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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centro portalas / Portal of Šiauliai Vocational Education and Training Centre

Šaparauskienė, Lina 03 June 2005 (has links)
Siauliai vocational training centre is an education institution, which prepares a student for vocational career, establishes effective and modern ways of teaching and learning. Siauliai vocational training centre portal is an excellent implement to accomplish these goals. Nowadays explore is of great importance to reach generally used data and documents at any time and place. In the research there were introduced concepts of a portal, analyzed portal’s methods of estimation, accordance with school and teaching portal were investigated. Moreover, there were analyzed the production of informational system with the means of Lotus Domino Designer R6 and their use in setting up an internet portal. It was described the motion of portal modeling too. Portal is made up for Lotus Notes clients and the users of internet by using Lotus Domino Designer elements ( framesets, outlines, pages, forms, subforms, views, agents, image resources, script libraries, combined with Lotus Script, Lotus formulae, JavaScript, HTML programming languages and Java applets). The portal system comprises database of teachers, students, estimation and announcements, and administrator’s module (database performing systemic function). Access to reading/editing documents is set according to the subordination of school commune hierarchy (administration, teachers, students) and roles in the portal system.

Programinę įrangą kuriančių įmonių brandos vertinimo ir analizės modelių suderinamumo tyrimas / Research for software process maturity assessment and analysis models compatibility

Styraitė, Asta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Programinė įranga, skirta brandaus programų kūrimo proceso gerinimui ir vertinimui atlikti, kuriama pagal tam skirtus modelius. Populiariausi palaikomi modeliai yra CMMI arba ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE). Kuriant CMMI modelį buvo panaudota ISO/IEC 15504 standarto patirtis. CMMI modelis turi ir pakopinį ir tolydinį vaizdavimą, todėl yra suderinamas su modeliu ISO/IEC 15504. Brandaus programų kūrimo proceso vertinimas vadovaujantis abiem minėtais modeliais turėtų užtikrinti didesnę vertinimo kokybę. Šiuo tikslu yra kuriamas įrankis, kurio pagalba sukauptus duomenis bus galima pritaikyti vertinimams pagal abu modelius. / Software development teams are confronted with difficulties such as incorrect planned financial and time resources, low product quality and disappointed client. To solve those problems there are methodic and tools to improve software process capability. Tools for software process capability maturity assessment and support are implemented by particular models. Basic supported models are CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE). CMMI model is based on ISO/IEC 15504 standard. CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504 models are compatible. Software process capability maturity assessment quality should increase by using both models together. Consequently was decided to develop a tool supporting two models – CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504.

Komandinio programų kūrimo proceso tyrimas / Analysis of the team software process (tsp)

Gavrilov, Andrej 08 September 2009 (has links)
Siekiant pagerinti kuriamų programinių produktų kokybę, IT įmonės taiko skirtingus proceso modelius. Populiariausi iš jų gebėjimo brandos modelis (CMMI) ir ISO 15504. Šie modeliai nusako, kas (kokie procesai) turi būti vykdoma brandžioje organizacijoje, tačiau neatsako į klausimą: kaip tai turi būti daroma. Komandinis programų kūrimo procesas (TSP) pateikia strategiją, kartu su procedūrų rinkiniu, skirtą disciplinuotų programų kūrimo metodų naudojimui komandos lygyje. Pagrindinė su TSP susijusi problema – oficialios dokumentacijos trūkumas. Pirmas darbo tikslas yra rekonstruoti TSP metodiką. Antras tikslas yra sukurti TSP diegimo metodiką. Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra aprašyta bendra TSP struktūra, TSP ryšys su asmeniniu programų kūrimo procesu (PSP) ir brandos modeliu CMMI. Antroje dalyje yra pateiktas rekonstruotas TSP modelis ir TSP diegimo metodika apibrėžtam projekto komandos tipui. / IT organizations use different models to guide their software process improvement efforts. The most popular are the Capability Maturity Model Integration for Software (CMMI-SW) and ISO 15504. Still these organizations often struggle with implementation details. Both the CMMI-SW and ISO 15504 describe what an organization at a high level of process maturity should be doing, but do not says how it should be implemented. The Team Software Process (TSP) provides a framework as well as a set of processes, procedures, guidelines, and tools for project teams to use in the mature software development process. The main problem of the Team Software Process is the lack of official documentation. So the first goal of this master thesis is to reconstruct TSP methodology. The second goal is to produce TSP implementation guide. This master thesis contains the main structure of the TSP, it’s relation with the Personal Software Process (PSP) ant the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI), reconstructed TSP model and TSP implementation guide for defined project team type.

