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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Романескни јунак српске модерне између индивидуализма и патријархалности / Romaneskni junak srpske moderne između individualizma i patrijarhalnosti / Novelistic hero among Serbian modern individualism and patriarchy

Milašinović Svetlana 06 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Roman moderne i njegovi junaci u ovom istraživanju posmatrani su u procepu između novog i starog, između individualnih želja koje sve vi&scaron;e jačaju i patrijarhalnih normi čiji koreni su i dalje izuzetno jaki. Poku&scaron;ali smo, prema tome, da odgovorimo na pitanje da li je roman kao žanr nastao upravo kao jedina forma koja je mogla da izrazi to dvojstvo (s obzirom da u tom smislu prostor pripovetke, kao to svedoči većina istraživača, ipak nije bio dovoljan). Na ovaj način, pomalo zalazimo i u proučavanje književnosti onako kako to rade savremene književne teorije - kao poetiku kulture. Interesuje nas, dakle, da li u moderni zaista dolazi do razaranja patrijarhalne dru&scaron;tvene matrice, jer na njenu jo&scaron; uvek izuzetno prisutnu jačinu ukazuje i činjenica da je romneskni junak itekako razočaran urbanim životom, kao i da se usled toga sve vi&scaron;e okreće idealizovanju.</p> / <p>Roman and his modern heroes in this study were observed in the gap between the new and the old , between individual desires that are growing and patriarchal norms whose roots are still very strong . We tried , therefore , to answer the question whether the novel as a genre emerged just as the only form that is able to express this duality (recall that in this sense, space stories , as exemplified most researchers , however, was not sufficient ) . In this way , a little bit goes back to the study of literature as they do modern literary theory - as poetic culture . We are interested , therefore , whether in the modern really comes to the destruction of patriarchal social matrix because of its still very present strength shown by the fact that the hero romneskni very disappointed with urban life , and that consequently increasingly turning idealizing.</p>

O torcedor como vantagem competitiva: uma análise sob a ótica da transferência da lealdade / The sport fans as competitive advantage: an analysis from the point of view of the loyalty transfer

