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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh a zpracování výukových postupů přístrojové navigace / Design and processing of teaching practices dash navigation

Bandúr, Juraj January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with concepts of various key tasks for flights operated by device navigation, while these tasks are designed under the requirements of the regulation JAR-FCL 1. The work also includes explanation of the principles of operation of selected radio navigation devices, which are demonstrated in various roles, making these tasks serve well as a possible teaching material for navigation subjects. Part of the work also includes the evaluation of the simulator FlitePro for the purposes of its certification as a training device.


Rambla Nebot, Jose Luis 15 January 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Fruits both produce and emit volatile chemical compounds. These are short-chained low polarity molecules involved in many processes, and they are responsible of our perception of fruit aroma and of most of their flavour. This thesis is focused on the study of volatile compounds in the tomato fruit, which is one of the most important horticultural worldwide and is a model system for the study of fruit development and ripening. Some of the analytical methods more frequently used for the analysis of tomato fruit volatiles were systematically compared. Results revealed that the observed volatile profile is highly dependent on the precise analytical method used, both for sample processing and for the technique used for volatile acquisition. It was concluded that the method of election for the comparison of large sets of samples from a multi-omics approach consists on flash freezing the biological material with liquid nitrogen at the selected ripening stage and the use of headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry for the subsequent analysis. This method was implemented and was used for the determination of volatile compounds in selected NILs harbouring QTLs for characters related to flavour and aroma introgressed in different genetic backgrounds. The results allowed the association of several of the organoleptic characters previously identified with modified levels of several volatiles. It was also observed that the genetic background has a major effect on the production of such metabolites. Correlation analysis between the levels of volatiles and primary metabolites led to the conclusion that the production of volatile compounds is generally not determined by the levels of their precursors. Its regulation is most likely to be due to downstream processes such as the availability of either precursors or intermediate metabolites, the variability in specific processes leading to the concersion of precursors into volatiles, or to other still unknown regulatory mechanisms. Volatile compounds were also studied in a RIL population derived from a cross between Solanum pimpinellifolium accession TO-937, the closest species to cultivated, which produces red fruits, and S. lycopersicum cv. 'Moneymaker', a tomato variety for the fresh market. This allowed the identification of 102 QTLs for 39 different volatile compounds, 76 of which had not been previously described. All these QTLs were mapped along the 12 tomato chromosomes by means of the SOLCAP SNPs molecular market map. Most of the QTLs identified were subsequently evaluated on introgression lines (ILs) generated from the same original genotypes. It was observed that almost half of the QTLs previously identified retained their effect after introgression in the 'Moneymaker' genetic background. Additionally, 12 new QTLs were identified in this IL population. Based on the existing knowledge about the effect of volatile compounds on our perception of flavour and aroma and also on their ability to maintain their effect after introgression in the cultivated tomato, some of the QTLs identified are good candidates to be used in tomato flavour breeding programs. Eventually, the comparison of the localization in the genome of the QTLs identified in the different populations studied with those already described in the literature revealed a very low degree of co-localization between the different QTLs. This implies that there exists a wide range of variability in the wild species related to tomato available for breeding tomato flavour and aroma. / [ES] Los frutos producen y emiten compuestos químicos volátiles. Estos son moléculas en general poco polares y de cadena corta que cumplen diversas funciones, y son las responsables de que percibamos el aroma y buena parte del sabor de los frutos. Esta tesis está centrada en el estudio de los volátiles del fruto del tomate, que es uno de los cultivos hortícolas más importantes y un sistema modelo para el estudio del desarrollo y maduración del fruto. Se compararon de forma sistemática los métodos analíticos más comúnmente utilizados para el análisis de volátiles en fruto de tomate, y se observó que el perfil de volátiles detectado está fuertemente condicionado por el método analítico utilizado, tanto por el proceso de preparación de la muestra como por la técnica de adquisición de los volátiles. Finalmente se concluyó que la técnica más adecuada para la comparación de grandes grupos de muestras desde una aproximación multi-ómica consiste en congelar con nitrógeno líquido el material vegetal una vez alcanzado el momento idóneo de recolección, y su análisis posterior mediante microextracción en fase sólida (SPME) acoplada a cromatografía de gases y espectrometría de masas. Se puso a punto esta técnica y se utilizó para la determinación de los compuestos volátiles en varias líneas NILs portadoras de QTLs de caracteres relacionados con el sabor y el aroma en distintos fondos genéticos. Los resultados permitieron asociar varios de los caracteres organolépticos identificados con alteraciones en los niveles de algunos volátiles. Igualmente se observó que el fondo genético tiene un efecto importante sobre la producción de estos metabolitos. Los análisis de correlación entre los niveles de volátiles y metabolitos primarios