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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förslaget, reaktionen, konflikten : En diskursanalytisk undersökning av Demokratins skattkammare och reaktionerna i två branschtidningar

Jansson, Sigge, Bruss Smedlund, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine discourses that surround the role of libraries as democratic institutions. This is done by studying the proposal for a National Strategy for Libraries, The Treasure Trove of Democracy. and the reactions to that document in two library journals. The questions asked are the following: how is the democratic role depicted in the proposal for a national library strategy? What were the reactions and what discourses characterized the relationship between the two library journals and the proposal for a national strategy? Are there any lines of conflict or tension within the identified discourses? Four discourses were identified: the library-democracy discourse, the children discourse, the political-administrative discourse and judiciary-argumentative discourse. Three out of the four discourses were present in both the library journals and the proposed strategy except the library- democratic discourse which was only explicitly found in the latter. The results indicate that the tension within the child discourse concerned means rather than objectives. The political-administrative discourse concerned demarcation questions regarding the municipal self-government. The judiciary- argumentative discourse permeated the entire empirical material and was rarely contested. The library-democratic discourse was the only discourse identified which was clearly present in the proposal for a National Strategy for Libraries and not in the two library journals. We suggest that this omission could be explained against the background of that the democratic role often is taken for granted.

Open Access an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz

Thümer, Ingrid 25 October 2006 (has links)
Mit der Sonderausgabe des Newsletters 2/2006 möchte die Universitätsbibliothek ergänzend zum Rundschreiben des Rektors 02/2006 den Angehörigen der TU Chemnitz weitere Informationen zum Thema Open Access (OA) geben. Die Universitätsbibliothek begrüßt den Beschluß von Rektorat und Senat zur Unterstützung von Open Acces an der TU Chemnitz mit dem Wortlaut - Rektorat und Senat der TU Chemnitz fordern die Autoren der Universität nachdrücklich auf, ihre wissenschaftlichen Publikationen als Pre- oder Postprintversion, soweit rechtliche Bedenken der Verlage nicht entgegenstehen, auf dem Publikationsserver MONARCH der TU Chemnitz abzulegen. - Rektorat und Senat ermutigen die Wissenschaftler der TU Chemnitz, in bestehenden Open-Access-Zeitschriften zu publizieren. Gerade die Bibliothek der TU Chemnitz als Dienstleister für Wissenschaftler und Studierende hat die Auswirkungen der Zeitschriftenkrise bitter zu spüren bekommen. Eine drastische Reduzierung des Zeitschriftenbestandes seit Mitte der 90er Jahre ist die Folge. Schon lange beklagen die Wissenschaftler diese Situation. Die Universitätsbibliothek ist der Auffassung, dass langfristig und durch eine weltweite Unterstützung von Open Access diese Entwicklung korrigiert und die Krise im System der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation überwunden werden kann. Die Etablierung des "Prinzips des offenen Zugangs" setzt jedoch die aktive Beteiligung jedes einzelnen Produzenten von wissenschaftlicher Information voraus. Entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der geplanten Open Access Aktivitäten an der TU Chemnitz ist die Akzeptanz unter den Wissenschaftlern und vor allem deren aktive Unterstützung. / This is a special issue of the library's newsletter. In addition to the rector-circular 02/2006 we would like to give you further information about open access publishing at our university. The library welcomes the joint resolution recently made by the university's rectorate and its senate to support open access publishing at Chemnitz University of Technology. - Rectorate and Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology invite the authors to publish their scientific works as pre- or postprintversion in MONARCH, under attention of the copyright. - Rectorate and Senate encourage the scientists to publish in open access journals. The library as a service provider for scientists and students is confronted with the effects of journal crisis. A dramatically reduction of acquired journal titles is the result. The university library is in the conviction that a long-term and world-wide support of Open Access can corrected and negotiate this development. Therefore is the activity of each individual producer of scientific information important. The acceptance and assistance from our authors is the base for transposition Open Access to the Chemnitz University of Technology.

Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz

16 March 2011 (has links)
Die Universitätsbibliothek berichtet jährlich über die geleisteten Aufgaben als zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und Teil des Bibliothekssystems des Freistaates Sachsen. Darin enthalten sind z.B. Informationen aus den Bereichen Nutzerservice, Medienbearbeitung und Pateninformationszentrum.