Darbų sekomis grindžiamų informacinių sistemų kūrimo metodika / Methodology for Workflow-based Information Systems Development

Kniukšta, Dainius 26 August 2013 (has links)
Darbe siekiama sudaryti metodiką, kuri leistų kurti informacines sistemas grindžiamas darbų sekų vykdymų. Norint pasiekti tikslą reikia išanalizuoti esamas kūrimo metodikas ir išsirinkti geriausias savybes, kurias panaudosiu naujos metodikos sudaryme. / In this paper work I am aiming to design a methodology that enables to develop information systems based on workflow execution. In order to achieve the objective I should to analyze the existing development methodologies and choose the best features, which I combine to create a new methodology.

Verslininko įvaizdis Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje / Businessman image in lithuanian mass media (2000-2006)

Miciulevičiūtė, Jurgita 20 June 2014 (has links)
REFERATO LAPAS Miciulevičiūtė, Jurgita Mi 55 Verslininko įvaizdis Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje (2000 – 2006 metais): magistro darbas / Jurgita Miciulevičiūtė; mokslinis vadovas doc. dr. A. Nugaraitė; Vilniaus universitetas. Komunikacijos fakultetas. Žurnalistikos institutas. – Vilnius, 2007. – 94 p. : lent. – Mašinr. – Santr. angl. – Bibliogr.: p. 82–85 (76 pavad.). UDK 070:33(929)(474.5) Verslininko įvaizdis, įvaizdžio kūrimo procesas, įvaizdžio kriterijai, žiniasklaidos vaidmuo, žiniasklaidos įtaka Magistro darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti verslininko įvaizdį Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje (2000-2006 metais). Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti kriterijus, kurie svarbūs įvaizdžio kūrimo procese; išanalizuoti žiniasklaidos, kaip įvaizdžio kūrimo šaltinio, funkciją ir atlikti verslininko įvaizdžio analizę trijose skirtingose žiniasklaidos priemonėse (specializuoto žurnalo, dienraščio bei dviejų internetinių portalų) bei pateikti rezultatus. Darbo objektas – verslininko įvaizdis. Naudojantis kiekybine trijų skirtingų žiniasklaidos priemonių publikacijų analize, prieita prie išvados, kad verslininko įvaizdis skirtingose Lietuvos žiniasklaidos priemonėse nėra vienodas: žiniasklaidai sunku sukurti universalų verslininko įvaizdį, kadangi ji kontaktuoja su įvairiomis visuomenės grupėmis, kurių vertinimo kriterijai bei vertybių sistemos yra skirtingos (o kartais netgi priešingos viena kitai). Žiniasklaida verslininko įvaizdį specializuotame žurnale kuria tik teigiamą, kadangi žurnalo tikslinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Author of diploma paper: Jurgita Miciulevičiūtė Full title of diploma paper: Businessman image in Lithuania press (2000 – 2006 year) Diploma paper supervisor: Doc. Dr. Audronė Nugaraitė Presented at: Vilnius University, Faculty of Communication, Journalism Institute, Vilnius Number of pages: 94 Number of tables: 20 Number of appendixes: 4 The purpose of this master work is to analyze businessman image in Lithuanian press (in the period between 2000 and 2006). In order to accomplish this we must go through the following steps: • To find the most important criterions which contribute to the process of image creating; • To present the function of press as the image’s main source; • To analyze three different media sources (specialized business magazine, daily newspaper and internet portals) and to present results. The object of this work is the businessman image. Analyze method – monitoring. By analyzing the three different media sources we were able to observe that each produces a different businessman image. The reason is that each source is destined for a certain audience. Each addresses to different groups of society stratified by education, wealth, occupation. Their systems of value are diverse as are their conceptions and perception of the businessman. A good businessman image emerges from the specialized business magazines because the audience of this media is formed in majority from business persons. The audience is presented the image of powerful, but trustful... [to full text]

