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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Missionarische Zeugnis an Israel im Licht von Römer 9-11 : eine missiologisch-exegetische Untersuchung zur israelogischen Verhältnisbestimmung von Israel und Kirche / The missionary witness to Israel in the light of Romans 9-11 : a missiological-exegetical study of the relationship between Israel and the church

Schneider-Wentrup, Swen Sandor 12 1900 (has links)
Title in German and English, text in German, abstract and keywords in English / This thesis deals primarily with the questions: Is Israel constantly chosen by God or have the devine promises gone over to the chuch? Are jews to be saved without the sacrifice of Christ? Should jews be missionised as gentiles alike? To give responses, the followings steps are worked out: At first an overview on the israelological models that have been opined during church- history is presented. Secondly church-documents are analyzed in spite of their missiological content. Thirdly an exegesis of Romans 9-11 is offered. Following this, those of the church-documents, whose israelology is closest to the witness of scripture, are presented. Finally a conclusion is offered, which states, that jews are constantly chosen, but not to be saved in another manner as gentiles. Therefore the church is continually obliged to bear the Gospel also to Israel. Jews and gentiles alike are to be saved by nothing but the blood of Jesus. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Jesus e sua relação com os fariseus: um estudo a partir da pesquisa histórica e do Evangelho segundo Mateus

Jonas Euflausino da Silva 04 May 2016 (has links)
A relação entre Jesus e os fariseus sempre foi encarada como conflituosa, de forma a estabelecer a compreensão que ela respaldou o sentimento de ruptura entre o cristianismo e o judaísmo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a figura do Jesus histórico, em sua relação com o farisaísmo de seus dias, a partir do evangelho segundo Mateus e das fontes históricas. A abordagem metodológica utilizada será o paradigma judaico da terceira busca pelo Jesus histórico, que consiste em reconhecer que Jesus era um judeu típico do século I, portanto, conectado com o seu contexto social e religioso. A partir de uma análise dos desenvolvimentos histórico e ideológico do partido dos fariseus, bem como de suas crenças distintivas, far-se-á um comparativo entre os ensinamentos de Jesus com as diversas crenças farisaicas, tendo como fonte, os escritos teológicos judaicos que transitavam no século I e o Evangelho segundo Mateus, aplicando a eles o critério da hermenêutica histórica crítica. / The relationship between Jesus and the Pharisees was always seen as confrontational, in order to establish the understanding that it endorsed the sense of rupture between Christianity and Judaism. This work aims to study the figure of the historical Jesus in his relationship with the self-righteousness of his days, from the Gospel of Matthew and historical sources. The methodological approach will be the Jewish paradigm of the third quest for the historical Jesus, which is to recognize that Jesus was a typical first-century Jew therefore connected with their social and religious context. From an analysis of the historical and ideological developments of the party of the Pharisees, as well as their distinctive beliefs, far It will be a comparison between the teachings of Jesus with the various self-righteous beliefs, with the source, the Jewish theological writings transiting in the first century and the Gospel of Matthew, applying to them the criterion of historical criticism hermeneutics.

Anjos rebeldes: relação existente entre textos bíblicos e a tradição dos vigilantes do judaísmo enoquita

