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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön samt arbetstillfredsställelse hos egenföretagande tandhygienister i Sverige : en deskriptiv tvärsnittstudie

Kinnefors Reyment, Britt-Louise January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva svenska egenföretagande tandhygienisters (EfTH) arbetsförhållanden för att studera om där fanns samband mellan fysisk och psykosocial arbetsmiljö och arbetstillfredsställelse i gruppen. Samliga tandhygienister i Sveriges tandhygienistförenings sektion för egna företagare (n = 179) inbjöds att deltaga i studien vilken gjordes med hjälp av ett frågeformulär grundat på en förkortad version av the General Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work, QPSNordic 34+. Sextiofem procent (n=108) svarade på enkäten. Resultaten visade att äldre tandhygienister och de som hade fler än 19 yrkesår upplevde högre grad av arbetsskicklighet, var säkrare i sin yrkesroll och kände sig mindre stressade än yngre. Stress var relaterat till fler än trettio arbetstimmar per vecka. Alla frågor i skalorna om arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsglädje och arbetsstolthet skattades högt och allra högst frågan om arbetsstolthet. Frågor i skalorna om kontroll i arbetet visade på hög kontroll av arbetstakt, pauser och påverkan av beslut i det egna arbetet. Ett statistiskt signifikant samband kunde påvisas mellan kontroll av arbetstakt, påverkansmöjligheter, positiv feedback från patienter och arbetstillfredsställelse. Det fanns också statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan kontroll av arbetstakt, positiv feedback från tandläkare för arbetsresultat, positiv feedback från patienter samt att få tillhöra en (arbets)grupp och arbetsglädje. En slutsats från denna studie är att det förefaller finnas ett samband mellan EfTH:s arbetsförhållanden och hög arbetstillfredsställelse.

Självupplevd oral hälsa hos patienter som strålats mot huvud- och halscancer / Self-perceived oral health in patients radiated against head and neck cancer

Andersson, Rebecka, Smajli, Dorentina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att belysa hur patienter som strålats mot huvud- och halscancer upplevde sin orala hälsa efter avslutad strålbehandling. Studien är kvalitativ och består av intervjuer med åtta informanter. Intervjuerna har utförts med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Intervjuerna spelades in på bandspelare och varade i ca 10-20 minuter. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet av studien visade att majoriteten av informanterna upplevde sin orala hälsa negativt efter avslutad strålbehandling, dessa benämns i fysisk effekt och psykisk begräsning. Informanterna upplevde smärta samt muntorrhet efter avslutad strålbehandling. Resultatet visade även att nutritionsbegränsingar uppstod och att de var tvungna till att göra kostförändringar, även sväljning och tuggning försvårades. Informanterna upplevde generellt att det var jobbigt att äta i stora sammanhang då rädslan för att sätta maten i halsen förekom. Strålbehandlingen påverkade även informanterna psykiskt genom att de ofta var låga i humöret. Slutsatsen av studien visar att dessa patienter upplever smärta, har problem med att äta och påverkas psykiskt samt att de hämmas socialt. / The purpose of this study was to illustrate how patients radiated against head and neck cancer, experience their oral health after ending radiotherapy. The study is qualitative and considers interviews with eight informants. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. The interviews were recorded on a tape recorder and lasted about 10-20 minutes. The interview data were then analysed using a qualitative content analysis. The results of this study show that a majority of the respondents experience their oral health negatively after ending radiotherapy; these are mentioned in physical effect and mental limitation. The informants experienced pain and dry mouth after completing radiotherapy. The results also showed that they had trouble eating, including swallowing and chewing difficult and that they were forced to make dietary changes. The informants experienced generally it was hard to eat at large surroundings because the fear of choking occurred. Radiotherapy had also affected the informants psychologically, as they often was in low mood. The conclusion of the study shows that these patients experience pain, have trouble eating and that they are affected psychologically as well as inhibited socially.

