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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boteberättelser : En etnologisk studie av boteprocesser och det omprövande patientskapet

Winroth, AnnCristin January 2004 (has links)
This thesis analyse how life-histories are expressed and reformulated in connection to a life crisis of ill health. The study is based on ten interviews with people who in connection with ill health have made use of treatments within both orthodox medicine and complementary medicine and who have also developed various forms of self-treatment. The overall aim is, with a point of departure in the concepts health, healing and trust, to analyse narratives as a practice through which the respondents create identity and a life-context. The signifi cance of constructing the (auto)biography of the healing narrative – a form of narrative and performative act – runs as the main thread through the thesis. This act makes up the practice that is recurrently discussed in several of the thesis’ chapters and is synonymously termed the telling of healing narratives or or to narrate health and healing. The analysis of the narrative’s The analysis of the narrative’s healing main themes is mirrored in the order of the chapters. The study is broadly thematic and structured as a generalised healing process beginning with upheaval, continuing with crisis and social drama, and further to the endeavour of expressing values and judgements in a public context. The interview themes of self-treatment and alternative treatment have occasioned the investigation into what an ethno-medical perspective can bring to analyses of people’s experiences of ill health in an everyday medical context. One of the points of having the concept ethno-medicine as a starting point is that every practice or narrative formation is ascribed with a potential for interpretation in its creation of knowledge. Another chapter deals with two themes of identity and life-history construction in the practice of healing narratives – the need for a chronology and reappraised perspectives on body, health and lifestyle. Healing narratives can be understood as a genre of life-historical narratives where life is often described as a linear course of events. A model by the anthropologist Victor Turner on the course and content of social drama is used as a comment to analyses of three respondents’ narratives in another chapter. A drama can be understood as a tragic course of events, based on an accident or an upsetting incident that roughly revolves around event/crisis, chaos and the striving for restoration. The concept of other journals is then used to make visible the everyday medical administrative practice and refers to the documentation used in the form of collected documents, written notes, and diaries. As an unexpected part of healing processes, the necessity of familiarising oneself with rules, laws and health insurance systems in order to be able to claim one’s rights is brought forward. The social transformation process of various care practices in society makes up both a context and a commonly occurring theme in the narratives that the thesis is based upon. A modern health culture that gains strength from loosely composed social movements exerts infl uence on all levels of society. With an increased individual responsibility, the need grows to fi nd one’s own healing strategies and to create one’s own life-history in narratives that mirror this transformation in an everyday context. Healing narratives can be seen as a form of evaluation of health-care practices where experiences of treatment and notions of health and cure and healing are concretised.

