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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NICOLE XAVIER MEIRELES 20 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] O brincar se apresenta como parte fundamental do processo psíquico de construção da subjetividade, e assim, as primeiras trocas do bebê com a mãe ou adulto cuidador/a funcionam como as bases relacionais fundadoras do nosso psiquismo. Desse modo, a presente pesquisa se propõe apresentar o brincar como estruturante para o processo de constituição subjetiva a partir da intersubjetividade, se debruçando nas primeiras relações do bebê, no processo de integração egóica, na dificuldade de brincar do adulto e no setting terapêutico como ambiente facilitador. Para atingir esse objetivo o texto desenvolve a noção de continuidade e descontinuidade no processo de subjetivação, utilizando ilustrações clínicas para discutir como o brincar se apresenta no espaço terapêutico. A importância da presença da família no tratamento psicoterapêutico é ressaltada assim como uma possibilidade de criação de um vínculo terapêutico que possibilite a co-construção de uma nova história. / [en] Playing is presented as a fundamental part of the psychic process of building subjectivity, and thus, the baby s first exchanges with the mother or adult caregiver function as the relational founding foundations of our psyche. In this way, the present research proposes to present the playing as structuring for the subjective constitution process from the intersubjectivity, focusing on the baby s first relations, in the egoic integration process, in the difficulty of playing with the adult and in the therapeutic setting as an environment facilitator. To achieve this goal, the text develops the notion of continuity and discontinuity in the subjectivation process, using clinical illustrations to discuss how playing presents itself in the therapeutic space. The importance of the presence of the family in psychotherapeutic treatment is highlighted, as well as the possibility of building a therapeutic bond that allows the co-construction of a new history.

Исследование взаимосвязи личностной зрелости и ценностных ориентаций у студентов : магистерская диссертация / Study of the relationship of personal maturity and value orientations among students

Кокорин, Д. А., Kokorin, D. A. January 2019 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются личностная зрелость и ценностные ориентации. Предметом исследования является связь личностной зрелости и ценностных ориентаций студентов и курсантов высших учебных заведений. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и списка литературы (71 источник). Объем магистерской диссертации 81 страница, на которых размещены 1 рисунок и 24 таблицы. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется гипотеза, указываются методы и эмпирическая база. В первой главе подробно рассматриваются следующие психологические феномены: зрелость и основные ее классификации, личностная зрелость, основные подходы к ее изучению и основные параметры личностной зрелости, ценностные ориентации, возможность исследования и определения личностной зрелости в непосредственной связке с изучением инфантилизма. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание хода исследования, интерпретация данных по каждой применяемой методике, в том числе и с разбивкой по группам студентов и курсантов, принимающих участие в исследовании. Корреляционный анализ полученных данных. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе, со ссылками на другие исследования со сходными тематиками, рассмотрены возможные перспективы продолжения исследования взаимосвязи личностной зрелости и ценностных ориентаций. / The object of the study is personal maturity and value orientations. The subject of the study is the relationship of personality maturity and value orientations of students and cadets of higher educational institutions. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references (71 sources). The volume of the master's thesis is 81 pages, on which 1 figure and 24 tables are placed. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the elaboration of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates a hypothesis, indicates methods and empirical basis. In the first chapter, the following psychological phenomena are examined in detail: maturity and its main classifications, personality maturity, the main approaches to its study and the main parameters of personality maturity, value orientations, the possibility of studying and determining personality maturity in a direct connection with the study of infantilism. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It provides a description of the progress of the study, interpretation of data for each applied methodology, including a breakdown of the groups of students and cadets participating in the study. Correlation analysis of the data. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as the conclusions of the hypothesis put forward, with links to other studies with similar topics, the possible prospects for continuing the study of the relationship of personal maturity and value orientations are considered.

