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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du couplage thermomécanique du PEHD par essais mécaniques et inversion d'images infrarouges / A study of the termomechanical coupling in hdpe characterised with mechanical tests and infrared images inversion

Renault, Norbert 13 December 2007 (has links)
Ce travail vise à approfondir la connaissance du comportement mécanique de polymères structurés sur de multiples échelles. Il repose sur l'acquisition simultanée d'informations couplées relatives à la mécanique, à la thermique et à la microstructure. Nous avons à cet effet étudié le comportement du Polyéthylène Haute Densité (PEHD) sous sollicitations de traction à déformation contrôlée à l'aide de trois techniques optiques utilisées in situ simultanément : (i) Le système Vidéotraction® pour l'accès aux contraintes et aux déformations vraies. (ii) La thermographie infrarouge pour l'accès aux sources thermiques. (iii) Une technique de rétrodiffusion de lumière (ISLT) pour l'accès à une forme d'endommagement. Le corps du travail porte sur la reconstruction des sources thermiques 2D à partir de cartographies des champs de température mesurés au cours d'essais. Le problème inverse de reconstruction des champs de sources ther-miques est résolu par deux méthodes différentes : minimisation sous contrainte avec formulation adjointe et décomposition modale. Des techniques de régularisation du problème sont décrites en détail pour chaque méthode. D'autre part, la technique ISLT nous permet de suivre l'endommagement : l'apparition progressive de "mi-crocavités" isotropes puis un développement d'une forte anisotropie pendant la phase de durcissement hyperélastique. Nous montrons que ces informations sur la microstructure viennent corroborer les phénomènes observés sur la source thermique. Nous replaçons alors l'ensemble des informations obtenues dans le contexte d'une modélisation thermodynamique des lois de comportement. Une étude de sensibilité aux paramètres du modèle est développée, ce qui conduit à une réduction du modèle adaptée à leur bonne estimation / This research aims at looking further into current knowledge of the mechanical behavior of semi-crystalline polymers at multiple scales. It relies on the simultaneous acquisition of coupled information relating to me-chanical, thermal and microstructural behaviors. For this purpose, we have studied the response of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) under tensile tests with controlled strain rates, using three optical techniques : (i) Vidéotraction®, a videoextensemeter to access the true stress and strain. (ii) Infrared thermography to access the thermal sources evolution. (iii) Backscattering of Incoherent Light (ISLT technique) to access information on damage mechanisms. The core of the research concerns the reconstruction of the 2D thermal sources starting from temperature fields maps measured during the test. This ill-posed problem has been solved with two different methods : A constrained optimization based on the adjoint formulation and a minimization based on a reduced spectral model. The regularization tools used in the problem are detailed for each method. The ISLT technique allows to monitor damaging processes due to crazing : the creation of isotropic micro-cavities followed by the development of a strong anisotropy during the hardening phase. We show that these information at microstructural level confirm the evolutions of the heat source thermal. All these experimental information are finally considered within a thermodynamical framework used for deri-ving constitutive laws. A sensitivity analysis applied to the parameters of our law led to a reduced model that is more appropriate for their proper estimation

Théorie KAM faible et instabilité pour familles d'hamiltoniens

Mandorino, Vito 11 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions la dynamique engendrée par une famille de flots Hamiltoniens. Un tel système dynamique à plusieurs générateurs est aussi appelé 'polysystème'. Motivés par des questions liées au phénomène de la diffusion d'Arnold, notre objectif est de construire des trajectoires du polysystème qui relient deux régions lointaines de l'espace des phases. La thèse est divisée en trois parties.Dans la première partie, nous considérons le polysystème engendré par les flots discrétisés d'une famille d'Hamiltoniens Tonelli. En utilisant une approche variationnelle issue de la théorie KAM faible, nous donnons des conditions suffisantes pour l'existence des trajectoires souhaitées.Dans la deuxième partie, nous traitons le cas d'un polysystème engendré par un couple de flots Hamiltoniens à temps continu, dont l'étude rentre dans le cadre de la théorie géométrique du contrôle. Dans ce contexte, nous montrons dans certains cas la transitivité d'un polysystème générique, à l'aide du théorème de transversalité de Thom.La dernière partie de la thèse est dédiée à obtenir une nouvelle version du théorème de transversalité de Thom s'exprimant en termes d'ensembles rectifiables de codimension positive. Dans cette partie il n'est pas question de polysystèmes, ni d'Hamiltoniens. Néanmoins, les résultats obtenus ici sont utilisés dans la deuxième partie de la thèse