Elektronisches Publizieren - Einige Aspekte aus Sicht der Universitätsbibliothek

Thümer, Ingrid 02 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Der Vortrag wurde im Rahmen der Informationsveranstaltung „Elektronisches Publizieren an der TU Chemnitz – 10 Jahre MONARCH“ gehalten. Mit dem sprunghaften Anstieg wissenschaftlicher Publikation steigt die Informationsflut ständig weiter an. Im Zeitalter des Internet werden Veröffentlichungen in kürzester Zeit bereitgestellt und damit weltweit verfügbar. Andererseits führt die monopolistische Preispolitik von Großverlagen dazu, dass die wissenschaftlichen Informationen nicht mehr allen Interessierten zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. In den letzten Jahren ist speziell im STM-Bereich (Science, Technology, Medicine) eine enorme Steigerung der Zeitschriftenpreise zu verzeichnen. Aufgrund des sinkenden Erwerbungsetats der Bibliotheken ist die wissenschaftliche Informationsversorgung nicht mehr ausreichend gewährleistet. Konventionelle Lösungsansätze erweisen sich nicht als Ausweg aus der Informationskrise. Als alternatives Publikationsmodell wird Open Access betrachtet. Die wissenschaftlichen Informationen stehen kostenfrei und dauerhaft zur Verfügung. Gegründet wurde die Open Access Initiative 2001. Sie wird national u.a. unterstützt vom Wissenschaftsrat, der Kultusministerkonferenz und der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz. Zwei Jahre später wurde die "Berliner Erklärung über offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen" verabschiedet und von führenden Wissenschaftsorganisationen des Landes (WR, HRK, DFG, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Max Planck Gesellschaft u.v.a.) unterzeichnet. Open Access-Dokumente können in Open Access-Zeitschriften oder z.Bsp. auf Dokumentenservern der Hochschulen veröffentlicht werden. Der Publikationsserver der TU Chemnitz, MONARCH wurde von der Deutschen Initiative für Netzwerkinformation zertifiziert. Der gemeinsam von Universitätsbibliothek und Universitätsrechenzentrum betreute Dienst entspricht nationalen und internationalen Standards. Im Vortrag wird abschließend auf praktische Beispiele nationaler Aktivitäten hingewiesen und es werden Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung des Open Access Gedankens an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz angesprochen. / The lecture was held in the context of the information meeting "Electronic publishing at the Chemnitz University of Technology - 10 years MONARCH". With the precipitous rise of scientific publication the flood of information continues to rise constantly. In the age of the Internet publications are made available in shortest time and are accessible world-wide. On the other hand the monopolyistic price strategy of large publishing houses leads to the fact that the scientific information can be made available no more all interested ones. In the last years particularly an enormous increase of the magazine prices is to be registered within the STM range (Science, Technology, Medicine). Due to the sinking acquisition budget of the libraries the scientific information supply is no longer ensured sufficiently. Conventional solutions do not prove as a way out of the information crisis. As alternative publication model Open Access is regarded. The scientific information is available free of charge and durably. The Open Access Initiative was created 2001. It supported national among others of the scientific organisations Wissenschaftsrat, Kultusministerkonferenz and Hochschulrektorenkonferenz. Two years later the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" was adopted and by prominent science organizations of the country (WR, HRK, DFG, Fraunhofer Society, Max Planck Society u.v.a.) signed. Open Access-documents can be published in Open Access-journals or e.g. on document repositories of the universities. The publication server MONARCH was certificated by the German Initiative for Network Information. MONARCH is conformed to national and international standards. In the lecture finally referred to practical examples of national activities and it will suggested possibilities for the conversion of the Open Access thought at the Chemnitz University of Technology.

Open Access an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz

Thümer, Ingrid 25 October 2006 (has links)
Mit der Sonderausgabe des Newsletters 2/2006 möchte die Universitätsbibliothek ergänzend zum Rundschreiben des Rektors 02/2006 den Angehörigen der TU Chemnitz weitere Informationen zum Thema Open Access (OA) geben. Die Universitätsbibliothek begrüßt den Beschluß von Rektorat und Senat zur Unterstützung von Open Acces an der TU Chemnitz mit dem Wortlaut - Rektorat und Senat der TU Chemnitz fordern die Autoren der Universität nachdrücklich auf, ihre wissenschaftlichen Publikationen als Pre- oder Postprintversion, soweit rechtliche Bedenken der Verlage nicht entgegenstehen, auf dem Publikationsserver MONARCH der TU Chemnitz abzulegen. - Rektorat und Senat ermutigen die Wissenschaftler der TU Chemnitz, in bestehenden Open-Access-Zeitschriften zu publizieren. Gerade die Bibliothek der TU Chemnitz als Dienstleister für Wissenschaftler und Studierende hat die Auswirkungen der Zeitschriftenkrise bitter zu spüren bekommen. Eine drastische Reduzierung des Zeitschriftenbestandes seit Mitte der 90er Jahre ist die Folge. Schon lange beklagen die Wissenschaftler diese Situation. Die Universitätsbibliothek ist der Auffassung, dass langfristig und durch eine weltweite Unterstützung von Open Access diese Entwicklung korrigiert und die Krise im System der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation überwunden werden kann. Die Etablierung des "Prinzips des offenen Zugangs" setzt jedoch die aktive Beteiligung jedes einzelnen Produzenten von wissenschaftlicher Information voraus. Entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der geplanten Open Access Aktivitäten an der TU Chemnitz ist die Akzeptanz unter den Wissenschaftlern und vor allem deren aktive Unterstützung. / This is a special issue of the library's newsletter. In addition to the rector-circular 02/2006 we would like to give you further information about open access publishing at our university. The library welcomes the joint resolution recently made by the university's rectorate and its senate to support open access publishing at Chemnitz University of Technology. - Rectorate and Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology invite the authors to publish their scientific works as pre- or postprintversion in MONARCH, under attention of the copyright. - Rectorate and Senate encourage the scientists to publish in open access journals. The library as a service provider for scientists and students is confronted with the effects of journal crisis. A dramatically reduction of acquired journal titles is the result. The university library is in the conviction that a long-term and world-wide support of Open Access can corrected and negotiate this development. Therefore is the activity of each individual producer of scientific information important. The acceptance and assistance from our authors is the base for transposition Open Access to the Chemnitz University of Technology.