permitieron concluir que la producción de compuestos volátiles, en general, no está determinada por los niveles de sus precursores, sino que su regulación debe encontrarse más bien en procesos posteriores, tales como la disponibilidad de los precursores o de metabolitos intermedios, variabilidad en procesos específicos relacionados con la conversión de los precursores en volátiles, o algún otro mecanismo regulador aún desconocido. También se estudiaron los volátiles en una población de RILs derivada de un cruce entre Solanum pimpinellifolium entrada TO-937, la especie más próxima al tomate cultivado, la cual produce frutos rojos, y S. lycopersicum cv. "Moneymaker", una variedad de tomate para el mercado en fresco. Esto permitió identificar 102 QTLs para 39 volátiles diferentes, 76 de las cuales no se habían descrito previamente, las cuales se mapearon a lo largo de los 12 cromosomas del tomate utilizando el mapa de marcadores moleculares de SNPs SOLCAP. Posteriormente se evaluaron la mayoría de las QTLs identificadas mediante la determinación de los volátiles en líneas ILs generadas a partir de los mismos materiales. Se observó que casi la mitad de estas QTLs mantuvieron su efecto al ser introgresadas en el fondo genético "Moneymaker", al tiempo que 12 nuevas QTLs se identificaron en esta población de ILs. Algunas de las QTLs identificadas, en base al conocimiento existente sobre el efecto de los compuestos volátiles en nuestra percepción del sabor y el aroma, y en base a su capacidad para mantener su efecto tras su introgresión en el tomate cultivado, resultan ser candidatos prometedores para su utilización en la mejora genética del sabor del tomate. Finalmente, el análisis de la localización en el genoma de las QTLs analizadas en las distintas poblaciones objeto de estudio en esta tesis, junto con las descritas en la bibliografía disponible, puso de relieve el bajo grado de co-localización existente entre las distintas QTLs, lo cual implica que en las especies silvestres relacionadas con el tomate existe un amplio rango de variabilidad genética susceptible de ser utilizado para la mejora de su sabor y su aroma. / [CA] Els fruits produixen i emitixen compostos químics volàtils. Estos són molècules en general de baixa polarita i cadena curta que tenen diverses funcions, i són les responsables de la nostra percepció de l'aroma i de bona part del sabor dels fruits. Esta tesi està centrada a l'estudi dels volàtils del fruit de la tomata, que és un dels cultius hortícoles més importants i un sistema model per a l'estudi del desenvolupament i la maduració del fruit. Es van comparar de forma sistemática els mètodes analítics més habituals per a l'anàlisi de volàtils en fruits de tomata, i es va observar que el perfil de volàtils detectat està fortament condicionat per el mètode analític utilitzat, tant per el procés de preparació de la mostra com per la técnica d'adquisició dels volàtils. Es va concluir que la t`cnica més adequada per a la comparació de grans grups de mostres desde una aproximació multi-òmica consistix en congelar en nitrògen líquid el material vegetal en el momento idoni de recolecció, i analitzar-lo posteriorment per microextracció en fase sòlida (SPME) acoplada a cromatografía de gasos i espectrometría de masses. Es va posar a punt esta técnica i es va utilitzar per a la determinació dels composteos volàtils en varies línies NILs portadores de QTLs de caràcters relacionats en el sabor i l'aroma en fons genètics diversos. Els resultats van permetre associar alguns dels caràcters organolèptics identificats en alteracions en els nivells d'alguns compostos volàtils. També es va observar que el fons genètic té un efecte important sobre la producción d'estos metabolits. Els anàlisi de correlació entre els nivells de volàtils i els metabolits primaris ens van permetre concluir que la producción de compostos volàtils, en general, no està determinada per els nivells dels seus precursors. La seua regulació és deguda a procesos posteriors, com la disponibilitat dels precursors o de metabolits intermediaris, la variabilitat en processos específics relacionats en la conversió dels precursors en volàtils, o en algún altre mecanisme regulador encara desconegut. També es van estudiar els volàtils en una población de RILs rerivada d'un creuament entre Solanum pimpinellifolium entrada TO-937, la espècie silvestre més próxima a la tomatera cultivada i que produix fruits rojos, i S. lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker, una varietat de tomata per al mercat en fresc. Açò va permetre l'identificació de 102 QTLs de 39 volàtils diferents, 76 de les quals no s'havien descrit prèviament, i que es van mapejar al llarg dels 12 cromosomes de la tomatera mitjançant el mapa de marcadors moleculars de SNPs SOLCAP. Posteriorment es van evaluar la majoria de les QTLs identificades mitjançant la determinació dels volàtils en línies ILs generades a partir dels mateixos materials. Es va observar que quasi la meitat de estes QTLs van mantindre el seu efecte al ser introgressades en el fons genètic "Moneymaker". Adicionalment, 12 noves QTLs es van identificar en esta población d'ILs. Algunes de les QTLs identificades, en base al coneiximent existent respecte a l'efecte dels volàtils en la nostra percepció del sabor i l'aroma, i tenin en cónter la seua capacitat de mantindre el seu efecte al ser introgressats en la tomata cultivada, són candidats prometedors per a ser utilitzats en la millora genética del sabor de les tomates. Finalment, l'anàlisi de la localització en el genoma de les QTLs analitzades en les distintes poblacions objecte d'aquesta tesi, junt a les descrites en la bibliografía disponible, va evidenciar que existix una baixa freqüència de co-localització entre les distintes QTLs. Açò implica que existix molta variabilitat genética en les espècies silvestres relacionades en la tomatera, que pot ser utilitzada per a la millora del sabor i l'aroma dels seus fruits. / Rambla Nebot, JL. (2016). GENES AND GENOMIC REGIONS RELATED TO THE PRODUCTION OF VOLATILE COMPOUNDS IN THE TOMATO FRUIT [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61768 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

