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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reading Handel a textual and musical language of Acis and Galatea (1708, 1718) /

Chang, Young-Shim. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Texas, 2005. / System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Includes bibliographical references (p. 164-172).

Rörlighet till sjöss : En begreppsutredande studie kring rörlighet inom marin teoribildning

Dufva, Teodor January 2018 (has links)
What is manoeuvre and why is it important to comprehend its implication on contemporary naval theory? During the initial stages of the study a confusion regarding the use of manoeuvre as a concept was identified. The purpose of this concept analysis is to pinpoint the contents of the concept of manoeuvre for the field of war studies to enable further studies on the subject. The study utilises John Gerring’s meta theory Conceptual Goodness consisting of eight criteria used for concept analysis in social sciences. The study examines the three concepts of manoeuvre by Raoul Castex, maneuver by Milan Vego and maneuver by Wayne P. Hughes. The study confirms that a confusion regarding the understanding of the concept exists in contemporary naval though. It has also shown that manoeuvre acts as an important enabler for other processes on the field of battle. Both as a conceptual idea of how war can be fought and in the physical matter of moving platforms. The concluding discussion argues that well-defined concepts are essential for further empirical studies on theories and phenomena.

Ytterliggare antaganden om modern sjöstrid

Ramel Kjellgren, Jim January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida vi med hjälp av Gustav von Schmalensees modifikation av Lanchesters kvadratiska N2-Law kan bestyrka eller falsifiera teorin att en kustflotta med hjälp av en amfibisk miljö kan slå en på pappret överlägsen motståndare. Den komplexa miljö som en kustremsa eller skärgård utgör påverkar en högsjöflottas kapacitet att utgöra ett hot mot en kustflotta vars taktik är anpassad för terrängen och de synergieffekter som den ger. Uppsatsen försöker påvisa hur stor inverkan variabeln geografi har i sammanhanget. Vidare undersöker uppsatsen huruvida det är möjligt att förbättra von Schmalensees modifikation av Lanchesters N2-Law med hjälp av den faktiska sannolikheten för träff med sjömålsrobot inomskärs respektive utomskärs. Med hjälp av Försvarshögskolans sjökrigsspel Simple Surface Warfare Model (SSM) genomförs ett experiment där teorierna testas empiriskt. Resultaten visar en förbättring i prediceringen av stridsutfall med sjömålsrobot om koefficienten för den faktiska sannolikheten för träff räknas in i ekvationen. Vidare konstateras att en stark korrelation kan ses i en mindre kustflottas överlevnad i amfibisk miljö då de möter en på pappret överlägsen motståndare.


Jost, Levi James 01 May 2017 (has links)
This dissertation explores the effects disability had on the aesthetics of American modernist writers like Langston Hughes, William Faulkner, Amy Lowell, and Ezra Pound at a time when eugenics' insistence on a superior and uniform humanity dominated social thought and how their writings complicate generalized conclusions espousing ablist tendencies in modernist literature, demonstrating that such generalizations can be complicated with careful attention to a broad range of modernist texts. The introduction highlights important ideas and events in the development of disability studies and applies the theory to Emily Dickinson’s “Safe in their Alabaster Chambers” to demonstrate how scholars have largely overlooked even well-known authors’ engagement with disability. The first chapter interrogates Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury to demonstrate that, rather than reify disability, Faulkner questions the idea of norms that imply a stable identity by alluding to and investigating ideas relevant to important events and conceptions of the time such as Henry H. Goddard’s The Kallikak Family and the U.S. Supreme court case of Buck v. Bell. Chapter two’s analysis of Langston Hughes's Fine Clothes to the Jew identifies a tendency in the poetry to enact Tobin Sieber’s concept of disability masquerade to assume but play against the intellectually disabled identity forced on Blacks at the time, rather than attempting to distance himself from the label as disability theorists such as Douglas Baynton posit generally occurs when racialized groups are associated with disability. In the third chapter, Robert McRuer’s concept of compulsory able-bodiedness is identified as a source for Amy Lowell’s fall from popularity and she is considered alongside conceptions of the freak to identify a source for her creativity most evident in the "polyphonic prose" of Can Grande's Castle, her invention to free poets of the restrictions of traditional cadenced verse. The final chapter offers a reading of Pound's Drafts & Fragments that, while highlighting this often neglected collection's importance because of the social awareness brought to it through Pound's twelve and a half years in a mental institution, also explores the limitations of readings that assume that his disabled status guided this poetry. Concluding the dissertation is an analysis of Sherman Alexie's Pulitzer prize winning young adult novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, that demonstrates disability’s continued applicability after eugenics’ fall from grace and highlights Alexie’s use of humor to get readers to stare as a part of considering the serious topics he writes into the novel, instigating what Rosemarie Garland-Thomson calls the "good stare" that welcomes identification between staree and starer. Together, these chapters attempt to further expand the inclusivity of discussions of modernism and complicate long-standing understandings of disability.

