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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mucin Biosynthesis: Upregulation of Core 2 β1,6 N- Acetylglucosaminyltransferase by Retinoic Acid and Th2 Cytokines in a Human Airway Epithelial Cell Line

Beum, Paul V., Basma, Hesham, Bastola, Dhundy R., Cheng, Pi Wan 01 January 2005 (has links)
Vitamin A and the T helper 2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 play important roles in the induction of mucin gene expression and mucus hypersecretion. However, the effects of these agents on enzymes responsible for mucin glycosylation have received little attention. Here, we report the upregulation of core 2 β1,6 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (C2GnT) activity both by all-trans retinoic acid (RA) and by IL-4 and IL-13 in the H292 airway epithelial cell line. Northern blotting analysis showed that the M isoform of C2GnT, which is expressed in mucus-secreting tissues and can form all mucin glycan β1,6-branched structures, including core 2, core 4, and blood group I antigen, was upregulated by both RA and IL-4/13. The L isoform, which forms only the core 2 structure, was moderately upregulated by IL-4/13 but not by RA. Enhancement of the M isoform of C2GnT by RA was abolished by an inhibitor, of RA receptor α, implicating RA receptor α in the effect of RA. Likewise, an inhibitor of the Janus kinase 3 pathway blocked the enhancing effects of IL-4/13 on the L and M isoforms of C2GnT, suggesting a role of this pathway in the upregulation of these two C2GnTs by these cytokines. Taken together, the results suggest that IL-4/13 T helper 2 cytokines and RA can alter the activity of enzymes that synthesize branching mucin carbohydrate structure in airway epithelial cells, potentially leading to altered mucin carbohydrate structure and properties.

Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchungen der Interaktion zwischen Ligand und Rezeptor im Interleukin-4- und Interleukin-13-System / Structural and functional studies of the interaction between ligand and receptor in the interleukin-4 and interleukin-13 system

Kraich, Michael January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Interleukin-4 (IL-4) und Interleukin-13 (IL-13) sind bedeutende Regulatorproteine des Immunsystems. Sie spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entstehung und dem Verlauf von allergischen Erkrankungen, wie z.B. Asthma. Um ihre Signale in die Zielzelle zu transduzieren, kann von beiden Zytokinen der gleiche Zelloberflächenrezeptor verwendet werden, wodurch sich die überlappenden, biologischen Funktionen erklären lassen. Dieser gemeinsam genutzte Rezeptor ist aus den beiden Untereinheiten IL-4Ralpha; und IL-13Ralpha1 aufgebaut. Da IL-4 und IL-13 auf Aminosäureebene nur etwa 25% Sequenzidentität besitzen und stark unterschiedliche Affinitäten zu den beiden Rezeptorketten besitzen, stellt sich die Frage, durch welchen molekularen Erkennungsmechanismus, die Affinität und die Spezifität der Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktion unabhängig voneinander reguliert werden kann. In dieser Arbeit gelang es, rekombinante Expressions- und Aufreinigungsstrategien für IL-13 und die extrazellulären Domänen der Rezeptorketten IL-13Ralpha1 und IL-13Ralpha2 zu entwickeln. Dadurch war es mögliche, eine breite Mutations-/Interaktionsanalyse der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette durchzuführen.Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die N-terminale FnIII-ähnliche Domäne von IL-13Ralpha1 sowohl an der Bindung von IL-13 als auch an der Interaktion mit IL-4 beteiligt ist. Im funktionellen Bindeepitop der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette wurden die Aminosäurereste Arg84, Phe253 und Tyr321 als Hauptbindungsdeterminanten für die Interaktion mit IL-13 identifiziert. Durch die Interaktionsstudien der IL-13Ralpha1-Varianten mit IL-4 wurde gezeigt, dass diese Hauptbindungsdeterminanten auch für die niederaffine Bindung von IL-4 von größter Bedeutung sind. Die funktionellen Bindeepitope für IL-4 und IL-13 auf der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette sind nahezu identisch und überlappen in einem großen Bereich. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse aus der Mutagenesestudie war es möglich, ein Strukturmodell der extrazellulären Domäne der IL-13Ralpha1-Kette zu erstellen. Darin wird eine neuartige Orientierung der N-terminalen FnIII-Domäne und deren Beteiligung an der Ligandeninteraktion dargestellt. Mit Hilfe des Strukturmodells gelang es, neue Aminosäurerest auf der Oberfläche von IL-13 zu identifizieren, die an der Bindung zu IL-13Ralpha1 beteiligt sind, was die Relevanz des Strukturmodells weiter unterstreicht. In einem weiteren Teil dieser Arbeit wurde versucht, den molekularen Mechanismus aufzuklären, durch den es den superagonistischen IL-4-Varianten T13D und F82D gelingt, mit dreifach höherer Affinität an die IL-4Ralpha-Kette zu binden, als wildtypischer Ligand. Durch strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchungen wurde gezeigt, dass der Affinitätssteigerung ein indirekter Mechanismus zugrunde liegt, bei dem eine Konformationsänderung