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Digitala och tekniska lösningar inom sista mil-leveranser : En studie om hur leveransföretag kan bemöta konsumenters krav på sista mil-leveranser / Digital and technical solutions within last mile deliveries : A study of how delivery companies can meet consumers' demands for last-mile deliveriesSörbom, Josefine, Bjurlemark, Adelaide January 2020 (has links)
E-commerce is in a growing phase where consumers are getting more aware, picky and comfortable when it comes to delivery of their packages. This case study investigates the requirements that consumers have regarding last-mile deliveries as well as various digital logistic solutions that may meet these requirements. In the study, relevant people in three different companies working with delivery, have been selected to get a deeper insight into how companies view consumers' new requirements and how they work to meet these and how they reflect about the future when it comes to last-mile deliveries. Consumers now expect a faster and more flexible service where they can design the last-mile delivery according to their premises, e.g. time, location, etc. The demands emerging associated with the expansion of e-commerce include faster, cheaper and more flexible deliveries. Transparency in environmental issues and work processes has also become an important factor for many consumers today, which may be decisive for purchasing power. Collaboration with other actors enables e-commerce companies to streamline their delivery alternatives in the form of outsourcing. This approach can be done through collaboration with other logistics players or in the form of crowdsourcing. The term E-logistics implies a system that contains various parts of a logistic process in which the exchange takes place with both the help of technology and the internet. In combination with a functioning digital infrastructure and e-logistics, delivery processes can become more effective. New technologies such as parcel locks, drones and delivery robots are being analyzed as potential solutions to streamline last-mile deliveries. / E-handeln befinner sig i en växande fas där konsumenterna är allt mer medvetna, kräsna ochbekväma. Denna fallstudie undersöker de krav som konsumenter har kring sista-milen leveransersamt olika digitala logistiklösningar som kan komma att möta dessa krav. I studien har ävenrelevanta personer, i tre olika organisationer som arbetar med leverans, valts ut för att få en djupareinblick på hur företag ser på konsumenters nya krav. Studien undersöker hur de arbetar för attmöta dessa samt hur det ser på framtiden när det kommer till sista mil-leveranser. Konsumenternaförväntar sig nu mer flexibla och snabba leveranser där de själva får utforma sista mil-leveranserefter deras premisser. Kraven som växt fram i takt med den växande e-handeln är bland annatsnabbare, billigare och mer flexibla leveranser. Transparens inom miljöfrågor och arbetsprocesserhar även blivit en viktig faktor för många konsumenterna idag som kan komma att bli avgörandeför konsumentens köpvillighet. Samarbete med andra aktörer möjliggör för e-handelsföretag atteffektivisera sina leveransalternativ i form av outsourcing. Tillvägagångssättet kan ske genomsamarbete med andra logistikaktörer eller i form av privatpersoner, crowdsourcing. E-logistik ärdet system som innehåller olika delar i en logistikprocess där utbytet sker med hjälp av teknik ochinternet. I kombination av en fungerande digital infrastruktur och e-logistik så kanleveransprocesser effektiviseras. Ny teknik som paketlås, drönare och leveransrobot analyserassom potentiella leveransmedel för att effektivisera sista mil-leveranser.
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Structure and Form in Two Late Works for Flute and Orchestra by Ernest Bloch (1880-1959): Suite Modale (1956) and Two Last Poems (Maybe. . .) (1958) -- a Lecture Recital, Together With Three Recitals of Selected Works of J.S. Bach, Jolivet, Mozart,and OthersStirzaker, Kim E. (Kim Elizabeth) 05 1900 (has links)
The lecture was presented on November 18, 1991. This presentation focused on the only two compositions for solo flute and orchestra by Ernest Bloch. Written during the last three years of the composer's life, the pieces are representative of his last style period. While Suite Modale is neobaroque in style, Two Last Poems is much more subjective. Together they represent a synthesis of many of the stylistic characteristics of Ernest Bloch. The musical parameters discussed included form, melody, texture, rhythm, harmony, and expressive devices.
