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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'entrepreneuriat durable : essai de modélisation d'un processus innovant / Sustainable entrepreneurship : test of modeling an innovative process

Gahlam, Nadia 29 March 2019 (has links)
La notion de développement durable est aujourd’hui une préoccupation centrale des populations et des pouvoirs publics. L’entrepreneuriat durable représente une forme de réponse à cette préoccupation à travers l’intégration des normes de développement durable dans le cœur de métier de l’entreprise. Ce type d’entreprise vient répondre à des objectifs économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. La recherche en entrepreneuriat durable s’est particulièrement intéressée au profil de l’entrepreneur durable. Cependant, la recherche ne s’est pas suffisamment interrogée sur la façon dont il procède. Il est considéré comme l’agent de rupture à travers l’introduction d’éco-innovations. L’innovation apparait donc comme une solution aux problématiques sociales et environnementales. Mais ceci n’est pas suffisant pour considérer ce phénomène entrepreneurial comme une forme innovante. Cette thèse tente de combler ces manquements en modélisant, le processus entrepreneurial durable. Par ailleurs, l’emprunt d’une théorie de l’innovation « C-K Theory » permet de rapprocher le processus entrepreneurial durable du processus de conception innovante CK dans l’objectif de déterminer le caractère innovant de l’entrepreneuriat durable. / The notion of sustainable development is today a central concern of the population and the public authorities. Sustainable entrepreneurship is a form of response to this concern through the integration of sustainable development standards into the core business of the company. This type of business comes to meet economic, social and environmental objectives. Sustainable entrepreneurship research has been particularly interested in the profile of the sustainable entrepreneur. However, the research did not ask enough about how it works. It is considered the breaking agent through the introduction of eco-innovations. Innovation therefore appears as a solution to social and environmental issues. But this is not enough to consider this entrepreneurial phenomenon as an innovative form. This thesis attempts to fill these gaps by modeling, the sustainable entrepreneurial process. In addition, the borrowing of a theory of innovation "C-K Theory" makes it possible to bring the sustainable entrepreneurial process closer to the CK innovative design process in order to determine the innovative nature of sustainable entrepreneurship.

A percepção dos moradores sobre o uso dos sistemas construtivos inovadores em habitações: uma contribuição da avaliação pós-ocupação / The perception of residents on the use of innovative construction systems in housing: the contribution of the post-occupancy evaluation

Mendes, Mena Cristina Marcolino 21 June 2018 (has links)
As tecnologias consideradas inovadoras podem apresentar vantagens para o setor da construção civil, como no caso da produção de paredes e painéis autoportantes que representam um aprimoramento na eficiência e qualidade do processo produtivo. A partir do ano de 2009, a industrialização da habitação social foi estimulada pelo programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (MCMV), mediante homologação do sistema construtivo inovador (SCI), no âmbito do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação Técnica (SiNAT). Para a obtenção do Documento de Avaliação Técnica (DATec), o produto inovador passa por avaliações de desempenho técnico, porém estas avaliações não respondem ao comportamento em uso destes produtos, e nem à manutenibilidade dos sistemas construtivos inovadores. Neste contexto, a Avaliação Pós-Ocupação (APO) se apresenta como um método adequado ao propiciar, pelos seus procedimentos, a avaliação do especialista técnico e a percepção do morador usuário. O desenvolvimento da presente tese partiu da elaboração de um protocolo para a aplicação sistemática de um conjunto de instrumentos integrados, desenvolvidos no âmbito do Projeto Inovatec da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP), possibilitando a avaliação do desempenho das moradias de três conjuntos habitacionais diferenciados pela tecnologia construtiva. Este primeiro resultado proporcionou a crítica aos instrumentos e a proposta de otimização do método. Os instrumentos otimizados foram submetidos à avaliação de dois especialistas em desempenho de sistemas construtivos. Como resultado, foi proposto o critério de avaliação do SCI, à luz da ABNT NBR 15575:2013, de acordo com a relevância dos fatores de desempenho. Os resultados mostraram que o desempenho em uso dos sistemas construtivos inovadores é satisfatório, embora se apresentem indicações de reavaliação do sistema construtivo quanto aos procedimentos de manutenção e o fornecimento de assistência técnica. Além disso, recomendou-se a necessidade de reavaliação das interfaces dos sistemas construtivos e das falhas sistemáticas oriundas do projeto e da execução, sobretudo as que se referem à estanqueidade e à segurança, por comprometerem a habitabilidade da moradia, a durabilidade e a vida útil do sistema de vedações. / Technologies considered to be innovative can present advantages for the construction industry, as in the case of the production of self-supporting walls and panels that represent an improvement in the efficiency and quality of the production process. Since 2009, the industrialization of social housing in Brazil was stimulated by the My House My Life program (PMCMV- Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida), through the approval of the innovative construction system (SCI), under the Brazilian Technical Assessment System (SiNAT). To obtain the Technical Evaluation Document (DATec), an innovative product must be submitted to technical performance evaluations, however these evaluations do not address the behavior of these products once in use, nor to the maintainability of the innovative construction systems. In this context, the Post- Occupancy Evaluation (POE) presents an adequate method for providing, through its procedures, an evaluation by a technical specialist and the perception of the residentuser. The development of this thesis was based on the elaboration of a protocol for the systematic application of a set of integrated instruments developed under the Inovatec Project Funding for Studies and Projects (FINEP), facilitating evaluation of the performance of the houses in three different housing complexes differentiated by the construction technology used. This preliminary result provided a critique of the instruments and a proposal for optimization of the method. The optimized instruments were submitted to two specialists for evaluation of the performance of the construction systems. As a result, SCI evaluation criteria were proposed, within the context of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards ABNT NBR 15575: 2013, according to the relevance of the performance factors. The results showed that the performance in use of the innovative construction systems is satisfactory, however suggestions arose for the reassessment of the construction system regarding maintenance procedures, and provision of technical assistance. Moreover, the need for the re-evaluation of the interfaces of the construction systems and the systematic failures originating from the design and project execution, especially those related to watertightness and safety, were advised, because they compromise the habitability of the dwelling, as well as the durability and the useful life of the wall system.