Malagrino, Fernando de Andrade Franco 12 April 2017 (has links)
A indústria do esporte tem despertado cada vez mais o interesse de acadêmicos e profissionais das mais diversas áreas. Não só pela importância social que o esporte sempre teve no mundo, mas agora, também, pela importância econômica que essa indústria vem alcançado. O esporte deixou, há tempos, de ser apenas uma atividade de lazer. Se, para o público, ele ainda o é, para aqueles que trabalham nele, é claramente uma atividade de negócios. E, para disputar o jogo dentro das quatros linhas é necessário ter um time competitivo fora delas. Neste trabalho, consideramos as equipes esportivas como organizações e analisamo-las como firmas, com sua estrutura organizacional estreitamente relacionada à sua forma de apresentação ao público consumidor. Assumimos como premissa que essas organizações (times) não devem ser apenas organizadas como um win-maximizer, mas como um profit-maximizing. Neste sentido, o patrocínio vem ganhando cada vez mais importância na indústria do esporte. É difícil imaginar um grande time ou evento esportivo sem patrocínio. De um lado, os eventos e equipes participantes dependem dos recursos financeiros oriundos dos patrocinadores. Do outro lado, os patrocinadores utilizam de forma significativa o patrocínio como uma ferramenta estratégica de marketing. Assim, da mesma forma que os gastos globais com patrocínio vêm aumentando ano a ano, os esforços acadêmicos para medir o efeito do patrocínio vêm acompanhando este crescimento. No entanto, grande parte da literatura sobre patrocínio considera a influência do patrocínio na perspectiva do negócio. Estudos que analisem uma estrutura mais completa, desde a identificação do torcedor com o time até a compra final de produtos dos patrocinadores são raros. E é aqui que essa pesquisa se encaixa. Entendemos que o consumidor passa por constantes mudanças, que afetam os hábitos de consumo das pessoas e, por consequência, afetam as organizações. Um exemplo está na crescente demanda dos consumidores esportivos por produtos e serviços melhores. Além disso, a utilização cada vez maior de dispositivos móveis com internet e acesso às mídias sociais exige que as empresas repensem seu ambiente de negócios. Essa mudança no comportamento dos consumidores vem proporcionando a eles um novo papel. Os times e equipes esportivas devem assumir uma visão na qual o torcedor seja visto como alguém que contribui significativamente para o valor do produto e do serviço e que, ao mesmo tempo, direciona as estratégias da organização. Assim, os times devem buscar estratégias para aumentar o envolvimento ativo dos torcedores com o time e com as empresas patrocinadoras, incentivando-os a ser embaixadores da marca. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se a lealdade do torcedor com seu clube pode ser transferida para as organizações patrocinadoras. Para alcançar esse objetivo, propusemos e testamos um modelo teórico multidimensional que permitisse mensurar desde a concepção da identificação com o time até a etapa de compra dos produtos dos patrocinadores. Assim, a partir da análise crítica de modelos propostos por diferentes autores, de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, foram desenvolvidos o modelo teórico e seus respectivos itens de mensuração. Os construtos principais desta tese foram: identificação com o time, lealdade ao time e lealdade ao patrocinador. A aplicação da escala desenvolvida para este trabalho se deu em duas amostras distintas e em momentos diferentes (amostra pré-teste: n=263; amostra teste: n=787). Para teste e refinamento da escala e do modelo, utilizamos a técnica de modelagem de equação estrutural PLS-SEM, por meio da qual os dados foram analisados em termos de validade convergente, validade discriminante e confiabilidade. Para tal, adotamos o uso da análise fatorial confirmatória. O modelo estrutural também foi testado e retestado por meio dos coeficientes de caminho, R2, Q2 e f2. Os resultados deste estudo mostram haver impacto considerável das variáveis antecedentes, benefícios sociais/não financeiros propostos neste trabalho, na identificação com o time. Ao mesmo tempo, a identificação com o time afeta positivamente e de forma significativa à lealdade ao time, que neste trabalho é analisada como um construto multidimensional formado por lealdade atitudinal, conativa e comportamental. Os testes realizados confiram o objetivo principal deste trabalho e permite inferir que a lealdade do torcedor ao time pode, sim, ser transferida para as empresas patrocinadoras. Em termos gerenciais, o conhecimento de novos antecedentes da identificação do torcedor com o time, bem como a clara distinção entre identificação, fanatismo e lealdade, permitirá às equipes formular estratégias mais assertivas para gerenciamento de suas marcas e o direcionar esforços de comunicação de marketing de forma mais eficaz. Para as empresas patrocinadoras, apresentamos um caminho alternativo para mensurar a eficiência e a eficácia do patrocínio e rentabilizar melhor os altos investimentos nesta área. Por fim, os