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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Md Rakibul Islam Prince (18771646) 03 September 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Neurological disorders present a considerable challenge due to their variety and diagnostic complexity especially for older adults. Early prediction of the onset and ongoing assessment of the severity of these disease conditions can allow timely interventions. Currently, most of the assessment tools are time-consuming, costly, and not suitable for use in primary care. To reduce this burden, the present thesis introduces passive digital markers for different disease conditions that can effectively automate the severity assessment and risk prediction from different modalities of electronic health records (EHR). The focus of the first phase of the present study in on developing passive digital markers for the functional assessment of patients suffering from Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia. The second phase of the study explores different architectures for passive digital markers that can predict patients at risk for dementia. The functional severity PDM uses only a single EHR modality, namely medical notes in order to assess the severity of the functioning of schizophrenia, bipolar type I, or mixed bipolar patients. In this case, the input of is a single medical note from the electronic medical record of the patient. This note is submitted to a hierarchical BERT model which classifies at-risk patients. A hierarchical attention mechanism is adopted because medical notes can exceed the maximum allowed number of tokens by most language models including BERT. The functional severity PDM follows three steps. First, a sentence-level embedding is produced for each sentence in the note using a token-level attention mechanism. Second, an embedding for the entire note is constructed using a sentence-level attention mechanism. Third, the final embedding is classified using a feed-forward neural network which estimates the impairment level of the patient. When used prior to the onset of the disease, this PDM is able to differentiate between severe and moderate functioning levels with an AUC of 76%. Disease-specific severity assessment PDMs are only applicable after the onset of the disease and have AUCs of nearly 85% for schizophrenia and bipolar patients. The dementia risk prediction PDM considers multiple EHR modalities including socio-demographic data, diagnosis codes and medical notes. Moreover, the observation period and prediction horizon are varied for a better understanding of the practical limitations of the model. This PDM is able to identify patients at risk of dementia with AUCs ranging from 70% to 92% as the observation period approaches the index date. The present study introduces methodologies for the automation of important clinical outcomes such as the assessment of the general functioning of psychiatric patients and the prediction of risk for dementia using only routine care data.</p>

Contributions to the joint segmentation and classification of sequences (My two cents on decoding and handwriting recognition)