Other life

Camati, Anna Stegh 14 February 2013 (has links)
Resumo: O estudo da cosmovisão de Hughes, inspirada em Lawrence e remontando a Bergson, abre novas perspectivas não exploradas pelos críticos, evidenciando aspectos inéditos em sua poesia. Da mesma maneira que Lawrence, Hughes procura ir alem das aparências exteriores, revelando o próprio processo vital, que e captado somente em raros momentos de percepção intuitiva. 0 objetivo principal de sua poesia e salientar como real idades 'outras ' as criaturas do mundo rião-humano, destacando-as como receptáculos da poderosa força vital existente no uni verso. Insiste em celebrar a vitalidade dos pássaros, animais e plantas, porque considera o homem demasiadamente auto matizado,fato que o impede de viver. Os indícios de degeneração que vê no homem moderno, Hughes os atribui a excessiva mecanização, que reduziu o homem a um autômato, interrompendo o contacto vital com as outras criaturas vivas. Estas ideias, que Lawrence expõe nas obras em prosa, i .e., ensaios, cartas, relatos de viagens, especulações filosóficas, romances e contos são retomadas por Hughes em sua poesia, constituindo não apenas a principal fonte de inspiração, como também a base de sua visão do mundo. Na primeira parte desta dissertação e colocada em relevo a filosofia de Bergson, que foi assimiladas reinterpretada por Lawrence e Hughes, servindo de fundamentação metafísica para a obra de ambos. Na segunda parte traçamos o paralelo existente entre o simbolismo animal de ambos os autores, demonstrando que as metáforas animais de Lawrence, que representam forças instintivas e intuitivas, estão também aparentes em Hughes, evidenciando sua habi1 idade em dar nova forma ao material em que se inspirou, bem como provando que maior compreensão do pensamento de Lawrence possibilita novos enfoques na poemática de Hughes.

Varifrån kommer den svenska marinens kunskap och erfarenheter om strid till sjöss?

Åberg, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Varifrån kommer den svenska marinens kunskap och erfarenheter om strid till sjöss?   ABSTRACT: A robust doctrine should consist of solid arguments and theory that explain the background in order to give more effect. The Swedish naval doctrine Doktrin för marina operationer (DMarinO) is based on knowledge and experience. The problem is that the doctrine does not mention where Sweden´s knowledge and experience from naval warfare originate. Since Sweden has not been to war in over 200 years it is hard to argue that all knowledge and experience originate from own naval warfare. The issue is whether national or international naval theory can be found in DMarinO.   The thesis is based on the two naval theorists, Landquist and Hughes, who each assigned six variables representing their theory. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether Landquist and Hughes´s naval theories is found in DMarinO and to increase understanding of naval theories connection to Sweden´s naval doctrine.   The results show that both theories are reflected in DMarinO. Theory from Landquist can be found in a higher degree than theory from Hughes. Therefore it is possible that DMarinO could be influenced by both national and international naval theory, but more research is needed in order to confirm that.     Nyckelord: Landquist, Hughes, militärteori, sjömilitära teoretiker, marin doktrin, DMarinO

Marin offensiv - en konkretisering

Krona, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
The principle of the offensive in naval warfare has long been studied by scholars of military science. Studies suggest that in order for the principles of war to be practically useful for professionals, they need to be described concretely. The principle of the offensive as described in the Swedish Doctrine for Naval Tactics however, is not. This thesis aims to identify different success factors for naval offensive operations by using a qualitative analysis of Castex’s, Hughes’, and Vego’s naval theories, which when combined may form the principles for a successful offensive. A qualitative case study has been utilised, with literature from the successful Israeli naval offensive in the Yom Kippur-war, and the failed Argentinian naval offensive in the Falklands war; in order to identify which factors are practicable in a modern context. All factors, intelligence, manoeuvre, concentration of force, numerical superiority, qualitative superiority, adaptation to capabilities differences, and command and control, were identified in the Israeli offensive. In the Argentinian offensive, only the manoeuvre factor was identified, due to a lack of sufficient intelligence and command and control. The conclusions are that all factors were useful for a successive offensive action, however, more research is necessary for further generalization.

A Study of the Development of Evening and Night Schools Operating Under the State Board for Vocational Education in Texas

Cochrane, Earl A. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem is actually twofold: first, to trace the growth and development of vocational education programs operating in the evening schools of the State of Texas; second, to analyze some of the various types of evening school programs and facilities provided for conducting adult vocational evening schools.

Attack effectively first, plattityd eller maxim?

von Schantz, Carl January 2021 (has links)
There are different ways to understand warfare. Some see it as an artform, some as a science. For hundreds of years writers and theorists have tried to explain war in terms of principles such as initiative, surprise, and simplicity. These principles are sometimes distilled into maxims that try to define the most meaningful, crucial rules of war. This essay examines naval writer Wayne P. Huhges’s maxim “attack effectively first”. The somewhat self-evident concept of attacking effectively first leading to naval victory is tested and discussed. Hughes has developed three factors that he sees as essential in achieving the maxim, firepower, scouting and command and control (C2). The factors are analyzed and applied to the Yom Kippur war to investigate their meaning and value. The results of the analysis show that the factors are necessary to attack effectively first. However more research is required to evaluate how other factors can contribute and if the maxim is relevant in other maritime warfare cases.

project: spARCH: Igniting Design Thinking Through Architecture How the Architectural Design Process can Inspire Social Entrepreneurship

Mierke, David S. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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