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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Johnson, Rowena January 2021 (has links)
Modifications, alterations, and enhancements to the body have been a practice forvarious ethnic, religious, and cultural groups across the globe for centuries. Over recent years, augmentations to the buttocks have become increasingly popular amongst women in Black and Brown communities. It is necessary to examine the health concerns, medical neglect, and societal influences that have contributed to the alarming increase of health complications and fatalities within these communities as a result of the procedures. Specifically, the administration of illegal injectable substances to the buttocks and the “Brazilian Butt Lift” procedure are in need of serious ethical focus and concern. In addition to the harmful health effects that result from these procedures, it is also important to recognize relevant societal and structural factors that intersect this rising issue. To fully comprehend the magnitude of the ongoing concerns, the history of buttock augmenting will be thoroughly discussed, other serious contributing factors, accessibility to adequate healthcare, and health knowledge. Cosmetic enhancements should come from a place of both empowerment and wellbeing, however the current conditions in the industry as it pertains to marginalized communities reflect otherwise. There are several contextual aspects as to why the ramifications of these procedures are so detrimental and it is my intention to highlight these issues, discuss the ethical implications, implore further research efforts, and then provide possible solutions to help address this growing issue. / Urban Bioethics

Faktorer som påverkar barnet i samband med intramuskulära injektioner : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Factors that affect children in the context of intramuscular injections : A systematic literature review

Bohman, Mikaela, Grimbeck, Ann January 2022 (has links)
Att lindra smärta är en basal mänsklig rättighet. Barn är extra utsatta i vården, de kan ha svårt att uttrycka egen vilja och får till skillnad från vuxna inte fatta egna beslut. Specialistsjuksköterskan måste därför värna om barnets autonomi och integritet. Rätt bemötande och förberedelse ökar tillit och trygghet liksom möjlighet att genomföra en nålprocedur på ett bra sätt. De underlag som finns tillgängliga idag upplevs dock inte ge tillräcklig vägledning för att säkerställa barnets rätt till adekvat stödjande metoder. Syftet var därför att kartlägga vad som påverkar barnets smärta och rädsla i samband med intramuskulära injektioner mellan noll och sex års ålder. En systematisk litteraturöversikt genomfördes. Resultatartiklarna söktes fram via databaserna Cinahl, Medline och PsycINFO och kvalitetsgranskades utifrån granskningsmallar Critical Appraisal Skill Programme [CASP]. Resultatet baseras på tolv kvantitativa studier och indikerar att föräldrars beteende påverkar barnet samt att information till föräldrar och barn, distraktion samt farmakologiska metoder påverkar barnet positivt. Det visar också på att tidigare smärtfylld upplevelse i samband med intramuskulära injektioner kan påverka barnet senare i livet. Endast genom att det finns risk för långsiktig påverkan måste barnets rättigheter och skyddsbehov bevakas. Slutsatsen är att barn och föräldrar bör erbjudas adekvat information och individuell stöttning. Barnets perspektiv måste synliggöras för att skapa en acceptabel situation för barnet. Som kliniska implikationer föreslås att distraktion och oral glukoslösning bör erbjudas frikostigt. Topikal anestesi bör erbjudas efter individuell bedömning. Huruvida två samtidiga injektioner bör användas kräver ytterligare studier. / Children are particularly vulnerable in the context of healthcare. Nurses must therefore protect the child's autonomy and integrity. Proper preparation and treatment increase trust as well as the ability to carry out the needle procedure, but available guidelines are not perceived to provide sufficient guidance to ensure the child’s right to adequate supportive methods. The aim of this study was therefore to identify what affects children's pain and distress in the context of intramuscular injections up to six years of age. A systematic literature review was conducted where scientific articles were searched via the databases Cinahl, Medline and PsycINFO and were quality-checked based on quality review template Critical Appraisal Skill Program [CASP]. The results, based on twelve quantitative studies, indicates that parents' behaviour affects the child and that information to parents and child, distraction, and pharmacological methods may lead to positive effects. Moreover, a previously painful experience in context of an intramuscular injection may affect the child later in life. Only by the risk of long-term impact the child's rights and need for protection should be safeguarded. Thus, children and parents should be offered adequate information and individual support. The child’s perspective must be made visible to create an acceptable situation for the child. As clinical implications, it is suggested that distraction and oral glucose solution should be offered generously. Topical anesthesia should be offered after individual assessment. Whether two simultaneous injections should be used requires further studies.

Ögonsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter med oro i samband med planerade ingrepp i ögat : En intervjustudie / Ophthalmic nurses’ experiences of meeting patients with nervousness and anxiety associated with planned invasive procedures in the eye : An interview study