Método de análise do processo de decisão do planejamento da inovação: uma contribuição para a avaliação e seleção de propostas de produtos inovadores / Method of analysis of the process of decision planning innovation: a contribution for the evaluation and selection of proposals innovative products

Oliveira, Maicon Gouvêa de 30 November 2012 (has links)
O planejamento da inovação antecede o desenvolvimento das tecnologias e dos produtos. O processo de decisão realizado no planejamento da inovação é o responsável por avaliar e selecionar os produtos que serão desenvolvidos. Como esse processo depende das informações das propostas de produto, sua execução é dificultada quando elas referem-se a produtos inovadores. Nesse contexto, este trabalho propõe um método de análise do processo de decisão do planejamento da inovação, que considera o nível de conhecimento das informações das propostas de produtos e a importância dos critérios de decisão. Como parte do projeto de pesquisa, também foi desenvolvido um modelo do planejamento da inovação. Esse descreve o planejamento da inovação como um subprocesso integrador e interrelacionado com os outros subprocessos da inovação e também mostra seus principais elementos constituintes. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foram realizados dois estudos de casos exploratórios com o intuito de complementar o esclarecimento do planejamento da inovação e formatação do modelo. Os resultados foram usados na segunda etapa, na qual o método de análise foi proposto e foram executados mais dois estudos de caso, agora com o objetivo de testar o método. Nesses dois estudos foram analisados os processos de decisão de dois produtos inovadores por meio de uma abordagem retrospectiva. Por fim, o método foi avaliado como capaz para analisar o processo de decisão de produtos inovadores, identificando oportunidades e apoiando a definição de diretrizes para melhorar a tomada de decisão. / The front-end of innovation precedes technology and product development. The decision-making process performed at the front-end is assigned to assess and select products that will be introduced to development. Since this process depends on information of product proposals, its performance is affected when innovative products are involved. Within this context, this study proposes a method to analyse the decision-making process of the front-end of innovation. It addresses the level of information knowledge and the importance of decision criteria as a way to analyse decisions. This study has also developed a model for the front-end of innovation, which describes the front-end integrating and interrelated with the other parts of the innovation process as well as shows its core elements. At the first phase of this study two exploratory case studies were developed aiming to complement the understanding about the front-end and to support the definition of the model. Results of this phase were used at the second phase, in which the method to analyse the decision-making process is proposed and other two case studies are conducted, with the purpose of testing the method. These two studies analysed the decision-making process regarding innovative products through a retrospective approach. Finally, the method was assessed as capable of analysing the decision-making process of innovative products, identifying opportunities and supporting the definition of guidelines to enhance decision making.