Marcelo Leonardo Ximenes 28 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como finalidade a análise da relação existente entre alguns textos bíblicos e a tradição dos Vigilantes do judaísmo enoquita. A tradição enoquita nasceu dentro da reflexão sobre o problema do mal, e atribuiu a origem do mesmo à rebeldia de seres angelicais contra Deus. Estes anjos se corromperam ao ensinar segredos proibidos aos homens, e ao terem se entregado a relações sexuais com as mulheres. Desta relação antinatural, foram originados seres híbridos, os Nephilins, que macularam a terra. Através das narrativas dos espíritos dos Nephilins mortos, e também dos anjos caídos, tem-se o desenvolvimento de uma demonologia. A fim de alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho, realizou-se uma reflexão sobre os argumentos bíblicos para o problema do mal, depois se pesquisou sobre a tradição enoquita, e por fim, analisou-se especificamente a relação existente entre alguns textos bíblicos e a tradição dos Vigilantes. Através dessa análise, foi possível perceber que de fato alguns textos bíblicos provavelmente estão relacionados com a tradição dos Vigilantes, oriunda do judaísmo enoquita. / This project has the purpose of analyzing the relationship which exists between specific biblical texts and the Watchers tradition in Enochic Judaism. The Enochic tradition was born from reflections about the problem of evil, and attribute its origin to the rebellion of angelic beings against God. These angels corrupted themselves by teaching forbidden secrets to men, and by both taking women as their wives and having sexual relations with them. From these unnatural relations were born hybrid beings, the Nephilim, who in turn polluted the earth. By means of both the spirits of the Nephilim dead and fallen angels, we encounter the development of a theology of demonology. In order to reach the purpose of this project, we will reflect on the biblical arguments for the problem of evil, then we will investigate the enochic tradition, and, finally, we will specifically analyze the relation between some biblical texts and the Watchers tradition. By means of this analysis, we will be able to perceive that there is in fact a literary relationship between these biblical texts and the Watchers tradition, originating from Enochic Judaism.

Freiras ou judias? : congregação Nossa Senhora de Sion em Sergipe

Assis, Robson Dias de 13 July 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this research is listed some of the changings that occurred in Congregation Our Lady of Sion, mainly the changings that have a close relation with the behaviour that is practiced and presented by the Congregation. The aim, while the research was being done, was to perceive if the aproximation of the sisters to Judaism had modified their religious practices and, by extension, the practices of the people that interact socialy with them. It was also observed that the Congregation had a declive in the noviciate due to social transformations occurred in the 60 s and 70 s of last century. These two decades influenced not only the noviciate of the Congregation, the way to manifest yourself religiously was profoundly alterated, in other words, the religious habitus of the congregation shows that, like in other religious segments, is possible to have an official vinculation with Catholic Church and complement it with caracters from other tradition, in this case, the Judaism. At last, in the search to understand the identity of the sisters it was verified that there is a concern about to affirm themselves as catholic, however the identity shown is marked by the jewish tradition, or a hybrid identity. / Nesta pesquisa estão arroladas algumas das mudanças ocorridas na Congregação Nossa Senhora de Sion, principalmente aquelas que têm estreita relação com o comportamento religioso praticado e apresentado pela Congregação. O intuito, durante a pesquisa, era perceber se a aproximação das freiras ao Judaísmo tinha alterado suas práticas e, por extensão, as práticas dos indivíduos que interagem socialmente com a Congregação. Foi observado também que a Congregação teve um declínio expressivo no noviciado devido às transformações sociais ocorridas após as décadas de 60 e 70 do século passado. Estas duas décadas influenciaram não somente ao noviciado da Congregação, a maneira de se manifestar religiosamente também foi profundamente alterada, em outras palavras, o habitus religioso da Congregação demonstra que esta, assim como em outros segmentos religiosos, é possível ter uma vinculação oficial ao Catolicismo e complementá-lo com aspectos de outra tradição, neste caso o Judaísmo. Por fim, na busca de compreender a identidade das freiras se verificou que há uma preocupação constante das freiras em afirmarem-se somente como Católicas, porém a identidade demonstrada é marcada pela tradição judaica, ou seja, uma identidade híbrida.

Abraham dans l’exégèse de Philon d’Alexandrie : enjeux herméneutiques de la démarche allégorique / Abraham in Philo of Alexandria’s Exegesis : hermeneutical implications of the allegorical interpretation

