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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad ligger bakom valet av projektmetod? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om potentiella påverkansfaktorer i beslutsprocessen gällande valet av projektmetod bland organisationer

Grufvelgård, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Projekt har använts av människor sedan början av sin tid och är idag en vanlig arbetsform bland många branscher och organisationer. Projekt är inte bara effektiva när det kommer till att åstadkomma resultat utan också för att implementera organisatoriska förändringar och anses således spela en viktig roll i införandet av hållbar utveckling bland organisationer. Projekts användbarhet har lett till att en stor mängd forskning dedikerats till ämnet projektledning vilket bland annat bidragit med en nyanserad portfolio av projekttyper och projektmetoder. Däremot har den inte försett organisationer med en förståelse för varför så många finns och hur man väljer bland dem. Forskning pekar också på att det finns ett positivt samband mellan framgångsrika projekt och lämplig projektmetodik vilket indikerar att valet av projektmetod har en stor betydelse för projektframgång och därmed också införandet av hållbar utveckling bland organisationer. Fortfarande vet vi väldigt lite om just processen att välja projektmetod. I litteraturen inom innovationsdiffusion, däremot, har man sedan långt tillbaka sökt förklaringar till varför organisationer väljer att adoptera eller avvisa innovationer och bidragit med flera teorier inom detta ämne. Målet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om innovationsdiffusionsteorier är applicerbara i ett projektmetodsammanhang och i vilken utsträckning hållbar utveckling används som bedömningskriterium med syftet att försöka beskriva vad som ligger bakom organisationers val av projektmetod. Detta har inneburit en identifikation av påverkansfaktorer inom ramen för dessa teorier, för att avgöra deras relevans i sammanhanget, samt inom hållbar utveckling. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats på teori tillämpades och data ackumulerades via intervjuer från både näringslivsanställda och forskare. Resultatet indikerar att valet av projektmetod bland organisationer med stor sannolikhet påverkas av ett flertal yttre faktorer: 1) Makthavande organisationer som hämmar företag att jobba agilt genom offentlig upphandling 2) Konsultfirmor som ”säljer” olika projektmetoder genom deras kapacitet att övertyga 3) Media som influerar beslutsfattare genom dess förmåga att skapa och kapa trender och 4) Andra organisationer som influerar andra beslutsfattare att imitera deras val av projektmetod genom deras positiva resultat eller egenskaper. / Projects have been used by people since the beginning of their time and are now a common form of work among many industries and organizations. Projects are not only effective when it comes to achieving results but also for implementing organizational changes and are thus considered to play an important role in the introduction of sustainable development among organizations. The usefulness of projects has led to a large amount of research being dedicated to the topic of project management, which has, among other things, contributed with a nuanced portfolio of project types and project methods. However, it has not provided organizations with an understanding of why so many exist and how to choose between them. Studies also indicate that there is a positive relationship between successful projects and appropriate project methodology, which indicates that the choice of project method has a great importance for project success and thus also the introduction of sustainable development among organizations. Still, we know very little about the process of choosing a project method. In the literature on the diffusion of innovations, however, researchers have sought explanations for why organizations choose to adopt or reject innovations and contributed with several theories in this subject. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate whether innovation diffusion theories are applicable in a project method context and to what extent sustainable development is used as an assessment criterion with the purpose of trying to describe what lies behind organizations' choice of project method. This has involved identifying influencing factors within the framework of these theories, to determine their relevance in the context, as well as within sustainable development. A qualitative research method with a deductive approach to theory was applied and data was accumulated via interviews from both business employees and researchers. The result indicates that the choice of project method among organizations is very likely to be influenced by a number of external factors: 1) Powerful organizations which inhibit companies from working agile through public procurement, 2) Consultancy firms which "sell" different project methods through their capacity to convince, 3) Media which influence decision makers through its ability to create and cut trends and 4) Other organizations which influence decision makers to imitate their choice of method trough their positive results or attributes.

