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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Increasing Intravenous Glucose Infusions on Lactation Performance, Metabolic Profiles, and Metabolic Gene Expression in Dairy Cows

BahaaAldeen, Al-Trad 30 March 2010 (has links)
Knowledge on the precise effects of surplus glucose supply in dairy cows is limited by the lack of information on how intermediary metabolism adapts at different levels of glucose availability. Therefore, a gradual increase of glucose supply via intravenous glucose infusion was used in the present study to test the dose effect of surplus provision of glucose on the metabolic status and milk production of dairy cows. Furthermore, the effects of increasing levels of surplus glucose on mRNA expressions and activities of rate-limiting enzymes involved in hepatic gluconeogenesis were investigated. Based on a previous finding that a positive energy balance may decrease hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) enzyme activity, it was also of interest whether skeletal muscle CPT activity is downregulated in a similar manner during positive energy balance. Twelve midlactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were continuously infused over a 28-d experimental period with either saline (SI group, six cows) or 40% glucose solutions (GI group, six cows). The infusion dose was calculated as a percentage of the daily energy (NEL) requirements by the animal, starting at 0% on d 0 and increasing gradually by 1.25%/d until a maximum dose of 30% was reached by d 24. Dose was then maintained at 30% NEL requirement for 5 d. No infusions were made between d 29-32. Liver and skeletal muscle biopsies were taken on d 0, 8, 16, 24, and 32. Body weight (BW) and back fat thickness (BFT) were recorded on biopsies days. Blood samples were taken every 2 d. In addition, blood samples over 24 h (6-h intervals) were taken the days before each biopsy. Milk and urine samples were taken on biopsies days. BW and BFT increased linearly with increasing glucose dose for GI cows. No differences were observed in the dry matter intake, milk energy output, and energy corrected milk yield between groups. However, milk protein percentage and yield increased linearly in the GI group. Only occasional increases in blood glucose and insulin concentrations were observed in blood samples taken at 1000 h every 2 d. However, during infusion dose of 30% NEL requirements on d 24, GI cows developed postprandial hyperglycemia associated with hyperinsulinemia, coinciding with glucosuria. The revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (RQUIKI) indicated linear development of insulin resistance for the GI treatment. GI decreased serum concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and blood urea nitrogen and tended to decrease the serum concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). Liver glycogen content increased, while glycogen content in skeletal muscle only tended to increase by GI. No significant changes were observed in the activities and relative mRNA expression levels of hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose 6-phospatase. The activity of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and relative mRNA expression levels of pyruvate carboxylase (PC) were decreased in the GI group but only during the high dose of glucose infusion. Hepatic CPT activity decreased with GI and remained decreased on d 32. The hepatic expression levels of CPT-1A and CPT-2 mRNA were not significantly altered but tended to reflect the changes in enzyme activity. No effect of glucose infusion was observed on skeletal muscle CPT activity. The aforementioned adaptations were reversed four days after the end of glucose infusions except for those of BW, BFT, and lipid metabolism (i.e. serum BHBA and NEFA concentrations, hepatic CPT activity). It is concluded that mid-lactation dairy cows on an energy-balanced diet direct intravenously infused glucose predominantly to body fat reserves but not to increased lactation performance. Cows rapidly adapted to increasing glucose supply but experienced dose-dependent development of insulin resistance corresponding with postprandial hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia and glucosuria at dosages equivalent to 30% NEL requirements. The catalytic capacity of key hepatic gluconeogenesis enzymes in mid-lactating dairy cows is not significantly affected by nutritionally relevant increases of glucose supply. Only very high dosages selectively suppress PC transcription and FBPase activity. Finally, it can be concluded that suppression of CPT activity by positive energy balance appears to be specific for the liver in midlactating dairy cows.

Implementation of a Conceptual Computational Model to estimate the Delay Time in Drug Delivery to reduce Medication Errors in Pediatric Emergency Care / Implementering av en konceptuell beräkningsmodell för att uppskatta fördröjningstiden vid läkemedelsadministrering för att minska medicineringsfel i pediatrisk akutvård

