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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risques suicidaires et routiers chez les 18-25 ans : relations avec la recherche de sensations / Suicidal and road taking risks in 18-25 year olds : relationships with sensation seeking

Rémy, Sébastien Bernard 19 December 2008 (has links)
Les deux premières causes de mortalité pour la tranche d’âge des 18-25 ans sont les accidents de la route et les suicides, respectivement. Les prises de risques qui y sont associées peuvent être mises en relation avec la recherche de sensations. Le but de ce travail a donc été, dans un premier temps, de démontrer le lien entre le suicide et la recherche de sensations. Des patients suicidants ont été comparés à des témoins chercheurs de sensations fortes et faibles chercheurs de sensations, appariés pour l’âge, le sexe et le niveau d’études (N=23 dans chaque groupe). Des anciens suicidants, des personnes suicidaires, des témoins chercheurs de sensations fortes et faibles chercheurs de sensations, appariés pour l’âge, le sexe et le niveau d’études, ont également été comparés (N=23 dans chaque groupe). Les résultats confirment que les patients suicidants, les anciens suicidants et les personnes suicidaires s’apparentent à des chercheurs de sensations fortes. La satisfaction liée au soutien social perçu est par contre moins élevée chez les patients suicidants par rapport aux deux groupes de témoins. Les anciens suicidants et les suicidaires ne différent pas des témoins pour le soutien social perçu. Dans un deuxième temps, un questionnaire sur les comportements et attitudes déclarées sur la conduite routière (QC-24) a été créé et validé sur un échantillon de la population des 18-25 ans (N=280 pour la création et N=300 pour la validation). Les relations entre QC-24 et la recherche de sensations ont également été étudiées, permettant de mettre en évidence la bonne spécificité et les propriétés psychométriques optimales de ce nouveau questionnaire. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, des patients suicidants et conducteurs de voiture ont été comparés à des témoins forts preneurs de risques routiers et faibles preneurs de risques routiers, appariés pour l’âge, le sexe et le niveau d’études (N=10 dans chaque groupe). Des infractionnistes de la route ont également été comparés à des témoins forts preneurs de risques routiers et faibles preneurs de risques routiers, appariés pour l’âge, le sexe et le niveau d’études (N=10 dans chaque groupe). Cette dernière étape a permis de démontrer que si les suicidants et les infractionnistes sont des chercheurs de sensations fortes, ils diffèrent pour d’autres traits de personnalité. Plus particulièrement, les suicidants ont un névrosisme élevé par rapport aux témoins conducteurs ; les suicidants ne diffèrent pas des témoins conducteurs, forts preneurs de risques routiers ou faibles preneurs de risques routiers, au niveau de l’extraversion. Les infractionnistes sont supérieurs en extraversion par rapport aux témoins conducteurs qui prennent peu de risques routiers, et sont équivalents en extraversion aux témoins conducteurs qui prennent beaucoup de risques routiers ; ces trois groupes ne diffèrent pas en névrosisme. Les suicidants se révèlent également moins adaptés socialement que les deux groupes témoins. Ces résultats permettent donc de mettre en évidence des différences dans les profils de personnalité des suicidants et des infractionnistes, qui pourraient se révéler utiles pour le diagnostic différentiel des risques suicidaires et routiers, ainsi qu’en matière de prévention. / The first two causes of death in 18-25 year olds are respectively road accidents and suicides. The associated risk taking behaviors can be related to sensation seeking. The first aim of this study was to demonstrate a relationship between suicide and sensation seeking. Suicide attempters were compared to two groups of controls, high-sensation seekers and low sensation seekers. All groups were matched for age, sex, and education (N = 23 in each group). Past suicide attempters, participants with suicidal ideation, high-sensation seekers, and low sensation seekers, matched for age, sex and education, were also evaluated (N = 23 in each group). The results suggest that suicide attempters, past suicide attempters and participants with suicidal ideation, are high sensation seekers. The satisfaction of perceived social support was lower in the suicide attempters than in the control groups. However, past suicide attempters and participants with suicidal ideation did not differ from controls on perceived social support. The second aim of this study was to develop a new questionnaire to evaluate reported road behaviors and attitudes (QC-24). The questionnaire was developed and validated on a sample of 18-25 year olds (N =280 for the development and N = 300 for the validation). Relations between QC-24 and sensation seeking were studied, and showed the good specificity and optimal psychometric properties of this new questionnaire. Finally, the third aim of this study was to compare suicide attempters who are drivers to participants who are high-risk takers and low-risk takers on the road. Also, road offenders were compared to participants who are high-risk takers and low-risk takers on the road. All groups were matched on age, sex and education (N = 10 in each group). This study showed that both suicide attempters and road offenders are high sensation seekers, but that they differ on other personal traits. For instance, suicide attempters showed higher degrees of neuroticism compared to controls; moreover, suicide attempters did not differ from high-risk takers and low-risk takers on the road on extraversion. On the other hand, road offenders had higher degrees of extraversion relative to low-risk takers on the road, and were equivalent on extraversion to high-risk takers on the road; the three groups were comparable on neuroticism. Suicide attempters were also less socially adapted than the two control groups. These results suggest that the profiles of suicide attempters and road offenders are different, and could be used for the differential diagnosis of suicidal and road taking risks, and for their prevention.