Estudo da soldabilidade entre o aço austenítico alto manganês de efeito TRIP com o aço microligado ARBL pelo processo de soldagem TIG / Study of weldability of austenitic high manganese TRIP effect with microalloyed HSLA steel by TIG welding process

Rodrigues, Juliana Aparecida 28 February 2014 (has links)
Tendo em vista a tendência mundial de se buscar a diminuição de peso de estruturas metálicas de veículos, o desenvolvimento de aços de resistência mecânica superior apresenta-se como um importante fator para a competitividade e sustentabilidade da indústria brasileira, além da segurança do usuário. No setor automobilístico, as reduções no peso e no consumo de combustível requerem não somente a pesquisa de novos aços, mas também a utilização de componentes híbridos, resultantes, entre outros, da união entre os aços austeníticos inovadores de alta liga e baixo custo (TRIP) e aços ferríticos comerciais (ARBL). Na presente dissertação foram investigadas as propriedades mecânicas microestruturais, antes e após o processo de soldagem TIG, dos aços TRIP e ARBL utilizados pela indústria automotiva. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar possíveis estruturas e modificações nas propriedades das juntas soldadas de acordo com parâmetros de soldagem pré-determinados. Primeiramente, verificaram-se as extensões da zona termicamente afetada dos corpos de prova soldados. Os perfis de microdureza indicaram que não houve uma alteração significativa de dureza na zona termicamente afetada do aço de efeito TRIP, enquanto que para o aço ARBL observa-se um considerável aumento. Os limites de escoamento determinados pelos ensaios de tração realizados permitiram a obtenção dos níveis de resistência mecânica das juntas soldadas. Através dos ensaios de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia ótica foi possível observar a influência do aporte térmico na zona termicamente afetada do aço ARBL. A análise de EDX nas juntas dissimilares permitiu observar a presença de zonas parcialmente diluídas na zona fundida do lado do metal de base ARBL, a caracterização da composição química nas interfaces entre os metais de base e o metal de solda e prever a microestrutura destas regiões. As fases presentes nos metais de base e na zona fundida foram caracterizadas também pela difração de raios x. Por meio da estereologia quantitativa caracterizou-se as fases presentes na zona fundida e determinou-se suas proporções em função do aporte térmico. / In view of the global trend of searching for the weight reduction of metal frames in vehicles, the development of superior mechanical resistance steels presents itself as an important factor for the competitiveness and sustainability of the Brazilian industry, as well as to user safety. In the automotive industry, the reductions in vehicle weight and fuel consumption not only require research of new types of steel but also the use of hybrid components, which result, amongst other things, between the union of austenitic innovative high alloy and low cost (TRIP) with commercial ferritic steels (HSLA). This dissertation analyses the microstructural mechanical properties before and after the TIG welding process, the TRIP steel, and HSLA used by the automotive industry. The main objective of this study was to evaluate possible phase changes in steel structures and transformation in the properties of the welded joints according to pre-determined welding parameters by analyzing extensions of the heat-affected and melted zones of welded specimens. The micro hardness profiles showed no significant changes in hardness in the heat affected HSLA steel, while the TRIP steel showed considerable increase. Additionally, the yield point determined by the traction tests performed, allowed the obtainment of the mechanical resistance levels of the welded joints. Through the tests of scanning electron and optical microscopy was observed the influence of heat input on heat affected zone of HSLA steel. EDX analysis allowed us to observe the presence of molten zones partially diluted in the side of the base metal HSLA, characterization of the chemical composition at the interface of the base metal and weld metal and predicting the microstructure in these regions. The phases present in the base metal and weld zone were characterized too by x-ray diffraction. By quantitative stereology characterized by the phases present in the weld zone and their proportions were determined as a function of heat input.

Santé, éthique et développement durable : place de la recherche en sciences infirmières / Health ethics and sustainable development : Place of research in nursing sciences