Gender-Related Terms in English Depositions, Examinations and Journals, 1670–1720

Lilja, Sara January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on gender-related terms as well as adjectives and demonstratives in connection with these terms used in texts from the period 1670–1720. The material in the study has been drawn from both English and American sources and comes from three text categories: depositions, examinations and journals. Two of these text categories represent authentic and speech-related language use (depositions and examinations), whereas the third (journals) is representative of a non-speech-related, non-fictional text category. While previous studies of gender-related terms have primarily investigated fictional material, this study focuses on text categories which have received little attention so far. The overarching research question addressed in this study concerns the use and distribution of gender-related terms, especially with regard to referent gender. Data analyses are both quantitative and qualitative, and several linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are taken into account, such as the semantic domain to which the individual gender-related term belongs, region of origin and referent gender. Adjectives and demonstratives collocating with the gender-related terms are also investigated, as previous research has shown that referent gender has an impact on the use of adjectives as well. The results show that the use of gender-related terms is influenced by both region of origin and referent gender. It is suggested that this is due in part to the difference in nature between Early Modern English society and the early American colonies, and in part due to the social roles which men and women had. Referent gender also has an impact on the type of adjectives used in connection with gender-related terms: adjectives collocating with gender-related terms denoting men have positive connotations to a larger extent than do adjectives collocating with their female counterparts; meanwhile, gender-related terms denoting women tend to collocate with negative adjectives.

The Generation and Evolvement of Ideas in the Lifeworld of Artists and the Practice of Their Art: Implications for Education

Kellow, Amanda Lee January 2005 (has links)
How artists develop their ideas has been envisaged as a mysterious and intriguing process, difficult to understand or emulate. The "mystery" of how art ideas evolve has carried through to education, where students and teachers may view the introduction of how to formulate ideas as an unachievable task. Art educators have recognised the investigation of how artists think through the progression of their own practice as being an important aspect of understanding the evolvement of art ideas, and have advocated that approaches to teaching and learning should be grounded in such artistic thinking. This study was based on the notion that it is important for research to give insights into the differing ways visual art ideas are constructed and to also identify the influences that may impact on this process. Through researching the formulation of art ideas over time in influential contexts, a revealing picture of the process of art idea evolvement emerged. The findings of the research are presented as qualitative categories of description based on the participants' own knowledge and lifeworld experiences as artists.

Industrial Welfarism in Australia 1890-1965

Balnave, Nikola Robyn January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines industrial welfarism in Australia from 1890 to 1965. This period witnessed the gradual spread of the welfarism movement throughout Australian industry as employers sought ways to increase productivity and control in the face of external challenges. Once reaching its peak in the immediate post-War period, the welfarism movement was gradually subsumed as part of the increasing formalisation of personnel management. Waves of interest in welfare provision coincided with periods of labour shortage and/or labour militancy in Australia, indicating its dual role in the management of labour. Firstly, by offering benefits and services beyond that made necessary by the law or industrial awards, welfarism was designed to create a pool of good quality workers for management to draw from. Secondly, managers sought to enhance their control over these workers and their productive effort, using welfarism as a technique to build worker consent to managerial authority. This could be achieved through subtle methods aimed at boosting loyalty and morale, or through more direct programs designed to increase worker dependency on the company. In both ways, individual and collective worker resistance could be minimised, thereby reinforcing managerial prerogative. Despite its adoption by a variety of companies, a number of economic, political and institutional factors limited the extent of industrial welfarism in Australia. These include the small-scale of most enterprises prior to the Second World War, state involvement in the area of industrial relations and welfare provision, and the strength of organised labour. While the welfarism movement did not reach the heights experienced overseas, it nonetheless provided an important contribution to the development of formal labour management in Australia.