Detection of common dental diseases by dental hygiene-therapists

Macey, Richard John January 2016 (has links)
Thesis submitted to the University of Manchester by Richard Macey for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy entitled “Detection of Common Dental Diseases by Dental Hygiene-Therapists”, February 2016.Many adult patients that attend NHS dental practices on a regular basis are asymptomatic and do not need any further treatment other than a routine dental examination (“check-up”). As the oral health of the adult population is predicted to improve further, using the General Dental Practitioner to undertake the “check-up” on regular “low risk” patients represents a substantial and potentially unnecessary cost for state-funded systems. Given recent regulatory changes in the United Kingdom, it is now possible to delegate a range of tasks to Dental Hygiene-Therapists, including the routine clinical examination. This has the potential to release General Dental Practitioner’s time and increase the capacity to care at a practice level. The aim of this thesis was to determine the diagnostic test accuracy of Dental Hygiene-Therapists when detecting dental disease, explore the social acceptability of using Dental Hygiene-Therapists to manage “low risk” patients in practice and the feasibility of conducting a definitive trial. A mixed-methods approach was utilised with four inter-linked studies: 1. A diagnostic test accuracy study, which assessed the efficacy of Dental Hygiene-Therapists to detect dental caries and periodontal disease in a primary care setting (n=1899); 2. A comparative accuracy study, which investigated the ability of different dental professional groups to distinguish between photographs of malignant and non-malignant lesions (n=192); 3. A feasibility study, which examined the recruitment, retention and fidelity of using Dental Hygiene-Therapists to manage “low-risk” patients in practice over a twelve month period (n=60); and 4. A series of semi-structured interviews to determine the social acceptability of the use of Dental-Hygiene-Therapists in this role. A fifth study ran in parallel and involved undertaking a Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy Systematic Review. This review informed the methods and conduct of the diagnostic test accuracy studies (studies 1 and 2). When compared to General Dental Practitioners (reference test) the Dental Hygiene-Therapists (index test) produced summary sensitivity and specificity points of 0.81 and 0.87 for dental caries, and 0.89 and 0.75 for periodontal disease respectively. When differentiating between malignant and non-malignant lesions, the Dental Hygiene-Therapist group were comparable to General Dental Practitioners for sensitivity (0.81 versus 0.77 respectively) and for specificity (0.73 versus 0.69 respectively). The feasibility results identified an acceptable recruitment rate of 34%, a retention rate of 63.33% and fidelity of 94.74%. The qualitative interviews found high social acceptability to the idea of using Dental Hygiene-Therapists to undertake routine dental examinations. These results suggest that Dental Hygiene-Therapists could be used to play a more substantial role in the management of “low risk” asymptomatic NHS patients in a primary dental care environment.

Pracovní motivace dentálních hygienistek / Work motivation of dental hygienists

Dobrá, Eva January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on the fluctuating motivation of dental hygienists. The goal of this work is to find the causes which lead to these dental hygienists to leave this career path, their motivation and demotivation inside their workplace. The theoretical part begins with defining the dental hygienist and describes her work routine and duties. Following part will be devoted to the fluctuation and turnover rate in the workforce, the causes and consequences related to it. The third section of the theoretical part will concentrate on motivation; motivation as a concept, personal fulfilment and financial compensation as a motivation. The empirical part analyzes the motivation of the participating sample group used for this study. Qualitative research methods were used; semi-structured interviews were conducted and then analyzed. The practical output is a description of the motivators and dissatisfactions of the selected test group of dental hygienists. With the help of the interviews, the conclusion to the motivations was reached and recommendations were assembled for dentists, managers and business owners of establishments which use the services of dental hygienists. Key words: dental hygienist, motivation, turnover, job satisfaction.

Tandhygienistens roll inom rökavvänjning på Irland och i Sverige

Fridman, Fanny, Wannefors, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Att utforma en enkät - angående tandhygienistens psykosociala arbetsmiljö

Clarence, Emily, Göransson, Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
Psykosociala faktorer kännetecknar allt som inte berör fysiska omständigheter på en arbetsplats. En god psykosocial arbetsmiljö ses bland annat när det råder goda relationer med arbetskamrater och när ansvars- och beslutstagande möjliggörs. Eftersom det i dagsläget råder otillräcklig information inom området är syftet med denna studie att ta fram och utforma en enkät med frågor som berör tandhygienistens psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Frågorna i enkäten kommer att konstrueras utifrån de redan etablerade frågorna i Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, COPSOQ. Enkäten ska sedan prövas i en pilotstudie. Efter utförd pilotstudie redovisas respondenternas kommentarer på enkätens innehåll och disposition. Resultatet visar att frågorna i COPSOQ innehåller en del svagheter vad avser formulering och innebörd. För enkäten som helhet har både fördelar och nackdelar påträffats. Slutsatsen blir därför att enkäten inför eventuellt framtida ändamål bör bearbetas och förtydligas innan den realiseras. / Psychosocial factors characterize everything that does not concern physical circumstances at a workplace. A good psychosocial work environment is exemplified by good relations with colleagues and the possibility of taking responsibility and making decisions. The information regarding the dental hygienist psychosocial work environment is insufficient. The aim of this study is therefore to develop and design a questionnaire within the given subject. The questionnaire will be based on established questions in the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, COPSOQ. The questionnaire will then be tested in a pilot study. The pilot study will present the respondents comments on the questionnaire, in terms of its content and presentation. Results show that the questions in COPSOQ contain some weaknesses regarding formulation and meaning. For the survey as a whole, both advantages and disadvantages were encountered. It is therefore concluded that the questionnaire for any future purpose should be reworked and refined before application.

