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Om femme fatalen i Lulu. En monstertragedi : En läsning med Butler, Riviere och LacanJennefelt, Maria January 2007 (has links)
This essay examine the femme fatal and the head character in the play Lulu Eine Monstretra gödie by Frank Wedekind. I have studied Lulu, who would be classified as a femme fatal, in terms to see what kind of woman’s portrait a femme fatal is. I will show with the theories of Judith Butler, Jacques Lacan and Joan Riviere how the femme fatal can be seen as a construc-tion, a role done by men. As well as a strong self owned woman. I will also discuss other con-cepts like femme-inism. My aim with this analysis is not to show one, but many different ways of looking at the femme fatal.
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The Tower is Everywhere: Symbolic Exchange and Discovery of Meaning in Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49Kincade, Jonathan 06 May 2012 (has links)
Thomas Pynchon’s novel, The Crying of Lot 49, details Oedipa Maas’ quest to unearth a possibly centuries-old clandestine mail system, the Trystero. Oedipa is immersed in notions of sociality and she must navigate the social landscape, searching for clues as to the existence of the social system. In her quest she assumes the role of a detective who searches for meaning, as she looks for clues and questions others who might potentially be privy to the secrets of the Trystero. She necessarily performs the process of symbolic exchange with those she encounters in an attempt at ascertaining some greater meaning within the world that she thinks might lie behind the Trystero. In this, the nature of the circulation of meaning is revealed as a cultural construct.
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Intet : – en onto-psykoanalytisk läsning av Bruno K. Öijers debutroman Chivas RegalLindberg, Filip January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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För sakens skull : Det omöjliga mötet i Rut Hillarps roman Sindhia - en lacansk läsningArbelius, Karin January 2006 (has links)
This essay examines the love affair between the two main characters of Rut Hillarp’s novel Sindhia. It draws attention to the schism between the Surrealist version of love as an extatic-religious fusion of the sexes – that in a way marks the relationship – and the yet remarkable coolness between the two lovers. With the theories of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, I will show how the man and the woman project their unrealistic individual fantasies on each other, thus rendering impossible the Surrealist Meeting, with its road to an absolute reality. The Surrealist "l’amour fou", I will argue, is trapped in the ritualized "l’amor interruptus"; a lacanian term for a certain kind of love that wishes to conceal the fact that desire will never find its object. It does so by pretending that the object would be found if only love had been consummated (thus the reason love is never consummated, since, as Lacan puts it, the object, or the Thing, is never to be found). I will, in brief, argue that the love affair depicted in the novel in different ways tries to deal with the “lack-of-being” that marks the subject according to Lacan; the absolute distance to the desirable Thing.
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The Tower is Everywhere: Symbolic Exchange and Discovery of Meaning in Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49Kincade, Jonathan 06 May 2012 (has links)
Thomas Pynchon’s novel, The Crying of Lot 49, details Oedipa Maas’ quest to unearth a possibly centuries-old clandestine mail system, the Trystero. Oedipa is immersed in notions of sociality and she must navigate the social landscape, searching for clues as to the existence of the social system. In her quest she assumes the role of a detective who searches for meaning, as she looks for clues and questions others who might potentially be privy to the secrets of the Trystero. She necessarily performs the process of symbolic exchange with those she encounters in an attempt at ascertaining some greater meaning within the world that she thinks might lie behind the Trystero. In this, the nature of the circulation of meaning is revealed as a cultural construct.