Danan, Jeanne-Laure 16 October 2015 (has links)
Les dispositifs de santé en France et dans le monde sont en tension. Les déterminants de ces pressions sont en lien avec la démographie des professions, l’économie et l’organisation des soins. Les pathologies chroniques non infectieuses sont en recrudescence. La maladie allergique est emblématique de ces pathologies. Elle concerne 25% d’individus en France (15 millions de personnes). En Europe, 100 millions de personnes souffrent de rhinites allergiques et 70 millions souffrent d’asthme. A l’horizon 2020, c’est 40% de la population mondiale qui sera atteinte d’une maladie allergique. La déclaration de RIO, texte fondateur du développement durable, place la santé comme une préoccupation majeure. Face à ce constat, il est nécessaire de repenser les modes de prise en charge, par des modèles innovants, de nouvelles formations et une répartition des compétences différente à partir de nouveaux périmètres de métier de la santé. L’objectif général de ce travail est d’identifier des modèles novateurs en santé dans une vision pluridisciplinaire systémique et éthique des soins. Les objectifs secondaires sont : définir le concept des pratiques innovantes en santé dans le système de santé français, préciser le cadre réglementaire des pratiques innovantes, déterminer les besoins de formation, la qualification, les nouveaux métiers et nouveaux outils, enfin, l’adéquation de la formation aux déterminants générationnels des étudiants des Sciences de la Santé. La méthode utilisée est une revue de la littérature portant sur le développement durable, la médecine environnementale, la formation des professions de santé. La confrontation au cadre réglementaire de la pratique infirmière à celui d’infirmier de pratiques avancées est réalisée. Le modèle d’étude est l’allergologie. Une enquête par questionnaire en ligne a évalué le niveau de compétences, de formation et de régulation des infirmières spécialisées en Europe. Cette étude a été réalisée en collaboration européenne avec le département de la Haute Ecole de Namur, l’Université de Nottingham, la Haute Ecole de Santé de Fribourg, l’Université de Porto, et l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique de Rennes. Cette enquête a permis d’identifier 5 compétences de haut niveau d’expertise et de formation selon les descripteurs de Dublin pour les infirmiers de pratique avancée. Un programme de formation de niveau master de pratique avancée en allergologie est élaboré. Enfin, il a été identifié 4 phases constitutives de l’innovation : pilotage, appropriation, généralisation de la pratique et absorption par le système. L’innovation est un processus délibéré nécessitant la transformation des pratiques par l’introduction de nouveautés pédagogiques, organisationnelles et e-santé. L’évolution des outils d’aide à la décision thérapeutique infirmière appelée diagnostic infirmier est mis en lumière. Le diagnostic infirmier portant sur l’adaptation des individus à l’environnement est envisagé Les résultats soulignent la nécessité de développer des programmes de formation s’appuyant sur une pédagogie adaptée aux déterminants sociaux des étudiants en Sciences de la Santé ainsi qu’une révision du cadre réglementaire et juridique des professions de santé dites intermédiaires en France. / Health systems in France and in the world are in tension. The determinants of those pressures are linked to demography, economy and care organization Chronic non-infectious diseases are on the rising. Allergic disease alone respect 25% of individuals in France (15 million people). In Europe, 100 million people suffer from allergic rhinitis and 70 million suffer from asthma. By 2020, it is 40% of the world population will be suffering from an allergic disease. The declaration of RIO, founding text of sustainable development, puts health as a major concern. It is necessary to think of new management models, new training and distribution of different skills from new business perimeters for health caregivers. The primary objective of this research is to identify: innovative models of health in a systematic multidisciplinary vision and ethics of care. .the Secondary objective is to define the concept of innovative practices in health in the French health system, clarify the regulatory framework for innovative practices, identify training needs, qualification of new businesses and new tools and finally review the adequacy of generational training for health science students. The method used is a review of the literature on sustainable development, environmental medicine, training of health professionals. The confrontation with the regulatory framework of practice nurse at the nursing of advanced nursing practices is made. The study design is the allergy disease. An online survey assessed the level of skills, training and policy of nurses in Europe. This study was conducted in collaboration with the European department of Haute Ecole de Namur, the University of Nottingham, and High School of Health of Freiburg, University of Porto, and School of Advanced Studies in Public Health in Rennes. This survey identifies five high levels of expertise that are 5 skills training according to Dublin descriptors for advanced practice nurses. A master level training program for APRN in allergy practice is developed Finally four steps of innovation were identified: management, ownership, widespread practice and absorption by the system.The results highlight that innovation is a deliberate process requiring practice by introducing new pedagogical, organizational and e-Health .Changing nurse’s diagnosis decision and support tools are highlighted. The nursing diagnosis on individual adaptation to environment is also considered. Eventually, two main recommendations are presented, firstly to develop training program according to the new French law in France, and secondly to considered the social determinants of the students in health science to make those training.