España Boquera, Salvador 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] This work is focused on problems (like automatic speech recognition (ASR) and handwritten text recognition (HTR)) that: 1) can be represented (at least approximately) in terms of one-dimensional sequences, and 2) solving these problems entails breaking the observed sequence down into segments which are associated to units taken from a finite repertoire. The required segmentation and classification tasks are so intrinsically interrelated ("Sayre's Paradox") that they have to be performed jointly. We have been inspired by what some works call the "successful trilogy", which refers to the synergistic improvements obtained when considering: - a good formalization framework and powerful algorithms; - a clever design and implementation taking the best profit of hardware; - an adequate preprocessing and a careful tuning of all heuristics. We describe and study "two stage generative models" (TSGMs) comprising two stacked probabilistic generative stages without reordering. This model not only includes Hidden Markov Models (HMMs, but also "segmental models" (SMs). "Two stage decoders" may be deduced by simply running a TSGM in reversed way, introducing non determinism when required: 1) A directed acyclic graph (DAG) is generated and 2) it is used together with a language model (LM). One-pass decoders constitute a particular case. A formalization of parsing and decoding in terms of semiring values and language equations proposes the use of recurrent transition networks (RTNs) as a normal form for Context Free Grammars (CFGs), using them in a parsing-as-composition paradigm, so that parsing CFGs result in a slight extension of regular ones. Novel transducer composition algorithms have been proposed that can work with RTNs and can deal with null transitions without resorting to filter-composition even in the presence of null transitions and non-idempotent semirings. A review of LMs is described and some contributions mainly focused on LM interfaces, LM representation and on the evaluation of Neural Network LMs (NNLMs) are provided. A review of SMs includes the combination of generative and discriminative segmental models and general scheme of frame emission and another one of SMs. Some fast cache-friendly specialized Viterbi lexicon decoders taking profit of particular HMM topologies are proposed. They are able to manage sets of active states without requiring dictionary look-ups (e.g. hashing). A dataflow architecture allowing the design of flexible and diverse recognition systems from a little repertoire of components has been proposed, including a novel DAG serialization protocol. DAG generators can take over-segmentation constraints into account, make use SMs other than HMMs, take profit of the specialized decoders proposed in this work and use a transducer model to control its behavior making it possible, for instance, to use context dependent units. Relating DAG decoders, they take profit of a general LM interface that can be extended to deal with RTNs. Some improvements for one pass decoders are proposed by combining the specialized lexicon decoders and the "bunch" extension of the LM interface, including an adequate parallelization. The experimental part is mainly focused on HTR tasks on different input modalities (offline, bimodal). We have proposed some novel preprocessing techniques for offline HTR which replace classical geometrical heuristics and make use of automatic learning techniques (neural networks). Experiments conducted on the IAM database using this new preprocessing and HMM hybridized with Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) have obtained some of the best results reported for this reference database. Among other HTR experiments described in this work, we have used over-segmentation information, tried lexicon free approaches, performed bimodal experiments and experimented with the combination of hybrid HMMs with holistic classifiers. / [ES] Este trabajo se centra en problemas (como reconocimiento automático del habla (ASR) o de escritura manuscrita (HTR)) que cumplen: 1) pueden representarse (quizás aproximadamente) en términos de secuencias unidimensionales, 2) su resolución implica descomponer la secuencia en segmentos que se pueden clasificar en un conjunto finito de unidades. Las tareas de segmentación y de clasificación necesarias están tan intrínsecamente interrelacionadas ("paradoja de Sayre") que deben realizarse conjuntamente. Nos hemos inspirado en lo que algunos autores denominan "La trilogía exitosa", refereido a la sinergia obtenida cuando se tiene: - un buen formalismo, que dé lugar a buenos algoritmos; - un diseño e implementación ingeniosos y eficientes, que saquen provecho de las características del hardware; - no descuidar el "saber hacer" de la tarea, un buen preproceso y el ajuste adecuado de los diversos parámetros. Describimos y estudiamos "modelos generativos en dos etapas" sin reordenamientos (TSGMs), que incluyen no sólo los modelos ocultos de Markov (HMM), sino también modelos segmentales (SMs). Se puede obtener un decodificador de "dos pasos" considerando a la inversa un TSGM introduciendo no determinismo: 1) se genera un grafo acíclico dirigido (DAG) y 2) se utiliza conjuntamente con un modelo de lenguaje (LM). El decodificador de "un paso" es un caso particular. Se formaliza el proceso de decodificación con ecuaciones de lenguajes y semianillos, se propone el uso de redes de transición recurrente (RTNs) como forma normal de gramáticas de contexto libre (CFGs) y se utiliza el paradigma de análisis por composición de manera que el análisis de CFGs resulta una extensión del análisis de FSA. Se proponen algoritmos de composición de transductores que permite el uso de RTNs y que no necesita recurrir a composición de filtros incluso en presencia de transiciones nulas y semianillos no idempotentes. Se propone una extensa revisión de LMs y algunas contribuciones relacionadas