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Interrupční zákony v Československu v období 1950 až 1986 / Abortion laws in Czechoslovakia in 1950-1986Černý, David January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the legislation governing interruptions in Czechoslovakia in the time frame between 1950 and 1986 when this legislation went through many changes. The thesis studies consequences of these changes, their influence on the population in Czechoslovakia and even opinions of its inhabitants living in above mentioned time period. The thesis focuses also on so called "interruption commission"; institutions of former Czechoslovakia, which used to decide about the future of unwanted pregnancies. One part of this diploma thesis is also dedicated to the development and accessibility of contraceptives, which were directly influenced by the legislation.
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Treatment interruption in tuberculosis patients in a district of NamibiaZaranyika, Trust 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors associated with the interruption of tuberculosis treatment in the Swakopmund district of Namibia. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire administered by interviewers. The population consisted of both treatment interrupters and non-interrupters. The total sample was 143 respondents. The findings revealed that three factors were significantly associated with TB treatment interruption, namely a lack of formal education (p = 0.032), lack of access to media (p = 0.017), and clinic opening times (p = 0.000). Recommendations made include improving the support given to TB patients, increasing their understanding of TB and adopting new research and technology. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Fins de parties : identification dans le transfert et achoppement de cure psychothérapeutique / Endgames : identification inside transference and treatment abortionTregnier, Claude 10 October 2014 (has links)
La thèse traite des arrêts non éclairés de cure psychothérapeutique, c'est-à-dire des interruptions définitives à l'initiative exclusive du patient ou de la patiente, sans discussion avec le clinicien ou la clinicienne. Pour la première fois, une telle étude est basée sur des témoignages de patient(e)s, recueillis lors d'entretiens cliniques après consentement éclairé. Au plan théorique, l'étude s'appuie sur une approche métapsychologique informationnelle originale de la psyché comme organe de modélisation du monde par la réalité psychique, inspirée par un historique de l'évolution des notions de projection et d'identification projective en psychanalyse. Pour l'ensemble du panel clinique de l'étude, les arrêts non éclairés de cure résultent systématiquement de la perte de confiance du patient en raison d'un trait disqualifiant imputé au clinicien par transfert objectal ou par identification projective, avec une conviction remarquablement forte, inébranlable et durable que le trait en question appartient effectivement à la personne du clinicien. Au terme de l'étude, il apparaît que les personnes ayant traversé des expériences traumatiques relationnelles dans leur enfance (rupture de continuité relationnelle avec l'environnement parental) pourraient être particulièrement exposées aux risques d'arrêts non éclairés lorsqu'elles entreprennent une psychanalyse ou une psychothérapie. En conséquence, l'étude propose des mesures de métacommunication préventive et curative visant à réduire un tel risque. Ces conclusions nécessiteraient d'être affinées par une recherche ultérieure plus large incluant notamment une comparaison avec une population témoin de patient(e)s n'ayant pas connu d'arrêts non éclairés dans leur(s) cure(s), afin de préciser davantage les spécificités des patient(e)s qui en provoquent et de mieux caractériser les traumatismes relationnels précoces dont ces dernier(e)s ont pu faire l'expérience. / This work is about unilateral treatment abortions by the patient, occurring without preliminary discussion with the therapist. For the first time, such a research is based upon testimonies from patients collected during clinical interviews with their informed consent. Theoretically, the study relies on an original informational approach of the psyche as an organ which models the outside world by the psychical reality, approach inspired by an historical survey of projection and projective identification psychoanalytical concepts evolutions. For the entire study sample, unilateral treatment abortion by the patient always derives from loss of confidence in the therapist caused by the attribution to him or her of a disqualifying feature through object transference or projective identification channel, with a remarkably strong, unwavering and long-lasting conviction that the disqualifying feature truly belongs to the therapist. At the end of the study, it appears that the persons who have had relational traumatic experiences during childhood (breaks in the continuity of relations with parental environment) would be particularly prone to unilateral treatment abortions during a psychoanalysis or a psychotherapy. Consequently, the study proposes preventive and curatives measures of metacommunication in order to reduce risk of treatment abortion. The conclusions of this study would require further wider research, involving particularly a control population of patients who never experimented unilateral treatment abortion during their psychoanalysis/psychotherapy, in order to more clearly identify the specificities of the patients who provoke such treatment abortions and the exact nature of the relational trauma which they may have experimented during childhood.
