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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trauma – was tun?: damit Sie sich nicht mehr so hilflos fühlen müssen : Informationen für alle, die mit traumatisierten Kindern und Jugendlichen zu tun haben

Dreiner, Monika 04 June 2024 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Broschüre erhalten Sie die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema „Trauma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“.

Psichologičeskaja travma: čto delat', čtoby ne čyvstvovat' sebja bespomoščnym? : informacija dlja vsech, kto nachoditsja v kontakte s travmatizirovannymi det'mi i molodež'ju

Dreiner, Monika 04 June 2024 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Broschüre erhalten Sie die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema „Trauma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“. In kyrillischer Schrift

Travma - ščo robyty: ščoby Vy bil'še ne vidčuvaly sebe takymy bezporadnymy : informacija dlja vsich, chto pracjuje z travmovanymy dit'my ta moloddju

Dreiner, Monika 04 June 2024 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Broschüre erhalten Sie die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema „Trauma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“. In kyrillischer Schrift


Goldbach, Anne 13 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Menschen mit Behinderung sind ein Randgebiet der Soziologie. Untersuchungen mit dem Fokus auf Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung in der Gesellschaft sind auch in diesem Bereich selten . Dem entgegen, stehen die Inklusionsbestrebungen der Pädagogik für Menschen, die wir als geistig behindert bezeichnen, jedoch in engem Zusammenhang mit soziologischen Prozessen, welcher unter anderm am Wandel der Begrifflichkeiten zurBezeichnung des Personenkreises deutlich gemacht werden kann. Dieser Entwicklung zufolge findet eine Abkehr von rein medizinisch-psychologischen Definitionsversuchen statt. Sie erfahren eine Ergänzung durch soziale, pädagogische und subjektive Erklärungsansätze, denen zufolge geistige Behinderung immer auch aus einer sozialen Konstruktion hervorgeht (Bsp. AAMR, 2002). Wenn gleichsam davon auszugehen ist, dass die Gesellschaft selbst durch ihre gestörte (Nicht-) Interaktion mit Menschen, die wir als geistig behindert bezeichnen, Behinderung konstruiert, so scheint es notwendig, die Grundlagen der sozialen Interaktion zu erkennen und zu verändern, um die Voraussetzungen für inklusive Praxis zu schaffen. Aufgrund der aus der Psychologie stammenden, Annahme der “self-fulfilling-prophecy” müssen Einstellungen gegenüber einem Menschen als Grundlage für das Gelingen von Interaktion mit diesem Menschen verstanden werden. Wertvorstellungen und Einstellungen beeinflussen demnach grundlegend den Erfolg von Inklusion. Da Jugendliche immer wieder als Seismographen der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung beschrieben werden, ist es nahe liegend die Einflussfaktoren für deren Einstellungsbildung gegenüber Menschen, die wir als geistig behindert bezeichnen, zu untersuchen. Dabei liegt der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf der Analyse des Einflusses durch christliche Sozialisation, durch welche die Vermittlung eines bestimmten, scheinbar inklusionsfreundlichen Wertekanons einhergeht, welcher sich im Menschenbild des Jugendlichen widerspiegelt und sich auf dessen Einstellungen auswirkt. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit zeigt, dass sich verschiedene Faktoren christlicher Sozialisation positiv auf die expliziten Einstellungen gegenüber Menschen mit sogenannter geistiger Behinderung auswirken, kann jedoch keinen Zusammenhang für die Ausbildung positiverer impliziter Einstellungen feststellen.