Upplevd arbetssituation hos tandhygienister inom folktandvård och privat tandvård : en jämförande studie

Nilsson, Anna, Johansson, Paulina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att jämföra den upplevda arbetssituationen hos tandhygienister inom folktandvården med tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården. Tandhygienister i södra Sverige som var registrerade hos SRAT (n=313) tillfrågades att delta i studien. Enkäten skickades ut elektroniskt, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 48% (n=151). Inom folktandvården svarade 59% (n=101) och inom den privata tandvården svarade 35% (n=50). Enkätfrågorna omfattade arbete, arbetsklimat, arbetssituation, profession, hälsa, inflytande och stöd i yrkesrollen samt bakgrundsfrågor om ålder, kön, anställningsform och arbetstid. Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p<0,05) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården gällande i vilken utsträckning de styrde över sina tidsbokningar, upplevde trötthet, orolighet, besvär från rygg, nacke eller axlar samt besvär från andra delar av kroppen. En statistisk signifikant skillnad (p<0,01) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården syntes även i vilken utsträckning respondenterna styrde över sin arbetstakt. Slutsatsen av studiens begränsade material är att tandhygienisterna inom den privata tandvården tycktes ha en mer positiv syn på deras arbetssituation än tandhygienisterna inom folktandvården.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to compare the perceived work situation among dental hygienists in the public dental health service with dental hygienists in private practice. Dental hygienists in southern Sweden who were registered at SRAT (n= 313) were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent out electronically, which gave a response rate of 48% (n= 151). The response rate in the public dental health sevice was 59% (n= 101) and in private practice 35% (n=50). The survey questions covered work, work atmosphere, work situation, profession, health, influence and collegial support together with background questions about age, gender, employment status and working hours. The result showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and dental hygienists in private practice as regards to what extent the dental hygienists decided over their own scheduled time, experienced tiredness, worry, disorders from the back, neck or shoulders and disorders from other parts of the body. A statistically significant difference (p<0.01) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and the dental hygienists in private practice was also shown as regards to what extent the dental hygienists could control their own work pace. The conclusion from the limited material of this study is that the dental hygienists in private practice seemed to have a more positive view of their work situation compared to the dental hygienists in the public dental health service.</p>

Upplevd arbetssituation hos tandhygienister inom folktandvård och privat tandvård : en jämförande studie

Nilsson, Anna, Johansson, Paulina January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att jämföra den upplevda arbetssituationen hos tandhygienister inom folktandvården med tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården. Tandhygienister i södra Sverige som var registrerade hos SRAT (n=313) tillfrågades att delta i studien. Enkäten skickades ut elektroniskt, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 48% (n=151). Inom folktandvården svarade 59% (n=101) och inom den privata tandvården svarade 35% (n=50). Enkätfrågorna omfattade arbete, arbetsklimat, arbetssituation, profession, hälsa, inflytande och stöd i yrkesrollen samt bakgrundsfrågor om ålder, kön, anställningsform och arbetstid. Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p&lt;0,05) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården gällande i vilken utsträckning de styrde över sina tidsbokningar, upplevde trötthet, orolighet, besvär från rygg, nacke eller axlar samt besvär från andra delar av kroppen. En statistisk signifikant skillnad (p&lt;0,01) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården syntes även i vilken utsträckning respondenterna styrde över sin arbetstakt. Slutsatsen av studiens begränsade material är att tandhygienisterna inom den privata tandvården tycktes ha en mer positiv syn på deras arbetssituation än tandhygienisterna inom folktandvården. / The aim of this study was to compare the perceived work situation among dental hygienists in the public dental health service with dental hygienists in private practice. Dental hygienists in southern Sweden who were registered at SRAT (n= 313) were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent out electronically, which gave a response rate of 48% (n= 151). The response rate in the public dental health sevice was 59% (n= 101) and in private practice 35% (n=50). The survey questions covered work, work atmosphere, work situation, profession, health, influence and collegial support together with background questions about age, gender, employment status and working hours. The result showed a statistically significant difference (p&lt;0.05) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and dental hygienists in private practice as regards to what extent the dental hygienists decided over their own scheduled time, experienced tiredness, worry, disorders from the back, neck or shoulders and disorders from other parts of the body. A statistically significant difference (p&lt;0.01) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and the dental hygienists in private practice was also shown as regards to what extent the dental hygienists could control their own work pace. The conclusion from the limited material of this study is that the dental hygienists in private practice seemed to have a more positive view of their work situation compared to the dental hygienists in the public dental health service.