Observation of highly decoupled conductivity in protic ionic conductors

Wojnarowska, Z., Wang, Y., Paluch, Krzysztof J., Sokolov, A.P., Paluch, M. 27 March 2014 (has links)
Yes / Ionic liquids (ILs) are key materials for the development of a wide range of emerging technologies. Protic ionic liquids, an important class of ILs, have long been envisioned as promising anhydrous electrolytes for fuel cells. It is well known that in comparison to all other cations, protons exhibit abnormally high conductivity in water. Such superprotonic dynamics was expected in protic ionic conductors as well. However, many years of extensive studies led to the disappointing conclusion that this is not the case and most protic ionic liquids display subionic behavior. Therefore, the relatively low conductivity seems to be the main obstacle for the application of protic ionic liquids in fuel cells. Using dielectric spectroscopy, herein we report the observation of highly decoupled conductivity in a newly synthesized protic ionic conductor. We show that its proton transport is strongly decoupled from the structural relaxation, in terms of both temperature dependence and characteristic rates. This finding offers a fresh look on the charge transport mechanism in PILs and also provides new ideas for design of anhydrous materials with exceptionally high proton conductivity. / National Science Centre within the framework of the Opus project (Grant No. DEC 2011/03/B/ST3/02072). Financial assistance from FNP START. The LDRD Program of ORNL, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. DOE. Support from the NSF under grant CHE-1213444.

