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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quasicrystal nanowires in SNS-junctions

Sandberg, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Quasicrystals are systems that are ordered but not periodic. They do however still have long-range order and well-defined diffraction peaks. This leads to interesting properties, like critical states which are neither extended nor localized, and to topological invariants and edge states. We study how these peculiar properties impact superconductivity in an SNS-junction, by attaching superconducting leads to a quasicrystal nanowire. We choose to investigate proximitzed superconductivity in Fibonacci quasicrystals, since their normal state has been thoroughly studied and understood. Using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes method and solving the order parameter self-consistently, we calculate the proximity effect as well as the Josephson current. We find that quasicrystals can enhance the proximity effect and significantly enhance the Josephson currents.

Sauts quantiques de phase dans des chaînes de jonctions Josephson / Quantum phase-slips in Josephson junction chains

Pop, Ioan Mihai 14 February 2011 (has links)
Nous avons étudié la dynamique des sauts quantiques de phase (quantum phase-slips) dans différents types de chaînes de jonctions Josephson. Les sauts de phase sont contrôlés par le rapport entre l'énergie Josephson et l'énergie de charge de chaque jonction. Nous avons mesuré l'effet des sauts de phase sur l'état fondamental de la chaîne et nous avons observé l'interférence quantique de sauts de phase (effet Aharonov-Casher). Les résultats de nos mesures sont en très bon accord avec les prédictions théoriques. Nous avons montré qu'une chaîne de jonctions Josephson polarisée en phase, présente un comportement collectif, similaire à un objet macroscopique. Les résultats de cette thèse ouvrent la voie pour la conception de nouveaux circuits Josephson, comme par exemple un qubit topologiquement protégé ou un dispositif quantique pour la conversion courant-fréquence. / In this thesis we presented detailed measurements of quantum phase-slips in Josephson junction chains. The measured phase-slips are the result of fluctuations induced by the finite charging energy of each junction. Our experimental results can be fitted in very good agreement by considering a simple tight-binding model for QPS. We have shown that under phase-bias, a chain of Josephson junctions or rhombi can behave in a collective way very similar to a single macroscopic quantum object. These results open the way for possible use of quantum phase-slips for the design of novel Josephson junction circuits, such as topologically protected rhombi qubits or current-to-frequency conversion devices.

The inelastic Cooper pair tunneling amplifier (ICTA) / Un amplificateur basé sur le tunneling inélastique de paires de Cooper