und die Fixierung der Arg85-Seitenkette von IL-4 zur Ausbildung von zusätzlichen Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktionen führt. Das Bindeepitop zwischen IL-4 und der IL-4Ralpha-Kette besitzt eine modulare Architektur aus drei unabhängig voneinander agierenden Interaktionsclustern. Bei der Interaktion von wildtypischem IL-4 mit IL-4Ralpha tragen nur zwei dieser Cluster in signifikanter Weise zur freien Bindeenergie bei. Im Falle der superagonistischen IL-4-Varianten ist jedoch auch das dritte Cluster an der Generierung von zusätzlicher, freier Bindeenergie beteiligt, wodurch die Affinität zwischen Ligand und Rezeptor erhöht wird. Damit stellt der modulare Aufbau der Interaktionsfläche zwischen IL-4 und der IL-4Ralpha-Kette möglicherweise einen Mechanismus dar, über den Proteine die Affinität von Wechselwirkungen über einen großen Bereicht variieren können, ohne dabei Spezifität einzubüssen. Da IL-4 und IL-13 als interessante Zielmoleküle für die Therapie von allergischen und asthmatischen Erkrankungen erkannt worden sind, können die in der vorliegenden Arbeit gewonnenen Informationen über den Bindemechanismus und die Einblicke in den molekularen Charakter der Interaktion zwischen den beiden Zytokinen und ihren spezifischen Rezeptorketten dabei helfen, neuartige und hoch spezifische, inhibitorische Moleküle zu entwickeln. / Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and Interleukin-13 (IL-13) are important regulatory proteins of the immune system. They play a key role in the development and the progression of allergic diseases like asthma. For signal transduction into the target cell, both cytokines can use an identical cell surface receptor, which is an explanation for many overlapping biological functions of IL-4 and IL-13. This common receptor consists of the two subunits IL-4Ralpha and IL-13Ralpha1. Because IL-4 and IL-13 share only 25% sequence identity on the amino acid sequence level and because they show very different affinities to the two receptor chains, the question has to be raised, by which molecular recognition mechanism it is possible to regulate affinity and specificity of the ligand-receptor-interaction independently. In the course of this work recombinant expression and purification strategies for IL-13 and the extracellular domains of IL-13Ralpha1 and IL-13Ralpha2 were established. Therefore it was possible to perform a broad mutagenesis and interaction analysis of the IL-13Ralpha1 chain. It was shown, that the N-terminal FnIII-like domain of IL-13Ralpha1 participates in the binding of IL-13 as well as in the interaction with IL-4. As part of the functional epitope the amino acid residues Arg84, Phe253 and Tyr321 were identified to be main binding determinants for the interaction with IL-13. By carrying out interaction studies with IL-4 it could be demonstrated, that the same residues are also from great importance for the low affinity binding of IL-4. The functional epitopes for the binding of IL-4 and IL-13 are almost identical and are overlapping in a large area. Due to the results of the mutagenesis study it was possible to generate a structural model of the extracellular domain of the IL-13Ralpha1 chain. A key feature of this model is the novel orientation of the N-terminal FnIII-like domain and its involvement in ligand binding. According to the modelled structure new residues in IL-13 could be identified, that participate in the interaction with the IL-13Ralpha1. This further underlines the relevance of the shown structural model of the extracellulardomain of the IL-13Ralpha1 chain. In a different part of this work it was tried to elucidate the molecular mechanism, which enables the super-agonistic IL-4 variants T13D and F82D bind IL-4Ralpha with three times higher affinity than wildtype IL-4. With the help of structural und functional analysis it could be shown, that an indirect mechanism leads to the gain of affinity. A conformational change in and the fixation of the Arg85 side chain in IL-4 result in the formation of additional interactions between ligand and receptor. The binding interface between IL-4 and IL-4Ralpha exhibits a modular architecture consisting of three independently acting interaction clusters. For the binding of wild-type IL-4 to the IL-4Ralpha chain only two of the three clusters contribute a significant amount to the overall free binding energy. In the case of the super-agonistic IL-4 variants all three interaction clusters are used to generate additional free binding energy and to increase the affinity between ligand and receptor. Therefore the modular design of the IL-4/IL-4Ralpha interaction interface probably represents a mechanism, which enables proteins to alter the affinity of interactions over a broad range without loosing specificity. Because IL-4 and IL-13 were discovered as promising targets for the therapy of allergic and asthmatic diseases, the acquired information about the binding mechanism and the molecular characteristics of the interaction between the cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 and their specific receptor chains may help to design novel and highly specific inhibitory molecules.