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Rapid transformation and inertia in planning and e-commerce : A qualitative study about e-commerce and planning in SwedenHultgren, Viktoria January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates the rapid transformation of e-commerce innovation in relation to planning intention inertia. This research explores the development of e-commerce prior to the Covid-19 pandemic effects and during, in relation to authority’s recognition of the development. The thesis also explores consumers’ reasons and choices for purchasing products through e-commerce. Furthermore, it explores last mile delivery solutions and logistics, together with future aspects and collaborations. Qualitative methodology is applied in the thesis involving semi-structured interviews with ten respondents from nine organisations, conversation analysis from a digital event in the form of one moderator and four attendees and content analysis from five documents and reports. The theoretical approach involves theories on diffusion and technological change and planning intention inertia together with collective action.
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On the dynamics of footbridges : A theoretical approach and a comparison between running and walking loadsColmenares, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
The dynamic behaviour of lightweight footbridges is often susceptible to HumanInduced Loads (HILs). Generally HILs are taken into account as moving harmonicfunctions in which the loading frequency represents the step frequency of the pedestrians.In this way, there may be resonance if the loading frequencies fall within therange of the natural frequencies of the bridge, potentially compromising the serviceabilitylimit state of the structure. Therefore, it is important to understand how toaddress and model HILs in the context of lightweight and slender structures. Furthermore,interesting effects can be considered in the field of footbridge dynamics,such as the Human Structure Interaction (HSI) effect. The HSI effect can be understoodwithin a framework in which pedestrians behave as Tuned Mass Dampers(TMDs), possibly modifying the dynamic behaviour of the footbridge. In addition,the evaluation of the dynamic response of a footbridge is usually made through atime consuming dynamic analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Mostof the analysis of this type of slender structures rely on a prescribed stationary harmonicloading scenario, and this is usually done in the context of a walking crowdevent and not much attention is given to running load events.The aims of this research project are to study the influence of running and walkingloads on the dynamic response of footbridges as well as to investigate and developa closed-form method in order to simulate the dynamic behaviour of footbridgessubjected to HILs. This has been achieved by comparing different approachesin order to simulate running load events for a small number of pedestrians withrespect to experimental results (Paper I). In addition, the simply supported beamand the clamped-clamped beam (Paper II) are studied when subjected to a movingharmonic load in a closed-form framework. Then, a comparison between normalwalking and normal running conditions is made. Finally, a general closed-formsolution for the moving harmonic load problem (Paper III) is developed using the2D Bernoulli–Euler beam theory for a continuous beam system on elastic supports.The results from the study indicate that running is more critical than walking fora single pedestrian crossing, despite the fact that it is easier to achieve a steadystate condition in a normal walking event than in a normal running event. Finally,the general solution of the moving harmonic load problem is found and it can beused to solve any load spectra in the time domain, with its static component, for ageneral multi-span beam system. / Slanka och lätta gångbroar är ofta känsliga för dynamisk belastning från fotgängare.Dessa laster betraktas ofta som harmoniska funktioner där lastfrekvensenberor på stegfrekvensen. Resonans kan uppstå om stegfrekvensen sammanfallermed någon av brons egenfrekvenser vilket potentiellt kan överskrida föreskrivnavibrationsnivåer. Kännedom om dynamisk fotgängarlast är därför viktig, framföralltför dynamiskt känsliga konstruktioner. Samverkan mellan fotgängare ochbro kan också ge upphov till intressanta samband. Fotgängarna kan i detta sammanhangliknas med en massdämpare som kan ändra brons dynamiska egenskaper.Dynamiska analyser av gångbroar utförs ofta med FEM-analyser som kan varatidskrävande. Vanligen baseras analyserna på föreskrivna stationära harmoniskalaster, ofta baserat på gånglaster och sällan med beaktande av löparlaster.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka inverkan av löpar- och gånglasters inverkanpå gångbroars dynamiska respons samt att utveckla en analytisk metod föratt simulera dessa laster och dess respons på broar. Detta har utförts genom attjämföra olika sätt att simulera löparlaster och jämföra broresponsen med experimentelldata (artikel 1). En analytisk lösning för rörliga harmoniska laster redovisasför fallet fritt upplagd och fast inspänd balk (artikel 2), med vilken inverkan av gångochlöparlaster jämförs. En mer generell analytisk lösning för rörliga harmoniskalaster (artikel 3) baseras på Bernoulli-Euler balkteori för kontinuerliga balkar påeftergivliga upplag.Resultaten från föreliggande arbete visar att för en enskild fotgängare är fallet medlöparlast mer kritiskt än gånglast, trots att det är lättare att uppnå ett fortvarighetstillståndför gånglaster jämfört med löparlaster. Den generella lösningen för rörligaharmoniska laster som redovisas kan användas för att lösa godtyckliga lastspektrai tidsdomän, inklusive dess statiska komponent, för generella balkar. / <p>QC 20210302</p>