con su interfaz, con su representación y con la evaluación de LMs basados en redes neuronales (NNLMs). Se ha realizado una revisión de SMs que incluye SMs basados en combinación de modelos generativos y discriminativos, así como un esquema general de tipos de emisión de tramas y de SMs. Se proponen versiones especializadas del algoritmo de Viterbi para modelos de léxico y que manipulan estados activos sin recurrir a estructuras de tipo diccionario, sacando provecho de la caché. Se ha propuesto una arquitectura "dataflow" para obtener reconocedores a partir de un pequeño conjunto de piezas básicas con un protocolo de serialización de DAGs. Describimos generadores de DAGs que pueden tener en cuenta restricciones sobre la segmentación, utilizar modelos segmentales no limitados a HMMs, hacer uso de los decodificadores especializados propuestos en este trabajo y utilizar un transductor de control que permite el uso de unidades dependientes del contexto. Los decodificadores de DAGs hacen uso de un interfaz bastante general de LMs que ha sido extendido para permitir el uso de RTNs. Se proponen también mejoras para reconocedores "un paso" basados en algoritmos especializados para léxicos y en la interfaz de LMs en modo "bunch", así como su paralelización. La parte experimental está centrada en HTR en diversas modalidades de adquisición (offline, bimodal). Hemos propuesto técnicas novedosas para el preproceso de escritura que evita el uso de heurísticos geométricos. En su lugar, utiliza redes neuronales. Se ha probado con HMMs hibridados con redes neuronales consiguiendo, para la base de datos IAM, algunos de los mejores resultados publicados. También podemos mencionar el uso de información de sobre-segmentación, aproximaciones sin restricción de un léxico, experimentos con datos bimodales o la combinación de HMMs híbridos con reconocedores de tipo holístico. / [CA] Aquest treball es centra en problemes (com el reconeiximent automàtic de la parla (ASR) o de l'escriptura manuscrita (HTR)) on: 1) les dades es poden representar (almenys aproximadament) mitjançant seqüències unidimensionals, 2) cal descompondre la seqüència en segments que poden pertanyer a un nombre finit de tipus. Sovint, ambdues tasques es relacionen de manera tan estreta que resulta impossible separar-les ("paradoxa de Sayre") i s'han de realitzar de manera conjunta. Ens hem inspirat pel que alguns autors anomenen "trilogia exitosa", referit a la sinèrgia obtinguda quan prenim en compte: - un bon formalisme, que done lloc a bons algorismes; - un diseny i una implementació eficients, amb ingeni, que facen bon us de les particularitats del maquinari; - no perdre de vista el "saber fer", emprar un preprocés adequat i fer bon us dels diversos paràmetres. Descrivim i estudiem "models generatiu amb dues etapes" sense reordenaments (TSGMs), que inclouen no sols inclouen els models ocults de Markov (HMM), sinò també models segmentals (SM). Es pot obtindre un decodificador "en dues etapes" considerant a l'inrevés un TSGM introduint no determinisme: 1) es genera un graf acíclic dirigit (DAG) que 2) és emprat conjuntament amb un model de llenguatge (LM). El decodificador "d'un pas" en és un cas particular. Descrivim i formalitzem del procés de decodificació basada en equacions de llenguatges i en semianells. Proposem emprar xarxes de transició recurrent (RTNs) com forma normal de gramàtiques incontextuals (CFGs) i s'empra el paradigma d'anàlisi sintàctic mitjançant composició de manera que l'anàlisi de CFGs resulta una lleugera extensió de l'anàlisi de FSA. Es proposen algorismes de composició de transductors que poden emprar RTNs i que no necessiten recorrer a la composició amb filtres fins i tot amb transicions nul.les i semianells no idempotents. Es proposa una extensa revisió de LMs i algunes contribucions relacionades amb la seva interfície, amb la seva representació i amb l'avaluació de LMs basats en xarxes neuronals (NNLMs). S'ha realitzat una revisió de SMs que inclou SMs basats en la combinació de models generatius i discriminatius, així com un esquema general de tipus d'emissió de trames i altre de SMs. Es proposen versions especialitzades de l'algorisme de Viterbi per a models de lèxic que permeten emprar estats actius sense haver de recórrer a estructures de dades de tipus diccionari, i que trauen profit de la caché. S'ha proposat una arquitectura de flux de dades o "dataflow" per obtindre diversos reconeixedors a partir d'un xicotet conjunt de peces amb un protocol de serialització de DAGs. Descrivim generadors de DAGs capaços de tindre en compte restriccions sobre la segmentació, emprar models segmentals no limitats a HMMs, fer us dels decodificadors especialitzats proposats en aquest treball i emprar un transductor de control que permet emprar unitats dependents del contexte. Els decodificadors de DAGs fan us d'una interfície de LMs prou general que ha segut extesa per permetre l'ús de RTNs. Es proposen millores per a reconeixedors de tipus "un pas" basats en els algorismes especialitzats per a lèxics i en la interfície de LMs en mode "bunch", així com la seua paral.lelització. La part experimental està centrada en el reconeiximent d'escriptura en diverses modalitats d'adquisició (offline, bimodal). Proposem un preprocés d'escriptura manuscrita evitant l'us d'heurístics geomètrics, en el seu lloc emprem xarxes neuronals. S'han emprat HMMs hibridats amb xarxes neuronals aconseguint, per a la base de dades IAM, alguns dels millors resultats publicats. També podem mencionar l'ús d'informació de sobre-segmentació, aproximacions sense restricció a un lèxic, experiments amb dades bimodals o la combinació de HMMs híbrids amb classificadors holístics. / España Boquera, S. (2016). Contributions to the joint segmentation and classification of sequences (My two cents on decoding and handwriting recognition) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62215 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Distributed conditional computation