Metodikstudie av trollingfisket i Vänern : Jämförelse av fångstrapportering mellan intervjuer och enkäter gjorda på trollingfiskare samt vädrets påverkan på ansträngning / A methodological study of angler surveys for the sport fishery in Lake Vänern: comparison between interviews and mail-in surveys for reporting catch

Höök, David January 2014 (has links)
There are five endemic populations of migratory Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) and brown trout (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) remaining in Lake Vänern, whereof two are salmon and three are trout. There is one population of each species in Klarälven, also one of each in Gullspångsälven and there is a population of trout still remaining in Tidan River. Since the beginning of the 20th century endemic populations of salmon and trout have either vanished or declined dramatically due to the construction of hydropower in the rivers around the lake, and still today the future of the remaining populations remains uncertain. To manage salmonid fishes effectively more knowledge of their ecology throughout their different life-stages is needed. A large part of the Lake Vänern salmonoids lives are spent in the lake, where a mayor mortality factor is recreational fishing, especially angling. Estimation of fishing effort and catch is important in order to remain a sustainable fishery. In Lake Vänern commercial fishers are bound to report their catch, but anglers are not, -even though they are now thought to be responsible for the largest proportion of the catch. Angler interviews and access point surveys are the best ways to get accurate information in order to assess sport fish effort and catch. There are drawbacks of this method though that includes large costs, logistical problems and biased results due to the higher chance of interviewing the most avid anglers. To hand out mail-surveys is a kind of off-site survey that is less costly compare to interviews, but the drawbacks are bigger in getting correct information due to biased results from non-respondence. A study was conducted to compare an interview-survey with a mail-in survey, in which the interviews were conducted in Lillängshamnen, a port on the northern coast of Lake Vänern, and the mail-in surveys were distributed in different ports around the lake, though not in Lillängshamnen. This study shows a significant difference in catch per boat day between the interviews and mail-in survey. To find out more about how to develop the interview-survey there was also an analysis done on the correlation between weather and the number of interviews that were collected. One could find a negative correlation between numbers of interviews collected and the wind ratio, where very few interviews were collected once the wind speed measured more than 5-8 meters per second. There are improvements to be made both for the conduction of interviews and mail-in surveys, including more staff for conducting interviews at different ports and follow-ups on the non-respondents for the mail-in survey. / Av atlantlax (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) och öring (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) finns idag fem endemiska populationer kvar i Vänern varav två är av lax och tre av öring. Det finns en klarälvsvariant av båda arterna, likaså finns det en gullspångsvariant av varje och sen finns även en öringpopulation kvar i Tidan. Sen början av 1900-talet har populationer av lax och öring utrotats eller minskat kraftigt till följd av vattenkraftens utbyggnad i vattendragen runt Vänern, och än idag är de resterande populationernas framtid oviss. För att kunna förvalta laxfiskarna på ett bra sätt krävs kunskaper om deras ekologi i dess olika livsstadier. En stor del av laxfiskarna runt Vänerns liv tillbringas i Vänern, där en mortalitetsfaktor består av fritidsfisket, då främst trolling. Uppskattning av ansträngning och fångst är viktigt för att hålla fisket i sjön på en hållbar nivå. Yrkesfisket måste rapportera all sin fångst men detta krävs inte av trollingfisket som idag tros stå för den största proportionen lax- och öringsfångst i Vänern. Genomförandet av intervjuer är en typ av plats- och åtkomstpunktsundersökning och är den bästa metoden att samla in korrekt information för att uppskatta sportfiskets ansträngning och fångst. Det finns dock nackdelar i form av stora kostnader, svår logistik och vinklade resultat då de mest entusiastiska fiskarna löper större chans att bli intervjuade. Att dela ut enkäter är en form av distansundersökning och även brevundersökning som kostar betydligt mindre än att genomföra intervjuer men brister vad gäller svarsfrekvens som i sin tur leder till vinklade resultat. En studie gjordes för att jämföra intervjuer med enkäter, där intervjuer genomfördes i Lillängshamnen på Vänerns norra kust och enkäter delades ut i olika hamnar runt hela Vänern, dock ej i Lillängshamnen. Denna undersökning visade att enkäter har en signifikant större fångst per båt än intervjuer. För att ta reda på mer om hur genomförandet av intervjuer skulle kunna förbättras undersöktes hur vädret påverkade antalet intervjuer som genomfördes. Man fick en negativ korrelation mellan antalet genomförda intervjuer och vindhastighet där ytterst få intervjuer genomfördes i vindhastigheter över 5-8 meter per sekund. Det finns förbättringspotential vad gäller både genomförandet av intervjuer och enkätundersökningar, bland annat mer personal till att kunna intervjua fler folk i olika hamnar och uppföljning på de enkäter som inte svarats på.