Gårdestedt, Linda, Westberg, Lina January 2024 (has links)
Problem definition: Cataract surgery and intravitreal injections are common treatmentsat eye clinics and these procedures can be preceded by worry and anxiety in the patient.It is the ophthalmic nurse's responsibility to work for good nursing care and promotewell-being for all patients. Increased knowledge of the ophthalmic nurse's experience ofmeeting patients with anxiety during eye procedures would therefore be valuable inpromoting health and well-being. Purpose: To explore ophthalmic nurses’ experiencesof meeting patients with anxiety associated with planned invasive procedures in the eye.Method: A qualitative interview study with semi-structured questions and an inductiveapproach was performed. Ten ophthalmic nurses from five eye clinics in Central andSouth of Sweden participated in the study. Results: The analysis resulted into threecategories and eight subcategories. The three categories where Anxiety vary,Circumstances that can affect anxiety and Anxiety can lead to consequences.Conclusion: The ophthalmic nurses´ experiences were that all patients were anxiouspreoperatively. Individualized information and person-centered nursing care reducedpatients´ anxiety. The importance of the team and specific nursing actions such ashandhold were also of value. Future studies could be interviews with ophthalmic nurses’or patients with focus on nursing actions that can calm anxiety. / Problemformulering: Kataraktkirurgi och intravitreala injektioner är vanliga ingrepppå ögonmottagningar och dessa ingrepp kan föregås av oro och ångest hos patienten. Iögonsjuksköterskans ansvar ligger det att arbeta för en god omvårdnad och främjavälbefinnande för alla patienter. Ökad kunskap om ögonsjuköterskans erfarenhet avmötet med patienter med oro vid ingrepp i ögat skulle därför vara av värde för attfrämja hälsa och välbefinnande. Syfte: Att undersöka ögonsjuksköterskorserfarenheter av att möta patienter med oro i samband med planerade ingrepp i ögat.Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor och induktiv ansatsgenomfördes. Tio ögonsjuksköterskor från fem ögonmottagningar i mellersta ochsödra Sverige deltog. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier och åttasubkategorier. De tre kategorierna var; Oro varierar, Omständigheter som kanpåverka oro, Oro kan leda till konsekvenser. Konklusion: Ögonsjuksköterskornahade en erfarenhet av att alla patienter hade någon form av oro preoperativt.Individanpassad information och ett personcentrerat omvårdnadsarbete var ett stöd föratt lindra oro hos patienterna. Teamets betydelse och specifika omvårdnadsåtgärdersom till exempel en hand att hålla var också av värde. Framtida studier kan varaintervjuer med ögonsjuksköterskor eller patienter med fokus på omvårdnadsåtgärdersom kan stilla oro.

Transforaminal versus intra-articular facet steroid injections for the treatment of cervical radiculopathy : a randomized, double-blinded, controlled study

Bureau, Nathalie 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude a été subventionnée par le Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQ-S, grant # 21230 – 2) / Les infiltrations foraminales cervicales sont associées à un risque de complications neurologiques majeures. Cette étude compare l’efficacité des infiltrations facettaires, plus sécuritaires, à celle des infiltrations foraminales dans le traitement de la cervico-brachialgie secondaire à une spondylose et/ou à une hernie discale, à 4 semaines post traitement. Cinquante-six sujets ont été randomisés pour recevoir une infiltration foraminale (15 hommes, 13 femmes ; âge moyen 52 ans) ou facettaire (8 hommes, 20 femmes ; âge moyen 44 ans). L’issue principale était l’intensité de la douleur mesurée sur une échelle visuelle analogique (0 – 100). Les issues secondaires étaient le Neck Disability Index et le Medication Quantitative Scale. Suivant les analyses en intention-de-traiter et en intention-du-protocole, pour un score de douleur initial moyen, une réduction significative de l’intensité de la douleur a été observée avec les infiltrations facettaires [45.3% (95%CI: 21.4; 69.2) et 37.0% (95%CI: 9.2; 64.7)] contrairement aux infiltrations foraminales [9.8% (95%CI: +11.5; 31.2) et 17.8% (95%CI: +6.6; 42.2)]. Les infiltrations facettaires ont procuré une amélioration cliniquement (mais non statistiquement) significative du Neck Disability Index [24.3% (95%CI: +2.9; 51.5) et 20.7% (95%CI: +6.2; 47.6),], contrairement aux infiltrations foraminales [9.6% (95%CI: +15.2; 34.4) et 12.8% (95%CI: +11.2; 36.7)]. Les infiltrations facettaires étaient au moins aussi efficaces que les infiltrations foraminales pour un score initial de douleur ≤ 60, alors que l’analyse de non infériorité n’était pas concluante pour un score initial ≥ 80, de même que pour le Neck Disability Index. Les infiltrations n’ont pas été associées à une réduction du score de Medication Quantitative Scale. Les infiltrations facettaires sont efficaces dans le traitement de la névralgie cervico-brachiale et représentent une alternative valable et plus sécuritaire aux infiltrations foraminales. / Transforaminal corticosteroid injections can be performed in the management of cervical radiculopathy but carry the risk of catastrophic complications. This study compares the efficacy of transforaminal and facet corticosteroid injections at 4 weeks post treatment. We randomly assigned 56 subjects to receive CT-guided transforaminal (15 men, 13 women; mean age 52 years; range 28 – 72 years) or facet (8 men, 20 women; mean 44 years; range 26 – 60 years) injections. The primary outcome was pain severity rated on a visual analog scale (0-100). Secondary outcome measures were the Neck Disability Index and the Medication Quantitative Scale. In the intention-to-treat and as-treated analyses, for a mean baseline score, facet injections demonstrated a significant pain score reduction of 45.3% (95%CI: 21.4; 69.2) and 37.0% (95%CI: 9.2; 64.7), while transforaminal injections showed nonsignificant pain score reduction of 9.8% (95%CI: +11.5; 31.2) and 17.8% (95%CI: +6.6; 42.2). While facet injections demonstrated an improvement in Neck Disability Index score of [24.3% (95%CI: +2.9; 51.5); 20.7% (95%CI: +6.2; 47.6),] as opposed to transforaminal injections [9.6% (95%CI: +15.2; 34.4); 12.8% (95%CI: +11.2; 36.7)], the results did not reach statistical significance. Noninferiority of facet to transforaminal injections was demonstrated for baseline pain score ≤ 60, while noninferiority analysis was inconclusive for baseline pain score ≥ 80 and for the Neck Disability Index score. Neither intervention showed a significant medication intake score reduction over time. Facet injections are effective for the treatment of cervical radiculopathy and represent a valid and safer alternative to transforaminal injections.

