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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An intervention programme to improve the self-concept and attitudes of prospective mathematics teachers

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 06 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to design and implement an intervention programme to improve the self-concepts and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers. The possible effects of the programme were researched by means of a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. A questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the programme was also designed. Important findings of this study are that: (a) the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient indicated a 0,9 reliability of the designed questionnaire; (b) the average self-concepts of prospective teachers improved after the intervention programme was implemented, though not significantly and (c) the self-concepts of prospective teachers not majoring in Mathematics also improved after the intervention, though not significantly. A focus group interview was conducted to improve the intervention programme. On the basis of the responses of the participants in the focus group interview as well as of the quantitative study and of the literature reviewed, an improved version of the intervention programme was designed. According to the research, the programme should include: cooperative learning; everyday life contexts; manipulatives; hands-on activities, encouraging the asking of questions; a positive relationship between lecturer and student; writing assignments before doing a new topic; content relevance; a positive communication of assessment; games; various approaches to solving problems; understandable language; gender sensitivity and positive role modeling. The intervention programme implemented in this study was tested over a period of three months; hence the recommendation in this research for the replication thereof over a longer period. The study further recommends that since the study was conducted in one college of education only, there is a need for it to be conducted in a number of colleges, in order to elicit a broader and more representative picture of the impact of the intervention programme. The findings of this study advocate the need to combine both quantitative and qualitative research in studies: the results of the quantitative research did not conclusively indicate a positive impact of the intervention programme. However, the qualitative research saw respondents expressing improved confidence and attitudes. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Faktore wat verband hou met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in sekondêre skole in die Upington omgewing. / Factors related to the learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in scondary schools in the Upington area

Nel, William Nico 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The aim was to establish factors related to learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in historically coloured schools. An eclectic approach was followed because theoretical views on motivation could not furnish a comprehensive theory. The definition emerging from this approach states that motivation is a process started within a person to create a state of need for satisfaction and happiness that can be reached by instigating and sustaining goal-directed activity. The link between learning and motivation, as well as related factors, was ascertained. Determinants of high and low levels of learning motivation were established. Programmes aimed at higher motivation levels were explored. Empirically it was proven that grade 9 learners in historically coloured schools leaned more towards an extrinsic orientation; grade 12's more intrinsic. An intervention programme is suggested. / Die doel was om vas te stel watter faktore hou verband met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in histories bruin sekondere skole spesifiek. 'n Eklektiese benadering is gevolg omdat die teoretiese beskouings oor leerrnotivering nie 'n bevredigende allesomvattende teorie kon verskaf nie. Die werksdefinisie van motivering is 'n gevolg daarvan en lui as volg: motivering is die proses wat in die persoon aan die gang gesit word om 'n staat van behoefte na tevredenheid en geluk te skep wat bereik kan word deur doelgerigte aktiwiteit aan te stig en aan die gang te hou. Die verband tussen leer en motivering is bepaal asook die faktore wat verband hou met leermotivering. Bepalers van hoe en lae leermotiveringsvlakke is vasgestel en ingrypingsprogramme gemik op verhoogde motivering is ondersoek. Empiries is bewys dat die graad 9-leerders meer geneig is tot ekstrinsieke orienterings rakende leermotivering; graad 12-leerders meer intrinsiek. 'n lngrypingsprogram word voorgestel. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Work-related rehabilitation for strengthening working careers:a multiperspective and mixed methods study of its mechanisms

