research. The final discussion is directed towards the operational development of school practice and context. My study shows that all the informants want to prioritize health prevention and health promotion work. The assignment is complex and the analysis demonstrates the importance of the principal taking the lead in establishing direction and vision. Special education pedagogues face the difficult situation of needs being greater than resources which makes it impossible to give support to all students who need it. This reality stands in contradiction to The United Nations Child Convention (2011) which is enacted in law, as well as The Salamanca declaration (1996) which states that support to children must have the highest economic priority in order for the education system to enable all children regardless of individual differences to be equally included. The same thing is declared in the school law (2010:800). Student health priorities in the school culture, time for dialogue and reflection as well as less staff turnover are commonly mentioned as health factors to perform the prevention and promotion assignments. In spite of clear governing documents, results show that school practice is not equally accessible for all children which is a worry for the informants. Schools see a reduction in staffing and resources while the academic as well as social needs are rapidly increasing. The student care team members experience more situations involving anxiety, panic attacks and students worrying about not being able to achieve as they wish, along with learning issues. This context can be challenging and mandates need to be clear between staff and given by the principal to avoid conflicts between professional roles risking taking time from the core assignment with the students. Systematic proactivity from screening of health- and risk areas and factors need to be built into all school contexts with the purpose of building bridges from what is working, the health factors, to the areas in need of development according to the salutogenic perspective, where learning and health go hand in hand. Results as well as previous research show that it is important that all professionals within a school are united and can cooperate in supporting the students' learning and well-being. The principal´s view on special education and student support is crucial for equality and accessibility for all students. Improvement of the psychosocial environment shows positive effects on learning and well-being.

Fem gymnasielärares syn på livsfrågors didaktiska tillämpning i religionskunskapsämnet / Five high school teachers view on life questions applied to education in religion

Grip, Susanna January 2012 (has links)
Min uppsats beskriver hur gymnasielärare i religionskunskap år 2010 kan förhålla sig till livsfrågor i undervisningen och den didaktiska problematiken med livsfrågor i klassrummet. Som teoretisk ram har jag tagit upp några olika definitioner av livsfrågor, gjort nedslag i den didaktiska historiken över livsfrågepedagogik, samt visat på de läroplansteoretiska utgångspunkterna för livsfrågor i undervisningen. Mitt perspektiv utgår från grounded theory och utifrån en hermeneutisk förståelsehorisont har jag genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med fem verksamma religionskunskapslärare under vårterminen 2010.   Informanternas svar visar att livsfrågor kan tolkas på olika sätt vilket påverkar didaktiken. Det framkom även att de omgärdar livfrågedidaktiken med försiktighetsåtgärder vilka kan bero på omsorg om eleven, rädsla, kontrollbehov, praktisk pedagogisk kompetens grundad på erfarenhet, eller bristande kompetens. Livsfrågor introducerades i kursplanen för religionskunskap med intentionen att utgå ifrån elevens intressen och frågor. Men i praktiken kan det bli just de frågor som ligger eleven närmast som anses för känsliga och väljs bort i undervisningen.

Vilka möjligheter finns för att implementera en god arbetsmiljö? En kvalitativ undersökning av arbetsledare inom äldreomsorgen

Palmnert, Marie January 2005 (has links)
Den demografiska förändringen över ålderstrukturen står inför en förändring, där antalet äldre förväntas öka markant. För att äldreomsorgen ska ges möjlighet att tillhanda hålla en god omvårdnad, bör behovet av kompetent personal och en god arbetsmiljö tillgodoses. Syftet med denna undersökning var att skaffa kunskap om vilka möjligheter samt vilka resurser arbetsledare inom äldreomsorgen har för att implementera en god arbetsmiljö. Metoden som använts för denna kvalitativa undersökning var hermeneutisk metod, för att erfara och tolka arbetsledarnas arbetsmiljöarbete. I resultatet av undersökningen framkom att en majoritet av arbetsledarna ansåg att de hade en god arbetsmiljö och resurserna var adekvata, men utifrån intervjuerna kunde det tolkas att arbetsledningen och medarbetarna arbetade mot olika mål. En möjlighet för att implementera en god arbetsmiljö enligt studien, var att skapa en värdegrund som utgår ifrån hälsans bestämningsfaktorer. Ytterligare något som framkom ur undersökningen var att kompetensen borde ökas inom äldreomsorgen för att möt den framtida förändringen. / The demographic over the age structure stand before a change, when the elderly people expect to increase considerably. For making it possible for care of the elderly and to provide a good form of health care should the need for competent staff and work environment be satisfactory. The purpose of this study was to examine which possibility and which facilities work leaders have to implement a healthy work environment. The method that was used in this qualitative research was hermeneutic method, to examine and interpret work leaders work environments work. In the results of this study it emerged that a majority of the work leaders meant that they had a good work environment and adequate facilities, but from the interviews could it be interpreted that the management and coworkers worked towards different goals. In the study it emerged that the foundation of values should be from the determinants of health, and these values can be a possibility to implement a healthy work environment within the care of the elderly. Another finding in the study was that the competence within care of elderly should increase, to encounter the future changed demands on care of elderly.

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