Jebari, Salha 26 June 2017 (has links)
Les amplificateurs paramétriques Josephson (JPA) se sont révélés être un outil indispensablepour l’étude expérimentale de dispositifs quantiques dans le régime micro-onde ; car ilsrajoutent uniquement le minimum de bruit imposé par la mécanique quantique[1]. Cependant,ces amplificateurs sont beaucoup plus difficiles à utiliser et optimiser que leurs homologuesclassiques. Récemment, plusieurs expériences réalisées avec des circuits supraconducteurs,composés d’une jonction Josephson polarisée en tension en série avec un résonateur microonde,ont montré qu’une paire de Cooper peut traverser la barrière de la jonction par effettunnel en émettant un ou plusieurs photons avec une énergie totale de 2e fois la tensionappliquée. Dans cette thèse, nous montrerons qu’un tel circuit permet de mettre en place unamplificateur micro-onde préservant la phase que nous appelons « Amplificateur basé sur letunneling inélastique de paires de Cooper » (ICTA). Il est alimenté par une tension continueet peut fonctionner avec un bruit très proche de la limite quantique.Nous commencerons en présentant le principe du fonctionnement de l’ICTA. Par analogieavec la théorie quantique des JPAs[2], nous avons étudié les performances de cet amplificateurcomme le gain, la bande passante et le bruit. Ensuite, nous présenterons la premièrepreuve expérimentale d’une amplification proche de la limite quantique sans utilisation d’unepompe micro-onde externe, mais simplement d’une tension continue dans une configurationextrêmement simple. Ces mesures ont été faites sur des échantillons avec des jonctionsen aluminium, dénommés ICTA de première génération. Selon nos résultats théoriques etexpérimentaux, nous avons conçu des circuits hyperfréquences où l’impédance présentéeà la jonction dépend de fréquences spécifiques afin d’optimiser les performances de notreamplificateur. Ces échantillons, dénommés ICTA de seconde génération, ont été fabriquésavec du nitrure de niobium. Une amélioration significative du gain et du bruit a été prouvée.Un tel amplificateur, alimenté par une simple tension continue, pourrait rendre la mesurede signaux micro-ondes au niveau du photon unique beaucoup plus faciles et permettred’intégrer plusieurs amplificateurs sur une seule puce. Il pourrait donc être un élémentimportant pour la lecture de qubit dans les processeurs quantiques à grande échelle. / Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPA), have proven to be an indispensable tool for awide range of experiments on quantum devices in the microwave frequency regime, becausethey provide the lowest possible noise. However, JPAs remain much more difficult to use andoptimize than conventional microwave amplifiers. Recent experiments with superconductingcircuits consisting of a DC voltage-biased Josephson junction in series with a resonator,showed that a tunneling Cooper pair can emit one or several photons with a total energyof 2e times the applied voltage. In this thesis we show that such q circuit can be used toimplement a new type of phase preserving microwave amplifier, which we call InelasticCooper pair Tunneling Amplifier (ICTA). It is powered by a simple DC bias and offers nearquantum-limited noise performance.We start this work by presenting a brief and simple picture of the basic ICTA operatingprinciples. In analogy with the quantum theory of JPAs, we calculate the performances ofthis amplifier such as the gain, bandwidth and noise. Then, we present the first experimentalproof that amplification close to the quantum limit is possible without microwave drive inan extremely simple setup. These measurements are made on a first generation of samplesbased on aluminium junctions. According to our theoretical and experimental results, wehave designed microwave circuits presenting specific frequency-dependent impedances tothe junction in order to optimize the performances of our amplifier. This second generationof ICTA samples is fabricated from niobium nitride and provide significantly lower noiseand higher gain.We expect that once fully optimized, such an amplifier, powered by simple DC voltagescould then make measuring microwave signals at the single photon level much easier andallow to deploy many amplifiers on a chip. It could therefore be an important ingredient forqubit readout in large-scale quantum processors.

The Josephson mixer : a swiss army knife for microwave quantum optics / Le mélangeur Josephson : un couteau suisse pour l'optique quantique micro-onde

Flurin, Emmanuel 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les caractéristiques uniques offertes par le mélangeur Josephson dans le domaine émergeant de l’optique quantique micro-onde. Nous avons démontré que le mixeur Josephson pouvait jouer trois rôles majeurs pour le traitement de l’information quantique. Nous avons conçu et fabriqué un amplificateur à la limite quantique avec la meilleure efficacité quantique démontrée à cette date. Cet outil crucial peut être utilisé pour la mesure microonde de systèmes mésoscopiques dont les circuits supraconducteurs. En particulier, cela nous a permis de réaliser avec succès la stabilisation de trajectoires d’un bit quantique supraconducteur par rétroaction basée sur la mesure. Ensuite, nous avons montré comment ce circuit peut générer et distribuer des radiations micro-ondes intriquées par conversion paramétrique spontanée sur des lignes de transmissions séparées dans l’espace et à des fréquences différentes. En utilisant deux mixeurs Josephson, nous avons fourni la première démonstration d’intrication non- locale entre deux champs propageants dans le domaine micro-onde, les états dits EPR. Finalement, nous avons utilisé le mixeur Josephson dans le mode de conversion de fréquence. Il se comporte alors comme un interrupteur, permettant d’ouvrir ou fermer dynamiquement l’accès à une cavité de haut facteur de qualité. L’ensemble constitue une mémoire quantique. En combinant cela avec la génération d’intrication, nous avons mesuré la distribution, le stockage et la libération sur demande d’un état intriqué. Ceci est un pré-requis pour jouer le rôle de nœud au sein d’un réseau quantique. / This thesis work explores unique features offered by the Josephson mixer in the upcoming field of microwave quantum optics. We have demonstrated three major roles the Josephson mixer could play in emerging quantum information architectures. First, we have designed and fabricated a state-of-the-art practical quantum limited amplifier with the best quantum efficiency achieved to date. This tool is crucial for probing mesoscopic systems with microwaves, and in particular superconducting circuits. Hence, it has enabled us to realize successfully the stabilization of quantum trajectories of a superconducting qubit by measurement-based feedback. Second, we have shown how this circuit can generate and distribute entangled microwave radiations on separated transmission lines at different frequencies. Using two Josephson mixers, we have provided the first demonstration of entanglement between spatially separated propagating fields in the microwave domain, the so-called Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states. Finally, we have used the Josephson mixer as a frequency converter. Acting as a switch, it is able to dynamically turn on and off the coupling to a low loss cavity. This feature allowed us to realize a quantum memory for microwaves. In combination with the ability to generate entanglement, we have measured the time-controlled generation, storage and on-demand release of an entangled state, which is a prerequisite for nodes of a quantum network.


