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A internação domiciliar no Hospital Antônio Bezerra de Faria: uma nova alternativa de atenção humanizada e suas consequências, sob a perspectiva dos cuidadores / The home care at the Antonio Bezerra de Faria Hospital: a new alternative for humanized care and its consequences from the perspective of caregiversLuciana Ceolin Stefanon 28 April 2010 (has links)
Este estudo teve como proposta desvelar, a partir da perspectiva das cuidadoras de familiares, como se dá o processo de trabalho da equipe de Internação Domiciliar e as principais consequências desta prática de cuidados sobre a vida das famílias assistidas. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa e foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista, semi-estruturada, para a coleta das informações, com as sete cuidadoras, sujeitos da pesquisa, do sexo feminino e da própria família (mães e filhas) dos pacientes reinternados no Programa de Internação Domiciliar do Hospital Antônio Bezerra de Faria, pertencente à rede pública estadual, localizado no município de Vila Velha, estado do Espírito Santo, na Região Sudeste do Brasil. As entrevistas foram analisadas utilizando-se a metodologia da análise de conteúdo sugerida por Minayo (2007), das quais foram extraídas quatorze categorias analíticas, relacionadas ao adoecimento, aos cuidados hospitalares e aos cuidados domiciliares. Identificou-se um nível elevado de satisfação das cuidadoras com a atenção prestada pelas equipes dos diferentes locais, hospitalar e domiciliar, com preferência explícita e unânime pelo domiciliar. As críticas e as referências negativas foram direcionadas ao hospital, como local de transmissão de doenças físicas e psicoemocionais, com ênfase no corredor. Os resultados apontam para uma boa prática de cuidados dos profissionais, humanizada, com respeito ao modo de andar a vida de cada um pacientes, com suas particularidades e individualidades, extensivas aos familiares. O PID mostrou, também, como resultados o necessário estabelecimento de parcerias sociedade-instituições de saúde, a qualificação dos cuidadores, a ampliação dessas práticas diferenciadas de cuidados, a qualificação e ampliação do quantitativo de profissionais em face da repercussão positiva desta experiência, bem como da unanimidade em relação à satisfação com o Programa. Pode-se concluir que, não obstante às mudanças decorrentes do processo de adoecimento, na percepção das cuidadoras, não vivenciar o dia a dia hospitalar, o acesso irrestrito à equipe e ao hospital e a empatia que perpassa estas relações, somados ao conforto e a comodidade do seu domicílio junto aos familiares, sua reinserção social agregadas à dedicação, carinho e amor da equipe, gerando segurança e tranqüilidade, são consequências positivas que as cuidadoras destacam como decorrentes dos cuidados oferecidos nos domicílios. / This study have had as proposal to reveal, from the perspective of the family caregivers, how is the process of the work of the team of home-care and the main consequences of this practice care on the lives of the attended families. The study had a qualitative approach and it was used the technique of interview, half-structuralized, for the collection of the information with the seven caregivers, subject of the research, females and own family (mothers and daughters) patient readmitted in the Program of Home-care of Antonio Bezerra de Faria Hospital, pertaining to the state public net, located in the city of Vila Velha, state of the Espírito Santo, in the Southeastern Region of Brazil. The interviews had been analyzed using the methodology of the analysis of content suggested for Minayo (2007), of which fourteen analytical categories had been extracted, related to the falling ill, the hospital cares and the domiciliary cares. A high level of satisfaction of the caregivers with the attention given for the teams of the different places, from hospital and domiciliary, was identified, with explicit and unanimous preference for domiciliary. The criticism and the negative references had been directed to the hospital, as local of transmission of physical and psychological emotional illnesses, with emphasis on the corridor. The results point to a good practice of professionals cares, humane, with respect to the way of living of each one - patients, with their particularitities and individualities extensive to the familiar ones. The PID also showed as results the necessary establishment of partnerships between health society-institutions, the qualification of the caregivers, the enlargement of these differentiated practices of cares, the qualification and enlargement of the quantitativeness of professionals on face of the positive repercussion of this experience, as well as of the unamimity in relation to the satisfaction with the Program. However to the changes decurrent of the falling ill process, It can be concluded that, in the perception of the caregivers, not be lived deeply the day in the hospital, the unrestricted access to the team and to the hospital and the empathy that permeates these relations, added to the comfort and the convenience of their home next to relatives, their social reintegration aggregated to dedication, affection and love team, generating security and peace of mind, are positive consequences that the caregivers point out as consequences of the care offered in the domiciles.