High-intensity interval training for overweight adolescents

Herget, Sabine, Reichardt, Sandra, Grimm, Andrea, Petroff, David, Käpplinger, Jakob, Haase, Michael, Markert, Jana, Blüher, Susann 21 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) consists of short intervals of exercise at high intensity intermitted by intervals of lower intensity and is associated with improvement of body composition and metabolic health in adults. Studies in overweight adolescents are scarce. We conducted a randomized controlled trial in overweight adolescents to compare acceptance and attendance of HIIT with or without weekly motivational encouragement through text messages and access to a study website. HIIT was offered for six months (including summer vacation) twice a week (60 min/session). Participation rates were continuously assessed and acceptance was measured. Clinical parameters were assessed at baseline and after six months. Twenty-eight adolescents participated in this study (age 15.5 +/- 1.4; 54% female). The standard deviation score for body mass index over all participants was 2.33 at baseline and decreased by 0.026 (95% CI - 0.048 to 0.10) units, p = 0.49. Waist to height ratio was 0.596 at baseline and decreased by 0.013 (95% CI 0.0025 to 0.024), p = 0.023. Participation within the first two months ranged from 65% to 75%, but fell to 15% within the last three months. Attendance in the intervention group was 14% (95% CI - 8 to 37), p = 0.18, higher than the control group. Overall program content was rated as \"good\" by participants, although high drop-out rates were observed. Summer months constitute a serious problem regarding attendance. The use of media support has to be assessed further in appropriately powered trials.

Is the Use of Ecstasy and Hallucinogens Increasing?

Schuster, Peter, Lieb, Roselind, Lamertz, Christina, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 22 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This report presents findings of a community survey of 3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years in Munich, Germany, carried out to determine the prevalence of use and abuse of and dependence on ecstasy, amphetamines and hallucinogens. The response rate was 71%. Results: (1) In 1995, 4% of the male and 2.3% of the female respondents aged 14–24 reported the use of ecstasy. Ecstasy-related substances (amphetamines and chemically related substances) were reported by 3.6% of men and 1.6% of women. Hallucinogens were reported slightly less frequently by 3% of men and about 2% of women (LSD combined with others). (2) Compared to findings from a 1990 survey this constitutes a substantial, at least twofold, increase in consumption rate of both types of substances. (3) Among lifetime users of both ecstasy and related substances as well as hallucinogens about two thirds could be regarded as regular users. (4) The prevalence of DSM-IV abuse and dependence on ecstasy and related substances is about 1%, identical to rates of hallucinogen abuse and dependence. Findings also point to a significant dependence potential for both substances. (5) Furthermore, considerable overlap between the two substances was found. Conclusion: Our study suggests a substantial increase in both the use of ecstasy and related substances as well as hallucinogens. The data further suggest that the increase is strongest in younger age groups, but the risk of first use of these substances continues to be present up to the age of 24 years. The higher proportion of women contributing to this increase is noteworthy.

How impaired are children and adolescents by mental health problems? Results of the BELLA study

Wille, Nora, Bettge, Susanne, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike 22 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The consideration of impairment plays a crucial role in detecting significant mental health problems in children whose symptoms do not meet diagnostic criteria. The assessment of impairment may be particularly relevant when only short screening instruments are applied in epidemiological surveys. Furthermore, differences between childrens’ and parents’ perceptions of present impairment and impairing symptoms are of interest with respect to treatment-seeking behaviour. Objectives: The objectives were to assess parent- and self-reported impairment due to mental health problems in a representative sample of children and adolescents; to describe the characteristics of highly impaired children with normal symptom scores; and to investigate the associations between symptoms in different problem areas and impairment. Methods: The mental health module of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (the BELLA study) examined mental health in a representative sub-sample of 2,863 families with children aged 7–17. Self-reported and parent-reported symptoms of mental health problems and associated impairment were identified by the extended version of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in children 11 years and older. Results: Considerable levels of distress and functional impairment were found with 14.1% of the boys and 9.9% of the girls being severely impaired according to the parental reports. However, self-reported data shows a reversed gender-difference as well as lower levels of severe impairment (6.1% in boys; 10.0% in girls). Six percent of the sampled children suffer from pronounced impairment due to mental health problems but were not detected by screening for overall symptoms. Childrens’ and parents’ reports differed in regard to the association between reported symptom scores and associated impairment with children reporting higher impairment due to emotional problems. Conclusions: The assessment of impairment caused by mental health problems provides important information beyond the knowledge of symptoms and helps to identify an otherwise undetected high risk group. In the assessment of impairment, gender-specific issues have to be taken into account. Regarding the systematic differences between childrens’ and parents’ reports in the assessment of impairment, the child’s perspective should be given special attention.