resultados contribuem para a ampliação do conhecimento e do corpo teórico nos estudos da vantagem competitiva, comportamento do consumidor, lealdade e patrocínio. / The sports industry has attracted increasing interest from academics and professionals from various fields. Not only because of the social importance that sport has always had in the world but now, also because of the economic importance that this industry has achieved. For some time now, sport hasn\'t been just a leisure activity. If, for the public, it still is, for those who work in it, it is clearly a business activity, and to play the game within the four lines, it is necessary to have a competitive team outside of them. In this paper, we considered sports teams as organizations and analyzed them as companies, with their organizational structure closely related to their presentation to the consumer. We assumed the premise that these organizations (teams) should not only be organized as win-maximizer but as a profit-maximizing. In this sense, sponsorship is gaining more importance in the sports industry. It is hard to imagine a great team or sporting event without sponsorship. On the one hand, the events and participating teams rely on financial resources from sponsors. On the other hand, sponsors significantly utilize sponsorship as a strategic marketing tool. Thus, just as global spending on sponsorship is increasing on a yearly basis, the academic efforts to measure the effect of sponsorship have accompanied this growth. However, much of the literature on sponsorship considers the influence of sponsorship on the business perspective. Studies analyzing a more complete structure, from the fan\'s identification with the team to the final purchase of the sponsors\' products, are rare, and this is the point of this research. We understand that the consumer goes through constant changes that affect the consumption habits of people and, consequently, affect organizations. An example is an increasing demand from consumers for sporting goods and better services. In addition, the increasing use of mobile devices with Internet and access to social media requires companies to rethink their business environment. This change in consumer behavior is giving them a new role. Teams and their staff must embrace the vision in which fans are seen as people who significantly contribute to the value of the product and service and, at the same time, direct the organization\'s strategies. Thus, teams must seek strategies to increase the active involvement of the fans with the team and with the sponsoring companies, encouraging them to be brand ambassadors. In this context, this study aimed to verify that the fan\'s loyalty to his club can be transferred to the sponsoring organizations. To achieve this goal, we proposed and tested a multidimensional theoretical model that allowed us to measure all the stages of the process that we call loyalty transfer, starting with the identification with the team and ending with the purchase phase of the sponsors\' products. Thus, from the critical analysis of models proposed by different authors from different areas of knowledge, the theoretical model was developed, and its respective items were measured. The main constructs of this thesis were identification with the team, loyalty to the team, and loyalty to the sponsor. The application of the scale developed for this study took place in two different samples at different times (pre-test sample: n=267; test sample: n=787). For testing and refinement of scale and model, we used the PLS-SEM structural equation modeling technique, whereby the data was analyzed regarding convergent validity, discriminant validity, and reliability. To this end, we have adopted the use of confirmatory factor analysis. The structural model was also tested and retested by the R2, Q2 e f2 coeficients. The results of this study show that there is a significant impact of background variables and the social/non-financial benefits proposed in this study in identifying with the team. At the same time, identification with the team affects positively and significantly the loyalty to the team, which, in this study, is considered as a multidimensional construct composed of attitudinal, conative and behavioral loyalty. The executed tests confirm the primary objective of this study and allow us to infer that fan loyalty to the team can indeed be transferred to the sponsoring companies. In management terms, the knowledge of new background of fan identification with the team, as well as the clear distinction between identification, fanaticism, and loyalty, will enable teams to formulate more assertive strategies for managing their brands and direct marketing communication efforts more efficiently. For sponsors, we present an alternative way to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of sponsorship and better monetize high investments in this area. Finally, the results contribute to the expansion of knowledge and theoretical background in the study of competitive advantage, consumer behavior, loyalty, and sponsorship.