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Konstruktioner av ett yttersta skyddsnät : En diskursanalytisk intervjustudie med handläggare på ekonomiskt bistånd / Constructs of a last resortGustafsson, Tova, Nyberg, Maya January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka den diskursiva konstruktionen av ekonomiskt bistånd som yttersta skyddsnät inom ramen för handläggning och bedömning. För att besvara syftet har gruppintervjuer med handläggare på ekonomiskt bistånd genomförts. Vid intervjuerna har tre vinjetter presenterats som handläggarna fått möjlighet att diskutera. I uppsatsen används Laclau och Mouffes diskursteori som teori och analysmetod. Vår studie visar på konstruktioner av ekonomiskt bistånd som det yttersta skyddsnätet i form av tre diskurser; diskursen om ett yttersta skyddsnät då alla andra möjligheter är uttömda, diskursen om ett yttersta skyddsnät mot någonting samt diskursen om ett yttersta skyddsnät när andra välfärdssystem brister. Vi har identifierat den första diskursen, med betoning på klientens skyldigheter och egna ansvar, som hegemonisk. I den andra diskursen betonas klientens rättigheter och hjälpbehov samt handläggarnas ansvar för den enskilde. I den tredje diskursen ligger fokus på kommunens yttersta ansvar för sina invånare när andra välfärdssystem brister. Det finns en motstridighet mellan diskurserna, vilket får konsekvenser för biståndshandläggarna i form av ett komplicerat arbete. Studien visar på variation mellan kommunerna i de diskursiva konstruktionerna, frågan om att stå till arbetsmarknadens förfogande, förmildrande omständigheter samt innebörden av nöd & kris. Variationerna leder till en osäkerhet för den biståndssökande avseende utfallet på ansökan om ekonomiskt bistånd. Vår studie visar på potentiella brister i välfärdssystemet och i organiseringen av ekonomiskt bistånd. Vi anser därför att ekonomiskt bistånd kan behöva reformeras i grunden.
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Kvinnor vid τὸ πάσχα och κυριακὸν δεῖπνον : En komparativ studie av hur Lukas och Paulus framställer kvinnors plats och roll vid påskmåltiden τὸ πάσχα i Luk 22:7-30 samt vid Herrens måltid κυριακὸν δεῖπνον i 1 Kor 11Dally, Svea January 2021 (has links)
The essay draws on Angela Standhartingers article ”Frauen in Mahlgemeinschaften. Diskurs und Wirklichkeit einer antiken, frühjüdischen und frühchristlichen Mahlpraxis” which examines the representation of women in the ancient tradition of symposia. This thesis studies how Luke and Paul represent women at The Last Supper τὸ πάσχα and the Lord’s Supper κυριακὸν δεῖπνον, and therefore focusses on the pericopes Luke 22:7-30 as well as 1 Cor. 11. Even though these biblical texts are written by men from an androcentric perspective, they show spaces - gaps which are opposed to what the texts seem to convey. Thus, it is possible to break through the patriarchal discourse to render women visible in the texts. I argue that Luke and Paul represent women in their roles and positions both out of their personal experiences and social ideology. Yet, reflecting on a Christan social order, there can be noticed an earthly approach, relating to the cultural order, in Luke 22:7-30 in distinction from a cosmic approach in 1 Cor. 11.
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Zahradníčkovo Znamení moci / Zahradníček's Sign of PowerSvárovská, Nicol January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to interpret Jan Zahradnicek's spacious poem The Sign of Power. The interpretation crystallizes around the motifs of dehumanisation (connected with Nietzsche's motif of nihilism and of the last man) of a man, the loss of a word, discontinuity, the loss of time, the human face, nothingness (specific Nothingness) and the possibility of salvation, connected with an awakening of the sight. There are two semantic lines essential for enlightening these motifs: Dante's Divine Comedy and Picard's works of the late 40s. Zahradnicek wrote The Sign of Power during 1950-1951, at the time of his intense work on the translation of Dante's Divine Comedy. The purpose of the first part of this thesis is to illustrate how strongly the Divine Comedy influenced the key motifs of The Sign of Power. The purpose of the second part of the thesis is to uncover a new semantic context for the interpretation of Zahradnicek's poem; the works of Swiss essayist, philosopher and poet Max Picard, which were of great importance for Zahradnicek's poem. I see the exposition of Picard's specific grasp of the key modern phenomena, which penetrated to Zahradnicek's poem, as the further objective of the work. The thesis is guided by the fundamental question of The Sign of Power - "what happened with a man" -,...
