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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Principals' Role in Facilitating Inclusive School Environments for Students Considered to be Experiencing Behavioural Problems in Intermediate Level Schools

Parr, Lennox Michael 23 February 2011 (has links)
This research examines the understandings and practices of inclusive minded principals toward facilitating the development of inclusive school environments for intermediate level (Grade 7 and 8) students who are experiencing behavioural problems in their schools. Qualitative interviews with 16 principals across 4 school districts were conducted to explore how these inclusive minded principals conceptualize and understand the needs of this particular group of students, and what they consider to be their roles and responsibilities as principals in meeting these needs. The data suggest that despite the number of barriers that serve to hamper principals’ efforts to develop the ideal inclusive school, there are a great many strategies principals intentionally use to facilitate change toward more inclusive school cultures and pedagogy. These strategies emanate from, and are reflective of, an inclusive philosophy that is common among participants. Principals’ individual philosophies and ideologies serve as a compass in guiding decision-making and actions that affect staff, students, and the wider school community. In an inclusive school, these ideologies are reflective of the principles of inclusion, such as the need to create a culture of care wherein all students feel valued, supported, and experience a sense of belonging and individual self worth. The implications of this research toward improving the schooling experiences of students with behavioural problems as well as other marginalized groups of learners are discussed in the context of the call for a re-culturing of schools toward more inclusive environments.

Cultivating creativity: the relationship between inclusive leadership, psychological safety, vitality, openness to experience and creative work involvement

