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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lustfylld undervisning med iPads i fritidshemmet : Ett utvecklingsarbete med iPads som pedagogiskt verktyg / Pleasurable teaching with iPads in recreation centers : A development study with iPads as educational tool

Ek, Robert, Ferm, Teodor January 2016 (has links)
Vår ambition är att i och med detta utvecklingsarbete starta upp en kvalitativ undervisning med iPads som pedagogiskt verktyg. Utvecklingsarbetet syftar till att introducera undervisning med iPads som läromedel i en fritidsverksamhet där denna typen av undervisning saknats. Målet är att erbjuda eleverna på fritidshemmet ett lustfyllt arbetssätt med nya/ roliga aktiviteter med iPad som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Vi vill utmana eleverns skapandeförmåga och kreativitet samtidigt som vi ger eleverna möjligheten att utveckla teknisk och social kompetens där digitala redskap blir det centrala innehållet. Utgångspunkten för vårt utvecklingsarbete är en nulägesanalys som gjordes tilsammans med pedagoger vid fritidshemmet,  där vi även haft vår verksamhetsförlagda undervisning. Skolan hade investerat i ett antal iPads utan visioner om att använda sig av detta i fritidshemmet och vi såg då en möjlighet att implentera dessa även där. Detta gjorde att vi introducerade tre olika teman som vi valde att kalla filmskapande, lek/spel och uppdragsjakten. Under vår fem veckor långa vistelse på skolan planerade och genomförde vi utvecklingsarbetet i hopp om att kunna identifiera olika arbetssätt där iPaden bidrar till fritidshemmets måluppfyllelse. Vi dokumenterade under arbetets gång med loggbok och fältanteckningar samt fotografering. Övrig empiri är resultat av kvalitativa intervjuer med pedagoger, rektorer och elever. Resultatet av vårt utvecklingsarbete visar att elever motiveras att lägga mycket tid på aktiviteter som innefattar iPads. Fokus på det faktiska ämnesinnehållet minimeras och elever drivs av att avancera i exempelvis ett spel. Att iPads kan bidra till och stötta skapandeprocesser hos elever i fritidshemmets verksamhet visades tydligt då filmskapandet motiverade elever att använda sin fantasi och kreativitet för att skapa en stop motion film och ingen av filmerna liknade varandra. Eleverna gavs möjligheten till god teknisk kompetens då de ständigt navigerade mellan olika program på iPaden. Många av aktiviteterna genomfördes i grupp där eleverna fick träna social utveckling och gemenskap. Studien visar även att elever ser mycket positivt på användandet av iPads på fritidshemmet och de aktiviteter vi initierade tycks tendera att bryta vissa könsmönster.

iPads i grundsärskolan

Ekman, Carina, Rolf, Eva Maria January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och analysera hur några lärare i grundsärskolan använder iPads i sin undervisning och vilket synsätt de har när det gäller att använda iPads i sin undervisning. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod för att få svar på våra frågeställningar. Studien bygger på nio observationer och intervjuer. Vi har analyserat resultatet utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet Det sociokulturella perspektivet bygger på Vygotskijs utvecklingsteori att lärande sker tillsammans med andra. Det sammantagna resultatet visar att lärare i grundsärskolan använder sig utav iPads i sin undervisning. Lärare i grundsärskolan har en positiv inställning till användning av iPads i sin undervisning men lärare behöver mer kunskap för att utveckla sitt arbete med att arbeta med iPads i sin undervisning.

