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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intrafamily Entrepreneurship: The formation and membership of family entrepreneurial teams

Discua Cruz, A., Howorth, Carole, Hamilton, E. January 2013 (has links)
No / Family entrepreneurial teams are groups of related individuals who engage in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial teams studies emphasize the resources that members bring to the team. Family business studies suggest that relationships and social theories are important. Social capital explains the formation and composition of family entrepreneurial teams (FETs). Analysis is of case studies of FETs based in Honduras. A shared commitment to entrepreneurial stewardship of the family's assets underpins formation of FETs. Trust and shared values were important for membership. This study highlights that families are not internally consistent, and family ties are not equally strong.

Les dynamiques de la résistance écologique : le cas d’une compagnie minière canadienne dans la vallée de Siria au Honduras

Aubé, David 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise traite d’un phénomène qui a gagné en importance dans les études sur l’Amérique latine : l’exploitation des ressources naturelles par des compagnies étrangères et l’augmentation des mouvements de résistance des populations locales contre l’implantation de ces compagnies. Délaissant l’accent généralement placé sur la naissance de ces mouvements, les impacts du temps sur les transformations du phénomène de résistance sont mesurés et analysés. Le cas de la compagnie minière canadienne Goldcorp Inc., exploitant de l’or dans la vallée de Siria, au Honduras, illustre à merveille les diverses techniques utilisées lors d’une lutte de longue haleine par une population rurale désirant résister à une compagnie transnationale au capital économique, politique et scientifique plus important. Ainsi, les dynamiques du mouvement de résistance soulignent des changements dans sa forme première à la suite de l’intrusion de nouveaux acteurs locaux et internationaux. Des identités, construites avec l’arrivée de la mine, sont aussi en jeu chez les groupes qui s’affrontent dans la région. L’étude d’un mouvement vers la fin de sa vie indique, de plus, le besoin de redéfinir la résistance et de sortir d’un schème purement actif vers un qui inclut aussi l’aspect discursif et moral dans sa définition. / This research deals with a phenomenon growing in interest in Latin American studies: natural resources exploitation from foreign companies and the growth of local resistance movements against the implementation of these companies. Going away from the general emphasis put on the birth of these movements, transformations due to the impact of time are instead measured and analyzed. The specific case of Goldcorp Inc. a Canadian mining company exploiting gold in the Siria Valley, Honduras, illustrates perfectly many tactics used by a rural population in an extensive battle and who wishes to resist to a multinational company that have more social, economic and politic power. Therefore, the resistance movement’s dynamics illustrate the changes in its primary form after the arrival of new local and international actors. Identities, build with the beginning of the mining exploitation, are also in play within the groups that are clashing in the region. Moreover, the study of a movement close to the end of its life demonstrate the need to redefine the notion of resistance in order to move away from the purely active form of it and include as well the discursive and moral aspects in its definition.

Afro-descendance et citoyenneté en Amérique centrale (1948-1966) / Afrodescendants and Citizenship in Central America (1948-1966)