Juvonen-Posti, P. (Pirjo) 29 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract Coping at work and job retention have been on the list of priorities of European countries for some decades. Vocational rehabilitation is a key measure for preventing work disability, but its possibilities have remained unused in many respects. Moreover, rehabilitation tasks are defined differently depending on the perspective taken. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the possibilities that arise from defining work-related rehabilitation tasks in a way that combines different perspectives and interests. The research questions are: 1) What were the impacts on working career and psychosocial factors of an intervention for long-term unemployed people with disabilities? 2) What kind of processes and mechanisms promoted the working careers and other outcomes of the employed people during the interventions? 3) What forms of collaboration took place between the rehabilitees and different stakeholders, and to what extent did the rehabilitees have opportunities to choose and act during the process? The empirical data for the study were collected from two vocational rehabilitation research projects. The research design was a multiple case study from multiple perspectives combined with mixed methods. The materials were collected through surveys, individual and group interviews, documents, and register follow-up. We found the contextual mechanism through which the outcomes of the work-related rehabilitation emerged. The process was promoted or hindered by actions taken by all stakeholders. The promoting or hindering mechanisms were born through the actions taken by the supervisor in particular, the occupational health service and rehabilitation service provider, and the individual’s life situation factors. Similar factors promoted and hindered the re-employment and staying or returning to work outcomes. Enhancing the rehabilitees’ own agency is also important, regardless of how weak it is at the beginning. I also present a new way of assigning rehabilitation tasks, which structures the complexity of the field of work-related rehabilitation and helps manage it. Work-related rehabilitation is a combination of societal and individual actions. The results of this study will help all actors involved in rehabilitation to improve the outcomes of work-related rehabilitation by developing opportunities for the rehabilitees’ own agency and collaboration / Tiivistelmä Työurien jatkaminen on keskeinen eurooppalaisten yhteiskuntien selviämisen haaste. Kuntoutus on riittämättömästi hyödynnetty resurssi työurien pidentämiseksi. Lisäksi kuntoutuksen tehtävät määrittyvät eri näkökulmista eri tavalla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella, miten työikäisten kuntoutuksen tehtävää voitaisiin määritellä eri toimijoiden intressejä ja päämääriä yhdistäen. Tutkimuskysymyksiä oli kolme: 1) Mitkä olivat monimuotoisen ammatillisen kuntoutuksen vaikutukset pitkäaikaistyöttömien työuraan ja muihin psykososiaalisiin tekijöihin? 2) Millaiset prosessit ja mekanismit edistivät työuria työllisten monimuotoisen ammatillisen kuntoutuksen interventiossa? 3) Minkälaisia yhteistyömuotoja työhön kytkeytyvässä kuntoutuksessa kuntoutujan ja eri toimijoiden välillä toteutui, ja missä määrin kuntoutujat pystyivät vaikuttamaan omiin valinta- ja toimintamahdollisuuksiinsa prosessin aikana? Aineisto koostui kahden ammatillisen kuntoutuksen kehittämishankkeen arviointitutkimusaineistoista. Tutkimusasetelma oli monitapaustutkimus, joka oli toteutettu moninäkökulmaisena mixed method –tutkimuksena. Aineistot oli koottu kyselyiden, yksilö- ja ryhmähaastatteluiden, dokumenttien ja rekisteriseurannan avulla. Aineistojen analyysejä oli tehty aineistokokonaisuuksittain analysoiden kvantitatiiviset ja kvalitatiiviset aineistot erikseen sekä yhdistämällä aineistoja tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Tutkimuksessa löytyi mekanismi, jonka kautta kuntoutuksen tulokset syntyivät tai jäivät syntymättä. Edistävät ja estävät mekanismit liittyivät erityisesti esimiehen, työterveyshuollon ja kuntoutuksen palvelutuottajan toimintaan ja kuntoutujan elämäntilanteeseen. Samanlaiset tekijät edistivät ja estivät työttömillä ja työllisillä kuntoutumista. Lisäksi työhön kytkeytyvässä kuntoutuksessa kuntoutujan oman toimijuuden tukeminen on tärkeää, vaikka se alkuvaiheessa olisi vähäinen. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan työikäisten kuntoutuksen tehtävät uuden mallin avulla. Tämä jäsentää ammatillisen kuntoutuksen kentän kompleksisuutta ja auttaa hallitsemaan sitä. Työhön kytkeytyvä kuntoutus muodostuu yhteiskuntaan ja yksilöön kohdistuvista toimista, joilla mahdollistetaan työelämään paluu ja osallistuminen. Tulosten avulla kuntoutuksen toteuttajat, tutkijat ja viranomaiset voivat parantaa kuntoutuksen työuravaikutuksia kehittämällä kuntoutujan osallistumismahdollisuuksia ja yhteistoimintaa.

Verbetering van visueel–motoriese integrasie by 6– tot 8–jarige kinders met Aandaggebrekhiperaktiwiteitsindroom / van Wyk J.