Avaliação da resposta inflamatória pulmonar e do transporte mucociliar em modelo de inflamação alérgica pulmonar: modulação pelo estresse induzido pela natação forçada / Evaluation of pulmonary inflammatory responses and mucociliary transport in a model of chronic allergic inflammation: modulation by stress induced by forced swimming

Reis, Rafael de Almeida dos 11 September 2008 (has links)
Introdução: Há crescentes evidências que sinalizam o papel do estresse crônico como desencadeante e mesmo perpetuador de crises asmáticas, bem como a importância da produção de muco e do transporte mucociliar na fisiopatologia da asma brônquica. Objetivos: Deste modo, consideramos relevante avaliar em cobaias com inflamação alérgica crônica pulmonar como o estresse físico repetido, induzido pela natação forçada, modula as respostas de transporte mucociliar, as propriedades do muco, o infiltrado eosinofílico e a expressão de IL-13 no epitélio e nas células inflamatórias na parede das vias aéreas. Métodos: Os animais receberam inalações duas vezes por semana durante quatro semanas com doses crescentes de ovoalbumina (grupo OVA e OVA-NAT) ou solução fisiológica (grupo SAL e SAL-NAT). Após 24 horas da quarta inalação os animais dos grupos denominados SAL-NAT e OVA-NAT foram submetidos ao protocolo de natação forçada por dez dias com intervalo de dois dias, para a indução do estresse. Após 72 horas da última inalação, os animais foram anestesiados, sendo testadas: a velocidade de transporte mucociliar (VTM), a freqüência de batimento ciliar (FBC), e a diferença de potencial transepitelial (PD). Após estas medidas foram coletadas amostras de muco para avaliação do ângulo de contato (AC) e da transportabilidade pela tosse (TT). Foi coletada uma amostra de sangue para a dosagem de cortisol sérico. Os pulmões foram retirados, fixados e submetidos à coloração de LUNA, para identificação de eosinófilos, e à técnica imunohistoquímica para detecção da expressão de IL-13 no epitélio brônquico e nas células inflamatórias presentes na parede das vias aéreas. As adrenais também foram retiradas, imediatamente pesadas e submetidas à coloração de hematoxilina e eosina para avaliação histopatológica, utilizando a morfometria para determinação das áreas de cada uma de suas camadas. Resultados: Os Resumo animais do grupo OVA apresentaram uma redução da VTM, do PD, da TT e aumento do AC, da área de epitélio de vias aéreas, de muco ácido, do número de eosinófilos e da expressão de IL-13, no epitélio brônquico e nas células inflamatórias presentes ao redor das vias aéreas, comparativamente aos controles (p<0,05 para todas as comparações). Houve redução da área total da adrenal e de cada uma de suas camadas comparativamente aos controles (p<0,05 para todas as comparações). Os animais submetidos ao protocolo de estresse (grupos SAL-NAT e OVA-NAT) apresentaram aumento nos níveis de cortisol sérico (p<0,05), no peso das adrenais comparativamente aos grupos e OVA (p<0,05). Os animais submetidos ao protocolo de estresse e expostos à ovoalbumina (grupo OVA-NAT) mostraram redução na VTM, aumento no AC, na área de muco ácido do epitélio brônquico e em todas as camadas das adrenais, comparativamente aos resultados obtidos nos animais do grupo OVA (p<0,05 para todas as comparações). Conclusão: O processo inflamatório crônico pulmonar altera o transporte mucociliar e as propriedades reológicas do muco, o que se associou ao recrutamento eosinofílico, aumento da expressão de IL-13 no epitélio brônquico e nas células inflamatórias presentes na parede brônquica. Além disto, observamos a redução de todas as camadas da adrenal. Neste modelo experimental, o estresse físico repetido reduz o transporte mucociliar devido a alterações das propriedades do muco, particularmente potencializando o aumento de muco ácido e de sua hidrofobicidade e adesividade. Estes efeitos parecem estar relacionados à ativação adrenal, mas independentes do recrutamento eosinofílico e da resposta Th2 mediada pela IL-13 / Background: It has increasing evidence linking the role of stress in the onset of asthma exacerbation and in the maintenance of asthmatic crises, as well as the importance of mucus production and the mucociliary clearance in the asthma physiopathology. Objectives: So, we consider relevant to evaluate in guinea pigs with pulmonary chronic allergic inflammation how the induced repeated physical stress, caused by forced swimming, modulates the mucociliary clearance, the mucus properties, the eosinophilic infiltration and the IL-13 expression on bronchial epithelial cells in the airway wall. Methods: The animals had received inhalations two times per week during four weeks with increasing doses of ovalbumin (OVA and OVA-S groups) or saline solution (SAL and SAL-S groups). After twenty four hours of the 4th inhalation, the animals (named as SAL-S and OVA-S groups) had been submitted to the protocol of forced swimming, per ten days with an interval of two days, for the stress induction. After 72 hours of the last inhalation, the animals were anaesthetized and the tracheal mucus clearance (TMC), the ciliary beat frequency (CBF), and the difference of transepithelial potential difference (PD) were measured. After these measurements had been done mucus samples were collected for evaluation of the contact angle (CA) and cough transportability (CT). To serum cortisol dosage a little amount of blood was collected. The lungs were dissected, fixed and submitted to histological techniques, like LUNA stain for identification of eosinophils and the IL-13 immunohistochemistry technique for its detection in the bronchial epithelium and in the inflammatory cells present in the airways walls. The adrenal glands were excised, immediately weighed and submitted to haematoxylin and eosin stain for histopathological evaluation using the morphometry to determine the areas of each of their layers. Results: The animals of OVA Summary group presented a reduction of the TMC, the PD, and the CT. On the other hand they presented an increase of the CA, of the airways epithelial area, of the acid mucus, of the eosinophils number as well as on the IL-13 expression in the airways epithelium and on the inflammatory cells around the airways, compared to the controls (p<0.05 for all comparisons). There was a reduction of the adrenal gland total area and on each one of its layers compared to the controls (p<0.05 for all comparisons). The animals submitted to the forced swim stress protocol (SAL-S and OVA-S groups) showed an increase on serum cortisol levels, on adrenal gland weight compared to OVA group (p<0.05). The animals submitted to the forced swim stress protocol and to the sensitization protocol with ovalbumin (OVA-S) showed a reduction in the TMC and an increase on the CA, bronchial epithelial acid mucus area and in all adrenal gland layers compared to the results obtained in the OVA group animals (p<0.05 for all comparisons). Conclusions: The chronic inflammatory pulmonary process alters the mucociliary transport and mucus rheological properties which was associated to eosinophilic recruitment, increases in the IL-13 expression on bronchial epithelial cells and inflammatory cells in airway walls. In addition, we observed a reduction in all adrenal zones. In this experimental model the repeated physical stress reduces the mucociliary clearance due to the mucus rheological properties alterations, particularly increasing the amount of acid mucus and its wettability and adhesivity. These effects seem to be related to the adrenal activation but independently of the eosinophilic recruitment and of Th2 responses mediated by IL-13

Regulation von Hepatoma-derived Growth Factor durch Zytokine / Regulation of Hepatoma-derived growth factor by cytokines