Human gamete micromanipulation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICI) : its impact on severe male infertility

Windt, Marie-Lena 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch Uni versity, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) introduced a revolutionary way of treatment for male factor infertility. With the exception of some cases of non-obstructive azoospermia, all other male factor infertility cases have the potential to be successfully treated with ICS!. The only prerequisite seems to be the presence of a motile or viable immotile sperm cell for each oocyte. In this study we report on our own experience with the development and implementation of the ICSI method in the Reproductive Biology Unit at Tygerberg Hospita!. An analysis of 5 years of ICSI experience showed that semen parameters, sperm morphology, motility and concentration did not influence fertilization and pregnancy rates adversely. In most cases, patients who could not be treated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), due to poor semen parameters or fertilization failure, were treated successfully with ICS!. Even a case of globozoospermia was treated successfully with ICS!. Testicular spermatozoa, fresh or frozen-thawed, also resulted in excellent fertilization and pregnancy rates. Cryopreservation of testicular samples facilitated the management of the infertile couple, aiding the coordination of the recovery of vital gametes from both partners and also limiting the repetition of testicular biopsies. Incubation (maturation) of testicular spermatozoa also induced an enhancement in pregnancy rates. It can be concluded that ICSI proved to be a treatment method with success similar to that of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), in spite of a severe male factor. The study also indicated transfer route and embryo quality (viability) to be very important factors in the success of ICS!. The tubal transfer route was shown to be a significant contributor to the pregnancy success (compared to uterine transfer) as was the transfer of embryos that showed early division to the 2-cell stage, 26 hours post injection. The transfer of early dividing embryos into the fallopian tube resulted in a pregnancy rate of almost 40%, a result similar to that of GIFT with a mild male factor. The role of the oocyte in fertilization and pregnancy success was also revealed indirectly by the introduction of ICS!. Visual observation of denuded oocytes was possible and many morphological features, normal and abnormal, can be observed. Immature oocytes can also be identified and it was shown that they could be successfully matured in vitro before injection. In this study transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to study abnormalities in oocyte morphology. The standard method was adapted and modified for single cell TEM. The abnormalities observed included lysosomal and non-lysosomal degeneration (yellowish or darkly coloured oocytes), degeneration and vacuole formation (vacuolated oocytes), large secondary lysosomes filled with multiple small lipid droplets - lipofuscin body (refractile body) and a fragmented oocyte. It was also possible to study at ultrastructural level, possible reasons for fertilization failure in ICS!. Different stages of oocyte activation failure, cytoplasmic immaturity, sperm cell extrusion, abnormal sperm cell decondensation, female spindle abnormalities and technique related factors were observed. TEM was also successfully implemented to elucidate the reason for infertility in a patient with a longstanding, unexplained history of infertility. TEM evaluation of two of the patient's unfertilized oocytes revealed a spindle abnormality with contributing cytoskeletal anomalies at ultrastructural level. The modified TEM technique offers a valuable tool to study this small, but important group of patients with unexplained infertility. ThisTEM study opened up a new, valuable and interesting avenue of research with both diagnostic and prognostic value for patients with unexplained infertility. ICSI is therefore a valuable method in the treatment of especially male factor infertility. It is the most advanced fertilization technique developed in the last decade in this field. Not only can almost all male factor patients be treated, but unexplained female infertility can also be exposed, studied and hopefully in future also be treated with micromanipulation methods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van die mikromanipulasie tegniek "Intracytoplasmic sperm injection" (ICSI) het die behandeling van die manlike faktor in infertiliteit, revolusionêr verander. Met die uitsondering van sommige gevalle van nie-obstruktiewe asoospermia, kan potensieel alle ander manlike infertiliteits faktore suksesvol met ICSI behandel word. Die enigste voorvereiste blyk "n bewegende of "n nie-bewegende, maar bewese lewende spermsel te wees. In hierdie studie word verslag gedoen oor die ontwikkeling en toepassing van die ICSI metode in die Eenhed vir Reproduktiewe Biologie by Tygerberg Hospitaal. 