La dynamique du désordre : incivilités, insécurité, inefficience, criminalité

Piednoir, Julien January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Ποιοτικός και λειτουργικός χαρακτηρισμός της HDL νεαρών ασυμπτωματικών εμφραγμάτων

Κάβο, Ανθούλα 14 February 2012 (has links)
Η πρόσφατη άποψη, ότι η ποιότητα της HDL αποτελεί μια σημαντική παράμετρο στην αθηροπροστασία, κερδίζει όλο και περισσότερο έδαφος με ελάχιστα όμως δεδομένα να την υποστηρίζουν. Στην προσπάθεια μας να προσδιορίσουμε τις ποιοτικές παραμέτρους της HDL που σχετίζονται με αυξημένο κίνδυνο πρώιμης εμφάνισης εμφράγματος του μυοκαρδίου (ΜΙ), μελετήσαμε τα δομικά χαρακτηριστικά της HDL νεαρών ασθενών (≤35 ετών) με οξύ έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου. Μελετήσαμε 20 ΜΙ ασθενείς και 20 υγιείς εθελοντές ως ομάδα αναφοράς. Η HDL των ασθενών παρουσίαζε μειωμένα επίπεδα απολιποπρωτεΐνης Α-Ι(apoA-I), απολιποπρωτεΐνης Μ, και παραοξονάσης 1 και σημαντικά αθξημένα επίπεδα της απολιποπρωτεΐνης C-III(apo-CIII)(όλα p<0.005). Συγκεκριμένα ο HDL apoA-I/apoC-III λόγος ήταν 0.24±0.01 στους ασθενείς έναντι 4.88±0.90 της ομάδας αναφοράς (p<0.001). Οι δομικές αυτές αλλαγές σχετίζοντια με αυξημένη οξειδωτική ισχύ της HDL των νεαρών εμφραγματιών, συγκριτικά με την ομάδα αναφοράς (2.5 φορές, p=0.026). Η ηλεκτρονική μικροσκοπία δεν έδειξε σημαντική διαφορά στην μέση διάμετρο της HDL μεταξύ των δύο ομάδων, ωστόσο παρατηρήθηκε σημαντική διαφορά στην κατανομή των HDL διαμέτρων, υποδηλώνοντας την παρουσία διαφορετικών HDL υποπληθυσμών μεταξύ ΜΙ και της ομάδας αναφοράς. Η υπόθεση μας αυτή επιβεβαιώθηκε μετά από ανάλυση της HDL με μη αποδιατακτική δισδιάστατη ηλεκτροφόρηση, καθώς οι ΜΙ ασθενείς εμφάνιζαν μειωμένα επίπεδα pre-β1α, pre-pre-β1b και α2, και αυξημένα επίπεδα α1, α3, και pre-α4 HDL. Μείωση στον λόγο apoA-I/apoC-III HDL, έδειξε αλλαγές στην κατανομή των HDL υποπληθυσμών και αύξηση στην οξειδωτική ισχύ της HDL, παράγοντες που σχετίζονται με την ανάπτυξη εμφράγματος του μυοκαρδίου στους νεαρούς εμφραγματίες. Η πιθανότητα οι αλλαγές αυτές να δρουν ως βιοδείκτες για την πρώιμη πρόγνωση της νόσου, πρέπει να διερευνηθεί περεταίρω. / Recently, the concept that HDL quality is an important parameter for atheroprotection is gaining ground, though little data exists so far to support it. In an attempt to identify measurable qualitative parameters of HDL associated with increased risk for premature myocardial infraction (MI), we studied the structural characteristics of HDL from patients who survived an MI at a young age (≤35 years). We studied 20 MI patients and 20 healthy control subjects. HDL of patients had reduced apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), apolipoprotein M, and paraoxonase 1 levels and significantly elevated Apolipoprotein C-III (apoCIII) levels (all p<0.05). Specifically, the HDL apoA-I/apoC-III ratio was 0.240.01 in patients versus 4.880.90 in controls (p<0.001). These structural alterations correlated with increased oxidation potential of HDL of the MI group compared to controls (2.5 fold, p=0.026). Electron microscopy showed no significant difference in average HDL particle diameter between the two groups though a significant difference existed in HDL diameter distribution, suggesting the presence of different HDL subpopulations in MI and control subjects. Indeed, non-denaturing two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that MI patients had reduced pre-β1α, pre-β1b and α2, and elevated α1, α3, and pre-α4 HDL. Reduction in the HDL apoA-I/apoC-III, changes in the HDL subpopulation distribution and an increase in HDL oxidation potential correlated with the development of MI in young patients. The possibility that such changes may serve as markers for the early identification of young individuals at high risk for an acute coronary event should be further explored.