Grafų teorijos taikymas klientų pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo sistemose / Application of graph theory in the customer claim handling systems

Garmus, Martinas 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe yra nagrinėjamas grafų teorijos taikymas klientų pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo sistemose. Darbo objektas yra klientų pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo procesas. Darbo tikslas yra sukurti užduočių valdymo metodą, pagrįstą grafų teorijos taikymu, skirtą kliento pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo sistemoms kurti. Darbe buvo išanalizuotas klientų pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo procesas ir pateiktos probleminės sritys šiame procese. Taip pat buvo išanalizuotos problemos kuriant tokias sistemas. Siekiant panaikinti esamas problemas buvo pasiūlytas ir aprašytas grafų teorijos taikymo metodas. Eksperimentinėje dalyje buvo aprašytas klientų pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo sistemos kūrimas pritaikant grafų teoriją, bei buvo sukurtas tokios sistemos prototipas. Klientų pretenzijų nagrinėjimo užduočių valdymo sistemos prototipas parodė, kad pasiūlytas grafų teorijos taikymo metodas pasiteisino, kadangi išpildė visus iškeltus reikalavimus. / The Thema of the masters work is application of Graph Theory in the Customer Claim Handling Systems. The main object is the Customer Claim Handling Process. The goal is to create a graph theory method to build the customer claim handling systems. In the analysis section was analysed and discribed Customer Claim Handling Process and its problems. Either, was analysed problems in the implementing process of the Customer Claim Handling Systems. On purpose to eliminate the problems, was proposed and discribed application of Graph Theory in the Customer Claim Handling Systems. In the experiment section was discribed how to implement Customer Claim Handling System build on graph theory. Also, there was created a prototype of Customer Claim Handling System. It showed that this grapf theory method has solved the problems in Customer Claim Handling process and in Customer Claim Handling systems implementation.

Sumanių įrenginių kūrimo metodika / Development methodology of smart devices

Jasiulis, Matas 23 June 2014 (has links)
Kiekvienas daiktas naudojamas kasdienybėje, šaldytuvas, mobilus telefonas, skalbimo mašina, šviesos intensyvumo valdymo sistema ir kiti įrenginiai gerinantys žmogaus gyvenimo lygį gali būti sumaniaisiais įrenginiais. Daugeliu atveju minėti objektai turi galimybę komunikuoti, kad kartu atliktų paslaugas jų vartotojams. Šiuo metu sumanių įrenginių daugėja, tuo pačiu platėja ir protinga aplinka, yra problematiška suvaldyti jų plėtrą. Šiuo metu nėra jokio standartizuoto architektūrinio metodo kurio pagalba būtų galima kurti sumanius įrenginius ir juos pritaikyti prie protingos aplinkos. Kad sukurti tokį įrenginį aprašėme iš ko jis turi būti sudarytas. Šis darbas identifikuoja sumanaus įrenginio privalomas detales ir kaip kiekviena detalė komunikuoja. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas buvo sukurti metodą, pagrystą KAOS ir DoDAF metodikomis, kuris nurodo kaip kurti naujus sumanius įrenginius ir nurodo kaip sumanūs įrenginiai bendrauja protingoje aplinkoje. Šiame tyrime buvo nustatytas modelis standartizuotų sumanių įrenginių gamybai, šis modelis buvo ištestuotas naudojant realius duomenis ir buvo pasiūlyta prototipinė realizacijos aplinka. / A smart space environment is characterized by the presence of intelligence in everyday objects (such as fridges, cars, lightening systems etc). In many cases mentioned objects are capable of communicating in order to jointly delivery a service to the user. As the presence of intelligent in smart devices increase, the smart environment can become increasing chaotic and difficult to manage. Yet there is no standardized architectural model capable of modelling the smart environment and smart devices. In order to model smart device, must understand what this device is composed of. This paper will attempt to identify what a smart device is composed of and how identificated components comunicate each other. The point of this work is to create model based on DoDAF and KAOS models, which helps to create new smart devices step by step and helps integrate them in smart space environment. In this research was discovered model which helps to create standartized smart devices. Created model was tested with real data and was suggested realization prototype.