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A internação domiciliar no Hospital Antônio Bezerra de Faria: uma nova alternativa de atenção humanizada e suas consequências, sob a perspectiva dos cuidadores / The home care at the Antonio Bezerra de Faria Hospital: a new alternative for humanized care and its consequences from the perspective of caregiversLuciana Ceolin Stefanon 28 April 2010 (has links)
Este estudo teve como proposta desvelar, a partir da perspectiva das cuidadoras de familiares, como se dá o processo de trabalho da equipe de Internação Domiciliar e as principais consequências desta prática de cuidados sobre a vida das famílias assistidas. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa e foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista, semi-estruturada, para a coleta das informações, com as sete cuidadoras, sujeitos da pesquisa, do sexo feminino e da própria família (mães e filhas) dos pacientes reinternados no Programa de Internação Domiciliar do Hospital Antônio Bezerra de Faria, pertencente à rede pública estadual, localizado no município de Vila Velha, estado do Espírito Santo, na Região Sudeste do Brasil. As entrevistas foram analisadas utilizando-se a metodologia da análise de conteúdo sugerida por Minayo (2007), das quais foram extraídas quatorze categorias analíticas, relacionadas ao adoecimento, aos cuidados hospitalares e aos cuidados domiciliares. Identificou-se um nível elevado de satisfação das cuidadoras com a atenção prestada pelas equipes dos diferentes locais, hospitalar e domiciliar, com preferência explícita e unânime pelo domiciliar. As críticas e as referências negativas foram direcionadas ao hospital, como local de transmissão de doenças físicas e psicoemocionais, com ênfase no corredor. Os resultados apontam para uma boa prática de cuidados dos profissionais, humanizada, com respeito ao modo de andar a vida de cada um pacientes, com suas particularidades e individualidades, extensivas aos familiares. O PID mostrou, também, como resultados o necessário estabelecimento de parcerias sociedade-instituições de saúde, a qualificação dos cuidadores, a ampliação dessas práticas diferenciadas de cuidados, a qualificação e ampliação do quantitativo de profissionais em face da repercussão positiva desta experiência, bem como da unanimidade em relação à satisfação com o Programa. Pode-se concluir que, não obstante às mudanças decorrentes do processo de adoecimento, na percepção das cuidadoras, não vivenciar o dia a dia hospitalar, o acesso irrestrito à equipe e ao hospital e a empatia que perpassa estas relações, somados ao conforto e a comodidade do seu domicílio junto aos familiares, sua reinserção social agregadas à dedicação, carinho e amor da equipe, gerando segurança e tranqüilidade, são consequências positivas que as cuidadoras destacam como decorrentes dos cuidados oferecidos nos domicílios. / This study have had as proposal to reveal, from the perspective of the family caregivers, how is the process of the work of the team of home-care and the main consequences of this practice care on the lives of the attended families. The study had a qualitative approach and it was used the technique of interview, half-structuralized, for the collection of the information with the seven caregivers, subject of the research, females and own family (mothers and daughters) patient readmitted in the Program of Home-care of Antonio Bezerra de Faria Hospital, pertaining to the state public net, located in the city of Vila Velha, state of the Espírito Santo, in the Southeastern Region of Brazil. The interviews had been analyzed using the methodology of the analysis of content suggested for Minayo (2007), of which fourteen analytical categories had been extracted, related to the falling ill, the hospital cares and the domiciliary cares. A high level of satisfaction of the caregivers with the attention given for the teams of the different places, from hospital and domiciliary, was identified, with explicit and unanimous preference for domiciliary. The criticism and the negative references had been directed to the hospital, as local of transmission of physical and psychological emotional illnesses, with emphasis on the corridor. The results point to a good practice of professionals cares, humane, with respect to the way of living of each one - patients, with their particularitities and individualities extensive to the familiar ones. The PID also showed as results the necessary establishment of partnerships between health society-institutions, the qualification of the caregivers, the enlargement of these differentiated practices of cares, the qualification and enlargement of the quantitativeness of professionals on face of the positive repercussion of this experience, as well as of the unamimity in relation to the satisfaction with the Program. However to the changes decurrent of the falling ill process, It can be concluded that, in the perception of the caregivers, not be lived deeply the day in the hospital, the unrestricted access to the team and to the hospital and the empathy that permeates these relations, added to the comfort and the convenience of their home next to relatives, their social reintegration aggregated to dedication, affection and love team, generating security and peace of mind, are positive consequences that the caregivers point out as consequences of the care offered in the domiciles.
