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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Service Innovation and Business Models : A Case Study of A Small Swedish ICT Company / Serviceinnovation och affärsmodeller : En fallstudie av ett mindre företag inom ICT-industrin

Wendel, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Innovation has become of increased importance to a company’ competitive advantage during the past years. Over the years, the importance of services has increased. Information and Tele- Communication Technologies (ICT) have become a supportive role in almost any type of industry. The ICT market is continuously changing at a very high pace. In order to cope with these changes, companies active within the IT and software industry needs to unceasingly maintain their solutions up to date. This thesis provides a case study on Digital Marketing AB, a small company active in the ITindustry, delivering tools for planning, sending, and analyzing digital marketing campaigns. Digital Marketing AB operates within a market that is changing rapidly. As new technologies emerge, existing technologies becomes known, and low-cost versions of the present technology appears in the market, eroding revenues from more differentiated services. Furthermore, if the companies are small, and do not have the same financial resources as bigger actors, it is important for these companies to rely on other types of strengths. Companies also need to make sure that they are able to sell the new technology in a way that is attractive to their customers, but at the same time profitable for the company. In other words, they need to integrate the new technology in a business model. The thesis concludes that Digital Marketing AB needs to develop new technology with regards to a specific target customer group, but also to work together with the customers in order to develop an attractive and competitive business model. Furthermore, the thesis concludes that how the business model will be designed will determine the success of adopting a new technology. Other issues that arise who have to do with the design of the business model are how to package and position the new technology. / Under de senaste åren har innovation har blivit ett allt viktigare bidrag till ett företags konkurrensfördelar. Betydelsen av tjänster har dessutom ökat. IT och telekommunikation (ICT) har kommit att spela en viktig roll i nästan alla typer av industrier. Denna marknad ändras mycket snabbt och kontinuerligt. För att bemöta dessa förändringar måste företag som är aktiva inom IT- och mjukvaruindustrin ständigt hålla sina lösningar uppdaterade. Detta examensarbete består av en fallstudie utförd på ett litet företag aktivt i IT-branschen, referat till som Digital Marketing AB. Företaget levererar ett system för att planera, sända och analysera digitala marknadsföringskampanjer. Digital Marketing AB konkurrerar på en marknad som förändras i mycket hög takt. Då nya teknologier växer fram blir de existerande lösningarna kända vilket ger utrymme för lågkostnadsalternativ som eroderar intäkter från mer differentierade tjänster. Om dessa företag vars intäkter eroderas dessutom är mindre företag som inte har samma finansiella resurser som de större företagen, måste de förlita sig på andra typer av styrkor. Företag måste även se till att kunna sälja tekniken de producerar på ett sätt som är attraktivt för kunden, men som samtidigt är lönsamt för företaget. De måste integrera sin teknik i en affärsmodell. Examensarbetet visar på att Digital Marketing AB bör utveckla sin affärsmodell dedicerad åt en specifik målgrupp, och dessutom göra det tillsammans med potentiella kunder för att affärsmodellen skall bli attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig. Dessutom visar arbetet på att beroende på hur affärsmodellen utformas, kommer att avgöras hur pass framgångsrik affärsmodellen kommer att vara. Andra frågor som uppstår i samband med utvecklingen av affärsmodellen har att göra med hur tekniken skall paketeras och positioneras.

An evaluation of the implementation of ICT policy for education in rural Namibian schools