'n Analise van 5 jaar se resultate na die implementering van die ICSI metode het gewys dat die semen parameters, sperm morfologie, motiliteit en konsentrasie, nie "n effek op bevrugting- en swangerskapsyfers gehad het nie. Pasiënte wat, as gevolg van ontoereikende semen parameters, nie met die klassieke metodes, in vitro bevrugting (IVB) of gameet intrafallopiusbuis terugplasing (GIFT) behandel kon word nie, kon suksesvol met ICSI behandel word. Daar was selfs "n geval van manlike infertiliteit as gevolg van globosoospermie, wat suksesvol met ICS behandel is. Die ICSI metode het dit ook moontlik gemaak om uitstekende bevrugting- en swangerskap resultate met testikulêre spermatosoa .(vars en gevries) te bereik. Die bevriesing van testisweefsel het ook bygedra tot beter hantering van sulke pasiënte. Herhaalde testisbiopsies word uitgeskakel en die koórdinasie van die verkryging van die manlike en vroulike gamete, word ook vergemaklik wanneer testisweefsel in gevriesde vorm beskikbaar is. Die studie het verder getoon dat wanneer testikulêre weefsel geïnkubeer word (om spermatosoa te laat matureer), die swangerskapsyfers verhoog was. Dit is dus duidelik dat die ICSI metode net so suksesvol soos die IVB en GIFT metodes toegepas kan word, selfs en veral in gevalle van erge manlike faktor infertiliteit. Die studie het ook verder getoon dat die plek waar embrios teruggeplaas word, asook die embriokwalitiet van teruggeplaasde embrios, belangrike bydraende faktore in die ICSI swangerskapsukses was. Embrioterugplasing in die buis van fallopius en terugplasing van embrios wat vroeë 2-sel deling, 26 uur na ICSI getoon het, is uitgewys as faktore wat ICSI swangerskap betekenisvol verbeter het. Dit was moontlik om "n swangerskapsyfer van ongeveer 40%, sootgelyk aan die van GIFT sonder "n erge manlike faktor, te bereik met die terugplasing van ten minste een vroeë deler embrio in die fallopiese buis. Die ICSI tegniek het ook indirek bygedra tot nuwe insigte met betrekking tot die rol wat die vroulike eiersel (oësief in ICSI bevrugting speel. Oósiete word gestroop van hulomringende selle vir die ICSI proses en kan dan maklik vir hul normale en abnormale morfologiese eienskappe evalueer word. Oësiete wat immatuur is kan ook so geïdentifiseer word en dit is moontlik om hulle suksesvol te matureer voor mikro-inspuiting. Transmissie-elektronmikroskopie (TEM) is in die studie gebruik om die ultrastruktuur van onbevrugde en abnormale oësiete te bestudeer. Hiervoor is "n bestaande tegniek gemodifiseer vir die hantering van "n enkele sel, in hierdie geval die oosiet. Lisasomale en nie-lisosomale degenerasie (oósiete wat geelof donker van kleur voorkom), degeneratiewe tekens en vakuole (oësiete met vakuole), groot sekondêre lisosome gevul met klein lipieddruppels ('refractile body') en 'n gefragmenteerde oosiet was van die morfologies abnormale eienskappe wat ultrastruktureel geïdentifiseer is. Moontlike faktore wat 'n rol kan speel in nie-bevrugting na ICSI kon ook op ultrastrukturele vlak met die tegniek geïdentifiseer word. Hierdie faktore het die volgende ingesluit: die onvermoë van verskillende stadiums van oosiet aktivering, sitoplasmatiese immaturiteit, uitwerping van die spermsel na die periviteliene spasie, abnormale spermsel dekondensasie, vroulike spoelvormings abnormaliteite en tegniekgekoppelde faktore. Die TEM tegniek is ook suksesvol aangewend om die infertiliteitsprobleem van 'n pasiënt wat vir etlike jare aan onverklaarbare infertiliteit gely het, te identifiseer. TEM het op die ultrastrukturele vlak gewys dat daar 'n spoel abnormaliteit in twee van haar onbevrugde oëslete was. TEM kan dus baie vrugbaar gebruik word in hierdie groep pasiënte om onverklaarbare infertiliteit, wat andersins ongeïdentifiseerd sou bly, te verklaar. Die ICSI metode is die mees revolusionêre tegniek wat die afgelope dekade vir die behandeling van veral manlike infertiliteit ontwikkel en baie suksesvol toegepas is. Die metode ook kan 'n bydraende rol speel in die hantering van onverklaarbare infertiliteit veral ten opsigte van die vroulike gameet. In die toekoms is dit moontlik dat selfs hierdie probleem met nuwe mikromanipulasietegnieke opgelos sal kan word.