Hur beskrivs sensoriska egenskaper inom deskriptiv analys? : En kvantitativ tvärsnittstudie av artiklar publicerade 1974-2019 / Sensory attribute description in descriptive analysis : A quantative cross sectional study of articles published 1974-2019

Apelman, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Deskriptiv sensorisk analys (DSA) syftar till att beskriva sensoriska egenskaper (attribut) hos livsmedelslprodukter. En bedömarpanel analyserar ett produktprov genom att identifiera, namnge och mäta intensiteten hos ett antal attribut. Syfte Syftet med undersökningen var att studera hur attribut identifieras, beskrivs och presenteras inom vetenskaplig tillämpning av DSA. Metod Sjuttiofyra artiklar, publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter mellan 1974 och 2019, analyserades kvantitativt med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik. Sjutton variabler användes för datainsamling. Samband mellan variablerna analyserades med hjälp av statistiska tester. Resultat Av artiklarna var 96 % publicerade i tidskrifter utan specifik inriktning mot sensorisk analys. I två tredjedelar av artiklarna tillämpades generisk deskriptiv analys (GDA). I fler än hälften av artiklarna avvek panelen från vad som rekommenderas kring bedömarantal eller tid för träning. I snitt användes 1,4 ord för namngivning av attributen. I hälften av artiklarna definierades inte attributen. I två tredjedelar av artiklarna presenterades inte några referensprodukter för att illustrera skalstegen. I tre fjärdedelar av artiklarna presenterades attributen i metodbeskrivningen. Meddelandelen substantiv var 68,2 % och 31 % adjektiv. En måttlig negativ korrelation mellan andelen substantiv och tiden för träning av bedömarpanelen var statistiskt signifikant. Slutsats I många vetenskapliga studier utförs DSA utan att gällande rekommendationer kring bedömarpanelen följs. I artiklar publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter presenteras attributen inprecist nog att ifrågasätta användbarheten hos resultaten. Att ge den kvalitativa delen av undersökningen, identifiering och namngivning av attributen, status resultat skulle kunna öka intresset för att definiera attributen och illustrera skalstegen, vilket är en förutsättning för att tolka det kvantitativa resultatet (intensitetsmätningen) på ett meningsfullt sätt. / Background Descriptive sensory analysis (DSA) aims to describe the sensory attributes of food products. A panel of assessors analyze a sample of the product to identify and name a set of attributes and estimate their intensity. Objective The aim of the study was to research how attributes are identified, described and presented in the scientific use of DSA. Method By using descriptive statistics, 74 articles published in scientific journals between 1974 and 2019 were analyzed quantitatively. Data collection was conducted using 17 variables. Correlations between variables and differences between groups were analyzed using statistical tests. Results Of the articles 96 % were published in non-sensory-specific journals. Generic descriptive analysis (GDA) was used in two thirds of the articles. In more than half of the articles the number of assessors, or the time spent on assessor training, differed from what is recommended. An avarage of 1.4 descriptive words were used to name each attribute. In half of the articles no definitions of the attributes were given. In two thirds of the articles no reference products were presented to illustrate the attributes or different points of the scale. In three quarters of the articles the attributes were presentet in the section of method description, and not the results. The avarage share of nouns was 68.2 % and 31 % adjectives. A moderate negative correlation between the share of nouns and the time spent on panel training was significant. Conclusion Sometimes DSA is used without panel recommendations being followed. There are scientific articles where the sensory attributes are presented vaguely enough to question the usability of the results. To interperet naming of the sensory attributes as a qualitative results could motivate a more defined presentation, which would benefit the quantitative result (intensity assesment) by explaining what is meassured.

