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[pt] A presente dissertação pretende proporcionar ao planejador
de transportes parâmetros e informações necessárias para
implementar nos pacotes TransCAD e EMME/2 uma alocação
de tráfego em equilíbrio, visando o ótimo do usuário (UE).
Sendo utilizadas no pacote EMME/2, as funções volume-tempo
de viagem: BPR e Cônicas. Além disso, visa mostrar as
vantagens e desvantagens do desempenho de cada pacote,
baseando-se num estudo de caso na cidade de Ciudad Juárez,
Chihuahua, México. / [en] The purpose of this thesis is to show the necessary
information and parameters to the transportation planner,
in order to implement and perform the User Equilibrium
Traffic Assignment (UE) on following softwares: TransCAD
and EMME/2. In the software EMME/2 the travel delay
functions BPR and Conic are used. This document also
illustrate the vantage and disadvantages of the performance
of each software, this based on Ciudad JuáreChihuahua
México as a case. / [es] La presente disertación pretende proporcionar al planeador
de transportes, parámetros e informaciones necesarias para
implementar, en los paquetes TransCAD y EMME/2 una
ubicación de tránsito en equilibrio, buscando el óptimo del
usuário (UE). Siendo utilizadas en el pacote EMME/2, las
funciones volúmen-tiempo de viaje: BPR y Cónicas. Además de
eso, se muestran las ventajas y desventajas del desempeño
de cada paquete, utlizando un estudio de caso en la cidad
de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.
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Modeling and assessment of flow and transport in the Hueco Bolson, a transboundary groundwater system: the El Paso / Cuidad Juarez caseNwaneshiudu, Okechukwu 15 May 2009 (has links)
Potential contamination from hazardous and solid waste landfills stemming from
population increase, rapid industrialization, and the proliferation of assembly plants
known as the maquiladoras, are of major concern in the U.S.-Mexican border area.
Additionally, historical, current, and future stresses on the Hueco Bolson alluvial aquifer
in the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez area due to excessive groundwater withdrawal can affect
contaminant migration in the area. In the current study, an updated and improved threedimensional
numerical groundwater flow and transport model is developed using a
current Hueco Bolson groundwater availability model as its basis. The model with
contaminant transport is required to access and characterize the extent of vulnerability of
the aquifer to potential contamination from landfills in the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez border
area. The model developed in this study is very capable of serving as the basis of future
studies for water availability, water quality, and contamination assessments in the Hueco
The implementation of fate and transport modeling and the incorporation of the
Visual MODFLOW® pre and post processor, requiring MODFLOW 2000 data conversion, enabled significant enhancements to the numerical modeling and computing
capabilities for the Hueco Bolson. The model in the current research was also developed
by employing MT3DMS©, ZONEBUDGET, and Visual PEST® for automated
Simulation results found that the Hueco Bolson released more water from storage
than the aquifer was being recharged in response to increased pumping to supply the
growing border area population. Hence, significant head drops and high levels of
drawdown were observed in the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez area. Predictive simulations were
completed representing scenarios of potential contamination from the border area sites.
Fate and transport results were most sensitive to hydraulic conductivities, flow
velocities, and directions at the sites. Sites that were located within the vicinity of the El
Paso Valley and the Rio Grande River, where head differences and permeabilities were
significant, exhibited the highest potentials for contaminant migration.
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The invisible pictureAragón, Miguel A. 22 August 2012 (has links)
This report outlines the conceptual, procedural and formal descriptions of the artistic development I have acquired over the course of the past three years. The current violent events caused by the War on Drugs in México –my home country- led me to this research. Beginning with the idea of erasure as language, I concentrated on the use of processes that are reductive in nature to create the bodies of work mentioned in this report.
