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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arrêt précoce de la migration neuronale corticale : conséquences cellulaires et comportementales / Premature arrest of cortical neuronal migration : cellular and behavioral consequences

Martineau, Fanny 27 November 2017 (has links)
La migration radiaire est un des processus clefs de la corticogenèse menant à l’établissement d’un cortex en six couches chez les mammifères. La compréhension de ce mécanisme complexe est nécessaire à une meilleure appréhension du développement cortical. Dans ce travail de thèse, j’ai étudié la migration des neurones pyramidaux du cortex sous deux angles distincts. La 1ère partie se place d’un point de vue développemental en appréciant comment le positionnement laminaire résultant d’une migration normale ou anormale affecte la maturation neuronale. La 2nde partie se concentre sur une pathologie migratoire, l’hétérotopie en bande sous-corticale, et les altérations cognitives parfois associées à cette malformation. Pour ces deux projets, la migration neuronale a été altérée chez le rat par knockdown (KD) in utero de la doublecortine (Dcx), un effecteur majeur de la migration. Les neurones positionnés anormalement présentent une orientation incorrecte, un arbre dendritique moins développé, une spinogenère réduite et une altération morpho-fonctionnelle de la synaptogenèse glutamatergique. De plus, notre étude a mis en évidence l’implication de Dcx dans la dendritogenèse et la régulation fine des synapses glutamatergiques in vivo. Enfin, nous avons utilisé les rats Dcx-KD comme modèle d’hétérotopie en bande afin d’étudier comment un déficit de migration neuronale impacte le fonctionnement du cortex. La caractérisation comportementale, réalisée à l’aide d’une large gamme de tests, n’a pas mis en évidence de déficits majeurs des capacités motrices, somatosensorielles ou cognitives chez ces animaux. / Radial migration is one of the key processes leading to the formation of a six-layered cortex in mammals. Understanding this mechanism is necessary to get a better grasp of cortical development. During my PhD, I studied neuronal migration of pyramidal neurons from two different points of views. The 1st part is related to fundamental biology and assesses how laminar misplacement resulting from migration failure influences neuronal maturation. The 2nd one focuses on pathology by investigating a migration disorder, subcortical band heterotopia, and associated cognitive deficits. For both projects, neuronal migration was impaired in rat through in utero knockdown (KD) of doublecortin (Dcx), a major effector of cortical migration. Misplaced neurons display an abnormal orientation, a simplified dendritic arbor, a decreased spinogenesis and morpho-functional alterations of glutamatergic synaptogenesis. Moreover, our study shows that Dcx plays a role in dendritogenesis, in shaping spine morphology and in fine-tuning glutamatergic synaptogenesis. Finally, we used Dcx-KD rats as an animal model of subcortical band heterotopia to assess how migration failure would impact cortical functions. The behavioral characterization carried out through a wide range of tests did not bring to light any major shortcoming regarding motor, somatosensory or cognitive abilities in these animals. Therefore, although Dcx-KD rats display a SBH and develop spontaneous seizures, it does not seem to recapitulate cognitive deficits found in patients.

A fábrica de peles: Hundertwasser e o caminhar contemporâneo / The skins factory: Hundertwasser and walking contemporary