台灣地區人民對兩大政黨與政策的認同取向-社會認同理論的驗證 / The political identity of Taiwan area people - A demonstration of social identity theory

高恒信, Gau, Handsome Unknown Date (has links)
近幾十年來的台灣,政治舞台上一直是由兩大政黨扮演主角。然而,兩大政黨支持者意識形態的嚴重分歧,導至在政黨政治的發展過程中,蒙上一層情緒化、不理性的陰影。本研究乃選擇了社會認同理論(Social Identity Theory)做為論文的理論依據,企圖探討這些問題。本研究目的是探討國內兩大政黨的支持者,如何形成其政黨認同,以及對政策的判斷是否受認同團體的影響而有所偏差。研究方法的使用,除了設計一問卷,來了解兩大政黨不同的意識形態,並企圖驗證台灣地區人民對於政策好壞的判斷,是否受其政黨支持屬性所左右。另外,在文獻的探討過程中,也對兩團成員的認同發展,做了一些探索與推論。前一部份符合心理學科學實驗的典範,後一部份則檢示歷史的發展,偏重於邏輯的推理。在實徵研究方面,分成兩個部分。研究一是使用一份自編的政黨意識形態問卷,施以大樣本問卷調查,比較兩大政黨支持者所具有的不同意識形態,以及不同的族群自我定義。研究二以一個實驗操弄來驗證內團體偏私現象。研究結果發現,新的族群分類方式正在取代原有的省籍分類,一種抽象的族群自我定義:「台灣人是台灣人」和「台灣人是中國人」的二分法,將台灣地區的人民劃分為兩個新族群。這兩個新族群恰與兩大政黨意識形態相符。另外以本省人和外省人為主的省籍情結並未消失,它只是轉化為上述的兩種抽象定義。因此,省籍的背景,加上個人對中國文化的信仰程度,決定了一個人的政黨認同取向。而一個政黨意識形態較強的人,在對政策的態度上,常常不知不覺的受到己團體意見所左右,而不能客觀地判斷政策的優劣。尤其以民進黨意識形態者所產生的這種內團體偏私較強,國民黨意識形態者的內團體偏私現象則較不明顯。最後,根據本研究的結果,對台灣政治生態發展所做的建議是,唯有將台灣意識或中國意識視為一種文化意識,而非族群意識。台灣地區人民才可能將族群認同與政黨認同分開 ,並發出理性的政黨認同,與團結的國家認同。 / There are two major political parties that play important roles in the scene of Taiwan politics. The KMT have government Taiwan area over fifty years, which came from mainland China. Being a minority group as opposed to the KMT, the natures of the DPP supporters are not as same as the members of the KMT. Their ancestors have lived in Taiwan for hundreds of years. Consequently, the ethno identity and the political identity are confused with each other for most of the people in Taiwan. Someone would choose suort one political group not because their cognition to politics, but because most their ethno background. It is to say, one whose fathers came from mainland china would mostly support the KMT than the DPP. One whose fathers were birth in Taiwan is mostly support the DPP than the KMT.The purpose of research is to find out the difference of ideology between two political groups. Besides I will utilize the real- life intergroup relationship for proving in-group bias. Two methods of research were adopted. One is historical research, and the other is an experimental method. The results reveal that there were different ideology in two groups. The KMT supporters usually have more conservative attitudes about politics. The DPP supporters have more open attitudes with their opinions. The ethno backgrounds usually display the role of accentuation. On the other hand, The in-group bias phenomenon has been partly proved. It means that there is a vivid in-group bias phenomenon in minority group. Someone who supports the DPPave a higher rating with the statement that talked by the DPP member. The conclusion of the research also reveals something. There were two opposed opinions rising to explain someone's identification for their sense of belonging. What opinions someone may choose are usually decided by their political identity. One who supports the KMT choose more likely the opinion "Taiwanese is also a Chinese." One who supports the DPP accept more likely the opinion "Taiwanese is just a Taiwanese." Because the two opinionsre abstract definition, so they are not decided by someone's descent. That is to say the traditional manners of ethno category by dialect are broken. The new manner of ethno category is not imposed by someone's descent. I am not optimistic about the phenomenon. The rise of the new ethno definition does not only completely displace the old system of category but also confused with each other. It must have the Taiwan people divided into more small groups. So I predict in the future, The ethno identity of Taiw people would be more complicated .

Oberoendeideologin utifrån två perspektiv : en kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar mellan revisorer och klienter

Andersson, Carolina, Valtersson Larsson, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Revisorns oberoende är en ständigt omdiskuterad fråga och ämnet verkar aldrig gå ur tiden, detta då massmedia ständigt florerar med spekulationer om jävsituationer mellan företag och revisorer. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur revisorer och dess klienter resonerar kring oberoende och beroende. För att studera denna komplexa fråga har vi genomfört elva personliga intervjuer, fem intervjuer med auktoriserade eller godkända revisorer och sex intervjuer med revisionsklienter. I studien har vi analyserat hur revisorer och klienter resonerar kring revisorns oberoende samt vad parterna anser är viktigt i deras förhållande till varandra. Utfallet av studien pekar på att både revisorerna och klienterna tänker och arbetar aktivt för att upprätthålla sitt anseende, det vill säga sin legitimitet. För revisorernas del uppnås legitimitet genom att de ständigt beaktar hot mot sin objektivitet och på så sätt säkerställer sitt oberoende. Detta leder till att de kan fungera som ett kontrollorgan för klienternas finansiella rapporter. Studien visar även att utifrån klientens perspektiv är det viktigt att revisorn fungerar som en oberoende tredje part eftersom det ger bolagets finansiella rapporter en ”kvalitetsstämpel”. Studien är relevant då den bidrar med en förståelse för vad som är viktigt i relationen mellan revisor och klient. / Auditor independence is an intensely debated issue, the topic never go out of time when the media are constantly rife with speculation about a conflict of interest between the company and the auditors. The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of how auditors and its clients reason about independent and dependency. To study this complex issue, we have completed eleven personal interviews, five interviews were with authorized or approved auditors and six interviews were with audit clients. In this study we analyzed how auditors and clients reasoning about auditor independence and what they consider important in their relationship to each other. The outcome of this study indicates that both auditors and clients think and work actively to maintain its reputation, videlicet their legitimacy. From the perspective of the auditors, they achieved legitimacy by ensuring theirs independence by staying objective. This means that they can function as a control for the client's financial statements. From the perspective of the clients, it is important that the auditor acts as an independent third party, it gives the company's financial reports, a "quality label". The study is relevant as a contribution to an understanding what´s important in the relationship between auditor and client.