The relationship between infant feeding practices and diarrhoeal infections

Ziyani, Isabella Simoyi 11 1900 (has links)
To determine the relationship between infant-feeding practices and diarrhoeal infections, a descriptive survey was conducted to infants between six to 12 months of age. A guided interview was conducted to 105 mothers of infants who attended the health facilities of Mbabane, Swaziland. The results show that breast-feeding is routinely practiced by the majority of mothers and exclusive breast-feeding is very low, but supplementary feed in the form of formula or solids are introduced by the majority of respondents within the first three months of life. Infants who were given colostrum and breast milk had fewer diarrhoeal attacks. Other factors, for example education and cultural factors influenced the feeding practices and number of diarrhoeal attacks. It is recommended that breast-feeding should be promoted as an important intervention in the control of diarrhoea / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

An investigation of environmental factors impacting on diarrhoea in children under five years old in Akakikality sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Zeyede Kassa Mandefro 16 February 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the environmental factors that impact on childhood diarrhoea in children under five years old in Akakikality sub city Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of diarrhoea and to determine the environmental factors that impact on diarrhoea in children under five years old. A survey was done and a non-experimental approach was used in this descriptive and analytical quantitative study using a cross sectional study design. The instrument was a self-designed questionnaire. The target population for this study was all mothers or caretakers of children under five years found in the described study context – the sample size was 299. In this study 12.7% of the children had diarrhoea during the survey. Proper utilization of toilets, hand washing and safe storage of water in the households using narrow mouthed water containers were significant predictors of diarrhoea in the children. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Portrait sociodémographique, anamnestique et psychopathologique des enfants placés en Centre jeunesse et à qui l'on prescrit des médicaments psychotropes.