Förstärkning av ett civilt logistikflöde med hjälp av Integrerat logistikstöd / Strengthening a civil logistics flow using Integrated Logistic Support

Snickars, Oskar, Johansson, Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
The logistics sector has been severely affected by recent societal crises. Simultaneously, there is a need for research on how to ensure civil logistics during crisis situations. This study aims to investigate how Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) can be utilized within the civil industry, with the intention of strengthening the logistic flow against potential societal crises. The goal of the study is to propose a framework for how the civil industry can implement ILS.  The study demonstrates how ILS can be applied to a product in the civil industry by compiling a structure consisting of an exploded view, a component list and a mapping of the product’s logistics chain. Subsequently, a critical flow was identified using a SWOT analysis, followed by determining the risks associated with the flow through an FMECA. The conclusion of the study is that ILS can strengthen a product’s logistics flow in anticipation of a potential crisis. The challenges with applying ILS to a logistics flow arise from the need to analyze each sub-flow to include all different risk scenarios. The recommendation for manufacturing companies is to review their logistics flows and subsequently engage in risk management as a preventive measure.


Neupane, Ramesh 01 May 2019 (has links)
The research purpose was to investigate the differences between learning preferences (i.e., Active-Reflective, Sensing-Intuitive, Visual-Verbal, and Sequential-Global) determined by the Index of Learning Style and gender (i.e., Male and Female) in regards to standardized achievement multiple-choice test performance determined by the Illinois Nurse Aide Competency Examination (INACE), i.e., overall INACE performance and INACE performance based on six duty areas (i.e., communicating information, performing basic nursing skills, performing personal care, performing basic restorative skills, providing mental health-services, and providing for resident’s rights) of nurse aide students. The study explored the relationship between variables using a non-experimental, comparative and descriptive approach. The nurse aide students who completed the Illinois approved Basic Nurse Aide Training (BNAT) and 21-mandated skills assessment and were ready to take the Illinois Nurse Aide Competency Examination (INACE) in the month of October 2018 and December 2018 at various community colleges across the state of Illinois were the participants of the study. A sample of 800 nurse aide students were selected through stratified (north, central, and south) random sampling out of which N = 472 participated in the study representing the actual sample.

Functional ionic liquids in crystal engineering and drug delivery

Bansode, Ratnadeep Vitthal January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this research is to explore the use of ionic liquds in crystal engineering and drug delivery. Ionic liquids have a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical field due to their unique physicochemical propertie ssuch as chemical, thermal stability, low melting point, nonvolatility, nonflamability, low toxicity and recyclability which offer unique and interesting potential for pharmaceuitcal applications. Currently, many research groups are working on the development of ionic liquids to use in this field but there is need to develop systematic understanding about new techniques for synthesis and applications of ionic liquids to obtain new crystal form and potential of drug ionic salts. The synthesis of fifteen phosphonium ionic liquids under microwave irradiation and their physicochemical properties was investigated. The reaction time was significantly reduced compared to conventional methods, and higher yields were reported. The crystallisation of pharmaceutical drugs such as sulfathiazole, chlorpropamide, phenobarbital and nifedipine were investigated using imidazolium ionic liquids. The supramolecular complex of sulfathiazole and phenobarbital with imidazolium ionic liquids and polymorphic change in chlorpropamide was achieved. The ionic liquids provides unique environment for the crystallisation. The imidazolium salts of ibuprofen and diclofenac were synthesised and evaluated for physicochemical properties and their pharmaceutical performances especially transdermal absorption. The investigation of physicochemcal properties and pharmaceutical performance of imidazolium drug salts indicated opportunity to optimise lipophilicity and other physicochemical properties such as molecular size, osmolality, viscosity to achieve desired skin deposition and permeation. This study will provide a new approach to design of new drug salts develop using the interdisciplinary knowledge of chemical synthesis and drug delivery.