Managing the Difficulties Related to Adoption and Diffusion of Eco-Innovations : A Case Study of Electrochromic Windows / Anammande och spridning av miljövänliga innovationer : En fallstudie av elektrokroma fönster

Sandin Viberg, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The increased determination to tackle the climate change has resulted in an increased importance of environmental friendly innovations. However, these types of products have a tendency to diffuse slowly into markets. Yet, the actual way through which firms succeed in bringing sustainable innovations to the market is relatively unexplored. The electrochromic window is an eco-innovation that despite its relatively superior technology and potential to reduce the energy consumption of the building sector has had relatively slow market diffusion. The aim of this thesis is hence to analyze the difficulties related to adoption and diffusion of eco-innovations. The purpose is to identify prerequisites that can improve the electrochromic window’s prospects of successful diffusion, and show how increased understanding of the factors/attributes that affects adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation can be used to improve the share of environmental friendly products on the market.  The findings are based on data from multiple research methods, such as a literature review, an analysis of the market for window/façade applications, basic building simulations, a simplified life cycle assessment, and cost-effectiveness calculations. This data is used to evaluate the electrochromic window’s performance relative eight factors/attributes that is argued to affect adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation. The main conclusions are that the electrochromic window performs well relative most of the identified factors and should hence have good prospects of being adopted within the building sector. Also, even though the electrochromic window has a high energy-saving potential due to its effect on buildings’ cooling need, the findings indicate that the window’s main benefit is its ability to ensure an unobstructed view. As a result, the window can provide both significant economic benefits as well as health benefits and thus also be beneficial for the society. However, since the benefits of the window are not communicated well to customers, there is currently a hesitance to adopt the window. Consequently, it is suggested that further research should be devoted to the understanding of needs and wants of the potential adopters and to prove the benefits of the window relative these needs and wants. Extra devotion should be given to the benefits of the unobstructed view since this could be the niche that separates the electrochromic window from currently established solar shading solutions on the market. / Den ökande beslutsamheten att möta klimatförändringarna har bidragit till att miljövänliga innovationer har blivit allt viktigare. Dock har den här typen av innovationer en tendens att spridas långsamt på marknaden. Trots detta är vetskapen kring hur företag egentligen lyckas med att introducera hållbara innovationer på marknaden relativt outforskat. Det elektrokroma fönstret är en miljövänlig innovation som trots sin relativt överlägsna teknologi och potential att minska byggnadssektorns energiförbrukning har haft en relativt långsam spridning. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att analysera de svårigheter som är relaterade till anammande och spridning av miljövänliga innovationer. Avsikten är att identifiera förutsättningar som kan förbättra det elektrokroma fönstrets förutsättningar att anammas inom byggnadssektorn, samt att visa hur en ökad förståelse kring de faktorer/attribut som påverkar anammande och spridning av eco-innovationer kan användas till att öka andelen miljövänliga innovationer som tas upp och sprids på marknaden. Resultaten är baserade på data från flera olika forskningsmetoder så som en litteratursökning, en analys av marknaden för fönster/fasadapplikationer, grundläggande byggnadssimuleringar, en enklare livscykelanalys, samt kostnadseffektivitetsberäkningar. Dessa data används sedan för att utvärdera det elektrokroma fönstrets prestanda relativt åtta faktorer/attribut som hävdas ha påverkan på anammandet och spridningen av miljövänliga innovationer. De främsta slutsatserna av arbetet är att det elektrokroma fönstret presterar väl relativt de flesta av de identifierade faktorerna och bör därför ha goda framtidsutsikter för att bli anammad inom byggnadssektorn. Resultaten visar även att trots att fönstret har en hög energibesparingspotential tack vare dess påverkan på behovet av komfortkyla, så är det dess förmåga att tillhandahålla en fri utsikt som är dess största fördel. Denna fördel medför att fönstren kan bidra till både ekonomiska fördelar så väl som hälsofördelar vilket gör dem fördelaktiga för hela samhället. Dock, eftersom dessa fördelar inte väl förmedlade så finns det i nuläget en tveksamhet till att anamma fönstret. Följaktligen föreslås det att fortsatta studier bör ägnas åt att öka förståelsen kring kundernas önskningar och behov samt att bevisa fönstrens fördelar relativt dessa. Särskilt fokus bör ägnas åt värdet i att tillhandahålla fri utsikt då detta kan vara den nisch som särskiljer de elektrokroma fönstren from de redan etablerade produkterna på marknaden.