Léonard, Nicholas 08 1900 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de présenter différentes applications du programme de recherche de calcul conditionnel distribué. On espère que ces applications, ainsi que la théorie présentée ici, mènera à une solution générale du problème d'intelligence artificielle, en particulier en ce qui a trait à la nécessité d'efficience. La vision du calcul conditionnel distribué consiste à accélérer l'évaluation et l'entraînement de modèles profonds, ce qui est très différent de l'objectif usuel d'améliorer sa capacité de généralisation et d'optimisation. Le travail présenté ici a des liens étroits avec les modèles de type mélange d'experts. Dans le chapitre 2, nous présentons un nouvel algorithme d'apprentissage profond qui utilise une forme simple d'apprentissage par renforcement sur un modèle d'arbre de décisions à base de réseau de neurones. Nous démontrons la nécessité d'une contrainte d'équilibre pour maintenir la distribution d'exemples aux experts uniforme et empêcher les monopoles. Pour rendre le calcul efficient, l'entrainement et l'évaluation sont contraints à être éparse en utilisant un routeur échantillonnant des experts d'une distribution multinomiale étant donné un exemple. Dans le chapitre 3, nous présentons un nouveau modèle profond constitué d'une représentation éparse divisée en segments d'experts. Un modèle de langue à base de réseau de neurones est construit à partir des transformations éparses entre ces segments. L'opération éparse par bloc est implémentée pour utilisation sur des cartes graphiques. Sa vitesse est comparée à deux opérations denses du même calibre pour démontrer le gain réel de calcul qui peut être obtenu. Un modèle profond utilisant des opérations éparses contrôlées par un routeur distinct des experts est entraîné sur un ensemble de données d'un milliard de mots. Un nouvel algorithme de partitionnement de données est appliqué sur un ensemble de mots pour hiérarchiser la couche de sortie d'un modèle de langage, la rendant ainsi beaucoup plus efficiente. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse est au centre de la vision de calcul conditionnel distribué émis par Yoshua Bengio. Elle tente d'appliquer la recherche dans le domaine des mélanges d'experts aux modèles profonds pour améliorer leur vitesse ainsi que leur capacité d'optimisation. Nous croyons que la théorie et les expériences de cette thèse sont une étape importante sur la voie du calcul conditionnel distribué car elle cadre bien le problème, surtout en ce qui concerne la compétitivité des systèmes d'experts. / The objective of this paper is to present different applications of the distributed conditional computation research program. It is hoped that these applications and the theory presented here will lead to a general solution of the problem of artificial intelligence, especially with regard to the need for efficiency. The vision of distributed conditional computation is to accelerate the evaluation and training of deep models which is very different from the usual objective of improving its generalization and optimization capacity. The work presented here has close ties with mixture of experts models. In Chapter 2, we present a new deep learning algorithm that uses a form of reinforcement learning on a novel neural network decision tree model. We demonstrate the need for a balancing constraint to keep the distribution of examples to experts uniform and to prevent monopolies. To make the calculation efficient, the training and evaluation are constrained to be sparse by using a gater that samples experts from a multinomial distribution given examples. In Chapter 3 we present a new deep model consisting of a sparse representation divided into segments of experts. A neural network language model is constructed from blocks of sparse transformations between these expert segments. The block-sparse operation is implemented for use on graphics cards. Its speed is compared with two dense operations of the same caliber to demonstrate and measure the actual efficiency gain that can be obtained. A deep model using these block-sparse operations controlled by a distinct gater is trained on a dataset of one billion words. A new algorithm for data partitioning (clustering) is applied to a set of words to organize the output layer of a language model into a conditional hierarchy, thereby making it much more efficient. The work presented in this thesis is central to the vision of distributed conditional computation as issued by Yoshua Bengio. It attempts to apply research in the area of mixture of experts to deep models to improve their speed and their optimization capacity. We believe that the theory and experiments of this thesis are an important step on the path to distributed conditional computation because it provides a good framework for the problem, especially concerning competitiveness inherent to systems of experts.

