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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enfaldiga landsmän, puderhjältar och papister : Skeppsprästen Jacob Wallenbergs representation av kristna traditioner

Strindin, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to contribute to the understanding of how different Christian traditions are described in Sweden during the second half of the 18th century. This thesis presents examples of how Swedes could look at different Christian traditions. The object of study has been Jacob Wallenberg's famous travel writing Min son på galejan and Wallenberg’s view on various Christian traditions. Wallenberg travels as a chaplain aboard the ship Finland which travels for the Swedish East India Company to China. Wallenberg meets several different people, cultures and sees different types of practices on his journey to China, and therefore Min son på galejan can be seen as a book worth analyzing, it is also relevant because it is relatively well known. The theoretical framework in this study is mainly based on Stuart Hall's theory of representation and therefore the focus is largely on trying to understand how different Christian traditions are represented based on the content of Min son på galejan. The method used to answer the research questions is a content analysis, the focus has mainly been on illustrate what the contexts looked like and how different Christian traditions were portrayed, thus shedding light on how these traditions were valued. In summary Wallenberg valued different traditions differently, the Lutheran tradition Wallenberg mainly portrayed as something desirable but there existed examples where Wallenberg criticized persons with Lutheran belief. Non-Lutheran Christian traditions were mostly portrayed by Wallenberg in a critical and satirical manner and were therefore seen as something less desirable compared to Lutheranism.

Utan offensiv - Ingen framgång : En teoriprövande fallstudie om kustförsvarsoperationer

Schöld, Christian January 2024 (has links)
Since coastal defense operations tend to fail, this thesis aims to investigate how this type of operation can be more effective and lead to success. The thesis tests two coastal defense theories, developed by Jacob Børresen and Geoffrey Till, on two cases of coastal defense operations by evaluating the validity of the outcomes. Applying the theories as a tool and analyzing the coastal defense operations in the Falklands War in 1982 and Narvik in 1940, a comparative case study is carried out through a qualitative text analysis. The result shows the importance of offensive actions, joint operations and the ability to unity of effort. However, the theories tends to miss important underlying factors and, if the theories are to be used for explaining success in coastal defense operations, they should be further developed.

Jacob van Maerlant se Der naturen bloeme as ensiklopediese narratief

Theron, Elizabeth Rabie 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / During the past decade various studies have been conducted on the medieval bestiary and simultaneously much has been written on the life and work of the medieval scholar and writer, Jacob van Maerlant. Van Maerlant's famous encyclopaedic work, Der Naturen B/oeme (Book of Nature) has been thoroughly investigated in recent literary studies, though little has been done to identify this work as encyclopaedic narrative. The term, encyclopaedic narrative, is relatively unknown in Western literature and therefore demands the research which is conducted in this thesis. In the course of this study, the genre of encyclopedic narrative is investigated and the Naturen 8/oeme is identified as a member of this exclusive genre. Edward Mendelson's article "From Dante to Pynchon" (1976) serves as the starting point for this study, from where it continues its investigation into the works of Jacob Van Maerlant. Van Maerlant's Der Naturen 8/oeme is compared to a unique set of qualities for the encyclopaedic narrative in which corresponding points are identified. From this investigation it is shown that Der Naturen B/oeme qualifies as a member of the genre, encyclopaedic narrative. / Baie navorsing oor die Middeleeuse Bestiarium is reeds gedurende die afgelope dekade gedoen en baie is geskryf oor die lewe en werk van Jacob van Maerlant. Alhoewel sy natuurboek, Der Naturen Bloeme, baie belangstelling in die liter~re w6r~ld ontlok, is daar nog weinig gedoen om Der Naturen Bloeme as ensiklopediese narratief te identifiseer. Die relatiewe onbekendheid van die begrip ensiklopediese narratief in die Westerse literatuur dien as aansporing tot die ondersoeke wat in hierdie skripsie vervat word. In hierdie studie sal die genre van die ensiklopediese narratlef bespreek word. Der Naturen Bloeme word as voorbeeld gebruik. Die ensiklopediese narratief word bespreek na aanleiding van die artikel "From Dante to Pynchon" (1976) waarin Mendelson die term omskryf en riglyne daarstel vir die tipering daarvan as genre. Uit die ondersoek blyk dit dat die ensiklopediese narratief 'n genre is wat erkenning behoort te kry in die literêre wêreld. Die studie ondersoek ook die lewe en werk van Jacob van Maerlant wat as lnformatikus gedurende die MiddeJeeue groot bekendheid verwerf het. Sy omvangryke ensiklopediese werk, Der Naturen Bloeme, word telkens getoets aan die hand van kenmerke vir die ensiklopediese narratief en die raakpunte word uitgewys. Uit die ondersoek word aangetoon dat Der Naturen Bloeme as ensiklopediese narratief erken kan word. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