Estudo farmacológico, eletrofisiológico e morfológico dos efeitos da injeção intravítrea de ácido micofenólico em coelhos / Pharmacological, electrophysiological, and morphological effects of the intravitral injection of mycophenolic acid in rabbits

Gasparin, Fabio 05 April 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O micofenolato de mofetila é uma droga imunomoduladora utilizada no tratamento de uveítes crônicas não infecciosas. No entanto, até 20% dos pacientes interrompem o tratamento devido aos efeitos colaterais sistêmicos. O ácido micofenólico é a droga ativa do micofenolato de mofetila e sua aplicação na cavidade vítrea pode ser uma alternativa complementar ao tratamento sistêmico. Entretanto, deve-se considerar o risco de efeitos tóxicos da droga na retina e em outras estruturas oculares. OBJETIVOS: Determinar a meia-vida do ácido micofenólico no vítreo de coelhos e avaliar os efeitos retinianos causados pela injeção intravítrea de diferentes doses de MPA através de avaliações clínica, funcional e morfológica. MÉTODOS: Para o estudo farmacológico, a suspensão de ácido micofenólico (1 mg em 0,1 mL de veículo) foi injetada no vítreo de 16 coelhos albinos New Zealand. Como controle, o olho contralateral de cada coelho foi injetado com 0,1 mL do veículo usado na preparação da suspensão. Os animais foram sacrificados após 1, 7, 15 e 30 dias e as concentrações de ácido micofenólico no vítreo e no sangue foram determinadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Para a determinação dos efeitos retinianos do ácido micofenólico foram utilizados 20 coelhos albinos New Zealand, que foram divididos em 5 grupos com quatro animais em cada grupo. Cada animal recebeu injeção de 0,005, 0,05, 0,2, 1 e 10 mg de ácido micofenólico em 0,1 mL de veículo no olho direito e 0,1 mL do veículo no olho esquerdo. Exames de biomicroscopia com lâmpada de fenda e oftalmoscopia binocular indireta foram realizados antes da injeção e 30 dias após. A avaliação funcional da retina foi feita por eletrorretinografia, que foi realizada antes e 7, 15 e 30 dias após a injeção. Os animais foram sacrificados 30 dias após as injeções intravítreas e a avaliação histológica foi feita por microscopia de luz (hematoxilina-eosina). RESULTADOS: A meia-vida do ácido micofenólico no vítreo do coelho foi de 5,0±0,3 dias e o ácido micofenólico foi detectável no vítreo por 29 dias. O ácido micofenólico não foi detectado no vítreo do olho contralateral e no sangue em nenhum tempo estudado. Sinais inflamatórios de pouca intensidade foram observados em pelo menos um olho de cada grupo e não tiveram relação com a dose de ácido micofenólico injetada. A análise da eletrorretinografia não mostrou diferenças significativas da amplitude e tempo implícito da onda-a e da onda-b nas condições escotópica e fotópica após a injeção intravítrea nos cinco grupos avaliados. A análise da relação entre a amplitude da onda-b versus intensidade do estímulo luminoso mostrou diminuição da sensibilidade retiniana após a injeção intravítrea do ácido micofenólico nas doses de 0,05, 0,2, 1 e 10 mg. O estudo histológico não mostrou alterações estruturais da retina após a injeção intravítrea de ácido micofenólico nas cinco doses avaliadas. CONCLUSÕES: O ácido micofenólico tem meia-vida de 5 dias e foi detectável no vítreo de coelhos até 29 dias após a injeção intravítrea. A avaliação funcional mostrou que a injeção intravítrea de 0,05 a 10 mg de ácido micofenólico causou diminuição da sensibilidade retiniana. As doses entre 0,005 e 10 mg de ácido micofenólico não provocaram alterações histológicas na área analisada da retina de coelhos. / INTRODUCTION: Mycophenolate mofetil is a potent immunomodulatory agent used in the treatment of patients with chronic non-infectious uveitis. However, systemic side effects are the main reason for discontinuation, occurring in up to 20% of patients. Mycophenolic acid is the active form of mycophenolate mofetil and its intraocular delivery may avoid the side effects observed with systemic therapy. However, local side effects in the retina and other ocular structures must be considered. PURPOSE: The aims of this study were to determine the half-life of mycophenolic acid in the rabbit vitreous after intravitreal injection, and to determine the clinical, functional, and morphological retinal effects of the intravitreal injection of five different doses of mycophenolic acid. METHODS: For the pharmacological study, mycophenolic acid 1 mg was injected in the vitreous of 16 New Zealand albino rabbits. Animals were sacrificed at different time points after injections (1, 7, 15, and 30 days) and vitreous and blood samples underwent high performance liquid chromatography. For functional and histological studies, 20 New Zealand albino rabbits were divided in 5 groups of 4 animals each, according to the dose of MPA injected in the vitreous (0.005, 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 10 mg in 0.1 mL of vehicle). As control, contralateral eyes were injected with 0.1 mL of the aqueous vehicle. Electroretinograms were recorded before injection and on days 7, 15, and 30. Slit-lamp examination and indirect fundus ophthalmoscopy were performed before injection and after 30 days. Animals were sacrificed and retinas were analyzed by light microscopy (hematoxylin and eosin). RESULTS: Mycophenolic acid half-life in the rabbit vitreous was 5.0±0.3 days and the drug was detectable in the vitreous for 29 days. Mycophenolic acid was not detected either in the serum or in contralateral eyes. Signs of intraocular inflammation were detected in at least one eye of each group and had no correlation with the dose injected. Electroretinogram analysis did not show signifficant differences on a and b-wave amplitude and implicit time on scotopic and photopic conditions after intravitreal injection. The analysis of the b-wave amplitude versus light intensity curves in the dark-adapted state showed decrease in retinal sensitivity in eyes injected with mycophenolic acid 0.05, 0.2, 1 and 10 mg of the drug. No morphological change was found in any dose tested. CONCLUSION: Mycophenolic acid half-life in the rabbit vitreous is 5 days. Electroretinography shows that intravitreal injection of doses from 0.05 to 10 mg of mycophenolic acid decrease retina sensitivity. Intravitreal injection of doses from 0.005 to 10 mg of mycophenolic acid does not cause histological changes in the analysed area in the rabbit retina.

Eficácia da infiltração intra-articular de triancinolona hexacetonida versus acetato de metilprednisolona na osteoartrite de joelho: um estudo randomizado, duplo cego de 24 semanas / Efficacy of triamcinolone hexacetonide versus methylprednisolone acetate intra-articular injections in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blinded, 24-week study