Riehle, Verena January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Darstellung der Einflüsse verschiedener Interleukine auf die HDGF-Expression in verschiedenen Kolonzelllinien. HDGF stellt einen Wachstumsfaktor dar, der nicht nur physiologisch bei der Entwicklung einiger Gewebe wie der Niere, der Leber und des Darms von Be-deutung ist, sondern auch eine wichtige Rolle in der Karzinogenese verschie-dener Tumoren spielt. Hierzu zählen unter anderem das hepatozelluläre Karzi-nom, das NSCLC und das Melanom. Von besonderer Relevanz ist seine Rolle in der Pathogenese des kolorektalen Karzinoms. Die verwendeten Interleukine (1beta, 4, 5, 8 und 13) zeigen sowohl inhibierende als auch fördernde Eigenschaften in Bezug auf die Karzinogenese von kolorektalen Tumoren. Dies steht im Einklang mit früheren Resultaten der Literatur. Die vier verschiedenen Zelllinien, eine Adenomzelllinie, zwei Adenokarzinomzelllinien sowie eine Zelllinie aus Lymphknotenmetastasenzellen wurden mit den verschiedenen Interleukinen inkubiert und mittels REAL TIME-RT-PCR analysiert. Die Ergebnisdarstellung in Blockdiagrammen zeigt semiquantitativ die relative HDGF-Expression. So lassen sich Aussagen über Anstieg oder Abfall der Expression durch den Einfluss der verschiedenen Interleukine machen. Die hier gezeigten Ergebnisse lassen, wie auch schon teilweise in der Literatur beschrieben, für alle Interleukine außer für IL 1beta, sowohl hemmende als auch tumorunterstützende Effekte beobachten. Interleukin 1beta zeigt in Kongruenz der vorbeschriebenen Studien, im Gegensatz zu den anderen Zytokinen, in allen Zelllinien tumorfördernde Eigenschaften. Für IL 4 ist zunächst in den Adenomzellen ein antitumoröser Effekt zu erkennen, dieser kehrt sich in der Metastasenzelllinie in eine förderndene Wirkung um. In den Adenokarzinomzelllinien sind weder eindeutige suppressive noch unterstützende Wirkungen zu verzeichnen. Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Grad der malignen Transformation und unterschiedlichem Ansprechen auf IL 4 lässt sich jedoch bisher nur spekulieren. Für IL 5 ist ein ähnliches Verhalten zu beobachten. Eine anfängliche inhibitorische Wirkung auf die HDGF-Expression in den Adenomzellen sowie Adenokarzinomzellen kehrt sich in der Metastasenzelllinie in den gegenteiligen Effekt um. Auch hier lässt sich eine Umkehr der ausgelösten Effekte mit fortschreitender maligner Transformation vermuten. IL 8 zeigt kongruente Effekte zu IL 4 und IL 5, jedoch lassen sich für IL 8 in der Literatur bisher nur tumorunterstützende Wirkungen finden. Hier lässt sich in den Adenomzellen eine suppressive Wirkung verzeichnen, wohingegen in den beiden Adenokarzinomzelllinien fördernde Effekte beobachtet werden. In der Metastasenzelllinie lassen sich jedoch weder positive noch negative Auswirkungen feststellen. Des Weiteren spiegeln auch die Ergebnisse des Einflusses von IL 13 die Vielgestaltigkeit der Wirkweisen dieses Interleukins dar, mit tumorhemmenden Effekten in den Adenom- sowie Metastasenzellen und fördernder Wirkung in den HT29-Zellen. Über die genauen Mechanismen, inwiefern ein Interleukin die Expression von HDGF hochreguliert oder supprimiert, kann zum momentanen Zeitpunkt nur spekuliert werden. Es kann jedoch vermutet werden, dass ein gewisser Zu-sammenhang zwischen dem Grad der malignen Transformation und der Wirk-weise der Interleukine existiert. Entscheidend sind hier sicherlich klonal erwor-bene Alterationen einzelner Signalkaskaden. Festzuhalten ist zum einen, dass bis auf IL 1beta für alle Zytokine der Einfluss auf HDGF vom jeweiligen Zellsystem abhängt. Diese Ergebnisse machen eine Schlüsselrolle von HDGF eher unwahrscheinlich, vielmehr scheint seine Regulation hier in teilweise komplexe Regulationsmechanismen mit eingebunden zu sein. Dass diese Alterationen möglicherweise auch im Rahmen der Karzinogenese bzw. der Akquise der Metastasierungsfähigkeit entstehen könnten, zeigen die teilweise bestehenden Unterschiede zwischen der verwendeten Adenomzelllinie und den Karzinomzelllinien respektive zwischen Karzinom- und Metastasenzelllinie. Die beschriebenen Ergebnisse geben einen Anhaltspunkt, in welche Richtung die einzelnen Interleukine wirken, zumindest in wie weit hier ein Einfluß auf die Transkription von HDGF als Surrogatmarker der Mitogenese erfolgt. Um die Komplexität und Vielfalt der Effekte von Interleukinen in Bezug zu Tumorstadium, Invasivität sowie Metastasierungsfähigkeit in Einklang zu bringen, bedarf es jedoch weiterführender Studien. Es lies sich zeigen, dass die angewendeten Interleukine generell Einfluss auf die Expressionshöhe von HDGF in verschiedenen Kolonzelllinien haben und als exogene Faktoren in die Regulation eingreifen können. Dies könnte ein weiterer Ansatz zur Etablierung immunmodulatorischer Therapieoptionen in soliden Neoplasien in der Zukunft sein. / Hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) is a growth factor which plays a role in physiological development of some organ tissues and in the carcinogensis of a few tumors like colorectal cancer, hepatocellular cancer, NSCLC. For this study especially the role of HDGF with regard to colorectal cancer is important. The main focus is set on the influences that different interleukins have on the expression of HDGF in different gut-tissues and colon cancer-tissues. To this end, five interleukins (1beta, 4, 5, 8 and 13) with different effects on the carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (inhibition/promotion) were investigated. It is known from the literature that all five interleukins show different behavior. Four cell lines–one adenoma cell line, two different cell lines of adenoma carcinoma of intestine, one cell line of lymph node metastase of adenoma carcinoma of intestine–were incubated with the five interleukins and analyzed with Real Time-RT-PCR. This method allows for an observation of changes of the relative HDGF-expression. The results show that all interleukins have an influence on the HDGF-expression. The most pronounced effects are observed in dependency of the concentration of the interleukins under investigation. Interleukin 1beta exhibits throughout a tumor supporting behavior. In contrast to this, all other interleukins showed that their influence depends on the probed cell line. This suggests that there is a connection between the effect of the interleukin and the degree of malign differentiation. This complex interplay manifests itself, for instance, in a totally inversion of the effects, with depression of the HDGF-expression in the cell line of adenoma and a promotion in the cell line of metastasis in some experimental runs. These findings are partly concurrent with known properties described in the literature related to colorectal cancer. ln summary the results show that interleukins as exogenous factor can influence the HDGF-expression. However, the data do not allow to derive final statements on the mechanism of regulation. It is imaginable that an alteration of the signal pathways, presumably acquired clonal, determine whether an interleukin shows effects of inhibition or promotion on the cell lines. Therefore, further studies are required to clarify in how far interleukins influence the HDGF-expression.

Esplenectomia e outros fatores de risco para hipertensão pulmonar em pacientes com esquistossomose hepatoesplênica