Senior Angulo, Diana 17 December 2015 (has links)
La thèse analyse, dans une perspective historique et comparative, le parcours suivi vers la citoyenneté sociale par les populations afro-descendantes d’Amérique centrale entre 1948 et 1966. Avec le système esclavagiste puis son abolition comme points de départ de la réflexion, les Africains et les Afro-descendants du monde entier ont commencé à systématiser leurs réflexions, leurs luttes et leur organisation, notamment au travers de personnalités comme Marcus Garvey ou d’organisations comme le Mouvement panafricaniste, afin de rejeter la stigmatisation apportée par l’invention coloniale de la « race noire ». Ce processus s’est initié entre la Première Guerre mondiale et l’émergence du système des Nations unies, qui a fourni la base d’un nouvel ordre international, se traduisant notamment par la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et le début de la décolonisation en Afrique. Après les indépendances centraméricaines au début du XIXe siècle et au cours des processus de construction républicaine à l’oeuvre dans chacun des pays de la région, le développement national au Guatemala, au Honduras, au Nicaragua, au Costa Rica et au Panama a toutefois été marqué par l’empreinte identitaire laissée par la Couronne espagnole dans la région ainsi que par des politiques de métissage et/ou de blanchiment de la population. À partir de la deuxième partie du XIXe siècle, la vague d’immigration d’origine africaine en provenance des Caraïbes a remis en question cet imaginaire collectif et l’idée de citoyenneté portée par les élites de chaque pays. Si la question normative de la citoyenneté afro-descendante en Amérique centrale s’est donc longtemps inscrite dans un contexte international d’exclusion raciale, qui renvoie notamment au système de ségrégation aux États-Unis, le développement progressif de dispositifs légaux dans chaque pays a ouvert une nouvelle ère d’intégration citoyenne après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, faisant écho aux nouveaux instruments juridiques internationaux et à la Charte internationale des droits de l’homme. / The thesis analyzes, through comparative and historical perspectives, the path followed by theAfrodescendant populations in Central America, between 1948 and 1966, towards social citizenship. Having theslavery system and its latter abolition as a starting point, the African and Afrodescendant populations around theworld systematized their thoughts, battles and organization, especially through personalities such as Marcus Garveyand the Pan Africanist Movement; as means to counteract the burden created by the colonial invention of the “blackrace”. This process had place when the World War I and the United Nations System provided the base for a newinternational order; which after World War II, turned into creating the Organization of United Nations, the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and the beginning of decolonization in Africa. In addition, after the Central AmericanIndependence and in the middle of their republican construction, the differentiated national development followed byGuatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, took over the identity footprint institutionalized by theSpanish crown in the region; which afterwards turned into the miscegenation and/or population whitening. However,the wave of Caribbean Afrodescendant immigration from the second half of the nineteenth century, confronted thecollective imaginary as well as the citizen profile chosen by each of these country elites. Therefore, the singularnormative and social citizenship progress of the Afrodescendant populations in Central America, fell within theinternational racial exclusion context, such as United States’ racial segregation; as well as the paradoxicalrefinement of civil matters legal provisions in each country, and the strengthening of national measures restrictingimmigration; all of the above as part of a new human rights era, with its international legal instruments and theInternational Bill of Human Rights.

Robust Water Balance Modeling with Uncertain Discharge and Precipitation Data : Computational Geometry as a New Tool / Robust vattenbalansmodellering med osäkra vattenförings- och nederbördsdata : beräkningsgeometri som ett nytt verktyg