The future relationship of print and e-readers

Barr, Yvette Marie 04 November 2011 (has links)
The Future Relationship of Print and E-Readers was based on reviewing print formats as they have been, are becoming and could be in the future. This research focused on people's experience with e-readers, tablets, smartphones and laptops. Examining print includes how advertising is processed in different formats. The primary research for this study was done through an electronic survey, after obtaining IRB approval. The results are displayed through different charts and graphs, showcasing the different statistics. There was some cross tabulation as well. In the future, it appears that both mediums could prove themselves valid if they are willing to present themselves as two unique formats that are also able to provide unity to an overall product brand image as well as internal advertising. In the future, the public will be more aware of the different uses of these formats while increasingly using them. Advertising will parallel this trend by increasing as companies grow in utilizing this format to communicate with the public. / text

”Kunskaperna gömmer sig lite i roliga gubbar” : Pedagogers syn på iPadsanvändning som en del av matematikundervisningen i förskoleklass och årskurs 1-3

Saras, Ulrika January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att få kunskap om hur pedagoger i förskoleklass samt årskurserna 1-3 som har tillgång till iPads i sin matematikundervisning ser på användandet av dessa. Hur resonerar pedagoger när de använder iPadsen och finns det en tanke bakom hur iPadsen används när det gäller matematiska mål i Lgr 11? Metoden som användes för att få svar på frågeställningarna var dels en enkätundersökning för att nå ut till många pedagoger och därefter fördjupande intervjuer som baserade på enkätfrågornas resultat.

Effects of explicit, strategic teacher directed instruction with iPad application practice on the multiplication fact performance of 5th grade students with learning disabilities

Ok, Min Wook 23 June 2014 (has links)
It is critical that students develop computational skills with basic facts to attain more advanced mathematical skills (e.g., algebra and fractions). A limited ability in accuracy and fluency with basic facts by students with learning disabilities (LD) who have Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals in mathematics can hinder their performance with more advanced mathematical skills. Thus, it is imperative to provide effective instruction to help students with LD to improve their basic fact skills. Explicit, strategic instruction has been highly recommended as an effective method for helping students with LD to improve basic fact skills. In addition, recent studies reported tablet computers such as iPads have potential for teaching basic fact skills. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of explicit, strategic teacher-directed instruction with iPad application practice on the multiplication fact performance of 5th grade students with LD. A single-case, multiple probe design across participants was applied for this study. Four 5th grade students with LD who had IEP goals in mathematics received fifteen 1:1 intervention sessions in multiplication facts (×4s and ×8s). Digits correct per minute in daily probes, use of a doubling strategy in strategy usage tests, and perspectives of students toward the intervention were measured. Results showed that all students improved their performance with multiplication fact proficiency; one student achieved the mastery level while the three other students approached mastery. All students also maintained the intervention gains, two weeks following the intervention. Additional findings showed that students increased their use of the doubling strategy to solve facts and were able to answer facts automatically following the intervention. Social validity interviews revealed that the intervention was viewed favorably by all students by their expression of positive perspectives toward using the doubling strategy and an iPad application to practice. / text

Effects of Feedforward Video Self Modelling on Reading Fluency and Comprehension

Robson, Cathy January 2013 (has links)
Being able to read at a fluent rate has many advantages to the individual in both educational and wider social contexts throughout life. To be a fluent reader means that the individual can sustain high accuracy while reading at a rate appropriate to the material and the setting, and implies the development of automaticity in the cognitive processes involved in reading. Fluency has not, however, been the focus of much research. In this study an observational learning technique - feedforward video self modelling (FFVSM) - was used to improve children’s reading fluency. Eleven primary school children aged between 72 and 108 months, 4 girls and 7 boys, viewed edited video footage of themselves seemingly reading a difficult text at a fluent rate six times over a two week period. The results showed that the majority of the children improved their reading fluency, comprehension and accuracy, as well as their reader self-perception (a proxy measure of self-efficacy). These positive results suggest that FFVSM could be a rapid, cost effective intervention to be used within educational settings to promote fluent reading.