Ferreira, Rita de Cassia dos Santos 24 May 2013 (has links)
Schistosomiasis is probably the main cause of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in the world. Splenectomy is used as treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to rupture of gastroesophageal varices secondary to schistosomal portal hypertension. However, it is a risk factor to PAH in others clinical scenarios, being possible that it increases the risk of PAH in mansonic schistosomiasis. The risk factors that determine the expression of PAH in some individuals with schistosomiasis are unknown. A role of the interleukyn (IL)-13 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is suggested in the pulmonary vascular changes found in animal models of schistosomiasis. This thesis had the main objectives: verify the association of splenectomy and others risk factors with PAH in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and assess the seric levels of TGF-β and interleukin IL-13 in patients with schistosomal periportal fibrosis with and without PAH. The first article (Splenectomy and others risk factors to pulmonary hypertension associated to mansonic schistosomiasis) describes one case-control study that recruted patients evaluated in outpatient clinic of schistosomiasis in Hospital das Clínicas – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and outpatient clinic of PAH reference center of Pronto Socorro Cardiológico de Pernambuco. Sixty four patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiaisis splenectomized or not with PAH defined by cardiac catheterization (mean pulmonary arterial pressure ≥25mmHg and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ≤ 15mmHg) and 173 patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiaisis splenectomized or not, without PAH by transthoracic Doppler echocardiogram (pulmonary arterial systolic pressure ≤ 36mmHg) were enrolled. In the multivariate logistic regression model, splenectomy, thyroid disease increased levels of D dimer were independently associated with an increased risk of PAH. Adrenergic blockers use, previous schistosomal treatment and previous upper gastrointestinal bleeding were associated with a decreased risk of PAH. The second article (TGF-β and interleukin-13 in pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with mansonic schistosomiasis) describes a study conducted with 34 patients without PAH by transthoracic Doppler echocardiogram and 34 patients with PAH by right cardiac catheterization and both groups with schistosomal periportal fibrosis on abdominal ultrasound. They were submitted to assessment of seric dosage of TGF-β and IL-13 by ELISA. A significantly increased median of TGF-β in patients with PAH was found compared to patients without PAH (p=0.006). There was no significant difference regarding the difference between the median of IL-13 in patients with and without PAH (p>0.05). Conclusion: splenectomy and increased levels of D-dimer were independently associated with an increased risk of PAH, suggesting that a pro-thrombotic state occurs in these patients. Thyroid disease was other risk factor. However, previous schistosomal treatment, history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and use of adrenergic blockers were associated with a decreased risk of PAH. TGF-β may contribute to PAH pathogenesis in schistosomiasis and could be a target of treatment in PAH associated with schistosmisiasis / Submitted by Ramon Santana (ramon.souza@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-10T17:56:58Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese Rita de Cassia Ferreira.pdf: 1872861 bytes, checksum: 4e248d94fe004ff410acc217cf930086 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-10T17:56:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese Rita de Cassia Ferreira.pdf: 1872861 bytes, checksum: 4e248d94fe004ff410acc217cf930086 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-24 / CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) / A esquistossomose é provavelmente a maior causa de hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) no mundo. A esplenectomia é utilizada no tratamento da hemorragia digestiva secundária à ruptura de varizes gastroesofágicas decorrente da hipertensão portal esquistossomótica, mas, é um fator de risco para HAP em outras situações, sendo possível que aumente o risco de HAP na esquistossomose. Não se sabe quais são os fatores de risco que determinam o aparecimento de HAP em alguns indivíduos com esquistossomose. Estudos em camundongos sugerem um papel para a interleucina (IL)-13 e o transforming growth factor (TGF)-β nas alterações vasculares pulmonares encontradas na HAP esquistossomótica. Esta tese teve como objetivos principais: verificar a associação da esplenectomia e outros fatores de risco com HAP em pacientes com esquistossomose hepatoesplênica e dosagem de TGF-β e IL-13 em pacientes com fibrose periportal esquistossomótica com e sem HAP. O primeiro artigo (Esplenectomia e outros fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial pulmonar associada à esquistossomose mansônica) descreve um estudo caso controle onde foram recrutados pacientes do ambulatório de esquistossomose do Hospital das Clínicas – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e do ambulatório de HAP do Pronto Socorro Cardiológico de Pernambuco. Foram selecionados 64 pacientes com esquistossomose hepatoesplênica esplenectomizados ou não com HAP diagnosticada pelo cateterismo cardíaco (pressão média de artéria pulmonar ≥25mmHg e pressão diastólica final de ventrículo esquerdo ≤ 15mmHg) e 173 pacientes com esquistossomose hepatoesplênica esplenectomizados ou não, sem HAP no ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico (pressão sistólica de artéria pulmonar ≤ 36mmHg). As variáveis independentemente associadas com risco aumentado de HAP no modelo multivariado de regressão logística foram: esplenectomia, tireoidopatia e níveis aumentados de D-dímeros. O uso de bloqueadores adrenérgicos, história de tratamento prévio para esquistossomose e história de hemorragia digestiva alta foram associados com um risco reduzido de HAP. O segundo artigo (TGF-β e interleucina-13 na hipertensão arterial pulmonar associada à esquistossomose mansônica) descreve um estudo onde foram recrutados 34 pacientes sem HAP no ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico e 34 pacientes com HAP confirmada pelo cateterismo cardíaco direito e todos com fibrose periportal na ultrassonografia de abdome que tiveram as dosagens séricas de TGF-β e IL-13 realizadas através de ELISA. Uma mediana significativamente maior de TGF-β foi encontrada em pacientes com HAP em relação aos pacientes sem HAP (p=0,006). Não houve diferença significativa entre a mediana de IL-13 nos pacientes com ou sem HAP (p>0,05). Conclusões: Esplenectomia e elevação de Ddímeros foram associados a um risco aumentado de HAP, sugerindo um estado prótrombótico nestes pacientes. História de tireoidopatia também foi fator de risco. Pacientes com história de tratamento para esquistossomose, história de hemorragia digestiva alta e uso de bloqueadores adrenérgicos tiveram menor chance de desenvolver HAP. TGF-β tem um possível papel na patogênese da HAP na esquistossomose e pode vir a ser alvo de terapia na HAP associada à esquistossomose.

Avaliação da resposta inflamatória pulmonar e do transporte mucociliar em modelo de inflamação alérgica pulmonar: modulação pelo estresse induzido pela natação forçada / Evaluation of pulmonary inflammatory responses and mucociliary transport in a model of chronic allergic inflammation: modulation by stress induced by forced swimming