The role of the media in framing President Jacob Zumas multiple or concurrent sexual relationships as cultural polygamy

Davies-Laubscher, Nicola 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many questions have been asked as to why sub-Saharan Africa, and particularly South Africa, has such a high incidence of HIV/AIDS. While social and economic power imbalances between the sexes, coupled by the biological vulnerability of women, play an important role in the rapid spread of South Africa’s HIV/AIDS epidemic, what truly seems to set South Africa apart from the rest of the world is the high incidence of multiple or concurrent sexual relationships. Multiple or concurrent sexual relationships are defined as sexual partnerships that overlap in time, when one partnership starts before another terminates. These types of relationships have the potential to create complex sexual networks – commonly referred to as a “sexual superhighway” – for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, most notably HIV/AIDS. While the practice of multiple or concurrent sexual relationships is to a large extent under-reported by the South African media, a great deal of media attention is given to President Jacob Zuma’s practice of polygamy as a Zulu cultural tradition. The researcher proposes that Zuma’s intimate partnerships stray from the well-defined parameters of cultural polygamy and that he does, in fact, has multiple or concurrent sexual relationships that fall outside the boundaries of polygamy. The researcher further proposes that the example set by the President in his personal life has an effect on the general morality of the South African people and especially on women’s status in society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie vrae is al gevra oor hoekom sub-Sahara Afrika, en spesifiek Suid-Afrika, so ʼn hoë voorkoms van MIV/Vigs het. ʼn Sosiale en ekonomiese magswanbalans tussen mans en vroue, tesame met die verhoogde biologiese kwesbaarheid van vroue vir seksueel-oordraagbare siektes, speel ʼn rol in die vinnige verspreiding van die MIV/Vigs epidemie in Suid-Afrika maar wat ons blykbaar onderskei van die res van die wêreld is die hoë voorkoms van veelvuldige of samelopende seksuele verhoudings. Veelvuldige of samelopende seksuele verhoudings word gedefinieer as verhoudings wat oorvleuel of waar een verhouding begin voordat ʼn vorige verhouding beëindig is. Hierdie tipe verhoudings het die potensiaal om komplekse seksuele netwerke te vorm – algemeen beskryf as “seksuele super-snelweë” – waarbinne seksueel-oordraagbare siektes, insluitende MIV/Vigs, vinnig kan versprei. Terwyl veelvuldige of samelopende seksuele verhoudings min aandag geniet in die Suid-Afrikaanse media, is daar wel ʼn fokus op President Jacob Zuma se uitlewing van sy Zulu-tradisie van poligamie. Die navorser stel egter voor dat Zuma se intieme verhoudings afwyk van die goedge-definieerde riglyne van kulturele poligamie en dat hy in werklikheid eerder veelvuldige of samelopende seksuele verhoudings het wat buite die reëls van poligamie val. Die navorser stel verder voor dat die voorbeeld wat die President in sy persoonlike lewe stel ʼn uitwerking het op die moraliteit van Suid-Afrikaners en veral op die status van vroue in die samelewing.

Jacob van Maerlant se Der naturen bloeme as ensiklopediese narratief

Theron, Elizabeth Rabie 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / During the past decade various studies have been conducted on the medieval bestiary and simultaneously much has been written on the life and work of the medieval scholar and writer, Jacob van Maerlant. Van Maerlant's famous encyclopaedic work, Der Naturen B/oeme (Book of Nature) has been thoroughly investigated in recent literary studies, though little has been done to identify this work as encyclopaedic narrative. The term, encyclopaedic narrative, is relatively unknown in Western literature and therefore demands the research which is conducted in this thesis. In the course of this study, the genre of encyclopedic narrative is investigated and the Naturen 8/oeme is identified as a member of this exclusive genre. Edward Mendelson's article "From Dante to Pynchon" (1976) serves as the starting point for this study, from where it continues its investigation into the works of Jacob Van Maerlant. Van Maerlant's Der Naturen 8/oeme is compared to a unique set of qualities for the encyclopaedic narrative in which corresponding points are identified. From this investigation it is shown that Der Naturen B/oeme qualifies as a member of the genre, encyclopaedic narrative. / Baie navorsing oor die Middeleeuse Bestiarium is reeds gedurende die afgelope dekade gedoen en baie is geskryf oor die lewe en werk van Jacob van Maerlant. Alhoewel sy natuurboek, Der Naturen Bloeme, baie belangstelling in die liter~re w6r~ld ontlok, is daar nog weinig gedoen om Der Naturen Bloeme as ensiklopediese narratief te identifiseer. Die relatiewe onbekendheid van die begrip ensiklopediese narratief in die Westerse literatuur dien as aansporing tot die ondersoeke wat in hierdie skripsie vervat word. In hierdie studie sal die genre van die ensiklopediese narratlef bespreek word. Der Naturen Bloeme word as voorbeeld gebruik. Die ensiklopediese narratief word bespreek na aanleiding van die artikel "From Dante to Pynchon" (1976) waarin Mendelson die term omskryf en riglyne daarstel vir die tipering daarvan as genre. Uit die ondersoek blyk dit dat die ensiklopediese narratief 'n genre is wat erkenning behoort te kry in die literêre wêreld. Die studie ondersoek ook die lewe en werk van Jacob van Maerlant wat as lnformatikus gedurende die MiddeJeeue groot bekendheid verwerf het. Sy omvangryke ensiklopediese werk, Der Naturen Bloeme, word telkens getoets aan die hand van kenmerke vir die ensiklopediese narratief en die raakpunte word uitgewys. Uit die ondersoek word aangetoon dat Der Naturen Bloeme as ensiklopediese narratief erken kan word. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Responsibility in the Joseph narrative (Gen 37–50)