Bianca Bernardo Barros 31 March 2008 (has links)
Por convergência teórica, esta tese de dissertação é estruturada em quatro capítulos, retomando a teoria das cinco peles de Hundertwaser. O artista austríaco, filho de mãe judia e pai ariano, realizou em Paris sua primeira exposição no ano de 1954 e desde então, não cessou mais de trabalhar, aglutinando os exercícios de arquiteto, ambientalista, naturista e higienista moral, assim como as atividades de pintor e gravador, todos efetivados nos múltiplos diálogos estabelecidos por cada pele. As cinco peles de Hundertwasser acredita o homem como um ser de camadas, que se desenrolam por uma espiral concêntrica, que parte do eu-profundo para o mundo exterior, operada por osmose, nas cadeias sucessivas dos níveis de consciência do indivíduo. as cinco peles de Hundertwasser são um plano de vida - e mais: uma reflexão profunda do ser e estar sobre a terra, colocado em prática ao longo de sua jornada artística. A abordagem pretende desdobrar tal teoria - o que cada pele me suscita - no corpo fabril da minha produção em relação a de outros artistas e teóricos. A transmissão das cinco peles de Hunderwasser desenvolve-se em situações de alargamento das peles. Uma apropriação que re contextualiza, revela novos posicionamentos no caminhar da arte contemporânea / By theoretical convergence, this thesis dissertation is structured in four chapters, referring to the five skins theory of Hundertwasser. The Austrian artist, son of a Jewish mother and German father, held his first exhibition in Paris in the year 1954 and has not stopped since then, as an architect, environmentalist, naturist and moral hygienist, as well as the activities of painter and engraver, all ralized in the multiple dialogues established for each skin. The five skins of Hundertwasser are: the first skin, the epidermis; the second skin, clothing; the third skin, the home; the fourth skin, our social identity; and finally, th fifth planetary skin. Hundertwasser believe the man is a being of layers, which unrolls as a concentric spiral, that part form the deep-self to the outside world, operated by osmosis, in the successive chains of consciousness levels of the individual. The five skins of Hundertwasser are a life project - and more: a deep reflection of the being and standing on the earth, put into practice along his artistic journey. The approach seeks to unroll such theory - what each particular skin brings me - in the body of my production, relating to other artists and theorists. The transmission of the five skins of Hunderwasser develops as situations that extendes the skins. An appropriation that brings new context, revealing new ways of contemporary art

Les Rastafaris : dans les poumons de l'hégémonie : matérialisme symbolique d'une négation idéologique

Renaud-Grignon, Geoffroy 12 1900 (has links)
Ce travail explore la culture rastafarie au travers de sa structuration symbolique abordée depuis trois manifestations culturelles significatives : les assemblées Nyabinghi, les chants cérémoniels et le langage Iyaric. J’ai cherché à étudier la manière dont s’était constitué le complexe symbolique rastafari à travers l’Histoire jamaïcaine et ses multiples cultures de résistances. J’avais pour objectif d’aborder le symbolisme depuis un cadre matérialiste, c’est- à-dire d’attester que le symbolisme est à la fois déterminé et déterminant, que l’Histoire le façonne tout comme il façonne l’Histoire à son tour. La culture rastafarie, se positionnant en rupture avec l’ordre établi, fut un lieu de recherche et d’analyse fertile à une anthropologie du matérialisme symbolique. J’ai appuyé ma démarche sur un séjour de recherche en Jamaïque au cours duquel j’ai fréquenté diverses communautés rastafaries, tant au sein de lieux rituels qu’aux carrefours d’interactions entre les adhérants rastafaris et des non-rastafaris. Ma recherche est guidée par un cadre d’analyse abordant la culture depuis l’idéologie, les contres-hégémonies et l’hétérotopie de même que sur la dialectique de la reconnaissance. Ces théories offrent des éléments d’analyse permettant de discuter plus en profondeur des données collectées autour de trois lieux symboliques : assemblées rituelles, chants cérémoniels et construction d’un langage. / This work explores Rastafari culture through its symbolic structuration, focusing on three cultural manifestations of significance: Nyabinghi Assembly, Ceremonial Chants and Iyaric language. I have sought to study the way Rastafari’s symbolic order establishes itself through Jamaican History and through multiple cultures of resistance. My objective is to study symbolism from a materialist perspective, namely showing that symbolism is both determined and determinant, that History shapes just as it is shaped by History. Rastafari culture, making a break with the established order, proved to be a fertile context for the research and analysis of a symbolic materialist approach in anthropology. I have grounded my approach in a yearlong Jamaican research residency where I socialized with various Rastafari communities, both in rituals spaces and at the crossroads of interaction between Rastafari adepts and ordinary Jamaicans. This stay reasserted to me the importance of guiding this research with a theoretical framework allowing to grasp particularities in the cultural dynamics involved while at the same time enabling bridges with other cultures of resistance through a given universalism. A framework addressing culture through ideology, counter-hegemony and heterotopia as much as recognition’s dialectic had guided this research. These theories allow deeper analysis and discussion concerning the collected data of three symbolic spaces; ritual assembly, ceremonial chants and the construction of a language.