Rafael de Almeida dos Reis 11 September 2008 (has links)
Introdução: Há crescentes evidências que sinalizam o papel do estresse crônico como desencadeante e mesmo perpetuador de crises asmáticas, bem como a importância da produção de muco e do transporte mucociliar na fisiopatologia da asma brônquica. Objetivos: Deste modo, consideramos relevante avaliar em cobaias com inflamação alérgica crônica pulmonar como o estresse físico repetido, induzido pela natação forçada, modula as respostas de transporte mucociliar, as propriedades do muco, o infiltrado eosinofílico e a expressão de IL-13 no epitélio e nas células inflamatórias na parede das vias aéreas. Métodos: Os animais receberam inalações duas vezes por semana durante quatro semanas com doses crescentes de ovoalbumina (grupo OVA e OVA-NAT) ou solução fisiológica (grupo SAL e SAL-NAT). Após 24 horas da quarta inalação os animais dos grupos denominados SAL-NAT e OVA-NAT foram submetidos ao protocolo de natação forçada por dez dias com intervalo de dois dias, para a indução do estresse. Após 72 horas da última inalação, os animais foram anestesiados, sendo testadas: a velocidade de transporte mucociliar (VTM), a freqüência de batimento ciliar (FBC), e a diferença de potencial transepitelial (PD). Após estas medidas foram coletadas amostras de muco para avaliação do ângulo de contato (AC) e da transportabilidade pela tosse (TT). Foi coletada uma amostra de sangue para a dosagem de cortisol sérico. Os pulmões foram retirados, fixados e submetidos à coloração de LUNA, para identificação de eosinófilos, e à técnica imunohistoquímica para detecção da expressão de IL-13 no epitélio brônquico e nas células inflamatórias presentes na parede das vias aéreas. As adrenais também foram retiradas, imediatamente pesadas e submetidas à coloração de hematoxilina e eosina para avaliação histopatológica, utilizando a morfometria para determinação das áreas de cada uma de suas camadas. Resultados: Os Resumo animais do grupo OVA apresentaram uma redução da VTM, do PD, da TT e aumento do AC, da área de epitélio de vias aéreas, de muco ácido, do número de eosinófilos e da expressão de IL-13, no epitélio brônquico e nas células inflamatórias presentes ao redor das vias aéreas, comparativamente aos controles (p<0,05 para todas as comparações). Houve redução da área total da adrenal e de cada uma de suas camadas comparativamente aos controles (p<0,05 para todas as comparações). Os animais submetidos ao protocolo de estresse (grupos SAL-NAT e OVA-NAT) apresentaram aumento nos níveis de cortisol sérico (p<0,05), no peso das adrenais comparativamente aos grupos e OVA (p<0,05). Os animais submetidos ao protocolo de estresse e expostos à ovoalbumina (grupo OVA-NAT) mostraram redução na VTM, aumento no AC, na área de muco ácido do epitélio brônquico e em todas as camadas das adrenais, comparativamente aos resultados obtidos nos animais do grupo OVA (p<0,05 para todas as comparações). Conclusão: O processo inflamatório crônico pulmonar altera o transporte mucociliar e as propriedades reológicas do muco, o que se associou ao recrutamento eosinofílico, aumento da expressão de IL-13 no epitélio brônquico e nas células inflamatórias presentes na parede brônquica. Além disto, observamos a redução de todas as camadas da adrenal. Neste modelo experimental, o estresse físico repetido reduz o transporte mucociliar devido a alterações das propriedades do muco, particularmente potencializando o aumento de muco ácido e de sua hidrofobicidade e adesividade. Estes efeitos parecem estar relacionados à ativação adrenal, mas independentes do recrutamento eosinofílico e da resposta Th2 mediada pela IL-13 / Background: It has increasing evidence linking the role of stress in the onset of asthma exacerbation and in the maintenance of asthmatic crises, as well as the importance of mucus production and the mucociliary clearance in the asthma physiopathology. Objectives: So, we consider relevant to evaluate in guinea pigs with pulmonary chronic allergic inflammation how the induced repeated physical stress, caused by forced swimming, modulates the mucociliary clearance, the mucus properties, the eosinophilic infiltration and the IL-13 expression on bronchial epithelial cells in the airway wall. Methods: The animals had received inhalations two times per week during four weeks with increasing doses of ovalbumin (OVA and OVA-S groups) or saline solution (SAL and SAL-S groups). After twenty four hours of the 4th inhalation, the animals (named as SAL-S and OVA-S groups) had been submitted to the protocol of forced swimming, per ten days with an interval of two days, for the stress induction. After 72 hours of the last inhalation, the animals were anaesthetized and the tracheal mucus clearance (TMC), the ciliary beat frequency (CBF), and the difference of transepithelial potential difference (PD) were measured. After these measurements had been done mucus samples were collected for evaluation of the contact angle (CA) and cough transportability (CT). To serum cortisol dosage a little amount of blood was collected. The lungs were dissected, fixed and submitted to histological techniques, like LUNA stain for identification of eosinophils and the IL-13 immunohistochemistry technique for its detection in the bronchial epithelium and in the inflammatory cells present in the airways walls. The adrenal glands were excised, immediately weighed and submitted to haematoxylin and eosin stain for histopathological evaluation using the morphometry to determine the areas of each of their layers. Results: The animals of OVA Summary group presented a reduction of the TMC, the PD, and the CT. On the other hand they presented an increase of the CA, of the airways epithelial area, of the acid mucus, of the eosinophils number as well as on the IL-13 expression in the airways epithelium and on the inflammatory cells around the airways, compared to the controls (p<0.05 for all comparisons). There was a reduction of the adrenal gland total area and on each one of its layers compared to the controls (p<0.05 for all comparisons). The animals submitted to the forced swim stress protocol (SAL-S and OVA-S groups) showed an increase on serum cortisol levels, on adrenal gland weight compared to OVA group (p<0.05). The animals submitted to the forced swim stress protocol and to the sensitization protocol with ovalbumin (OVA-S) showed a reduction in the TMC and an increase on the CA, bronchial epithelial acid mucus area and in all adrenal gland layers compared to the results obtained in the OVA group animals (p<0.05 for all comparisons). Conclusions: The chronic inflammatory pulmonary process alters the mucociliary transport and mucus rheological properties which was associated to eosinophilic recruitment, increases in the IL-13 expression on bronchial epithelial cells and inflammatory cells in airway walls. In addition, we observed a reduction in all adrenal zones. In this experimental model the repeated physical stress reduces the mucociliary clearance due to the mucus rheological properties alterations, particularly increasing the amount of acid mucus and its wettability and adhesivity. These effects seem to be related to the adrenal activation but independently of the eosinophilic recruitment and of Th2 responses mediated by IL-13