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[pt] Essa tese demonstra o retorno a Freud efetuado por Jacques Lacan e a importância de Sigmund Freud no ensino de Lacan. Esse retorno toma por referência três versões sucessivas: mítica, discursiva e topológica no ensino de Lacan. Demonstra como Lacan produziu o R.S.I. e com isso ele praticou uma apresentação do freudismo que se desenha matematicamente na manipulação mesma das letras, traçando o que – sob o nome de letra como instância no inconsciente – pode se desdobrar matematicamente nos três registros do simbólico, do imaginário e do real. O retorno a Freud efetuado por Lacan tanto proporcionou a formalização dos três registros Real, Simbólico e Imaginário, já presentes em Freud, quanto a concepção lacaniana da função do real, tão necessária para refletir sobre os impasses frente ao discurso analítico. / [fr] Cette thèse démontre le retour à Freud effectué par Jacques Lacan et l importance de Sigmund Freud dans l enseignement de Lacan. Ce retour est basé sur trois versions successives, la mythique, la discursive et la topologique dans l enseignement de Lacan. Elle démontre comme Lacan a produit le R.S.I., avec quoi il a fait une présentation du freudisme qui se dessine mathématiquement dans la propre manipulation des lettres, et il a tracé – sous le nom de lettre comme instance dans l inconscient – ce qui peut se déplier mathématiquement dans les trois registres du Symbolique, de l Imaginaire e du Réel. Le retour à Freud effectué par Lacan a procuré autant la formalisation des trois registres du Réel, du Symbolique et de l Imaginaire – déjà présents chez Freud – que la conception lacanienne de la fonction du réel, tellement nécessaire pour réfléchir aux impasses devant le discours analytique.
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O estádio do espelho na obra de Jacques Lacan: entre os anos de 1936 e 1949 / Mirror stadium in Jacques Lacan: between the years 1936 and 1949Cavalcante, Rosanny Moura 24 March 2014 (has links)
This work grows out of the question: How is the self? To answer this question we have chosen as a research text The mirror stage as formative of the function of I [je] as is revealed in psychoanalytic experience (1949) of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. We investigate the design of self in Lacan from the theory of the mirror stage, limiting ourselves to the period of its dated between the years 1936 to 1949 work. We adopted the methodology of reading texts developed by Luis Claudio Figueiredo (1999). This methodology develops from four types of reading: naive reading, hermeneutic reading, reading and reading classic close, attentive and deconstructive. We start from three sources: 1) texts as historical sources: the interest is to contextualize the production of the 1949 text and systematize some events, happenings, situations of the psychoanalytic movement that are associated with the period in which they made the design of the Stadium mirror. 2) The text of 1949 as the research object - we want to explore their theses, analyze the formulations put in 1949 in the light of the texts that precede this date, the period from 1936 to 1949. 3) Texts of commentators on the subject of the mirror stage, they are: Elisabeth Roudinesco (2006; 2007; 2008; 2011), Bertrand Ogilvie (1991) and Phillipe Julien (1993). Thus, we seek to answer about the vision of intellectual and personal backstage preparation and production of the 1949 text, the interpenetration and rootedness of this text, the contexts of production and the main theses present in this text. The main conclusions point to the following considerations: text 1949 marks a difference in previous conceptions of the mirror stage. I theorized that in the mirror stage can be thought from the developmental point of view, as a bounded phase between 6 and 18 months of the child as well as the structural point of view, something crosses and endures during the subject's life. Even realize that it is possible to think the mirror phase as a rereading of Freud 's narcissism well as a time of Lacan's thought that have ramifications throughout his work. / Este trabalho se desenvolve a partir da pergunta: Como se constitui o eu? Para responder a esta questão elegemos como objeto de pesquisa o texto O estádio do espelho como formador da função do eu [je] tal como nos é revelada na experiência psicanalítica (1949) do psicanalista francês Jacques Lacan. Investigamos a concepção do eu em Lacan a partir da teoria do Estádio do Espelho, delimitando-nos ao período de sua obra datada entre os anos 1936 a 1949. Adotamos a metodologia de leitura de textos desenvolvida por Luís Claudio Figueiredo (1999). Tal metodologia se desenvolve a partir de quatro modalidades de leituras: leitura ingênua, leitura hermenêutica, leitura clássica e leitura próxima, atenta e desconstrutiva. Partimos de três fontes: 1) Textos como fontes históricas: o interesse é de contextualizar a produção do texto de 1949, bem como sistematizar alguns eventos, acontecimentos, situações do movimento psicanalítico que associam-se ao período em que se formula a concepção do Estádio do Espelho. 2) O texto de 1949 como objeto de pesquisa: pretendemos explorar suas teses, analisar as formulações postas em 1949 à luz dos textos que antecedem esta data, ou seja, o período de 1936 à 1949. 3) Textos de alguns comentadores do tema do Estádio do Espelho, são eles: Elisabeth Roudinesco (2006; 2007; 2008; 2011), Bertrand Ogilvie (1991) e Phillipe Julien (1993). Assim, procuramos responder a partir de uma visão dos bastidores intelectuais e pessoais da elaboração e produção do texto de 1949, de suas interpenetrações e seus enraizamentos, seus contextos de produção e principais teses presentes neste texto. As principais considerações finais apontam para a seguinte direção: o texto de 1949 marca uma diferença nas concepções anteriores do Estádio do Espelho. O eu teorizado pela concepção do Estádio do Espelho pode ser pensado a partir do ponto de vista desenvolvimentista, ou seja, como uma fase delimitada entre os seis e 18 meses da criança, bem como, do ponto de vista estrutural, ou seja, algo atravessa e perdura durante a vida do sujeito. Percebemos ainda que é possível pensar o Estádio do Espelho como uma releitura do narcisismo do Freud, bem como, um momento do pensamento de Lacan que terá desdobramentos ao longo de toda sua obra.