Developing a theoretical basis for the concept of organizational behaviour

Richards, James January 2006 (has links)
Workplace misbehaviour is seen to be a neglected feature of organizational study (Ackroyd and Thompson; Vardi and Weitz, 2004). Where research has been undertaken into misbehaviour the emphasis tends fall into two broad categories. First of all, organizational behaviour theorists use the term misbehaviour as a means to highlight how the ‘negative’ behaviour of employees gets in the way of formal organizational goals. Secondly, radical sociologists tend to use the term misbehaviour as a means to critique Foucauldian labour process theory. Here an argument is made that suggests the disciplinary affects of new management practices associated with human resource management and total quality management have been overstated. Furthermore, radical sociologists also use the term misbehaviour as means to critique organizational behaviour accounts, which are believed to paint overly optimistic accounts of organizational life. However, on further examination it was discovered that neither a radical sociological approach, nor a traditional organizational behaviour approach, sufficiently addresses the current deficit in our understandings and explanations for workplace misbehaviour. Hence, one of the main themes of this thesis was to design a theoretical and methodological framework to address the deficit in our understandings and explanations. As such, a view was taken of how a radical sociological approach (orthodox labour process analysis) combined with an emerging social psychological perspective (a social identity approach (Haslam, 2001)) could help overcome previous theoretical problems associated with researching misbehaviour. Empirical support for this approach is provided by the detailed examination of the objective and subjective working conditions of four different sets of low status workers. The findings are based on longitudinal covert participant observations, as well as covert interviews and the covert gathering of company documents. The findings depart from previous insights into workplace misbehaviour in stressing the importance of acknowledging and investigating both the organizational and sub-group social identities of low status workers, in relation to such activities. As such, a great deal of the misbehaviour noted in the findings can be attributed to the poor treatment of low status workers by management, yet misbehaviour is equally if not more attributable to the empowering or inhibitive qualities of the many psychological groups that worker can associate with or disassociate themselves from. Recommendations are made about the direction of future research into workplace misbehaviour. There are many suggestions made and include examining misbehaviour in a wider range of settings, sectors and levels of organizations.

The impact of social change on social dominance theory and social identity theory

Maseko, Sibusiso 03 1900 (has links)
Social dominance theory (SDT) and Social identity theory (SIT) are theoretical frameworks that have been conceptualised and examined in societies that predominantly have stable intergroup relations. The present study sought to examine both theoretical frameworks in a context that is undergoing social change. Three cross-sectional studies were conducted amongst black and white students from a South African University. Results indicated that there was no difference in the desire for group-based inequality (i.e. social dominance orientation, SDO) amongst groups affected by social change, when group status was measured subjectively. Yet, when group status was determined sociologically, dominant group members had significantly higher SDO levels. Furthermore, results indicated that the perception of social change had a conditional effect on the relationship between SDO and support for affirmative action amongst white participants, in that when white participants perceived higher in-group status loss, higher SDO levels predicted opposition towards affirmative action. Racial in-group identification had a conditional effect on the relationship between perceived social change and support for affirmative action amongst black participants; when black participants had higher racial in-group identification, greater perception of social change predicted support for affirmative action. Lastly, amongst black participants, hierarchy-attenuating legitimising myths had a conditional effect on the relationship between SDO and support for affirmative action. Specifically, when colourblindness or Ubuntu were endorsed, higher SDO predicted support for affirmative action. However, when these hierarchy-attenuating legitimising myths were rejected, higher SDO predicted opposition towards affirmative action. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