Moreau, Jérôme 14 December 2010 (has links)
La notion d’allégorie représente un enjeu majeur de l’exégèse juive alexandrine dont Philon est le représentant le plus éminent. L’étude de trois de ses traités, présentant respectivement les trois grands types d’exégèse présents dans son œuvre, nous a permis de préciser, autour de la figure d’Abraham, la manière dont Philon utilise concrètement la notion d’allégorie et les enjeux herméneutiques qu’elle recouvre. Dans le De Abrahamo, la distinction entre sens littéral et sens allégorique recoupe pour l’essentiel la distinction entre réalités sensibles et réalités intelligibles, mais quelques éléments, notamment la référence à Dieu, perturbent la régularité de ce cadre. Dans la section des Quaestiones que nous avons analysée, Philon parvient, en focalisant son exégèse sur l’intellect d’Abraham, à inscrire les réalités intelligibles dans le sens littéral. Enfin, dans le De migratione Abrahami, le sens littéral et les réalités sensibles tendent à s’effacer devant une exégèse qui envisage de façon directe les réalités intelligibles. Surtout, Philon crée un langage exégétique qui associe étroitement langage de l’Écriture et langage de la philosophie pour envisager, à travers plusieurs figures scripturaires qu’il réunit dans un même mouvement, la migration de l’intellect vers Dieu. L’herméneutique philonienne apparaît focalisée en dernière analyse sur la vie de l’intellect : en lui s’articulent, dans un langage nouveau, la Loi de Moïse et la loi de nature, révélations d’un même Créateur, mais dans une lecture qui fait de la loi de la nature le modèle de l’Écriture, et de la philosophie celui de l’exégèse. L’innovation exégétique de Philon est aussi sa principale limite. / Allegory is one the major topic of the study of the Jewish Alexandrian exegesis, of which Philo is the most prominent author. By studying three of his treatises, in each of which is to be found one of the three types of allegory he happens to be using in his works, we could determine about Abraham’s character how Philo really uses the notion of allegory and the hermeneutical dimension of his exegesis. In the De Abrahamo, the distinction between the literal and the allegorical meaning follows mostly the distinction between sensible and intelligible realities, but this regular pattern is disrupted by a few elements, including the reference to God. In the section of the Questiones we studied, the exegesis’ focalization on the intellect allows Philo to see the intelligible realities as a part of the literal meaning. At last, in the De migratione Abrahami, the literal meaning and the sensible realities disappear: there remains only an exegesis dealing directly with the intelligible realities. More importantly, Philo creates an exegetical language which closely binds together the language of Scripture and the language of philosophy, so as to illustrate, through several scriptural characters which he unifies in one movement, the migration of the intellect towards God. Philo’s hermeneutics, as it finally appears, are focalized on the life of the intellect. Moses’ Law and nature’s law, two revelations of the one Creator, are bound together within him, thanks to a new language: but in this reading, nature’s law is seen as the true model of Moses’ Law, and philosophy as the true model of exegesis. Philo’s exegetical breakthrough is at the same time his main limit.

Freiras ou judias? : congregação Nossa Senhora de Sion em Sergipe

Assis, Robson Dias de 13 July 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this research is listed some of the changings that occurred in Congregation Our Lady of Sion, mainly the changings that have a close relation with the behaviour that is practiced and presented by the Congregation. The aim, while the research was being done, was to perceive if the aproximation of the sisters to Judaism had modified their religious practices and, by extension, the practices of the people that interact socialy with them. It was also observed that the Congregation had a declive in the noviciate due to social transformations occurred in the 60 s and 70 s of last century. These two decades influenced not only the noviciate of the Congregation, the way to manifest yourself religiously was profoundly alterated, in other words, the religious habitus of the congregation shows that, like in other religious segments, is possible to have an official vinculation with Catholic Church and complement it with caracters from other tradition, in this case, the Judaism. At last, in the search to understand the identity of the sisters it was verified that there is a concern about to affirm themselves as catholic, however the identity shown is marked by the jewish tradition, or a hybrid identity. / Nesta pesquisa estão arroladas algumas das mudanças ocorridas na Congregação Nossa Senhora de Sion, principalmente aquelas que têm estreita relação com o comportamento religioso praticado e apresentado pela Congregação. O intuito, durante a pesquisa, era perceber se a aproximação das freiras ao Judaísmo tinha alterado suas práticas e, por extensão, as práticas dos indivíduos que interagem socialmente com a Congregação. Foi observado também que a Congregação teve um declínio expressivo no noviciado devido às transformações sociais ocorridas após as décadas de 60 e 70 do século passado. Estas duas décadas influenciaram não somente ao noviciado da Congregação, a maneira de se manifestar religiosamente também foi profundamente alterada, em outras palavras, o habitus religioso da Congregação demonstra que esta, assim como em outros segmentos religiosos, é possível ter uma vinculação oficial ao Catolicismo e complementá-lo com aspectos de outra tradição, neste caso o Judaísmo. Por fim, na busca de compreender a identidade das freiras se verificou que há uma preocupação constante das freiras em afirmarem-se somente como Católicas, porém a identidade demonstrada é marcada pela tradição judaica, ou seja, uma identidade híbrida.