Desjardins, Julie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de mieux comprendre le recours aux médicaments psychotropes chez les enfants hébergés en Centre jeunesse, une population qui compte parmi les plus médicalisées. Afin d’y parvenir, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, anamnestiques et psychopathologiques des enfants placés qui reçoivent des psychopharmacoprescriptions ont été analysées. L’échantillon se compose de 101 enfants de 6 à 12 ans placés en foyer de groupe ou centre de réadaptation, dont 71 recevant des médicaments psychotropes. Les données ont été obtenues par le biais de questionnaires remplis par les éducateurs, par une entrevue semi-structurée réalisée auprès des enfants et une analyse du dossier. Sur le plan de la structure, cet ouvrage comprend une introduction, quatre articles et une conclusion. Le premier article comporte une recension des écrits sur l’usage de la psychopharmacothérapie chez les jeunes placés dans les services de la protection de la jeunesse. Il a été constaté que les taux de prescriptions peuvent varier entre 13% et 77%, selon le type de placement et les régions à l’étude. La symptomatologie des enfants placés qui reçoivent des médicaments psychotropes est caractérisée par des problèmes extériorisés et des troubles psychotiques. Les corrélats du recours à la prescription concernent à la fois la sévérité du tableau clinique, mais aussi le type et l’instabilité du placement, l’âge et le sexe de l’enfant ainsi que la formation des intervenants. Enfin, les écrits recensés font état de l’influence des neurosciences dans les milieux médicaux sur les décisions de prescrire. Le deuxième article présente la prévalence des psychopharmacoprescriptions chez les enfants de 6 à 12 ans placés hors d’un milieu familial. Les résultats indiquent que 70,3% des jeunes reçoivent au moins une prescription, le plus souvent signées par des médecins spécialistes. La plupart se composent de psychostimulants et d’antipsychotiques atypiques, prescrits pour des troubles de l’attention avec hyperactivité. Le troisième article cherche à préciser les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et anamnestiques des enfants placés qui prennent des médicaments psychotropes. Les résultats indiquent que les sujets médicamentés et non médicamentés ont vécu des stresseurs psychosociaux similaires. Par contre, les enfants placés qui reçoivent une psychopharmacothérapie ont été retirés de leur milieu familial à un plus jeune âge. Le quatrième article consiste à cibler leur portrait psychopathologique et à connaître leur niveau de fonctionnement global. Il s’intéresse également aux connaissances et aux perceptions des éducateurs sur la psychopharmacothérapie. Les résultats révèlent que les enfants médicamentés ont plus souvent un diagnostic de trouble mental inscrit à leur dossier. Selon les éducateurs, ils présentent davantage de problèmes extériorisés et intériorisés. À partir de données autorévélées, aucune distinction ne peut être établie entre les sujets, puisque les uns et les autres rapportent un niveau comparable de symptômes et de signes diagnostiques. Enfin, les symptômes de stress post-traumatique et l’opinion favorable des éducateurs sur la psychopharmacothérapie constituent des prédicteurs significatifs de la probabilité de recourir à un traitement médicamenteux. En conclusion, l’apport des résultats de cette recherche est analysé à la lumière des études antérieures. Les retombées cliniques sont discutées et des pistes de recherche futures sont suggérées. . / Summary The present thesis aims to better understand the use of psychotropic medication among children in foster care, a population, which appears to be particularly subject to psychopharmacotherapy. In order to achieve this goal, the sociodemographic, anamnestic and psychopathological characteristics of children who receive psychopharmacotherapy will be analyzed. The sample consists of 101 children in care, including 71 children receiving psychotropic medications. These data were obtained through questionnaires completed by the educators responsible for these youths. In terms of structure, this work of research consists of an introduction, four articles, and a conclusion. The first article includes a review of the literature on the use of psychopharmacotherapy in children placed in youth protection care. It has been found that prescription rates can vary between 13% and 77%, depending on the type of placement and geographical areas studied. The symptomatology of children receiving psychotropic medication is mainly characterized by externalizing problems and psychotic disorders. The correlates of prescription rates involve the severity of the clinical portrait, the type and instability of placement, child age and gender, and workers’ training. Finally, the literature review shows the influence of neuroscience on the medical community’s decisions to prescribe. The second article presents the prevalence of psychopharmacological prescriptions in children ages 6 to 12 years, who are placed in foster group homes or rehabilitation centers. It also identifies the classes of molecules used, the reasons for prescribing and the training of the prescribing physician. The results indicate that 70.3% of young people receive at least one prescription, most often signed by specialized physicians. These data mostly consist of psycho-stimulant and antipsychotic drugs prescribed for Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). The third article seeks to identify the sociodemographic and anamnestic characteristics of children receiving psychotropic medication. Medicated youths (n = 71) were compared to non-medicated ones (n = 30). The results indicate that both groups experienced psychosocial stressors prior to their placement. However, foster children who received psychopharmacotherapy were removed from their home at a younger age, and experienced more family life changes before the age of 6, in comparison to non-medicated children. The fourth article aimed to target the psychopathology portrait of children receiving psychotropic medication, and to clarify their overall level of functioning. It also focuses on educators’ knowledge and perceptions of psychopharmacotherapy. The results showed that medicated had a mental disorder diagnosis recorded in their files more often than non-medicated children. As perceived by educators, these children had more externalized and internalized problems. However, according to self-reported data, no distinction can be made between medicated and non-medicated children, since both groups reported comparable levels of symptoms and diagnostic signs. Finally, the results indicate that post-traumatic stress symptoms and educators’ favorable opinion concerning pharmacotherapy are significant predictors of the probability of medication use. In conclusion, the inputs of these research findings are analyzed in light of previous studies. The clinical implications are discussed and future research directions will be suggested

Exploration du lien entre la qualité de la mentalisation et l'efficacité du rappel autobiographique

Dauphin, Julie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Subsídios à implementação do sistema de análises de perigos e pontos críticos de controle em unidades de alimentação e nutrição infantil / Subsidies to the implementation of the system Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point in infantile foodservice establishments