Van Wyk, Yolanda January 2011 (has links)
The visual system and good ocular motor control play an important role in the effective development of gross motor, sport, fine motor and academic skills (Erhardt et al., 1988:84; Desrocher, 1999:36; Orfield, 2001:114). Various researchers report a link between ocular motor problems and attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000:263; Farrar et al., 2001:441; Gould et al., 2001:633; Armstrong & Munoz, 2003:451; Munoz et al., 2003:510; Borsting et al., 2005:588; Hanisch et al., 2005:671; Mason et al., 2005:1345; Loe et al., 2009:432). A few studies were carried out to analyse the links between ADHD and ocular motor control with regard to matters like visual attention, visual perception and ocular motor control like eye movement outside the normal fixation point, but no studies have been reported on the status of the ocular motor control of South African populations, and the effect of visual–motor intervention on the ocular motor control or visual–motor integration of learners with ADHD. The aim of the study was twofold, namely firstly to determine the ocular motor control functions and status of visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– tot 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa, while the second aim was to determine whether a visualmotor– based intervention programme can improve the ocular motor control and status of the visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– to 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa. Statistica for Windows 2010 was used to analyse the data. The Sensory Input Screening measuring instrument and the Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST–II) were used to assess the ocular motor control functions (fixation, ocular alignment, visual tracking and convergence–divergence), while the Beery Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration (VMI–4de weergawe) was used to determine the status of the learners’ visual–motor integration (VMI), visual perception (VP) and motor coordination (MC). The Disruptive Behaviour Scale, a checklist for ADHD (Bester, 2006), was used as measuring instrument to identify the learners with ADHD. Fifty–six learners (31 boys, 25 girls, with an average age of 7,03 years +0,65) participated in the pre–test and were divided into an ADHD (n=39) and a non–ADHD (n=16) group for aim one. Two–way tables were used to determine the percentage of ocular motor control deficits in the learners with and without ADHD, and an independent t–test was used to analyse the visual–motor integration of these learners. The Pearson Chi–squared test was used to determine the practical significance of differences in VMI and VP (d>0,05). The results of the study reveal that the majority of learners displayed ocular motor control deficits, regardless of whether they were classified with ADHD or not. The biggest percentage of learners fell into Class 2 (moderate deficits), particularly with regard to horizontal (68,57%; 52,63%; w=0,16) and vertical tracking (65,71%; 73,68%), as well as convergence–divergence (80%; 78,95%; w=0,11). However, it appears that ADHD learners experience more serious problems (Class 3) with visual tracking than learners without ADHD (both eyes: 22,86%; compared to 10,53% (w=0,22); right eye: 11,43% compared to 0% (p=0,05; w=0,34); left eye: 14,29% compared to 0% (p=0,02; w=0,38)). Learners with and without ADHD displayed a practically significant difference with respect to visual perception (d=0,37) and motor coordination (d=0,5) compared to learners without ADHD (who achieved better results). For aim 2 the subjects were divided into three groups. A pre–test–post–test design compiled from an availability sample of three groups (intervention group with ADHD (n=20); control group with ADHD (n=10) and control group without ADHD (n=17)) was used for this part of the study. The intervention group participated in a nine–week (3x/week and for 45 minutes) visualmotor– based intervention programme in which the ocular motor control functions section was applied for about 5 minutes per learner. Forty–seven learners (25 boys and 22 girls) with an average age of 6,95 years (+0,69) constituted the experimental group, while a control group with ADHD with an average age of 7,2 years (+0,79) and a control group without ADHD with an average age of 7,12 years (+0,60) did not receive any intervention and just participated in the pre– and post–test opportunity. A two–way cross–tabulation table was used to determine the changes in ocular motor control functions. These results mainly revealed that practically significant changes occurred in all three groups, be it improvement or deterioration in the various classes of ocular motor control. It appears that as far as horizontal and vertical visual tracking is concerned, and with convergence–divergence, more subjects were moved back from Class 3 (serious cases) to Class 1 (no deficits) and 2 (moderate deficits) in particular than in the other two groups that had received no intervention. Independent t–testing was used to analyse intragroup differences in the visual–motor integration subdivisions, while a covariance analysis (ANCOVA) (corrected for pre–test differences) was used to determine adjusted average post–test difference values. These results revealed that the motor coordination of the intervention group improved more than that of the control group with ADHD (p=0,18). This can lead to the conclusion that the intervention programme did have an effect on this specific skill. Abstract The overall indications of the results are that learners with ADHD have a general tendency to achieve poorer results in ocular motor control tests and with skills involving visual–motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination than learners without ADHD. Although only a minor improvement was identified in the experimental group after participation in the intervention programme, it is recommended with regard to motor coordination in particular that a similar programme be compiled for ADHD learners that focuses more specifically on the ocular motor control needs of each learner, and that it be presented on a more individual basis in order to accomplish greater improvement. / Thesis (M.A. (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Verbetering van visueel–motoriese integrasie by 6– tot 8–jarige kinders met Aandaggebrekhiperaktiwiteitsindroom / van Wyk J.