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Propuesta de una guía técnica para la implementación de un entorno colaborativo del constructor para mejorar la productividad en los proyectos inmobiliarios en Lima en tiempos de Covid-19 / Proposal of a technical guide for the implementation of a collaborative environment for the builder to improve productivity in real estate projects in Lima in times of Covid-19Angulo Salazar, Jose Alexis, Bartolo Rojas, Maykol Yovane 24 February 2022 (has links)
Actualmente el sector construcción está atravesando una de las peores crisis económicas de la historia, esto se debe a la coyuntura actual por la enfermedad del Covid-19. Estos problemas han generado que, muchas empresas se vean en la necesidad de invertir en medidas innovadoras para poder subsistir frente a esta crisis, entre ellas tenemos; el home office, la inserción de nuevas herramientas digitales y los cambios del método tradicional en proyectos.
En nuestro país, la aplicación del método tradicional para ejecutar los proyectos de construcción, han ocasionado diversas irregularidades y problemas en las etapas del proyecto, esto se debe, por la ausencia de comunicación y coordinación entre los Stakeholders, afectando ampliamente en los resultados, aumentando los costos y plazos del proyecto. A diferencia de un enfoque tradicional, los entornos colaborativos en los proyectos de construcción nos ofrecen un ambiente de trabajo participativo en donde los Stakeholders tienen absoluta cooperación con los intereses del proyecto. Además, la actuación del constructor tiene una representación significativa, ya que ofrece contribuciones desde etapas iniciales en la realización del proyecto, logrando aumentar la productividad y optimizando la constructabilidad. El presente trabajo de investigación, es una guía que se elaboró como apoyo para tener una visión más integrada en los proyectos inmobiliarios, donde prevalecen los procedimientos de colaboración del constructor junto a los Stakeholders. Asimismo, se muestra dos casos de estudio de la metodología planteada, justificando contribuciones considerables en etapas de diseño y construcción, alcanzando reducir los costos y plazos del proyecto. / Currently the construction sector is going through one of the worst economic crises in history, this is due to the current situation due to the Covid-19 disease. These problems have caused many companies to find themselves in the need to invest in innovative measures in order to survive in the face of this crisis, among them we have; the home office, the insertion of new digital tools and the changes of the traditional method in projects.
In our country, the application of the traditional method to execute construction projects has caused various irregularities and problems in the stages of the project, this is due to the lack of communication and coordination between the Stakeholders, widely affecting the results, increasing the costs and deadlines of the project. Unlike a traditional approach, collaborative environments in construction projects offer us a participatory work environment where the Stakeholders have full cooperation with the interests of the project. In addition, the performance of the constructor has a significant representation, since it offers contributions from the initial stages in the realization of the project, managing to increase productivity and optimizing constructability This research work is a guide that was developed as a support to have a more integrated vision in real estate projects, where the collaboration procedures of the builder prevail with the Stakeholders. Likewise, two case studies of the proposed methodology are shown, justifying considerable contributions in the design and construction stages, managing to reduce the costs and deadlines of the project. / Tesis
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Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments, archaeology, and indicators of a glacial refugium on northern Vancouver Island, CanadaHebda, Christopher Franklin George 24 December 2019 (has links)
Recent research has revealed human settlement on the Pacific coast of Canada extending back nearly 14,000 years, but much of the late Pleistocene record is unknown due to shifting sea levels, poor understanding of Cordilleran ice extent, and limited research on the biota of the coast during this time. This study, undertaken in Quatsino First Nation and ‘Namgis First Nation territories as part of the Northern Vancouver Island Archaeology and Palaeoecology Project, employs modern multi-proxy analysis of lake sediment cores from two sites on northern Vancouver Island to reconstruct palaeoenvironments during and immediately following the Fraser Glaciation in coastal British Columbia. Evidence from radiocarbon samples, pollen, ancient