Les algues : cultures, territoires et enjeux en France, aux Etats-Unis et en Chine : géographie d'une ressource à cultiver en mer et à terre / Algae : farming, territories and issues in France, the United-States and China : geographical study of a resource for on-shore and off-shore farming

Bresc-Litzler, Sophie 09 December 2014 (has links)
Notre travail est une recherche originale qui apporte à la géographie des littoraux et de la mer un nouvel exemple d’étude. Nous proposons d’analyser les dynamiques spatiales et économiques d’une aquaculture singulière : l’algoculture. La culture des algues est un domaine significatif de la géographie littorale comme de la géographie des ressources alimentaires et énergétiques. Nous avons identifié à plusieurs échelles les territoires productifs et aménagés de l’algoculture des macro-algues comme des micro-algues. Pour mener ce projet de recherche, nous avons choisi trois pays : le territoire chinois qui est le premier producteur de macro-algues, le territoire français qui adapte sa production traditionnelle à une nouvelle demande commerciale et industrielle et le territoire des États-Unis qui connaît le plus d’innovations dans le domaine des micro-algues. Cette thèse a une démarche transversale et prospective et s’appuie sur plusieurs méthodes de recherche : relevés de terrain sur des sites de production, entretiens avec les acteurs, chercheurs, distributeurs, recherche bibliographique à la croisée des sciences biologiques et humaines. Cette étude des cultures, des territoires et des enjeux de l’algoculture progresse en trois étapes : tout d’abord la présentation de l’algoculture (macro et micro-algue) dans sa production globale et régionale avec les modes de production et les valorisations, puis l’analyse des filières algacoles en montrant leurs aménagements locaux et l’investissement des acteurs territoriaux dans les territoires de référence ; enfin les algues sont une ressource qui participent à des enjeux énergétiques, environnementaux et alimentaires du XXIe siècle. / Our work is an original research that brings a new study example to the geography of sea and coastlines. We propose to describe and analyze the spatial and economic dynamics of a singular type of aquaculture: seaweed farming. Seaweed farming is a significant research area in coastal geography as well as in the geography of food and energy. We sought to identify the different scales of territories organized for the production of both macro- and microalgae. To conduct this research, we chose three study countries : China, the largest producer of macroalgae, France, where traditional production is being adapted to a new commercial and industrial demand, and finally the United States, where most innovations in the field of microalgae are made. This thesis has a cross- and forward-looking approach and is based on different research methods: field surveys on production sites, interviews with stakeholders, researchers, and distributors, bibliographic research at the intersection of the biological and social sciences. The study of crops, territories and issues of seaweed farming progresses along a three-step analysis: first, the presentation of algae farming (macro and microalgae) in its global and regional production with the production methods, second the analysis of the algae value chains, showing the development of local equipment and installations, and the investment of authorities in the territories of reference. Finally, we explore algae as a resource involved in energy, environmental and food issues of the twenty-first century.

Gestão da inovação em empresas de micro, pequeno e médio porte: um estudo de empresas do APL de Santa Rita do Sapucaí / Innovation management on micro, Small and medium enterprises: a study of Santa Rita do Sapucaí local productive arrangement

Mazzola, Bruno Giovanni 14 November 2013 (has links)
A inovação é um importante meio para que as empresas possam aumentar sua competitividade e assim sobreviver em um cenário de economia global e mercados cada vez mais exigentes. Partindo de uma extensa pesquisa na literatura sobre inovação, notamos uma abundancia de estudos sobre este tema. Porém, a quase totalidade deles está direcionada para grandes empresas. Para minimizar esta lacuna, este trabalho teve como foco o estudo da gestão da inovação em empresas de micro, pequeno e médio porte. Esta delimitação justifica-se por este segmento representar uma parcela significativa da economia nacional, mas, como já é sabido, seus índices de sobrevivência ainda são baixos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o grau de maturidade no tocante à gestão da inovação das empresas pertencentes ao Arranjo Produtivo Local do Vale da Eletrônica, localizado em Santa Rita do Sapucaí. Para tanto, em cada empresa de nossa amostra (41 empresas de aproximadamente 160 localizadas na região) foram analisadas suas práticas de Gestão da Inovação. Foram analisadas cinco dimensões que a compõe, são elas: Estratégia, Processos Internos, Ambiente Externo, Estrutura Organizacional e Cultura. Outro indicador analisado foi o desempenho inovativo alcançado por essas empresas nos três anos anteriores a coleta. O resultado foi que todas as dimensões da Gestão da Inovação possuem uma associação linear positiva com o desempenho inovativo, quando analisadas separadamente. No entanto, devido a alta correlação entre as variáveis independes (cinco dimensões), quando da análise de regressão linear múltipla, apenas Cultura bastou para mostrar uma relação positiva e linear com o Desempenho Inovativo, as demais variáveis foram excluídas deste modelo. Conclui-se que empresas que adotam práticas ligadas a gestão da inovação tem um desempenho inovativo superior. / Innovation is an important way for companies to increase competitiveness and thus survive in a global economy environment with increasingly demanding markets. From extensive research on innovation literature, we noticed an abundance of studies on this topic. However, almost all are directed to large companies. To reduce the gap, this paper focuses on innovation management in micro, small and medium businesses. This limitation is justified, for this segment represents a significant portion of the national economy, but, as is well known, their survival rates are still low. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of maturity with respect to Innovation Management of enterprises belonging to the Local Productive Arrangement of the Electronics Valley, located in Santa Rita do Sapucaí. Therefore, each company in our sample (41 of approximately 160 companies in the region) had its Innovation Management. Practices analyzed. Five dimensions were considered: Strategy, Internal Processes, External Environment, Organizational Structure and Culture. Innovative performance achieved by these companies in the three years prior to collection was also analyzed. Results showed that all dimensions of Innovation Management have a positive linear association with innovative performance when analyzed separately. However, because of the high correlation between the independent variables (five dimensions), multiple linear regression analysis proved Culture alone was enough to show a positive linear relationship with Innovative Performance and other variables were excluded from this model. We conclude that companies adopting practices related to Innovation Management display higher innovative performance.