A prática de Educação Ambiental no âmbito do ensino formal: estudos publicados em revistas acadêmicas brasileiras (2007 a 2012) / The practice of environmental education in the formal education: studies published in brazilian academic journals (2007 until 2012)

Viegas, Patrícia de Lourdes 25 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:39:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VIEGAS_Patricia_2014.pdf: 2404899 bytes, checksum: 0aebb1c8c6eb74a48c1dd6bbf321158e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-25 / Lately the production of research in the environmental area has been quite significant and presenting diverse to the point of preventing the knowledge of varied experiences, backgrounds and theoretical frameworks. In the context of Environmental Education in formal education many papers have been published in order to present their concepts, methodologies and results, however, there are not many publications that make an analysis of the work itself. Thus, through a descriptive-explanatory research with bibliographic procedures, the present study aimed to analyze the practices of environmental education developed along with the formal education, published in the period 2007-2012 through articles in academic journals that address exclusively Environmental Education, allowing to identify and present in a synthetic manner the production of knowledge in the subject concerned. Despite the executor profile, we chose not to classify this work as a study of state of the art, since besides providing information on study presents an analysis of the production thereof. Were instruments of studies: Environment & Education magazine, Brazilian Journal of Environmental Education and Research in Environmental Education magazine, all with an academic format and theme directed to Environmental Education. The data was processed from qualitative and quantitative analyzes. The method of content analysis was used based on categories for qualitative analyzes and descriptive statistics for quantitative analysis. According to the study, the practice of Environmental Education published a predominant feature profile applied to public institutions and elementary school in the Southeast region of the country. Its practices are that last for more than a year, developed by researchers, in which there is involvement of supporters. Primarily involve the range 1-50 participants and are developed at school. Involves various environmental themes and quantity and type of subjects not defined. There is a predominance of both the transverse and interdisciplinarity as an educational focus on content - critical analysis - action. The methodology is based on the method of teaching by projects, strategies and various techniques and evaluation process characterized with a mixture of techniques. As for the meanings predominated search for meanings of the environment by making use of various techniques. This study is a not only a basic assumption to evaluate how the environmental education has been developed in the academic and scientific context, but also as a guiding parameter for scholars who use this method to promote their studies and to those using the assumption as benchmarks for their work and for assessing the submission of articles. From this listing of practices in environmental education is still possible to identify gaps and impassable roads and thereby encourage the development of new studies directed to these, as well as make use of the aspects already established, recognizing and leveraging the value of research. / Nos últimos tempos a produção de pesquisa na área ambiental tem sido bastante significativa e apresentando-se diversa, ao ponto de impedir o conhecimento das variadas experiências, vivências e referenciais teóricos. No âmbito da Educação Ambiental no ensino formal muitos trabalhos têm sido publicados com o intuito de apresentar suas concepções, metodologias e resultados, entretanto, não são muitas as publicações que fazem uma análise dos trabalhos em si. Assim, por meio de uma pesquisa descritiva-explicativa, com procedimento bibliográfico, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as práticas de Educação Ambiental desenvolvidas junto ao ensino formal, publicadas no período compreendido entre 2007 a 2012 por meio de artigos em revistas acadêmicas que abordam exclusivamente a Educação Ambiental, permitindo identificar e apresentar de uma maneira sintética a produção do conhecimento na temática em questão. Apesar do perfil inventariante, optou-se por não classificar este trabalho como estudo de estado da arte, já que além de fornecer informações sobre os estudos, apresenta uma análise da produção dos mesmos. Foram instrumentos de estudos a revista Ambiente & Educação, Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental e revista Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, todas com um formato acadêmico e temática direcionada à Educação Ambiental. Os dados obtidos foram tratados a partir de análises qualitativa e quantitativa. Utilizouse o Método da Análise de Conteúdo baseado em categorias para as análises qualitativas e a Estatística Descritiva para as análises quantitativas. Conforme estudo, as práticas de Educação Ambiental publicadas apresentam um perfil predominante aplicado a instituições públicas e de ensino fundamental, concentradas na região Sudeste do País. São práticas que perduram por mais de um ano, desenvolvidas por pesquisadores, nas quais há participação de apoiadores. Envolvem prioritariamente a abrangência de 1 a 50 participantes e são desenvolvidas no espaço escolar. Envolvem diversos temas ambientais e quantidade e tipologia de disciplinas não definidas. Há predominância tanto da interdisciplinaridade quanto da transversalidade e um enfoque educativo em conteúdo - análise crítica - ação. A proposta metodológica dos artigos baseia-se no método de ensino por projetos, estratégias e técnicas diversas e processo de avaliação caracterizado com uma mistura de técnicas. Quanto aos significados, houve predominância da busca por significados de meio ambiente fazendo uso de técnicas diversas. Este estudo configurou-se não só como um pressuposto básico para analisar como vem se desenvolvendo a Educação Ambiental no contexto acadêmico-científico, mas também como um parâmetro norteador para os estudiosos que utilizam este meio para divulgar seus estudos, para os que os utilizam como referenciais para seus trabalhos e para os que avaliam a submissão de artigos. A partir deste perfil das práticas em Educação Ambiental é possível identificar caminhos não percorridos e, com isso, incentivar o desenvolvimento de novos estudos direcionados a esses, além de fazer uso dos aspectos já consolidados, aproveitando e reconhecendo o valor das pesquisas