Verksamhetsstyrning i Stockholmsstad : En studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning

Fried, Andreas, Karlsson, Bengt January 2006 (has links)
<p>This paper is a study of corporate governances in the municipal of Stockholm. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the problems and opportunities for the corporate governances of the wards in the municipal of Stockholm. The municipal of Stockholm is made up of 18 relatively self-governing wards, whose activities bear a resemblance to one and other. Therefore we have specified our survey to corporate governances in the ward of Skarpnäck (Skarpnäcks stadsdel), to be able to use this ward as an example to corporate governances in the entire municipal of Stockholm. The essay emanates from the important management theories: Budget, Integrated Management system (ILS), Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard.</p><p>The essay is based on interviews and a poll survey we conducted in the administration of the ward of Skarpnäck, and also based on interviews with Stockholm’s city hall. We have also studied organizational documents and made field observations. All of the survey data has been interweaved with the above mentioned theories to form a study of the corporate governance in the municipal of Stockholm.</p><p>In the papers first part we explain what a municipal and an administrative ward is, and how they are organized. This is followed by a theory section where we describe the theories behind Budget, Integrated Management system, Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard. In the empirical section that follows, we examine how these different theories and models are used in the municipal of Stockholm. Furthermore we present the results of or poll survey in the empirical section. In the empirical section we also examine the effect of political management in the organization. After that follows an analysis and a discussion of each theory. In the discussion section we present our own opinion. The discussion is concluded with a summarization of our own proposals to improve the management of the municipal of Stockholm.</p><p>Our conclusion is that there’s a gap of knowledge in the organization, between those who outline the management and those who’s governed. The corporate governance is not communicatively adapted to bridge this gap. The gap of knowledge is mainly due to the lack of knowledge in economics and corporate governance with the lower-level managers. The lower-level managers are often internally recruited from their own accounting unit. The lower-level managers also get unreasonably large areas of responsibility. We would like to see one or more manager superior to the accounting unit managers (lower-level). The superior manager/s could then devote herself entirely to make the organization as effective as possible thru better corporate governance. An alternative measure would be to use the competence of the economic department to a greater extent when managing each accounting unit. The determining factor of today’s system is the budget. The corporate governance is primarily based on budget data, as these data are easiest to understand and evaluate.</p> / <p>Denna uppsats är en studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Stockholms stad. Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa de problem och möjligheter som finns för verksamhetsstyrningen av stadsdelarna i Stockholms stad. Stockholm stad består av 18 relativt självstyrande stadsdelar, som verksamhetsmässigt påminner om varandra. Vi har därför specificerat undersökningen till verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdel, för att kunna utgå från denna stadsdel som exempel för verksamhetsstyrningen i hela Stockholm. Uppsatsstudien utgår från de viktiga styrbegreppen; Budget, Integrerat Ledningssystem (ILS), Benchmarking och Balanced Scorecard.</p><p>Underlag för uppsatsen är intervjuer och en enkätundersökning som vi genomfört i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning samt intervjuer i Stockholms stadshus. Dessutom har vi studerat verksamhetsdokument och gjort fältobservationer. Alla undersökningsdata har vävts samman med de ovan nämnda teorierna till en studie av styrningen i Stockholms stad.</p><p>I uppsatsens första del förklaras vad en kommun och stadsdel är, och hur de är organiserade. Därefter följer ett teoriavsnitt där vi i tur och ordning går igenom teorierna bakom Budget, Integrerat Ledningssystem, Benchmarking och Balanced Scorecard. I empiriavsnittet som följer därefter granskar vi hur dessa olika teorier och modeller används av Stockholms stad. Dessutom presenterar vi i empiriavsnittet resultatet av vår enkätundersökning. I empiriavsnittet granskar vi även den politiska styrningens effekt på organisationen. Därefter följer en analys och en diskussion av respektive teori. I diskussionsavsnittet presenterar vi våra egna åsikter. Diskussionen avslutas med en summering av de egna förslag vi har för att förbättra styrningen av Stockholms stad.</p><p>Vår slutsats är att det råder ett kunskapsgap i organisationen, mellan de som utformar styrningen, och de som ska styras. Verksamhetsstyrningen är inte kommunikativt anpassad för att överbygga detta kunskapsgap. Kunskapsgapet beror till stor del på bristande kunskap om ekonomi och verksamhetsstyrning hos enhetschefer, som ofta internrekryteras på respektive resultatenhet. Enhetscheferna får dessutom orimligt stora ansvarsområden. Vi skulle vilja se en eller flera chefer överställda enhetscheferna som kunde assistera enhetscheferna i styrningen, och därmed verka för en effektivare organisation. En alternativ metod vore att bättre ta vara på kompetensen hos ekonomiavdelningen i verksamhetsstyrningen på enhetsnivå. Kontentan av dagens system är att budgeten blir den avgörande faktorn för verksamhetsstyrningen och uppföljningen, eftersom den är lättast att förstå och följa upp.</p>

