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The (un)successful pastor : an investigation of pastoral leadership selection within churches in OntarioBonis, Christopher Richard 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis contends that the pastoral role is significant to the effective functioning and well-being of the church. Therefore, the initial selection of a pastor is a vital component and contributes to those desirable outcomes. The question being considered within this thesis is: What are the factors within a church hiring process which may play a role in successful or unsuccessful pastoral ministry? As there are many variables even within this process, the scope of this thesis is limited to the identification and selection of pastoral leadership from the perspective of the pastoral participants. This perspective is drawn from one denominational association in Ontario —the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists (FEB hereafter) within the Central region of Canada.
In examining this question, an empirical, mixed-methodology is used. The triangulation of a literature review, surveys, personal interviews and a biblical, theological treatment allowed for the most comprehensive perspective and treatment of the research question (Leedy, 2010, p. 99). There is a significant amount of inductive reasoning included, based upon personal interactions within cultural contexts and experiences. This is due to the inadequacy or lack of current theories and available literature relative to the question being studied. This motivates me towards the inclusion of a grounded theory methodology as a component of this study (Leedy, 2010, p. 142).
Hiring the right pastor is a challenge at the best of times. As the church struggles to respond to a rapidly changing and diverse culture it presents greater challenges. Rates of pastoral turnover are high and the general duration of pastoral ministry is low. This, in turn, impacts ministry effectiveness. This study of hiring practices and pastoral experiences begins to identify elements as to why some pastors are successful and others are not. It allows for the reflection and consideration of whether the church is, what I have termed, “Equipping the Called, or Calling the Equipped”.
There is cause for hope, as there always is within God’s church. This thesis identifies concerns, as well as some positive practices and experiences that can be helpful to inform practice and potential change. As Osmer acknowledges, “observing good practice in other congregations is a powerful source of normative guidance” (Osmer, 2008, p. 152). / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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歐美葡萄酒貿易協定與WTO規範合致性研究周紹偉 Unknown Date (has links)
歐美葡萄酒貿易協定最主要之爭議可分為兩大部分,一為歐盟關於葡萄酒釀造製程上之規範;另一是美國葡萄酒產品使用歐盟地理標示,本文主要將針對此二議題與WTO協定間之合致性進行探討,以了解該協定所妥協之部分與WTO協定間之合致性。由於歐盟與美國係為WTO內最具影響力之兩大會員,本文最後將探討該協定對於WTO多邊架構以及爭端解決機制上之所衝擊與影響。 / The EU-US agreement on trade in wine was signed on March 10, 2006, marking the end of a first phase in wine trading discussions began in 1983. The Agreement addresses several key issues, such as oenological practices, import certification, the use of European geographical indication on the wine label which produced in US and other labeling issues. This thesis is to analyze the most controversial parts of this agreement.
This agreement compromises 17 provisions, there are two parts most controversial: one is the mutual acceptance of the EU-US oenological practice regulations, which would facilitate the trading of wine between the two parties. And the other is that finally U.S. agreed to prohibit new brands from using these names on non-European wine and grandfather those existing uses.
The oenological regulation of EU is more strictly and conservative compare to the related international standard. Moreover, EU ban the import of wine which is not conform with its oenological regulation unless the exporting country meet the Derogation requirement to allow the wine to be imported and circulated in the territory of EU. This article is to analyses the consistency of the EU oenological regulation with the TBT agreement, and the MFN treatment with this derogation.
And the U.S. had allowed the use of specific EU geographical indications, which is called semi-generic names in U.S. regulation, on the wine label for the wine producing in the U.S in its labeling regulation. According to the TRIPS Agreement, the use of EU’s GI is in a continuous matter before 1994 can be excepted from the regulation of additional for GI. This thesis would like to clarify which part of the use of those semi-generic names may or may not except from the context of TRIPS agreement about GI.
Since the wine agreement settle down several issues which violate the WTO agreement, this thesis would like to discuss the impact of the wine agreement to the WTO multilateral system.