O torcedor como vantagem competitiva: uma análise sob a ótica da transferência da lealdade / The sport fans as competitive advantage: an analysis from the point of view of the loyalty transfer

Fernando de Andrade Franco Malagrino 12 April 2017 (has links)
A indústria do esporte tem despertado cada vez mais o interesse de acadêmicos e profissionais das mais diversas áreas. Não só pela importância social que o esporte sempre teve no mundo, mas agora, também, pela importância econômica que essa indústria vem alcançado. O esporte deixou, há tempos, de ser apenas uma atividade de lazer. Se, para o público, ele ainda o é, para aqueles que trabalham nele, é claramente uma atividade de negócios. E, para disputar o jogo dentro das quatros linhas é necessário ter um time competitivo fora delas. Neste trabalho, consideramos as equipes esportivas como organizações e analisamo-las como firmas, com sua estrutura organizacional estreitamente relacionada à sua forma de apresentação ao público consumidor. Assumimos como premissa que essas organizações (times) não devem ser apenas organizadas como um win-maximizer, mas como um profit-maximizing. Neste sentido, o patrocínio vem ganhando cada vez mais importância na indústria do esporte. É difícil imaginar um grande time ou evento esportivo sem patrocínio. De um lado, os eventos e equipes participantes dependem dos recursos financeiros oriundos dos patrocinadores. Do outro lado, os patrocinadores utilizam de forma significativa o patrocínio como uma ferramenta estratégica de marketing. Assim, da mesma forma que os gastos globais com patrocínio vêm aumentando ano a ano, os esforços acadêmicos para medir o efeito do patrocínio vêm acompanhando este crescimento. No entanto, grande parte da literatura sobre patrocínio considera a influência do patrocínio na perspectiva do negócio. Estudos que analisem uma estrutura mais completa, desde a identificação do torcedor com o time até a compra final de produtos dos patrocinadores são raros. E é aqui que essa pesquisa se encaixa. Entendemos que o consumidor passa por constantes mudanças, que afetam os hábitos de consumo das pessoas e, por consequência, afetam as organizações. Um exemplo está na crescente demanda dos consumidores esportivos por produtos e serviços melhores. Além disso, a utilização cada vez maior de dispositivos móveis com internet e acesso às mídias sociais exige que as empresas repensem seu ambiente de negócios. Essa mudança no comportamento dos consumidores vem proporcionando a eles um novo papel. Os times e equipes esportivas devem assumir uma visão na qual o torcedor seja visto como alguém que contribui significativamente para o valor do produto e do serviço e que, ao mesmo tempo, direciona as estratégias da organização. Assim, os times devem buscar estratégias para aumentar o envolvimento ativo dos torcedores com o time e com as empresas patrocinadoras, incentivando-os a ser embaixadores da marca. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se a lealdade do torcedor com seu clube pode ser transferida para as organizações patrocinadoras. Para alcançar esse objetivo, propusemos e testamos um modelo teórico multidimensional que permitisse mensurar desde a concepção da identificação com o time até a etapa de compra dos produtos dos patrocinadores. Assim, a partir da análise crítica de modelos propostos por diferentes autores, de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, foram desenvolvidos o modelo teórico e seus respectivos itens de mensuração. Os construtos principais desta tese foram: identificação com o time, lealdade ao time e lealdade ao patrocinador. A aplicação da escala desenvolvida para este trabalho se deu em duas amostras distintas e em momentos diferentes (amostra pré-teste: n=263; amostra teste: n=787). Para teste e refinamento da escala e do modelo, utilizamos a técnica de modelagem de equação estrutural PLS-SEM, por meio da qual os dados foram analisados em termos de validade convergente, validade discriminante e confiabilidade. Para tal, adotamos o uso da análise fatorial confirmatória. O modelo estrutural também foi testado e retestado por meio dos coeficientes de caminho, R2, Q2 e f2. Os resultados deste estudo mostram haver impacto considerável das variáveis antecedentes, benefícios sociais/não financeiros propostos neste trabalho, na identificação com o time. Ao mesmo tempo, a identificação com o time afeta positivamente e de forma significativa à lealdade ao time, que neste trabalho é analisada como um construto multidimensional formado por lealdade atitudinal, conativa e comportamental. Os testes realizados confiram o objetivo principal deste trabalho e permite inferir que a lealdade do torcedor ao time pode, sim, ser transferida para as empresas patrocinadoras. Em termos gerenciais, o conhecimento de novos antecedentes da identificação do torcedor com o time, bem como a clara distinção entre identificação, fanatismo e lealdade, permitirá às equipes formular estratégias mais assertivas para gerenciamento de suas marcas e o direcionar esforços de comunicação de marketing de forma mais eficaz. Para as empresas patrocinadoras, apresentamos um caminho alternativo para mensurar a eficiência