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Entre honte et culpabilité, méandres de la maternalité chez la femme enceinte suite à une interruption médicale de grossesse / Between shame and guilt, meanders of maternality for a pregnant woman after a medical termination of pregnancyShulz, Jessica 06 October 2016 (has links)
La recherche explore les traces et remaniements du deuil prénatal au cours d'une grossesse suivant une Interruption Médicale de Grossesse (IMG) pour raison fœtale. Le statut du fœtus/bébé y est triplement complexe: entre humain et non humain sur le plan légal ; objet perceptible mais non directement visible dans la réalité matérielle ; à la fois prolongement narcissique et objet interne - partiel et potentiellement total dans la réalité psychique. Cet extrême paradoxe constitue un défi majeur du travail psychique du deuil prénatal. Selon le contexte culturel et les choix singuliers, maternels et paternels, face à ces possibles, les pratiques autours de sa mort seront différentes et aboutiront à des processus de deuil contrastés. Dans le cas particulier d'une IMG, l'expérience clinique nous invite à envisager deux aspects fondamentaux. D'un côté, la décision prise par la mère avec le choix qui s'impose à elle d'interrompre ou non la grossesse - et par là la vie du fœtus/bébé - interroge d'emblée ses éventuelles traces actualisées de culpabilité. De l'autre, être enceinte d'un fœtus porteur d'une pathologie grave représente pour la femme une blessure narcissique renvoyant au concept de honte. Dans leur articulation avec les processus narcissiques et objectaux, la honte et la culpabilité sont des prismes pertinents pour étudier les spécificités d'une grossesse suivant une IMG au cours de laquelle les liens entre objets internes, objets externes, sujet et groupe sont mis en exergue. Dans ce contexte, trois questions constituent la problématique de cette étude: le mode d'investissement du fœtus/bébé décédé est-il réactualisé par l'investissement du fœtus/bébé de la grossesse actuelle ? La grossesse active-t-elle de manière particulières des traces de honte et de culpabilité que nous nommons pour les singulariser vivances ? De quelle façon ces vivances s'articulent-elles avec les mouvements psychiques de la femme dans les processus de deuil ? Méthodologie: Cette recherche qualitative se réfère à une méthodologie hypothético-déductive et s'inscrit dans un référentiel psychanalytique. La population est constituée de 11 femmes (primipares et multipares) enceintes après avoir vécu une IMG pour raison fœtale après 15 Semaines d'Aménorrhée (SA). Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés auprès de ces femmes aux trois trimestres de la grossesse. Elles ont également rempli des auto-questionnaires à chaque temps de la recherche (PAI, PGS, EPDS, STAI, DAS, PCLS). L'analyse des entretiens, audio-enregistrés, croise une observation approfondie de chaque cas avec une analyse de contenu thématique, prenant en compte le vécu subjectif de chaque femme, afin de répondre aux hypothèses de recherche. Résultats : Les résultats mettent en avant une réactualisation du processus de deuil au cours de la grossesse suivante. Ils vont dans le sens de la confirmation de la portée heuristique et clinique de l'étude de la honte et de la culpabilité lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG. La honte se manifeste chez ces femmes par des vécus de dévoilement et d'exclusion, un sentiment de perte de contrôle, voire d'emprise, et un vécu d'échec et d'indignité. L'élaboration des vivances de honte est un bon marqueur de la possible résolution des dimensions narcissiques et développementales du processus de deuil. La culpabilité est très présente, en lien avec la pathologie fœtale, la décision d'interrompre la grossesse et vis-à-vis du bébé de la grossesse actuelle. Dans ce contexte, la honte et la culpabilité sont à comprendre comme les deux pôles d'un gradient continu. Sur le terrain périnatal, l'articulation sémiologique et psychopathologique de la dialectisation entre honte et culpabilité lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG, permet de donner des repères cliniquement organisateurs dans le cadre d'une prévention transdisciplinaire médico-psycho-sociale des troubles de la parentalité et des dysharmonies relationnelles précoces. / The aim of this research is to explore the traces and updates of prenatal grief during a pregnancy subsequent to a Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP). The status of the fetus is triply complex: between human and non-human on a legal dimension ; perceptible object but that cannot directly be seen in the plan of material reality; both narcissistic extension and internal object - partial and potentially total - in psychic reality. This extreme paradox is the major challenge of the psychic work during prenatal bereavement. Depending on the cultural background and singular maternal and paternal choices among those possibilities, the practices surrounding the death of the baby will be different and lead to contrasting grieving processes. In the particular case of MTP, the clinical experience leads us to consider two fundamental aspects. On one hand, the decision taken by the mother with the choice that she has to make to interrupt the pregnancy or not - and thereby the fetus/baby's life - questions on possibles feelings of guilt. From the other hand, being pregnant with a fetus with a severe pathology represents