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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’image de la Femme ou le renversement symboliste de l’idée de vérité / The image of woman in Symbolism : reversal of the idea of Truth

Poirier de Clisson, Geoffroy 13 December 2014 (has links)
Le symbolisme, d’abord inféodé à la conception idéaliste de la vérité et du beau, expose en réalité, dans sapratique et dans ses oeuvres une position ambiguë. Le symbole compris comme le médium par lequel sedévoilerait une vérité idéale semble en fait valoir en et pour lui-même, indépendamment de tout principesupérieur. L’image de la femme, est, chez les symbolistes, le point nodal du basculement de la théorie de lavérité. De la Femme dans l’Art ! dit Charles Maurice, Elle en est l’objet et le but… L’image de la femme, loinde conforter la conception idéale de la vérité, manifeste au contraire une certaine forme de subversion. Lessymbolistes vénèrent la femme. Non pas parce qu’elle est « le signe du vrai », selon la formule de Plotin, maisparce qu’elle est le symbole même de la superficialité de la représentation. Chez les symbolistes, c’est donc parla représentation de la femme (fuyante, fardée, fatale…) que s’accomplit le renversement de l’idée même devérité. A cet égard, le symbolisme est donc bien davantage un anti-platonisme qu’un idéalisme. La vérité,débarrassée de son substrat s’affirme pour elle-même, dans sa complète autonomie. Ce renversement de lanotion de vérité ne peut s’effectuer, cependant, sans une remise en question radicale du sujet et sans unquestionnement fondamental sur le rôle de l’artiste dans le dévoilement de la vérité. C’est la raison pourlaquelle le symbolisme, au tournant du XIXème et du XXème siècle se tournera vers de nouvelles expériences(affirmation du moi, surréalisme, abstraction…) dont l’objectif sera d’éprouver les limites du moi et derenouveler ainsi le perpétuellement questionnement de l’art sur le réel. / Symbolism, first subservient to the idealistic conception of Truth and Beauty, actually exposes in its practiceand in its works an ambiguous position. The symbol seen as the medium unveiling an ideal truth appears to beindeed an autonomous object, giving up reference to any higher principle. The image of woman is among thesymbolists, the node of the failover of the theory of Truth. Women in Art! Charles Maurice said, she is theobject and the purpose of art... The image of woman, far from strengthening the ideal conception of Truth,rather shows some form of subversion. The symbolists worship women. Not because her beauty is "the sign ofTruth," to quote Plotinus, but because woman is the very symbol of the superficiality of representation. Withthe symbolists, the representation of women (evasive, fake, fatal...) accomplishes the reversal of the idea ofTruth. In this regard, the symbolism is much more an anti-Platonism than an avatar of idealism. Truth, strippedof its substrate, asserts itself in its full autonomy. This reversal of the notion of Truth can’t be done, however,without a radical rethinking of the notion of subjectivity and without a fundamental questioning on the role ofthe artist in the pursuit of Truth. That is why Symbolism, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century,will experience new artistic ways (self-assertion, surrealism, abstraction...) with an objective to test the limitsof self and to renew the perpetual questioning of art on reality.