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La psychanalyse lacanienne et l'envers des normes : réponses à Michel Foucault / Lacanian psychoanalysis and the nether side of normalcy : responses to Michel FoucaultPfauwadel, Aurélie 06 December 2016 (has links)
Lacan, diagnostiquant très tôt le déclin de l’ordre symbolique patriarcal traditionnel,élabore dans les années 70 les outils conceptuels aptes à saisir la dérégulation moderne des jouissances et les nouveaux régimes normatifs qui cherchent à les juguler. L’apport de la psychanalyse au questionnement philosophique sur les normes tient au caractère radicalement hors normes de cette expérience, qui permet de théoriser non seulement les processus de normalisation par l’Autre mais la normativité subjective et son pouvoir subversif.Ce travail vise à démontrer l’irréductible spécificité de la psychanalyse, là où les généalogies foucaldiennes la rabattent sans cesse sur d’autres discours (médical, psychiatrique,familial, juridique, spirituel…).Nous y montrons : 1/ que les thèses structuralistes du Lacan des années 50 qui promeuvent la Loi du Nom-du-Père comme Norme fondatrice ciblaient l’infléchissement normalisant de l’Ego psychology ; 2/ que la psychanalyse, au-delà des normes vitales et sociales, vise au traitement purement singulier et inventif de la jouissance par la lettre ; 3/ qu’elle n’est donc pas une technique clinique catégorisante mais une éthique a-normative ; 4/ que le Lacan des années 70, ayant critiqué en profondeur ses propres axiomes, passe à l’envers de lui-même, via la pluralisation des Noms-du-Père et la généralisation du symptôme ; 5/ que Lacan aboutit à une conception purement immanente des processus normatifs, sans pour autant verser dans l’historicisme ou le relativisme foucaldien. Lacan soutient en effet l’ex-sistence d’un impossible et d’un réel qui trouent le plan des pratiques, dont la seule économie ne suffit pas à l’intelligibilité des normes. / Diagnosing at a very early stage the decline in the traditional symbolic order, Lacan developed in the 1970s the conceptual tools that would be appropriate for grasping the modern deregulation of different forms of enjoyment and the new normative regimes that seek to keep them in check. Psychoanalysis’s contribution to the philosophical enquiry into norms hinges on how such experience lies radically beyond norms, allowing for a theorization not only of the processes of normalization by the Other, but also of subjective and subversive normalcy. This study demonstrates the specific irreducibility of psychoanalysis, where Foucauldian genealogies constantly downscale it to other discourses (medical, psychiatric, familial, legal,spiritual).We show: i. that Lacan’s structural theses of the 1950s promoting the Law of the Nameof-the-Father as a founding Norm, take aim at the normalizing drift of Ego Psychology; ii. that psychoanalysis targets, beyond the norms of life and society, a singular treatment of enjoyment through the letter; iii. that it is not, therefore, a technique that establishes categories, but rather ana-normative ethics; iv. that the Lacan of the 1970s, having offered an in-depth critique of his ownaxioms, proceeded to the nether side of his own teaching via a pluralisation of the Names-of-the-Father and a generalization of the symptom; v., that his thought culminated in a purely immanent conception of normative processes, while steering clear of historicism or Foucauldian relativism.Indeed, Lacan maintains the ex-sistence of an impossible and a real that puncture the plane of practice, whose economy alone is not sufficient for an intelligibility of norms.
