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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of English in advertising and journalistic discourse of the Expanding circle: data from Bulgarian magazines

Bogdanova, Maya January 2010 (has links)
The combination of the socio-political changes following 1989 and the current status ofEnglish as the language of international communication promoted dynamic transformations ofthe attitude and usages of English in Bulgaria. The purpose of this study is to investigate theforms, functions and symbolic value of English in the Bulgarian advertising and journalisticdiscourse. The emphasis is on non-established words as opposed to established borrowings.Two hypotheses encapsulating the possible relation between English usages in advertising andjournalistic discourses are in the centre of investigation: Hypothesis 1 The use of the English language remains on the symbolic and visual level in theBulgarian advertising and journalistic discourses. Hypothesis 2 The symbolic value of English usage in advertising discourse is the same as thatof journalistic discourse. Prior to the analyses, the study introduces an overview of the Bulgarian linguistic situationand a summary of studies in the area of contact phenomena between English and Bulgarian.Special attention is paid to publications discussing advertising and journalistic discourse.On the base of two principles – genre and readership – six magazines have been selectedto provide the data for the study: Маниджър(Manager); Story, НашДом(Our Home),ЖенатаДнес(The Woman Today), ЖурналзаЖената(Women’s Journal), and Top GearБългария(Top Gear Bulgaria). Using a set of criteria the process of collecting data hasextracted the occurrences of English from all advertisements, section and column headings,article titles, and the featured article of each issue. English occurrences have been classifiedfirst according to their generic function and position in the textual unity, and then, accordingto symbolic value ascribed by English.The statistical data confirms that the use of English in advertising discourse is common;on average 66% of the advertisements contain English words. Cross-reference with the type offunction reveals, however, that only 17% of the English used in advertisements adds semanticvalue to the Bulgarian-English mixing. Therefore, in advertising discourse English remainsmainly a tool for adding symbolic value. As far as the journalistic discourse is concernedEnglish usages are not as frequent; nevertheless, great variations are exemplified. Suchvariation is observed in the heading data where one of the magazines contains no English inthe headings while another uses English in all but four of its headings. The findings of thestudy reject both of the hypotheses although variations are observed and have been describedin this study. The analyses demonstrate that advertising discourse uses English in order toexploit the value of English as the lingua franca of the world, while the journalistic discoursedraws on the symbolic associations of English as the language of popular culture.The results of this study provide a comparison between advertising and journalisticdiscourses. Furthermore, it offers a picture of the situation in Bulgaria twenty years after thepolitical changes and a good intermediate point in the process of spread of English, whichcontinues to modify the linguistic situation of the country.

Noticieros televisivos peruanos y conflictos socio-ambientales: Análisis del tratamiento informativo de Panamericana y ATV sobre el caso Tía María / Peruvian televisión newscasts and socio-environmental conflicts: Analysis of the media treatment of Panamericana and ATV about the Tía María case

Espinoza Jiménez, Camila Belén 14 April 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en un protocolo detallado que servirá de guía para la elaboración de un artículo científico, el cuál se centrará en analizar el tratamiento informativo y el discurso periodístico de una noticia emitida por dos importantes canales de televisión peruanos. La noticia a observar, se encuentra relacionada con el conflicto socio-ambiental del Proyecto Minero Tía María. En las siguientes líneas, se aborda los primeros lineamientos y acercamientos teóricos para la posterior investigación. / This research work consists of a detailed protocol that will serve as a guide for the preparation of a scientific article, which will focus on analyzing the news treatment and journalistic discourse of a news broadcast by two important Peruvian television channels. The news to be observed is related to the socio-environmental conflict of the Tía María Mining Project. In the following lines, the first guidelines and theoretical approaches for subsequent research are addressed. / Trabajo de investigación

Análisis del cumplimiento de estándares de calidad en el tratamiento noticioso de IDL Reporteros, El Comercio y La República Caso chats “La Botica” / Analysis of compliance with quality standards in the news treatment of IDL Reporters, El Comercio and La República Case chats "La Botica"