An Exploration of the Factors Influencing EV Adoption in Sweden : How Consumer Perceptions are Impacted upon Adoption of EV

Johansson, Louise, Adi, Dalal, Al-Attar, Maryam January 2022 (has links)
Electric vehicle adoption is one of the most prominent discussions currently facing the automotive industry, as this is an inevitable change towards a more sustainable future of transportation. Traditionally, car manufacturers adapt to consumer needs changing, thus prompting high relevance for understanding the consumer perspective and purchasing influences. This study aims to build a deeper understanding of the importance of internal and external factors on the EV consumer decision-making process, as well as to explore how the perception of such factors change upon adoption of electric vehicles. The study follows a positivism approach by conducting deductive research. A conceptual framework is developed based on review of research literature of rational choice theory, the consumer decision-making model, and factors impacting EV consumers, and constructing a model from the findings. Quantitative survey data is then collected following the model presented, and results are obtained using SPSS. Finally, the analysis applies the social identity theory, innovation diffusion theory, and theory of planned behavior for further evaluative discussions. The findings show that internal factors such as environmental awareness and fears and anxieties have a vital impact on consumers’ decisions of EV adoption and evaluation of EV alternatives, while social influences have a relatively small impact on the decision. The findings suggest a link between the theory of planned behavior and changing perceptions upon adoption of EV, in which factors relating to attitudes and perceived behavioral control are more susceptible to changing, while factors relating to subjective norms are not.

A modular multi-agent framework for innovation diffusion in changing business environments: conceptualization, formalization and implementation

Johanning, Simon, Scheller, Fabian, Abitz, Daniel, Wehner, Claudius, Bruckner, Thomas 11 February 2022 (has links)
Understanding how innovations are accepted in a dynamic and complex market environment is a crucial factor for competitive advantage. To understand the relevant factors for this diffusion and to predict success, empirically grounded agent-based models have become increasingly popular in recent years. Despite the popularity of these innovation diffusion models, no common framework that integrates their diversity exists. This article presents a flexible, modular and extensible common description and implementation framework that allows to depict the large variety of model components found in existing models. The framework aims to provide a theoretically grounded description and implementation framework for empirically grounded agent-based models of innovation diffusion. It identifies 30 component requirements to conceptualize an integrated formal framework description. Based on this formal description, a java-based implementation allowing for flexible configuration of existing and future models of innovation diffusion is developed. As a variable decision support tool in decision-making processes on the adoption of innovations the framework is valuable for the investigation of a range of research questions on innovation diffusion, business model evaluation and infrastructure transformation.