Kerk as heterotopiese ruimte : 'n trinitariese ekklesiologiese model vir die derde millennium

Van Wyk, Tanya January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the challenge of being church in the postsecular twenty-first century in an authentic way. A shift took place from modernity with concepts such as ʼnationalism‘ and ‗unity‘ to the fragmentation and diversity which are characteristic of the present-day postmodern world. After the Second World War the objective of the Ecumenical Movement was to promote and maintain the unity of the church. The unity of the church has been an issue from New Testament times up to the present day. How the relationship between unity and diversity was understood changed along with changing paradigms. During the first centuries of the church when the ecumenical creeds originated, the relationship between the unity and diversity of the church was interpreted in terms of two aspects, namely the unity of the canon which consists of a diversity of writings and the one Triune God who consists of a diversity of personae. This study argues that the great revolutions in North America and France were the breeding ground for concepts such as ʼnation‘ and ʼnationalism‘. During this period the unity of the church was interpreted in terms of the dominant ideology of nationalism and nation. The revolutions were also a force behind increasing secularisation and the church‘s loss of authority. In Germany the ideology of national-socialism compromised the integrity of the church. In South Africa apartheid had a similar effect. Secularisation, globalisation and fluidity seemingly threaten the unity of the present-day church. This study aims to contribute to an understanding of unity and diversity that could contribute to the integrity of the church in the third millennium without endorsing the hegemony of the authoritarian church. It attributes a positive meaning to plurality, diversity and the ecumenical movement. This is done after the model of the Cappadocian legacy which associated the immanence (being) of the Trinity with the economy (action) of the Trinity. This model provides the key for the solution to the problemstatement of this thesis. The thesis aims to argue for a correlation between, on the one hand Trinity (diversity in unity) and the ecclesiastical creed (confessing the catholicity of the one church), and on the other hand Christian values such as caritas (agapē) and communion (koinōnia). This study draws a correlation between these Christian values and notions from common law, namely dignitas (dignity) and fama (reputation). The epistemological model for describing a social Trinitarian ecclesiology is that of narrative theology. The ecclesiological model is that of ‗heterotopia‘, a Foucauldian conception of anti-binary space over against the 'utopia‘ as an illusioned space. Chapter 1 indicates the direction of the study: the ecclesiological challenge of the unity of the church amid diversity. The tension between unity and diversity is the crux interpretum of the ecclesiology. The Cappadocian legacy regarding the Trinity is explored as a possible solution. Epistemologically speaking, the approach of the study is a Reformed perspective on the human condition and the methodology is that of narrative. In Chapter 2 the narrative of the Cappadocian renaissance is discussed. The Cappadocian correlation between the immanence (being) of the Trinity and the economy (action) of the Trinity is described and the value thereof for a postmodern ecclesiology is explored. In Chapter 3 an alternative narrative for the church is sought by investigating the Catholic theologian, Edward Schillebeeckx‘s ecclesiology in terms of the concept of liquidity. His contribution was to replace the Catholic maxim extra ecclesiam nulla salus est with extra mundum nulla salus. Hereby he trandscends the boundaries of the church to include the whole world in God‘s salvation. From a postmodern perspective the question would be whether he was able to overcome the binary thinking of his time. The Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa is described as a case in point of a church which endorses genealogy and thereby fails to transcend the binary opposition of exclusivism and inclusivity. Nationalism and racism form the ideological underpinnings of this tendency. Theoretically the confession of unity is underscored but it does not manifest in practice. Ecclesiology should overcome binary and linear thinking in order to be relevant to postmodern culture. In Chapter 4 overcoming binary and linear thinking is illustrated by the exploring the autobiography of Protestant theologian, Jürgen Moltmann, in order to ascertain to what extent narratives of inclusivity can be of value for formulating an inclusive ecclesiology for the church in a postmodern world today. Moltmann‘s ecclesiology is investigated in terms of the concept of a social Trinity. From Moltmann‘s narrative it can been seen that he was radically inclusive in practice even before theories of radical inclusivity had been formulated. However, his emphasis on eschatology and hope tends toward apocalyptic utopian thinking. In Chapter 5 Michel Foucault‘s concept of heterotopia is used to describe reconciliatory diversity, which is characteristic of an inclusive postmodern church which is a space where unity is not threatened by diversity, where the one is not afraid of the Other. In Chapter 6 the study concludes with the finding that to be church in the third millennium entails transcending linear thinking, desacralizing time and space and bidding farewell to any notion of genealogy as constitutive for 'being‘ church. The broad space where this is possible in the 'here‘ and 'now‘ is that of heterotopia. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted

Clinical impact of duodenal pancreatic heterotopia – Is there a need for surgical treatment?

Betzler, Alexander, Mees, Soeren Torge, Pump, Josefine, Schölch, Sebastian, Zimmermann, Carolin, Aust, Daniela E., Weitz, Jürgen, Welsch, Thilo, Distler, Marius 27 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background Pancreatic heterotopia (PH) is defined as ectopic pancreatic tissue outside the normal pancreas and its vasculature and duct system. Most frequently, PH is detected incidentally by histopathological examination. The aim of the present study was to analyze a large single-center series of duodenal PH with respect to the clinical presentation. Methods A prospective pancreatic database was retrospectively analyzed for cases of PH of the duodenum. All pancreatic and duodenal resections performed between January 2000 and October 2015 were included and screened for histopathologically proven duodenal PH. PH was classified according to Heinrich’s classification (Type I acini, ducts, and islet cells; Type II acini and ducts; Type III only ducts). Results A total of 1274 pancreatic and duodenal resections were performed within the study period, and 67 cases of PH (5.3%) were identified. The respective patients were predominantly male (72%) and either underwent pancreatoduodenectomy (n = 60); a limited pancreas resection with partial duodenal resection (n = 4); distal pancreatectomy with partial duodenal resection (n = 1); total pancreatectomy (n = 1); or enucleation (n = 1). Whereas 65 patients (83.5%) were asymptomatic, 11 patients (18.4%) presented with symptoms related to PH (most frequently with abdominal pain [72%] and duodenal obstruction [55%]). Of those, seven patients (63.6%) had chronic pancreatitis in the heterotopic pancreas. The risk of malignant transformation into adenocarcinoma was 2.9%. Conclusions PH is found in approximately 5% of pancreatic or duodenal resections and is generally asymptomatic. Chronic pancreatitis is not uncommon in heterotopic pancreatic tissue, and even there is a risk of malignant transformation. PH should be considered for the differential diagnosis of duodenal lesions and surgery should be considered, especially in symptomatic cases.

De l'inactualité du théâtre : poétique et politique de l'hétérotopie chez Pier Paolo Pasolini et Rainer Werner Fassbinder. / Unactuality of the theatre : poetics and politics of the heterotopia in Pier Paolo Pasolini and Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Hervé, Stéphane 02 December 2011 (has links)
Autour de 1968, le théâtre, confronté à l’exigence de contemporanéité posée par les mouvements de contestation et au développement sans précédent des médias de la culture de masse, connaît une période intense de problématisation de sa puissance politique. Du fait même de sa marginalisation dans l’espace social, le théâtre devient une hétérotopie, c’est-à-dire un genre d’utopie effectivement réalisée : il oppose sa disposition communautaire à la masse indistincte des consommateurs, un discours de vérité aux mensonges des sociétés capitalistes et autoritaires, l’exposition d’une expérience authentique aux simulacres spectaculaires. Les pratiques théâtrales de Pasolini et de Fassbinder semblent participer de ce mouvement hétérotopique : les deux auteurs présentent le théâtre comme un art irréductible aux jeux du pouvoir, de la consommation et du spectacle. Pourtant ces pratiques apparaissent en déphasage avec les œuvres phares de ce moment théâtral. Cette thèse se propose d’envisager les trois types d’inactualité qui les caractérisent : inactualité thématique (leur rapport conflictuel aux mouvements contestataires étudiants ou gauchistes), inactualité esthétique (le choix de la parole au moment du règne scénique des corps, le primat accordé à la vie affective au détriment de sujets ouvertement politiques), inactualité « ontologique » (la minoration des effets de présence des corps scéniques). Pour cela, elle cherche à mettre en évidence les reprises de motifs centraux de la pratique théâtrale hétérotopique, mais aussi les déplacements qu’ils subissent dans les œuvres dramatiques et scéniques des deux auteurs. / Around 1968, the theatre, confronted with the requirements of contemporaneousness laid down by the protest movements and with the unprecedented development of the medias of mass culture, experiences an intense period of problematisation of its political power. Owing to its marginalization in the social space, the theatre becomes a heterotopia that is a kind of utopia actually achieved: it opposes its community tendency to the indistinct mass of consumers, a speech of truth to the lies of capitalistic and authoritarian societies, the display of a genuine experiment to spectacular simulacra. Pasolini’s and Fassbinder’s theatrical practices seem to be part of this heterotopical movement: both authors present the theatre as an art that withstands the games of power, of consumption and spectacle. Yet there seems to be a gap between these practices and the landmark works of the theatrical time. This thesis intends to consider the three types of unactuality that define them: thematic unactuality (their antagonistic relationships with the protest movements), aesthetic unactuality (the choice of the words whereas the bodies are preponderant on stage; the primacy given to the affective life rather than more evident political subjects), ontological unactuality (by reducing the effects of presence of the scenic bodies). Therefore, it tries to expound the repetition but also the redefinition of the important motifs of the theatrical heterotopical practice in the dramatic works and the performances of the two artists.