Saldaña Silva, Cari Patricia 10 December 2019 (has links)
El internet ha generado una serie de cambios en el trabajo periodístico que ha llevado a muchos a preguntarse si el producto informativo de los medios son de calidad, principalmente porque en los medios digitales impera, muchas veces, la exigencia de la inmediatez sobre el trabajo básico del periodista: seleccionar el hecho noticioso, corroborar la información, buscar fuentes adicionales que acerque a la audiencia a la comprensión del hecho noticioso abordado y construir responsablemente la publicación. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad identificar el nivel de cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad periodística propuestos por Lorenzo Gomis y el VAP-UC en los medios digitales de IDL Reporteros, El Comercio y La República. Se decidió someter a evaluación las notas periodísticas que desarrollaron los tres medios a partir de una serie de screenshots del chat “La Botica” que cada medio obtuvo en exclusiva. La investigación parte de la premisa de que los chats, como fuente de información, son parte de la vida privada de las personas y que su exposición no solo debería estar justificada sino bien argumentada en el producto periodístico. / The internet has generated a series of changes in journalistic work, mainly because of one factor: time. Journalists have to select the news event, corroborate the information, find additional sources to contextualize the case and build a responsable publication in a shorter time than ever, because of the digital media which demands immediacy. That´s why, many researchers has wondered if the media's informative product fulfills quality standards. The cuestion borns in a digital media times, where immediacy can be considered more important than publish a deeper or complete contextualization of the news. This research will identify in which level the digital media of IDL Reporters, El Comercio and La República fulfills the standards of journalistic quality proposed by Lorenzo Gomis and the VAP-UC. The nine publications selected has been built from a principal source of information: a series of screenshots of La Botica’s chat, that each media obtained exclusively. The investigation is based on the premise that chats, as a source of information, are part of people's private life and their publication should not only be justified also well argued in the journalistic product. / Tesis

El tratamiento de los feminicidios en el diario Trome durante el año 2018: la violencia simbólica, la muerte y el machismo en la construcción de las noticias / The treatment of feminicides in the Peruvian newspaper Trome during 2018: symbolic violence, death and male chauvinism in the construction of news

Rosas Angulo, Yasmin Francineli 16 October 2019 (has links)
La siguiente investigación busca examinar la existencia del sesgo y prejuicio al construir las noticias sobre la violencia hacia la mujer y los feminicidios. Asimismo, se busca identificar las principales características en la construcción de los actores de la noticia, principalmente en la imagen de la mujer. Para esto nos centramos en cinco casos que ocurrieron durante el año 2018 y que por la forma violenta en la que se dieron, se realizó una larga y detallada cobertura en la que no solo se dio a conocer el hecho, sino que se revelaron aspectos de la vida íntima de las mujeres y de sus familias. Estos casos fueron tomados del diario peruano Trome y para el análisis se buscó en manuales de género e investigaciones centradas en esta problemática. La investigación arrojó que a pesar de los intentos de la sociedad civil y de algunas entidades del Estado, aún se continúan cometiendo los mismos errores como lo son: no contextualizar la información, no concientizar sobre el tema, dramatizar y espectacularizar el asesinato misógino de mujeres, así como seguir con el formato novelesco para entregar la información. Esta investigación concluyó que las mujeres víctimas de esta violencia son escaneas por el medio para utilizar su imagen de acuerdo con los cánones de belleza establecidos por una línea editorial centrada en la pasión, el sentimiento y la muerte. / The following research examines the existence of a certain type of bias and prejudice while the newspaper Trome is building the news about violence against women and femicides. It also identifies the main characteristics in the construction of the actors from the news, mainly in the image of women. For this, we focus on five cases that occurred during the year 2018 because of the violence and the coverage which not only reveals the crimes, it also reveals a lot of intimate aspects of women and their families. The investigation showed that despite the attempts of civil society and some government entities, the same mistakes are still being made: not contextualizing the information, not raising awareness about the issue, dramatizing and spectacular sizing the misogynistic murder of women following a novel format to deliver the information. This investigation concluded that female victims of this violence are scanned by the newspaper to use their image under the canons of beauty established by an editorial line focused on passion, feelings, and death. / Tesis

Are journalists aware of the gender gap? : A study on the perceptions and experiences about the language used in the representation of women in the Italian press