Sandén, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Infusion pumps are used in all departments of a hospital, in the emergency care unit as well as in pediatrics. The pumps administer intravenous medications for the purpose of helping patients to manage pain and are unfortunately not spared from emerging errors. Due to the complexity of the process involved in infusion pumps, errors regarding delay in administration are encountered. Especially vulnerable to errors are pediatric patients, due to the high risk of over- or under-dosing. This study aims to investigate the effects on administration delay by analysing the medical supply and system utilized for the infusion pumps. This is accomplished through implementation of Compartmental Modeling in Pharmacokinetics in combination with a self developed mathematical model for estimating the administration delay. Simulations were performed for analysing how various sizes of medical supply effected delay time. The result from the computed mathematical model indicates that increased volumes on utilized equipment will increase delay time. The combined use of a decreased flow rate and smaller equipment sizes will have the greatest affects on the delay in administration. The result obtained from the computed compartmental model can be useful for medical staff to be able to estimate the delay in administration. However, further validation is required before the utilization of the model can be applied in hospitals. / Infusionspumpar används på alla avdelningar på ett sjukhus, inom akutvården samt inom pediatrik. Pumparna administrerar olika mediciner i syfte att hjälpa patienten att hantera smärta och är tyvärr inte förskonade från att fel kan förekomma. På grund av komplexiteten i processen, involverad i infusionspumpar, uppstår fel gällande förseningar i administrering av medicin. Speciellt sårbara för dessa typer av förseninigar är pediatriska patienter, på grund av den förhöjda risker gällande över- eller underdosering. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka effekterna gällande administreringsfördröjning genom att analysera det medicinska utrustningen och systemet som används för infusionspumparna. Detta uppnås genom implementering av kompartmentmodellering i farmakokinetik i kombination med en egenutvecklad matematisk modell för att uppskatta administreringsfördröjningen. Simuleringar utfördes för att analysera effekterna av olika storlekar på medicinsk utrustning i förhållande till fördröjningen av administreringe. Resultatet från den beräknade matematiska modellen indikerar att ökade volymer gällande den medicinska utrustningen kommer att öka fördröjningstiden. Den kombinerade användningen av en minskad flödeshastighet och mindre utrustningsstorlekar kommer att ha störst inverkan på förseningen i administreringen. Resultatet som erhålls från den beräknade kompartmentmodellen kan vara användbar för sjukvårdspersonal för att kunna uppskatta förseningen i administrationen. Ytterligare validering krävs dock innan användningen av modellen kan tillämpas på sjukhus.

Characterization of Local Void Content in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Parts Utilizing Observation of In Situ Fluorescent Dye Within Epoxy

Warner, Wyatt Young 01 December 2019 (has links)
Experimentation exploring the movement of voids within carbon fiber reinforced plastics was performed using fluorescent dye infused into the laminates observed through a transparent mold under ultraviolet light. In situ photography was used as an inspection method for void content during Resin Transfer Molding for these laminates. This in situ inspection method for determining the void content of composite laminates was compared to more common ex-situ quality inspection methods i.e. ultrasonic inspection and cross-section microscopy. Results for localized and total void count in each of these methods were directly compared to test samples and linear correlations between the three test methods were sought. Test coupons were then cut from these laminates and were used to calculate the interlaminar shear strength at certain locations throughout the laminates. Although this research did not adequately observe correlations between results obtained from ultrasonic C-scans, cross-sectional microscopy and in situ photography of the surface, it was seen that the fluid dynamics of the thermosetting epoxy used in this experimentation correlated to results obtained from previous experimentation performed by students at Brigham Young University using vegetable oil as a substitute for resin.

Development of Cost Effective Composites using Vacuum Processing Technique

Kennedy, Michael A. D. 27 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Smart Energy Solutions as TechnologicalConfigurations : Implications on theOrganizational Strategy / Smart Energy Solutions som TekniskaKonfigurationer : Implikationer påOrganisations Strategi

OSMAN, NADA, ELNOUR, IBRAHIM January 2016 (has links)
Den länge stabila elbolagssindustrin genomgår stora förändringar. Regelverk, miljömässiga problem, framsteg inom förnybar generering och ICT har orsakat allvarliga tryck på affärsmodellerna för konventionella elbolag. Konsekvenserna på dessa elbolag är; vinstmarginalerna har minskat avsevärt, stora elkraftverk fasas ut och det finns ett stort behov av att generera investeringar för att uppfylla regulatoriska krav. På jakt efter nya affärsmöjligheter utforskar elbolag nya affärsområden så som "Smart Energy Solutions" området. "Smart Energy Solutions" utgör en växande marknad med outnyttjad potential. Uppdragsgivaren för denna rapport är det svenska elbolaget Vattenfall AB. Där uppdraget är att identifiera marknadsmöjligheter för Vattenfall "Smart Energy Solutions" för målgruppen små och medelstora företag (SME). Syftet med denna forskning har varit att undersöka anpassningen som krävs mellan organisationen, "Smart Energy Solutions" och SME marknaden. Resultaten av denna forskning användes för att föreslå en strategi för utveckling av smarta energilösningar med inriktning på SME marknaden. Vid analys av egenskaperna hos "Smart Energy Solutions" och egenskaperna hos SME konstaterandes tre resultat. "Smart Energy Solutions" identifieras som "teknisk konfiguration". SME är heterogena till sin natur och kan därför inte mötas med enhetliga lösningar. Samt det tredje resultatet, baserat på de tidigare två resultaten, en strategi för hur framgångsrika innovationen "Smart Energy Solutions" ska rikta in sig i SME marknaden. / The long-stable eletric utility industry is undergoing major transformations. Regulatory frameworks, enviromental concerns, advancements in the renewable genration and ICT have caused severe pressure on the business model of conventional electric utilites. For these utilities; profit margins have declined considerably, large generation assests are being phased-out,and there is a pressing need to generate investments to meet the regulatory requirements. In search for new business opportunities, electric utilties are exploring new business areas, Smart Energy Solutions represent an emerging market, with untapped potentials. This research was commissioned by the Swedish electric utility Vattenfall AB, to identify market opportunities for Vattenfall Smart Energy Solutions, targetting the small and medium size enterprises SMEs. The purpose of this research has been to investigate the required alignment between the organization, Smart Energy Solutions and the SMEs market; the findings were used to propose a strategy for the development of Smart Energy Solutions targeting the SMEs. Upon analyzing the characteristics of Smart Energy Solutions and the characteristics of SMEs, the finding of this research are: first, Smart Energy Solutions is identified as "Technological Configuration", second: the SMEs are heterogeneous in nature; thereby they can’t be targeted through uniform solutions, third: based on the previous two findings; and considering the organizational context; a strategy was proposed for the successful innovation of Smart Energy Solutions targeting the SMEs.