Gamybinių užsakymų projektavimo ir valdymo programinė įranga / Manufacturing Orders Design and Management Software

Kičas, Rolandas 27 May 2005 (has links)
This master thesis analyses principle manufacturing order design and management methods and schemas. They are practicaly applied in developing software for product‘s graphical-informational model management, feature management, technological data and rules specification and description, product‘s material list creation and estimation. The developed software is suited for both large and small manufacturing corporations, that specializes in plastic or wooden windows, doors, garage gates, glass fillings production. The system may be adjusted to various manufacturing technologies. These software development methods and technologies were applied during system design and implementation: Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), Object Oriented (OO) Design and Programming, Component Based System Engineering Method (CBSE), Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Methods, eXtensible Markup Language (XML). Created software was tested with real technological data. Systems suites functional and non-functional specifiaction. Experimets show that the product is more flexible than it‘s previous version.

Asmenybės adekvatumo identifikavimo informacinės sistemos tyrimas ir taikymas / The information system of personality adequacy identification

Motiejaitienė, Ieva 25 May 2004 (has links)
The identification of personality adequacy includes complete research of a person. There are various psycho diagnostic testing methods for such researches. The most testing methods are being created abroad, therefore it takes a lot of time to evaluate the results and to adapt them to the Lithuanians situation. This means that the psychologist have to make a lot of tests of different patient’s groups as well. At the moment, there is no program in Lithuania, which would be helpful by creating computerized version of tests and able to collect all data related to the patient and to the process of theinvestigation. Such program would be able to computerize confidential methods as well. All data related to the patient and the method of research, has to be protected. The information system of personality adequacy identification gives a possibility for the psychologists to register the investigative persons and the process of this investigation. It also helps to create textual and visual tests, to test the investigative persons, to accumulate the diagnosis and the experience of the applied methodic. The created system of programs helps the psychologists to work more efficiently and to generalize the date of Lithuanian’s patients groups as well. This program is going to ensure the required grade of confidentially and security of tests data.

Programinės įrangos defektų, savybių ir reikalavimų valdymo sistema / Software defect, feature and requirements management system

Indriūnas, Paulius 15 January 2006 (has links)
Software development is an iterative process which is based on teamwork and information exchange. In order to keep this process running, proper informational flow control techniques in a software development company have to be applied. As number of employees grows, manual control of this process becomes inaffective and automated solutions takes over this task. The most common informational units in the software development process are defects, new features and requirements. This paper addresses problems that occur during software development process and intents to create techniques and methodologies for software defect, feature and requirement management. Following tasks are performed while automating mentioned process: a) Analysis of software development company workflow; b) Design and documentation of software defect, feature and requirement management method, which would ease information exchange in design, implementation and quality assurance stages of software development process; c) Analysis and comparision of existing similar solutions. Identification of most attaractive and useful features; d) Design and implementation of software defect, feature and requirement management system which covers newly designed information flow control method. Practical task includes designing, programming, installing and testing newly created system. Design and development is based on reusable component approach which results in several layers of reusable code.

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