Mística  e razão na dialética teológica rabínica: a dinâmica da filosofia de Abraham J. Heschel / Mystique and reason in rabbinic theological dialectic: the dynamics of Abraham J. Heschel\'s philosophy

Alexandre Goes Leone 18 November 2008 (has links)
Abraham Joshua Heschel (1906 1972) importante filósofo do judaísmo de século XX no livro Torá Min Ha-shamaim Be-Aspaklaria shel Ha-Dorot, voltou sua atenção diretamente para a literatura rabínica tradicional, em especial para aquela contida no Talmude e no Midrash. Desta leitura hescheliana da literatura rabínica emerge uma visão dialética das correntes teológicas que animam os debates dos primeiros rabínicos sobre questões como o elemento humano e o divino na revelação, a imanência versus a transcendência de Deus, a relação entre a observância religiosa e o espírito por trás da observância, a noção de milagre e muitos outros temas do debate rabínico. Heschel identifica a partir de duas escolas de pensamento rabínico dos séculos I e II da era comum a escola de rabi Akiva de tendência mística e a escola de rabi Ishmael de tendência racionalista os dois grandes paradigmas que tencionaram dialeticamente o pensamento rabínico desde o final da Antiguidade e durante a Idade Média. Segundo Heschel, as duas tendências têm permeado o pensamento rabínico desde então. Desta leitura dialética Heschel tira várias conclusões sobre a relação entre razão e misticismo na experiência religiosa judaica, que além de aprofundarem o debate moderno sobre a natureza da experiência religiosa são também uma poderosa crítica contra as leituras fundamentalistas dos textos tradicionais judaicos. / Abraham Joshua Heschel (1906 1972), important philosopher of Judaism of the twentieth century, turned his attention direct to the traditional rabbinic literature in the book Torah Min Ha-shamaim Be-Aspaklaria Shel Ha-Dorot. He addressed especially the Talmud and the Midrash. From the Heschelian reading of rabbinic literature emerges a dialectical approach of the theological trends that animated the debates of the first rabbis Those debates review issues like the human and divine elements in revelation, Gods immanence and transcendence, the relationship between religious observance and the spirit behind it, the ideas on miracle and many other themes of rabbinic debate. Heschel identifies in two schools of thought of the first and second centuries of the Common Era, the mystical School of Rabbi Akiva and the more rationalistic School of Rabbi Ishmael the two main paradigms that dialectically tensioned rabbinic thought from the ending of Antiquity and during Middle Ages. According to Heschel, the two tendencies permeate rabbinic thought since them. Heschel makes several conclusions on the relationship between reason and mysticism in Jewish religious experience from this dialectical reading. These conclusions deepen the modern debate on the nature of religious experience. They are also a powerful critique against fundamentalist readings of Jewish traditional texts.