a narcissistic injury referring to the concept of shame. Shame and guilt, because of their relationship with narcissistic and object-relation processes seem to be quite relevant to study the specificities of a pregnancy following a MTP. In this context, three main questions constitutes the problematic of this study : Is the investment of the dead fetus/baby updated by the investment of the current fetus/baby ? Is the pregnancy activating in a particular way feelings of shame and guilt ? What is the articulation of these feelings with the grieving process ? Methodology: This qualitative research refers to a hypothetical-deductive method and lays on a psychoanalytic background. Our population is composed with 11 women (primiparous and multiparous) pregnant after a MTP for fetal reasons occurred after 15 weeks of amenorrhea (WA). Semi-structured interviews were conducted on the three trimestre of the pregnancy. They also each time completed self-questionnaires (PAI, PGS, EPDS, STAI, DAS, PCLS). The analysis of the interviews, that were recorded, crosses a thorough observation of each case with a thematic content analysis, taking into account the subjective experience of each woman, in order to answer the research hypotheses. Results: The results highlight an updating of the grieving process during the following pregnancy. They are in line with the confirmation of the heuristic and clinical significance of the study of shame and guilt in a pregnancy following a MTP. For these women, shame is manifested by a feeling of unveiling and exclusion, loss of control, and an experience of failure and unworthiness. The elaboration of shame is a good marker for possible resolution of narcissistic and developmental dimensions of the grieving process. Guilt is very present, connected with fetal pathology, the decision to terminate the pregnancy and towards the baby of the current pregnancy. Shame and guilt can be understood as the two poles of a continuous gradient. Their study in the context of a pregnancy following a medically terminated one makes possible to offer pertinent semiological and psychopathological markers in the framework of primary and secondary prevention of troubles in parentality and in early relational dysharmonies.
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[pt] Esta dissertação teve como objetivo compreender o processo que leva as mulheres a saírem temporariamente do mercado de trabalho, para se dedicarem exclusivamente à maternidade, culminando no seu posterior reingresso. Tendo como foco mulheres de nível superior, esta pesquisa explorou os motivos que as levaram a interromper suas carreiras; os sentimentos vividos por elas durante o período de afastamento; e seus processos de reinserção no trabalho. A metodologia de estudo aplicada foi de natureza qualitativa, contando com entrevistas semiestruturadas com 15 mulheres que deixaram suas trajetórias profissionais para cuidar dos filhos. Os resultados revelaram que as entrevistadas não estão se afastando de suas carreiras apenas para cuidar dos filhos, mas por razões mais complexas que compreendem também aspectos relacionados ao trabalho e à ausência dos maridos. Além disso, constatou-se que, durante o tempo de afastamento, elas vivenciaram experiências mistas, que envolvem crises de identidade e os prazeres de acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos filhos. No tocante aos motivos para retornar ao trabalho, o alto comprometimento profissional foi um fator mencionado por muitas delas. Quanto aos obstáculos para recolocação, foram evidenciados os parâmetros: depreciação do capital humano e falta de auto-confiança. Acerca das estratégias para volta, as mais utilizadas pelas entrevistadas foram: acionar a rede de contatos e encontrar empregos mais flexíveis. Por fim, após o regresso delas ao trabalho remunerado, observou-se que as mulheres seguem sobrecarregadas, porém, alguns recursos permitem que elas equilibrem melhor a sempre difícil relação trabalho-família. / [en] This dissertation aimed to understand the process that leads women to temporarily leave the labor market, to dedicate themselves exclusively to motherhood, culminating in their subsequent reentry. Focusing on women with higher education, this research explored the reasons that led them to interrupt their careers; the feelings experienced by them during the period of absence, and; their reintegration processes at work. The applied study methodology was a qualitative nature, with semi-structured interviews with 15 women who left their professional trajectories to take care of their children. The results revealed that the interviewees are not moving away from their careers just to care for their children, but for more complex reasons that also include aspects related to work and the absence of their husbands. Also, it was found that, during the time of absence, they had mixed experiences, which involve identity crises and the pleasures of accompanying the development of their children. Regarding the reasons for returning to work, a high professional commitment was a factor mentioned by many of them. As for the obstacles to relocation, the parameters were highlighted: depreciation of human capital and deficit of confidence. About the strategies for return, the most used by the interviewees were: activate the network of contacts and find more flexible jobs. Finally, after their return to paid work, it was observed that women remain overloaded, however, some resources allow them to better balance the always difficult work-family relationship.