Verksamhetsstyrning i Stockholmsstad : En studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning

Fried, Andreas, Karlsson, Bengt January 2006 (has links)
This paper is a study of corporate governances in the municipal of Stockholm. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the problems and opportunities for the corporate governances of the wards in the municipal of Stockholm. The municipal of Stockholm is made up of 18 relatively self-governing wards, whose activities bear a resemblance to one and other. Therefore we have specified our survey to corporate governances in the ward of Skarpnäck (Skarpnäcks stadsdel), to be able to use this ward as an example to corporate governances in the entire municipal of Stockholm. The essay emanates from the important management theories: Budget, Integrated Management system (ILS), Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard. The essay is based on interviews and a poll survey we conducted in the administration of the ward of Skarpnäck, and also based on interviews with Stockholm’s city hall. We have also studied organizational documents and made field observations. All of the survey data has been interweaved with the above mentioned theories to form a study of the corporate governance in the municipal of Stockholm. In the papers first part we explain what a municipal and an administrative ward is, and how they are organized. This is followed by a theory section where we describe the theories behind Budget, Integrated Management system, Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard. In the empirical section that follows, we examine how these different theories and models are used in the municipal of Stockholm. Furthermore we present the results of or poll survey in the empirical section. In the empirical section we also examine the effect of political management in the organization. After that follows an analysis and a discussion of each theory. In the discussion section we present our own opinion. The discussion is concluded with a summarization of our own proposals to improve the management of the municipal of Stockholm. Our conclusion is that there’s a gap of knowledge in the organization, between those who outline the management and those who’s governed. The corporate governance is not communicatively adapted to bridge this gap. The gap of knowledge is mainly due to the lack of knowledge in economics and corporate governance with the lower-level managers. The lower-level managers are often internally recruited from their own accounting unit. The lower-level managers also get unreasonably large areas of responsibility. We would like to see one or more manager superior to the accounting unit managers (lower-level). The superior manager/s could then devote herself entirely to make the organization as effective as possible thru better corporate governance. An alternative measure would be to use the competence of the economic department to a greater extent when managing each accounting unit. The determining factor of today’s system is the budget. The corporate governance is primarily based on budget data, as these data are easiest to understand and evaluate. / Denna uppsats är en studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Stockholms stad. Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa de problem och möjligheter som finns för verksamhetsstyrningen av stadsdelarna i Stockholms stad. Stockholm stad består av 18 relativt självstyrande stadsdelar, som verksamhetsmässigt påminner om varandra. Vi har därför specificerat undersökningen till verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdel, för att kunna utgå från denna stadsdel som exempel för verksamhetsstyrningen i hela Stockholm. Uppsatsstudien utgår från de viktiga styrbegreppen; Budget, Integrerat Ledningssystem (ILS), Benchmarking och Balanced Scorecard. Underlag för uppsatsen är intervjuer och en enkätundersökning som vi genomfört i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning samt intervjuer i Stockholms stadshus. Dessutom har vi studerat verksamhetsdokument och gjort fältobservationer. Alla undersökningsdata har vävts samman med de ovan nämnda teorierna till en studie av styrningen i Stockholms stad. I uppsatsens första del förklaras vad en kommun och stadsdel är, och hur de är organiserade. Därefter följer ett teoriavsnitt där vi i tur och ordning går igenom teorierna bakom Budget, Integrerat Ledningssystem, Benchmarking och Balanced Scorecard. I empiriavsnittet som följer därefter granskar vi hur dessa olika teorier och modeller används av Stockholms stad. Dessutom presenterar vi i empiriavsnittet resultatet av vår enkätundersökning. I empiriavsnittet granskar vi även den politiska styrningens effekt på organisationen. Därefter följer en analys och en diskussion av respektive teori. I diskussionsavsnittet presenterar vi våra egna åsikter. Diskussionen avslutas med en summering av de egna förslag vi har för att förbättra styrningen av Stockholms stad. Vår slutsats är att det råder ett kunskapsgap i organisationen, mellan de som utformar styrningen, och de som ska styras. Verksamhetsstyrningen är inte kommunikativt anpassad för att överbygga detta kunskapsgap. Kunskapsgapet beror till stor del på bristande kunskap om ekonomi och verksamhetsstyrning hos enhetschefer, som ofta internrekryteras på respektive resultatenhet. Enhetscheferna får dessutom orimligt stora ansvarsområden. Vi skulle vilja se en eller flera chefer överställda enhetscheferna som kunde assistera enhetscheferna i styrningen, och därmed verka för en effektivare organisation. En alternativ metod vore att bättre ta vara på kompetensen hos ekonomiavdelningen i verksamhetsstyrningen på enhetsnivå. Kontentan av dagens system är att budgeten blir den avgörande faktorn för verksamhetsstyrningen och uppföljningen, eftersom den är lättast att förstå och följa upp.