Mallmann, Rafael Barasuol 10 August 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present dissertation has the purpose of exploring the conflict between natural causality and causality through freedom in the Critique of Pure Reason. More specifically from the Transcendental Dialectic, where the conflict is presented as an Antinomy of Reason, and from the Transcendental Doctrine of Method, where the notion of freedom is regarded as the nucleus of his moral thinking. Kant s critical reflection points out to a distinction which is essential for this work: the distinction between noumenon and phenomenon, that is, the distinction between things as existing by themselves, independently from our faculty of knowing, and things such as they present themselves in the exercise of this faculty. Such distinction is the central thesis of the doctrine of Kantian Transcendental Idealism and provides a solution to the impasse of reason in the trial of making compatible the natural necessity (without which Science is not possible), with the possibility of an spontaneous causality, which would provide the genesis of the transcendental idea of freedom, and under which is founded freedom in a practical sense (without which moral is not possible). The central point of the present analysis indicates what Kant claims in the preface to the Second Edition of the Critique of Pure Reason that conflict between nature and freedom does not exist, as the natural necessity belongs to the phenomenical ambit and the freedom (belongs) to the noumenal ambit. / A presente dissertação tem como proposta explorar o conflito entre causalidade natural e causalidade por liberdade na Crítica da Razão Pura. Mais precisamente a partir da Dialética Transcendental, onde o conflito é apresentado como uma Antinomia da Razão, e da Doutrina Transcendental do Método, onde a noção de liberdade é anunciada como núcleo do seu pensamento moral. A reflexão crítica de Kant aponta para uma distinção fundamental, que é essencial expor neste trabalho: a distinção entre númeno e fenômeno, isto é, entre os entes tal como existem por si mesmos, independentemente de nossa faculdade de conhecer, e os entes tal como se apresentam no exercício dessa faculdade. Tal distinção é a tese central da doutrina do idealismo transcendental kantiano e proporciona a solução para o impasse da razão na tentativa de compatibilizar a necessidade natural (sem a qual não é possível ciência), com a possibilidade de uma causalidade espontânea, que proporcionaria a gênese da idéia transcendental de liberdade e sob a qual estaria fundada a liberdade em sentido prático (sem a qual não é possível a moral). O núcleo da presente análise indica o que Kant postula no prefácio à segunda edição da CRP, de que o conflito entre natureza e liberdade é inexistente, já que a necessidade natural (antítese) pertence ao âmbito fenomênico e a liberdade (tese) ao campo numênico.