Mavrokordatos, Amanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Organisations are rapidly discovering the invaluable influence of creativity and innovation at work. An individual’s capacity to engage creatively with his or her work is becoming increasingly recognised as integral for organisational success and competitive advantage. The quest for an increase in creative output is driven by the following question: what causes variance in creative work involvement? The purpose of this study was to address the question of variance in creative work involvement across a variety of industries. In order to do so empirically, a structural model was developed after an interrogation of the literature to present the hypothesised relationships suggested through previous research. In essence, this study explored the significance of four relationships: (1) the effect of psychological safety on creative work involvement, (2) the effect of inclusive leadership on psychological safety, (3) the effect of openness to experience on creative work involvement, and (4) the moderating effect of vitality on the relationship between psychological safety and creative work involvement. The research approach was a quantitative study in which an ex post facto correlation research design was used. A total of 39 organisations participated in the study; they are located in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Gauteng provinces in South Africa. An electronic self-administered survey that consisted of six sections and 39 items was distributed to employees in varying roles and across different industries. Participation was voluntary; 519 employees engaged in the survey. Multiple regression analysis was used in order to evaluate the data collected. Creative work involvement, psychological safety and vitality were measured by utilising the measurement items presented by Kark and Carmeli (2009). Inclusive leadership was measured using nine items from Carmeli, Reiter-Palmon and Ziv (2010). Lastly, openness to experience was measured using the HEXACO-60 survey (Lee & Ashton, 2004), of which only the 10 items pertaining to this construct were included in the survey presented to the participants. The findings reveal that psychological safety had a significant effect on creative work involvement, and inclusive leadership was shown to have a significant effect on psychological safety. In addition, there was a significant positive relationship between openness to experience and creative work involvement. Moreover, vitality was shown not to have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between psychological safety and creative work involvement. It also was found that the relationship between vitality and creative work involvement was significant. The discussions and implications of this research suggest a number of implementations with which managers can engage in order to stimulate creative behaviour and further encourage creative work involvement through strategic decision making at a variety of organisational levels. Greater levels of creative work engagement can be achieved for the overall success of the organisation, which could have an impact on the global community at large. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Organisasies besef toenemend die onskatbare waarde van kreatiwiteit en innovasie in die werkplek. ’n Individu se vermoë om kreatief met sy of haar werk om te gaan, word toenemend erken as noodsaaklik vir ’n organisasie se sukses en mededingende voordeel (Florida & Goodnight, 2005, soos Bissola & Imperatori, 2011). Die soeke na ’n toename in kreatiewe uitset/produksie/opbrengs/vermoë word gedryf deur die volgende vraag: wat veroorsaak variansie in kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid? Die doel van hierdie studie was om die vraag oor variansie in kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid in ’n verskeidenheid industrieë aan te spreek. Om dit empiries te doen, is ’n strukturele model, na bestudering van die literatuur, ontwikkel wat die hipotetiese verhoudinge uitbeeld wat deur vorige navorsing gesuggereer is. In wese verken hierdie studie die beduidendheid van vier verhoudinge: (1) die effek van sielkundige veiligheid op kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid, (2) die effek van inklusiewe leierskap op sielkundige veiligheid, (3) die effek van ontvanklikheid vir ervaring op kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid, en (4) die modererende effek van lewenskragtigheid op die verhouding tussen sielkundige veiligheid en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid. Die navorsingswerkswyse is ‘n kwantitatiewe studie waarin ʼn ex post facto-korrelasionele navorsingsontwerp gebruik is. ’n Totaal van 39 organisasies, geleë in die Wes-Kaap, Oos-Kaap en Gauteng, het aan die studie deelgeneem. ’n Elektroniese selfgeadministreerde vraelys, bestaande uit ses afdelings en 39 items, is onder werknemers in verskeie rolle en in verskeie industrieë versprei. Deelname was vrywillig en 519 werknemers het die vraelys voltooi. Meervoudige regressie-analise is gebruik om die ingesamelde data te evalueer. Kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid, sielkundige veiligheid en lewenskragtigheid is gemeet met behulp van die metings-items wat deur Kark and Carmeli (2009) voorgestel is. Inklusiewe leierskap is gemeet met nege items van Carmeli, Reiter-Palmon en Ziv (2010). Laastens is die ontvanklikheid vir ervaring gemeet met gebruik van die HEXACO-60 opname (Lee & Ashton, 2004), waarvan slegs die 10 items wat betrekking het op hierdie konstruk ingesluit is in die vraelys wat aan die deelnemers voorgelê is. Die bevindinge het getoon dat sielkundige veiligheid ’n beduidende effek op kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid het en dat inklusiewe leierskap ‘n beduidende effek op sielkundige veiligheid het. Bykomend hiertoe is ’n beduidende positiewe verwantskap tussen ontvanklikheid vir ervaring en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid gevind. Verder is aangedui dat lewenskragtigheid nie ’n beduidende modererende effek op die verwantskap tussen sielkundige veiligheid en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid het nie. Daar is ook bevind dat die verwantskap tussen lewenskragtigheid en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid beduidend is. In die bespreking en implikasies van hierdie navorsing word ’n aantal voorstelle gemaak wat bestuurders kan implementeer om kreatiewe gedrag te stimuleer en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid verder aan te moedig deur strategiese besluitneming op ’n verskeidenheid van organisatoriese vlakke. Groter vlakke van kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid kan bereik word wat die oorkoepelende sukses van ’n organisasie bevorder, wat dan weer ’n impak op die globale gemeenskap kan hê.

Contextual Creativity and the Experience of Cultural Pivoting in the Workplace

Soucie, Jeanine 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Att vara en inkluderande ledare på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur åtta ledare agerar i praktiken för att uppnå inkludering av sina medarbetare / How to be an inclusive leader at the workplace : A qualitative interview study on how eight leaders act in practice to achieve the inclusion of their employees