Guerrero, José-Luis January 2013 (has links)
Models are important tools for understanding the hydrological processes that govern water transport in the landscape and for prediction at times and places where no observations are available. The degree of trust placed on models, however, should not exceed the quality of the data they are fed with. The overall aim of this thesis was to tune the modeling process to account for the uncertainty in the data, by identifying robust parameter values using methods from computational geometry. The methods were developed and tested on data from the Choluteca River basin in Honduras. Quality control of precipitation and discharge data resulted in a rejection of 22% percent of daily raingage data and the complete removal of one out of the seven discharge stations analyzed. The raingage network was not found sufficient to capture the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation in the Choluteca River basin. The temporal variability of discharge was evaluated through a Monte Carlo assessment of the rating-equation parameter values over a moving time window of stage-discharge measurements. Al hydrometric stations showed considerable temporal variability in the stage-discharge relationship, which was largest for low flows, albeit with no common trend. The problem with limited data quality was addressed by identifying robust model parameter values within the set of well-performing (behavioral) parameter-value vectors with computational-geometry methods. The hypothesis that geometrically deep parameter-value vectors within the behavioral set were hydrologically robust was tested, and verified, using two depth functions. Deep parameter-value vectors tended to perform better than shallow ones, were less sensitive to small changes in their values, and were better suited to temporal transfer. Depth functions rank multidimensional data. Methods to visualize the multivariate distribution of behavioral parameters based on the ranked values were developed. It was shown that, by projecting along a common dimension, the multivariate distribution of behavioral parameters for models of varying complexity could be compared using the proposed visualization tools. This has a potential to aid in the selection of an adequate model structure considering the uncertainty in the data. These methods allowed to quantify observational uncertainties. Geometric methods have only recently begun to be used in hydrology. It was shown that they can be used to identify robust parameter values, and some of their potential uses were highlighted. / Modeller är viktiga verktyg för att förstå de hydrologiska processer som bestämmer vattnets transport i landskapet och för prognoser för tider och platser där det saknas mätdata. Graden av tillit till modeller bör emellertid inte överstiga kvaliteten på de data som de matas med. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att anpassa modelleringsprocessen så att den tar hänsyn till osäkerheten i data och identifierar robusta parametervärden med hjälp av metoder från beräkningsgeometrin. Metoderna var utvecklade och testades på data från Cholutecaflodens avrinningsområde i Honduras. Kvalitetskontrollen i nederbörds- och vattenföringsdata resulterade i att 22 % av de dagliga nederbördsobservationerna måste kasseras liksom alla data från en av sju analyserade vattenföringsstationer. Observationsnätet för nederbörd befanns otillräckligt för att fånga upp den rumsliga och tidsmässiga variabiliteten i den övre delen av Cholutecaflodens avrinningsområde. Vattenföringens tidsvariation utvärderades med en Monte Carlo-skattning av värdet på parametrarna i avbördningskurvan i ett rörligt tidsfönster av vattenföringsmätningar. Alla vattenföringsstationer uppvisade stor tidsvariation i avbördningskurvan som var störst för låga flöden, dock inte med någon gemensam trend. Problemet med den måttliga datakvaliteten bedömdes med hjälp av robusta modellparametervärden som identifierades med hjälp av beräkningsgeometriska metoder. Hypotesen att djupa parametervärdesuppsättningar var robusta testades och verifierades genom två djupfunktioner. Geometriskt djupa parametervärdesuppsättningar verkade ge bättre hydrologiska resultat än ytliga, var mindre känsliga för små ändringar i parametervärden och var bättre lämpade för förflyttning i tiden. Metoder utvecklades för att visualisera multivariata fördelningar av välpresterande parametrar baserade på de rangordnade värdena. Genom att projicera längs en gemensam dimension, kunde multivariata fördelningar av välpresterande parametrar hos modeller med varierande komplexitet jämföras med hjälp av det föreslagna visualiseringsverktyget. Det har alltså potentialen att bistå vid valet av en adekvat modellstruktur som tar hänsyn till osäkerheten i data. Dessa metoder möjliggjorde kvantifiering av observationsosäkerheter. Geometriska metoder har helt nyligen börjat användas inom hydrologin. I studien demonstrerades att de kan användas för att identifiera robusta parametervärdesuppsättningar och några av metodernas potentiella användningsområden belystes.

Les dynamiques de la résistance écologique : le cas d’une compagnie minière canadienne dans la vallée de Siria au Honduras