Ammar, Kirmani A. 16 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Parametric Interaction in Josephson Junction Circuits and Transmission Lines

Mohebbi, Hamid Reza 06 November 2014 (has links)
This research investigates the realization of parametric amplification in superconducting circuits and structures where nonlinearity is provided by Josephson junction (JJ) elements. We aim to develop a systematic analysis over JJ-based devices toward design of novel traveling-wave Josephson parametric amplifiers (TW-JPA). Chapters of this thesis fall into three categories: lumped JPA, superconducting periodic structures and discrete Josephson transmission lines (DJTL). The unbiased Josephson junction (JJ) is a nonlinear element suitable for parametric amplification through a four-photon process. Two circuit topologies are introduced to capture the unique property of the JJ in order to efficiently mix signal, pump and idler signals for the purpose of signal amplification. Closed-form expressions are derived for gain characteristics, bandwidth determination, noise properties and impedance for this kind of parametric power amplifier. The concept of negative resistance in the gain formulation is observed. A design process is also introduced to find the regimes of operation for gain achievement. Two regimes of operation, oscillation and amplification, are highlighted and distinguished in the result section. Optimization of the circuits to enhance the bandwidth is also carried out. Moving toward TW-JPA, the second part is devoted to modelling the linear wave propagation in a periodic superconducting structure. We derive closed-form equations for dispersion and s-parameters of infinite and finite periodic structures, respectively. Band gap formation is highlighted and its potential applications in the design of passive filters and resonators are discussed. The superconducting structures are fabricated using YBCO and measured, illustrating a good correlation with the numerical results. A novel superconducting Transmission Line (TL), which is periodically loaded by Josephson junctions (JJ) and assisted by open stubs, is proposed as a platform to realize a traveling-wave parametric device. Using the TL model, this structure is modeled by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) with a driving source and mixed-boundary conditions at the input and output terminals, respectively. This model successfully emulates parametric and nonlinear microwave propagation when long-wave approximation is applicable. The influence of dispersion to sustain three non-degenerate phased-locked waves through the TL is highlighted. A rigorous and robust Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) solver based on the explicit Lax-Wendroff and implicit Crank-Nicolson schemes has been developed to investigate the device responses under various excitations. Linearization of the wave equation, under small-amplitude assumption, dispersion and impedance analysis is performed to explore more aspects of the device for the purpose of efficient design of a traveling-wave parametric amplifier. Knowing all microwave characteristics and identifying different regimes of operation, which include impedance properties, cut-off propagation, dispersive behaviour and shock-wave formation, we exploit perturbation theory accompanied by the method of multiple scale to derive the three nonlinear coupled amplitude equations to describe the parametric interaction. A graphical technique is suggested to find three waves on the dispersion diagram satisfying the phase-matching conditions. Both cases of perfect phase-matching and slight mismatching are addressed in this work. The incorporation of two numerical techniques, spectral method in space and multistep Adams-Bashforth in time domain, is employed to monitor the unilateral gain, superior stability and bandwidth of this structure. Two types of functionality, mixing and amplification, with their requirements are described. These properties make this structure desirable for applications ranging from superconducting optoelectronics to dispersive readout of superconducting qubits where high sensitivity and ultra-low noise operation is required.