Lawman Mourna, Esaie De-S la 11 1900 (has links)
The Joseph narrative (Gn 37-50) has fascinated scholars since the discovery of sources in the Pentateuch. However, it was Gerhard von Rad (1901-1971) who opened scholars’ eyes to the wisdom current in the narrative. In recent years, narrative criticism became an important exegetical toll to analyze biblical stories. The dissertation makes use of the “quinary scheme” which narrative critics identified in some story plots since this scheme fits the plot of the Joseph narrative like a glove. There is an “initial situation”, a “complication”, a “transforming action”, a “denouement” and a “final situation”. However, the dissertation also takes the Israelite understanding of wisdom into account in assessing whether the different characters acted in a responsible or irresponsible way. Each of the sections of the plot is scrutinized to see how the different characters behave and to judge whether that behaviour can be classified as responsible in a wisdom sense. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

Aschenputtel und ihre Schwestern : Frauenfiguren im Marchen : eine Kontrastierung des Grimmschen Aschenputtel von 1857 mit Aschenputtelerzählungen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts

Wittmann, Gerda-Elisabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Modern Foreign Languages))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / It has been widely assumed that the portrayal of women in fairytales subscribes to somewhat outdated and stereotypical modes of representation. Upon closer inspection however, it can be seen that this is a fallacious assumption and that the female roles in these stories are much more multidimensional in nature. One of the most popular fairytales from the Grimm Brothers is Cinderella. The portrayal of women in this story is typical of the weak, subjected woman who needs to be rescued by the prince from her unfavourable and subjugated position. The research presented here aims to show that the Grimm’s specific depiction of Cinderella in the 19th century provides an alternative to the modern myth. Here, she reacts strongly and independently to find the most advantageous resolution to her problematic subject position. To this end the Grimms’ version will be compared to text and filmic versions from the 20th and 21st centuries. By comparing aspects of female representation in the Cinderella-themed portrayals, one can evaluate the extent to which societal expectations have altered over time as well as investigating the modern-day implications of this.

Derniers instants ; suivi de Modèle familial et filiations dans le roman Fugueuses de Suzanne Jacob

Lebel, Anick 04 1900 (has links)
« Derniers instants », première partie de ce mémoire, est un roman dont la protagoniste, une octogénaire issue d’une famille aux valeurs traditionnelles, refuse de se conformer aux idéologies d’une société patriarcale, comme sa mère, sa grand-mère et toutes les femmes qui les ont précédées l’ont fait avant elle. C’est une démarche créative inspirée par la restitution de la part des femmes dans l’histoire, depuis l’avènement des études féministes. Un regard a posteriori, une relecture de l’expérience féminine. Dans la deuxième partie, « Modèle familial et filiations dans Fugueuses de Suzanne Jacob », je m’intéresse à la fonction que Jacob attribue à l’écrivain. En effet, pour l’auteure, chaque individu est un lecteur du monde. Le rapport dialogique qu’elle établit entre le texte littéraire et les « fictions dominantes » rend compte de sa démarche créative, c’est-à-dire l’écriture comme l’aboutissement d’une lecture singulière des évidences, de l’entendu, du ce-qui-va-de-soi. / « Derniers instants » is a novel about a lady in her eighties, born in a family with traditional values, who refuses to conform to the rules of a Patriarchal Society. A creative approach inspired by the restitution of women’s contribution to History. It proposes a kind of a look back, like a reviewed version of feminine experience. The essay « Modèle familial et filiations dans Fugueuses de Suzanne Jacob » analyses the fonction that the author attributes to writers. According to her, each individual is able to bring new meanings to social hegemonies. The dialogical relation that she establishes between them and literature is relevant of her scripture, in which writing is the result of a unique interpretation of the obvious and the evidences.