Lomonte, Andrea Barranjard Vannucci 04 August 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os corticosteroides intra-articulares (IA) são amplamente utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite (OA) de joelho, porém é desconhecido qual dentre estes agentes é o mais eficaz. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a eficácia das infiltrações IA de triancinolona hexacetonida (TH) e de acetato de metilprednisolona (AM) na OA de joelho. Pacientes e Métodos: Pacientes com OA sintomática de joelho, graus II ou III de Kellgren-Lawrence, foram randomizados para receber uma única infiltração IA com 40mg de TH ou AM. As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas nas semanas 4, 12 e 24. O desfecho primário do estudo foi a melhora da dor do joelho pelo paciente por escala visual analógica (EVA) da visita basal à semana 4. Os desfechos secundários incluíram a avaliação global da doença pelo paciente e pelo médico, o questionário de osteoartrite Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC), o índice de Lequesne e o critério de resposta Outcome Measures in Rheumatology and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OMERACT-OARSI). Na análise estatística, foram empregadas equações de estimativa generalizada, com estatística de Wald para contrastes do tipo 3 e ajustes de Tukey-Kramer para comparações múltiplas. Resultados: Cem pacientes foram incluídos na população com intenção de tratar, 50 em cada braço do estudo. Uma melhora significativa na dor pela EVA foi observada na semana 4 para ambos os grupos (P < 0,0001), não havendo diferença entre eles (P=0,352). Esta melhora foi sustentada até a semana 24. Uma melhora significativa em relação à avaliação basal foi observada na avaliação global da doença pelo paciente e pelo médico, no questionário WOMAC e no índice de Lequesne, não havendo diferença entre os grupos. A melhora nos desfechos secundários de avaliação foi sustentada durante o estudo, exceto para a avaliação global da doença pelo paciente. O critério de resposta OMERACT-OARSI foi alcançado por 74% e 72% dos pacientes dos grupos TH e AM, respectivamente. Conclusão: TH e AM são igualmente eficazes na OA de joelho, e a melhora na dor e na função física pode ser sustentada por até 24 semanas / Introduction: Intra-articular (IA) corticosteroid injections are broadly used in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA), but it is unknown which of these agents is the most effective. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of triamcinolone hexacetonide (TH) and methylprednisolone acetate (MA) IA injections in knee OA. Patients and Methods: Patients with symptomatic knee OA, Kellgren-Lawrence grades II or III, were randomized to receive a single IA injection with 40mg of TH or MA. Evaluations were performed at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. The primary outcome of the study was to evaluate the improvement in the patient\'s knee pain by visual analogue scale (VAS) from baseline to week 4. Secondary outcomes included the global assessment of the disease by the patient and the physician, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis questionnaire (WOMAC), the Lequesne index and the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OMERACT-OARSI) criteria of response. Generalized estimating equations with Wald statistics for type 3 contrasts and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison adjustment were employed in statistical analysis. Results: The intention-to-treat population included one hundred patients; 50 in each study arm. A significant improvement in pain by VAS was observed at week 4 for both groups (P<0.0001), with no difference between them (P=0.352). This improvement was sustained up to week 24. A significant improvement from the baseline was observed for the patients\' and the physicians\' global assessments, WOMAC questionnaire, and Lequesne index, with no differences between the groups. Improvements in the secondary outcomes were sustained during the study, except for the patients\' global assessment of disease. OMERACT-OARSI criteria of response was achieved by 74% and 72% of patients in the TH and the MA groups, respectively. Conclusion: TH and MA are equally effective in knee OA and improvement in pain and physical function can be sustained for up to 24 week

Estudo histomorfométrico do efeito da injeção de dexametasona na fase tardia de cicatrização de prega vocal de coelho / Histomorphometric study of chronic wound healing in rabbit vocal fold after steroid injection

Takahashi-Ramos, Marystella Tomoe 09 June 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar dos avanços recentes nas técnicas e instrumentos de fonomicrocirurgia, cicatriz de prega vocal é a principal causa de persistência ou recorrência de disfonia após a microcirurgia de laringe. A cicatriz de prega vocal continua sendo um dos maiores desafios da laringologia, uma vez que ainda não existe um tratamento consistentemente eficaz para restaurar a função vocal adequadamente. Muitos cirurgiões fazem uso empírico de injeções de corticosteroides na prega vocal durante a fonomicrocirurgia, na tentativa de evitar ou reduzir a formação de cicatriz, apesar da inexistência de evidências científicas que justifiquem seu uso. Em estudo prévio realizado na Disciplina de Otorrinolaringologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, a injeção intracordal de corticosteroide intraoperatória levou à redução significativa de deposição de colágeno, sem diferença no número de células inflamatórias, no terceiro e sétimo dia de pós-operatório. Desconhece-se, no entanto, se essas alterações persistem em fases mais tardias da cicatrização da prega vocal. O objetivo deste estudo foi, portanto, investigar a existência de benefícios em longo prazo da injeção intralesional de corticosteroide no processo cicatricial da prega vocal. MÉTODO: catorze coelhos albinos machos da raça New Zealand foram submetidos a incisão em toda extensão das pregas vocais seguida de injeção de dexametasona na prega vocal direita. A prega vocal esquerda não recebeu injeção e serviu como controle. As laringes foram excisadas em dois períodos: sete e 180 dias de pós-operatório. A coloração de hematoxilina-eosina foi utilizada para a análise quantitativa da resposta inflamatória e o método de Picrossírius-polarização para análise quantitativa e descritiva de deposição de colágeno. RESULTADOS: Houve um aumento não significativo na quantidade de células inflamatórias na prega vocal tratada com corticosteroide no grupo sacrificado no 7º dia de pós-operatório. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na resposta inflamatória entre as pregas vocais do grupo sacrificado no 180º dia de pós-operatório ou quando os grupos sacrificados no 7º e 180º dia foram comparados. Foi observada tendência à redução na deposição de colágeno na prega vocal tratada no 7º dia de pós-operatório, o que não ocorreu na avaliação do 180º dia. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas quando os grupos foram comparados entre si (grupo sacrificado no 7º dia versus grupo sacrificado no 180º dia). As pregas vocais que receberam injeção de dexametasona apresentaram melhor organização e menor espessura das fibras de colágeno do que as pregas vocais controle, tanto na avalição do 7º quanto 180º dia de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que, embora a injeção intracordal de corticosteroide não tenha tido impacto significativo sobre a quantidade de células inflamatórias ou taxa de deposição de colágeno, ela propiciou uma melhor organização e menor espessura das fibras de colágeno na fase crônica da cicatrização / INTRODUCTION: Despite recent advances in phonosurgery techniques and instruments, vocal fold scar is the greatest cause of poor voice outcome following laryngeal surgery. Vocal fold scarring remains one of the most challenging problems in the clinical practice of laryngology, since a consistently effective treatment to restore adequate vocal function has not been established yet. Many surgeons empirically use corticosteroid submucosal injection during phonosurgery in an attempt to prevent scar formation despite the lack of evidence to support its use. In a previous study conducted in the Discipline of Otorhinolaryngology of University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, intracordal corticosteroid injection immediately after injury led to significantly reduced collagen deposition with no change in number of inflammatory cells at the third e seventh day post-lesion in a rabbit model. It is not known, however, if these findings persist on later phases of wound healing. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the existence of long-term benefits from the use of intracordal corticosteroid injection in the wound healing process of the vocal folds. METHODS: Fourteen male albino New Zealand rabbits underwent bilateral vocal fold incision followed by dexamethasone injection into the right vocal fold. The left vocal fold was not injected and served as control. Larynges were harvested at two time points: seven (group 1) and 180 days (group 2). Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used for quantitative analysis of inflammatory response and Picrosirius polarization method for quantitative and descriptive analysis of collagen deposition. RESULTS: There was a non-significant increase in inflammatory cells in the steroid-treated vocal fold on day 7. No significant differences in the inflammatory response were observed between vocal folds on day 180 or when group 1 was compared with group 2. There was a trend for reduction in collagen deposition in the treated vocal folds on day 7, but no significant difference on day 180. No significant difference was observed when group 1 (day 7) was compared with group 2 (day 180). Collagen fibers were better organized and thinner in the steroid-treated vocal fold in both time points of sacrifice. CONCLUSION: The present results suggest that, although corticosteroid intracordal injection has no significant impact on the number of inflammatory cells or collagen rate deposition, it leads to a better and more organized arrangement of collagen fibers on chronic phase of wound healing _________________________________________

