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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informação pública: entre o acesso e a apropriação social / Public information: between access and social appropriation.

Batista, Carmem Lúcia 27 August 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa discute questões que envolvem a apropriação social da informação pública numa perspectiva que distingue conceitualmente os termos acesso e apropriação da informação. Ao longo da dissertação, são abordados os termos informação e público, com o propósito de definir informação pública na perspectiva a ser adotada pelo trabalho. São examinadas também concepções de biblioteca pública, biblioteca especializada, arquivo e centro de informação, tendo em vista precisar o conceito de centro de informação especializado da administração pública. Por meio de um estudo exploratório sobre a modernização do Núcleo de Documentação e Informação da Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo, ocorrida a partir de 1999, no contexto da Reforma Gerencial do Estado, a pesquisa buscou verificar como essa modernização tratou a problemática da informação pública que lhe é inerente. Foi utilizada metodologia colaborativa, pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas e depoimentos, como forma de coleta de dados. A partir de categorias previamente definidas, o Núcleo, objeto da pesquisa, aparece descrito sob diferentes formas, diálogos, imagens, observações do público que o frequenta e da pesquisadora, participante do processo de sua implantação. O estudo conclui que a modernização possibilitou o acesso e a apropriação das informações por públicos especializados, interessados especialmente nos conteúdos do Núcleo. Por outro lado, as concepções e práticas que norteiam o Núcleo, não facilitam a apropriação dos seus conteúdos pela sociedade em geral, em função de uma série de dificuldades a serem vencidas para que o conceito de informação pública possa efetivamente se realizar na prática. Além de centros de informação especializados é necessário, portanto, que os dispositivos de informação pública sejam também concebidos como dispositivos de mediação de informações, com programas e projetos de comunicação e educação indispensáveis à apropriação social da informação pública. / This research discusses questions that involve the social appropriation of public information in a perspective that conceptually distinguishes the terms access and appropriation of information. The terms information and public are dealt with in the dissertation with the purpose of defining public information in the perspective to be adopted by this paper. The conceptions of public library, specialized library, archives and information center are examined here as well, aiming at specifying the concept of specialized information center of public administration. By means of an exploratory study of the modernization of the Center of Documentation and Information of the Treasury Department of the State of São Paulo, occurred from 1999 on, in the context of the New Public Administration of the State, the research was conducted in order to verify how this modernization dealt with the question of public information that is inherent in it. A collaborative methodology, reference research, interviews and personal accounts were used as a way of data collection. From previously defined categories, the Center, object of the research, is described in different ways, dialogs, images, observations of the public that attend it and of the researcher involved in the process of its implementation. The study concludes that the modernization permitted the access and the appropriation of information by specialized public, especially interested in the contents of the Center. On the other hand, the conceptions and practices that guide the Center do not facilitate the appropriation of its contents by the society in general, due to several difficulties to be overcome so that the concept of public information can effectively be put into practice. Besides the specialized centers of information, it is necessary for the devices of public information to be conceived as devices of mediation of information, with programs and projects of communication and education essential to the social appropriation of public information.

Informação pública: entre o acesso e a apropriação social / Public information: between access and social appropriation.