Structural Composite Material with Novel Cellulose Fibre Reinforcement / Strukturellt sammansatt material med nyskapande förstärkning av cellulosafibrer

Murrone, Mauro Antonio January 2024 (has links)
In recent decades, the necessity to find a completely environmentally friendly substitute for synthetic fibres in composite applications has intensified, driven by the objective of reducing emissions in both the production and disposal of composite components. Natural fibres present a potential solution, yet they have some issues such as the inhomogeneous quality of their cross-section and mechanical properties, depending on different aspects, for example, growing conditions and the amount of intake water. Another potential solution is organic man-made fibres, such as fibre made from Cellulose NanoFibrils, which do not present the previously cited drawbacks.This thesis investigates and compares the potentials of organic fibres, either man-made or natural, in composite reinforcement applications. To accomplish this, organic fibres are integrated into composite plates using two distinct thermoset matrices, epoxy and vinyl ester, respectively via methods of hot pressing and vacuum infusion. Subsequently, the produced composite plates undergo tensile testing, with the results being compared with the theoretical values. Furthermore, microscopy is employed to examine the adhesion at the interface between reinforcement and matrix.The findings indicate that man-made fibres from Cellulose NanoFibrils bind more efficiently with thermoset matrices compared to flax fibres, making them more adept as reinforcement materials for thermoset composites. / Under de senaste decennierna har behovet av att hitta en helt miljövänlig ersättning för syntetiska fibrer i kompositapplikationer intensifierats, drivet av målet att minska utsläppen både vid produktion och avfallshantering av kompositkomponenter. Naturliga fibrer presenterar en potentiell lösning, men de har vissa problem som den ojämna kvaliteten på deras tvärsnitt och mekaniska egenskaper, beroende på olika aspekter, till exempel växtförhållanden och mängden intaget vatten. En annan potentiell lösning är organiska konstgjorda fibrer, som fibrer tillverkade av cellulosa nanofibriller, som inte har de tidigare nämnda nackdelarna.Denna avhandling undersöker och jämför potentialen hos organiska fibrer, antingen konstgjorda eller naturliga, i kompositförstärkningsapplikationer. För att uppnå detta integreras organiska fibrer i kompositplattor med hjälp av två olika termohärdande matriser, epoxi och vinyl-ester, via metoder för varmpressning och vakuuminfusion. Därefter genomgår de producerade kompositplattorna dragprovning, med resultaten jämförda med de teoretiska värdena. Dessutom används mikroskopi för att undersöka vidhäftningen vid gränssnittet mellan förstärkning och matris.Resultaten indikerar att konstgjorda fibrer från cellulosa nanofibriller binder effektivare med termohärdande matriser jämfört med linfibrer, vilket gör dem mer lämpliga som förstärkningsmaterial för termohärdande kompositer.

Validation des modèles de pharmacologie de sécurité et évaluation de la valeur thérapeutique de l'oxytocine dans le traitement de l'infarctus du myocarde