Silveira, Gefferson Silva da 25 April 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work we intend to develop an analysis about the concept of freedom in Kant. For that, we propose running the way since the Critical of Pure Reason to the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, looking for rebuilt the Kant argument in some of its aspects. The concept of freedom appears in the Critical of Pure Reason in a cosmologic conflict that intends to decide if in the world all the casualty is only natural or if together with the natural casualty can be admitted a casualty for freedom. In this sense, Kant characterizes the transcendental idea of freedom as a spontaneity that is able to begin a series of events that occurs on nature. Conceiving the transcendental idea of freedom is problematic, because the ideas, for Kant, are creations of the reason, when it doesn t find out the solution to its tie-ups. The reason necessarily looks for a condition of the condition until the unconditioned, that would complete its knowledge. The problem is that the unconditioned and, therefore, the ideas, are out of the field of the possible knowledge. Based on the transcendental idealism doctrine, Kant comes to the conclusion that the conflict between freedom and nature is only apparent, and there is no contradiction about thinking in these two kinds of casualty working at the same time. The transcendental idea of freedom, although doesn t work to enlarge the knowledge in a constitutive way, it works as a regulation principle that establishes the architecture of the reason. The reason has a particularly interest about seeing a guaranteed idea of transcendental freedom because comes from it the possibility of thinking in a practical sense of freedom, that is related to the actions of the human beings. The Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals presents the concept of transcendental freedom as a key of explanation for the autonomy of the will of the human beings or for the practical freedom. Conceiving the will as autonomy reveals the formula of the categorical imperative, the principle for the excellence in morality. The freedom of will has no other principle than acting on the maximum of having itself as the object for the universal law. This statement identifies free will and the will submitted to the law as one and same thing. The freedom must be presupposed as property of the will of all the thinking beings. Thus, the human being is capable to take the morality as a law while rational being. The determined concept of morality must be related to the idea of freedom without it can be showed as something real, but only implied to think about a rational being, conscious of the casualty of its actions. The trouble that it shows, for Kant, is that freedom and morality don t match to the human being, that is affected by the inclinations of the sensibility. Kant presents as a solution to this tie-up, the doctrine of the double point of view under what the human being should be considered. / Neste trabalho pretendemos desenvolver uma análise acerca do conceito de liberdade em Kant. Para isso, nos propomos percorrer o caminho desde a Crítica da Razão Pura até a Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes, buscando reconstruir a argumentação kantiana em alguns de seus aspectos. O conceito de liberdade aparece na Crítica da Razão Pura no interior de um conflito cosmológico que pretende decidir se no mundo toda causalidade é somente natural ou se junto com a causalidade natural pode ser admitida uma causalidade por liberdade. Nesse sentido, Kant caracteriza a ideia transcendental da liberdade como uma espontaneidade capaz de dar início a uma série de eventos que se desenrola na natureza. Conceber a ideia transcendental de liberdade é problemático, pois as ideias, para Kant, são criações da razão, quando esta não encontra solução para seus impasses. A razão necessariamente procura a condição da condição até o incondicionado que lhe completaria o saber. O problema é que o incondicionado, e, assim, as ideias estão fora do campo do possível conhecimento. Com base na doutrina do idealismo transcendental, Kant chega à conclusão de que o conflito entre liberdade e natureza é apenas aparente, e que não existe contradição em pensar esses dois tipos de causalidade atuando ao mesmo tempo. A ideia transcendental da liberdade, embora não sirva para alargar o saber constitutivamente, serve como princípio regulativo que estabelece organizadamente a arquitetura da razão. A razão tem um interesse particular em ver garantida a ideia transcendental da liberdade, pois, advém daí a possibilidade para se pensar num sentido prático de liberdade, que diz respeito às ações dos seres humanos. A Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes apresenta o conceito de liberdade transcendental como chave de explicação para a autonomia da vontade dos seres humanos, ou seja, para a liberdade prática. Conceber a vontade como autonomia revela a fórmula do imperativo categórico, o princípio por excelência da moralidade. A liberdade da vontade não tem outro princípio senão o de agir segundo a máxima de ter a si mesma por objeto como lei universal. Essa declaração identifica vontade livre e vontade submetida à lei como uma e mesma coisa. A liberdade deve ser pressuposta como propriedade da vontade de todos os seres racionais. Pois, o ser humano é capaz de tomar a moralidade como lei somente enquanto ser racional. O conceito determinado da moralidade deve ser relacionado à ideia da liberdade, sem que esta possa ser demonstrada como algo real, mas tão somente pressuposta para se pensar um ser racional consciente da causalidade das suas ações. O problema que se apresenta, para Kant, é que liberdade e moralidade não coincidem para o ser humano que é contingentemente afetado pelas inclinações da sensibilidade. Kant apresenta como solução para esse impasse a doutrina do duplo ponto de vista sob o qual o ser humano deve ser considerado.

Volviendo a Husserl. Reactualizando el contexto filosófico tradicional del problema” fenomenológico del otro. La Monadología de Leibniz / Volviendo a Husserl. Reactualizando el contexto filosófico tradicional del problema” fenomenológico del otro. La Monadología de Leibniz

Hopkins, Burt 09 April 2018 (has links)
Back to Husserl: Reclaiming the Traditional Philosophical Context ofthe Phenomenological ‘Problem’ of the Other: Leibniz’s Monadology”. The internalmotivation that led Husserl to revise his early view of the pure Ego as empty ofessential content is traced to the end of explicating his reformulation of phenomenologyas the egology of the concrete transcendental Ego. The necessity ofrecasting transcendental phenomenology as a transcendental idealism that followsfrom this reformulation is presented and the appearance of transcendentalsolipsism of this idealism exposed as unfounded. That the ground of this exposureis Husserl’s phenomenological appropriation of Leibniz’s metaphysical insightsinto the problem of accounting for the plurality of monads, and, therefore, not theCartesian problem of the other mind, is presented as the key to reclaiming thetraditional philosophical context of the phenomenological problem of the other. / La motivación interna que llevó a Husserl a revisar su visión tempranadel Ego puro como vacío de contenido esencial puede rastrearse con el fin de explicarsu reformulación de la fenomenología como la egología del Ego trascendentalconcreto. Este artículo presenta la necesidad de replantear la fenomenologíatrascendental como un idealismo trascendental que se sigue de esta reformulación,y se expone como infundada la apariencia de solipsismo trascendentalde este idealismo. El presente artículo también se ocupa de mostrar que la basepara esta exposición es la apropiación fenomenológica que hace Husserl de laspenetrantes intuiciones metafísicas de Leibniz en torno al problema de cómoexplicar la pluralidad de mónadas, y, por lo tanto, no el problema cartesianode la otra mente. Esto es considerado clave para reclamar el contexto filosóficotradicional del problema fenomenológico del otro.