Evidence that bipolar disorder is the poor outcome fraction of a common developmental phenotype: an 8-year cohort study in young people

Tijssen, Marijn J. A., Van Os, Jim, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lieb, Roselind, Beesdo, Katja, Mengelers, Ron, Krabbendam, Lydia, Wichers, Marieke 30 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Reported rates of bipolar syndromes are highly variable between studies because of age differences, differences in diagnostic criteria, or restriction of sampling to clinical contacts. Method: In 1395 adolescents aged 14–17 years, DSM-IV (hypo)manic episodes (manic and hypomanic episodes combined), use of mental health care, and five ordinal subcategories representing the underlying continuous score of (hypo)manic symptoms (‘mania symptom scale’) were measured at baseline and approximately 1.5, 4 and 10 years later using the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (DIA-X/M-CIDI). Results: Incidence rates (IRs) of both (hypo)manic episodes and (hypo)manic symptoms (at least one DSM-IV core symptom) were far higher (714/105 person-years and 1720/105 person-years respectively) than traditional estimates. In addition, the risk of developing (hypo)manic episodes was very low after the age of 21 years [hazard ratio (HR) 0.031, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.0050–0.19], independent of childhood disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Most individuals with hypomanic and manic episodes were never in care (87% and 62% respectively) and not presenting co-morbid depressive episodes (69% and 60% respectively). The probability of mental health care increased linearly with the number of symptoms on the mania symptom scale. The incidence of the bipolar categories, in particular at the level of clinical morbidity, was strongly associated with previous childhood disorders and male sex. Conclusions: This study showed, for the first time, that experiencing (hypo)manic symptoms is a common adolescent phenomenon that infrequently predicts mental health care use. The findings suggest that the onset of bipolar disorder can be elucidated by studying the pathway from non-pathological behavioural expression to dysfunction and need for care.

Comorbidity patterns in adolescents and young adults with suicide attempts

Wunderlich, Ursula, Bronisch, Thomas, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 06 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The role of comorbidity as a risk for suicide attempts is investigated in a random sample of 3021 young adults aged 14–24 years. The M-CIDI, a fully standardized and modified version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, was used for the assessment of various DSM-IV lifetime and 12-month diagnoses as well as suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. Of all suicide attempters, 91% had at least one mental disorder, 79% were comorbid or multimorbid respectively and 45% had four or more diagnoses (only 5% in the total sample reached such high levels of comorbidity). Suicide attempters with more than three diagnoses were 18 times more likely (OR = 18.4) to attempt suicide than subjects with no diagnosis. Regarding specific diagnoses, multivariate comorbidity analyses indicated the highest risk for suicide attempt in those suffering from anxiety disorder (OR = 4.3), particularly posttraumatic stress disorder followed by substance disorder (OR = 2.2) and depressive disorder (OR = 2.1). Comorbidity, especially when anxiety disorders are involved, increases the risk for suicide attempts considerably more than any other individual DSM-IV diagnoses.

Adolescent development of psychosis as an outcome of hearing impairment: a 10-year longitudinal study

van der Werf, M., Thewissen, V., Dominguez, Maria-de-Gracia, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, van Os, Jim 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background It has long been acknowledged that hearing impairment may increase the risk for psychotic experiences. Recent work suggests that young people in particular may be at risk, indicating a possible developmental mechanism. Method The hypothesis that individuals exposed to hearing impairment in early adolescence would display the highest risk for psychotic symptoms was examined in a prospective cohort study of a population sample of originally 3021 adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years at baseline, in Munich, Germany (Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology Study). The expression of psychosis was assessed at multiple time points over a period of up to 10 years, using a diagnostic interview (Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview; CIDI) administered by clinical psychologists. Results Hearing impairment was associated with CIDI psychotic symptoms [odds ratio (OR) 2.04, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.10–3.81], particularly more severe psychotic symptoms (OR 5.66, 95% CI 1.64–19.49). The association between hearing impairment and CIDI psychotic symptoms was much stronger in the youngest group aged 14–17 years at baseline (OR 3.28, 95% CI 1.54–7.01) than in the older group aged 18–24 years at baseline (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.24–2.84). Conclusions The finding of an age-specific association between hearing impairment and psychotic experiences suggests that disruption of development at a critical adolescent phase, in interaction with other personal and social vulnerabilities, may increase the risk for psychotic symptoms.

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