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“All for the Family”: A Case Study on the Migration of Philippine Educated Nurses to Ontario through the Live-in Caregiver ProgramSalami, Oluwabukola Oladunni 26 August 2014 (has links)
Despite evidence that suggests that nurses migrate to Ontario through the Live-in Caregiver Program, no research has been conducted on this group of nurses in Ontario. This study addresses that gap utilizing the transnational feminist concept of “global care chains” in a single holistic case study design to explore the experience of nurses who migrate to Ontario through the Live-in Caregiver Program (2001-2011), and examine the diverse perspectives of stakeholders on issues of rights and obligations of these nurses. Fifteen live-in caregivers and nine policy stakeholders were interviewed, and an analysis undertaken of immigration and nursing policy documents. Findings indicate that familial discourses and perspectives on global social status shape these women’s decision to migrate from the Philippines to Canada, often via a second country (especially Saudi Arabia), as well as their subsequent Canadian experiences. Results are consistent with Rhacel Parrenas’ idea of ‘contradictory class mobility’ that describes the phenomenon of decrease in social status coupled with an increase in financial status among immigrant care workers. As professional women undertaking unskilled work, the nurses’ contradictory class status was reinforced by the emotional labour and domestic work they were required to perform. Furthermore, as temporary workers on a path to permanent residency, their professional integration as nurses was complicated by Canada’s immigration policy and the paradox between the government’s stated short-term goal (to address labour force shortage of live-in caregivers) versus its long-term goal (to ensure the integration of permanent residents). Within this policy paradox immigration policy makers emphasized the short-term obligation of fulfilling labour needs, while live-in caregivers and advocacy groups emphasized the long-term obligations of the Canadian government related to gaining permanent residence status. The lack of congruence between the Live-in Caregiver Program policy and nursing policy concerning internationally educated nurses, as well as prioritization of their familial obligations complicated the process of professional integration for this group of women. Recommendations arising from the study concern the need to bridge these policy gaps and address the shortcomings of the Live-in Caregiver Program to leverage the integration of this group of internationally educated nurses in Canada.