Développement de nouvelles techniques de contrôle optimal en dynamique quantique : de la Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire à la physique moléculaire / Developement of new techniques of Optimal Control in Quantum Dynamics : from nuclear magnetic resonance to molecular physics

Lapert, Marc 12 October 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’appliquer la théorie du contrôle optimal à la dynamique de systèmes quantiques. Le premier point consiste à introduire dans le domaine du contrôle quantique des outils de contrôle optimal initialement développés en mathématique. Cette approche a ensuite été appliquée sur différent types de systèmes quantiques décrit par une grande ou une petite dimension. La première partie du manuscrit introduit les différents outils de contrôles utilisés avec une approche adaptée à un public de physiciens. Dans la seconde partie, ces techniques sont utilisées pour contrôler la dynamique des spins en RMN et IRM. La troisième partie s’intéresse au développement de nouveaux algorithmes itératifs de contrôle optimal appliqués au contrôle par champ laser de la dynamique rotationnelle des molécules linéaires en phases gazeuse ainsi qu’au développement d’une stratégie de contrôle simple permettant de délocaliser une molécule dans un plan. La quatrième partie traite le contrôle en temps minimum d’un condensat de Bose-Einstein à deux composantes. La dernière partie permet de comparer qualitativement et quantitativement les différentes méthodes de contrôle optimal utilisées. Les seconde et troisième parties ont également bénéficier de l’implémentation expérimentale des solutions de contrôle optimal obtenues. / The goal of this thesis is to apply the optimal control theory to the dynamics of quantum systems.The first part aim at introducing the tools of optimal control in quantum control which were initially developedin mathematics. This approch has been applied on different kinds of quantum system with small and largedimensions. The first part of this manuscript introduces the optimal control tools which are used with a pointof view suited to a public of physicists. In the second part these techniques are used to control the dynamics ofspins in NMR and MRI. The third part deals with the development of new iterative algorithms applied to thecontrol by laser fields of the rotational dynamics of linear molecules in a gaz phases and the development of asimple control strategy allowing to delocalize a molecule in a plan. The fourth part treats the time-minimumcontrol of a two-component Bose Einstein condensate. The last part compares the different optimal controlmethods used qualitatively and quantitatively. The solution found in the second and third parts have been alsoapplied experimentally.

Développement d'antennes supraconductrices basées sur les réseaux de SQUID pour la résonance magnétique nucléaire à champ faible / Development of superconducting antennas based on SQUID arrays for low-field nuclear magnetic resonance