Aubé, David 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise traite d’un phénomène qui a gagné en importance dans les études sur l’Amérique latine : l’exploitation des ressources naturelles par des compagnies étrangères et l’augmentation des mouvements de résistance des populations locales contre l’implantation de ces compagnies. Délaissant l’accent généralement placé sur la naissance de ces mouvements, les impacts du temps sur les transformations du phénomène de résistance sont mesurés et analysés. Le cas de la compagnie minière canadienne Goldcorp Inc., exploitant de l’or dans la vallée de Siria, au Honduras, illustre à merveille les diverses techniques utilisées lors d’une lutte de longue haleine par une population rurale désirant résister à une compagnie transnationale au capital économique, politique et scientifique plus important. Ainsi, les dynamiques du mouvement de résistance soulignent des changements dans sa forme première à la suite de l’intrusion de nouveaux acteurs locaux et internationaux. Des identités, construites avec l’arrivée de la mine, sont aussi en jeu chez les groupes qui s’affrontent dans la région. L’étude d’un mouvement vers la fin de sa vie indique, de plus, le besoin de redéfinir la résistance et de sortir d’un schème purement actif vers un qui inclut aussi l’aspect discursif et moral dans sa définition. / This research deals with a phenomenon growing in interest in Latin American studies: natural resources exploitation from foreign companies and the growth of local resistance movements against the implementation of these companies. Going away from the general emphasis put on the birth of these movements, transformations due to the impact of time are instead measured and analyzed. The specific case of Goldcorp Inc. a Canadian mining company exploiting gold in the Siria Valley, Honduras, illustrates perfectly many tactics used by a rural population in an extensive battle and who wishes to resist to a multinational company that have more social, economic and politic power. Therefore, the resistance movement’s dynamics illustrate the changes in its primary form after the arrival of new local and international actors. Identities, build with the beginning of the mining exploitation, are also in play within the groups that are clashing in the region. Moreover, the study of a movement close to the end of its life demonstrate the need to redefine the notion of resistance in order to move away from the purely active form of it and include as well the discursive and moral aspects in its definition.


EDUARDA PASSARELLI HAMANN 28 July 2003 (has links)
[pt] Honduras e El Salvador, desde a época de suas independências, em 1821, têm uma relação bastante conflituosa. Após várias tentativas de resolução pacífica de suas disputas fronteiriças, alguns fatores demográficos, políticos e sócioeconômicos são agregados à natureza da relação desses dois Estados e dão origem, em julho de 1969, a um confronto armado conhecido por - Guerra do Futebol - ou - Guerra das Cem Horas -.A resolução imediata, ou administração, da Guerra do Futebol foi realizada pela Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA), através da atuação coordenada de quatro de seus órgãos: a Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, o Conselho Permanente, o Secretário Geral e a Reunião de Consulta dos Ministros das Relações Exteriores. A principal contribuição do presente trabalho, trazida à tona através da análise da ação coletiva da OEA no caso em estudo, permite concluir que esta organização exerceu três importantes papéis, que contribuíram para a resolução imediata da Guerra do Futebol, a saber: (i) ator autônomo; (ii) modificador do comportamento do Estado; e (iii) arena/espaço de discussão. Ademais, trata-se de um conflito que não conta com a participação, direta ou indireta, do membro mais poderoso da OEA, o que configura uma exceção à política intervencionista norteamericana para a América Latina na década de 1960. / [en] Honduras and El Salvador, since their independences in 1821, have a conflicting relationship. After countless attempts to achieve a peaceful resolution in their frontier disputes, new factors - demographic, political and socioeconomical - are added to the nature of the relationship between these two states and would give rise, in July 1969, to a armed conflict known as - Soccer War - or Hundred-years War -. The immediate resolution of the Soccer War was accomplished by the Organization of the American States (OAS), through a coordinated action of four of its main bodies, that is, of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, the Permanent Council, the Secretary-General and the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.The main contribution of this study, brought up through the analysis of the OAS collective action in this case, leads to the conclusion that this organization has played three main roles, which have largely contributed to the immediate resolution of the Soccer War, namely (i) autonomous actor; (ii) modifier of state behavior; and (iii) forum/space for dialogue. Moreover, it is worth noting that the most powerful member of the OAS has not participated, nor direct or indirect, to the achievement of the immediate resolution of this conflict, which can be considered as an exception to the North-American interventionist politics towards Latin America in the 1960s.