L'incrimination et la poursuite du délit d'initié au Koweit : étude comparée avec les droits français et égyptien / Insider crime in Kuwait : comparison with France and Egypt

Buaraki, Husain 18 December 2014 (has links)
Le délit d’initiés constitue l’un des délits les plus graves, les plus compliqués et les plus ramifiés. Il s’agit dans un premier temps d’analyser les conditions de l’incrimination de ce délit et notamment celle des personnes morales en Egypte et au Koweit. L’élément matériel et l’élément moral du délit d’initié font l’objet d’une étude approfondie en ce qu’ils sont nécessaire pour pouvoir déclencher des poursuites. Les procédures pénales relatives à ce délit sont également étudiées dans les trois systèmes comparés. En effet, les délits de la bourse possèdent des procédures spécifiques différentes de celles prévues par le code de procédures pénales, surtout concernant la mission d’enquête et d’investigation qui est accordée à l’Autorité des Marches de Capitaux. Il en est de même de l’instruction de ces délits dont est investi un organisme spécifique. Enfin, il existe des juridictions spécifiques compétentes à statuer des délits de la bourse. Nous examinerons en détail l’étude de la méthode suivie par le législateur koweitien en les comparant à celle des législateurs français et égyptien en vue de mettre au clair plusieurs points substantiels. Le premier objectif de la présente thèse est de répondre à de nombreuses questions posées au législateur koweitien. Les réponses à ces questions pourraient aider le législateur à mieux comprendre ce délit récent, et en faire parvenir une image claire à la justice koweitienne. Ceci ne peut se réaliser qu’à travers une étude comparée traitant, en même temps, l’opinion des législations françaises et égyptiennes, du fait qu’elles constituent la source historique de la législation koweitienne. / The subject of this thesis is the crime to insiders, the most dangerous, the most multifaceted and complex crimes in the capital markets. We will briefly explain the crimes in the three French, Egyptian and Kuwaiti legislations, especially the criminal liability of legal persons in Egypt and Kuwait. We will move on to study the material and mental element as they are needed to initiate a suit. Criminal proceedings of the crime to insiders will also be studied in both the three legislations. Indeed, market crimes contain specific proceedings that are different from the Criminal Procedure Act, specially concerning the task of investigation and discovery of the crimes of the Capital Markets Authority. It is the same for the prosecution of these crimes for which a special organism hase been set up. We will study in detail the approach of the Kuwaiti system by comparing it to the french and the egyptian one. This will highlight many questionnings that Kuwaiti legislation arises. The aim of this thesis is to deliver a clear picture to Kuwaiti legislation for this crime, which cannot be done without a comparative study of thr french and egyptian legislation, as they represent the historical source of Kuwaiti legislation.