Shajib, Mohammad Sharif January 2018 (has links)
Mucosal inflammation in conditions ranging from infective acute enteritis or colitis to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is accompanied by alteration in enterochromaffin (EC) cell numbers and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) content in the gut. Previously we had shown that CD4+ T cells, via production of T helper (Th)2 cytokines, regulate EC cell biology in the Trichuris muris-infectious colitis model. I further examined the mechanisms of immuno-endocrine interactions in the context of intestinal inflammation. In chapter 3, utilizing human EC cell line and Trichuris muris-mouse model of infectious colitis we identified a critical role of interleukin (IL)-13, a key Th2 cytokine, in increasing EC cell numbers, tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)1 expression (rate-limiting enzyme of mucosal 5-HT bio-synthesis), and 5-HT production. In chapter 4, we show that IL-13 driven intestinal inflammation is critically dependent on increased 5-HT production using dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) and dinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (DNBS) models of colitis. In DSS-induced colitis, we were the first to identify the increased production of IL-13 and its pathogenic role as IL-13 knockout (IL-13-KO) mice had less severe inflammation compared to wild-type, which was exacerbated following replenishment of 5-HT in IL-13-KO mice. In chapter 5, biopsy examination revealed, higher mucosal IL-13 expression accompanied inflammation in Crohn's disease (CD), which was additionally associated with increased TPH1, 5-HT receptor (5-HTR)3A, 5-HTR7 and decreased 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) expressions. Moreover, CD patients had elevated plasma and platelet-poor plasma 5-HT levels compared to healthy controls (HCs). Furthermore, 5-HTT polymorphism associated genotypes causing inefficiency in 5-HT re-uptake were more common in our patient cohort than HCs. The findings included in this thesis further emphasize the role of immuno-endocrine interactions in intestinal inflammation, which may be a step toward a better diagnosis or management or even a cure for a disease that is of growing concern, and in understanding IBD pathogenesis. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The gut produces most of the serotonin found in our body, where it regulates many normal functions. A group of special cells, named enterochromaffin cells, produces nearly all of the serotonin in the gut. In diseases of the gut, especially ones that involve inflammation resulting in symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea and bleeding, the number of these cells and serotonin concentration are different from that in the normal gut. I found that these changes are controlled by a particular protein produced by immune cells, called interleukin-13, and alteration in serotonin levels, in turn, contributes to the inflammatory process. Our laboratory experiments with cells and animals establish this connection between interleukin-13 and serotonin in gut inflammation. We further confirm this association between interleukin-13 and serotonin in human inflammatory bowel disease. Moreover, we identify a potential genetic cause of these changes in serotonin concentrations which may ultimately result in inflammatory bowel disease.


Punia, Navneet 10 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>Rationale: </strong>Lung-homing of bone marrow (BM)-derived progenitor cells is associated with inflammatory and remodeling changes in asthma. Stromal cell derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) is a potent progenitor cell chemoattractant and its local production in the lung promotes lung homing of progenitor cells. The role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in promoting traffic of progenitor cells to the site of inflammation in asthma has not been investigated. The TH2 cytokines, interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13, are key regulators of asthma pathology.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>To investigate the role of IL-4 and IL-13 in modulating the trans-migrational responses of hemopoietic progenitor cells (HPC).</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>HPC were isolated from cord blood (CB) and peripheral blood (PB) and migrational and adhesive responses were assessed using transwell migration assays and adhesion to fibronectin-coated wells, respectively. Responding cells were enumerated by flow cytometry.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>IL-4 and IL-13 had no direct effect on progenitor cell migration. Pre-incubation with each of these cytokines primed SDF-1α stimulated migration of CB and PB-derived HPC (CD34+45+ cells) but not eosinophil-lineage committed progenitors (CD34+45+IL- 5Rα+ cells) or mature eosinophils to SDF-1α. For HPC, priming effects of IL-4 (0.1ng/ml) and IL-13 (0.1ng/ml) were detectable within 1hr and optimal at 18hr post- incubation and IL-4 was the more effective priming agent. Disruption of lipid rafts inhibited IL-4 priming of SDF-1α stimulated migration of HPC indicating that increased incorporation of CXCR4 into membrane lipid rafts mediates the cytokine primed migrational response of HPC. This was confirmed by confocal fluorescent microscopy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>IL-4 and IL-13 prime the migrational response of HPC to SDF-1α by enhancing the incorporation of CXCR4 into lipid rafts. The priming effect of these cytokines is specific to primitive HPC. These data suggest that increased local production of IL-4 and IL-13 within the lungs may promote increased SDF-1α mediated homing of BM-derived HPC to the airways in asthma.</p> / Master of Science in Medical Sciences (MSMS)

Produção local de IgE e outros mediadores imunológicos no lavado nasal dos pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após a realização de imunoterapia específica com o ácaro Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus / Local production of IgE and other immune mediators in the nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after the realization of specific immunotherapy with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

Rodrigues, Adriana Teixeira 17 May 2016 (has links)
A rinite alérgica (RA) é a mais comum doença mediada por IgE, que afeta aproximadamente 500 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. A RA é a expressão clínica da ligação entre anticorpos do tipo IgE e antígenos na mucosa nasal resultando em inflamação. Estes anticorpos foram detectados na secreção nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica. Na abordagem da doença, temos a imunoterapia específica (IT) como único tratamento imunomodulatório antígeno específico. Foi demonstrado que IT gera uma diminuição da resposta tardia ao alérgeno tanto na pele como na mucosa do trato respiratório e esta redução se correlaciona com diminuição no número de células infiltrando os tecidos e na quantidade de mediadores inflamatórios. Objetivo: Determinar a resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses; determinar a resposta inflamatória padrão Th1/ Th2/ Th17 e avaliar escore de sintomas e contagem de células no lavado nasal. Método: Selecionamos pacientes sensibilizados ao Dermatophagoides pteronissinus com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica persistente. Realizamos as analises de sintomas nasais através da escala NIS e antes de iniciar o tratamento estes indivíduos realizaram provocação nasal com alérgeno e coleta de lavado nasal. Após 6 meses de tratamento IT e placebo estes pacientes foram reavaliados. Realizamos a analise de Imunoglobulinas (IgE especifica para Der p1 e 2, IgE total, e IgG4 especifica para Der p 1), contagem de células totais, citocinas padrão Th1/Th2 e Th17. Resultados: Analisamos 19 pacientes no grupo imunoterapia e 17 no grupo placebo. A avaliação dos sintomas pela escala NIS após 6 meses de intervenção, demonstrou diferença significativa nos grupos placebo e imunoterapia, em favor da IT. A concentração do extrato utilizado na provocação nasal foi maior no grupo imunoterapia após os 6 meses de tratamento mas sem significância estatística. Quanto a dosagem das imunoglobulinas observamos diminuição da IgE total após a intervenção assim como da contagem de células totais no lavado nasal. A dosagem das citocinas livres no lavado nasal não sofreram alterações significativas. Na provocação nasal observamos aumento de IL-13, IL-10 em ambos os grupos, independente da fase de tratamento. Conclusão: Não observamos nenhuma resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses. Houve melhora no escore de sintomas e diminuição da IgE total e da contagem de células no lavado nasal / Allergic rhinitis (AR) is the most common disease mediated by IgE, affecting approximately 500 million people worldwide. The AR is the clinical expression of the link between the IgE-antibodies and antigens in the nasal mucosa resulting in inflammation. Such antibodies were detected in nasal secretions of allergic rhinitis patients. As treatment for this morbidity there is specific immunotherapy (IT) as only immunomodulatory specific antigen approach. It was demonstrated that IT generates a decrease in the late response to the allergen both in the skin and in the mucosa of the respiratory tract and this reduction correlates with the decrease in the number of infiltrating cells and in the amount of inflammatory mediators. Objective: To determine the local response of specific IgE and IgG4 in nasal lavage fluids of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months; determine the standard inflammatory response of Th1 / Th2 / Th17 and evaluate symptom score and cell counts in nasal lavage. Method: We selected patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronissinus diagnosed with persistent allergic rhinitis. Nasal symptoms were assessed by Nasal Index Score, and before treatment, allergen nasal challenge and collection of nasal lavage fluid were performed. After 6 months of treatment or placebo, the patients were reevaluated. IgE specific for Der p 1 and 2, total IgE and IgG4 specific for Der p 1, total cell count were determined as well as Th1 / Th2 and Th17 cytokines. Results: We analyzed 19 patients in the immunotherapy group and 17 in the placebo group. The evaluation of symptoms by NIS scale after 6 months of intervention showed significant differences in favor of the immunotherapy group. The concentration of the extract used in the nasal challenge was higher in the immunotherapy group after 6 months of treatment but without statistical significance. The total IgE decreased after the intervention as well as the total cell count in nasal lavage. The dosage of the free cytokines in nasal lavage fluid did not change significantly. In the nasal provocation we observe an increasing in IL-13 and IL-10 in both treatment groups. Conclusion: We observed no local changes in specific IgG4 or specific IgE response in nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months. There was an improvement in symptom scores and a decreased of total IgE and cell counts in nasal lavage