Labbe, Aimé 10 October 2019 (has links)
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est une modalité qui offre de bons contrastes et une bonne résolution spatiale, mais qui souffre d'un important problème de sensibilité. Pour répondre à cette problématique, le paradigme actuel est d'accroitre le champ magnétique des aimants d'IRM. Ceci mène toutefois à une explosion des coûts et à des contraintes accrues vis-à-vis des patients. L'approche que nous présentons est radicalement différente~: il s'agit de travailler à champ faible. Les antennes classiques n'étant pas assez sensibles pour recueillir le signal, l'idée est d'utiliser des SQIF. Ces derniers sont une nouvelle technologie d'antennes supraconductrices ultra-sensibles basées sur les réseaux de SQUID. Le projet vise à optimiser les capteurs SQIF et à les adapter pour la première fois à la RMN afin de mesurer un signal sur un aimant à 0.2~T.Pour ce faire, nous avons développé et étudié les performances de nouvelles architectures d'antennes SQIF afin de définir la géométrie la plus adaptée à la RMN. Nous avons également cherché à mieux comprendre comment le contexte d'utilisation de ces nouvelles antennes pouvait influencer leurs performances. Le jeu d'antennes le plus performant réalisé avait un facteur de transfert de 8.4~kVperT et un seuil de détection de 190~fTperHz. Il fut également observé que la présence d'un champ magnétique pendant le refroidissement de ces capteurs supraconducteurs dégradait leur réponse, phénomène à prendre en compte en RMN.Un Démonstrateur Super-QIF intégrant un SQIF dans l'IRM à 0.2~T fut conçu en tenant compte des contraintes géométriques et de l'environnement magnétique. Après sa fabrication, la température du cryostat était de 50~K, donc suffisante pour le bon fonctionnement des SQIF. Les premiers tests ont montrés que la présence du système ne perturbait pas le signal de RMN.Le démonstrateur est toujours en cours de développement et devrait permettre de mesurer un de RMN dans les mois à venir. À long terme, ces travaux pavent la voie à des applications des SQIF en IRM à champ terrestre. / Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modality that offers good contrasts and good spatial resolution, but suffers from a significant sensitivity problem. To address this issue, the current paradigm is to increase the magnetic field of MRI magnets. However, this leads to an explosion of costs and to increased constraints on patients. The approach we present is radically different: it involves working in a weak field. As conventional antennas are not sensitive enough to collect the signal, the idea is to use SQIF. These are a new ultra sensitive superconducting antenna technology based on SQUID networks. The project aims to optimize SQIF technology and adapt it to measure an NMR signal in a 0.2~T magnet.To do this, we developed and studied the performance of new SQIF antenna architectures in order to define the geometry most suitable for NMR. We also sought to better understand how the context of use of these new antennas could influence their performance. The best performing antennas set had a transfer factor of 8.4~kVperT and a detection threshold of 190~fTperHz. It was also observed that the presence of a magnetic field during the cooling of these superconducting sensors degraded their response, a phenomenon to be accounted for in NMR.The Super-QIF Demonstrator incorporating a SQIF in the 0.2~T MRI was designed considering the geometric constraints and the magnetic environment. After its assembly, the temperature of the cryostat was 50~K, therefore sufficient for the proper operation of SQIF. The first tests showed that the system presence did not disturb the NMR signal.The demonstrator is still under development and is expected to measure an NMR signal in the forthcoming months. In the long term, this work paves the way for applications of SQIF in Earth's field MRI.

Nanomembrane-based hybrid semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures

Thurmer, Dominic J. 20 July 2011 (has links)
The combination of modern self-assembly techniques with well-established top-down processing methods pioneered in the electronics industry is paving the way for increasingly sophisticated devices in the future[1]. Nanomembranes, made from a variety of materials, can provide the necessary framework for a diverse range of device structures incorporating wrinkling, buckling, folding, and rolling of thin films[2, 3]. Over the past decade, an elegant symbiosis of bottom-up and top-down methods has been developed, allowing the fabrica- tion of hybrid layer systems via the controlled release and rearrangement of inherently strained layers [4]. Self-assembled rolled-up structures[4, 5] have become increasingly at- tractive in a number of fields including micro/nano uidics[6], optics[7](including metama- terial optical fibers[8]), Lab on a Chip applications[9], and micro- and nanoelectronics[10]. The use of such structures for microelectronic applications has been driven by the versatility in contacting geometries and the abundance of material combinations that these devices offer. By allowing devices to expand in the third dimension, certain obstacles that inhibit 2D structuring can be overcome in elegant ways. Similarly, recent progress in nanostructured superconducting electronic structures has been receiving increased attention[11]. The advancement of such devices has been mo- tivated by their use in quantum computation[12], high sensitivity radiation sensors[13], precision voltage standards[14] and superconducting spintronics[15] to name a few. Combining semiconductor with superconductor materials to create new hybrid geometries is advantageous because it adds the functionalities of the semiconductor, including high charge carrier mobilities, gating possibilities, and refined processing technologies. The main focus of the work presented in this thesis is the development of new methods for controlling strain behavior and its applications toward novel semiconduc- tor/superconductor heterostructures based on nanomembranes. More specifically, the goal is to integrate inherently strained semiconductor layer structures with superconducting materials to create innovative electronic devices by the controlled releasing and rearrangement of thin films. By rolling up pre-patterned semiconductor/superconductor layers, device geometries have been realized that are not feasible using any other technique. In this way, superconducting hybrid junctions, or Josephson junctions, have been created and their basic properties investigated. The Josephson effect, and junctions displaying this quantum coherent behavior, have found many essential uses in diverse areas of science and technology. Many research groups around the world are involved in finding new materials and fabrication methods to tune the properties and structure of such Josephson devices further[11]. The inclusion of semi- conductors, for example, allows for a greater control of the charge carrier density within the junction area, thus allowing for "transistor-like" behavior in these superconducting devices. By rolling up the superconductor contacts using a strained semiconductor as scaffolding, the fabrication of hybrid nano-junctions is simplified drastically, removing the need for complicated processing steps such as electron-beam or nano-imprint lithography. Furthermore, the technique allows many nanometer-sized devices to be created in parallel on a single chip which has the advantage that it can be scaled up to full-wafer processing. First, post-growth processing techniques of epitaxial layers are developed in order to extend the control of hybrid device fabrication. Here, three unique concepts for controlling the rolling behavior of strained semiconductor nanomembranes are presented. First an optical method for inhibiting the rolling of the strained layers is described. Next, a selective etching method for destroying the inherent strain within the semiconductor layer is introduced. Finally, a method by which the strain gradient across a trilayer stack is altered in situ during rolling is presented. Next, the fabrication of a hybrid nanomembrane-based superconducting device is presented. Various experimental details of the fabrication process are analyzed, and the electronic properties of the completed device are investigated. The devices created here highlight the fabrication process in which nanometer-sized structures are created using self-assembly techniques and standard microelectronics fabrication methods, presenting a new method to circumvent more complicated processing techniques. References [1] G. M. Whitesides and B. Grzybowski. Self-assembly at all scales. Science 295, 2418{2421 (2002). [2] Y. G. Sun, W. M. Choi, H. Q. Jiang, Y. G. Y. Huang and J. A. Rogers. Controlled buckling of semiconductor nanoribbons for stretchable electronics. Nature Nanotechnology 1, 201{207 (2006). [3] O. G. Schmidt and K. Eberl. Nanotechnology - Thin solid films roll up into nanotubes. Nature 410, 168 (2001). [4] O. G. Schmidt, C. Deneke, Y. Nakamura, R. Zapf-Gottwick, C. Mller and N. Y. Jin-Phillipp. Nanotechnology { Bottom-up meets top-down. Advanced Solid State Physics 42, 231 (2002). [5] V. Ya. Prinz, V. A. Seleznev, A. K. Gutakovsky, A. V. Chehovskiy, V. V. Preobrazhenskii, M. A. Putyato and T. A. Gavrilova. Free-standing and overgrown InGaAs/GaAs nanotubes, nanohelices and their arrays. Physica E 6, 828 (2000). [6] D. J. Thurmer, C. Deneke, Y. F. Mei and O. G. Schmidt. Process integration of microtubes for uidic applications. Applied Physics Letters 89, 223507 (2006). [7] R. Songmuang, A. Rastelli, S. Mendach and O. G. Schmidt. SiOx/Si radial superlattices and microtube optical ring resonators. Applied Physics Letters 90, 091905 (2007). [8] E. J. Smith, Z. W. Liu, Y. F. Mei and O. G. Schmidt. Combined surface plasmon and classical waveguiding through metamaterial fiber design. Nano Letters 10, 1{5 (2010). [9] G. S. Huang, Y. F. Mei, D. J. Thurmer, E. Coric and O. G. Schmidt. Rolled-up transparent microtubes as two-dimensionally confined culture scaffolds of individual yeast cells. Lab on a Chip 9, 263{268 (2009). [10] C. C. B. Bufon, J. D. C. Gonzalez, D. J. Thurmer, D. Grimm, M. Bauer and O. G. Schmidt. Self-assembled ultra-compact energy storage elements based on hybrid nanomembranes. Nano Letters 10, 2506{2510 (2010). [11] G. Katsaros, P. Spathis, M. Stoffel, F. Fournel, M. Mongillo, V. Bouchiat, F. Lefloch, A. Rastelli, O. G. Schmidt and S. De Franceschi. Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor devices made from self-assembled SiGe nanocrystals on silicon. Nature Nanotechnology 5, 458{464 (2010). [12] Y. J. Doh, J. A. van Dam, A. L. Roest, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, L. P. Kouwenhoven and S. De Franceschi. Tunable supercurrent through semiconductor nanowires. Science 309, 272{275 (2005). [13] F. Giazotto, T. T. Heikkila, G. P. Pepe, P. Helisto, A. Luukanen and J. P. Pekola. Ultrasensitive proximity Josephson sensor with kinetic inductance readout. Applied Physics Letters 92, 162507 (2008). [14] S. P. Benz. Superconductor-normal-superconductor junctions for programmable voltage standards. Applied Physics Letters 67, 2714{2716 (1995). [15] Y. C. Tao and J. G. Hu. Superconducting spintronics: Spin-polarized transport in superconducting junctions with ferromagnetic semiconducting contact. Journal of Applied Physics 107, 041101 (2010).