KLOE CARDOSO SIQUEIRA 08 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente, na era da quarta revolução industrial, também conhecida como Indústria 4.0 (I4.0), a tecnologia Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tem sido considerada uma importante ferramenta de transformação digital em operações e cadeias de suprimentos, em função da sua abordagem leve para automatizar e otimizar tarefas repetitivas, agilizar e aprimorar os processos internos, e controlar processos de negócio de ponta a ponta, o que permite a redução de custo e do risco operacional. Impulsionado pelo COVID-19, o mercado de tecnologias RPA continua sendo um dos segmentos que mais cresce no mercado de software corporativo. Entretanto, na literatura acadêmica ainda há poucos trabalhos referentes ao tema RPA com a abordagem voltada para a cadeia de suprimentos, ainda que seja cada vez mais utilizado na área de compras com foco na automatização dos processos. Além disso, apesar de existirem modelos de aceitação de tecnologia (e.g., TAM e TAM2), que possuem critérios relevantes para apurar a inovação, ainda existem poucos estudos que combinem esses critérios com métodos de apoio multicritério a decisão para propor uma metodologia mais robusta para seleção de tecnologias na era I4.0. E, pela análise da literatura ainda não há pesquisas relacionando critérios para adoção de tecnologias RPA e abordagem multicritério em grupo pelas lentes da teoria da difusão da inovação. Diante disso, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor uma metodologia para avaliação de plataformas de RPA no contexto da I4.0 e pelas lentes da teoria da difusão da inovação. Esta metodologia é testada a partir da seleção de uma plataforma de RPA para aplicação no processo de compras de uma empresa operadora offshore de petróleo, gás e energia eólica. A metodologia da pesquisa envolve métodos mistos, com abordagem multicritério em grupo, a qual combinou dois métodos: Fuzzy Delphi e AHP-express, e a coleta de dados através de questionários estruturados elaborados a partir dos relatórios das empresas de consultoria Gartner (2021) e Forrester (2021) referentes as plataformas de RPA presentes no mercado. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que a plataforma de RPA Workfusion foi a melhor plataforma a ser aplicada na área de compras da empresa, o que pode estar relacionado a sua boa performance nos critérios: processamento de dados estruturados, automação assistida e aplicativos de RPA desenvolvidos para usuários de front-end. Por outro lado, a plataforma de RPA Blue Prism foi a pior avaliada, possuindo baixa pontuação nos critérios: disponível na cloud, dashboards integrados e automação autônoma. Assim, do ponto de vista prático, o trabalho contribui com uma nova metodologia seleção de plataformas de RPA para o setor de compras, a qual possui relevância para literatura acadêmica e traz a sua contribuição para indústria que em futuros estudos, deve ser aplicada a mais empresas da indústria de petróleo, gás e energia eólica. / [en] Today, in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology has been considered an important tool for digital transformation in operations and supply chains because of its lightweight approach to automate and optimize repetitive tasks, streamline and improve internal processes, and control end-to-end business processes, which enables cost and operational risk reduction. Driven by COVID-19, the market for RPA technologies continues to be one of the fastest growing segments in the enterprise software market. However, in the academic literature there are still few works referring to the RPA theme with the approach focused on the supply chain, even though it is increasingly used in the purchasing area with a focus on process automation. Moreover, despite the existence of technology acceptance models (e.g., TAM and TAM2), which have relevant criteria to assess innovation, there are still few studies that combine these criteria with multicriteria decision support methods to propose a more robust methodology for technology selection in the I4.0 era. And, from the literature review there is still no research relating RPA technology adoption criteria and group multicriteria approach through the lens of innovation diffusion theory. Given this, the objective of this research is to propose a methodology for evaluating RPA platforms in the context of I4.0 and through the lenses of innovation diffusion theory. This methodology is tested from the selection of an RPA platform for application in the procurement process of an offshore oil, gas and wind energy operating company. The research methodology involves mixed methods, with a group multicriteria approach, which combined two methods: Fuzzy Delphi and AHP-express, and data collection through structured questionnaires elaborated from the reports of the consulting companies Gartner (2021) and Forrester (2021) regarding the RPA platforms present in the market. From the research results, the RPA platform Workfusion was selected as the best platform to be applied in the purchasing area of the company that is the object of study, due to its good evaluation in the criteria: structured data processing, assisted automation and RPA applications developed for front-end users, however the RPA platform Blue Prism was in the lowest level of the ranking of the 14 RPA platforms evaluated, due to its low score in the criteria: available in the cloud, integrated dashboards and autonomous automation. Thus, from a practical point of view, the work contributes a new methodology for selecting RPA platforms for the procurement industry, which has relevance for academic literature and brings its contribution to industry that in future studies, should be applied to more companies in the oil, gas and wind energy industry.