Van Wyk, Yolanda January 2011 (has links)
The visual system and good ocular motor control play an important role in the effective development of gross motor, sport, fine motor and academic skills (Erhardt et al., 1988:84; Desrocher, 1999:36; Orfield, 2001:114). Various researchers report a link between ocular motor problems and attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000:263; Farrar et al., 2001:441; Gould et al., 2001:633; Armstrong & Munoz, 2003:451; Munoz et al., 2003:510; Borsting et al., 2005:588; Hanisch et al., 2005:671; Mason et al., 2005:1345; Loe et al., 2009:432). A few studies were carried out to analyse the links between ADHD and ocular motor control with regard to matters like visual attention, visual perception and ocular motor control like eye movement outside the normal fixation point, but no studies have been reported on the status of the ocular motor control of South African populations, and the effect of visual–motor intervention on the ocular motor control or visual–motor integration of learners with ADHD. The aim of the study was twofold, namely firstly to determine the ocular motor control functions and status of visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– tot 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa, while the second aim was to determine whether a visualmotor– based intervention programme can improve the ocular motor control and status of the visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– to 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa. Statistica for Windows 2010 was used to analyse the data. The Sensory Input Screening measuring instrument and the Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST–II) were used to assess the ocular motor control functions (fixation, ocular alignment, visual tracking and convergence–divergence), while the Beery Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration (VMI–4de weergawe) was used to determine the status of the learners’ visual–motor integration (VMI), visual perception (VP) and motor coordination (MC). The Disruptive Behaviour Scale, a checklist for ADHD (Bester, 2006), was used as measuring instrument to identify the learners with ADHD. Fifty–six learners (31 boys, 25 girls, with an average age of 7,03 years +0,65) participated in the pre–test and were divided into an ADHD (n=39) and a non–ADHD (n=16) group for aim one. Two–way tables were used to determine the percentage of ocular motor control deficits in the learners with and without ADHD, and an independent t–test was used to analyse the visual–motor integration of these learners. The Pearson Chi–squared test was used to determine the practical significance of differences in VMI and VP (d>0,05). The results of the study reveal that the majority of learners displayed ocular motor control deficits, regardless of whether they were classified with ADHD or not. The biggest percentage of learners fell into Class 2 (moderate deficits), particularly with regard to horizontal (68,57%; 52,63%; w=0,16) and vertical tracking (65,71%; 73,68%), as well as convergence–divergence (80%; 78,95%; w=0,11). However, it appears that ADHD learners experience more serious problems (Class 3) with visual tracking than learners without ADHD (both eyes: 22,86%; compared to 10,53% (w=0,22); right eye: 11,43% compared to 0% (p=0,05; w=0,34); left eye: 14,29% compared to 0% (p=0,02; w=0,38)). Learners with and without ADHD displayed a practically significant difference with respect to visual perception (d=0,37) and motor coordination (d=0,5) compared to learners without ADHD (who achieved better results). For aim 2 the subjects were divided into three groups. A pre–test–post–test design compiled from an availability sample of three groups (intervention group with ADHD (n=20); control group with ADHD (n=10) and control group without ADHD (n=17)) was used for this part of the study. The intervention group participated in a nine–week (3x/week and for 45 minutes) visualmotor– based intervention programme in which the ocular motor control functions section was applied for about 5 minutes per learner. Forty–seven learners (25 boys and 22 girls) with an average age of 6,95 years (+0,69) constituted the experimental group, while a control group with ADHD with an average age of 7,2 years (+0,79) and a control group without ADHD with an average age of 7,12 years (+0,60) did not receive any intervention and just participated in the pre– and post–test opportunity. A two–way cross–tabulation table was used to determine the changes in ocular motor control functions. These results mainly revealed that practically significant changes occurred in all three groups, be it improvement or deterioration in the various classes of ocular motor control. It appears that as far as horizontal and vertical visual tracking is concerned, and with convergence–divergence, more subjects were moved back from Class 3 (serious cases) to Class 1 (no deficits) and 2 (moderate deficits) in particular than in the other two groups that had received no intervention. Independent t–testing was used to analyse intragroup differences in the visual–motor integration subdivisions, while a covariance analysis (ANCOVA) (corrected for pre–test differences) was used to determine adjusted average post–test difference values. These results revealed that the motor coordination of the intervention group improved more than that of the control group with ADHD (p=0,18). This can lead to the conclusion that the intervention programme did have an effect on this specific skill. Abstract The overall indications of the results are that learners with ADHD have a general tendency to achieve poorer results in ocular motor control tests and with skills involving visual–motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination than learners without ADHD. Although only a minor improvement was identified in the experimental group after participation in the intervention programme, it is recommended with regard to motor coordination in particular that a similar programme be compiled for ADHD learners that focuses more specifically on the ocular motor control needs of each learner, and that it be presented on a more individual basis in order to accomplish greater improvement. / Thesis (M.A. (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Assisting Grade 12 learners in township schools to perform optimally : a case study in the Tshwane South District of Gauteng Province / Assisting Grade twelve learners in township schools to perform optimally