Heurísticas para a fase de roteameneto de circuitos integrados baseados em FPGAs

Carvalho, Gustavo Rezende 27 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2485062 bytes, checksum: ad2a2349ad56d837e75386f8c9ba1027 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present dissertation deals with the Routing Circuits for Field Programable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Due to the combinatorial nature of the problem, heuristics methods are commonly used to generate good quality solutions in an acceptable computationally time. In this context, a procedure based on GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) with a procedure of local search based on ILS (Iterated Local Search) is proposed. The algorithm has been tested in benchmark problems found in the literature, MCNC, exploring timing-driven and channel-width criteria, being able to improve 55% of the benchmarks on timing drive criteria and improve 5,3% of the benchmarks on channel width criteria. / A presente dissertação trata do problema de roteamento de circuitos para Field Programable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Em função da natureza combinatória do problema, métodos heurísticos são comumente utilizados para gerar soluções de boa qualidade em um tempo computacionalmente aceitável. Neste contexto, um procedimento baseado na metaheurística GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) com um procedimento de busca local baseado em ILS (Iterated Local Search) é proposto. O algoritmo foi testado em instâncias encontradas na literatura, benchmark MCNC, explorando os critérios de tempo crítico e números de trilhas, onde mostrou-se capaz de melhorar 55% das instancias no critério de tempo crítico e 5,3% quanto ao número de trilhas.