Effects of Exercise test Information on Self-Efficacy and Anxiety in Patients with Myocardial Infarction

Erling, Joan 07 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effects of preparatory information regarding the cycle ergometer exercise tolerance test on self-efficacy and anxiety of patients following a myocardial infarction (MI). The study also examined the effect self-efficacy on exercise test performance. A secondary purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of preparatory information and coping style on anxiety associated with the exercise test. Male cardiac patients ( N =30) ages 40-66 years (X=55 yrs.) who had documented MI based on at least two of the following: 1. a significant increase in cardiac enzyme levels 2. ECG diagnostic of HI or 3. chest pain and who were referred for a maximum performance exercise tolerance test two to six weeks post-infarction (X=4 weeks) were eligible for the study. Exclusion criteria consisted of unstable angina and/or uncontrolled dysrhythmias. All patients completed three self-report psychological questionnaires upon arrival at the laboratory: the A-state and A-trait portions of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Miller Behavioral Style Scale (MBSS) and the physical self-efficacy assessment. Based on their pre-intervention cycling self-efficacy scores, patients were then randomly assigned to the experimental or control conditions. The experimental videotape included detailed procedural and sensory information about the exercise tolerance test as it was being performed by a cardiac patient. The control videotape included information about nutrition as it relates to coronary heart disease. Subsequent to viewing either the experimental or control videotapes, the A-state portion of the STAI and the self-efficacy assessment were re-administered. Patients then performed the exercise tolerance test on the cycle ergometer. Cycling self-efficacy of patients in the experimental condition (preparatory information) decreased whereas the cycling self-efficacy of patients in the control condition increased minimally resulting in a significant difference in self-efficacy between the two intervention groups ( p <.04). Anxiety of patients in the experimental intervention increased while there was virtually no change in anxiety in patients in the control condition ( p <.01). Patients with high pre-intervention cycling self-efficacy achieved higher mean maximum power output ( p <.001) than patients with low pre-intervention cycling self-efficacy. No interactions were found between coping style and preparatory information on the relative change in state anxiety. Anxiety in patients in the experimental group increased whereas anxiety in patients in the control group remained virtually unchanged, regardless of coping style ( p <.01). The data suggest that there is no basis for providing preparatory information regarding the exercise tolerance test to increase self-efficacy and to lower anxiety. The results indicate that self-efficacy is important in predicting exercise test performance. Preparatory information about the exercise tolerance test appears to increase anxiety regardless of coping style. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)

Vývoj a problematika věcné a místní příslušnosti v řízeních o přestupcích / Development and issues of subjectmatter and territorial jurisdiction in administrative infraction proceedings

Budil, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of this master thesis is to provide a view into the development of subject matter and territorial jurisdiction in administrative infraction proceedings as a part of administrative punishment law. The thesis handles this issue in its entirety, that is form its origins up to considerations on the future legal regulation, and, furthermore, analyses the issue into more depth. The thesis relies mainly on legal regulation and relevant literature as its primary sources and is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, firstly, deals with the development of subject matter and territorial jurisdiction in the 18th and 19th century and focuses on the formation of the concept of infraction itself, its division into the categories of administrative and judicial infraction and the gradual obsolescence of the phenomenon of judicial infraction. Secondly, it handles the transfer of subject matter jurisdiction in "judicial" infraction proceedings from administrative authorities to courts and, thirdly, defines the three bodies authorized to conduct administrative infraction proceedings. In the second chapter, the issue of subject matter and territorial jurisdiction in the 20th century is dealt with. Its primary aim is to describe several unsuccessful legislative proposals in the area of...

Can Instructional Videos Influence Perception of Plagiarism Among First Year Composition (FYC) Students?