Ngololo, E.N. (Elizabeth Ndeukumwa) 20 May 2011 (has links)
Many governments across the world have invested a lot of resources in information and communication technology (ICT) development with an aim to enhance teaching and learning using technology in schools. New educational ICT policy issues emerged and new patterns of ICT related practices are observable in education. This initiative has necessitated the development of National ICT Policies that will guide the implementation process in schools. Namibia has adopted the National ICT policy for Education in 2005 and the National ICT Policy Implementation Plan in 2006. Since the adoption no study was done to evaluate the implementation process, especially in rural schools where the teaching has been proven difficult. This study evaluates the implementation of the National ICT Policy for Education in Namibian rural junior secondary schools, especially in science classrooms. The thesis is a mixed methods study, undertaking survey and case studies. The study was conducted in the three educational regions, namely, Ohangwena; Oshana; and Oshikoto in Northern Namibia were 163 schools were sampled. The purpose of the study was to describe how ICT is being implemented in science classrooms and also explore factors that affect ICT implementation in rural schools. The study’s findings indicate that the rural schools in Namibia are in the initial phase of ICT implementation. ICT use and pedagogical use is low due to lack of professional development courses, pedagogical support and lack of ICT related resources. However, the few schools with high pedagogical use of ICT have shown an entrepreneurial leadership style and vision of the science teachers. The relational analysis suggests three main predictors of ICT implementation in rural schools. These findings were confirmed through case studies of successful schools. In addition, the findings were legitimised by the participants of the ICT use conference. The Kennisnet model (2009) was adopted and adapted as a conceptual framework for this study. The Howie model (2002) provided the frame within which the structure of input, process and outcome could be identified. The data was consistent with the adapted Kennisnet model (2009) and added five more constructs namely, entrepreneurial leadership, science curriculum goals, entrepreneurial science teachers’ vision, general use of ICT. The general use of ICT and attitudes of the science teachers influences the pedagogical use of ICT as added to the Howie model (2002). The results of this research suggest ways to improve the pedagogical use of ICT in rural schools; enable policymakers to make informed decision about resource allocation to the rural schools; and on teacher professional development in order to improve the current rural situation regarding ICT use. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

Ålderns inverkan på teknikstress hos universitetslärare / The effect of age on technical stress in university teachers

Nell, Karlo, Klasson, Emilia, Sjölin, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Den ökande användningen av information-och kommunikationsteknik (ICT) hos lärosäten i samband med omställningen till distansundervisning har inneburit att allt högre krav ställs på universitetslärare. Den stress som uppstår i samband med användningen av ICT kallas för teknikstress och kan bland annat ge upphov till problem med sömn, koncentration och sociala relationer. Det kan också leda till mindre trivsel och motivation på jobbet. Ålder och kön är faktorer som i tidigare forskning undersökts och man har kommit fram till blandade resultat, men ett relevant resultat är att medelålders lärare i åldern 35-45 år lider av mer teknikstress jämfört med lärare som är yngre än 35 och äldre än 45 och det tros bero på att de som är i medelåldern har ett mer komplicerat förhållande mellan hem och arbete på grund av att man till exempel har barn. Det finns också andra studier som kommit fram till resultat som skiljer sig från dessa. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att undersöka om det finns en korrelation mellan ålder och teknikstress. En kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkät skickades ut till åtta högskolor och universitet i Sverige och 1422 svar togs emot. Frågorna i enkäten baseras på de fem källorna till teknikstress som är tekno-överbelastning, tekno-komplexitet, tekno-invasion, tekno-otrygghet och tekno-osäkerhet. Dessa används som underlag för att mäta mängden teknikstress hos respondenterna. De resterande frågorna behandlar de påverkande faktorer på teknikstress som identifierats i tidigare forskning. Datan analyserades med deskriptiva, univariata och bivariata analyser. En övergripande univariat analys utfördes på kön och ålder med frekvensfördelning. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns en korrelation mellan teknikstress och ålder och att samtliga åldersgrupper upplevde liknande mängder av teknikstress. Det fanns ingen skillnad i mängden teknikstress för män och kvinnor samt de med barn under 18 år och de utan barn under 18 år. / The increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education institutions in connection with the transition to distance education has meant that ever higher demands are placed on university teachers. The stress that arises in connection with the use of ICT is known as technological stress and can, among other things, give rise to problems with sleep, concentration and social relationships. It can also lead to less job satisfaction and motivation. Age and gender are factors that have been investigated in previous research which has shown mixed results, but a relevant result is that middle-aged teachers aged 35-45 suffer from more technical stress compared to teachers younger than 35 and older than 45 and it is believed to be due to the fact that those who are middle-aged have a more complicated relationship between home and work due to having children, for example. There are also other studies that have come up with results that differ from these. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate whether there is a correlation between age and technostress. A quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire was sent out to nine universities in Sweden which yielded 1422 responses. The questions in the survey are based on the five technostress creators which are techno-overload, techno-complexity, techno-invasion, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty. These are used as a basis for measuring the amount of technical stress in the respondents. The remaining questions address the influencing factors on technostress identified in previous research. The data were analyzed with descriptive, univariate and bivariate analysis. An overall univariate analysis was performed on gender and age with frequency distribution. The results show that there is no correlation between technology stress and age and that all age groups experienced similar amounts of technology stress. There was no difference in the amount of technical stress for men and women as well as those with children under 18 years and those without children under 18 years.