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Optimizing The Design Of Multimodal User InterfacesReeves, Leah 01 January 2007 (has links)
Due to a current lack of principle-driven multimodal user interface design guidelines, designers may encounter difficulties when choosing the most appropriate display modality for given users or specific tasks (e.g., verbal versus spatial tasks). The development of multimodal display guidelines from both a user and task domain perspective is thus critical to the achievement of successful human-system interaction. Specifically, there is a need to determine how to design task information presentation (e.g., via which modalities) to capitalize on an individual operator's information processing capabilities and the inherent efficiencies associated with redundant sensory information, thereby alleviating information overload. The present effort addresses this issue by proposing a theoretical framework (Architecture for Multi-Modal Optimization, AMMO) from which multimodal display design guidelines and adaptive automation strategies may be derived. The foundation of the proposed framework is based on extending, at a functional working memory (WM) level, existing information processing theories and models with the latest findings in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and other allied sciences. The utility of AMMO lies in its ability to provide designers with strategies for directing system design, as well as dynamic adaptation strategies (i.e., multimodal mitigation strategies) in support of real-time operations. In an effort to validate specific components of AMMO, a subset of AMMO-derived multimodal design guidelines was evaluated with a simulated weapons control system multitasking environment. The results of this study demonstrated significant performance improvements in user response time and accuracy when multimodal display cues were used (i.e., auditory and tactile, individually and in combination) to augment the visual display of information, thereby distributing human information processing resources across multiple sensory and WM resources. These results provide initial empirical support for validation of the overall AMMO model and a sub-set of the principle-driven multimodal design guidelines derived from it. The empirically-validated multimodal design guidelines may be applicable to a wide range of information-intensive computer-based multitasking environments.
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The Effects of Response Interruption Redirection and Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors on Rates of Vocal StereotypyJared, Cara E. 28 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Communication and Patient Safety : Transfer of information between healthcare personnel in anaesthetic clinicsRandmaa, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Communication errors are frequent during the perioperative period and cause clinical incidents and adverse events. The overall aim of the thesis was to study communication – the transfer of information, especially the postoperative handover – between healthcare personnel in an anaesthetic clinic and the effects of using the communication tool SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) from a patient safety perspective. The thesis is based on studies using a correlational (Paper I), quasi-experimental (Paper II and III) and descriptive (Paper IV) design. Data were collected using digitally recorded and structured observations of handovers, anaesthetic records, questionnaires, incident reports and focus group interviews. The results from baseline data showed that lack of structure and long duration of the verbal postoperative handover decreased how much the receiver of postoperative handover remembered; the item most likely not to be remembered by the receiver was anaesthetic drugs. The variation in remembered information showed that there were room for improvement (Paper I). Implementing the communication tool SBAR increased memorized information among receivers following postoperative handover. Interruptions were frequent during postoperative handover, which negatively affected memorized information (Paper III). Furthermore, after implementation of SBAR, the personnel’s perception of communication between professionals and the safety climate improved, and the proportion of incident reports related to communication errors decreased in the intervention group (Paper II). The results of the focus group interviews revealed that the nurse anaesthetists, anaesthesiologists and post-anaesthesia care unit nurses had somewhat different focuses and views of the postoperative handover, but all professional groups were uncertain about having all information needed to secure the quality of postoperative care (Paper IV). The findings indicate that using a predictable structure during postoperative handover may improve the information memorized by the receiver, perception of communication between professionals and perception of safety climate. Incidents related to communication errors may also decrease. Long duration of the handover and interruptions may negatively affect the information memorized by receiver. To ensure high quality and safe care, there is a need to achieve a shared understanding across professionals of their work in its entirety.