Vet personer som besöker en folktandvårdsklinik vad en tandhygienist gör? : – en kvantitativ studie / Do people who visit a public dental clinic know what a dental hygienist does? : - a quantitative study

Persson, Malin, Bölja, Lina January 2010 (has links)
Tandhygienistyrket är ett relativt nytt yrke. I Sverige har yrket funnits i cirka 40 år och har under denna tid genomgått stora förändringar. Tandhygienister behandlade från början enbart patienter som remitterades av tandläkare. Dessa faktorer kan ha bidragit till att personer som besöker tandvården idag inte alltid känner till vad en tandhygienist gör. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om personer som besöker en folktandvårdsklinik vet vad en tandhygienist gör. En studie med empirisk och kvantitativ design genomfördes med användning av enkäter, bestående av 22 frågor med fasta svarsalternativ. Sammanlagt besvarades 150 väntrumsenkäter av personer som besökte tre folktandvårdskliniker i Landstinget Blekinge. Urvalet var konsekutivt, författarna till studien tillfrågade personligen personer, 16 år och uppåt, i den ordning de anlände till väntrummen om de ville delta i studien. Merparten av respondenterna kände till att en tandhygienist självständigt genomför undersökningar, informerar samt arbetar förebyggande. Respondenterna var tveksamt inställda till om tandhygienister fick ställa diagnos på och behandla tandlossningssjukdom. Slutsatsen av studien är att en majoritet av de människor som besöker en Folktandvårdsklinik inte till fullo vet vad en tandhygienist gör. / Dental hygienist is a relatively new profession and the profession has existed in Sweden for about 40 years. During this time it has gone through major changes. In the beginning, dental hygienists only treated people who were referred by a dentist. These factors may have resulted in that visitors to public dental clinics not always knowing what a dental hygienist does. The aim of this study was to investigate if people who visited public dental clinics know what a dental hygienist does. An empirical study was carried out using a questionnaire containing 22 multiple-choice questions. In total 150 questionnaires were answered by visitors to three public dental clinics within Blekinge county. The sample method used was consecutive. The authors asked people 16 years and older, in the order in which they arrived at the clinic, if they would participate in the study. The majority of the participants were aware that dental hygienists carry out examinations independently, inform and work preventively. The participants were unclear that dental hygienists could diagnose and treat periodontal disease. The conclusion of the study is that visitors to public dental clinics do not know entirely what a dental hygienist does.

O curso de habilitação profissional do técnico em saúde bucal no âmbito do SUS/BA: um estudo sobre sua avaliabilidade.

Mazzafera, Leila Maria Coutinho January 2010 (has links)
p. 1-83 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-22T19:39:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 666.pdf: 2638580 bytes, checksum: 1b5a9919b450e70cb0078f9f01da2583 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva(mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-05-04T17:20:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 666.pdf: 2638580 bytes, checksum: 1b5a9919b450e70cb0078f9f01da2583 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-04T17:20:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 666.pdf: 2638580 bytes, checksum: 1b5a9919b450e70cb0078f9f01da2583 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Objetivo: Esta pesquisa visou realizar um estudo de avaliabilidade do Curso de Habilitação Profissional de Técnico em Saúde Bucal, desenvolvido pela Escola de Formação Técnica em Saúde Prof. Jorge Novis da Superintendência de Recursos Humanos da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia, tendo como objetivo identificar pontos para sua melhoria e focos para avaliação futura. Metodologia: Foi uma pesquisa avaliativa, onde se elaborou um modelo lógico do curso a partir do documento-base, entendendo que o modelo lógico cumpre o papel de explicitar a teoria do programa, verificando se está bem desenhado e se apresenta um plano plausível de alcance de resultados. Foram realizadas doze entrevistas e a observação in loco, nos momentos de dispersão do curso com os cirurgiões dentistas, sendo um coordenador, instrutores e com os beneficiários do curso, os futuros TSB. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que tanto o objetivo do curso quanto a identificação dos beneficiários estavam claros para os informantes-chave, mas que apenas os futuros TSB, expressaram o objetivo terminal do curso que é o de melhorar os serviços do SUS. As opiniões dos informantes acerca das atividades desenvolvidas durante o curso para a formação profissional foram amplamente convergentes. Os resultados intermediários propostos pelo plano de curso foram ressaltados na área da mobilização dos valores, expressando a capacidade do “saber ser”. Por fim foram identificadas áreas críticas que requerem avaliação, como a efetivação da diretriz da integração ensino-serviço, avaliação do processo ensinoaprendizagem, aperfeiçoamento do currículo integrado, capacitação técnico pedagógica dos instrutores, critérios de seleção para os alunos e instrutores e infraestrutura dos serviços. Conclusão: O estudo revelou que o curso de TSB está suficientemente implementado, para submeter-se a uma avaliação sistemática, tendo como principal foco de avaliação futura a magnitude da inserção profissional do TSB no SUS da Bahia. / Salvador

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