Mbuisa, Mahlatini 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find solutions to problems relating to the fact that many township learners are not optimally prepared for the Grade 12 final examination resulting in them having limited possibilities for further studies and after-school employment. The main research question focused on how Grade 12 learners can be assisted to perform optimally in the final examination. A qualitative research approach was adopted using focus group interviews. School management team members and Grade 12 educators and learners from one township secondary school were selected as participants. The main factors that assist Grade 12 learners to perform optimally in the Grade 12 final examination relate to well executed leadership functions, competent teaching, learner commitment, effective policy implementation and sound school, home and township conditions. A school intervention programme that included formal studying by camping on the school grounds improved Grade 12 performance significantly. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The Body image of middle adolescent girls

Williams, Jennifer Gail 01 January 2002 (has links)
The prevalence of dieting is alarmingly high amongst adolescents in South Africa. Dieting behaviour, influenced by the promotion of the thin ideal, poses one of the main risks for eating disorders, which have serious physical, psychological and social consequences, including death. Treatment of eating disorders is a costly, difficult and long-term process, therefore preventative measures have been advocated. One of the shortcomings of existing school-based primary intervention programmes has been the failure to bring about significant changes in body image, a key defining feature of eating disorders. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a modified version of Rosen's body image programme with adolescents, with the view to exploring the idea of adding a body image component to existing preventative programmes. The modified version of Rosen's programme proved to be effective in improving the body image of mid-adolescents. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education, with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Faktore wat verband hou met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in sekondêre skole in die Upington omgewing. / Factors related to the learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in scondary schools in the Upington area

Nel, William Nico 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The aim was to establish factors related to learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in historically coloured schools. An eclectic approach was followed because theoretical views on motivation could not furnish a comprehensive theory. The definition emerging from this approach states that motivation is a process started within a person to create a state of need for satisfaction and happiness that can be reached by instigating and sustaining goal-directed activity. The link between learning and motivation, as well as related factors, was ascertained. Determinants of high and low levels of learning motivation were established. Programmes aimed at higher motivation levels were explored. Empirically it was proven that grade 9 learners in historically coloured schools leaned more towards an extrinsic orientation; grade 12's more intrinsic. An intervention programme is suggested. / Die doel was om vas te stel watter faktore hou verband met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in histories bruin sekondere skole spesifiek. 'n Eklektiese benadering is gevolg omdat die teoretiese beskouings oor leerrnotivering nie 'n bevredigende allesomvattende teorie kon verskaf nie. Die werksdefinisie van motivering is 'n gevolg daarvan en lui as volg: motivering is die proses wat in die persoon aan die gang gesit word om 'n staat van behoefte na tevredenheid en geluk te skep wat bereik kan word deur doelgerigte aktiwiteit aan te stig en aan die gang te hou. Die verband tussen leer en motivering is bepaal asook die faktore wat verband hou met leermotivering. Bepalers van hoe en lae leermotiveringsvlakke is vasgestel en ingrypingsprogramme gemik op verhoogde motivering is ondersoek. Empiries is bewys dat die graad 9-leerders meer geneig is tot ekstrinsieke orienterings rakende leermotivering; graad 12-leerders meer intrinsiek. 'n lngrypingsprogram word voorgestel. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