Ryder, Robert Monier 16 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Le prosélytisme intellectuel et le droit pénal / Intellectual proselytism and criminal law

Safi, Farah 13 September 2012 (has links)
Le droit pénal ne contient, certes, aucune infraction de prosélytisme intellectuel nommée comme telle, mais il connaît, depuis longtemps, la conversion idéologique et s’y intéresse par le moyen de plusieurs types d’incriminations. En effet, s’il demeure, au nom du respect des libertés fondamentales, complètement indifférent à l’appropriation d’une idéologie par le prosélyte, il intervient à chaque fois que l’expression de celle-ci porte atteinte aux valeurs sociales qu’il protège. C’est notamment le cas lorsqu’une idéologie agressive est diffusée : elle échappe à tout contrôle possible par le prosélyte, si bien que sa propagation est source de trouble pour l’ordre public et justifie ainsi sa répression par une infraction d’idéologie. En outre, le droit pénal s’intéresse au comportement du prosélyte : lorsque l’acte qu’il réalise en vue de convertir autrui à une idéologie heurte les valeurs protégées par le législateur pénal, des infractions par idéologie existent pour limiter le prosélytisme intellectuel. Elles ont vocation à réprimer non pas la conversion idéologique en tant que telle, mais les moyens utilisés par le prosélyte au cours du processus de conversion et qui constituent, eux, une menace pour l’ordre et la sécurité publics. Par conséquent, que ce soit à travers des infractions d’idéologie ou par idéologie, le droit pénal contient déjà la réponse pour combattre le prosélytisme intellectuel qui risque de menacer la tranquillité sociale. Dès lors, en dépit de la tendance actuelle qui privilégie le recours à l’arme répressive pour combattre le terrorisme, les sectes dites dangereuses et l’homme criminel – dangereux, à son tour –, aucune intervention législative qui irait dans le sens de la création d’une nouvelle incrimination de prosélytisme intellectuel n’est la bienvenue. En revanche, l’étude du prosélytisme intellectuel a permis de mettre en évidence une particularité propre au délinquant prosélyte qui devrait être prise en compte aussi bien par le législateur que par le juge pénal : animé par une idéologie, le prosélyte devrait être toujours traité comme un délinquant politique et les infractions de prosélytisme intellectuel innommées devraient alors, elles aussi, recevoir cette qualification. / Criminal law does not explicitly incorporate criminal offenses directly related to intellectual proselytism per se. Nevertheless, references to ideological conversion have long been cited in several types of criminal offenses. Criminal law holds that each person has the fundamental human right of freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and does not interfere in the act of a proselyte adopting an ideology. However, the law is implicated whenever an ideology is conveyed in such a manner that threatens the social values the law is bound to protect. For instance, an aggressive ideology is a real danger to the public order, and can spread and spin out of control. In such cases, it is justified and necessary to consider ideological conversion as a crime named ideological offense.Furthermore, the behavior of the proselyte is of concern, whenever an action to convert a person to an ideology is in conflict with the values that criminal legislators are protecting. Specific offenses induced by an ideology are in place to impede intellectual proselytism. These types of offenses aim to penalize the methods used by the proselyte during conversion, rather than prohibit the ideological conversion itself, as the methods themselves constitute a danger to the public order and safety.Consequently, criminal law already encompasses offenses based on ideological ground or induced by ideology, and which constrain intellectual proselytism that is at risk of disturbing the social order. Any new draft law and intervention to propose additional incrimination related to intellectual proselytism are questionable, in spite of the recent tendency to eradicate terrorism, dangerous sects, or criminals by means of repressive weapons.Interestingly, the study completed on intellectual proselytism has shown that there exist particularities of an intellectual proselyte which are analogous to a political delinquent. And this fact must be taken into account by both prosecutors and criminal judges. A proselyte who is supporting a strong ideology is similar to a political delinquent and thereby, offenses related to intellectual proselytism should be treated in the same manner as infractions of a political delinquent.

Effet de la combinaison de l'hypertension et de l'infarctus du myocarde sur la physiopathologie du choc septique : mise au point d'un modèle animal expérimental mimant le phénotype des patients septiques / Effect of combination of hypertension and myocardial infarction on the pathophysiology of septic shock : development of a new experimental animal model mimicking the phenotype of septic patients