The role of the Campus Technologist in diffusing innovation at a Central Texas high school

Melendez, Sandra J. 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the role of the Campus Technologist in diffusing innovation at the Central Texas High School. The study defines the CT position, its evolution and the effects of the position on the diffusion of innovation. The study further examines the relationship of the CT with the facilitation, infusion and integration of technology in the classroom at the Central Texas High School. Interview and survey data from both the CT and the faculty provided insight and findings that indicate the role of the CT has evolved. The evolution of the CT position was found to be characterized as three distinct roles a pedagogy specialist, a content specialist and a technology specialist. The study also investigated teacher perception, utilization frequencies and data patterns in relationship to the role of the CT at the Central Texas High School. Finally, the study examined technology integration in the classroom and provided findings in a frequency distribution of technology application practices and integration applications by teachers in their classrooms at the Central Texas High School.

PVactVal: A Validation Approach for Agent-based Modeling of Residential Photovoltaic Adoption

Johanning, Simon, Abitz, Daniel, Schulte, Emily, Scheller, Fabian, Bruckner, Thomas 19 October 2023 (has links)
Agent-based simulation models are an important tool to study the effectiveness of policy interventions on the uptake of residential photovoltaic systems by households, a cornerstone of sustainable energy system transition. In order for these models to be trustworthy, they require rigorous validation. However, the canonical approach of validating emulation models through calibration with parameters that minimize the difference of model results and reference data fails when the model is subject to many stochastic influences. The residential photovoltaic diffusion model PVact features numerous stochastic influences that prevent straightforward optimization-driven calibration. From the analysis of the results of a case-study on the cities Dresden and Leipzig (Germany) based on three error metrics (mean average error, root mean square error and cumulative average error), this research identifies a parameter range where stochastic fluctuations exceed differences between results of different parameterization and a minimization-based calibration approach fails. Based on this observation, an approach is developed that aggregates model behavior across multiple simulation runs and parameter combinations to compare results between scenarios representing different future developments or policy interventions of interest.

The Adoption of Social Innovations by Firms: An Inquiry into Organizational Benevolence

Beveridge, 'Alim J. 23 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

AI Unleashed : An exploratory study of AI adoption by manufacturing companies in northen part of Sweden

Sandsjö, Ella, Zetterman, Anna January 2024 (has links)
AI has revolutionized the world and begun to influence an increasing number of industries worldwide. The pressure to implement AI has been evident at both EU and national levels. AI has demonstrated significant benefits in many companies, such as improved financial performance and efficiency. However, despite this, there are still many companies,particularly manufacturing companies, that have not implemented AI. Interestingly, manufacturing companies are among those that stand to benefit the most from AI. Therefore, exploring the intentions to adopt AI in manufacturing companies becomes relevant. The concept of adopting innovation and to some extent AI adoption, is theoretically explored. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence of what hindersmanufacturing companies from adopting and implementing AI. Furthermore, Swedish companies are less positive towards AI compared to global leaders. To address the identified research gap, the following research question has been formulated:  “What are the barriers and determinants that manufacturing companies in the northern part of Sweden face during the adoption and implementation of AI? “ The aim of this thesis is to investigate the factors influencing the adoption and implementation of AI solutions in manufacturing companies located in the northern part of Sweden, based on previous research and the empirical findings. To fulfill the purpose, we designed an exploratory qualitative study and conducted seven semi-structured interviews based on themes derived from TOE and TAM along with Rogers InnovationDiffusion. The key findings from the study revealed that the combined TOE-TAM model along with Rogers theory and other factors like leadership and external actors can explain the intention to adopt AI technology. Further, the significant barriers to AI adoption arethe lack of sufficient competence both internally and externally, another barrier was the costs of the implementation. Although we identified barriers to AI adoption, a lot of opportunities emerged as well. The determinants to adopt AI or not was the internal attitude and understanding of how the company can utilize AI. This thesis contributes with knowledge concerning the factors affecting AI adoption in manufacturing companies in the northern part of Sweden. It resulted in a revised conceptual framework that provides valuable insights for managers to consider when adopting AI. Finally, the thesis contributes with social implications that can assist in the rising concerns regarding AIs role in society.

e-Health 2.0發展策略分析:科技政策觀點 / Strategic Analysis of e-Health 2.0 Development: Technology Policy Perspective