Deriving an Natural Language Processing inference Cost Model with Greenhouse Gas Accounting : Towards a sustainable usage of Machine Learning / Härledning av en Kostnadsmodell med växthusgasredovisning angående slutledning inom Naturlig Språkbehandling : Mot en hållbar användning av Maskininlärning

Axberg, Tom January 2022 (has links)
The interest in using State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) Pre-Trained Language Model (PLM) in product development is growing. The fact that developers can use PLM has changed the way to build reliable models, and it is the go-to method for many companies and organizations. Selecting the Natural Language Processing (NLP) model with the highest accuracy is the usual way of deciding which PLM to use. However, with growing concerns about negative climate changes, we need new ways of making decisions that consider the impact on our future needs. The best solution with the highest accuracy might not be the best choice when other parameters matter, such as sustainable development. This thesis investigates how to calculate an approximate total cost considering Operating Expenditure (OPEX) and CO2~emissions for a deployed NLP solution over a given period, specifically the inference phase. We try to predict the total cost with Floating Point Operation (FLOP) and test NLP models on a classification task. We further present the tools to make energy measurements and examine the metric FLOP to predict costs. Using a bottom-up approach, we investigate the components that affect the cost and measure the energy consumption for different deployed models. By constructing this cost model and testing it against real-life examples, essential information about a given NLP implementation and the relationship between monetary and environmental costs will be derived. The literature studies reveal that the derival of a cost model is a complex area, and the results confirm that it is not a straightforward procedure to approximate energy costs. Even if a cost model was not feasible to derive with the resources given, this thesis covers the area and shows why it is complex by examine FLOP. / Intresset att använda State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) Pre-Trained Language Model (PLM) i produktutveckling växer. Det faktum att utvecklare kan använda PLM har förändrat sättet att träna tillförlitliga modeller på och det är den bästa metoden för många företag och organisationer att använda SOTA Naturlig Språkbehandling (NLP). Att välja NLP-modellen med högsta noggrannhet är det vanliga sättet att bestämma vilken PLM som ska användas. Men med växande oro för miljöförändringar behöver vi nya sätt att fatta beslut som kommer att påverka våra framtida behov. Denna avhandling undersöker hur man beräknar en ungefärlig totalkostnad med hänsyn till Operating Expenditure (OPEX) och CO2~utsläpp för en utplacerad NLP-lösning under en given period, dvs slutledningsfasen. Vi försöker förutspå den totala kostnaden med flyttalsoperationer och testar mot en klassificerings uppgift. Vi undersöker verktygen för att göra mätningar samt variabeln Flyttalsoperationer för att förutspå energiförbrukning.