Korell, Hanna, Sjödin, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Inkluderande ledarskap är ett relativt nytt och modernt område inom ledarskapsforskningen som fortfarande är under utveckling, det råder därav fortfarande en viss förvirring kring hur inkluderande ledarskap ska förverkligas och praktiseras i arbetslivet. Syftet med detta arbete äratt undersöka hur åtta ledare från olika företag definierar inkluderande ledarskap och hur de agerar i praktiken för att uppnå inkludering av sina medarbetare på arbetsplatsen. Studien är utförd med semistrukturerade intervjuer av kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Åtta ledare med skildayrkesbefattningar, som arbetar på olika företag i varierande branscher medverkar i undersökningen. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades sedan med tematisk analys. Ur den tematiska analysen identifierades tre teman vilka etiketterats som ledarnas definition och praktiserande av inkluderande ledarskap, inkluderande ledarskaps bidrag till arbetsplatsen samt hinder för att utöva inkluderande ledarskap. Vidare diskuteras forskningsfältets ideologiska karaktär och hur det påverkas dess diskurs samt vår egen uppsats. Studiens slutsats är att ledarnas definition av ett inkluderande ledarskap grundas i mellanmänskliga relationer, där ledaren bär ett primärt ansvar för att skapa och vårda dessa. Detta kan förverkligas genom att lyssna, vara lyhörd och be om feedback från sina medarbetare, samt att tillåta dem att vara delaktiga i beslutsfattande och att tillåta dem att vara personliga och unika på arbetsplatsen. Genom att praktisera ett inkluderande ledarskap och bemöta medarbetarna på detta vis alstras ett inkluderande klimat, vilket kännetecknas som en trygg arbetsmiljö där alla medarbetare får komma till tals och där olika tankar samt åsikter uppmuntras. / Inclusive leadership is relatively new within leadership research and there is still some confusion about how this should be realized and practiced in working life. The purpose of this study is to examine how eight leaders from different companies define inclusive leadership and how they act in practice to achieve inclusion of their employees in the workplace. The study is conducted with semi-structured interviews of qualitative research design. Eight leaders with different professional positions, who work at different companies in various industries, participate in the survey. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed with thematic analysis. From the thematic analysis, three themes were identified which were labeled as the leaders definition and practice of inclusive leadership, inclusive leadership´s contribution to the workplace and obstacles to exercising inclusive leadership. Furthermore, the ideological nature of the research field and how it affects its discourse as well as our own thesis are discussed. The study concludes that the leaders definition of inclusive leadership is based on interpersonal relationships, where the leader bears a primary responsibility for creating and nurturing them. This can be accomplished by listening, being responsive and asking for feedback from their employees, as well as allowing them to be involved in decision making and allowing them to be personal and unique in the workplace. By practicing inclusive leadership and treating employees in this way, an inclusive climate is created, which is characterized as a safe work environment where all employees are allowed to speak and where different thoughts and opinions are encouraged.

A Case Study of Inclusive Leadership Competencies for Building-Level Administrators in Elementary School

Touassi, Amy Safia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Inclusive Leadership, Work Engagement, and Workplace Bullying: Exploring the Nomological Network by Testing Competing Models

Sharpe, Chloe M. 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Hacia un modelo de liderazgo inclusivo en las instituciones de educación superior en México : un estudio de caso con perspectiva de género

Jiménez Gonzalez, Carmen Leticia 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Employing persons with disabilities in Madagascar

Ratsifandrihamanana, Lila Hanitra 01 January 2019 (has links)
In Madagascar, the barriers to persons with disabilities' employability are multifaceted and relate to accessibility, funding, attitudes, and policies. Managers lack knowledge on disability and still perceive disabled persons as incompetent and associate them with costly accommodation needs. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine the management strategies and leadership styles that managers could use to enhance the employability chances of persons with disabilities. The conceptual framework featured the concepts of empowerment, employability, disability identity, and relevant transformational leadership theories. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 28 managers in private companies, institutions, cooperatives, and organizations in 3 regions of Madagascar. Data analysis was done with open hand coding and using NVivo 12 software. Key findings related to enabling management strategies that included promoting fair recruitment, tailoring jobs to disabled workers' competences and health conditions, ensuring communication and reasonable accommodation. The study revealed the merit of an inclusive transformational leadership in fostering the employability of persons with disabilities, through coaching, in-training supports, compassion and kinship, motivation, and trust building. The study benefits managers who could better attend to disabled workers' vocational needs. The study contributes to positive changes by influencing attitude change within the workplace and the community that could pave the way to an inclusive society in which disabled people could enjoy their rights to work.

Fostering Leadership in High School: Development and Validation of Student Leadership Capacity Building Scales

Lyons, Lindsay Beth 25 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Come Together: Inclusive Leadership and Public Relations Education

Preston, Heather Paige January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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