王復中, Wang, Fuchung Unknown Date (has links)
e-Health(電子化健康)透過資訊與通訊科技的使用,得以用較低的成本,將不同的健康照護服務加以整合,減少使用者接受服務時的障礙,並協助服務的遞送、改變服務的面貌。現今,由於消費者意識的抬頭以及網路資訊的普及,e-Health的使用者逐漸由醫療人員轉變為一般大眾,並由病人擴大到一般的健康者,其功能也由生病後的醫療照護延伸至生病前的健康促進,內容則包括了有形與無形的健康資訊服務,並以主動參與及知識分享為運作核心。透過這些的新觀念的引入,e-Health已產生本質上的改變,未來的科技將以更積極有效的方式,幫助民眾及早取得可信賴的健康資訊,提升健康資訊素養,進而對健康價值的觀念產生轉變,強化自我健康照護能力,本研究中將這個現象或過程稱之為e-Health 2.0。e-Health 2.0與過去的e-Health(或稱為e-Health 1.0)最大的不同,在於e-Health是以病人為主,並強調資訊科技可以運用在生病的過程中,提供診斷、治療與照護上的幫助,而e-Health 2.0則是藉由資訊科技,特別是Web 2.0,協助健康的民眾透過社會網絡(Social Network)及虛擬社群,主動參與其個人的健康管理,並透過個人健康資訊素養的提升,進而促使社群、服務提供者、產業以及政府機構改變健康照護思維的現象或過程。 醫療新科技的不斷進展以及人口老化、民眾對健康日益重視等社會環境多重影響下,世界各國在醫療上的支出均不斷地成長。透過資訊與通訊科技的快速發展,健康照護服務已產生重大的變革,因此,多數國家開始發展與建立國家e-Health政策,並期望透過政策的規劃及制定,因應未來環境與民眾的需求,提供前瞻、低成本高品質的服務,達到提升國家整體健康照顧系統能力的目標。然而,e-Health 2.0現象方興未艾,其影響與範圍雖大但卻缺乏有系統的評估,故本研究透過文獻回顧、次級資料分析及專家深度訪談,建構出e-Health 2.0的定義、內涵與決定因子,並進行發展策略分析,評估未來環境可能發生的情況及其中的影響層次,整理政策制定時有用的資訊,協助公私部門決策及因應,最後,也歸納提出具體可行暨可管理的短中長期目標,供後續研究與實務應用時參考。 / E-Healh is a revolution to drive the radical change in health care services delivery. In spite of using the information and communication technologies, e-Health could integrate the different health care services into a customer-oriented service delivery system and benefit the different stakeholders. However, the mind set of e-Health is gradually changed as the services and applications extend from patients to healthy people. In order to provide better services and applications, e-Health needs to focus on not only supporting proper and trusted health care services but consolidating the value of prevention and health promotion. Internet developments that brought us sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia are now set to revolutionize health care. The idea of web 2.0 is now driving far-reaching changes in healthcare systems, a trend it terms e-health 2.0. Compared with e-Health which is mainly aimed at patients’ medical care services, e-Health 2.0 is a process or phenomenon of paradigm shift by means of that health information diffusion and social networking to improve the citizens’ health literacy in order to redefine the value of health care among stakeholders. Meanwhile, medical expenditure grows up continually as a result of the new technologies, aging population and social environment in many countries. The financial pressure of medical care already impacted national health care services policy so that governments are developing their national e-Health policy to fit the future need. The goal of e-Health policy is a reengineering process of health care to provide proactive, low cost and high quality services. As the e-Health 2.0 can reduce the gap among stakeholders and speed up the social change, it is a truly important role in the reengineering process. Our study based on literature review, secondary data analysis and in-deepth interview with expertise to construct the definition, content and factors of e-Health 2.0. According to the strategic analysis of e-Health 2.0 development, the study proposed several important goals and suggestions. They can be used as a template or guideline for such evaluation by researcher and practicer both before, during and after the implementation of e-Health 2.0.

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