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Indicateurs biologiques de la qualité écologique des cours d'eau : variabilités et incertitudes associéesMarzin, Anahita 11 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Evaluer, maintenir et restaurer les conditions écologiques des rivières nécessitent des mesures du fonctionnement de leurs écosystèmes. De par leur complexité, notre compréhension de ces systèmes est imparfaite. La prise en compte des incertitudes et variabilités liées à leur évaluation est donc indispensable à la prise de décision des gestionnaires. En analysant des données nationales (~ 1654 sites), les objectifs principaux de cette thèse étaient de (1) tester certaines hypothèses intrinsèques aux bio-indicateurs et (2) d'étudier les incertitudes de l'évaluation écologique associées à la variabilité temporelle des bio-indicateurs et à la prédiction des conditions de référence. (1) Ce travail met en évidence (i) le rôle prépondérant des facteurs environnementaux naturels dans la structuration des communautés aquatiques en comparaison des facteurs anthropiques (définis à l'échelle du bassin versant, du corridor riparien et du tronçon), (ii) les réponses contrastées des communautés aquatiques aux pressions humaines (dégradations hydro-morphologiques et de la qualité de l'eau) et (iii) plus généralement, les forts impacts des barrages et de l'altération de la qualité de l'eau sur les communautés aquatiques. (2) Une méthode Bayésienne a été développée pour estimer les incertitudes liées à la prédiction des conditions de référence d'un indice piscicole (IPR+). Les incertitudes prédictives de l'IPR+ dépendent du site considéré mais aucune tendance claire n'a été observée. Par comparaison, la variabilité temporelle de l'IPR+ est plus faible et semble augmenter avec l'intensité des perturbations anthropiques. Les résultats de ce travail confirment l'avantage d'indices multi-métriques basés sur des traits fonctionnels par rapport à ceux relatifs à la composition taxonomique. Les sensibilités différentes des macrophytes, poissons, diatomées et macro-invertébrés aux pressions humaines soulignent leur complémentarité pour l'évaluation des écosystèmes fluviaux. Néanmoins, de futures recherches sont nécessaires à une meilleure compréhension des effets d'interactions entre types de pressions et entre pressions humaines et environnement.
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The (un)successful pastor : an investigation of pastoral leadership selection within churches in OntarioBonis, Christopher Richard 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis contends that the pastoral role is significant to the effective functioning and well-being of the church. Therefore, the initial selection of a pastor is a vital component and contributes to those desirable outcomes. The question being considered within this thesis is: What are the factors within a church hiring process which may play a role in successful or unsuccessful pastoral ministry? As there are many variables even within this process, the scope of this thesis is limited to the identification and selection of pastoral leadership from the perspective of the pastoral participants. This perspective is drawn from one denominational association in Ontario —the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists (FEB hereafter) within the Central region of Canada.
In examining this question, an empirical, mixed-methodology is used. The triangulation of a literature review, surveys, personal interviews and a biblical, theological treatment allowed for the most comprehensive perspective and treatment of the research question (Leedy, 2010, p. 99). There is a significant amount of inductive reasoning included, based upon personal interactions within cultural contexts and experiences. This is due to the inadequacy or lack of current theories and available literature relative to the question being studied. This motivates me towards the inclusion of a grounded theory methodology as a component of this study (Leedy, 2010, p. 142).
Hiring the right pastor is a challenge at the best of times. As the church struggles to respond to a rapidly changing and diverse culture it presents greater challenges. Rates of pastoral turnover are high and the general duration of pastoral ministry is low. This, in turn, impacts ministry effectiveness. This study of hiring practices and pastoral experiences begins to identify elements as to why some pastors are successful and others are not. It allows for the reflection and consideration of whether the church is, what I have termed, “Equipping the Called, or Calling the Equipped”.