Ravagnani, Elisa de Medeiros 05 October 2007 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi subsidiar a implementação de sistemas de qualidade em Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) de centros de educação infantil municipais a fim de garantir a segurança dos alimentos oferecidos às crianças assistidas, as quais constituem um grupo de risco. A amostra constituiu-se de dois centros educacionais infantis (CEI) municipais, representativos do município de Piracicaba/SP. A avaliação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) foi realizada a partir do emprego de uma lista de verificação, do monitoramento das temperaturas de equipamentos e de preparações integrantes das refeições e análises microbiológicas de amostras coletadas em diferentes etapas de produção de duas preparações consideradas de maior risco, de cada UAN. Com base nos resultados desta avaliação destacaramse as não conformidades com prioridade de adequação e as respectivas ações corretivas, as quais foram consideradas superadas na elaboração do fluxograma vertical e na descrição das etapas das preparações selecionadas. Os perigos e pontos críticos de controle foram identificados, para cada preparação selecionada, assim como as ações preventivas, os procedimentos de monitoramento, das ações corretivas e de verificação, de acordo com os princípios estabelecidos para a implementação do Sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle – APPCC. A avaliação das BPF demonstrou um nível de adequação aos procedimentos de, em média, 64,3%. Dos procedimentos não conformes, 35,7% são condicionados à capacitação e supervisão de pessoal e podem ser superados com os recursos municipais, uma vez que se observou a disponibilidade de equipe técnica especializada na área de alimentação e nutrição no setor responsável pelo gerenciamento do Programa. Considerando-se que as BPF são o principal prérequisito na implementação do Sistema, o atual nível de adequação e condições estruturais das unidades municipais devem, ainda, contar com investimentos da Prefeitura Municipal para atingir um padrão satisfatório à implementação da APPCC. Os resultados obtidos constituem-se em importantes subsídios para o planejamento do Sistema que poderá ser implantado, com as devidas adequações, em toda a rede de CEI, pois as condições operacionais se repetem nos demais por terem o gerenciamento centralizado. / The objective of this work was to subsidize the implementation of quality systems in foodservice establishments at municipals day-care centers in order to guarantee the security of foods offered to the attended children, which constitute a risk group. The sample consisted of two municipals day-care centers, representative at Piracicaba/SP. The evaluation of Good Manufacture Practices (GMP) was based in a check-list, a temperatures verification of equipment and integrant preparations of the meals and microbiological analyses of samples collected in different stages of production of two preparations considered of higher risk, in each day-care center. Based on this results, emphasized the non conformities with priority of adequacy and the respective corrective actions, which had been considered surpassed in the elaboration of the vertical flux diagram and in the stages description of the selected preparations. The hazards and critical control points had been identified, for each preparation, as well as the preventive actions, the procedures of monitoring, corrective actions and verification, in accordance with the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). The evaluation of the GMP demonstrated an adequacy level to the procedures of, in average, 64,3%. The 35,7% nonconforms refered to the qualification and supervision of staff and can be surpassed with municipal resources, through the technical team specialized in the foodservice and nutrition responsible for the Program management. Considering that the GMP are the main prerequisite in the implementation of the System, the current level of adequacy and structural conditions of the municipal units must need on investments of the Municipal Administration to reach a satisfactory adequacy to the implementation of the HACCP. The results consist in an important subsidies for the planning of the System that could be implanted, with adequacies, in all the CEI attended for the Program, because of centralized management provide the same operational conditions.

Literatura e educação na memória de uma cidade: um olhar sobre Thales Castanho de Andrade / Literature and education in the memory of a city: a point of a view about Thales Castanho de Andrade