e a eficácia do patrocínio e rentabilizar melhor os altos investimentos nesta área. Por fim, os resultados contribuem para a ampliação do conhecimento e do corpo teórico nos estudos da vantagem competitiva, comportamento do consumidor, lealdade e patrocínio. / The sports industry has attracted increasing interest from academics and professionals from various fields. Not only because of the social importance that sport has always had in the world but now, also because of the economic importance that this industry has achieved. For some time now, sport hasn\'t been just a leisure activity. If, for the public, it still is, for those who work in it, it is clearly a business activity, and to play the game within the four lines, it is necessary to have a competitive team outside of them. In this paper, we considered sports teams as organizations and analyzed them as companies, with their organizational structure closely related to their presentation to the consumer. We assumed the premise that these organizations (teams) should not only be organized as win-maximizer but as a profit-maximizing. In this sense, sponsorship is gaining more importance in the sports industry. It is hard to imagine a great team or sporting event without sponsorship. On the one hand, the events and participating teams rely on financial resources from sponsors. On the other hand, sponsors significantly utilize sponsorship as a strategic marketing tool. Thus, just as global spending on sponsorship is increasing on a yearly basis, the academic efforts to measure the effect of sponsorship have accompanied this growth. However, much of the literature on sponsorship considers the influence of sponsorship on the business perspective. Studies analyzing a more complete structure, from the fan\'s identification with the team to the final purchase of the sponsors\' products, are rare, and this is the point of this research. We understand that the consumer goes through constant changes that affect the consumption habits of people and, consequently, affect organizations. An example is an increasing demand from consumers for sporting goods and better services. In addition, the increasing use of mobile devices with Internet and access to social media requires companies to rethink their business environment. This change in consumer behavior is giving them a new role. Teams and their staff must embrace the vision in which fans are seen as people who significantly contribute to the value of the product and service and, at the same time, direct the organization\'s strategies. Thus, teams must seek strategies to increase the active involvement of the fans with the team and with the sponsoring companies, encouraging them to be brand ambassadors. In this context, this study aimed to verify that the fan\'s loyalty to his club can be transferred to the sponsoring organizations. To achieve this goal, we proposed and tested a multidimensional theoretical model that allowed us to measure all the stages of the process that we call loyalty transfer, starting with the identification with the team and ending with the purchase phase of the sponsors\' products. Thus, from the critical analysis of models proposed by different authors from different areas of knowledge, the theoretical model was developed, and its respective items were measured. The main constructs of this thesis were identification with the team, loyalty to the team, and loyalty to the sponsor. The application of the scale developed for this study took place in two different samples at different times (pre-test sample: n=267; test sample: n=787). For testing and refinement of scale and model, we used the PLS-SEM structural equation modeling technique, whereby the data was analyzed regarding convergent validity, discriminant validity, and reliability. To this end, we have adopted the use of confirmatory factor analysis. The structural model was also tested and retested by the R2, Q2 e f2 coeficients. The results of this study show that there is a significant impact of background variables and the social/non-financial benefits proposed in this study in identifying with the team. At the same time, identification with the team affects positively and significantly the loyalty to the team, which, in this study, is considered as a multidimensional construct composed of attitudinal, conative and behavioral loyalty. The executed tests confirm the primary objective of this study and allow us to infer that fan loyalty to the team can indeed be transferred to the sponsoring companies. In management terms, the knowledge of new background of fan identification with the team, as well as the clear distinction between identification, fanaticism, and loyalty, will enable teams to formulate more assertive strategies for managing their brands and direct marketing communication efforts more efficiently. For sponsors, we present an alternative way to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of sponsorship and better monetize high investments in this area. Finally, the results contribute to the expansion of knowledge and theoretical background in the study of competitive advantage, consumer behavior, loyalty, and sponsorship.