Santas e sedutoras: as heroínas na Bíblia hebraica - a mulher entre as narrativas bíblicas e a literatura patrística / Saints and charmants: the heroines in the Hebrew Bible - the women between the Biblical narratives and the patristic literature

Eliézer Serra Braga 15 February 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é a análise, por meio de abordagem sócioliterária, da caracterização que a Bíblia Hebraica faz de três mulheres, ou grupos de mulheres, personagens de suas narrativas. Procurar-se-á entender seu comportamento sexual e sua moralidade em contraste com as exigências feitas sobre a mulher em partes desta mesma Bíblia, considerando-se a importância da mulher para as tradições da formação de Israel. Procurar-se-á também estabelecer algum contraste, ainda que superficialmente, entre o julgamento que faz o narrador bíblico quanto ao comportamento pouco ortodoxo destas mulheres e os pressupostos do judaísmo rabínico e dos primeiros pensadores do cristianismo e sua interpretação quanto a este tipo de comportamento feminino. Serão elas, as Filhas de Ló e sua relação incestuosa, Tamar, nora de Judá e sua prostituição, e a saga de Noemi e Rute no episódio da sedução de Boaz. A Bíblia Hebraica é a principal fonte de inspiração para as três religiões mais influentes e de maior capacidade de expansão no mundo desde o século II da E.C. (Era Comum). A formação sócio-cultural de grande parte do oriente e de todo o ocidente encontrou seus fundamentos nelas, as quais são: o Judaísmo, o Cristianismo e o Islamismo. Considerando-se a importância do comportamento social feminino para tais religiões, será importante procurar entender o que a Bíblia Hebraica tem a dizer sobre quais devam ser os valores que o fundamentam. As atitudes sociais são profundamente influenciadas pela maneira como se concebe a divindade. Sendo assim, torna-se extremamente relevante para o ocidente cristão, entender como, especialmente o judaísmo e o cristianismo, 6 interpretaram os textos bíblicos no que concerne às mulheres presentes nas narrativas bíblicas, para que se possa eliminar as diferenças e injustiças motivadas por interpretações religiosas equivocadas. Ao levar-se em consideração o notável \"androcentrismo\" dos autores, revisores e editores bíblicos, que segundo alguns críticos foi uma das marcas que caracterizaram sua religiosidade, determinando a forma como escreveram seus textos, e considerando-se ainda a misoginia na forma como ela se apresenta na arte da interpretação dos textos bíblicos até recentemente, é importante descobrir se a religiosidade cristã ocidental não está equivocadamente apoiada sobre fundamentos preconceituosos disfarçados de conceitos religiosos atribuídos à revelação divina, graças a interpretações até mesmo interessadas das intenções dos autores bíblicos com respeito à mulher. / The objective of this study is the analysis, by the socio-literary boarding approach, of the characterization that the Hebrew Bible mentions about three women, or women groups, characters of its narratives. Look foreword to figure out her sexual behavior and her morality in contrast with the requirements made on the woman in other parts of this same Bible, considering the woman importance for the traditions of the Israel\'s formation. It will be also looked foreword to find out some contrasts even superficially, between the judgment that makes the Biblical narrator as the apparent unorthodox behavior of these women and the rabbinical judaism arguments and the first thinkers of the Christianity and their interpretation such as, this kind of feminine behavior. Will they be Lot\'s daughters and their incestuous relation, Tamar, Juda\'s daughter-in-law and her prostitution and Noemi and Rute\'s saga in the episode of the seduction of Boaz. The Hebrew Bible is the main source of inspiration for the three most influential and growing religions in the world since second-century A. D. Part of the east and all through the west have found its socio-cultural basis in them, which are: the Judaism, the Christianity and the Islamism. Considering the feminine social behavior importance for such religions, it will be important to figure out what the Hebrew Bible has to say on which must be the values that bases it. The social attitudes are deeply influenced by the manner in how to conceive the divinity. Therefore, it becomes extremely relevant to the West christianity, to figure out, how especially the judaism and the Christianism 8 interpreted the Biblical texts with regard to the current women into the Biblical narratives, in order to eliminate the differences and injustices motivated by religious mistaken Interpretations. Taking in consideration the notable \"androcentrism\" of the authors, reviewers and Bible editors, witch according to some critics was one of the signs of their devotion, determining the way they wrote their texts, and considering still the misogyny that predominated the Biblical texts interpretation art up to now, it\'s important to find out if the West Christian devotion is not totally supported on a concealed prejudicial basis of religious concepts attributed to the divine revelation, thanks to the interested interpretations even though to the Biblical authors intentions regarding woman.