Alexandre, Fernando Luiz 17 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, circunscrita à área da história da educação brasileira, tem como objeto de estudo o educador e escritor de literatura infantil Thales Castanho de Andrade (1890-1977). O trabalho tem como objetivo tratar de elementos relativos ao autor, à sua produção literária e atuação no magistério vistos na perspectiva da análise dos principais aspectos que envolveram a sua trajetória, a qual é acompanhada desde o período de sua formação nos anos de 1910, a divulgação de sua obra mais conhecida, o livro Saudade, publicado em 1919, até os anos de 1930, quando ao final da década percebe-se um arrefecimento de suas publicações. Assim, primeiramente, situamos o lugar de sua formação, a cidade de Piracicaba, e observamos determinados tópicos da história das instituições de ensino a que ele esteve relacionado, o Grupo Escolar, a Escola Complementar e a Escola Prática Agrícola de Piracicaba. O evento do Primeiro Congresso de Ensino Agrícola, ocorrido em 1911 em São Paulo é outro dos temas tratados. Agregamos à análise, como fundamentação teórica, as proposições de Nicolau Sevcenko e Ângela de Castro Gomes, que ao trabalharem com a história dos intelectuais, examinando para tanto o material literário e o da imprensa na análise do pensamento e do contexto histórico, apropriaram-se dos instrumentos teóricos da história social, a mesma a opção desta pesquisa. As noções de \"rede de sociabilidade\" e de \"microclimas\" referidas por Ângela de Castro Gomes são aplicadas neste trabalho para explicar o surgimento do \"bloomsbury caipira\", um agrupamento de intelectuais e artistas local, do qual fazia parte Thales de Andrade, que contribuiu para a sua inserção no campo literário e educacionais dos anos vinte e trinta. A contextualização da produção literária e a apresentação do conjunto dessas obras publicadas são outros pontos abordados. Também averiguamos a discussão a respeito da concepção de literatura, promovida pelo autor, bem como a confrontação de sua produção com a de Monteiro Lobato. Finalmente, procuramos observar os aspectos referentes à construção de perfis do autor realizada pela imprensa piracicabana. O material privilegiado para este momento da análise é a coleção de recortes da hemeroteca da Biblioteca Municipal de Piracicaba. Apresentamos como resultados e conclusões do trabalho o exame da produção literária, realizada no âmbito da educação. Dessa maneira, a análise procura responder em que medida seus livros foram elaborados e postos ao serviço da escola. É preciso levar em conta que o autor, ao fazer a sua literatura, tinha como horizonte a realização da vida no campo como principal objetivo de sua produção, tornando-se por isso, uma referência ao ruralismo. Entretanto, aliado a esse ideal, Thales se identificava às tendências da educação em desenvolvimento na época, unindo, dessa maneira, seu projeto literário ao educativo, o qual contemplava a modernização da instrução pública contextualizada ao ambiente rural. Nesse sentido é possível perceber na produção andradeana certo grau de aproximação entre a sua literatura e as sugestões propostas pelos movimentos educacionais dos anos vinte e trinta. / This research is circumscribed to the brazilian education history. Its aim is to study the educator and writer of infantile literature Thales Castanho de Andrade (1890-1977). It deals with elements related to the author, his literary works, and mastery seen under the perspective of analyzing the main aspects which involved his trajectory since his formative period in the 1910 decade, the divulging of his best known book Saudade, published in 1919, till the late years of the 30 decade, when a slackening of his work is noticed. So, to begin with, we firstly located Piracicaba City, his background place, and detected some topics of the teaching establishments to which he was related such as the \"Grupo Escolar\", \"Escola Complementar\" and \"Escola Prática Agrícola de Piracicaba\". The \"Primeiro Congresso de Ensino Agrícola\" (First Congress of Agricultural Teaching), which happened in 1911 in São Paulo City is also one the themes dealt with. As a theoretical basis, we have aggregated to the analysis the propositions by Nicolau Sevcenko and Angela de Castro Gomes, who, on working about the history of intellectuals examined the literary and the press materials to analyze thinking and the historical context. They used the theoretical instruments of social history, the same option of this research. The notions of \"sociability net\" (rede de sociabilidade) and \"microclimates\" (microclimas) which Angela de Castro Gomes refers to are mentioned in this work to explain the arising of \"Bloomsbury caipira\" (countryman Bloomsbury), a local gathering together of artists and intellectuals in which Thales de Andrade took place, contributed to his entering the literary and educational fields in the 20 and 30 decades. The context of the literary production and the presentation of the published works are also subjects approached. We also inquired about the discussion on literature concept by the author, as well as about the comparison of his works with Monteiro Lobato\'s. Finally we searched about the aspects referring to the building of the author\'s profiles by the \"Piracicaba\" press. The material chosen for this research is a clipping collection of \"Biblioteca Municipal de Piracicaba\". We can present as a result and conclusion of the research, the examination of the literary production in the education field. This way the analysis is expected to answer to what extent his books were elaborated and put at the disposal of education. It is necessary, however, to take on account that the author, on doing his literary works, had as his landmark the reality of rural life as the chief purpose of his works, becoming so, a reference to ruralism. Meanwhile, searching for ideal, Thales identified himself, with the tendencies of the developing education of the time, so linking his literary project to the educational on which looked at the modernization of public education in the context of rural environment. In this sense, it is possible to get from the \"andradeana\" production a certain degree of approach between his literature and proposals by the education movements in the 20 an 30 decades.