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Lacan et l'American Way of life. / Lacan and the American Way of LifeKing, Pamela 19 October 2016 (has links)
Le titre de cette thèse, « Lacan et l’American way of life », est une façon d’interroger Jacques Lacan et les États-Unis afin de savoir pourquoi et comment son enseignement fut, pendant si longtemps, de ce côté-là de l’Atlantique, difficilement pris au sérieux dans la clinique. Si la théorisation lacanienne a été tenue à l’écart de la psychanalyse américaine, c’est parce que celle-ci avait d’autres repères. Nous en isolons trois : l’ego psychology, qui domina l’orientation de la psychanalyse américaine à partir des années 1930 ; Wilhelm Reich, le promoteur de la révolution sexuelle ; et les gender studies, pour lesquelles la psychanalyse est une pratique qui doit être abandonnée car trop soumise aux signifiants du patriarcat. Ces trois scansions – ego psychology, Reich, gender studies – sont trois théories du sexuel qui ont marqué les États-Unis, construisant chacune un sens sexuel qui exclut Lacan des enjeux cliniques. C’est ce que cette thèse se propose de démontrer. En commençant avec la réaction de Lacan à l’ego psychology et son retour à Freud, nous continuons vers la fin de l’enseignement de Lacan (à partir des années 1970) qui fonde une clinique orientée par le réel, qui repense la psychanalyse, y compris ce que Lacan avait d’abord affirmé. Le réel – le concept de réel – sera la boussole qui nous permet de déplier cette démonstration. L’œuvre de Lacan, particulièrement ses dernières formulations commentées par Jacques-Alain Miller, porte en elle des issues aux impasses de l’ego psychology et son culte du Moi, de Reich et sa jouissance phallique génitale, et des gender studies empêtrées dans les identifications et leurs contestations de celles-ci / This thesis, “Lacan and the American Way of Life”, examines Jacques Lacan and the United States in order to understand why Lacan’s teachings have had difficulty being taken seriously in American clinical practice. If psychoanalysts in the United States have kept Lacanian theory at a distance, it is perhaps because of the ways American practice has been oriented. We isolate three orientations: ego psychology, which had a strong influence in the United States as early as the 1930’s; Wilhelm Reich, the Viennese psychoanalyst and brilliant student of Freud who emigrated to the US and became known for his Sexual Revolution; and gender studies which considers that psychoanalysis, being overly subjected to patriarchal signifiers, should be abandoned. These movements represent three modalities of sexual theory that have left their mark on America, each bringing a meaning to sexuality in a way that excludes Lacan’s work. We examine these movements from a Lacanian point of view starting with his response to ego psychology (his return to Freud) and continuing with his later teachings (after 1970) that founded a practice oriented by the real – a re-thinking of psychoanalysis. The Lacanian concept of the real will be the compass that guides us through this demonstration. We will see that Lacan’s works, and especially his later formulations as explained by Jacques-Alain Miller, provide a way out of the impasses of ego psychology and its ego cult, of Reich and his genital phallic jouissance, and of gender studies and their entanglement with identity.
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Interpreting The Denizens of The Hundred Acre Wood : Freudian & Lacanian psychoanalytical concepts in Winnie-The-Pooh / Psykoanalytiska koncept i Nalle Puh : En tolkning av Sjumilaskogens invånarePettersson, Timothy January 2009 (has links)
In this paper I have strived to provide a new view on a timeless classic of children’s literature, Winnie-The-Pooh. In psychoanalytic literary criticism concepts and theories of psychoanalysis is implemented while interpreting literature; in this paper, I have interpreted the novel incorporating concepts of the psychoanalytic schools of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan while arguing that the denizens of the Hundred Acre Wood are manifestations of parts of the narrator’s unconscious. The first two sections of the paper present the theories and concepts of the two major schools of psychoanalysis as an introduction aimed at increasing the readability of the interpretation. The individual interpretations of each character are then presented separately, every section in some way involving psychoanalytic theory. Kanga, Roo, Piglet, Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin, Rabbit, Owl and Eeyore are shown to be repressed memories, feelings or thoughts. Included theoretical concepts are the Oedipus complex, the sexual development of infants, the journey of children towards consciousness, Lacanian desire and lack, Freudian dream interpretation and the conception that the unconscious is structured as language, among others.
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