Caracterização dos estilos de aprendizagem dos discentes do curso de farmácia de um centro universitário da região do agreste bahiano

Pacheco, Fabio Kovacevic 29 March 2017 (has links)
Gradually the perception of specific aspects of education is changing, the professional needs constantly evolve and demand a continuous professional formation. It is hoped that new professionals will be trained in the perspective of skills and competences that exceed the technical-scientific limit, being able to create, plan, implement and evaluate health policies and actions for the population and, at the same time, to solve problems. Thus, new forms of teaching have been developed in an attempt to address these needs both in the labor market as well as in the professionals „education. These methodologies are called Active methodologies, where the student becomes the center of the learning process, and the teacher is no longer the sole holder of knowledge, neither being the one who merely transmits the accumulated knowledge. In this perspective, the need arose to understand if the use of these methodologies is able to develop critical sense in the students in formation, such as what is established in the literature, from the analysis of their learning styles throughout the education time. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to characterize the learning styles, from the application of ILS, among undergraduate students of the Pharmaceutical Sciences course of the University Center AGES (UniAGES), in Paripiranga Campus / BA. A descriptive Case Study was conducted, with a cross - sectional and observational design. The learning styles of 137 students from different periods and different shifts of the mentioned institution and socio-demographic and socio-educational data were evaluated. From the calculation of the average scores obtained in the ILS, the predominant Learning Style was Divergent (51.1%), followed by Assimilator (34.3%). Among the female students, Divergent Style was also the predominant (55.3%), and among the male students the Divergent Styles (41.9%) and Assimilator Styles (41.9%) was responsible for the framing of styles among male students. The divergent style was predominant in most analyzes, where period, shift and employability were taken into account. It is believed that the results obtained reflect the profile of the students of the referred institution, which is private and presents a differentiated structuring of other public institutions as well. / Gradativamente a percepção de aspectos específicos da educação está sofrendo alterações, as necessidades profissionais evoluem constantemente e demandam uma formação profissional continuada. Espera-se que os novos profissionais, sejam formados na perspectiva de habilidades e competências que ultrapassem o limite técnico-científico, sendo capazes de criar, planejar, implementar e avaliar políticas e ações em saúde para a população e, concomitantemente, resolver problemas. Assim, novas formas de ensino vem sendo desenvolvidas na tentativa de abranger essas necessidades tanto do mercado de trabalho bem como dos profissionais em formação. Essas metodologias são as chamadas ativas, onde o aluno se torna o centro do processo de aprendizagem, não sendo mais o professor o único detentor do conhecimento, sendo aquele que meramente transmite o conhecimento acumulado. Nesta perspectiva, surgiu a necessidade de se compreender se a utilização dessas metodologias é capaz de desenvolver senso crítico nos alunos em formação, como o que se estabelece na literatura, a partir da análise dos seus estilos de aprendizagem ao longo do tempo de formação. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi de Caracterizar os estilos de aprendizagem, a partir da aplicação do ILS, entre estudantes de graduação do curso de Ciências Farmacêuticas do Centro Universitário AGES (UniAGES), no Campus de Paripiranga/BA. Foi realizado um Estudo de Caso, descritivo com delineamento transversal e observacional. Foram avaliados os estilos de aprendizagem de 137 estudantes de diferentes períodos e diferentes turnos da referida IES e dados sociodemográficos e socioeducacionais. A partir do cálculo da média dos scores atingidos no ILS, obteve-se que o Estilo de Aprendizagem predominante era o Divergente (51,1%), seguido do Assimilador (34,3%). Entre os estudantes do sexo feminino também houve a predominância do Estilo Divergente (55,3%) e entre os estudantes do sexo masculino os Estilos Divergente (41,9%) e Assimilador (41,9%) foram responsáveis pelo enquadramento de estilos. O estilo divergente foi predominante na maioria das análises, onde levou-se em consideração período, turno e empregabilidade. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos refletem o perfil dos estudantes da referida IES, que é privada e apresenta uma estruturação diferenciada de outras IES públicas.

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