Dynamic Network Modeling from Temporal Motifs and Attributed Node Activity

Giselle Zeno (16675878) 26 July 2023 (has links)
<p>The most important networks from different domains—such as Computing, Organization, Economic, Social, Academic, and Biology—are networks that change over time. For example, in an organization there are email and collaboration networks (e.g., different people or teams working on a document). Apart from the connectivity of the networks changing over time, they can contain attributes such as the topic of an email or message, contents of a document, or the interests of a person in an academic citation or a social network. Analyzing these dynamic networks can be critical in decision-making processes. For instance, in an organization, getting insight into how people from different teams collaborate, provides important information that can be used to optimize workflows.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Network generative models provide a way to study and analyze networks. For example, benchmarking model performance and generalization in tasks like node classification, can be done by evaluating models on synthetic networks generated with varying structure and attribute correlation. In this work, we begin by presenting our systemic study of the impact that graph structure and attribute auto-correlation on the task of node classification using collective inference. This is the first time such an extensive study has been done. We take advantage of a recently developed method that samples attributed networks—although static—with varying network structure jointly with correlated attributes. We find that the graph connectivity that contributes to the network auto-correlation (i.e., the local relationships of nodes) and density have the highest impact on the performance of collective inference methods.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Most of the literature to date has focused on static representations of networks, partially due to the difficulty of finding readily-available datasets of dynamic networks. Dynamic network generative models can bridge this gap by generating synthetic graphs similar to observed real-world networks. Given that motifs have been established as building blocks for the structure of real-world networks, modeling them can help to generate the graph structure seen and capture correlations in node connections and activity. Therefore, we continue with a study of motif evolution in <em>dynamic</em> temporal graphs. Our key insight is that motifs rarely change configurations in fast-changing dynamic networks (e.g. wedges intotriangles, and vice-versa), but rather keep reappearing at different times while keeping the same configuration. This finding motivates the generative process of our proposed models, using temporal motifs as building blocks, that generates dynamic graphs with links that appear and disappear over time.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Our first proposed model generates dynamic networks based on motif-activity and the roles that nodes play in a motif. For example, a wedge is sampled based on the likelihood of one node having the role of hub with the two other nodes being the spokes. Our model learns all parameters from observed data, with the goal of producing synthetic graphs with similar graph structure and node behavior. We find that using motifs and node roles helps our model generate the more complex structures and the temporal node behavior seen in real-world dynamic networks.</p> <p><br></p> <p>After observing that using motif node-roles helps to capture the changing local structure and behavior of nodes, we extend our work to also consider the attributes generated by nodes’ activities. We propose a second generative model for attributed dynamic networks that (i) captures network structure dynamics through temporal motifs, and (ii) extends the structural roles of nodes in motifs to roles that generate content embeddings. Our new proposed model is the first to generate synthetic dynamic networks and sample content embeddings based on motif node roles. To the best of our knowledge, it is the only attributed dynamic network model that can generate <em>new</em> content embeddings—not observed in the input graph, but still similar to that of the input graph. Our results show that modeling the network attributes with higher-order structures (e.g., motifs) improves the quality of the networks generated.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The generative models proposed address the difficulty of finding readily-available datasets of dynamic networks—attributed or not. This work will also allow others to: (i) generate networks that they can share without divulging individual’s private data, (ii) benchmark model performance, and (iii) explore model generalization on a broader range of conditions, among other uses. Finally, the evaluation measures proposed will elucidate models, allowing fellow researchers to push forward in these domains.</p>

Exploring toxic lexicon similarity methods with the DRG framework on the toxic style transfer task / Utnyttjande av semantisk likhet mellan toxiska lexikon i en toxisk stilöverföringsmetod baserad på ramverket Delete-Retrieve-Generate