Escola pesquisadora?: (Representações de professores e gestores de uma escola que se diz pesquisadora: a relação entre suas práticas e a construção de conhecimento dos alunos) / Researcher school? (Representations of teachers and staff a school that entitles itself as researcher: the relationship between their practices and the construction of students\' knowledge)

Idelbrando, Amália Galvão 09 May 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho de pesquisa investigou uma Escola Municipal da periferia da cidade de São Paulo - SP, Zona Leste, que se intitula escola pesquisadora, por realizar ações de pesquisa junto aos educandos, em especial, Trabalhos de Conclusão de Ciclo (TCC) como finalização do Ensino Fundamental, sendo que tal prática teria ocorrido por volta de quatro anos antes dessa medida se tornar política educacional da SME-SP. Os educadores da instituição escolar reforçaram essa decisão por meio da publicação de um livro, de modo que os artigos buscassem refletir a própria prática. O objetivo central da pesquisa foi compreender o modo como os professores e gestores dessa escola representam a relação entre suas práticas educativas e a construção do conhecimento que buscam desenvolver junto aos educandos. A perspectiva teórica que se buscou seguir foi a antropologia dialética, a partir da obra de Henri Lefebvre, para quem as representações se formam entre o vivido e concebido de sujeitos determinados. A análise apoiou-se também em autores que discutiram: a pesquisa na escola básica como princípio educativo, o professor como um tipo de intelectual transformador, assim como estudos que focaram escolas inovadoras e bem-sucedidas no alcance de sua função social. Os procedimentos metodológicos de coleta de informações, organização, tratamento e análise dos dados apoiaram-se nos seguintes instrumentos: entrevistas, documentos e observação. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas com cinco gestores, oito professores e dez alunos egressos. A análise documental referiu-se: ao Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, de 2009 e de 2014; aos resultados dos alunos na avaliação dos professores e no Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB), entre 2005 e 2015; a TCCs produzidos por alunos; e ao livro organizado pelos educadores. A observação participante se deu em reuniões na Jornada Especial Integral de Formação (JEIF) dos professores e no Conselho de Escola (CE). A articulação e a análise do conjunto dos dados obtidos tiveram como foco possíveis respostas ou encaminhamentos à pergunta de pesquisa, derivada do objetivo proposto. O estudo deste caso revelou que existiam contradições entre os discursos dos educadores e suas práticas. A introdução do TCC e a escrita do livro de artigos nas ações pedagógicas da escola deram ânimo e empoderamento aos professores, bem como reconhecimento entre seus pares. Em acréscimo, as análises documentais dos resultados alcançados pelos alunos mostraram que houve melhora no rendimento tanto no decorrer dos anos de 2012 a 2014, como nos resultados do IDEB desde 2005. A participação das famílias na escola, a sua história de luta por habitação, a pouca rotatividade dos educadores e, em especial, a permanência do diretor podem ter exercido influências no desenvolvimento dos alunos. A representação dos educadores parece ter tido mais foco nos TCCs e menos no desenvolvimento do conjunto de ações pela comunidade educativa; ainda que se verificasse maior engajamento na pesquisa, entende-se que tal dinâmica surgiu pela articulação entre ações de mudanças na escola. O desdobramento das ações dessa escola inovadora proporcionou aos professores a ocupação de um lugar diferenciado: como sujeitos de criação. / The present thesis investigated a Municipal School in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo - SP, located in the East Region, which entitles itself as a researcher school, for carrying out research activities with the students, especially Cycle Completion Works (TCC) of the Elementary School, and such practice would have occurred around four years before this measure turned into an educational policy by the Municipal Secretary of Education. The educators of the school reinforced this decision by publishing a book, so that the article sought to reflect the practice itself. The main objective of the thesis was to comprehend how the educators of this school represent the relation between their educational practices and the construction of the knowledge that they seek to develop with the students. The theoretical perspective that was sought to follow was the dialectical anthropology, based on the work of Henri Lefebvre, for whom the representations are formed between the experienced and conceived of determined subjects. The analysis was also supported by authors who discussed: basic school research as an educational principle, the teacher as a type of transformative intellectual, as well as studies that focused on innovative and successful schools in the achievement of their social function. The methodological procedures of information collection, organization, treatment and data analysis were based on the following instruments: interviews, documents and observation. The semi-structured interviews were carried out with five people from the staff, eight teachers and ten graduated students. The documentary analysis referred to: the School\'s Political Pedagogical Project, of 2009 and 2014; the results of the students in the evaluation of teachers and in the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) between 2005 and 2015; To CBTs produced by students; And to the book organized by educators. The participant observation took place in meetings in the Special Integral Training Day (JEIF) of the teachers and in the School Council (CE). The articulation and analysis of the set of data obtained had as focus possible answers or referrals to the research question, derived from the proposed objective. The study of this case revealed that there were contradictions between the educators\' speeches and their real practices. The introduction of CBT and the writing of the article book into the pedagogical actions of the school gave encouragement and empowerment to teachers as well as recognition among their peers. In addition, the documentary analyzes of the results achieved by the students showed that there was an enhancement in scholarly progress comprehending 2012 to 2014; despite the IDEB results since 2005. The participation of the families in the school routine, their history of struggle for housing, the low turnover of educators and, in particular, the permanence of the director may have influenced the development of students. The representation of educators seems to have been more focused on CBTs and less on the development of the set of actions by the educational community; Even though there was greater engagement in research, it is understood that such dynamics arose through the articulation between actions of changes in the school. The unfolding of the actions this innovative school gave the teachers the occupation of a differentiated place: as subjects of making.