Skepticism and Idealism in G.E Moore’s ‘Proof of an External World’” / Escepticismo e idealismo en la Prueba del mundo exterior” de G.E. Moore

Burdman, Federico 09 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
G.E. Moore’s argument in Proof of an External World” seems to beg the question against the skeptic and to miss the point of the challenge posed by skeptical hypotheses. I propose an interpretation that frees the argument from both charges. Starting from a distinction between the way Moore understood his dialectical position against the idealist and the skeptic, I attempt to illuminate the conception of skepticism that lies behind his argument. I propose that the argument’s core is found in a strong anti-Cartesian statement, even though its relevance for epistemology is to be found in its potential as a stance regarding justification which is closer to the problematic of Pyrrhonic skepticism. / El argumento de G.E. Moore en Prueba del mundo exterior” parece consistir en una flagrante petición de principio y adolecer de una incomprensión del  desafío  representado  por  las  hipótesis  escépticas.  Aquí  intentaremos  una interpretación que evite ambos cargos. A tal fin, distinguiré entre los modos en que Moore concibe su posición dialéctica frente a sus rivales idealistas y escépticos,  y  abordaré  la  concepción  del  problema  escéptico  que  subyace  al  planteo mooreano. Finalmente, defenderé que el núcleo del argumento consiste en una afirmación anticartesiana aun cuando su relevancia epistemológica se encuentra en  su  potencial  como  respuesta  a  una  problemática  sobre  la  justificación  más cercana a un escepticismo de tipo pirrónico.

O paradoxo do conhecimento imediato ou o desespero da consciência natural / The paradox of immediate knowledge or the despair of natural consciousness