Carmem Lúcia Batista 27 August 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa discute questões que envolvem a apropriação social da informação pública numa perspectiva que distingue conceitualmente os termos acesso e apropriação da informação. Ao longo da dissertação, são abordados os termos informação e público, com o propósito de definir informação pública na perspectiva a ser adotada pelo trabalho. São examinadas também concepções de biblioteca pública, biblioteca especializada, arquivo e centro de informação, tendo em vista precisar o conceito de centro de informação especializado da administração pública. Por meio de um estudo exploratório sobre a modernização do Núcleo de Documentação e Informação da Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo, ocorrida a partir de 1999, no contexto da Reforma Gerencial do Estado, a pesquisa buscou verificar como essa modernização tratou a problemática da informação pública que lhe é inerente. Foi utilizada metodologia colaborativa, pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas e depoimentos, como forma de coleta de dados. A partir de categorias previamente definidas, o Núcleo, objeto da pesquisa, aparece descrito sob diferentes formas, diálogos, imagens, observações do público que o frequenta e da pesquisadora, participante do processo de sua implantação. O estudo conclui que a modernização possibilitou o acesso e a apropriação das informações por públicos especializados, interessados especialmente nos conteúdos do Núcleo. Por outro lado, as concepções e práticas que norteiam o Núcleo, não facilitam a apropriação dos seus conteúdos pela sociedade em geral, em função de uma série de dificuldades a serem vencidas para que o conceito de informação pública possa efetivamente se realizar na prática. Além de centros de informação especializados é necessário, portanto, que os dispositivos de informação pública sejam também concebidos como dispositivos de mediação de informações, com programas e projetos de comunicação e educação indispensáveis à apropriação social da informação pública. / This research discusses questions that involve the social appropriation of public information in a perspective that conceptually distinguishes the terms access and appropriation of information. The terms information and public are dealt with in the dissertation with the purpose of defining public information in the perspective to be adopted by this paper. The conceptions of public library, specialized library, archives and information center are examined here as well, aiming at specifying the concept of specialized information center of public administration. By means of an exploratory study of the modernization of the Center of Documentation and Information of the Treasury Department of the State of São Paulo, occurred from 1999 on, in the context of the New Public Administration of the State, the research was conducted in order to verify how this modernization dealt with the question of public information that is inherent in it. A collaborative methodology, reference research, interviews and personal accounts were used as a way of data collection. From previously defined categories, the Center, object of the research, is described in different ways, dialogs, images, observations of the public that attend it and of the researcher involved in the process of its implementation. The study concludes that the modernization permitted the access and the appropriation of information by specialized public, especially interested in the contents of the Center. On the other hand, the conceptions and practices that guide the Center do not facilitate the appropriation of its contents by the society in general, due to several difficulties to be overcome so that the concept of public information can effectively be put into practice. Besides the specialized centers of information, it is necessary for the devices of public information to be conceived as devices of mediation of information, with programs and projects of communication and education essential to the social appropriation of public information.

台灣地區IC設計業公司圖書館(資料單位)經營之研究 / A Study on the Management of Corporate Libraries (Information Center) for Integrated Circuit Corporate in Taiwan

楊舒萍, Yang, Su-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在繁忙的工商界,資訊代表一種情報、一種利器,如何掌握商情資訊,是企業界提昇競爭力的不二法門。IC設計業為一知識密集產業,有鑑於資訊流通、知識管理的重要性,IC設計公司成立公司圖書館(資料單位),以便於有效地保存資料,迅速提供資訊服務。本研究採用深度訪談與問卷調查法,以18家IC設計業公司圖書館為研究對象,目的在瞭解IC設計業公司圖書館的經營狀況,以及在公司知識管理中所扮演的角色。 本調查發現,IC設計業公司圖書館尚屬於起步階段,需協助公司進行品質管理,參與ISO9001的認證,所以主管單位為品保部門;人員編制少,多為一人圖書館,但服務對象卻涵蓋全公司、客戶與晶圓廠;公司圖書館蒐集資料的來源包含客戶、晶圓廠、研究機構以及公司的內部文件與研發資料,並為公司圖書館內的資源製作索引,以提供查詢、借閱。在知識管理的角色扮演上,目前IC設計業公司圖書館已掌握的資源為技術知識,以及公司內已經外顯化的知識,對於資訊知識與內隱知識,尚缺乏管理。 根據調查結果,提出以下五點建議,供IC設計業公司圖書館經營之參考:1.進行文件管理,協助品質認證;2.加強專利資料的蒐尋,實行專利、智慧財產權的管理;3.加入館際合作組織,彌補資源不足的現況;4.強調知識管理的理念,為IC設計公司整合圖書資訊系統;5.館員需要培養主動積極的態度,以知識管理者自居,經常與外界接觸,思考公司圖書館未來經營的方向,並爭取主管與工作同仁的支持與認同、協助蒐集資源。此外,在圖書資訊學系所課程部份,應建立建教合作的關係,重新規畫專門圖書館教育的課程,使圖書資訊學的專長,能運用在公司企業的資料管理。

資訊中心策略規劃之實証研究 / An Empirical Study of Strategic Planning of the Information Center