Jogos de construção nas aulas de educação física: alternativa pedagógica para aquisição de competências leitora e escritora / Construction Games in the lessons of Physical Education: alternative for reading acquisition of abilities and writer.

Rodrigues, Antonio Cesar Lins 28 January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo versa sobre uma pesquisa-ação crítico-colaborativa desenvolvida numa classe de alfabetização em uma escola pública de Cubatão, SP, tendo como objeto principal a construção de competências leitora e escritora numa perspectiva globalizante das aulas de Educação Física. Para tanto, buscou-se nos jogos de construção sob a perspectiva epistemológica de Piaget, o caminho para chegar-se ao objetivo de reverter o quadro de fracasso escolar diagnosticado, nessa mesma classe. Foram aplicados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: aulas passeio, história-roteiro, temas geradores, palavras geradoras, roda cantada, lengalenga, colagens alfabetizadoras, dominó das rimas, cartas alfabetizantes, jogos da memória e livro em quadrinhos, todos desenvolvidos sob a forma de jogos de construção. Protocolaram-se as aulas por meio de filmagem em vídeo, fotografias, gravações, registros por escrito e depoimentos dos alunos. Também foram empregados materiais como câmera fotográfica, gravador mp3 e filmadora. Por meio de sessões de vídeo, leitura dos registros escritos, audição das gravações dos depoimentos e observação das fotografias, efetuou-se a análise dos dados coletados. Como resultado menciona-se a reversão do quadro de fracasso escolar detectado no mês de agosto de 2006, ao iniciar-se a pesquisa, juntamente com as ações de autonomia de cada aluno da turma pesquisada que passaram a ser uma constante nas situações de ensino e aprendizagem sugeridas ao longo da pesquisa. Há que se destacar o desenvolvimento de uma postura mais ativa dos pais e demais professores da escola onde foi realizada a pesquisa, em relação às ações de escolarização proposta pela direção e/ou diretoria de ensino. / The present study it turns on a developed critic-colaborative action-research developed in an alphabetization class in a public school of Cubatão, SP, with the main objective of construction of the writing and reading skills in a globalizing perspective in Physical Education lessons. For in such a way, one searched in the games of construction under the epistemológica perspective of Piaget, the way to arrive it the objective to revert the pertaining to school picture of failure diagnosised, in this same classroom. The following metodológicos procedures had been applied: aulas passeio, história-roteiro, temas geradores, palavras geradoras, roda cantada, lengalenga, colagens alfabetizadoras, dominó das rimas, cartas alfabetizantes, jogos da memória e livro em quadrinhos, todos desenvolvidos sob a forma de jogos de construção. The lessons by means of filming in video, photographs, writings, registers in writing and depositions of the pupils had been protocolled. Also they had been used material as camera, recording mp3 and video cam. By means of video sessions, reading of the written registers, hearing of the writings of the depositions and comment of photographs, effected it analysis of the collected data. As result mentions it reversion of the pertaining to school picture of failure detected in the month of August of 2006, when initiating itself it research, together with the actions of autonomy of each pupil of the searched group that had started to be a constant in the situations of suggested education and learning throughout the research. It has that to be distinguished the development of a more active position of the parents and too much professors of the school where the research was carried through, in relation to the actions of escolarização proposal for the direction and/or direction of education.

An investigation of environmental factors impacting on diarrhoea in children under five years old in Akakikality sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Zeyede Kassa Mandefro 16 February 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the environmental factors that impact on childhood diarrhoea in children under five years old in Akakikality sub city Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of diarrhoea and to determine the environmental factors that impact on diarrhoea in children under five years old. A survey was done and a non-experimental approach was used in this descriptive and analytical quantitative study using a cross sectional study design. The instrument was a self-designed questionnaire. The target population for this study was all mothers or caretakers of children under five years found in the described study context – the sample size was 299. In this study 12.7% of the children had diarrhoea during the survey. Proper utilization of toilets, hand washing and safe storage of water in the households using narrow mouthed water containers were significant predictors of diarrhoea in the children. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

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