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營業中斷保險法律問題之研究蔡依沛 Unknown Date (has links)
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On the polymer-based nanocomposites for electrical switching applicationsDoddapaneni, Venkatesh January 2017 (has links)
Recent research demonstrated that polymer based nanocomposites (PNCs) have been engineered in order to improve the arc interruption capability of the circuit breakers. PNCs are the combination of nano-sized inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) and polymers, opened up new developments in materials science and engineering applications. Inorganic NPs are selected based on their physical and chemical properties which could make multifunctional PNCs in order to interrupt the electrical arcs effectively. In particular, we presented the PNCs fabricated by using CuO, Fe3O4, ZnO and Au NPs in a poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) matrix via in-situ polymerization method, recently developed method to avoid NPs agglomeration, leading to good spatial distribution in the polymer matrix. Thus, several samples with various wt% of NPs in PMMA matrix have been fabricated. These PNCs have been characterized in detail for the morphology of NPs, interaction between NPs and polymer matrix, and radiative/thermal energy absorption properties. In the next stage, PNCs are tested to determine their arc interruption performance and impact on the electrical arcs of current 1.6 kA generated using a specially designed test set-up. When PNCs interact with the electrical arcs, they generate ablation of chemical species towards core of the electrical arc, resulting in cooling-down the arc due to strong temperature and pressure gradient in the arc quenching domain. This thesis demonstrates for the first time that these engineered PNCs are easily processed, reproducible, and can be used to improve the arc interruption process in electrical switching applications. / Ny forskning har visat att polymerbaserade nanokompositer (PNCs) har utformats för att förbättra strömbrytares förmåga att undvika ljusbågar vid överslag. PNCs är en kombination av nanostora oorganiska nanopartiklar (NP) och polymerer, som har öppnat upp för ny utveckling inom materialvetenskap och tekniska tillämpningar. Oorganiska NP väljs baserat på deras fysikaliska och kemiska egenskaper som kan hjälpa PNCs att motverka elektriska ljusbågar effektivt. I synnerhet, presenterade vi PNCs tillverkade genom användning av CuO, Fe3O4, ZnO och Au NP i en poly (metylmetakrylat) (PMMA)-matris via in situ-polymerisationsmetod, nyligen utvecklad för att undvika NP-agglomerering, vilket leder till god rumslig fördelning i polymermatrisen. Därför har flera prover med olika vikt% av NP i PMMA-matris tillverkats. Dessa PNCs har utvärderats i detalj för NP-morfologi, interaktion mellan NP och polymermatris, och strålnings- och värmeenergiabsorption. I nästa skede testas PNCs för att bestämma deras förmåga att undvika ljusbågar och påverkan på de elektriska ljusbågarna av 1,6 kA strömstyrka, genererade med hjälp av en specialdesignad test-set-up. När PNCs interagerar med de elektriska ljusbågarna, genererar de ablation av kemiska ämnen mot kärnan i den elektriska ljusbågen, vilket resulterar i nedkylning av ljusbågen på grund av starka temperatur- och tryckgradienter i området. Denna avhandling visar för första gången att dessa konstruerade PNCs är lätta att framställa, reproducerbara, och kan användas för att förbättra avbrottsprocessen för ljusbågen i elektriska kopplingstillämpningar. / <p>QC 20170303</p>
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