Kattani, Narimane Al 28 November 2016 (has links)
Le choc septique est une pathologie fréquente associée à un taux de mortalité dépassant les 50%. Il s’agit de la première cause de mortalité en réanimation. Malgré les avancées des connaissances physiopathologiques sur le sepsis, le taux de mortalité reste très élevé. La majorité des recherches pré-cliniques sont réalisées sur des animaux jeunes et sains et sans antécédents cardiovasculaires, alors qu’il est bien établi que l’incidence et le taux de mortalité du sepsis augmente sévèrement avec l’âge. L’objectif de cette étude est la mise au point d’un modèle animal de sepsis ayant plusieurs antécédents cardiovasculaires, et l’évaluation des effets de la combinaison de deux maladies (hypertension et infarctus du myocarde (IDM)) chez des rats septiques sur la fonction cardiovasculaire et sur les voies de signalisation responsables de la réponse inflammatoire et apoptotique. L’étude a été réalisée sur des rats normotendus Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) et des rats Hypertendus Spontaneously Hypertensive (SHR) qui ont subi l’induction d’un IDM par ligature de l’artère coronaire gauche suivie ou non par l’induction d’un sepsis par ligature et perforation du caecum. Nous avons montré que les rats polypathologiques SHR, ayant subi un IDM préalable au choc septique, présentent une diminution drastique des paramètres cardiaques et hémodynamiques par rapport aux rats WKY ayant subi seulement un choc septique. En effet, le débit cardiaque, la pression artérielle moyenne et la fraction d’éjection sont diminuées respectivement de 70 %, 60 % et 67 % chez les rats SHR polypathologiques par rapport aux rats WKY ayant seulement un sepsis. On a observé également une hypo-réactivité vasculaire aux vasopresseurs plus importante chez les rats SHR-IDM-CLP comparée à celle des rats WKY-CLP. L’expression génique des récepteurs adrénergiques alpha-1 est fortement diminuée chez les rats SHR-IDM-CLP par rapport aux rats WKY-CLP. L’étude du taux d’expression des protéines impliquées dans l’apoptose révèle une surexpression des protéines caspase 3, caspase 8 et Pp38 chez les rats SHR polypathologiques des rats SHR-IDM-CLP par rapport aux rats WKY-CLP ayant seulement un sepsis. De plus, on remarque une forte diminution de l’expression des protéines eNOS et Akt chez les rats SHR-IDM-CLP comparés aux rats WKY-CLP. L’hypertension artérielle associée à l’insuffisance cardiaque a conduit à une plus grande sensibilité des rats au sepsis. Les rats SHR polypathologiques ont développé une insuffisance cardiaque aggravée par rapport aux rats WKY ayant seulement un sepsis. Le modèle de rats SHR ayant subi un IDM préalable au sepsis se rapproche d’avantage des situations cliniques observées quotidiennement dans les services de réanimation. Ce modèle pourrait servir de bon candidat pour les études pré-cliniques / Septic shock is considered as the most common cause of death among patients admitted in medical intensive care units. Mortality remains very high (50%) despite advances in physiopathological knowledge of this disease. In fact, most experimental studies are often conducted on young and healthy animals, whereas it is well established that the incidence and mortality rates dramatically increase with age. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the combination of two diseases (hypertension and myocardial infarction) in a septic rat model, on cardiovascular function, cell survival and the inflammatory response. Therefore, we used normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) in which myocardial infarction was induced by left coronary descending artery ligation, followed or not by cecal ligation and perforation-induced sepsis. Our results showed that the polypathological SHR rats in which a myocardial infarction and sepsis were induced, exhibited a significant decrease in cardiac and hemodynamic parameters compared to WKY rats that have sepsis (CLP) only. Indeed, cardiac output, mean arterial pressure and ejection fraction were reduced by 70%, 60% and 67% respectively in the polypathological SHR rats versus the WKY rats with sepsis. We observed also that the vascular hyporeactivity in the polypathological SHR rats was higher than for the WKY CLP rats. A mesure of gene expression level of alpha1 adrenergic receptor shows a relatively low expression level in the rats from SHR IDM CLP rats compared to WKY CLP that could explain the observed vasodilation. The protein level of caspase3 and 8, Pp38 and proteins involved in apoptosis, is upregulated in SHR IDM CLP rats compared to WKY CLP rats. However, the polypathological SHR rats show a significant decrease in the expression of eNOS and Akt protein compared to WKY CLP rats. The combination of hypertension with myocardial infarct is associated with higher sensitivity of the rats to sepsis. The polypathological SHR rats developed a severe heart failure compared to WKY rats having sepsis only. Our animal model, the polypathological SHR rats is very close to observed clinical situations in intensive care units. This model could serve as a good candidate for pre-clinical studies.