Silva, Paulo Roberto Pinheiro da 21 June 2017 (has links)
Poderíamos sintetizar a nossa intenção nesse trabalho como uma tentativa de compreender uma interpretação da questão da realização proposta por Hegel no prefácio à Fenomenologia do espírito de 1807, quando faz referência à uma filosofia que se torna saber, ou seja, de uma filosofia que abandona a partícula \"filo\". Questão herdada da segunda formulação do Imperativo categórico, ganha uma dimensão que não tinha em Kant. Para Lukacs, essa realização é a Revolução e a efetivação da consciência de si de um para-nós (proletariado). Hyppolite, por outro lado, interpreta essa realização como um fato que caberia tratar em toda sua amplitude de significação, ou seja, de forma que essa efetivação não poderia ser concebida sem uma valoração positiva da singularidade. Esse trabalho procura ressaltar os pontos de contato entre Hegel e Kant, seguindo a leitura de Hyppolite, onde uma consciência natural segue um caminho da desilusão até se tornar consciência de si (filosófica e singular). Essa opção existencial de ler Hegel implica definir alguns significados e termos. O para-nós deve ser entendido como o ponto de vista filosófico do trajeto da consciência natural em direção à consciência-de-si e não o ponto de vista final da história que cabe à dialética, como movimento real, efetivar. Da mesma forma, para Hyppolite, a história universal, na Fenomenologia do espirito, deve ser compreendida como um termo médio da ascensão do espírito e não como movimento necessário da consciência de si do proletariado. A leitura de Hyppolite não é indiferente ao ponto de vista subversivo-revolucionário da Fenomenologia, mas como condição cognitivo-filosófica do surgimento do espírito como efetivação da razão na filosofia e não como referência exclusiva da razão na história. Não se trata de defender a incompatibilidade do materialismo histórico com a Fenomenologia, pois ela não existe, mas apenas de notar que toda a questão da singularidade não precisa ser abandonada como resquício conservador em Hegel. / We could abbreviate our intent in this work as an attempt to understand an interpretation of the question of achievement proposed by Hegel in the preface to the Phenomenology of the Spirit, when he refers to a philosophy that becomes knowledge or a philosophy that discards the prefix \"philo\". Question inherited from the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative, it gains a dimension that it did not have in Kant. For Lukacs, this realization is the Revolution and the realization of self-consciousness of a for-us (proletariat). Hyppolite, on the other hand, interprets this realization as a fact that would be dealt with in all its amplitude of signification, that is, this realization could not be conceived without a positive valuation of singularity. This work intends to highlight the points of contact between Hegel and Kant, following the reading of Hyppolite, where a natural consciousness follows a path of disillusionment until it becomes an selfconsciousness (philosophical and singular). This existential option of reading Hegel implies defining some meanings and terms. The for-us must be understood as the philosophical point of view of the path of the natural consciousness towards the self-consciousness and not the final point of view of the history that the dialectics, as a real movement, should consummate. Likewise, for Hyppolite, universal history in the Phenomenology of the spirit must be understood as a middle term of the ascension of the spirit and not as a necessary movement of self-consciousness of the proletariat. Hyppolite\'s reading is not indifferent to the subversive-revolutionary point of view of Phenomenology, but as a cognitive-philosophical condition of the emergence of the spirit as the actualization of reason in philosophy and not as the exclusive reference of reason in history. It is not a question of defending the incompatibility of historical materialism with the Phenomenology, because it does not exist, but only to note that the whole question of singularity need not be abandoned as a conservative remnant in Hegel.

Zwischenraum a Denkraum v kontextu motivů vznesení a pádu v obrazovém atlase Mnemosyne Abyho M. Warburga / Zwischenraum and Denkraum in the context of ascent and fall in the Mnemosyne Atlas of Aby M. Warburg

Váša, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The doctoral thesis focuses on the Warburg's concept of thought space [Denkraum] and the related concept of artistic creation as an interface between the affections and abstract thinking [Zwischenraum], representing the key concepts of his late work (especially between the years 1920- 1929), culminating in the pictorial atlas Mnemosyne. In this context, the thesis focuses on the motive of ascent as well, and concludes that the pathos formula of ascent plays a crucial historical role in the constitution of modern Denkraum and forms one of the fundamental constitutive parameters of the thought-space, whose own metaphorical perspective is the contemporary aviation. For an adequate reflection of the historical development of this Denkraum, Warburg turns to the physical models of thought and artistic creation, including an attempt to use Einstein's theories of relativity. The key role of the motive of ascent in the constitution of Denkraum subsequently shapes this thought space within the confines of Renaissance humanism.

Kunskap och verklighet i Erik Olof Burmans doktorsavhandling / Knowledge and reality in Erik Olof Burman’s doctoral dissertation