Avaliação da força muscular, dor, edema, amplitude de movimento e capacidade funcional em mulheres com artrite reumatoide após infiltração intra-articular de hexacetonide de triancinolona no joelho: um ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, cego / Evaluation of muscle strength, pain, swelling, range of motion and functional capacity in women with rheumatoid arthritis after intra-articular infiltration of triamcinolone hexacetonide in knee: a randomized, controlled, blinded clinical trial

Lourenço, Mariana de Almeida [UNESP] 17 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana De Almeida Lourenço (maalmeida1@terra.com.br) on 2019-01-29T12:04:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_Mariana_Almeida_FINAL.pdf: 3376155 bytes, checksum: 3ab5bd7934378b17e0fc5c3b3bdc4cb9 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Aparecida Puerta null (dripuerta@rc.unesp.br), reason: Prezada Mariana, O documento enviado para a coleção Campus Unesp Rio Claro foi recusado pelo(s) seguinte(s) motivo(s): - Ficha catalográfica: Note que abaixo do quadrado conta o Instituto errado. Está Biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Araraquara. Necessário refazer no site e corrigir o campus. Agradecemos a compreensão e aguardamos o envio do novo arquivo. Atenciosamente, Biblioteca Campus Rio Claro Repositório Institucional UNESP https://repositorio.unesp.br on 2019-01-29T18:30:27Z (GMT) / Submitted by Mariana De Almeida Lourenço (maalmeida1@terra.com.br) on 2019-01-30T11:47:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_Mariana_Almeida_Lourenco.pdf: 3376137 bytes, checksum: b295dd19c611a8e8c01700329ec22a7f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Aparecida Puerta null (dripuerta@rc.unesp.br) on 2019-01-30T12:50:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lourenço_ma_dr_rcla.pdf: 3179228 bytes, checksum: 9affa4b46e866d3534005db21feb3961 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-01-30T12:50:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lourenço_ma_dr_rcla.pdf: 3179228 bytes, checksum: 9affa4b46e866d3534005db21feb3961 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-12-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A articulação do joelho é frequentemente acometida por sinovite em pacientes com artrite reumatoide (AR). Esse processo inflamatório provoca um reflexo de inibição muscular artrogênica e consequente diminuição de força nos extensores de joelho, além de dor, edema e prejuízos funcionais. A infiltração intra-articular (IIA) com hexacetonide de triancinolona (HT) tem se mostrado eficaz no controle do acometimento articular em pacientes com AR. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos da infiltração intra-articular em mulheres com AR de HT ou solução salina em parâmetros como força muscular de extensores de joelho, dor, edema, funcionalidade e amplitude de movimento. Vinte e uma mulheres com AR foram randomizadas aleatoriamente para receber 3ml de HT (GI) ou de solução salina (GC) no joelho, com avaliações feitas em 4 momentos: imediatamente antes a IIA, após 2, 6 e 12 semanas. Foram aplicados questionários para funcionalidade (WOMAC, Lequesne, HAQ), escala visual analógica para dor ao repouso e ao movimento, circumetria, teste de força de extensores de joelho, biofotogrametria para amplitude de movimento e os testes físicos Timed Up And Go (TUG) e Teste de Sentar e Levantar. Na análise estatística foi realizado teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk, Teste de Levene para homogeneidade dos grupos, análise de variância (ANOVA) mista com medidas repetidas para comparação intra e inter grupos, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear com significância de P< 0,05. Foi observado diminuição da dor ao repouso e ao movimento, redução do edema e melhora da funcionalidade no grupo que recebeu o medicamento, porém não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos com relação à força muscular e amplitude de movimento. O presente estudo mostrou que, embora não haja diferença na força muscular e amplitude de movimento, a eficácia da IIA com HT em joelho parece ser superior na melhora da dor, edema e funcionalidade quando comparada a solução salina em mulheres com AR. / The knee joint is often affected by synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. This inflammatory process causes a reflex of arthrogenic muscle inhibition and consequent decrease of strength in the knee extensors, pain, swelling and functional impairment. Intra-articular infiltration (IIA) with triamcinolone hexacetonide (HT) has been shown to be effective in controlling joint involvement in RA patients. The general objective of the present study was to analyze the effects of intraarticular infiltration in RA women´s knee with HT or saline solution in parameters such as knee extensors muscle strength, pain, swelling, functionality and range of motion. Twenty-one RA women were randomly assigned to receive 3ml of TH (GI) or saline solution (GC) in the knee, with assessments made in 4 moments: immediately before the IIA, after 2, 6 and 12 weeks. Functional questionnaires (WOMAC, Lequesne, HAQ), visual analogue scale for pain, circummetry, knee extensor strength test, biophotogrammetry for range of motion and the physical test Timed Up And Go (TUG). Statistical analysis was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, Levene test for homogeneity of groups, mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures for intra and inter group comparison, Pearson's correlation and linear regression with significance of P <0,05. Decreased pain at rest and movement, reduction of swelling and improvement of functionality in the group receiving the medication were observed, but there was no significant difference between the groups in relation to muscle strength and range of motion. The present study showed that, although there is no difference in muscle strength and range of motion, the effectiveness of IIA with HT in knee appears to be superior in improving joint inflammation and functionality when compared to saline solution in RA women.