Authier, Simon 06 1900 (has links)
En février, 2009 un rapport de PHRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) confirmait que plus de 300 médicaments pour le traitement des maladies cardiaques étaient en phase d’essais cliniques ou en révision par les agences règlementaires. Malgré cette abondance de nouvelles thérapies cardiovasculaires, le nombre de nouveaux médicaments approuvés chaque année (toutes indications confondues) est en déclin avec seulement 17 et 24 nouveaux médicaments approuvés en 2007 et 2008, respectivement. Seulement 1 médicament sur 5000 sera approuvé après 10 à 15 ans de développement au coût moyen de 800 millions $. De nombreuses initiatives ont été lancées par les agences règlementaires afin d’augmenter le taux de succès lors du développement des nouveaux médicaments mais les résultats tardent. Cette stagnation est attribuée au manque d’efficacité du nouveau médicament dans bien des cas mais les évaluations d’innocuité remportent la palme des causes d’arrêt de développement. Primum non nocere, la maxime d’Hippocrate, père de la médecine, demeure d’actualité en développement préclinique et clinique des médicaments. Environ 3% des médicaments approuvés au cours des 20 dernières années ont, par la suite, été retirés du marché suite à l’identification d’effets adverses. Les effets adverses cardiovasculaires représentent la plus fréquente cause d’arrêt de développement ou de retrait de médicament (27%) suivi par les effets sur le système nerveux. Après avoir défini le contexte des évaluations de pharmacologie de sécurité et l’utilisation des bio-marqueurs, nous avons validé des modèles d’évaluation de l’innocuité des nouveaux médicaments sur les systèmes cardiovasculaires, respiratoires et nerveux. Évoluant parmi les contraintes et les défis des programmes de développements des médicaments, nous avons évalué l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’oxytocine (OT), un peptide endogène à des fins thérapeutiques. L’OT, une hormone historiquement associée à la reproduction, a démontré la capacité d’induire la différentiation in vitro de lignées cellulaires (P19) mais aussi de cellules souches embryonnaires en cardiomyocytes battants. Ces observations nous ont amené à considérer l’utilisation de l’OT dans le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. Afin d’arriver à cet objectif ultime, nous avons d’abord évalué la pharmacocinétique de l’OT dans un modèle de rat anesthésié. Ces études ont mis en évidence des caractéristiques uniques de l’OT dont une courte demi-vie et un profil pharmacocinétique non-linéaire en relation avec la dose administrée. Ensuite, nous avons évalué les effets cardiovasculaires de l’OT sur des animaux sains de différentes espèces. En recherche préclinique, l’utilisation de plusieurs espèces ainsi que de différents états (conscients et anesthésiés) est reconnue comme étant une des meilleures approches afin d’accroître la valeur prédictive des résultats obtenus chez les animaux à la réponse chez l’humain. Des modèles de rats anesthésiés et éveillés, de chiens anesthésiés et éveillés et de singes éveillés avec suivi cardiovasculaire par télémétrie ont été utilisés. L’OT s’est avéré être un agent ayant d’importants effets hémodynamiques présentant une réponse variable selon l’état (anesthésié ou éveillé), la dose, le mode d’administration (bolus ou infusion) et l’espèce utilisée. Ces études nous ont permis d’établir les doses et régimes de traitement n’ayant pas d’effets cardiovasculaires adverses et pouvant être utilisées dans le cadre des études d’efficacité subséquentes. Un modèle porcin d’infarctus du myocarde avec reperfusion a été utilisé afin d’évaluer les effets de l’OT dans le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. Dans le cadre d’un projet pilote, l’infusion continue d’OT initiée immédiatement au moment de la reperfusion coronarienne a induit des effets cardiovasculaires adverses chez tous les animaux traités incluant une réduction de la fraction de raccourcissement ventriculaire gauche et une aggravation de la cardiomyopathie dilatée suite à l’infarctus. Considérant ces observations, l’approche thérapeutique fût révisée afin d’éviter le traitement pendant la période d’inflammation aigüe considérée maximale autour du 3ième jour suite à l’ischémie. Lorsqu’initié 8 jours après l’ischémie myocardique, l’infusion d’OT a engendré des effets adverses chez les animaux ayant des niveaux endogènes d’OT élevés. Par ailleurs, aucun effet adverse (amélioration non-significative) ne fût observé chez les animaux ayant un faible niveau endogène d’OT. Chez les animaux du groupe placebo, une tendance à observer une meilleure récupération chez ceux ayant des niveaux endogènes initiaux élevés fût notée. Bien que la taille de la zone ischémique à risque soit comparable à celle rencontrée chez les patients atteints d’infarctus, l’utilisation d’animaux juvéniles et l’absence de maladies coronariennes sont des limitations importantes du modèle porcin utilisé. Le potentiel de l’OT pour le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde demeure mais nos résultats suggèrent qu’une administration systémique à titre de thérapie de remplacement de l’OT devrait être considérée en fonction du niveau endogène. De plus amples évaluations de la sécurité du traitement avec l’OT dans des modèles animaux d’infarctus du myocarde seront nécessaires avant de considérer l’utilisation d’OT dans une population de patients atteint d’un infarctus du myocarde. En contre partie, les niveaux endogènes d’OT pourraient posséder une valeur pronostique et des études cliniques à cet égard pourraient être d’intérêt. / In february 2009, a report from PHRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) confirmed that more than 300 drugs for treatment of cardiovascular diseases were in clinical trials or under review by regulatory agencies. Despite the abundance of new cardiovascular therapies, the number of new drugs approved each year (all indications combined) is declining steadily with only 17 and 24 new drugs approved in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Only 1 drug out of 5000 candidates will be approved after 10 to 15 years of development with an average cost of $800 millions. Several initiatives have been launched by regulatory agencies to increase the success rate in drug development but results are still awaited. This stagnation is attributed to the lack of efficacy of several drug candidates but safety assessments are the leading cause of drug development discontinuation. Primum non nocere, the maxim from Hippocrate, father of medicine, remains of major relevance in preclinical and clinical drug development. Over the past 20 years, approximately 3% of approved drugs were subsequently withdrawn from the market due to adverse effects. Cardiovascular adverse effects represent the most frequent cause of drug development discontinuation or withdrawal (27%) followed by effects on the nervous system. After defining the context of safety pharmacology evaluations and the use of biomarkers in drug development, we validated safety pharmacology models to investigate drug-induced cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological effects. As we progressed within constraints and challenges of drug development, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of oxytocin, an endogenous peptide with therapeutic potential. Oxytocin (OT), a hormone historically associated with reproduction, demonstrated the ability to induce in vitro differentiation of cell lines (P19) but also embryonic stem cells into beating cardiomyocytes. These observations lead us to consider the use of OT as a treatment for myocardial infarct. To achieve this ultimate goal, we first evaluated the pharmacokinetic of OT in an anesthetized rat model. These investigations highlighted the unique characteristics of OT including a very short half-life and a non-linear pharmacokinetic profile in response to the dose. Cardiovascular effects of OT in healthy animals were then evaluated in various species. In preclinical research, the use of various animal species and state of consciousness (conscious or anesthetized) is recognized as one of the best strategies to increase the predictive value of results obtained in animals to the human response. Our initial investigations of OT treatment regimens used various animal models including conscious and anesthetized rats, anesthetized pigs, conscious dogs with indirect blood pressure monitoring and diuresis and conscious monkeys with cardiovascular telemetry monitoring. These studies confirmed OT to have significant hemodynamic effects with variable responses depending on the state of consciousness (conscious or anesthetized), the dose, the administration protocol (bolus or infusion) and the species that were used. These screening studies enabled selection of a treatment regimen and dose without adverse effects that could subsequently be tested in efficacy studies. A porcine myocardial infarct (MI) model with reperfusion was used to evaluate the effects of OT following myocardial ischemia. In a pilot project, continuous infusion of OT initiated immediately at coronary reperfusion induced cardiovascular adverse effects in all treated animals including a reduction of left ventricular fraction shortening and worsening of dilated cardiomyopathy which is typical following MI. Considering these observations, the therapeutic strategy was revised to avoid OT treatment during the inflammatory phase which was considered maximal around day 3 post-ischemia. When initiated 8 days after MI, OT infusion induced adverse effects in animals with elevated endogenous levels of OT. In contrast, no significant effects (not statistically significant improvement) were observed in animals with low endogenous OT baseline. In placebo treated animals, a trend to observe a better recovery was noted in animals with high endogenous OT baseline. While the size of the ischemic zone was comparable to human patients with MI, the use of juvenile animals and the absence of coronary disease are important limitations of the porcine model. The potential of OT for treatment of MI remains but our results suggest that systemic administration of OT by continuous infusion as part of a replacement therapy should be investigated further in relation to endogenous levels. Further investigations on safety of the treatment with OT on animal MI models are warranted before the use of OT can be considered in the patient population after myocardial infarct. On the other hand, endogenous levels of OT may have a prognostic value and clinical trials to investigate this hypothesis may be of interest.