Thousands of people die in drug-related violence every year in México; by using metaphors and visual metonymies to tie together process and subject matter I explore the idea of perception, memory and transformation. I believe my work is derived from a need to find meaning in these brutal events that repositions the corpse in our field of vision, reminding us that our physical existence is finite. / text
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Fear and discipline in a permanent state of exception : Mexicans, their families, and U.S. immigrant processing in Ciudad JuarezBosquez, Monica Dolores 17 June 2011 (has links)
The United States recently completed the construction of a new Consulate compound in an underdeveloped site in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Mexican applicants for U.S. Immigrant Visas, particularly those who had previously entered the United States without inspection, are sent to the facility to apply through a mandatory personal interview. The interview process necessitates highly invasive medical exams at designated militarized facilities, followed by a series of interviews with consular officers.
Applicants, many of whom are visiting Juarez for the first time, must wait in the city for days or weeks as they attempt to navigate the requirements. Even as the city has become more violent, the U.S. Consulate mission in Juarez has become an economic driver as it processes more immigrant visas than any other U.S. Consular office in the world. It is also the largest U.S. Consulate building on the planet and the immigration complex is drawing new migrants who are both seeking asylum through it and aiding in its construction.
U.S. immigration policies and the administrative procedures that accompany them also serve to discipline immigrant visa applicants long before they arrive in Juarez as they navigate a system built on penalties and waivers. The effects of these policies transcend borders and citizenship, impacting not only the immigrant applicant, but their U.S. families as well. The normalization of violence towards Mexicans and their families is becoming entrenched in a culture of impunity, both in Mexico and the United States.
The immigrant processing and maquiladora manufacturing that take place in Ciudad Juarez play a specific role in U.S. / Mexico relations and are representative of the intersection of immigration policy, labor desires, and neoliberal and post-neoliberal policies of structural violence. The United States has developed, in Juarez, an economic development and security program and immigrant processing center concomitantly and Mexico has worked lockstep to fortify this position. I examine this historical occurrence, and the experiences of immigrant applicants and their families, using Foucault’s theories of discipline. / text
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Trade Liberalization and the Environment: A Study of NAFTA's Impact in El Paso, Texas and Juarez, MexicoHollinger, Keith H. 31 July 2007 (has links)
This thesis seeks to promote a clearer understanding of relationships between trade liberalization and environmental quality in a free trade zone along an international border, between countries unevenly matched in development and infrastructure. Specifically, it examines whether theories of environmental degradation provide appropriate models for explaining the impact of NAFTA on the environment in the Paso del Norte. The relationship between trade liberalization and environmental quality is examined through an analysis of environmental indicators in the decade preceding and following NAFTA. Finally, the role of environmental governance is addressed, especially the intricacies involved in multi-jurisdictional governance of the environment. The research indicates that trade liberalization is not necessarily environmentally harmful. The data suggest that NAFTA had little to no direct negative impact on the region's environmental condition, but they also do not provide evidence that NAFTA improved the environment. One factor that could have helped to limit its effects may be local, interstate, and international initiatives that improved the health of the ecosystem along the border before NAFTA was even conceived. Another factor is the environmental governance in place before and after NAFTA. Thus, it may be beneficial for trade liberalization agreements to address environmental concerns as integral parts of the negotiations, and to set requirements for meeting infrastructure demands, as the agreements are implemented. Furthermore, it is important that international environmental institutions established to monitor environmental cooperation be more closely associated with the trade cooperation organizations and be given the authority needed to complete their directives more effectively. / Master of Arts