O discurso sobre o ato infracional materializado no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente / The discourse about infraction act embodied embodied in the Statute of the Child and Adolescent

Bartijotto, Juliana 14 November 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o discurso sobre o ato infracional materializado no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, 1990) e nos outros artigos jurídicos que se relacionam ao tema, sob a perspectiva teórica e metodológica da Análise do Discurso Pêcheutiana e da Psicanálise lacaniana. Para essas duas áreas do saber, a linguagem é estruturada por um furo, apresentando como composição lógica a equivocidade e a ambiguidade. Seguindo essa concepção, primeiramente, analisamos o funcionamento do discurso do Direito, especificamente no que se refere ao conceito de lei, de infração e de sanção; na sequência, apresentamos o processo sócio-histórico sobre a transgressão na adolescência, conforme as legislações, ao mesmo tempo em que delimitamos o corpus da pesquisa (recorte dos artigos jurídicos). Consideramos que esta lei opera como um dispositivo de controle da prática de ato infracional e que o funcionamento do discurso do Direito mascara a estrutura faltante da Lei e da linguagem. Essas observações nos levaram a traçar o fio discursivo dos outros capítulos - o sujeito do direito, o sujeito do desejo e a forma-sujeito-, já que todo discurso não é sem sujeito. Analisamos as posições ocupadas pelo adolescente que comete o ato infracional na visão dos regulamentos jurídicos, que têm como finalidade estabilizar o funcionamento social. Na continuação, articulamos o sujeito do direito, o ato infracional e as medidas socieducativas como manifestações do discurso capitalista, onde a norma jurídica ganha um estatuto de fetiche, assim como as mercadorias. Ao supormos a existência do sujeito do desejo, não tomamos o ato infracional somente como produto e condição do contexto social e econômico, pois há a singularidade do autor do ato. Concluímos que as legislações não produzem um lugar Simbólico para o sujeito, apenas um lugar Imaginário, como conferem o Estado e o ECA ao ofertar a ideologia de um sujeito de direito e a forma-sujeito de pessoa em desenvolvimento. Desse modo, a criação dos termos ato infracional e medida socioeducativa são interpretadas como efeitos de sentido do eu idealizado proposto pela ideologia capitalista e pela concepção psicológica de desenvolvimento. Nas condições de produção do ECA o adolescente é concebido como alguém passível de ser educado e cujo lugar de sujeito do desejo é ignorado. Portanto, o ato infracional configura-se como um sintoma social e um mal-estar na sociedade pós-moderna e a medida socioeducativa apresenta-se como um fracasso no que diz respeito a uma normalização do sujeito. / This research aims to analyze the discourse on infraction act embodied in the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA, 1990) and other legal articles that relate to the theme, from the theoretical and methodological perspective of Pêcheutiana Discourse Analysis and Lacanian Psychoanalysis. For these two areas of knowledge, language is structured by a hole, presenting as logic composition the equivocality and ambiguity. First, we analyze the functioning of the discourse of law, specifically with regard to the concept of law, the offense and sanction; following, we present the socio-historical process of transgression in adolescence, according to the legislation, while we delimit the research corpus (clipping of legal articles). We believe that this law operates as a control device of the practice of an offense and that the operation of the discourse of law masks the missing structure of law and language. These observations led us to trace the discursive thread of the other chapters - the subject of the right, the subject of desire and form-subject - since all speech is not without a subject. We analyzed the positions occupied by the adolescent who commits the offense in view of the legal regulations, which are intended to stabilize the social functioning. In continuation, we articulated the subject of law, infraction and educational measures as manifestations of capital.ist discourse, where the legal norm gains a fetish status, as well as goods. By assuming the existence of the subject of desire, we do not take offense only as the product and condition of the social and economic context, because there is uniqueness of the author of the act. We conclude that the laws do not produce a symbolic place for the subject, just an imaginary place, as conferring the State and the ECA to offer the ideology of a \"subject of law\" and the form-subject \"developing person\". Thus, the creation of the terms offense and socio-educational measures is idealized sense of the idealized \"I\" suggested by capitalist ideology and concept of development. Inside conditions of production of the ECA, adolescent is conceived as someone capable of being educated and whose place of subject of desire is ignored. Therefore, the infraction act configures itself as a social symptom and malaise in postmodern society and the socio-educational measures constitute a failure when it comes to a normalization of the subject.

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