Täljedal, Inge-Bert January 2020 (has links)
Erik Olof Burman, professor i praktisk filosofi i Uppsala 1896–1910, disputerade 1872 påavhandlingen Om kunskapens möjlighet. I en filosofihistorisk översikt finner disputanden enfortgående förskjutning i synen på verkligheten och kunskapens grund, från antikens fokus påen yttre, från medvetandet skild verklighet till en inre, helt igenom själslig sådan. Hansidealistiska ståndpunkt reser tre huvudproblem för texttolkningen: förhållandet mellanmedvetande och förnimmelser; de yttre tingens verklighet; förhållandet mellan subjekt ochkunskapsobjekt. Subjektet framträder hos Burman som sinne, medvetande ochsjälvmedvetande. Mot dessa nivåer svarar graderade förnimmelser: sensationer,föreställningar och begrepp. Förnimmelserna har medfött ursprung, och själen bärverkligheten inom sig. På sin högsta nivå är subjektet bestämt av oföränderligaallmänbegrepp. Föreliggande studie av den unge Burmans filosofi diskuterar eventuellamotsägelser i hans text och söker tolkningar som undviker dem. / Erik Olof Burman was professor of practical philosophy in Uppsala 1896–1910. In 1872, hedefended his doctoral thesis, On the possibility of knowledge. In a largely historical overviewBurman describes a continuous shift in the view of reality and the grounds of knowledge,from antiquity’s focus on an outer reality, separate from the mind, to an inner, thoroughlyspiritual world. His idealistic standpoint raises three main problems for the interpretation ofthe text: the relation between mind and perceptions; the reality of external objects; the relationbetween subject and objects of knowledge. According to Burman, the subject appears assense, mind, and the self-aware mind. Corresponding graded perceptions are sensations,ideas, and concepts. The origin of the perceptions is innate, and the soul has the reality withinitself. At the highest level, the subject is determined by unchanging concepts. In the presentstudy of young Burman’s philosophy, apparent contradictions are discussed andinterpretations proposed to avoid them.

"Att bära livet som det var" : En naturalistisk läsning om hur naturalismen lyckas genom att misslyckas i Niels Lyhne

Karlsson, Felix January 2022 (has links)
In this essay I will be examining the protagonist Niels Lyhnes naturalistic ambitions in J.P. Jacobsens novel Niels Lyhne (1880), more accuratley how the novel Niels Lyhne succeedes as a naturalistic novel through the failure of the protagonist Niels Lyhnes own ambition to live by the ideals of naturalism. Niels remains throughout his life a strong atheist because, in his childhood, God did not answer his prayers to save his dying aunts life. His atheism and his naturalistic ambitions turn into, which I will show, a form of idealism. This could be viewed as inevitable. To renounce ones belief in something also means that one embraces a belief in something else, even if this ”something” is the lack of what one used to believe in. Niels Lyhnes failure, however, means that the book Niels Lyhne succedes as a naturalistic novel. What Jacobsen has achieved is to depict man as the incomplete creature that she is.

Totalitarismens lockelser : Tore Zetterholm och kulturradikalismen 1945–50 / The Allurements of Totalitarianism : Tore Zetterholm and the Cultural Radicalism, 1945-1950

Hendar, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the Swedish writer, translator and debater Tore Zetterholms’ (1915 – 2001) views on the origins and growth of the totalitarian movements in Europe. By examining his work, I seek to provide a more complex understanding of the Swedish debate on the causes of fascism, nazism, and communism that took place in the early post-war era (1945 – 1950). While earlier research has focused almost entirely on the more intellectualistic explanations that were prominent in the liberal daily press, only few studies have been conducted on the views held by a more idealistic school of thought that took part in the deliberations, let alone on other arenas of debate. Consequently, the period has been depicted as governed by an almost hegemonic cultural radicalism. Whilst this faction saw totalitarian regimes as an absolute antithesis to the enlightenment heritage, Zetterholm, however, understood them rather as a fulfillment of modernity than as its antipode. His conception of history was founded on the idea of it as an ongoing and degenerative process of rationalization, a process which he meant had alienated man from his intrinsic moral sentiments, his original spirituality, and his fellow human beings. Therefore, the vitalism and collectivism of the totalitarian movements, as well as its religious cult of one infallible leader, spoke to the deepest psychological and spiritual needs of contemporary society. Ultimately, the study culminates in the statement that the alleged hegemony never existed.

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