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Du système cordillerain nord-américain au domaine caraïbe étude géologique du Mexique méridionalCarfantan, Jean Charles 22 January 1985 (has links) (PDF)
Les modalités paléogéographiques et tectoniques du passage du système cordillérain occidental nord-américain au domaine caraïbe sont abordées à partir d'études géologiques régionales de divers secteurs du Mexique méridional. Le mémoire comporte six parties. Les cinq premières sont consacrées à la stratigraphie et à l'évolution paléogéographique et structurale des secteurs étudiés. Les données sont complétées par des observations en dehors de ces secteurs et par l'information bibliographique concernant l'ensemble des grands domaines géologiques sud-mexicains et centro-américains. La sixième partie a pour objet partant des données géologiques du Mexique méridional et de l'Amérique Centrale et en les intégrant dans un cadre très large, de proposer un modèle d'évolution géodynamique allant de la reconstruction de la partie occidentale de la pangée perme-triasique au dispositif actuel des plaques nord et sud-américaines, de la plaque caraïbe et de la plaque de Cocos. Dans l'introduction le Mexique méridional est d'abord situé dans son cadre géologique et géodynamique actuel. On définit, de façon nouvelle, ses grands domaines continentaux en s'appuyant sur leurs particularités stratigraphiques, la polarité orogénique des édifices montagneux -schématiquement la structuration est de plus en plus récente d'Ouest en Est -, leur vergence, orientale en règle générale, et la présence de limites faillées majeures. Du domaine marin Golfe du Mexique - mer des Caraïbes à l'Est, à l'Océan Pacifique, à l'Ouest, ces grands ensembles sont: 1°/_ L'avant-pays maya, tabulaire. 2°/_ Le domaine olmèque et chiapanèque prolongé par le domaine quichê. au Nord de l'Amérique Centrale et les "Mexican Ridges" immergées du Golfe du Mexique. C'est une large ceinture plissée occupant la position la plus externe. Les terrains sédimentaires mésozoïques et tertiaires, de type plate-forme reposent sur un socle paléozoïque affleurant dans la partie interne de la ceinture. Elle a été structurée tardivement, au Miocène supérieur. 3°/_ La Sierra de Juanez. Elle est située dans le prolongement de la Sierra Madre Orientale du Mexique septentrional. C'est un édifice montagneux chevauchant la ceinture plissée précédente et comportant notamment des sédiments mésozoïques épimétamorphisés à éléments ophiolitiques. Sa structuration est antérieure à celle de la ceinture externe, polyphasée, due aux phases subhercynienne et laramienne principalement. 4°/_ Le bioc d'Oaxaea. C'est un haut-plateau situé à l'Ouest de la Sierra de Juarez contre laquelle il bute par failles verticales (système cuicatèque). Le socle précambrien et paléozoïque affleure largement. La couverture mésozoïque néritique de sa région centrale est peu déformée. Celle de ses bordures orientale et occidentale, à cachet plus profond, a été fortement plissée et cisaillée au cours de la phase laramienne. 5/_ Le système cordillérain occidental nord americain Il est représenté par des terrains appartenant à son extrémité méridionale. Ils chevauchent la bordure occidentale du bloc d'Oaxaca. Il s'agit principalement de roches volcanogènes andésitiques d'âge Jurassique supérieur à Cénomanien. Cette partie de la ceinture marginale pacifique mésozoïque a été structurée au cours des phases "orégonienne" , subhercynienne ? et laramienne. Les trois derniers ensembles sont largement cachetés par des molasses continentales tertiaires discordantes et par des formations volcaniques andésitiques cénozoïques. Le volcanisme anté-miocène se rattache à celui de la Sierra Madre Occidentale du Mexique septentrional. Le volcanisme plus récent s'est déplacé progressivement vers l'Ouest et n'existe dans la ceinture plissée externe que depuis 3 m.a. L'édifice plissé externe, la ceinture olmèque, chiapanèque et quiché, est limité au Sud par le système décrochant sénestre Polochic-Motagua et son prolongement mexicain jusqu'à la côte pacifique du Chiapas, éléments du réseau de failles de la frontière nord-caraïbe actuelle. Les autres édifices sont tronqués au Sud par l'un des paléo-prolongements occidentaux de la frontière nord-caraibe , le système de failles Atoyac, parallèle aux côtes méridionales du Mexique, à l'Ouest de l'isthme de Tehuantepec. Le système Atoyac et la fosse d'Acapulco sont les limites nord et sud d'un paléo-couloir de cisaillement sénestre de largeur comparable au couloir actif nord-caraïbe centro-américain encadré par les failles des systèmes Polochic et Jocatan-Chamelecon. Au paléo-couloir mexicain correspond la province physiographique de la Sierra Madre du Sud s.s., lanière du système cordillérain occidental juxtaposée par coulissage sénestre aux régions méridionales du bloc d'Oaxaca et de la Sierra de Juarez.