environmental DNA, plant macrofossils, and diatoms indicates that Topknot Lake on the outer coast of Vancouver Island has remained unglaciated through most of the local Last Glacial Maximum since ca. 18,000 cal BP. A non-arboreal herb-shrub tundra assemblage prevailed from ca. 17,500-16,000 cal BP with taxa including willows (Salix), grasses, sedges (Cyperaceae), heathers (Ericaceae), and sagewort (Artemisia). After ca. 16,000 and into the terminal Pleistocene, Topknot Lake was dominated by pine, alder (Alnus), ferns, and aquatic plant species. In the Nimpkish River Valley deep in the Vancouver Island Ranges, Little Woss Lake also demonstrates a record extending to the late Pleistocene (ca. 14,300 cal BP). The environment comprised dry and cool conifer woodland dominated first by fir (Abies) until ca. 14,000 cal BP, then by pine, alder, and ferns from ca. 14,000-12,000 cal BP. eDNA evidence from ca. 14,000 cal BP corroborates these plant taxa as well as indicating brown bear and Chinook salmon in and around the basin at that time. A mixed-conifer assemblage consisting of pine, western hemlock, and alder followed from ca. 12,000-11,100 cal BP into the early Holocene. Collectively, these indicators demonstrate an open environment on the outer coast of northern Vancouver Island since ca. 18,000-17,500 cal BP and well-established biotic communities across the region throughout the late Pleistocene. These results inform future archaeological research for early human habitation in coastal British Columbia and provide key evidence to support the viability of the coastal migration route for the first peopling of the Americas. / Graduate / 2020-12-11
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Modeling terrestrial carbon cycle during the Last Glacial Maximum / Modélisation du cycle du carbone terrestre au cours du dernier maximum glaciaireZhu, Dan 30 September 2016 (has links)
Pendant les transitions glaciaire-interglaciaires,on observe une augmentation en partie abrupte de près de 100 ppm du CO2atmosphérique, indiquant une redistribution majeure entre les réservoirs de carbone des continents, de l'océan et de l'atmosphère.Expliquer les flux de carbone associés à ces transitions est un défi scientifique, qui nécessite une meilleure compréhension du stock de carbone ‘initial’ dans la biosphère terrestre au cours de la période glaciaire. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’améliorer la compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes terrestres et des stocks de carbone au cours du dernier maximum glaciaire (LGM, il y a environ21.000 ans), à travers plusieurs nouveaux développements dans le modèle global de végétation ORCHIDEE-MICT, pour améliorer la représentation de la dynamique de la végétation, la dynamique du carbone dans le sol du pergélisol et les interactions entre les grands herbivores et la végétation dans le modèle de la surface terrestre.Pour la première partie, la représentation de la dynamique de la végétation dans ORCHIDEEMICT pour les régions des moyennes et hautes latitudes, a été calibrée et évaluée avec un ensemble de données spatiales de classes de végétation, production primaire brute, et de biomasse forestière pour la période actuelle.Des améliorations sont obtenues avec la nouvelle version du modèle dans la distribution des groupes fonctionnels de végétation. Ce modèle a ensuite été appliqué pour simuler la distribution de la végétation au cours de laLGM, montrant un accord général avec les reconstructions ponctuelles basées sur des données de pollen et de macro-fossiles de plantes.Une partie du pergélisol (sols gelés en permanence) contient des sédiments épais,riches en glace et en matières organiques appelés Yedoma, qui contiennent de grandes quantités de carbone organique, et sont des reliques des stocks de carbone du Pléistocène.Ces sédiments ont été accumulés sous des climats glaciaires. Afin de simuler l'accumulation du carbone dans les dépôts de Yedoma, j’ai proposé une nouvelle paramétrisation de la sédimentation verticale dans le module de carbone dans le sol de ORCHIDEE-MICT. L'inclusion de ce processus a permis de reproduire la distribution verticale de carbone observée sur des sites de Yedoma. Une première estimation du stock de carbone dans le pergélisol au cours du LGM est obtenue, de l’ordre de ~ 1550 PgC, dont 390 ~446 PgC sous forme de Yedoma encore intacts aujourd’hui (1,3 millions de km2).Potentiellement, une plus grande surface de Yedoma pourrait être présente pendant leLGM, qui a disparue lors de la déglaciation.Pour la troisième partie, à la lumière des impacts écologiques des grands animaux, et le rôle potentiel des méga-herbivores comme une force qui a maintenu les écosystèmes steppiques pendant les périodes glaciaires, j'ai incorporé un modèle de d’herbivores dans ORCHIDEE-MICT, basé