Etude des mécanismes d’interaction entre des porphyrines dendrimériques et des membranes de cellules tumorales : validation d’un modèle artificiel par une approche cellulaire / Study of the interactions mechanisms between glycodendrimeric porphyrins and tumor cells membranes : assessment of an artificial model with a cellular approach

Daghildjian, Katia 06 December 2013 (has links)
La thérapie photodynamique (PDT) constitue une approche prometteuse pour le traitement de tumeurs cancéreuses accessibles à la lumière, en particulier pour la réduction des effets indésirables comparés à la chimiothérapie classique. Particulièrement intéressante pour le traitement du rétinoblastome, cancer le plus fréquent chez le jeune enfant, elle nécessite le développement de nouveaux photosensibilisateurs dont la structure est mieux adaptée aux spécificités des cellules ciblées. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié des dérivés porphyriniques à structure dendrimérique pour amplifier leur caractère amphiphile et créer un cluster de sucres. Cette structure pourrait favoriser la reconnaissance de ces molécules par des récepteurs membranaires, interactions déjà mises en évidence grâce à des modèles membranaires artificiels. L'objectif de cette thèse était de déterminer les mécanismes d'interactions spécifiques et non spécifiques de ces molécules avec la membrane plasmique et de valider la pertinence des modèles artificiels. Si la culture cellulaire s'est avérée inadaptée pour cette détermination, une approche innovante utilisant une microbalance à cristal de quartz et des expériences de cytométrie en flux ont confirmé la capacité des porphyrines dendrimériques à interagir avec un ou plusieurs récepteurs spécifiques. Une analyse de la composition lipidique des membranes cellulaires de la lignée Y79 et de deux xénogreffes a été également entreprise afin de mieux caractériser ces membranes et de contribuer à l'élaboration d'un modèle lipidique artificiel davantage biomimétique du rétinoblastome. / Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) is a promising alternative treatment against solid tumors reachable to light with less side-effects than classical chemotherapies. Its efficacy mainly relies on the physicochemical properties of a photosensitizer (PS), and its penetration into tumour cells. PDT is particularly interisting for the treatment of retinoblastoma, a malignant intraocular tumor affecting young children. Consequently, new photosensitizers need to be created. Since PS uptake may be ease by the over-expression of a mannose receptor at the surface of retinoblastoma cells, amphiphilic dendrimeric porphyrins grafted with mannose groups have been synthetised. Model membranes allow the identification of structural parameters controlling the passive penetration of porphyrins into cells. Specific interactions have been previously shown between these porphyrins and a model membrane grafted with a lectin (Concanavalin A) mimicking the mannose receptor on the retinoblastoma cell membrane. In this work we aimed at i) assessing the relevance of the membrane model with biological studies (cell culture and flow cytometry) and ii) improve the model with a lipidomic analysis of retinoblastoma cells and xenografts. Cell culture revealed to be unsuitable for our studies. To overcome this, we used an innovative approach in which retinoblastoma cells were immobilized onto the sensor of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-D). We fully confirmed the results achieved with the artificial membrane model. Since the composition of a membrane plays a crucial role, a lipidomic analysis of Y79 cell and xenografts membranes has been performed. Phospholipids and cholesterol have been identified and quantified with LC-DEDL and GC-MS. The feedback from these experiments not only provided useful information about the differences in lipidic composition of these membranes, but also allowed us to refine the lipidic composition of our models.