Iglesias, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the detoxification of language in social networks with a particular focus on style transfer techniques that combine deep learning and linguistic resources. In today’s digital landscape, social networks are rife with communication that can often be toxic, either intentionally or unintentionally. Given the pervasiveness of social media and the potential for toxic language to perpetuate negativity and polarization, this study addresses the problem of toxic language and its transformation into more neutral expressions. The importance of this issue is underscored by the need to promote non-toxic communication in the social networks that are an integral part of modern society. The complexity of natural language and the subtleties of what constitutes toxicity make this a challenging problem worthy of study. To address this problem, this research proposes two models, LexiconGST and MultiLexiconGST, developed based on the Delete&amp;Generate framework. These models integrate linguistic resources into the detoxification system to guide deep learning techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed models perform commendably in the detoxification task compared to stateof-the-art methods. The integration of linguistic resources with deep learning techniques is confirmed to improve the performance of detoxification systems. Finally, this research has implications for social media platforms and online communities, which can now implement more effective moderation tools to promote non-toxic communication. It also opens lines of further research to generalize our proposed method to other text styles. / Ämnet för denna avhandling är avgiftning av språk i sociala nätverk med särskilt fokus på stilöverföringstekniker som kombinerar djupinlärning och språkliga resurser. I dagens digitala landskap är sociala nätverk fulla av kommunikation som ofta kan vara giftig, antingen avsiktligt eller oavsiktligt. Med tanke på hur utbredda sociala medier är och hur giftigt språk kan bidra till negativitet och polarisering, tar den här studien upp problemet med giftigt språk och hur det kan omvandlas till mer neutrala uttryck. Vikten av denna fråga understryks av behovet av att främja giftfri kommunikation i de sociala nätverk som är en integrerad del av det moderna samhället. Komplexiteten i naturligt språk och de subtila aspekterna av vad som utgör toxicitet gör detta till ett utmanande problem som är värt att studera. För att ta itu med detta problem föreslår denna forskning två modeller, LexiconGST och MultiLexiconGST, som utvecklats baserat på ramverket Delete&amp;Generate. Dessa modeller integrerar språkliga resurser i avgiftningssystemet för att vägleda djupinlärningstekniker. Experimentella resultat visar att de föreslagna modellerna presterar lovvärt i avgiftningsuppgiften jämfört med toppmoderna metoder. Integrationen av språkliga resurser med djupinlärningstekniker bekräftas för att förbättra prestanda för avgiftningssystem. Slutligen har denna forskning konsekvenser för sociala medieplattformar och onlinegemenskaper, som nu kan implementera mer effektiva modereringsverktyg för att främja giftfri kommunikation. Det öppnar också för ytterligare forskning för att generalisera vår föreslagna metod till andra textstilar.

Människors förtroende för AI: Könsrelaterad bias i AI-språkmodeller / People's Trust in AI: Gender Bias in Large Language Models

Forsman, Angela, Martinsson, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
I en tid då AI-språkmodeller används alltmer i vår vardag, blir det relevant att undersöka hur det påverkar samhället. Denna studie undersöker, utifrån teorier om etik och jämställdhet, hur AI-språkmodeller i sina texter ger uttryck för mångfald, icke-diskriminering och rättvisa. Studien fokuserar på att identifiera och analysera förekomsten av könsbias i AI-språkmodellernas svar samt hur det påverkar människors förtroende för dessa system. En fallstudie genomfördes på tre AI-språkmodeller - ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini och Llama-2 70B, där data insamlades via intervjuer med dessa modeller. Därefter gjordes intervjuer med mänskliga informanter som reflekterade över AI-språkmodellernas svar. AI-språkmodellerna visade en obalans i hur de behandlar kvinnor och män vilket kan förstärka befintliga könsstereotyper. Detta kan påverka människors förtroende för AI-språkmodeller och informanterna lyfte problematiken om vad neutralitet och rättvisa innebär. För att skapa mer ansvarsfulla och rättvisa AI-system krävs medvetna insatser för att integrera etiska och jämställdhetsperspektiv i AI-utveckling och användning. / In a time when Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used in our daily lives, it becomes important to investigate how this affects society. This study examines how LLMs express diversity, non-discrimination, and fairness in texts, based on theories of ethics and gender equality. The study focuses on identifying and analyzing the presence of gender bias in the responses of LLMs and how this impacts people's trust in these systems. A case study was conducted on three LLMs: ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini, and Llama-2 70B, where data was collected through interviews with them. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with human informants who reflected on the LLMs’ responses. The LLMs showed imbalance towards gender, potentially reinforcing existing gender stereotypes. This can affect people's trust in LLMs, and the informants highlighted the issue of what neutrality and fairness entail. To create more responsible and fair AI systems, conscious efforts are required to integrate ethical and equality perspectives into AI development and usage.