Exploring the affordances of the iPad for literature discussions

Dorion, Charlotte 15 January 2018 (has links)
This six-week qualitative exploratory case study examined the affordances of the iPad for students and teachers when used to video record discussions about literature. The 13 Grade 6 and Grade 7 participants self-selected their literature circle groups and their novels. Preparation for engaging in student-led literature discussions included specific teaching about participation in a literature circle discussion and a pilot study. Data included six 20-minute student literature discussion videos, students’ individual reflective videos made on the iPads, and individual participant interviews with the researcher audio recorded on the iPad. The student reflective videos were partly transcribed and the participant interviews were transcribed. The data analysis involved open coding of the videos and transcripts using a system of screenshots and written codes. The three codes that emerged most often and that were most relevant to my research questions focused on the concept of audience. The students’ behaviours, when videoing their discussions with the iPad, fluctuated through a continuum from acknowledgement of the teacher as audience to behaviours that suggested the teacher had been forgotten. The concept of audience also included the students themselves as mirrored in the screen, and an ‘other’ audience, which seemed to be YouTube. The findings suggested that the students’ shifting perspective of audience around the iPad screen, which also acted sometimes as a participant and a co-regulatory more knowledgeable ‘other’, seemed to contribute to their self-regulatory behaviours and to their observed and professed engagement. Overall, the analysis of the data revealed the use of the iPad for discussions about literature afforded students with opportunities to self-regulate their behaviours and discourse in ways they seemed to find engaging, and afforded me an unobtrusive window into their discussions, which provided an additional perspective on the students and their work. / Graduate

Elevers och lärares uppfattningar av arbetet med Ipads

Rhodiner-Berndtson, Britta January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Primary Teachers' Perspectives on iPad Integration: Barriers, Challenges, and Successes

Campbell, Richard Cory 01 January 2016 (has links)
Despite the rapid expansion of mobile technologies in K-12 schools, recent research has shown that many teachers are ill prepared to take advantage of these new tools. This study was designed to address the problem of lack of effective iPad integration in primary classrooms at an international school in South Korea. The purpose of this case study was to examine primary teachers' perceptions of the implementation of an iPad initiative begun in 2012. Framed by Koehler and Mishra's technological pedagogical content knowledge model (TPACK), the study was guided by research questions that involved teachers' perceptions of the barriers, challenges, and successes regarding iPad implementation in the primary classroom. A purposeful sample of 5 K-2 teachers who use iPads in the classroom was chosen. The case study design entailed semi-structured interviews, classroom observations of each participant, and examination of teachers' lesson plans. Data were coded and analyzed using inductive analysis based on components of a conceptual logic model. Credibility and trustworthiness were ensured through member checking and triangulation of data. Results showed lack of experience, collegial support, and iPad-specific training as barriers and future preparation for teachers as a challenge. Successes were demonstrated through formative assessments and digital portfolios. The resulting project was a comprehensive professional development plan to provide primary teachers with the knowledge and skills to implement technology in the classroom and ongoing support to develop a professional technology learning network. In terms of broad social change, this research and project might provide insight to better prepare educators to make the best use of integrated learning technologies for efficient and effective teaching and learning in classrooms.

Professional Development for the Use of iPads in Instruction

Poore, Daphne Marie 01 January 2015 (has links)
Elementary teachers at a school in the southeastern United States received iPads and iPad training to improve teaching and learning in the content subject areas. Despite the iPad training provided by district technology personnel, teachers expressed a need for more content-specific training. Teachers need adequate and appropriate professional development to assist in preparing integrated computer-based technology instruction to increase student academic achievement. The purpose of this qualitative bounded case study was to explore the descriptions of 10 purposely selected 4th and 5th grade teachers who used iPads in content subjects and 1 instructional technology facilitator who provided district iPad training regarding the district's iPad professional development and implementation in instruction. The theoretical support for this study was the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework that provided an interaction among technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews and lesson plans. Inductive analysis was used with hand coding to discover themes. Teachers recognized the need for ongoing professional development and collaboration with colleagues to create content-specific iPad integrated lessons. Based on these findings, a project was designed to provide teachers with a 3-day professional development to include modeled lessons, collaboration with colleagues, a shared Google Drive folder, and a schedule for ongoing professional development. These endeavors may promote positive social change by providing ongoing content-specific iPad professional development for elementary teachers that could improve computer-based technology instruction and student learning in content subject areas.

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