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Kan du inte svenska är du inte välkommen hem till mig! : En kvalitativ studie om hur utrikesfödd hemtjänstpersonal upplever relationerna till klienter, kollegor och ledning / If you don´t know Swedish, you are not welcome at my house! : A qualitative study on how foreign-born home care staff experience the relationships with clients, colleagues and managmentAlisauskaite Nygren, Gabija, Ek, Oliver January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån frågeställningen “Hur upplever utrikesfödd hemtjänstpersonal relationerna till klienter, kollegor och ledning i en tätort i Mellansverige?” belysa möjliga utmaningar som personalen står inför i sitt yrke och hur deras utländska bakgrund påverkar interaktionerna med klienter, chefer och kollegor. Studien bygger på åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med anställda inom hemtjänsten i en liten kommun i mellan-Sverige. Resultatet visar att hemtjänstpersonalen i hög grad påverkas av att vara utrikes född i sin yrkesroll. Den utrikes födda hemtjänstpersonalen har upplevt diskriminering i arbetet, känner en press av att prestera bättre än sina svenska kollegor för att dels bli accepterade och dels bevisa sin kompetens.I analysen används intersektionalitetsteorin för att analysera diskriminering och hur faktorerna klass och status påverkar interaktioner mellan klienter, kollegor och chefer. Arlie Hochschild's teori om emotionellt arbete används för att förstå hur personalen hanterar och agerar i situationer där de utsätts för diskriminering. Avslutningsvis tillämpas Thomas Scheffs begrepp sociala band, för att förstå varför hemtjänstpersonalen agerar som de gör. / The purpose of the essay is to, based on the question "How do foreign-born home caregivers experience the relationships with clients, colleagues and management in a conurbation in Central Sweden?" highlight possible challenges that staff face in their profession and how their foreign background affects interactions with clients, managers and colleagues.. The study is based on eight qualitative interviews with employees in home care in a small municipality in central Sweden. The results show that foreign-born home caregivers are greatly affected by their foreign background in their profession. They have experienced discrimination at work and feel pressure to perform better than their Swedish colleagues to be accepted and to prove their competence. In the analysis, intersectionality theory is used to analyze discrimination and how class and status factors affect interactions between clients, colleagues, and managers. Arlie Hochschild's theory of emotional labor is used to understand how caregivers handle and act in situations where they are subjected to discrimination. Finally, Thomas Scheff's concept of social bonds is applied to understand why home caregivers act as they do.
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Le care invisible : genre, vulnérabilité et dominationHamrouni, Naïma 12 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université catholique de Louvain / Cette thèse en philosophie politique féministe part avant tout d’un constat empirique. Malgré les avancées réalisées depuis les cinquante dernières années au plan de l’égalité des sexes, la division du travail entre les hommes et les femmes, aussi bien sur le marché de l’emploi que dans la famille, perdure toujours dans nos sociétés démocratiques. S’inscrivant dans une perspective résolument féministe, croisant les réflexions contemporaines sur la théorie politique du care et la méthode féministe postmarxiste, cette thèse propose une interprétation plausible de ce clivage.
Dans une première partie, l’analyse de deux enjeux d’actualité en matière d’égalité des sexes, le soutien économique aux proches aidantes (chap. 1) et la reconnaissance du travail des mères et des femmes au foyer (chap. 2), me mène à la conclusion préliminaire suivante : malgré les objectifs visés, ces mesures politiques contribuent à enfermer encore davantage les femmes dans des rôles traditionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, je soutiens que ces mesures, ainsi que les approches féministes qui les sous-tendent, découlent elles-mêmes de processus de domination. L’argument avancé comporte quatre volets. J’aborde dans un premier temps les théories politiques du care. En inscrivant la réflexion sur le care dans une perspective politique, et non plus seulement morale, ces théoriciennes adoptent une définition du care comme « activité de soin » et visent à dissocier genre et care. Je suggère que malgré ces objectifs, elles adhèrent toujours à la logique différentialiste qui renforce le lien entre les femmes et le care lorsqu’il s’agit de proposer des politiques en matière d’égalité des sexes (chap. 3). En fait, cette logique différentialiste est intimement liée à la notion qu’elles se font du genre. Leur approche constructionniste, en démarquant le genre construit du sexe biologique, a pour effet de reconfirmer la différence des sexes (chap. 4). Sous ces approches, l’homme demeurant la norme et les femmes étant définies comme différentes, ces dernières intériorisent l’idée d’une « différence » logée en leurs propres corps (chap. 5). J’attire enfin l’attention sur la conception limitée que les théoriciennes se font du care, qu’elles posent comme l’équivalent des soins aux plus faibles (nourrissons, personnes malades, âgées et handicapées). Cette conception réductrice contribue à invisibiliser la plus grande partie du travail réalisé par les femmes dans leur vie quotidienne en soutien à ceux dont la dépendance ne se présente pas sous la forme la plus « extrême » : le care aux indépendants, c’est-à-dire tous les services (domestiques, de soins, reproductifs, sexuels) dévalués par leur principaux bénéficiaires, alors qu’ils constituent au même moment la condition essentielle à leur « indépendance ». Alors que le care aux indépendants demeure invisible, les femmes sont réassignées aux rôles traditionnels et les plus « puissants » continuent de dominer les institutions et le savoir qui porte sur elles. Rendre visible la part la plus « invisibilisée » du care et replacer notre commune vulnérabilité au cœur de la réflexion politique sur la justice représentent les premiers pas à franchir pour s’acheminer vers une société radicalement démocratique, une société libérée de la domination de genre (chap. 6). / The starting point of this thesis in feminist political philosophy is first and foremost a preoccupying empirical record. In spite of all the progress made in the past fifty years in matters of gender equality, the division of labor between men and women, at home as well as in the workplace, still persists in our democratic societies. In line with a decidedly feminist perspective, combining the contemporary reflections on the politics of care and a post-marxist feminist method, this thesis offers a plausible interpretation of this persisting division.