Překlad z češtiny do angličtiny / Czech-English Translation

Petrželka, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce popisuje principy statistického strojového překladu a demonstruje, jak sestavit systém pro statistický strojový překlad Moses. V přípravné fázi jsou prozkoumány volně dostupné bilingvní česko-anglické korpusy. Empirická analýza časové náročnosti vícevláknových nástrojů pro zarovnání slov demonstruje, že MGIZA++ může dosáhnout až pětinásobného zrychlení, zatímco PGIZA++ až osminásobného zrychlení (v porovnání s GIZA++). Jsou otestovány tři způsoby morfologického pre-processingu českých trénovacích dat za použití jednoduchých nefaktorových modelů. Zatímco jednoduchá lemmatizace může snížit BLEU, sofistikovanější přístupy většinou BLEU zvyšují. Positivní efekty morfologického pre-processingu se vytrácejí s růstem velikosti korpusu. Vztah mezi dalšími charakteristikami korpusu (velikost, žánr, další data) a výsledným BLEU je empiricky měřen. Koncový systém je natrénován na korpusu CzEng 0.9 a vyhodnocen na testovacím vzorku z workshopu WMT 2010.

Mining of Textual Data from the Web for Speech Recognition / Mining of Textual Data from the Web for Speech Recognition

Kubalík, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Prvotním cílem tohoto projektu bylo prostudovat problematiku jazykového modelování pro rozpoznávání řeči a techniky pro získávání textových dat z Webu. Text představuje základní techniky rozpoznávání řeči a detailněji popisuje jazykové modely založené na statistických metodách. Zvláště se práce zabývá kriterii pro vyhodnocení kvality jazykových modelů a systémů pro rozpoznávání řeči. Text dále popisuje modely a techniky dolování dat, zvláště vyhledávání informací. Dále jsou představeny problémy spojené se získávání dat z webu, a v kontrastu s tím je představen vyhledávač Google. Součástí projektu byl návrh a implementace systému pro získávání textu z webu, jehož detailnímu popisu je věnována náležitá pozornost. Nicméně, hlavním cílem práce bylo ověřit, zda data získaná z Webu mohou mít nějaký přínos pro rozpoznávání řeči. Popsané techniky se tak snaží najít optimální způsob, jak data získaná z Webu použít pro zlepšení ukázkových jazykových modelů, ale i modelů nasazených v reálných rozpoznávacích systémech.

Large-Context Question Answering with Cross-Lingual Transfer

Sagen, Markus January 2021 (has links)
Models based around the transformer architecture have become one of the most prominent for solving a multitude of natural language processing (NLP)tasks since its introduction in 2017. However, much research related to the transformer model has focused primarily on achieving high performance and many problems remain unsolved. Two of the most prominent currently are the lack of high performing non-English pre-trained models, and the limited number of words most trained models can incorporate for their context. Solving these problems would make NLP models more suitable for real-world applications, improving information retrieval, reading comprehension, and more. All previous research has focused on incorporating long-context for English language models. This thesis investigates the cross-lingual transferability between languages when only training for long-context in English. Training long-context models in English only could make long-context in low-resource languages, such as Swedish, more accessible since it is hard to find such data in most languages and costly to train for each language. This could become an efficient method for creating long-context models in other languages without the need for such data in all languages or pre-training from scratch. We extend the models’ context using the training scheme of the Longformer architecture and fine-tune on a question-answering task in several languages. Our evaluation could not satisfactorily confirm nor deny if transferring long-term context is possible for low-resource languages. We believe that using datasets that require long-context reasoning, such as a multilingual TriviaQAdataset, could demonstrate our hypothesis’s validity.

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