Arnold Schoenberg: salmos, orações e conversas com e sobre Deus / Arnold Schoenberg: psalms, prayers and conversations with and about God

Perola Wajnsztejn Tapia 19 March 2012 (has links)
A dissertação apresenta obras judaicas do compositor Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). Das obras selecionadas, foram focalizados unicamente os textos que as integram, incluindo-se as reflexões do autor sobre cada um dos temas envolvidos: os princípios da religião judaica, a sociedade à época, a Shoá e a criação do Estado de Israel. A pesquisa revelou um aspecto importante: a crença de Schoenberg em Deus foi a base para várias de suas composições, conforme afirma o autor em diversos escritos e cartas. A partir desses escritos e cartas também foi possível montar um quadro do pensamento do autor sobre a época em que viveu, de constantes transformações. Schoenberg foi um grande agente das transformações musicais desse período, além de expressar claramente sua visão como cidadão e como judeu na Alemanha nazista anterior a Segunda Guerra Mundial. / The dissertation presents Jewish texts of the compositor Arnold Schoenberg (1874- 1951). From the selected works of his, the focus was just on the texts that were part of them, including the authors reflections about each one of the related themes: the principles of the Jewish religion, the society at the time, the Shoa (the Holocaust) and the creation of the state of Israel. The research revealed an important aspect: the faith of Schoenberg in God was the base for several of his compositions, according to his writings and letters. From these writings also was possible to elaborate a picture of the way of thinking of the author about his times that was full of changes. Schoenberg was a big agent in the musical transformation in this period, and he also expressed himself clearly about his vision as a citizen and Jewish in the Nazi German before the Second World War.

The Epistola Anne ad Senecam in its literary and historical context

Sterk, Aron C. January 2014 (has links)
The early 9th century Carolingian manuscript of the Epistola Anne ad Senecam was discovered by B. Bischoff in the Archiepiscopal library of Cologne and published by him 1984. It is a short, incomplete Latin text of some ninety lines that Bischoff identified as a late antique Jewish missionsschrift addressed to certain unidentified fratres. There is little agreement in the current literature on the identity of the author or the addressee(s), nor on the date of its composition, and it has been proposed that the text is in fact Christian. The titulus has been taken as a later interpolation with no relation to the work. There have been two subsequent editions (Jacobi and Hilhorst) and a German translation (Wischmeyer) all dependent on Bischoff’s editio princeps. No extended study of the text has been published. The present study reexamines the text and presents a corrected edition of the Latin from the original manuscript together with an English translation. An analysis of the latinity and rhetoric of the text shows it to be have been written by a highly literate author aimed at a pagan, aristocratic audience similar to the group seen in the works of Macrobius. The fratres are not the prime addressee of the text but represent a Iamblichan neoplatonic group addressed in an apostrophe within the text. The use of a mixed cursus in the clausulae indicates a late 4th-5th century date. The work is shown to allude to Genesis and sapiential texts, particularly Wisdom but does not quote directly from them. There are indications that the author is using Biblical texts that are substantially different from the Vulgate Latin and possibly dependent on the Hebrew. The Epistola also appears to show a familiarity with a number of works of Seneca; Naturales Quaestiones, De Beneficiis and De Supersitione. An intertextual link between the text and Augustine’s De Civitate Dei and the De Reditu Suo of Rutilius Namatianus suggest a composition of the text in the second decade of the fifth century, c. 415. This would allow the author to be identified with the Annas didascalus Iudaeorum mentioned in the Theodosian code as active on behalf of the Jewish community at the imperial court in Ravenna, and a plausible context is reconstructed for such a scenario. Placed in the historical context of late paganism, the text is interpreted as constituting a protreptic exhorting its audience to avoid the obscurities of neoplatonism and the inanities of the cult of Liber Pater and to follow a philosophical faith consonant with that of the author. It can thus be seen as an attempt to establish a Jewish-Pagan dialogue in the face of the continuing Christianisation of the empire at a time when this process was still not seen as irreversible.

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