History and hierarchy : the foreign policy evolution of modern Japan

Funaiole, Matthew January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the foreign policy evolution of Japan from the time of its modernization during the mid-nineteenth century though the present. It is argued that infringements upon Japanese sovereignty and geopolitical vulnerabilities have conditioned Japanese leaders towards power seeking policy objectives. The core variables of statehood, namely power and sovereignty, and the perception of state elites are traced over this broad time period to provide a historical foundation for framing contemporary analyses of Japanese foreign policy. To facilitate this research, a unique framework that accounts for both the foreign policy preferences of Japanese leaders and the external constraints of the international system is developed. Neoclassical realist understandings of self-help and relative power distributions form the basis of the presented analysis, while constructivism offers crucial insights into ideational factors that influence state elites. Social Identity Theory, a social psychology theory that examines group behavior, is integrated to conceptualize the available policy options. Surveying Japanese foreign policy through this framework clarifies the seemingly irreconcilable shifts in Japan's foreign policy history and clearly delineates between political groups that embody distinct policy strategies and norms. Consequently, the main contribution of this thesis lies in the development of a theoretical framework that is uniquely positioned to identify historical trends in foreign policy. Owing to the numerous shifts in modern Japan's foreign policy history, this research identifies and examines three distinguishable Japanese “states”: Meiji Japan (1868 - 1912), Imperial Japan (1912 - 1945), and postwar Japan (1945 - present).

From "Living Hell" to "New Normal": Illuminating Self-Identity, Stigma Negotiation, and Mutual Support among Female Former Sex Workers

Mayer, Jennifer L. 05 1900 (has links)
Women in the sex industry struggle with emotional turmoil, drug and alcohol addiction, poverty, and spiritual disillusionment. Their lived experiences as stigmatized individuals engender feelings of powerlessness, which inhibits their attempts to leave the sex industry. This study illuminates how personal narratives develop throughout the process of shedding stigmatized identities and how mutual support functions as a tool in life transformation. Social identity theory and feminist standpoint theory are used as theoretical frameworks of this research, with each theory adding nuanced understanding to life transformations of female former sex workers. Results indicate that women in the sex industry share common narratives that reveal experiences of a "Living Hell", transitional language, and ultimate alignment with traditional norms. Implications of SIT and FST reveal the role of feminist organizations as possible patriarchal entities and adherence to stereotypical masculine ideology as an anchoring factor in continued sex work.

Konversion enligt Lukas och Johannes : En jämförelse av konversionsnarrativens funktion i Lukas-Apostlagärningarna och Johannes / Conversion according to Luke and John : A Comparison of The Function of Conversion Narratives in Luke-Acts and John

Mark, Paulina January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine what kind of ingroup conversion prototypes the authors of Luke-Acts and the Gospel of John express through conversion narratives and conceptual metaphors. By analysing the works of the authors I find a range of expressions conceptualising the act or process of conversion to faith in Jesus. These expressions contribute to forming an comprehensive conversion narrative, which has part in forming and setting boundaries for the ingroup of believers towards the outgroup(s) of non-believers. The ingroup conversion prototype for Luke-Acts shows norms of outgroup love, merciful and generous actions as well as good works and inclusion led by the Holy Spirit. The ingroup conversion prototype in John sets up norms of transformation through baptism, ingroup love and a breaking with the darkness of the world. The aim is further on to examine how these prototypes correspond to the models of conversion presented by Lewis R. Rambo. The results show that Luke-Acts view of conversion corresponds both to the model of traditional transition and intensification. The Gospel of John, on the other hand, fits only in the model of traditional transition.

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