sur des équations physiologiques pour l'apport énergétique et les dépenses, le taux de natalité, et le taux de mortalité pour les grands herbivores sauvages.Le modèle a montré des résultats raisonnables de biomasse des grands herbivores en comparaison avec des observations disponibles aujourd’hui sur des réserves naturelles. Nous avons simulé un biome de prairies très étendu pendant le LGM avec une densité importante de grands herbivores. Les effets des grands herbivores sur la végétation et le cycle du carbone du LGM ont été discutés, y compris la réduction de la couverture forestière, et la plus grande productivité des prairies.Enfin, j’ai réalisé une estimation préliminaire du stock total de carbone dans le permafrost pendant le LGM, après avoir tenu compte des effets des grands herbivores et en faisant une extrapolation de l'étendue spatiale des sédiments de type Yedoma basée sur des analogues climatiques et topographiques qui sont similaires à la région de Yedoma actuelle. / During the repeated glacialinterglacialtransitions, there has been aconsistent and partly abrupt increase of nearly100 ppm in atmospheric CO2, indicating majorredistributions among the carbon reservoirs ofland, ocean and atmosphere. A comprehensiveexplanation of the carbon fluxes associatedwith the transitions is still missing, requiring abetter understanding of the potential carbonstock in terrestrial biosphere during the glacialperiod. In this thesis, I aimed to improve theunderstanding of terrestrial carbon stocks andcarbon cycle during the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM, about 21,000 years ago), through aseries of model developments to improve therepresentation of vegetation dynamics,permafrost soil carbon dynamics, andinteractions between large herbivores andvegetation in the ORCHIDEE-MICT landsurface model.For the first part, I improved theparameterization of vegetation dynamics inORCHIDEE-MICT for the northern mid- tohigh-latitude regions, which was evaluatedagainst present-day observation-based datasetsof land cover, gross primary production, andforest biomass. Significant improvements wereshown for the new model version in thedistribution of plant functional types (PFTs),including a more realistic simulation of thenorthern tree limit and of the distribution ofevergreen and deciduous conifers in the borealzone. The revised model was then applied tosimulate vegetation distribution during theLGM, showing a general agreement with thepoint-scale reconstructions based on pollen andplant macrofossil data.Among permafrost (perennially frozen) soils,the thick, ice-rich and organic-rich siltysediments called yedoma deposits hold largequantities of organic carbon, which areremnants of late-Pleistocene carbonaccumulated under glacial climates. In order tosimulate the buildup of the thick frozen carbonin yedoma deposits, I implemented asedimentation parameterization in the soilcarbon module of ORCHIDEE-MICT. Theinclusion of sedimentation allowed the modelto reproduce the vertical distribution of carbonobserved at the yedoma sites, leading toseveral-fold increase in total carbon. Simulatedpermafrost soil carbon stock during the LGMwas ~1550 PgC, among which 390~446 PgCwithin today’s known yedoma region (1.3million km2). This result was still anunderestimation since the potentially largerarea of yedoma during the LGM than todaywas not yet taken into account.For the third part, in light of the growingevidence on the ecological impacts of largeanimals, and the potential role of megaherbivoresas a driving force that maintainedthe steppe ecosystems during the glacialperiods, I incorporated a dynamic grazingmodel in ORCHIDEE-MICT, based onphysiological equations for energy intake andexpenditure, reproduction rate, and mortalityrate for wild large grazers. The model showedreasonable results of today’s grazer biomasscompared to empirical data in protected areas,and was able to produce an extensive biomewith a dominant vegetation of grass and asubstantial distribution of large grazers duringthe LGM. The effects of large grazers onvegetation and carbon cycle were discussed,including reducing tree cover, enhancinggrassland productivity, and increasing theturnover rate of vegetation living biomass.Lastly, I presented a preliminary estimation ofpotential LGM permafrost carbon stock, afteraccounting for the effects of large grazers, aswell as extrapolations for the spatial extent ofyedoma-like thick sediments based on climaticand topographic features that are similar to theknown yedoma region. Since these results werederived under LGM climate and constantsedimentation rate, a more realistic simulationwould need to consider transient climate duringthe last glacial period and sedimentation ratevariations in the next step.
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