La philosophie islamique dans la pensée du 18ème siècle : traduction et commentaire du traité De philosophia Saracenorum de Jacob Brucker / Islamic philosophy in 18th century thinking : translation and commentary of Jacob Brucker's De philosophia saracenorum

Kabiri-Dautricourt, Firouzeh 23 January 2010 (has links)
A partir du milieu du 17ème siècle, dans une Europe déchirée par les conflits religieux, et alors que les philosophes commencent à redéfinir les principes de la religion, de la politique et de la morale, l’on découvre le monde musulman à travers les récits de voyage et les travaux des orientalistes. Tandis que les Anglais se penchent sur la question de la prophétie de Mahomet et les Français sur celle de son action politique et sur la littérature orientale, les Allemands se distinguent par leur intérêt pour la philosophie des musulmans. C’est le projet, d’inspiration leibnizienne, d’écrire une histoire universelle de la philosophie, qui amène le pasteur allemand Jacob Brucker à accorder une place non négligeable de son Historia critica philosophiae au traité De philosophia Saracenorum, dont l’écho en France n’est autre que le célèbre article Sarrasins de Diderot. Nous avons étudié la philosophie islamique dans la pensée du 18ème siècle à travers ce traité, en comparant les informations de Brucker avec celles de ses contemporains, et en tenant compte du combat des Lumières. De même, analysant les correspondances entre plusieurs chapitres de Brucker et quelques articles de Diderot, nous avons essayé de déterminer la dette de ce dernier envers le pasteur d’Augsbourg. / Beginning in the mid-17th century, when Europe was torn apart by religious conflicts and philosophers began to redefine the principles of religion, policy, and morals, one discovered the Muslim world through travel accounts and works of Eastern scholars. Whereas the English focused on the question of Muhammad's prophecy and the French on his political action and on Eastern literature, the Germans concentrated on the philosophy of the Muslims. It was the Leibnizian-inspired project of writing a universal history of philosophy which led the German pastor Jacob Brucker to dedicate a significant place in his Historia critica philosophiae to his treatise De philosophia saracenorum, whose echo in France is Diderot's celebrated Sarrasins. I have studied Islamic philosophy in 18th century thinking through J. Brucker's treatise, comparing it with that of his contemporaries, and taking into account the intellectual climate of the time and the "combat des Lumières." Similarly, by analyzing the associations between several chapters of Brucker's Historia critica and some articles by Diderot on Islamic philosophy, I have attempted to determine how much the authors of the Encyclopedia are indebted to the work of the pastor of Augsburg.

Messe solennelle pour la famille Lebel ; suivi de L'évolution du procédé polyphonique chez Suzanne Jacob

Paré, Justine 04 1900 (has links)
Mon essai et mon roman se font l’écho l’un de l’autre, ils se répondent et reflètent ainsi le sujet de ma recherche : la polyphonie. Dans L’évolution du procédé polyphonique chez Suzanne Jacob, je m’attarde à trois romans de Suzanne Jacob, L’obéissance, Rouge, mère et fils et Fugueuses, œuvres chorales et teintées par la musique dans lesquelles la prose se décline en plusieurs voix. Puisque j’étudie la polyphonie dans son aspect musical et, parallèlement, dans une perspective littéraire, il est possible d’admettre que je fais moi aussi, au cœur de mon essai, l’exercice du contrepoint. Cet essai est précédé par Messe solennelle pour la famille Lebel, roman polyphonique qui, à la manière de Fugueuses, où la musique est déjà implicite dans le titre, se donne à lire comme une partition musicale. J’y présente quatre membres d’une même famille, deux hommes et deux femmes, qui doivent faire face à la mort de l’un des leurs. Ils se partagent une narration en contrepoint dans un récit à plusieurs voix (inspirées par les quatre catégories vocales principales en musique) dont la structure rappelle celle du requiem ou messe des morts. / My essay and my novel echo and dialogue with one another, thus mirroring the subject of my research: polyphony. In L’évolution du procédé polyphonique chez Suzanne Jacob, I study three choral novels by Suzanne Jacob (L’obéissance, Rouge, mère et fils and Fugueuses) in which musical references are omnipresent and stories are told by many voices. Since I study the musical aspect of polyphony in parallel with its literary counterpart, it can be said that I also use the counterpoint at the heart of my essay. This essay is preceded by Messe solennelle pour la famille Lebel, a polyphonic novel in which, like that of Fugueuses, the musical references are implicit in the title itself and can be read like a musical score. It tells the story of four family members – two men and two women – who have to face the death of one of their own. They share a counterpoint narration in a story told through many voices (inspired by the four main vocal categories in music) whose structure is reminiscent of the requiem, also known as Mass for the dead.

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