Overcoming the fear of speaking in a foreign language : a study of the role that selected humanistic techniques play in reducing language anxiety associated with oral performance in the TESOL classroom

Bowen, Amanda Deborah 30 November 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the role that humanistic techniques play in reducing feelings of language anxiety associated with oral communication in the TESOL classroom. Students in the experimental group attended classes which incorporated humanistic techniques such as journal writing and group work and where the affective needs of the students were taken into account. Students in the control group were provided with the normal course content along more traditional lines and their affective needs were not taken into account. Language anxiety was measured by means of questionnaires, journals and interviews. The results revealed that general feelings of anxiety about oral communication decreased in the experimental group. The experimental group achieved higher scores in the final written examination although there was no significant difference in the oral examination results between the two groups. The drop-out rate in the experimental group was lower than that of the control group. / English Studies / M.A.

Protektorátní časopisy a přílohy denních listů pro děti a mládež jako nástroj nacistické propagandy / Protectorate magazines and attachments of daily press for children and youth as a tool of Nazi propaganda

Suk, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The work attempts to analyze manifestations and the possible impact of Nazi propaganda in two stages of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. As to daily press the children's annex of Národní politika (National Politics -the most widely read periodical) and Lidové noviny (People's Press - a prestigious and independent newspaper close to the Castle during 1st Republic) have been analyzed. As to periodicals published during the first phase of the protectorate (until the arrest of Prime Minister Alois Eliáš in September 1941) the magazine Mladý hlasatel (Young Announcer) and Dětská neděle (Children's Sunday Magazine) which began to be published in 1935 were chosen and analyzed. The second phase of the protectorate was tightly associated with the establishment and existence of the Curatorium for Education of Bohemian and Moravian Youth and therefore its periodicals Zteč (Charge), Správný kluk (Good Boy) and Dívčí svět (Girl's world) were analyzed together with Knihovna pro mládež (Youth Library) issued by the Curatorium later. The work's objective is to display ways of Nazi propaganda targeted at children and teenagers under 18 years of age. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

De la communauté de savoir à l’inspiration intime : la petite revue de patrimoine, marqueur de nouvelles identités régionales en France sous la IIIe République / Small magazines about local heritage as markers for a definition of regional identities under the IIIth Republic

Dhermy, Arnaud 14 October 2017 (has links)
Corolaire de l'exode rural et de l'industrialisation, une attention au patrimoine local et à l'espace régional se fait jour en France à la fin du 19e siècle. Cet intérêt se manifeste en particulier à travers le renouvellement et le dynamisme de revues destinées à de nouvelles catégories sociales aspirant à une activité culturelle. Préfiguration du magazine, ces revues contribuent au sein des espaces français à définir des identités régionales. Elle permettent d'élargir les critères de patrimonialisation, auparavant cantonnés à l'histoire, à la littérature et à la philologie, et à démocratiser par la mise à l'honneur des traditions populaires, de la pratique personnelle des espaces (tourisme, environnement) et de leur approche esthétique. Elles tendent aussi à individualiser un rapport jusque-là communautaire aux territoires. Elles marquent enfin le renouvellement d'une vision du patrimoine à base d'héritage et d'atavisme, au profit d'une notion plus moderne de patrimoine d'élection, notamment dans le cadre de l'évasion par rapport au quotidien. / Corollary of the rural exodus and the industrialization, a focus on the local heritage and on the regional area emerges in France at the end of the 19th century. This concern manifests itself through the regeneration and the dynamism of journals intended for new social groups yearning for cultural activities. Prefiguration of the magazine, these journals contribute, inside of French Regions, to the definition of the regional identities. They enable the expansion of the making of heritage, previously limited to history, literature and philology, and its democratization, thanks to the valorization of popular traditions, to the private practice of the areas (tourism, environment) et to its esthetical approach. They also seek the individualization of a so far communal relation to territories. Finally, they rejuvenate a conception of heritage based on legacy and atavism, in favor of a more modern concept of chosen heritage, especially in the context of escaping daily life.

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