Physiological characteristics of sodium lactate infusion during resistance exercise / Fysiologisk karakteristika av natriumlaktat infusion under styrketräning

Danielsson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Previous studies that utilized sodium lactate infusion did not use resistance exercise protocol or analyzed muscle biopsies, or performed sex specific analysis. Aim: We initiated a project where resistance exercise was performed with low and high levels of lactate, acquired by venous lactate infusion where the specific aim of this study was to investigate and chart the physiological characteristics of sodium lactate infusion during a bout of resistance exercise on whole group level and sexes separated Method: A randomized, placebo controlled, cross-over design was implemented where male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects accustomed to resistance exercise visited the laboratory three times for preliminary testing and training familiarization. In the following two experimental trials subjects arrived in an overnight fasted state. A resting state muscle biopsy was extracted from m. vastus lateralis and repeated blood samples were initiated which followed by 20 minute of baseline infusion of either infusate in resting state at 0.05 mmol/kg/min infusion rate with additional bolus doses during subsequent exercise. Following a brief warm up, unilateral knee-extensions (6 x 8-10 reps at 75% of 1-RM) were performered with or without venous infusion of sodium lactate, with volume matched saline as control. Exercise load and volume were matched between trials. Four additional biopsies were extracted at post-exercise, recovery period, and 24-hour post-exercise. Results: Sodium lactate infusion vs saline infusion respectively during resistance exercise yielded significantly higher blood lactate with sodium lactate (6.78 ± 0.33 mmol/l vs 2.99 ± 0.17 mmol/l), plasma lactate (8.86 ± 0.39 mmol/l vs 4.39 ± 0.22 mmol/l), blood sodium (143 ± 0.4 mmol/l vs 142 ± 0.3 mmol/l), blood pH (7.42 ± 0.01 vs 7.34 ± 0.01), but lower blood potassium (3.9 ± 0.1 mmol/l vs 4.2 ±  0.1 mmol/l), all  immediately following exercise. Sodium lactate infusion elicited main effect of trials and muscle lactate increased from baseline (8.5 ± 0.9 mmol·kg-1 dw vs 7.0 ± 0.6 mmol·kg-1 dw) to post-exercise (31.5 ± 2.8 mmol·kg-1 dw vs 26.9 ± 3.2 mmol·kg-1 dw) with sodium lactate and saline infusion respectively. Blood glucose, hemoglobin and muscle pH was not affected by sodium lactate infusion. Conclusions: Utilization of the sodium lactate infusion method during a bout of resistance exercise may be used as tool to effectively increase blood/plasma lactate and, to lesser extent, muscle content of lactate. However, a concomitant slightly alkalizing effect of blood likely will occur. / Tidigare studier som använt natriumlaktat infusion använde inte styrketräningsprotokoll, eller analyserade muskelbiopsier eller utförde könsspecifika analyser. Syfte och frågeställningar: Vi initierade ett projekt där styrketräning utfördes med låga eller höga nivåer av laktat som erhölls genom venös natriumlaktat infusion med det specifika syftet att undersöka och kartlägga fysiologisk karakteristiska av naturiumlaktat infusion under styrketräningsövning på helgrupps- och könsseparerad nivå. Följande frågeställningar inrättades; hur påverkar natriumlaktat infusion under styrketräning helblod- och plasma laktat, glukos, natrium, kalium, plasma volym genom hemoglobin och hematokrit, blod pH, muskellaktat- och muskel pH samt om skillnader i respons finns efter att könsspecifika analyser utförts på dessa variabler. Metod: En randomiserad, placebokontrollerad cross-over design implementerades där styrketräningsvana män (n = 8) och kvinnor (n = 8) besökte laboratoriet tre gånger för preliminäraför tester och träningsfamiliarisering. I efterföljande två experimentella försök anlände försökspersonerna i ett över nattligt fastande tillstånd. En baslinje biopsi extraherades från m. vastus lateralis och repeterade blodprover initierades med efterföljande 20 minuter av baslinje infusion av endera infusat i vilotillstånd med 0.05 mmol/kg/min infusionshastighet med ytterligare bolusdoser under efterföljande träning. Efter en kort uppvärmning utfördes unilaterala knäextensioner (6 x 8-10 reps vid 75% av 1-RM) med eller utan venös infusion av natrium laktat, med volymmatchande saltlösning som kontroll. Träningsbelastning och volym matchades mellan försök. Ytterligare fyra biopsier extraherades vid efter-träning, återhämtningsperiod, och efter 24 timmar. Resultat: Natriumlaktat respektive saltlösnings infusion under styrketräning gav signifikant högre blodlaktat med natriumlaktat infusion (6.78 ± 0.33 mmol/l mot 2.99 ± 0.17 mmol/l), plasmalaktat (8.86 ± 0.39 mmol/l mot 4.39 ± 0.22 mmol/l), blodnatrium (143 ± 0.4 mmol/l mot 142 ± 0.3 mmol/l), blod pH (7.42 ± 0.01 mot 7.34 ± 0.01), men lägre blod kalium (3.9 ± 0.1 mmol/l mot 4.2 ± 0.1 mmol/l), alla direkt efter träning. Natriumlaktat infusion framkallade huvudeffekt av försök och muskellaktat ökade från baslinje (8.5 ± 0.9 mmol·kg-1 dw mot 7.0 ± 0.6 mmol·kg-1 dw) till efter-träning (31.5 ± 2.8 mmol·kg-1 dw mot 26.9 ± 3.2 mmol·kg-1 dw) med natriumlaktat respektive saltlösnings infusion. Blodglukos, hemoglobin och muskel pH påverkades inte av natriumlaktat infusion. Slutsats: Användande av natriumlaktat infusion som metod under styrketräning kan effektivt användas som verktyg för att höja blod/plasma laktat, och i mindre utsträckning, muskellaktat. Emellertid är samtidig alkalisering av blod en sannolik följd. / Potential sex differences in the molecular response to resistance exercise with lactate infusion