Capacidades de inovação nas multinacionais de países emergentes: as condições do paí­s de origem as influenciam? / Innovative capabilities of energing countries multinationals: do the country of orign conditions influence them?

Fisch, Flávio 15 December 2017 (has links)
A Teoria de Negócios Internacionais sugere que ao aumentar o seu grau de internacionalização, as Empresas Multinacionais dos Países Emergentes dependerão cada vez menos dos efeitos dos seus países de origem, escapando assim das mazelas e deficiências desses países e igualando-se às Empresas Multinacionais dos Países Desenvolvidos. Essa argumentação de escape do país de origem, ou argumentação de escape, enfrenta, no entanto, dois desafios. O primeiro refere-se à geração das vantagens competitivas das multinacionais. As firmas originárias dos países desenvolvidos utilizam-se principalmente de capacidades tecnológicas e marketing para construir suas vantagens com base em seus produtos e marcas diferenciados, enquanto as multinacionais dos países emergentes o fazem a partir do aproveitamento de condições específicas do seu país de origem, utilizando-se de capacidades de inovação em processos e operações e em funções administrativas. O segundo desafio refere-se a evidências empíricas de que efeitos de país de origem se fazem sentir mesmo nas empresas multinacionais maduras de países desenvolvidos. A presente pesquisa busca ampliar o conhecimento sobre as capacidades de inovação das empresas multinacionais de países emergentes através do estudo dos limites do argumento do escape. Uma análise longitudinal das capacidades de inovação das empresas multinacionais brasileiras é utilizada para este fim. Estuda-se um período de cinco anos em que o ambiente de negócios do Brasil mudou de estável e favorável a turbulento e desafiador. A análise utiliza dois \"surveys\" aplicados em 2010 e 2015, além de informação complementar de fontes primárias e secundárias. Os resultados sugerem que as capacidades de inovação dessas empresas multinacionais ainda podem sofrer influência do ambiente institucional político e econômico do seu país de origem, mesmo com incremento do seu grau de internacionalização. Observam-se ainda diferentes consequências conforme a estratégia de internacionalização utilizada pelas firmas. As implicações dos achados são discutidas. / The international Business theory suggests that as they increase their degree of internationalization, Multinationals from Emerging Markets reduce their dependency on their Country of Origin Effects, escaping from these countries\' instabilities and deficiencies, therefore leveling with Multinationals from developed countries. The escape from the country of origin, or escape argument, faces two challenges. The first is that firms from developed countries base their advantages on technology and marketing capabilities to build strong products and brands, whereas firms from emerging countries do so mainly by exploiting their country of origin effects using innovative capabilities related to process and operations and to administrative functions. The second challenge relates to empirical evidence of the persistence of country of origin effects on mature multinational firms from developed countries. This research attempts to improve the knowledge on the innovation capability of Emerging Markets Multinational Enterprises through studying the limits of the escape argument. A longitudinal analysis of the innovative capabilities of Brazilian Multinational firms is used for that purpose. The five-year period studied involves a shift in Brazil\'s conditions from a stable and positive institutional environment to one of turbulence and instability. The research uses data from two surveys executed in 2010 and 2015, as well as other primary and secondary sources. The results suggest that the innovative capabilities from Emerging Market Multinationals can still suffer influences from changes in their home country political and economic institutional environment, even with an increase in their degree of internationalization. The outcomes vary according to the internationalization strategy used by the firms. Implications of these findings are discussed.