In the first part, the analysis of two current gender equality issues, of the financial support to family caregivers (chap. 1) and of the economic recognition of the work done by mothers and housewives (chap. 2), leads me to the following preliminary conclusion: in spite of their goals, these political measures actually contribute to maintain the status quo, indeed, to further confine women to their traditional roles.
In a second part, I argue that these measures, as well as the feminist approaches which underlie and support them, are themselves derived from processes of domination. This argument comprises four parts. First, I discuss the political theories of care. In shifting the debate from en ethic to a politic of care, these philosophers both wanted to illustrate the dimension of caring as an activity and to dissociate care from gender. I suggest that in spite of their goals, they still tend to stick to the differentialist logic which strengthens the links between woman and care when they put forward policies on gender equality (chap. 3). This logic of difference is actually closely linked to their notion of gender. Indeed, in distinguishing the socially constructed gender from the biological sex, their constructionist approach has the effect of confirming natural sexual differences (chap. 4). Man still being the norm and woman the «difference» under this view, women come to internalize the idea of a difference located in their own bodies (chap. 5). Finally, I bring to attention the very limited conception of care of these theorists, defined as care for the most vulnerable (infants, the sick, the old and the handicapped persons). This reductive conception actually contributes to invisibilize the largest part of the work done daily by women in support of those whose dependency doesn’t come under the most «extreme» form: the care of independents, that is, all the services (domestic, caring, reproductive and sexual services) devalued by their recipients while they constitute the condition for their «independence». As caring for «independents» remains invisible, women are ascribed to traditional roles and the most «powerful» are free to keep on dominating both institutions and the knowledge produced about it. Making this «invisibilized» part of caring visible, and replacing our common vulnerability at the heart of the political reflection on justice, are the first steps towards a radical democratic society, that is, a society freed from gender domination.
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Le care invisible : genre, vulnérabilité et dominationHamrouni, Naïma 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse en philosophie politique féministe part avant tout d’un constat empirique. Malgré les avancées réalisées depuis les cinquante dernières années au plan de l’égalité des sexes, la division du travail entre les hommes et les femmes, aussi bien sur le marché de l’emploi que dans la famille, perdure toujours dans nos sociétés démocratiques. S’inscrivant dans une perspective résolument féministe, croisant les réflexions contemporaines sur la théorie politique du care et la méthode féministe postmarxiste, cette thèse propose une interprétation plausible de ce clivage.