Produção local de IgE e outros mediadores imunológicos no lavado nasal dos pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após a realização de imunoterapia específica com o ácaro Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus / Local production of IgE and other immune mediators in the nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after the realization of specific immunotherapy with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

Adriana Teixeira Rodrigues 17 May 2016 (has links)
A rinite alérgica (RA) é a mais comum doença mediada por IgE, que afeta aproximadamente 500 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. A RA é a expressão clínica da ligação entre anticorpos do tipo IgE e antígenos na mucosa nasal resultando em inflamação. Estes anticorpos foram detectados na secreção nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica. Na abordagem da doença, temos a imunoterapia específica (IT) como único tratamento imunomodulatório antígeno específico. Foi demonstrado que IT gera uma diminuição da resposta tardia ao alérgeno tanto na pele como na mucosa do trato respiratório e esta redução se correlaciona com diminuição no número de células infiltrando os tecidos e na quantidade de mediadores inflamatórios. Objetivo: Determinar a resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses; determinar a resposta inflamatória padrão Th1/ Th2/ Th17 e avaliar escore de sintomas e contagem de células no lavado nasal. Método: Selecionamos pacientes sensibilizados ao Dermatophagoides pteronissinus com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica persistente. Realizamos as analises de sintomas nasais através da escala NIS e antes de iniciar o tratamento estes indivíduos realizaram provocação nasal com alérgeno e coleta de lavado nasal. Após 6 meses de tratamento IT e placebo estes pacientes foram reavaliados. Realizamos a analise de Imunoglobulinas (IgE especifica para Der p1 e 2, IgE total, e IgG4 especifica para Der p 1), contagem de células totais, citocinas padrão Th1/Th2 e Th17. Resultados: Analisamos 19 pacientes no grupo imunoterapia e 17 no grupo placebo. A avaliação dos sintomas pela escala NIS após 6 meses de intervenção, demonstrou diferença significativa nos grupos placebo e imunoterapia, em favor da IT. A concentração do extrato utilizado na provocação nasal foi maior no grupo imunoterapia após os 6 meses de tratamento mas sem significância estatística. Quanto a dosagem das imunoglobulinas observamos diminuição da IgE total após a intervenção assim como da contagem de células totais no lavado nasal. A dosagem das citocinas livres no lavado nasal não sofreram alterações significativas. Na provocação nasal observamos aumento de IL-13, IL-10 em ambos os grupos, independente da fase de tratamento. Conclusão: Não observamos nenhuma resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses. Houve melhora no escore de sintomas e diminuição da IgE total e da contagem de células no lavado nasal / Allergic rhinitis (AR) is the most common disease mediated by IgE, affecting approximately 500 million people worldwide. The AR is the clinical expression of the link between the IgE-antibodies and antigens in the nasal mucosa resulting in inflammation. Such antibodies were detected in nasal secretions of allergic rhinitis patients. As treatment for this morbidity there is specific immunotherapy (IT) as only immunomodulatory specific antigen approach. It was demonstrated that IT generates a decrease in the late response to the allergen both in the skin and in the mucosa of the respiratory tract and this reduction correlates with the decrease in the number of infiltrating cells and in the amount of inflammatory mediators. Objective: To determine the local response of specific IgE and IgG4 in nasal lavage fluids of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months; determine the standard inflammatory response of Th1 / Th2 / Th17 and evaluate symptom score and cell counts in nasal lavage. Method: We selected patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronissinus diagnosed with persistent allergic rhinitis. Nasal symptoms were assessed by Nasal Index Score, and before treatment, allergen nasal challenge and collection of nasal lavage fluid were performed. After 6 months of treatment or placebo, the patients were reevaluated. IgE specific for Der p 1 and 2, total IgE and IgG4 specific for Der p 1, total cell count were determined as well as Th1 / Th2 and Th17 cytokines. Results: We analyzed 19 patients in the immunotherapy group and 17 in the placebo group. The evaluation of symptoms by NIS scale after 6 months of intervention showed significant differences in favor of the immunotherapy group. The concentration of the extract used in the nasal challenge was higher in the immunotherapy group after 6 months of treatment but without statistical significance. The total IgE decreased after the intervention as well as the total cell count in nasal lavage. The dosage of the free cytokines in nasal lavage fluid did not change significantly. In the nasal provocation we observe an increasing in IL-13 and IL-10 in both treatment groups. Conclusion: We observed no local changes in specific IgG4 or specific IgE response in nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months. There was an improvement in symptom scores and a decreased of total IgE and cell counts in nasal lavage

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