Internet, nová média a informační politika v Uzbekistánu / Internet, new media and information policy in Uzbekistan

Hametová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the Information Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, focused primarily on the mid. 90s up to nowadays. The focus is mainly given on to the ICT development and its support by the Republic of Uzbekistan. It covers the analysis and descriptions on access to information, restriction problems of the press and censorship. Theoretical knowledge has been supported with practical analysis gained during the study tour to Uzbekistan. During the study tour has been accomplished a small exploratory study conduct a survey of how the Internet and the mass media is accepted and used by the population of Uzbekistan. The case study, at the end of the thesis, tries to approach the use of the Internet and particularly the so-called new media by independent journalists from Radio Ozodlik, an Uzbek department of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Manželé Tofflerovi a informační politika / The Tofflers and information policy

Petřeková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The presented Master's thesis describes the work of the Tofflers and it is primarily about their view of information and information policy. According to the Tofflers, the human race went through three developmental steps that are characterized by the used resources of production. The first wave (which is how the Tofflers call the steps) was agricultural, the second wave industrial and now the human race is in information wave, where information is the main economic driver. Because of this fact, it is necessary to develop strategies for access to information, information technologies and information channels. Keywords: information policy, information society, the third wave, future shock, influence of ICT

Anläggningsbolag och anammande av ny teknologi från ett TOE-perspektiv : – En kvalitativ fallstudie av hur anläggningsverksamheter anammar ett digitalt verktyg

Hedberg, Emanuel, Ottinger, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen är en bransch som bland annat bygger ut bredband. I Sverige, såväl som inom EU, har omfattande mål satts för bredbandsutbyggnad inom de närmsta åren. Detta ställer krav på branschen, specifikt att de måste digitaliseras för att kunna effektivisera sitt arbete, vilket de fått kritik för att ha varit långsamma med. Detta fenomen undersöks i denna studie genom att iaktta anammandet ett digitalt verktyg utifrån TOEramverket. Det är ett ramverk som är lämpat för att analysera vad som motiverar implementering och anammande av en ny teknologi. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med ökad förståelse för bolag verksamma inom anläggning vad gäller implementering och anammande av digitala verktyg, utifrån en teknologisk, organisatorisk och miljömässig kontext. Därför vill studien undersöka vad som motiverat bolag som jobbar med anläggningsverksamhet att implementera och anamma en ny teknologi. Metod: Studien omfattas av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, interpretivistisk lins och abduktiv ansats. Studiens urval har tillämpats med hjälp av ett bekvämlighetsurval och snöbollsurval med fokus på respondenter som har en högre position i sin organisation. Datainsamling görs genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med flera fallföretag aktiva inom branschen, och data har analyserats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Slutsats: Studien kan utifrån resultatet av den diskussion som förs i analysavsnittet visa att de faktorerna som ingått i TOE-ramverket påverkar anammande och implementering av teknologi i bolag verksamma inom anläggning. De faktorer som identifierat som spelar roll för en påverkan är: upplevda direkta och indirekta fördelar, komplexitet, kompatibilitet, organisatorisk beredskap, teknologisk beredskap, organisatoriskt stöd, upplevd press från branschen, upplevd press från handelspartners och upplevd press från konsumenter. Slutligen har ett antal nya faktorer identifierats som betydande i anammande- och implementeringsprocessen: nationell kultur, ålder, upplevda direkta nackdelar och indirekta nackdelar / Background: The construction industry is an industry that, among other areas, construct and develop broadband infrastructure. In Sweden, as well as within the EU, extensive goals have been set for broadband expansion in the next few years. This places a demand on the industry, specifically that they must digitize in order to increase efficiency, which is something that the industry has been criticized for. This study investigates this phenomenon by observing the adoption of a digital tool, based on the TOE framework. This is a framework that is suitable for analyzing what motivates firms to adopt new technology. Purpose: The aim of the study is to contribute an increased understanding of construction firms regarding the implementation and adoption of digital tools, based on a technological, organizational and environmental context. Therefore, the study wants to describe what motivated these construction companies to implement and adopt a new technology. Methodology: The study uses a qualitative research method, interpretivistic lens and abductive approach. The study's sample was selected using a convenience sample and snowball sample, focusing on respondents who have a higher position in their organization. The data collection is done through semi-structured interviews with several case companies active in the industry, and data has been analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. Conclusion: Based on the results of the discussion in the analysis section, the study can show that the factors included in the TOE framework affect the adoption and implementation of technology in firms in the construction industry. The factors identified that play a role in influencing are: perceived direct and indirect benefits, complexity, compatibility, financial readiness, technological readiness, organizational support, perceived pressure from the industry, perceived pressure by partners and perceived pressure from consumers. Finally, in the empirical material and subsequently in the analysis section, new factors that have been identified as affecting the adoption and implementation process have emerged: national culture, age, perceived direct disadvantages and indirect disadvantages.