Validation des modèles de pharmacologie de sécurité et évaluation de la valeur thérapeutique de l'oxytocine dans le traitement de l'infarctus du myocarde

Authier, Simon 06 1900 (has links)
En février, 2009 un rapport de PHRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) confirmait que plus de 300 médicaments pour le traitement des maladies cardiaques étaient en phase d’essais cliniques ou en révision par les agences règlementaires. Malgré cette abondance de nouvelles thérapies cardiovasculaires, le nombre de nouveaux médicaments approuvés chaque année (toutes indications confondues) est en déclin avec seulement 17 et 24 nouveaux médicaments approuvés en 2007 et 2008, respectivement. Seulement 1 médicament sur 5000 sera approuvé après 10 à 15 ans de développement au coût moyen de 800 millions $. De nombreuses initiatives ont été lancées par les agences règlementaires afin d’augmenter le taux de succès lors du développement des nouveaux médicaments mais les résultats tardent. Cette stagnation est attribuée au manque d’efficacité du nouveau médicament dans bien des cas mais les évaluations d’innocuité remportent la palme des causes d’arrêt de développement. Primum non nocere, la maxime d’Hippocrate, père de la médecine, demeure d’actualité en développement préclinique et clinique des médicaments. Environ 3% des médicaments approuvés au cours des 20 dernières années ont, par la suite, été retirés du marché suite à l’identification d’effets adverses. Les effets adverses cardiovasculaires représentent la plus fréquente cause d’arrêt de développement ou de retrait de médicament (27%) suivi par les effets sur le système nerveux. Après avoir défini le contexte des évaluations de pharmacologie de sécurité et l’utilisation des bio-marqueurs, nous avons validé des modèles d’évaluation de l’innocuité des nouveaux médicaments sur les systèmes cardiovasculaires, respiratoires et nerveux. Évoluant parmi les contraintes et les défis des programmes de développements des médicaments, nous avons évalué l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’oxytocine (OT), un peptide endogène à des fins thérapeutiques. L’OT, une hormone historiquement associée à la reproduction, a démontré la capacité d’induire la différentiation in vitro de lignées cellulaires (P19) mais aussi de cellules souches embryonnaires en cardiomyocytes battants. Ces observations nous ont amené à considérer l’utilisation de l’OT dans le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. Afin d’arriver à cet objectif ultime, nous avons d’abord évalué la pharmacocinétique de l’OT dans un modèle de rat anesthésié. Ces études ont mis en évidence des caractéristiques uniques de l’OT dont une courte demi-vie et un profil pharmacocinétique non-linéaire en relation avec la dose administrée. Ensuite, nous avons évalué les effets cardiovasculaires de l’OT sur des animaux sains de différentes espèces. En recherche préclinique, l’utilisation de plusieurs espèces ainsi que de différents états (conscients et anesthésiés) est reconnue comme étant une des meilleures approches afin d’accroître la valeur prédictive des résultats obtenus chez les animaux à la réponse chez l’humain. Des modèles de rats anesthésiés et éveillés, de chiens anesthésiés et éveillés et de singes éveillés avec suivi cardiovasculaire par télémétrie ont été utilisés. L’OT s’est avéré être un agent ayant d’importants effets hémodynamiques présentant une réponse variable selon l’état (anesthésié ou éveillé), la dose, le mode d’administration (bolus ou infusion) et l’espèce utilisée. Ces études nous ont permis d’établir les doses et régimes de traitement n’ayant pas d’effets cardiovasculaires adverses et pouvant être utilisées dans le cadre des études d’efficacité subséquentes. Un modèle porcin d’infarctus du myocarde avec reperfusion a été utilisé afin d’évaluer les effets de l’OT dans le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. Dans le cadre d’un projet pilote, l’infusion continue d’OT initiée immédiatement au moment de la reperfusion coronarienne a induit des effets cardiovasculaires adverses chez tous les animaux traités incluant une réduction de la fraction de raccourcissement ventriculaire gauche et une aggravation de la cardiomyopathie dilatée suite à l’infarctus. Considérant ces observations, l’approche thérapeutique fût révisée afin d’éviter le traitement pendant la période d’inflammation aigüe considérée maximale autour du 3ième jour suite à l’ischémie. Lorsqu’initié 8 jours après l’ischémie myocardique, l’infusion d’OT a engendré des effets adverses chez les animaux ayant des niveaux endogènes d’OT élevés. Par ailleurs, aucun effet adverse (amélioration non-significative) ne fût observé chez les animaux ayant un faible niveau endogène d’OT. Chez les animaux du groupe placebo, une tendance à observer une meilleure récupération chez ceux ayant des niveaux endogènes initiaux élevés fût notée. Bien que la taille de la zone ischémique à risque soit comparable à celle rencontrée chez les patients atteints d’infarctus, l’utilisation d’animaux juvéniles et l’absence de maladies coronariennes sont des limitations importantes du modèle porcin utilisé. Le potentiel de l’OT pour le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde demeure mais nos résultats suggèrent qu’une administration systémique à titre de thérapie de remplacement de l’OT devrait être considérée en fonction du niveau endogène. De plus amples évaluations de la