Trussardi, Livia January 2022 (has links)
This thesis studies Italian journalists' perceptions and experiences of the use of gendered language in the representation of women in the Italian press. Previous research has shown that Italian media misrepresent women by producing gender stereotypes. This is, to a certain extent, related to language: Italian is considered to be a gender language, meaning that every noun, pronoun and adjective have a gender. The research questions that guide this study are: what are the Italian journalists' perceptions and experiences of gender in the articles they write?  What is the place and role of language in the journalists' evaluation of gender equality in news? What are the reasons behind the journalists' use of language when they write a piece about a woman? Using an ethnographic approach, 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed following the journalistic culture perspective proposed by Hanitzsch (2007). The results show that there are many different approaches to gender, from the one suggesting to neglect gender as a category at all in the news production, to the one that sees gender as a category that is newsworthy as such and a starting point for an article. Also the role of language is interpreted in very different ways. On one side there is the idea that, compared to the gender gap being a broader social problem, language is secondary; on the other, language is considered to be able to drive a change in the society. Finally, also the reasons behind the journalists' use of language are diverse: the ethical codes do not apply to all the journalists or reveal a lack of guidelines that oblige journalists to rely on their morality, gender sensitivity, or interest to the topic of gender equality; or on the newspaper's own guidelines. The readers' assumed expectations, as well as the kind of journalism (with its requests in terms of time and space) influence the use of language with regard to gender equality. The results show also that, beside some context-dependent elements, which make Italy a specific case, there are some universal considerations that can be made. In particular, basing on these universal elements, the addition of a linguistic dimension to journalistic cultures (Hanitzsch, 2007) is suggested. In this dimension, it will be proposed to include two levels: the influence of language on social reality and the influence of journalism on language.

Grävhörnor, Vita Fläckar och Tomma Sidor : En kvalitativ studie över journalistiska roller i Uppsala

Bill, Hannah, Olofsson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines how local journalists in Uppsala would like to work with news reporting, based on their journalistic roles. To answer this main research question, the paper follows three more particular sub-questions: How do local journalists in Uppsala view their current journalistic role? What journalistic role would the journalists like to fulfill?  What do the journalists think about the future of local journalism? The chosen method of this exploration is qualitative interviews, with six journalists working at two different editorial offices in Uppsala. By drawing from the theoretic framework by Thomas Hanitzsch and his suggestions on journalistic roles, the paper found that the populist disseminator role is the most apparent among Uppsala’s journalists, in terms of the normative dimension. However, for practical reasons they often have to prioritize the entertainment factor, which is more in line with the accommodative role. In terms of their own preferences, most of the journalists express a deep wish for more investigative journalism in their work. In other words, their cognitive role is more in line with the detached watchdog. Despite current problems, all interviewed journalists are hopeful about the future of local journalism, believing people today need it more than ever before. They also suggest that the Covid-19 pandemic strengthened local journalism, reminding people of its necessity. Overall, this thesis gives an insight into the current situation for local journalists and provides both solutions to the challenges as well as reasons for its highly important place in society.

El encuentro con el otro: La construcción del discurso periodístico de los diarios Perú 21 y El Comercio sobre el migrante venezolano en el Perú durante los meses de Junio, Julio y Agosto del 2018 / The encounter with the other: The construction of the journalistic discourse of the Perú 21 and El Comercio newspapers on the Venezuelan migrant in Perú during the months of June, July and August 2018

Quilca Catacora, Mariana Lucía 16 October 2019 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es conocer cómo es que Perú 21 y El Comercio construyeron la imagen del migrante venezolano. Para eso se analizaron las publicaciones de ambos diarios durante los meses de junio, julio y agosto del 2018. En total fueron 72 notas analizadas, la mayoría de estas fueron publicadas en la crisis migratoria que hubo los días 25 y 26 de agosto a raíz de la exigencia del pasaporte como requisito obligatorio para ingresar a Perú. Es precisamente el contexto social que atravesó nuestro país lo que permitió conocer con mayor profundidad como es el encuentro con el “otro” desde el punto de vista periodístico. / The main objective of this research is to know how Perú 21 and El Comercio built the image of the Venezuelan migrant. For this, both newspapers publications were analyzed during the months of June, July and August of 2018. A total of 72 (journalistic) notes were studied, most of them were published during the migration crisis that occurred betwen the 25th and the 26th of August (2018), as a result of the mandatory passport requirement to enter Perú. It is precisely the social context that crossed our country that allowed us to know in greater depth how is the encounter whit the “other” from the journalisctic point of view. / Tesis

The Journalist-NGO Relationship: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective : Exploring motivations, contextual influences, and trust building processes shaping the journalist-NGO relationship in Sweden

Åström, Linda January 2021 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between journalists and NGOs in news making from a social exchange theory perspective. Drawing on semi-structured reconstruction interviews with journalists from Swedish media and representatives from the communications departments of Swedish NGOs, it examines motivations, contextual influences, and trust building processes that shape the relationship. The findings from the thematic analysis suggest three main characteristics of the journalist-NGO relationship. Firstly, the actors are motivated to interact due to a mutual dependency despite having separate goals. Secondly, the interactions are marked by an initiative imbalance caused by the contextual norm of a ruling media logic. Thirdly, trustworthiness is established between the actors through successful social exchanges which tend to reoccur and rationalize professional processes, ergolong-term relations lead to trust and efficacy. This thesis further concludes that journalists hold an upper hand in the news making process which NGOs accommodate to be recognized by media. Simultaneously, the NGOs play an important part in supplementing and substituting journalistic shortages which enhances their influence on news content. This leads to a relationship of mutual dependency which is sustained through reciprocal social exchanges that build trust and enable efficiency on both an interpersonal micro level, and an organizational meso level.