Ålderns inverkan på teknikstress hos universitetslärare / The effect of age on technical stress in university teachers

Nell, Karlo, Klasson, Emilia, Sjölin, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Den ökande användningen av information-och kommunikationsteknik (ICT) hos lärosäten i samband med omställningen till distansundervisning har inneburit att allt högre krav ställs på universitetslärare. Den stress som uppstår i samband med användningen av ICT kallas för teknikstress och kan bland annat ge upphov till problem med sömn, koncentration och sociala relationer. Det kan också leda till mindre trivsel och motivation på jobbet. Ålder och kön är faktorer som i tidigare forskning undersökts och man har kommit fram till blandade resultat, men ett relevant resultat är att medelålders lärare i åldern 35-45 år lider av mer teknikstress jämfört med lärare som är yngre än 35 och äldre än 45 och det tros bero på att de som är i medelåldern har ett mer komplicerat förhållande mellan hem och arbete på grund av att man till exempel har barn. Det finns också andra studier som kommit fram till resultat som skiljer sig från dessa. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att undersöka om det finns en korrelation mellan ålder och teknikstress. En kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkät skickades ut till åtta högskolor och universitet i Sverige och 1422 svar togs emot. Frågorna i enkäten baseras på de fem källorna till teknikstress som är tekno-överbelastning, tekno-komplexitet, tekno-invasion, tekno-otrygghet och tekno-osäkerhet. Dessa används som underlag för att mäta mängden teknikstress hos respondenterna. De resterande frågorna behandlar de påverkande faktorer på teknikstress som identifierats i tidigare forskning. Datan analyserades med deskriptiva, univariata och bivariata analyser. En övergripande univariat analys utfördes på kön och ålder med frekvensfördelning. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns en korrelation mellan teknikstress och ålder och att samtliga åldersgrupper upplevde liknande mängder av teknikstress. Det fanns ingen skillnad i mängden teknikstress för män och kvinnor samt de med barn under 18 år och de utan barn under 18 år. / The increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education institutions in connection with the transition to distance education has meant that ever higher demands are placed on university teachers. The stress that arises in connection with the use of ICT is known as technological stress and can, among other things, give rise to problems with sleep, concentration and social relationships. It can also lead to less job satisfaction and motivation. Age and gender are factors that have been investigated in previous research which has shown mixed results, but a relevant result is that middle-aged teachers aged 35-45 suffer from more technical stress compared to teachers younger than 35 and older than 45 and it is believed to be due to the fact that those who are middle-aged have a more complicated relationship between home and work due to having children, for example. There are also other studies that have come up with results that differ from these. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate whether there is a correlation between age and technostress. A quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire was sent out to nine universities in Sweden which yielded 1422 responses. The questions in the survey are based on the five technostress creators which are techno-overload, techno-complexity, techno-invasion, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty. These are used as a basis for measuring the amount of technical stress in the respondents. The remaining questions address the influencing factors on technostress identified in previous research. The data were analyzed with descriptive, univariate and bivariate analysis. An overall univariate analysis was performed on gender and age with frequency distribution. The results show that there is no correlation between technology stress and age and that all age groups experienced similar amounts of technology stress. There was no difference in the amount of technical stress for men and women as well as those with children under 18 years and those without children under 18 years.