Literárne pole a literatúra v ranom povojnovom období na Taiwane (1945-1949) / Literary Field and Literature in Early Post-war Period Taiwan ( 1945-1949)

Dluhošová, Táňa January 2013 (has links)
Literary Field and Literature in Early Post-war Period Táiwān (1945-1949) Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the literature and literary field of early post-war Táiwān (1945-49). This period, when Táiwān was politically reintegrated into China after 50 years as a Japanese colony, exerted a crucial influence on later historical events and developments. During these years, measures for the sinicization of Táiwānese society were implemented, but intellectuals also articulated views of distinctively Táiwānese as opposed to Mainland Chinese cultural features that were revivified by proponents of the Táiwānization (běntŭhuà) move- ment in the 1980s. As laid out in chapter 1, the methodology of the thesis is based on the theory of the literary field formulated by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The literary scene is understood as a structure created by relationships between various agents who aim to attain the dominant position in the field by accumulating the largest amount of symbolic capital. This is defined as prestige by Bourdieu but should be understood as a combination of prestige and political clout in the Táiwānese context, as this dissertation will argue. To occupy the do- minant position enables agents to define Táiwānese identity, culture, and literature (especially vis-à-vis China)....

Face Value: The Reproducible Portrait in France, 1830-1848

DeLouche, Sean 15 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Open-Access-Zeitschriften / Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Akzeptanzsteigerung auf der Basis einer Autorenbefragung

Weishaupt, Karin 11 June 2009 (has links)
Bei aller Aufmerksamkeit, die das Thema Open Access seit einigen Jahren erfährt, ist die praktische Nutzung längst noch nicht so weit gediehen, wie es von den technischen Voraussetzungen her möglich wäre: Nur 0,8 % aller Zeitschriften in Deutschland oder 2 % der wissenschaftlichen sind frei zugänglich. Es mangelt an Akzeptanz seitens der Autor/inn/n. Auf der Basis einer Befragung von ca. 1000 Personen, die bereits mindestens einen Aufsatz in einer Open-Access-Zeitschrift veröffentlicht haben, werden Maßnahmen entwickelt, wie die Akzeptanz verbessert werden kann. Bei der Analyse der Antworten erweisen sich die Unterschiede für mögliche Fördermaßnahmen zwischen den einzelnen Fachdisziplinen als längst nicht so ausgeprägt, wie es aufgrund des unterschiedlichen Standes von Open Access in den verschiedenen Fächern zu erwarten wäre. Von elementarer Bedeutung ist vielmehr die Frage, welche Ziele der/die einzelne beim Open-Access-Publizieren verfolgt; daraus ergeben sich Ansatzpunkte für fördernde Maßnahmen. Die größte Barriere für die Durchsetzung des Open-Access-Publizierens stellt das etablierte System der Forschungsevaluation dar, das sich fachübergreifend im Begutachtungsverfahren und in den Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin im Impact Factor manifestiert. Hieraus entstehen Akzeptanzhindernisse, die sachlich nicht gerechtfertigt sind und kritisch hinterfragt werden müssen. Mittelfristig ist der Ersatz des Impact Factors durch Verfahren anzustreben, die modernen Publikationsformen besser gerecht werden. Ein internationaler Vergleich zeigt, dass die Schwellenländer nicht nur durch Open Access unterstützt werden, sondern ihrerseits bemerkenswerte Aktivitäten und Erfolge vorzuweisen haben, die weltweit Vorbildcharakter haben und Anregungen für Maßnahmen zur Akzeptanzsteigerung in Deutschland bieten können. Bezüglich Open Access ist daher anstelle der Förderung der Dritten Welt eher ein Eine-Welt-Denken angebracht, bei dem alle Beteiligten voneinander lernen können / Although open access has been discussed intensively for some years, it is far away from being practised to a degree that would meet the actual technical standard. Only 0.8 % of all journals produced in Germany or 2 % of all German scientific journals are in open access. The problem to be overcome is the lack of acceptance by authors. As result of a survey among about 1000 persons who have already published at least one article in an open access journal, measures are suggested how acceptance can be improved. Considering the varying status open access has reached, differences between possible measures in the discliplines prove to be less distinctive as expected. The core question rather is which are the aims of the authors publishing in open access journals. Knowing their aims, measures to enhance acceptance can be derived. The highest barriere for open access is the established system of evaluating scientific research. Accross all disciplines the most important practise is peer reviewing of articles, in sciences and medicine the impact factor is of special importance. This is why the acceptance of open access journals without impact factor is low even if these journals may be characterized by high quality. Therefore the system of evaluation should be reviewed critically, and the impact factor might be substituted by other methods that take into account the specific qualities of modern forms of publications. An international comparison shows that open access does not only support the developing countries in their academic development. Rather, these countries offer considerable activities and achievements that can serve as models for the rest of the world and provide incitations for the improvement of the situation in Germany. This taken as a fact, we should not speak of less developed countries that need support, but rather of one world in which all countries are partners who can learn from each other.