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Murdered women on the border: Gender, territory and power in Ciudad JuarezJanuary 2009 (has links)
This dissertation examines the sexual killing of women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, at the tum of the 21st century. Focusing on the abduction and murder of a 15-year-old young woman named Esmeralda Herrera Monreal, whose body was recovered in 2001 in a mass grave that included seven other female victims, it questions how the social categories of gender, space and power shape both everyday violence and the murder of women in a highly industrialized yet structurally underdeveloped city. The dissertation examines varying notions of womanhood in Esmeralda's family in the context of domestic violence, migration from urban to rural contexts, and the experience of sexual murder. It also argues that gendered violence is the product of an emergent form of hyper masculinity in U.S.-Mexico border zones, informed by the history, style and logics of militarization and organized crime. The dissertation then explores the spatial geography of violence in Juarez, and how the victimization of both men and women is shaped by the constant struggle between social groups for sovereignty and control of territory. Finally, it traces the development of a new configuration of power in border zones that is produced between the interstices of the State, the secondary State of organized crime, and of capital, a form of power that relies on the continued production of violence and terror for its reproduction and maintenance. Throughout the dissertation, narrative and ethnography are employed strategically in order to help make sense of an episode of social crime that superficially appears to defy meaning.
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Fictionalizing Juárez : feminicide, violence, and myth-making in the borderlandsCastro Villarreal, Mario Nicolas 09 October 2014 (has links)
In the early 1990s, a series of gruesome murders of young women in Ciudad Juárez, a city located in the U.S.-Mexico border, shook the political landscape of Mexico. A decade later, the strange and violent murders, known as the feminicides or feminicidios of Juárez, reached international infamy across hemispheres and continents. During this time, the city and the cases became the subjects of an extensive body of scholarship and of any imaginable artistic medium (narrative, poetry, theater, performance, music, and so on). Eventually, the complexity and overexposure of the cases and the sociopolitical conditions of Ciudad Juárez placed them at the center of a paradoxical debate: on one hand, the work of activists, feminists, and scholars of social sciences (like anthropologists and sociologists) studied the murders as a localized example of a larger phenomenon of mysoginistic violence; on the other, journalistic and media investigations of Juárez understood the murders as the products of specific agents (serial killers, murderers, drug cartels, amongst others) and the fractures within the Mexican Nation-State. And yet, despite the expansion and overlapping of these discourses, fictional representations of Juárez remained tangential to this intricate debate. Thus, this research explores the different ways in which writers, artists, and filmmakers deployed and negotiated existent perspectives on the feminicides within fictional environments. As a result of the vast amount of published work available on Ciudad Juárez, I narrowed the objects of my research through a transnational scope. The resulting sample of texts transverses borders (Mexico and the U.S.), continents (Latin America and Europe), genres (fiction and nonfiction), and mediums (literature and film). The first chapter explores the connections of Sergio González Rodríguez’s Huesos en el desierto and Roberto Bolaño’s 2666 through the theoretical framework of the possible worlds of fiction. The second chapter moves to issues of representation, gender, and race through the analysis of two novels written by Chicana scholars: Alicia Gaspar de Alba’s Desert Blood: The Juárez Murders and Stella Pope Duarte’s If I Die in Juárez. Finally, the third chapter focuses on film representations of Juárez and the feminicides in the form of Gregory Nava’s Bordertown and Carlos Carrera’s Backyard/El Traspatio. / text
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From the Classroom to the Movement: Schoolgirl Narratives and Cultural Citizenship in American LiteratureButcher Santana, Kasey 25 July 2016 (has links)
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