Strategie elektronického obchodu firmy / E-commerce strategy

Frendlovská, Dagmar January 2009 (has links)
This PhD thesis deals with the issue of electronic commerce with a primary focus on customers. The reason and purpose of the doctoral thesis is a growing need and increasing requirements for the creation of electronic transactions. Research has been conducted, showing that the scope of electronic commerce is of great importance and will increasingly need to build a broader and more developed network of virtual stores. In the work attention is paid to the very issue of e-commerce and CRM issues. The objectives of thesis are: to define a new model system of electronic commerce, the methodology of the new direction of the electronic business, to propose an appropriate methodology for the new direction of e-commerce and application of new methodologies and strategies of e-commerce trends. Theoretical knowledge in the work is based on various sources by both Czech and foreign authors. In this work are described in detail the steps and results of practical research and exploration. There are discussed the development and operation of e-commerce, and recommendations for the future are suggested. The basis for the development of the doctoral thesis was a study of existing literature, and primary research in a company with an important position in the market. The work is aimed to serve science, educational purposes in education and as a handbook for the emerging e-commerce, and is the basis for further research and scientific work in the field of electronic commerce.

Posouzení informačního systému u vybrané firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Sekanina, Čestmír Unknown Date (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the assessment of information system in Unicorn Systems a.s. and proposal for ICT modification. One part of this thesis, are theoretical assumptions that help better understand the issues of information systems. On the basis of the results of analyzes, appropriate measures will be proposed to improve of information system. The thesis includes economic evaluation for the implementation of modification proposal.

Flyktingar, asylsökande och migranters digitala upplevelser efter migration : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants digital experiences after migration : A structured literature review

Jäderstrand Dissauer, Kim Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Migration har alltid förekommit i större delar av världen, men har under de senaste 25 åren ökat. Enligt World Migration Report fanns det över 280 miljoner migranter under 2020, varav 90 miljoner befaras vara flyktingar eller asylsökande. Att integrera i ett nytt land kan vara svårt och många migranter möter både interna och externa barriärer vid den vidare bosättningen. För migranten är den digitala utvecklingen vital och kan på många sätt underlätta integrationen i samhället. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka digitala möjligheter och utmaningar migranter ställs inför i ett nytt land.  Metod: Den metod som applicerades var en strukturerad litteraturstudie, där artiklar samlades in i databaserna CINAHL, Scopus och Web of Science. 11 artiklar inkluderades, och analyserades genom en tematisk analys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Den tematiska analysen resulterade i identifierandet av sju teman, samt 14 underrubriker. Resultatet påvisade en komplex relation mellan migranters digitala möjligheter och utmaningar. Digitala medel kan gynna integration i samhället, men är också en risk för socialt utanförskap. Slutsats: Digitala möjligheter reflekteras genom olika aspekter som underlättar integrationen i samhället. Likväl, är dessa möjligheter endast befintliga för de individer som har tillgång och kunskap att bruka digitala medel. / Introduction: Migration has always occurred around most parts of the world, but has increased in the past 25 years. According to the World Migration Report there was over 280 million migrants during 2020, which of 90 million was refugees or asylum seekers. To integrate in a new country can be challenging and many migrants face both internal and external barriers during their settlement. For the migrant, the digital development is vital and can aid the integration in the new society. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine what digital opportunities and challenges migrants face when settling in a new location.  Methods: The applied method was a structured literature review, where articles were gathered from the databases CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science. 11 articles were included and analysed through thematic analysis with an inductive approach. Results: The thematic analysis resulted in the identification of seven themes, and 14 subcategories. The result demonstrated a complex relation between migrants’ digital opportunities and challenges. Digital means can help integration in society, but also pose as a risk for social exclusion.  Conclusion: Digital opportunities is reflected through several aspects which facilitates integration in society. Yet, these are possibilities only for the individuals who has access and knowledge on how to use digital means.

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