An intervention programme to improve the self-concept and attitudes of prospective mathematics teachers

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 06 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to design and implement an intervention programme to improve the self-concepts and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers. The possible effects of the programme were researched by means of a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. A questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the programme was also designed. Important findings of this study are that: (a) the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient indicated a 0,9 reliability of the designed questionnaire; (b) the average self-concepts of prospective teachers improved after the intervention programme was implemented, though not significantly and (c) the self-concepts of prospective teachers not majoring in Mathematics also improved after the intervention, though not significantly. A focus group interview was conducted to improve the intervention programme. On the basis of the responses of the participants in the focus group interview as well as of the quantitative study and of the literature reviewed, an improved version of the intervention programme was designed. According to the research, the programme should include: cooperative learning; everyday life contexts; manipulatives; hands-on activities, encouraging the asking of questions; a positive relationship between lecturer and student; writing assignments before doing a new topic; content relevance; a positive communication of assessment; games; various approaches to solving problems; understandable language; gender sensitivity and positive role modeling. The intervention programme implemented in this study was tested over a period of three months; hence the recommendation in this research for the replication thereof over a longer period. The study further recommends that since the study was conducted in one college of education only, there is a need for it to be conducted in a number of colleges, in order to elicit a broader and more representative picture of the impact of the intervention programme. The findings of this study advocate the need to combine both quantitative and qualitative research in studies: the results of the quantitative research did not conclusively indicate a positive impact of the intervention programme. However, the qualitative research saw respondents expressing improved confidence and attitudes. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

‘n Maatskaplikewerkintervensieprogram vir die adolessente leerder met spesifieke leerhindernisse (Afrikaans)

Galloway, Helena Johanna 11 September 2007 (has links)
The adolescent with specific barriers to learning often exhibit socio-emotional problems. Conversely, adolescents experiencing socio-emotional upsets do not achieve academically. The exact nature of the relationship is difficult or nearly impossible to elucidate. The aim of this study was to establish the specific challenges that the adolescent learner with barriers to learning with an average or above average intelligence, experiences on socio-emotional level and to take these feelings, experiences and needs as a lancer basis to develop and implement a social work intervention programme. Also to evaluate the effect of this programme on the socio-emotional functioning and academic progress of the adolescents involved. The process of intervention research was followed during the empirical study. The combined, two-phase approach of Cresswell was used for data gathering. The one group pre-test post-test was utilized for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the social work intervention programme. The Child functioning inventory High School (CFI – High) was used to gather information during the quantitative phase. This study focused on the socio-emotional functioning and challenges of the adolescent learner with specific barriers to learning and used Gestalt play therapy within a group context to address these challenges. During the qualitative phase two focus group discussions were held where the experiences, emotions and challenges of adolescents with specific barriers to learning were discussed with a group of five girls and five boys. Based on data gathered from these discussions, and a literature study a social work intervention programme was developed and implemented. This programme consisted of play therapy techniques within the Gestalt therapy framework. The social work intervention programme consisted of ten group sessions of about 90 minutes each, with a group of five girls and a group of five boys. The respondents were between 14 to 16 years, of an average to above average intelligence, and were referred to the social worker of a branch of Child Welfare: South Africa, Mpumalanga because of socio-emotional problems. This study attempted to incorporate the essential elements of Gestalt therapy, various play therapy techniques and the dynamics of group work into a programme to address socio-emotional issues experienced by the adolescent learner with barriers to learning. Socio-emotional aspects that were conceptualised and specifically evaluated are: positive functioning elements, self perception, trauma dynamics, interpersonal relationships and decision making abilities. Based on the findings, the conclusion could be made that the social work intervention programme brought about an improvement in the socio-emotional functioning and the academic progress of the respondents. / Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / PhD / unrestricted

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