English academic literary discourse in South Africa 1958-2004: a review of 11 academic journals

Barker, Derek Alan 30 November 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the discipline of English studies in South Africa through a review of articles published in 11 academic journals over the period 1958-2004. The aims are to gain a better understanding of the functions of peer-reviewed journals, to reveal the presence of rules governing discursive production, and to uncover the historical shifts in approach and choice of disciplinary objects. The Foucauldian typology of procedures determining discursive production, that is: exclusionary, internal and restrictive procedures, is applied to the discipline of English studies in order to elucidate the existence of such procedures in the discipline. Each journal is reviewed individually and comparatively. Static and chronological statistical analyses are undertaken on the articles in the 11 journals in order to provide empirical evidence to subvert the contention that the discipline is unruly and its choice of objects random. The cumulative results of this analysis are used to describe the major shifts primarily in ranges of disciplinary objects, but also in metadiscursive and thematic debates. Each of the journals is characterised in relation to what the overall analysis reveals about the mainstream developments. The two main findings are that, during the period under review, South African imaginative written artefacts have moved from a marginal position to the centre of focus of the discipline; and that the conception of what constitutes the `literary' has returned to a pre-Practical criticism definition, broadly inclusive of a variety of types of artefact including imaginative writing, such as autobiography, letters, journals and orature. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)

Internet use among university students in Kenya : a case study of the University of Nairobi

Waithaka, Mercy Wangechi 09 1900 (has links)
The researcher investigated internet usage among students at the University of Nairobi using a quantitative case study method. A questionnaire-based survey was done among 381 students and face-to-face interviews were conducted with the university‟s library staff. The research findings indicate that the students' level of awareness about the internet services offered at the university was high. The students had good basic computer and internet skills; however, they lacked more advanced skills and this negatively affected their use of internet resources. The students used the internet for various purposes, including to study, teach and do research; to communicate; and for social interaction. The major recommendations of the study include providing formal internet training and adequate facilities; implementing a better, inclusive policy on internet use; and better co-ordinated university efforts. Free internet access should be made available to all the university students, if not all members of the university community. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

The formation of a European identity through a transnational public sphere? : the case of three Western European cultural journals, 1989-2006

Hauswedell, Tessa C. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis analyses processes of discursive European identity formation in three cultural journals: Esprit, from France, the British New Left Review and the German Merkur during the time periods 1989-92, and, a decade later, during 2003-06. The theoretical framework which the thesis brings to bear on this analysis is that of the European Public Sphere. This model builds on Jürgen Habermas’s original model of a “public sphere”, and alleges that a sphere of common debate about issues of European concern can lead to a more defined and integrated sense of a European identity which is widely perceived as vague and inchoate. The relevancy of the public sphere model and its connection to the larger debate about European identity, especially since 1989, are discussed in the first part of the thesis. The second part provides a comparative analysis of the main European debates in the journals during the respective time periods. It outlines the mechanisms by which identity is expressed and assesses when, and to what extent, shared notions of European identity emerge. The analysis finds that identity formation does not occur through a developmental, gradual convergence of views as the European public sphere model envisages. Rather, it is brought about in much more haphazard back-and-forth movements. Moreover, shared notions of European identity between all the journals only arise in moments of perceived crises. Such crises are identified as the most salient factor which galvanizes expressions of a common, shared sense of European identity across national boundaries and ideological cleavages. The thesis concludes that the model of the EPS is too dependent on a partial view of how identity formation occurs and should thus adopt a more nuanced understanding about the complex factors that are at play in these processes. For the principled attempt to circumscribe identity formation as the outcome of communicative processes alone is likely to be thwarted by external events.

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