Dans une première partie, l’analyse de deux enjeux d’actualité en matière d’égalité des sexes, le soutien économique aux proches aidantes (chap. 1) et la reconnaissance du travail des mères et des femmes au foyer (chap. 2), me mène à la conclusion préliminaire suivante : malgré les objectifs visés, ces mesures politiques contribuent à enfermer encore davantage les femmes dans des rôles traditionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, je soutiens que ces mesures, ainsi que les approches féministes qui les sous-tendent, découlent elles-mêmes de processus de domination. L’argument avancé comporte quatre volets. J’aborde dans un premier temps les théories politiques du care. En inscrivant la réflexion sur le care dans une perspective politique, et non plus seulement morale, ces théoriciennes adoptent une définition du care comme « activité de soin » et visent à dissocier genre et care. Je suggère que malgré ces objectifs, elles adhèrent toujours à la logique différentialiste qui renforce le lien entre les femmes et le care lorsqu’il s’agit de proposer des politiques en matière d’égalité des sexes (chap. 3). En fait, cette logique différentialiste est intimement liée à la notion qu’elles se font du genre. Leur approche constructionniste, en démarquant le genre construit du sexe biologique, a pour effet de reconfirmer la différence des sexes (chap. 4). Sous ces approches, l’homme demeurant la norme et les femmes étant définies comme différentes, ces dernières intériorisent l’idée d’une « différence » logée en leurs propres corps (chap. 5). J’attire enfin l’attention sur la conception limitée que les théoriciennes se font du care, qu’elles posent comme l’équivalent des soins aux plus faibles (nourrissons, personnes malades, âgées et handicapées). Cette conception réductrice contribue à invisibiliser la plus grande partie du travail réalisé par les femmes dans leur vie quotidienne en soutien à ceux dont la dépendance ne se présente pas sous la forme la plus « extrême » : le care aux indépendants, c’est-à-dire tous les services (domestiques, de soins, reproductifs, sexuels) dévalués par leur principaux bénéficiaires, alors qu’ils constituent au même moment la condition essentielle à leur « indépendance ». Alors que le care aux indépendants demeure invisible, les femmes sont réassignées aux rôles traditionnels et les plus « puissants » continuent de dominer les institutions et le savoir qui porte sur elles. Rendre visible la part la plus « invisibilisée » du care et replacer notre commune vulnérabilité au cœur de la réflexion politique sur la justice représentent les premiers pas à franchir pour s’acheminer vers une société radicalement démocratique, une société libérée de la domination de genre (chap. 6). / The starting point of this thesis in feminist political philosophy is first and foremost a preoccupying empirical record. In spite of all the progress made in the past fifty years in matters of gender equality, the division of labor between men and women, at home as well as in the workplace, still persists in our democratic societies. In line with a decidedly feminist perspective, combining the contemporary reflections on the politics of care and a post-marxist feminist method, this thesis offers a plausible interpretation of this persisting division.
In the first part, the analysis of two current gender equality issues, of the financial support to family caregivers (chap. 1) and of the economic recognition of the work done by mothers and housewives (chap. 2), leads me to the following preliminary conclusion: in spite of their goals, these political measures actually contribute to maintain the status quo, indeed, to further confine women to their traditional roles.
In a second part, I argue that these measures, as well as the feminist approaches which underlie and support them, are themselves derived from processes of domination. This argument comprises four parts. First, I discuss the political theories of care. In shifting the debate from en ethic to a politic of care, these philosophers both wanted to illustrate the dimension of caring as an activity and to dissociate care from gender. I suggest that in spite of their goals, they still tend to stick to the differentialist logic which strengthens the links between woman and care when they put forward policies on gender equality (chap. 3). This logic of difference is actually closely linked to their notion of gender. Indeed, in distinguishing the socially constructed gender from the biological sex, their constructionist approach has the effect of confirming natural sexual differences (chap. 4). Man still being the norm and woman the «difference» under this view, women come to internalize the idea of a difference located in their own bodies (chap. 5). Finally, I bring to attention the very limited conception of care of these theorists, defined as care for the most vulnerable (infants, the sick, the old and the handicapped persons). This reductive conception actually contributes to invisibilize the largest part of the work done daily by women in support of those whose dependency doesn’t come under the most «extreme» form: the care of independents, that is, all the services (domestic, caring, reproductive and sexual services) devalued by their recipients while they constitute the condition for their «independence». As caring for «independents» remains invisible, women are ascribed to traditional roles and the most «powerful» are free to keep on dominating both institutions and the knowledge produced about it. Making this «invisibilized» part of caring visible, and replacing our common vulnerability at the heart of the political reflection on justice, are the first steps towards a radical democratic society, that is, a society freed from gender domination. / Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université catholique de Louvain
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