New opportunities for agricultural extension services: Mainstreaming large-scale farmer participation through modern ICT

Steinke, Jonathan 18 December 2019 (has links)
Kleinbäuerliche Haushalte im Globalen Süden sind zunehmend gefordert, ihre landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten an globale Veränderungen anzupassen. Landwirtschaftliche Beratungsdienste (extension services) stoßen vielerorts auf Schwierigkeiten, eine wachsende rurale Bevölkerung mit heterogenen Informationsbedürfnissen adäquat zu erreichen. Die zunehmende Verbreitung moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) hat in jüngster Zeit neue Möglichkeiten geschaffen, Information weitreichend zu verbreiten. Gleichzeitig bietet digitale Kommunikation aber auch Möglichkeiten, große Zahlen von Bäuerinnen und Bauern in der Erzeugung von Wissen und Information einzubinden. Durch digitale Kanäle können landwirtschaftliche Beratungsdienste systematisch Daten-Inputs von ihrer Zielgruppe erheben, sie aggregiert verarbeiten, und auf dieser Grundlage ihre Dienstleistung verbessern. Diese Dissertationsschrift präsentiert drei Machbarkeitsstudien zu verschiedenen Strategien zur Einbindung großer Zahlen von Bäuerinnen und Bauern in der landwirtschaftlichen Beratung mittels moderner IKT. Eine erste Studie untersucht die Machbarkeit und den Nutzen digital unterstützter landwirtschaftlicher „Bürgerwissenschaft“ (citizen science) zur Einbindung von Bäuerinnen und Bauern in der Wissensgenerierung. Eine zweite Studie passt den „Positive Deviance-Ansatz“ an multi-dimensionale kleinbäuerliche Entwicklung an. Eine dritte Studie präsentiert und testet ein Verfahren zur Nutzung von „Zwei-Wege-Kommunikation“ über Mobiltelefone, um die automatisierte, individuelle Priorisierung von Beratungsinhalten in kleinbäuerlichem Kontext zu verbessern. Auf Basis der vorgelegten Erkenntnisse aus drei unabhängigen Machbarkeitsstudien macht die Dissertationsschrift Vorschläge, wie landwirtschaftliche Beratungsdienste im Globalen Süden die Herausforderungen der großen Zahl und starken Heterogenität kleinbäuerlicher Haushalte mit effizienter, systematischer Nutzung digitaler Medien begegnen können. / Smallholder farmers across the Global South increasingly need to adapt their farming activities to fast-paced changes. Worldwide, agricultural extension services face the challenge of reaching a large and growing clientele with highly diverse information needs. In recent years, increased penetration of modern information and communication technology (ICT) has created new opportunities for disseminating agricultural information. At the same time, digital communication can also allow the involvement of large numbers of farmers in the creation and aggregation of relevant knowledge and information. By collecting well-defined data inputs from farmers and processing these data in systematic ways, agricultural advisory services can potentially improve their overall performance towards a large and heterogeneous clientele. Through three proof-of-concept studies, this dissertation delivers empirical evidence on the feasibility of different ways of employing modern ICT to harness large-scale farmer participation in agricultural extension. A first study explores the feasibility and usefulness of digitally-enabled agricultural citizen science for involving large numbers of farmers in knowledge generation. A second study adapts the ‘Positive Deviance approach’ to multi-dimensional agricultural development and delivers evidence on its feasibility. A third study suggests and tests a procedure for employing two-way communication through mobile phone interfaces for improving the targeting of agricultural advisory messages in smallholder context. Based on the empirical evidence from these three independent proof-of-concept studies, the dissertation suggests how agricultural extension services in the Global South can address the challenges of scale and complexity in smallholder farming context through increased methodological pluralism, greater farmer participation, and efficient, systematic use of digital media.