El caso de Rosario Ponce contra el mundo: discursos de espectacularización y representaciones de género en la prensa sensacionalista peruana / The case of Rosario Ponce against the world: the spectacularization of discourse and gender representations in Peruvian tabloids

Morey Obispo, Alessandra Daniela 13 July 2020 (has links)
El poder de los medios para crear discursos acerca de un hecho noticioso es bastante conocido. El tratamiento que un medio periodístico le de a una noticia es la forma en la que los ciudadanos reciben y perciben esta información. Muchas veces, la prensa, cae en prácticas que se alejan de la ética periodística como es la transformación de un hecho a un espectáculo. Asimismo, replican en estos discursos representaciones y estereotipos que se originan en la sociedad y que son llevados a los medios de comunicación. En la siguiente investigación abordaremos estas cuestiones analizando lo ocurrido en el caso de Ciro Castillo y Rosario Ponce acerca de procesos de espectacularización de la noticia y roles de género. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio cualitatitvo en el que se analizarán desde la perspectiva del discurso periodístico las notas web publicadas en el portal de Diario Ojo acerca del caso. Los principales hallazgos recaen en la forma en la que se construyó la imagen de Rosario en la prensa basado en cuestiones morales y de género, y en la subordinación del rol femenino a la figura masculina. También, reflexionaremos acerca de las implicancias tanto sociales como periodísticas que llevan consigo la espectacularización de un hecho y cómo se va desestimando el valor del rigor en el ejercicio periodístico. / The power of the media to create discourses about a news event is well known. The treatment that a press media gives to a news is the way in which citizens receive and perceive this information. Many times, the press falls into practices that are far from journalistic ethics, such as the transformation of a fact into a show. Also, representations and stereotypes that originate in society, are carried to the media and they are also replicated in these discourses. In the following investigation, we will address these problems by analyzing what happened in the case of Ciro Castillo and Rosario Ponce about the process of news spectacularization and gender roles. For this, a qualitative study was carried out in which the web notes published on the Diario Ojo portal on the case will be analyzed from the perspective of the journalistic discourse. The main findings of this work are the way Rosario's image was built in the press based on moral and gender issues, and also in the subordination of the female role to the male figure. In addition, we will reflect on the social and journalistic implications that the spectacularization of information entails and how the value of rigor in journalistic practice is discarded. / Trabajo de investigación

Att vara eller att inte vara journalist : En kvalitativ studie om svenska journaliststudenters uppfattning av professionell identitet i det journalistiska fältet

Hjelm, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines how Stockholm-based journalism students perceive journalistic professional identity during their education. The purpose of this thesis is thus to expand the knowledge of how Swedish journalism students give meaning to their future work in an increasingly changeable labor market. To this end, 15 journalism students from the bachelor program in journalism studies at Stockholm University and Södertörn University were interviewed at the beginning of 2023. Using Mark Deuze's theoretical framework of journalism as a professional ideology and Pierre Bourdieu's field theory, specifically about the journalistic field, the thesis reveals that Stockholm-based journalism students support traditional journalistic norms and ideals, such as public service, ethics, objectivity, and immediacy. The students also value traditional forms of capital, such as cultural, social, and symbolic capital, at the beginning of their journalistic careers. However, due to technological innovations, the journalistic field has changed, and the journalism students, therefore, perceive the journalist's role as expanded and more digital than it previously has been. To make it as a journalist today, digital capital is therefore a necessity. Furthermore, the journalism students struggle to make sense of the journalistic field and the expectations directed at them as new journalists since there is a tension between these expectations and how the journalistic field is structured. The thesis also reveals that there are inconsistencies in how Stockholm-based journalism students relate to their future work; these inconsistencies demonstrate the conflict that journalists face between the market and professional freedom. The thesis concludes with a discussion about the future of journalism, and how journalism education plays a crucial part in shaping this future.

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