杜仁豪, Mark Z. Tu Unknown Date (has links)
資訊中心(information center)之建置緣起於管理終端使用者計算 (end user computing),其基本功能在於支援使用者自行運用資訊系統來解決 工作上的問題或滿足其資訊需求。但隨著「策略性資訊系統」及 資訊資 源管理」等觀念的引發, 資訊中心的角色也漸漸地由被動轉為主動,使 資訊中心的策略規劃成為一項重要的課題。本研究從相關文獻的探討中歸 納出資訊中心進行其策略規劃時所考慮的四個構面:(1)資訊中心之主要 目標、(2)資訊中心之關鍵性成功因素、(3)資訊中心進行策略規劃之原則 、(4)資訊中心與企業策略規劃之協調方式。運用問卷調查的方式,對我 國股票上市公司的資訊中心主管及其它部門的高階主管進行上述意見之比 較,以多變量變異數分析來驗證資訊中心是否和其它部門進行協調。另一 方面,由於國內尚缺乏對資訊中心現況的分析資訊,本研究亦進行詳細的 樣本分析,以供後續研究及推論之參考。由於本研究建立的四個假說中有 「資訊中心之主要目標」及「資訊中心進行策略規劃之原則」產生顯著差 異,表示資訊中心主管和其它部門主管的意見在這兩個構面上無法達成共 識。這說明了我國資訊中心在進行其策略規劃時,需要加強和其它部門的 協調。而進一步的邊際檢定則顯示,需要溝通的項目包括:(1)注意軟體 和硬體的相容性、(2)管理資訊系統的成長及運作、(3)達成各部門和資訊 中心的協調、(4)幫助使用者解決問題、(5)滿足使用者的需求。

電信事業建立聯合徵信中心之可行性研析 / A feasibility study on the joint credit information center of telecom operators

曾志強, Tseng, Ben Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內因大環境的變遷及電信自由化的推行,電信服務已成為國人日常生活中不可或缺之工具,尚因法規環境未置完善,致使電信人頭電話亦成為電信詐欺的犯罪的工具,電信詐欺不僅造成電信呆帳,並破壞電信事業的電信秩序及健全發展的環境外,同時嚴重影響社會治安、增加社會成本及損害公共利益,更使國家整體之競爭力受到負面的牽引。上述因產業政策不明確及法律制度的不健全,並未與時俱進,使電信犯罪之源頭電信人頭帳戶,無法建立有效的預防機制,故使電信市場成為電信詐欺份子得以犯罪的快樂天堂,並以「有騙無類」的作風行騙老少及國內外,電信詐欺目前已成為我國民怨排行第二名,致使得國內訂立電信聯合徵信制度的需求,成為產業界、輿論界、政界與法學界關心的焦點。 本研究係蒐集分析電信詐欺之特性及其對電信事業及社會成本增加所造成的損傷及影響,並以國外如英、美、日本及新加坡等國電信聯合徵信制度之損失統計及相關的法例及作法,藉由實務上之運作與現行法令的落差,檢視目前國內法律不足之處。同時由憲法位階對人權之秘密通訊之保障,對我國未來電信事業建立聯合徵信中心可行性提出研析與建議。 / Since the liberalization of telecom, telecommunication services become more and more an integral part of everyday life. Unfortunately, as well as telecom fraud through fraudulent accounts has become a serious problem in Taiwan. Due to telecom regulations are not regularly updated, the false account numbers were abused easily by the telecom fraud group, and not only caused telecom operators bad debt and profit lose, but also increased social cost obviously, such as the social security, public benefit and the country competitiveness. There is no effective preventive measure to address telecom fraud. Therefore, this country becomes a paradise for this type of activity. Telecom fraud targets all people, the youth, the elderly and even foreign immigrants, and ranks in the top two in social grievances. The telecom joint credit information system was paid attention by the Public, Industry and Government, which is to build up a effective preventive mechanism by regulation for telecom fraud is a important issue to be solved. Due to the uncertainty industrial policy and the legal system do not harmony with social needs, and not kept pace with the times, so that the source of the fake telecom numbers for telecom fraud criminal are unable to manage and block. In this study, I will analyze the characteristics of telecom fraud and its social cost and impact on the telecom industry and then to discuss the Telecom joint credit regulatory and practices used in other countries such as Britain, the United States, Japan and Singapore. This analysis will compare it with the current domestic legal deficiencies and proposes feasible recommendations.

Ochrana obyvatelstva vybraného území s ohledem na studii proveditelnosti / Protection of the population of the selected territory in view of the feasibility study

BROŽEK, Evžen January 2018 (has links)
This thesis and the feasibility study, which is attached to the thesis, solves the complex issue of the technology rehabilitation in the unit of the voluntary fire brigade of the village of Solenice using a subsidy program for the purchase of a large-capacity tank syringe with use for the cadastre of the municipality of Solenice. The aim of this work is to prepare a risk analysis for the cadastral territory of the municipality of Solenice in connection with the document entitled "Feasibility study", which is an indispensable part of the documents for submitting the application for the data title for restoration of obsolete fire fighting equipment in the municipality. This document focuses on the description of the cadastre of the village and its unit, its layout and its significance from the point of view of the IRS, which is based on the plan coverage of the fire protection units. This paper deals with the necessary documents focusing on the application and the successful realization of the project in order to restore the fire technology in our village and thus to improve the unit's operational capability using the newly acquired technique. This document will save the municipality to make a Special Assessment and will allow the savings to invest in other projects according to the current grant calls and needs of the municipality.