Power to the parents? : participatory governance, civil society, and the quality of democracy in rural Honduras and Guatemala

Altschuler, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines whether and how participatory governance (PG), a model for incorporating citizen participation in designing and/or implementing strategies to solve public problems, can strengthen civil society and improve the quality of democracy. The study focuses on community-managed schools (CMS) in Honduras and Guatemala, arguably each country's largest PG initiative, in which parents managed rural schools. This thesis advances a "political capabilities" framework to explore state efforts to strengthen civil society and improve the quality of democracy. I use a mixed-methods approach, centering on surveys of over 2,000 parents and eight community case studies. My research first shows how different long-standing political legacies—“controlled inclusion” in Honduras and “coerced marginalization” in Guatemala—impinged on CMS. In Honduras, patronage networks captured CMS. In Guatemala, community- and national-level polarization contributed to CMS's reversal. Both undermined the CMS model and reduced the likelihood that participants would develop political capabilities. Despite these obstacles to stimulating civil society, I find surprising evidence of important individual-level “spillover” effects—such as gaining skills and increasing participation in other organizations—among a non-trivial minority of participating parents. Moreover, regressions and case study analysis indicate that state support, parents' level of involvement, and parents' perceptions of council effectiveness and democraticness can increase the likelihood of certain spillovers. Still, prior organizational experience remains the best predictor of subsequent participation and leadership. And qualitative analysis further demonstrates the limits of CMS's impacts on rural civil society. For the most part, individuals have not used newly acquired skills to build new types of groups and organize autonomously. Instead, community organizations remain very limited in their scope of action and heavily circumscribed by the state. In sum, this thesis demonstrates how, through one type of PG initiative, states can stimulate participation and produce changes in individuals’ civic and political behavior. But CMS was not a “game-changer” for rural civil society—the link from incremental changes in individual behavior to how rural communities organize themselves and engage with the state remains tenuous.

Government participation in pricing farm products

Davila, Luis A January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Shaping Topographies of Home: A Political Ecology of Migration

Taylor, Carylanna Kathryn 01 January 2011 (has links)
Even from afar, transnational migrants influence how their households and communities of origin use natural resources. This study depicts the circulation of people, funds, and ideas within transnational families that extend from a Honduran village to the United States. Developing a "political ecology of migration" approach, I show how these circulations can reshape resource use practices and the socio-economic and bio-physical topographies of emigrants' former homes. The project advances anthropological thought by linking rich literatures on political ecology and transnationalism through a multi-method ethnography of transnational families. The study is also relevant to emigrants, community members, and practitioners interested in incorporating emigrants and remittances into development and conservation projects. The multi-sited project is anchored in a 380-household Honduran village, located in Cerro Azul Meámbar National Park, and encompasses the movement and practices of its residents and emigrants, including two secondary study sites in the United States. Research began with four focus groups. These formed the basis for 51 household village-wide structured interviews on experiences, practices, and beliefs related to remitting, migration, communication, farming, and natural resource use. I worked closely with four of these families in Honduras and at their emigrant family members' homes in south Florida and Long Island, New York. Through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and diaries tracking remittances and discourse through phone conversations, the multi-sited project traces transnational flows of funds, people, and ideas within the families. The ethnography highlights factors that shape, encourage, or impede emigrants' participation in natural resource management and development activities, as well as unintended socio-economic and environmental consequences of their actions. Study participants spend remittances not only on more commonly documented health, education, housing, and food, but also on a number of areas that directly impact the socio-natural landscape: farm inputs, cattle-ranching, land, labor, firewood collection, and a village-wide potable water project. How money is earned, sent, and spent is affected by emigrants' perceptions of home - perceptions shaped by phone calls, visits, nostalgia, precarious economic and immigration status, plans to return, and dreams of a better future for themselves and their children. Some environmental impacts are directly related to spending decisions, such as the decision to buy agrochemicals. In other cases, impacts arise from nonmonetary relationships, such as lending land. The study's political ecology of migration approach shows how emigrants' remitting and communication practices within transnational family networks translate into material, landscape impacting practices in their households and village of origin. The study contributes to a more nuanced treatment of material practices and places in migration research and provides political ecology with a network based approach to capturing transnational dynamics impacting local livelihoods and landscapes. Ethnographic understanding of these dynamics has the potential to assist researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to take migrants into account in development of interventions and as well as to understand how their practices and beliefs shape and reshape the topographies of their current and original homes.

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