Eficácia da infiltração intra-articular de triancinolona hexacetonida versus acetato de metilprednisolona na osteoartrite de joelho: um estudo randomizado, duplo cego de 24 semanas / Efficacy of triamcinolone hexacetonide versus methylprednisolone acetate intra-articular injections in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blinded, 24-week study

Andrea Barranjard Vannucci Lomonte 04 August 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os corticosteroides intra-articulares (IA) são amplamente utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite (OA) de joelho, porém é desconhecido qual dentre estes agentes é o mais eficaz. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a eficácia das infiltrações IA de triancinolona hexacetonida (TH) e de acetato de metilprednisolona (AM) na OA de joelho. Pacientes e Métodos: Pacientes com OA sintomática de joelho, graus II ou III de Kellgren-Lawrence, foram randomizados para receber uma única infiltração IA com 40mg de TH ou AM. As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas nas semanas 4, 12 e 24. O desfecho primário do estudo foi a melhora da dor do joelho pelo paciente por escala visual analógica (EVA) da visita basal à semana 4. Os desfechos secundários incluíram a avaliação global da doença pelo paciente e pelo médico, o questionário de osteoartrite Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC), o índice de Lequesne e o critério de resposta Outcome Measures in Rheumatology and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OMERACT-OARSI). Na análise estatística, foram empregadas equações de estimativa generalizada, com estatística de Wald para contrastes do tipo 3 e ajustes de Tukey-Kramer para comparações múltiplas. Resultados: Cem pacientes foram incluídos na população com intenção de tratar, 50 em cada braço do estudo. Uma melhora significativa na dor pela EVA foi observada na semana 4 para ambos os grupos (P < 0,0001), não havendo diferença entre eles (P=0,352). Esta melhora foi sustentada até a semana 24. Uma melhora significativa em relação à avaliação basal foi observada na avaliação global da doença pelo paciente e pelo médico, no questionário WOMAC e no índice de Lequesne, não havendo diferença entre os grupos. A melhora nos desfechos secundários de avaliação foi sustentada durante o estudo, exceto para a avaliação global da doença pelo paciente. O critério de resposta OMERACT-OARSI foi alcançado por 74% e 72% dos pacientes dos grupos TH e AM, respectivamente. Conclusão: TH e AM são igualmente eficazes na OA de joelho, e a melhora na dor e na função física pode ser sustentada por até 24 semanas / Introduction: Intra-articular (IA) corticosteroid injections are broadly used in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA), but it is unknown which of these agents is the most effective. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of triamcinolone hexacetonide (TH) and methylprednisolone acetate (MA) IA injections in knee OA. Patients and Methods: Patients with symptomatic knee OA, Kellgren-Lawrence grades II or III, were randomized to receive a single IA injection with 40mg of TH or MA. Evaluations were performed at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. The primary outcome of the study was to evaluate the improvement in the patient\'s knee pain by visual analogue scale (VAS) from baseline to week 4. Secondary outcomes included the global assessment of the disease by the patient and the physician, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis questionnaire (WOMAC), the Lequesne index and the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OMERACT-OARSI) criteria of response. Generalized estimating equations with Wald statistics for type 3 contrasts and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison adjustment were employed in statistical analysis. Results: The intention-to-treat population included one hundred patients; 50 in each study arm. A significant improvement in pain by VAS was observed at week 4 for both groups (P<0.0001), with no difference between them (P=0.352). This improvement was sustained up to week 24. A significant improvement from the baseline was observed for the patients\' and the physicians\' global assessments, WOMAC questionnaire, and Lequesne index, with no differences between the groups. Improvements in the secondary outcomes were sustained during the study, except for the patients\' global assessment of disease. OMERACT-OARSI criteria of response was achieved by 74% and 72% of patients in the TH and the MA groups, respectively. Conclusion: TH and MA are equally effective in knee OA and improvement in pain and physical function can be sustained for up to 24 week

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