There is cause for hope, as there always is within God’s church. This thesis identifies concerns, as well as some positive practices and experiences that can be helpful to inform practice and potential change. As Osmer acknowledges, “observing good practice in other congregations is a powerful source of normative guidance” (Osmer, 2008, p. 152). / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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En mobilapplikation som presenterar hur fullt det är på Uppsalas studentnationerBergman, Ida, Bevemyr, Lisa, Kadir, Avin, Lorentzen, Beatrice January 2020 (has links)
Uppsala's student life largely consists of the student nations. The student nations are required to count the number of guests due to fire safety and to meet the regulations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden concerning the current pandemic. This report presents how a mobile application that shows if the student nations are calm, active, crowded, or full was created. The students in Uppsala can use the application to aid the decision of where they want to go, and the nations can use it to count the number of guests. By using this application, the nations are encouraged to keep track of the number of guests continuously and therefore contribute to a more safe environment in the student life of Uppsala. The vision for the application is to be reliable, user friendly, and have a quick response time. This was evaluated through several user experience metrics. During the performed user tests it came to our attention that the application was overall easy to use, had good functionality and that the user interface was minimalistic as well as appealing. However, some of the initial specifications of requirements were not fulfilled, and it appeared that some aspects of the application called for improvements to fulfill these requirements. / Uppsalas studentliv består till stor del av studentnationer. Nationer är skyldiga att veta hur många gäster som befinner sig i deras lokaler på grund av brandsäkerhet och för att följa Folkhälsomyndighetens föreskrifter angående den nuvarande pandemin. Den här rapporten presenterar hur en mobilapplikation skapades som visar om det är lugnt, aktivt, trångt eller fullt på studentnationerna. Uppsalas studenter kan använda applikationen för att underlätta i beslutet om var de vill gå, och nationerna kan använda den för att räkna antalet gäster. När nationerna använder applikationen uppmanas de att hålla koll på antalet besökare kontinuerligt och på så sätt bidra till en säkrare tillvaro för studenter i Uppsala. Visionen är att applikationen ska upplevas som pålitlig, användarvänlig och ha snabb responstid. Detta utvärderades genom användbarhetstester. Under dessa uppmärksammades det att applikationen totalt sett var enkel att använda, hade god funktionalitet och att användargränssnittet var minimalistiskt samt tilltalande. En del av de ursprungliga krav som sattes upp uppfylldes däremot inte, och vissa aspekter av applikationen kräver förbättringar för att uppfylla dessa krav.
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La construction de la propriété intellectuelle au Cambodge / The construction of intellectual property rights in CambodiaNgorn, Rothna 27 January 2017 (has links)
La construction de la propriété intellectuelle au Cambodge remonte à une date récente. Cetteconstruction se traduit, d’une part, par l’adoption d’un cadre juridique consacrant la notionjuridique de la propriété intellectuelle et, d’autre part, par l’élaboration des mécanismes deprotection de la notion consacrée.Comme la législation de la propriété intellectuelle a été adoptée pour assurer la conformité dudroit cambodgien aux exigences de l’OMC, il n’est pas surprenant de constater que la notion et lerégime juridique de la propriété littéraire et artistique et ceux de la propriété industriellecambodgiennes sont presque identiques à ceux qui sont prévus dans l’Accord ADPIC et dans lesTraités et Conventions administrés par l’OMPI. À cause des obstacles d’ordre juridique,économique et social, la plupart des lois cambodgiennes de la propriété intellectuelle ne connaitpas encore une application effective et correcte dans la pratique. En conséquence, la notion de lapropriété intellectuelle cambodgienne est très peu développée.Pour faire respecter le titre de propriété littéraire et artistique et celui de la propriété industrielle,les mécanismes légaux et judiciaires visant à prévenir les atteintes au droit exclusif dont disposentles titulaires du droit, à préserver les éléments de preuves et à réprimer des atteintes sont prévusdans la législation cambodgienne portant sur la propriété intellectuelle. Par ailleurs, le recours auxmodes alternatifs de règlements de litiges tels que l’arbitrage commercial, la médiation et laPreliminary Alternative Disputes Resolution est également possible. L’efficacité et l’effectivitéde la mise en oeuvre de ces mécanismes pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle sur leterritoire cambodgien sont une question d’actualité. / The construction of intellectual property rights in Cambodia dates back to a recent time. This construction implies, on the one hand, the adoption of a specific legal framework that establishes the notion of intellectual property and, on the other hand, the elaboration of protection mechanisms of the established notion. As the legislation on intellectual property was adopted to ensure the conformity of Cambodian law with WTO requirements, it is not surprising that the notion and legal regime of literary and artistic property and that of industrial property are almost identical to what is provided under TRIPS Agreement and other Treaties and Conventions administered by the WIPO. Because of legal, economic and social barrier, most of Cambodian laws relating to intellectual property have not been effectively and correctly applied in practice. Consequently, the notion of intellectual property has not been well developed.To enforce the exclusive right of literary and artistic property and that of industrial property, the legal and judicial mechanisms aiming at preventing infringement, preserving the proofs and punishing the infringement are provided under Cambodian legislation relating to intellectual property. Moreover, utilization of alternative disputes resolutions mechanisms such as commercial arbitration, mediation and Preliminary Alternative Disputes Resolution, is also possible. The efficiency of these mechanisms for the protection of intellectual property in Cambodia is, however, a topical question.
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