Accepting the Failure of Human and State Bodies: Interactions of Syphilis and Space in "Hamlet" and "The Knight of the Burning Pestle"

Radford, Laura E. 15 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is, first, to explore the presence and meaning of Foucault’s heterotopia within William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”and Beaumont and Fletcher’s “The Knight of the Burning Pestle.” The heterotopia is a privileged space of self-reflection created by individuals or societies in crisis. In each play, the presence of crisis is explained though the metaphor of syphilis; to which individual characters respond by entering the reflective space of the heterotopia in order to countenance and “cure” their afflictions. The second purpose of this thesis is to examine the ways in which the crises acted upon the stage reflect pressing social anxieties of late – Elizabethan and early- Jacobean England: succession to the throne and shifting market structure. Both playwrights create heterotopic space for their audience through the structure of their dramatic work, and ask their audience to enter this reflective space, and consider –and learn from – their remarks upon the state of society.

Clinical impact of duodenal pancreatic heterotopia – Is there a need for surgical treatment?

Betzler, Alexander, Mees, Soeren Torge, Pump, Josefine, Schölch, Sebastian, Zimmermann, Carolin, Aust, Daniela E., Weitz, Jürgen, Welsch, Thilo, Distler, Marius 27 July 2017 (has links)
Background Pancreatic heterotopia (PH) is defined as ectopic pancreatic tissue outside the normal pancreas and its vasculature and duct system. Most frequently, PH is detected incidentally by histopathological examination. The aim of the present study was to analyze a large single-center series of duodenal PH with respect to the clinical presentation. Methods A prospective pancreatic database was retrospectively analyzed for cases of PH of the duodenum. All pancreatic and duodenal resections performed between January 2000 and October 2015 were included and screened for histopathologically proven duodenal PH. PH was classified according to Heinrich’s classification (Type I acini, ducts, and islet cells; Type II acini and ducts; Type III only ducts). Results A total of 1274 pancreatic and duodenal resections were performed within the study period, and 67 cases of PH (5.3%) were identified. The respective patients were predominantly male (72%) and either underwent pancreatoduodenectomy (n = 60); a limited pancreas resection with partial duodenal resection (n = 4); distal pancreatectomy with partial duodenal resection (n = 1); total pancreatectomy (n = 1); or enucleation (n = 1). Whereas 65 patients (83.5%) were asymptomatic, 11 patients (18.4%) presented with symptoms related to PH (most frequently with abdominal pain [72%] and duodenal obstruction [55%]). Of those, seven patients (63.6%) had chronic pancreatitis in the heterotopic pancreas. The risk of malignant transformation into adenocarcinoma was 2.9%. Conclusions PH is found in approximately 5% of pancreatic or duodenal resections and is generally asymptomatic. Chronic pancreatitis is not uncommon in heterotopic pancreatic tissue, and even there is a risk of malignant transformation. PH should be considered for the differential diagnosis of duodenal lesions and surgery should be considered, especially in symptomatic cases.