sécurité du traitement avec l’OT dans des modèles animaux d’infarctus du myocarde seront nécessaires avant de considérer l’utilisation d’OT dans une population de patients atteint d’un infarctus du myocarde. En contre partie, les niveaux endogènes d’OT pourraient posséder une valeur pronostique et des études cliniques à cet égard pourraient être d’intérêt. / In february 2009, a report from PHRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) confirmed that more than 300 drugs for treatment of cardiovascular diseases were in clinical trials or under review by regulatory agencies. Despite the abundance of new cardiovascular therapies, the number of new drugs approved each year (all indications combined) is declining steadily with only 17 and 24 new drugs approved in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Only 1 drug out of 5000 candidates will be approved after 10 to 15 years of development with an average cost of $800 millions. Several initiatives have been launched by regulatory agencies to increase the success rate in drug development but results are still awaited. This stagnation is attributed to the lack of efficacy of several drug candidates but safety assessments are the leading cause of drug development discontinuation. Primum non nocere, the maxim from Hippocrate, father of medicine, remains of major relevance in preclinical and clinical drug development. Over the past 20 years, approximately 3% of approved drugs were subsequently withdrawn from the market due to adverse effects. Cardiovascular adverse effects represent the most frequent cause of drug development discontinuation or withdrawal (27%) followed by effects on the nervous system. After defining the context of safety pharmacology evaluations and the use of biomarkers in drug development, we validated safety pharmacology models to investigate drug-induced cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological effects. As we progressed within constraints and challenges of drug development, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of oxytocin, an endogenous peptide with therapeutic potential. Oxytocin (OT), a hormone historically associated with reproduction, demonstrated the ability to induce in vitro differentiation of cell lines (P19) but also embryonic stem cells into beating cardiomyocytes. These observations lead us to consider the use of OT as a treatment for myocardial infarct. To achieve this ultimate goal, we first evaluated the pharmacokinetic of OT in an anesthetized rat model. These investigations highlighted the unique characteristics of OT including a very short half-life and a non-linear pharmacokinetic profile in response to the dose. Cardiovascular effects of OT in healthy animals were then evaluated in various species. In preclinical research, the use of various animal species and state of consciousness (conscious or anesthetized) is recognized as one of the best strategies to increase the predictive value of results obtained in animals to the human response. Our initial investigations of OT treatment regimens used various animal models including conscious and anesthetized rats, anesthetized pigs, conscious dogs with indirect blood pressure monitoring and diuresis and conscious monkeys with cardiovascular telemetry monitoring. These studies confirmed OT to have significant hemodynamic effects with variable responses depending on the state of consciousness (conscious or anesthetized), the dose, the administration protocol (bolus or infusion) and the species that were used. These screening studies enabled selection of a treatment regimen and dose without adverse effects that could subsequently be tested in efficacy studies. A porcine myocardial infarct (MI) model with reperfusion was used to evaluate the effects of OT following myocardial ischemia. In a pilot project, continuous infusion of OT initiated immediately at coronary reperfusion induced cardiovascular adverse effects in all treated animals including a reduction of left ventricular fraction shortening and worsening of dilated cardiomyopathy which is typical following MI. Considering these observations, the therapeutic strategy was revised to avoid OT treatment during the inflammatory phase which was considered maximal around day 3 post-ischemia. When initiated 8 days after MI, OT infusion induced adverse effects in animals with elevated endogenous levels of OT. In contrast, no significant effects (not statistically significant improvement) were observed in animals with low endogenous OT baseline. In placebo treated animals, a trend to observe a better recovery was noted in animals with high endogenous OT baseline. While the size of the ischemic zone was comparable to human patients with MI, the use of juvenile animals and the absence of coronary disease are important limitations of the porcine model. The potential of OT for treatment of MI remains but our results suggest that systemic administration of OT by continuous infusion as part of a replacement therapy should be investigated further in relation to endogenous levels. Further investigations on safety of the treatment with OT on animal MI models are warranted before the use of OT can be considered in the patient population after myocardial infarct. On the other hand, endogenous levels of OT may have a prognostic value and clinical trials to investigate this hypothesis may be of interest.

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