Supraleitung in Gallium-implantiertem Silizium / Superconductivity in gallium-implanted silicon

Skrotzki, Richard 21 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der elektrischen Charakterisierung 10 nm dünner Schichten bestehend aus amorphen Ga-Nanoclustern eingebettet in Ga-dotiertes polykristallines Si. Die Herstellung der Schichten geschieht via Ionen-Implantation in Si-Wafer samt anschließender thermischer Ausheilung. Elektrische Transportmessungen in Magnetfeldern von bis zu 50 T zeigen, dass die Schichten durch Variation der Ausheilparameter zwei strukturelle Supraleiter-Isolator-Übergänge durchlaufen. TEM-gestützte Strukturanalysen decken auf, dass den Übergängen eine Gefügetransformation zugrunde liegt, die das Wechselspiel zwischen supraleitender Cluster-Kopplung und kapazitiver Ladungsenergie sowie dem Ausmaß von thermischen und Quantenfluktuationen beeinflusst. Im supraleitenden Regime (Tc = 7 K) wird ein doppelt reentrantes Phänomen beobachtet, bei dem Magnetfelder von mehreren Tesla in anisotroper Form die Supraleitung begünstigen. Eine qualitative Erklärung gelingt via selbstentwickeltem theoretischen Modell basierend auf Phaseslip-Ereignissen für Josephson-Kontakt-Netzwerke. Für Anwendungen im Bereich der Sensor-Technologie und Quanten-Logik werden die Schichten erfolgreich via Fotolithographie und FIB (focused ion beam) mikro- und nanostrukturiert. Dadurch gelingt die erstmalige Beobachtung des Little-Parks-Effektes in einer Nanostruktur aus amorphem Ga. / The following thesis is devoted to the electrical characterization of 10 nm thin layers consisting of amorphous Ga nanoclusters embedded in Ga-doped polycrystalline Si. The preparation of the layers is realized via ion implantation in Si wafers plus subsequent thermal annealing. Electrical-transport measurements in magnetic fields of up to 50 T show that the layers undergo two structural superconductor-insulator transitions upon variation of the annealing parameters. Structural analyzes based on TEM investigations reveal an underlying transformation of the size and distance of the clusters. This influences the interplay of the superconducting cluster coupling and capacitive charging energy as well as the extent of thermal and quantum fluctuations. In the superconducting regime (Tc = 7 K) a double-reentrant phenomenon is observed. Here, magnetic fields of several Tesla facilitate superconductivity in an anisotropic way. A qualitative explanation is given via a self-developed theoretical model based on phase-slip events for Josephson-junction arrays. With respect to applications regarding sensor technology and quantum logic circuits the layers are successfully micro- and nanostructured via photolithography and FIB. This allows for the first observation of the Little-Parks effect in a nanostructure of amorphous Ga.

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