“First year Evergirl at your service! So a couple of rules …” : En barnkulturell studie om fangemenskapens plats, rum och dialog med utgångspunkt i hemsidan Schoolforgoodandevil.com. / “First year Evergirl at your service! So a couple of rules …” : A children’s cultural study about the space, room and dialogue of fandom on the website Schoolforgoodandevil.com.

Sääf, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie har fokuserat på villkor, kontroll och reglering av den barnkulturella platsen Schoolforgoodandevil.com och hur den tänkta målgruppen av barn rör sig inom platsen och dess rum. Genom användandet av en netnografisk metod har studien gått i dialog med platsens rum med hjälp av Foucaults heterotopiabegrepp samt barndomsgeografi för att påvisa hur diskursiva praktiker som kretsar kring barnet har påverkat uppbyggnaden av platsen och hur användarna tillåts nyttja dess rum. Anonymisering och censur har varit den främsta taktiken för platsens uppehållande av barnets ”säkerhet”. I analysen används även en social nätverksanalys som är en netnografisk metod för att deskriptivt analysera användarnas dialog för att undersöka förhållning till platsen regler, villkor och kontroll. Studien kommer fram till att målgruppen och positionen av platsen, det vill säga barnet respektive det digitala rummet, var den främsta påverkande faktorn i dess uppbyggnad, regler och kontroll.

Where the Shadows Lie : finding the other in the Spatial Depictions of the Underworld in The Book of Enoch, Inferno and Paradise Lost

Adendorff, Melissa 20 June 2013 (has links)
“Where the Shadows Lie: Finding the Other in the Spatial Depictions of the Underworld in The Book of Enoch, Inferno and Paradise Lost” answers a question of spatial behaviour in the three texts, in terms of the portrayal of the characters of Fallen Angels, who have been Othered from Heaven, in each text within the spatial context of their respective heterotopias. The spatial behaviour refers to how these characters are portrayed to act within a certain space, with that behaviour directly shaped and influenced by the space and place that the characters are depicted in. The question of spatial behaviour in this study revolves around whether the behaviour within the Othered space is that of acceptance, or of rebellion. The narrative of each text is analysed as a whole, in order to be contextualised through a Narratological analysis, as well as a Hermeneutic reading and a contextualisation within the realm of Social-Scientific Criticism. The texts are then analysed in more detail, with particular focus given to 1 Enoch 6-21, lines 1-9 and 22-57 in Inferno, and lines 33-45, 52-55, and 64-110 in Paradise Lost in order to Deconstruct their base similarities and then to answer the research question of spatial behaviour through Critical Spatiality. This analysis investigates the aspect of Thirding-as-Othering, in terms of how the Othered space is represented, and how the (Othered) Fallen Angels inhabit that space, based on the choices available to them: either, accept the imposed differentiation and division, or to resist their own “Otherness” and the Othered space that they were sentenced to. These spatial behaviours depict the choices taken by the author of each text, based on the cultural and religious values of their times and cultures, to represent the spatial behavioural options of their narratives’ characters. These options are the choice to fight against the banishment and make a space of Power out of the Othered space, or to accept being Othered and accept the Othered space for the prison it is meant to portray. This study incorporates a Narratological Analysis of The Book of Enoch, Inferno and Paradise Lost, followed by a Hermeneutical Interpretation and Social-Scientific reading. The texts are then analysed in terms of the focal points of 1 Enoch 6-21, lines 1-9 and 22-57 in Inferno, and lines 33-45, 52-55, and 64-110 in Paradise Lost, and are Deconstructed in terms of the spatial depictions of the Underworlds in order to determine the similarities in conditions, both physical and emotional, that are created by the Thirding, which is ultimately investigated, in terms of Critical Spatial Theory, in order to answer the aforementioned research question. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted

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