California's "long-standing, serious noncompliance" in the delivery of special education and related services

Kaspar, Margaret Ann 01 January 2002 (has links)
The intent of the review, and the list of programs appended to this paper, is to compile examples of successful programs that may serve as models for those in California who have been charged with the development and implementation of programs that will bring the California Department of Education/Office of Special Education and its local education agencies into substantial compliance with the requirements of IDEA.

Přestavba domu / Rebuilding the house

Mironiuková, Iveta January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis was prepared it the level of a project documentation. The theme is the project of the rebuilding of the former school house from 1890 in the village Třešť, which is currently unused. The building will newly merge premises of the library, information center, multifunctional hall, elementary art school and exhibition space. The project solves the rebuilding of the existing building, including rehabilitation of wet masonry by chemical grouting and a new extension of sanitary facilities and escape route.

Knihovnické informační centrum / Library Information Center

Boreš, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Thesis "Library Information Centre" is processed in the form of detailed project documentation containing all requirements in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. The proposed building is designed as a four-storey building shape of a rounded rectangular triangle with dimensions of 33.5 x 33.5 m, which is a full basement. The building is used for administration, services and information centers. In 1PP is located technical facilities, warehouses and supply. On the 1st floor there is space for services and administration. In the 2nd floor-3rd floor spaces are located Information Center. In the last nadzemím floor space technical background. The building is based on a baseplate. Used a support system is a combined structural system of walls and columns. The building is designed with an offset raster light curtain wall system complete with sun protection. The object is implemented to suit the requirements of the wheelchair. For the object will be set up areas for landscaping and furniture for visitors to the building. On the southwest side of the parking lot will be built with 39 stalls including 5 places for the disabled with a reduced pavement. In the Northeast will be built with 44 parking spaces for cars.

Centro de Información y Medios para el Aprendizaje / Learning Information and Media Center

Minauro Flores, María Belén 15 November 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación propone un Centro de Información y Medios para el Aprendizaje, el cual comprende una serie de ambientes diversos que incentivan la cultura. El objetivo principal es resaltar la importancia del libro como método tradicional e incentivar los distintos medios de aprendizaje. La investigación recoge datos históricos y datos referenciales indispensables para el futuro diseño de un equipamiento como este. Analiza también, ejemplos existentes como referencia y establece los criterios adecuados de diseño. Por otro lado, esta tesis se enfoca en la búsqueda de una ubicación ideal, donde podría desarrollarse un equipamiento como el propuesto. Por último, la investigación desarrolla el programa arquitectónico y propone una serie de ambientes que dimensiona el futuro edificio para un público y una zona determinada. El centro está compuesto por distintos espacios de lectura y de reunión tanto adultos como para niños. Muestra los distintos medios de aprendizaje mediante talleres y salas de exhibición. Además, cuenta con un SUM y un auditorio para la comunidad, resaltando la importancia del desarrollo de la vida comunitaria. De esta manera, el centro complementa a las instituciones educativas de la zona y los ciudadanos, brindando recursos y servicios indispensables para el desarrollo de sus tareas académicas e investigaciones. De esta forma, el centro contribuye a la mejora de la calidad educativa y cultural en el sur de Lima, fundamental para el desarrollo integral de los ciudadanos. / This research proposes a Learning Information and Media Center, which comprises a series of diverse spaces that encourage culture. The main objective is to highlight the importance of the book as a tradicional method and to encourage different ways of learning. The research collects historical data and essential reference data for the future designo f equipments like this. It also analyzes existing examples for reference and establishes an appropriate design criteria. On the other hand, this tesis focuses on the search for an ideal location, where equipment such as the one proposed could be developed. Finally, the research develops the architectural program and proposes a series of spaces that dimensión the future building for a specific área and audience. The center is made up of different spaces for reading and meeting, both for adults and children. It shows the different ways of learning, through workshops and exhibition romos. In addition, it has a SUM and an auditorium for the community, highlighting the importance of the development of community life. In adittion, the center complements the educational institutions in the área and the citizens, providing essential resources and services for the development of their academic tasks ande researches. In this way, the center contributes to the improvment od educational and cultural quality in the south of Lima, essential for the integral development of citizens. / Tesis

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