Byggregler för flerbostadshus : en studie av konsekvenser och möjligheter att skapa kvalitativa bostäder genom riktad problemlösning i byggprocessen

Bergqvist, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning have been conducting housing needs assessments since 1995 (Boverket 2015). The latest assessment was conducted in 2015 and showed that 71,000 homes will need to be built annually by 2020. To be able to contribute to building more homes, Willhem AB is carrying out a project called ”Så bygger vi för alla”. As part of the work, this thesis will examine the building rules and how they can contribute to innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which rules, laws and norms we have to keep to in Sweden regarding housing construction. The aim of the work is to investigate whether the regulatory framework can create creativity amongst the players in the market. This thesis is limited to examining which laws, government policies and eventual municipal requirements that exist in Sweden. Therefore, industry rules, such as the AMA, and contracting regulations, such as AB and ABT, will not be taken into consideration. The survey is also limited to newly built multifamily houses only. Finally, the reference objects that are studied in the thesis will be in Sweden and be limited to being either construction-technical or plan-based innovative and have been recently executed. This thesis is based on the existing regulations and theories from previous studies. The data collected for this survey will be studied from a qualitative point of view. The survey aims to investigate a number of reference objects more thoroughly and conduct interviews with key people involved in the project, which means a qualitative approach is best suited. In 1987, Sweden received a new building legislation according to Örnhall (2017), which has resulted in a transition from specification requirements to functional requirements in order to increase the liberty in housing production. However, according to Örnhall (2017 the new legislation has contributed to a wider picture of the regulatory framework. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is the authority that has the overall responsibility for community planning, urban development, construction and housing (Nordstrand 2008). The most important laws and government policies that the social planning sector primarily have to obey are the Planning and Building Act (PBL), the Planning and Building Regulation (PBF) as well as and the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (BBR) (Örnhall, Swedish Construction Service 2017a). The Planning and Building Act (SFS 2010:900), PBL, regulates the planning for land and water whilst the responsibility for maintaining the regulations lies with the municipalities. The purpose of PBL is to promote social development for long-term, equal, social and environmental sustainable development for today’s society and future generations (SFS 2010: 900). When creating new homes, special consideration should be given to long term use of the home (Boverket 2016). At the interview stage, six areas emerged that were considered to be particularly problematic or interesting for the development of innovative and cheap housing. These areas were; accessibility, municipal requirements, rules, advice and interpretations, energy, innovation and development, and the ability to build for everyone. I perceived the accessibility aspect as very complex. Several interviewees argue that the accessibility requirements entail an increased cost for new builds, in one case it was even expressed that today’s availability requirements means the housing becomes less accessible to a larger group. The rules for creating an inclusive society also emerged at the interview stage while another recurring opinion is the renewal of the legislation. Several interviewees stated that they consider the regulations to be outdated and need to be updated according to today’s society. Based on this, I found The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning requirements contradictory whilst providing support for innovation, many requirements inhibits the development of housing. Therefore, extensive research should be carried out on how people in Sweden want to live today; thereafter the regulations can be updated according to today’s needs. In one way or another, all reference objects have been at the forefront when it comes to housing development. A common factor for the various reference objects is that a major problem was identified in all projects, which led to a product or solution being developed. They show that there is not one solution to the problem, but that different solutions can be found to achieve the same goal: better housing for more people.

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