"Wearing the mantle on both shoulders": an examination of the development of cultural change, mutual accommodation, and hybrid forms at Fort Simpson/Laxłgu’alaams, 1834-1862.

Sellers, Marki 04 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies the relationships between newcomers employed by the Hudson’s Bay Company at Fort Simpson and the Ts’msyen people who came to live outside the fort from its establishment in Ts’msyen territory in 1834 until the founding of a Christian Ts’msyen village at Metlakatla in 1862. I argue that a mutually intelligible – if not equally understood – world was developed at this site in which the lives of these newcomers and local Ts’msyen people became intertwined and somewhat interdependent. While this world was not characterized by universal conditions of fellowship and trust it did involve shared Ts’msyen-newcomer participation in significant cultural activities, the repurposing or remaking of each other’s customs, and jointly developed practices in which customs from both groups were intermingled. I propose that some of these practices, particularly those of law and marriage, can be considered as culturally hybrid. This study suggests the compromised position of the HBC on the northern Northwest Coast, Ts’msyen cultural disposition, and dynamics of power within and between these groups fostered the development a mutually intelligible world and hybrid Ts’msyen-newcomer practices. Far from any centre of British power, greatly outnumbered by the Ts’msyen, and soon out-armed, the newcomers of Fort Simpson were particularly vulnerable. Ts’msyen people, it is claimed, generally valued innovation and had a long-established system for acquiring ownership of changes brought from outside into their communities. Ts’msyen women had a special role in this process. Moreover, both the Ts’msyen and the newcomers had hierarchically structured societies in which displays of power and authority were important. These local circumstances were fundamental to the formation of the hybrid institutions of marriage and law at Fort Simpson/Laxłgu’alaams and to the other complex social and cultural interactions of the two groups documented here. While this study acknowledges that Ts’msyen and newcomer people had distinct motivations for entering relationships with each other, for sharing and cross-participating in customs of the other, and for developing new joint and hybrid practices, it argues that for both groups power and authority were crucial factors. The distinct circumstances which made a mutually intelligible world possible at Fort Simpson/Laxłgu’alaams came to an end in 1862. The return of smallpox in Ts’msyen territory, the removal of the missionary William Duncan and his followers from Fort Simpson to Metlakatla, and the increasing colonial regulation of Indigenous people brought an end to the brief period of accommodation and collaboration between HBC newcomers and Ts’msyen people.

Implementation And Comparison Of Turbulence Models On A Flat Plate Problem Using A Navier-stokes Solver

Genc, Balkan Ziya 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
For turbulent flow calculations, some of the well-known turbulence models in the literature are applied on a previously developed Navier-Stokes solver designed to handle laminar flows. A finite volume formulation, which is cell-based for inviscid terms and cell-vertex for viscous terms, is used for numerical discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in conservative form. This formulation is combined with one-step, explicit time marching Lax-Wendroff numerical scheme that is second order accurate in space. To minimize non-physical oscillations resulting from the numerical scheme, second and fourth order artificial smoothing terms are added. To increase the convergence rate of the solver, local time stepping technique is applied. Before applying turbulence models, Navier-Stokes solver is tested for a case of subsonic, laminar flow over a flat plate. The results are in close agreement with Blasius similarity solutions. To calculate turbulent flows, Boussinesq eddy-viscosity approach is utilized. The eddy viscosity (also called turbulent viscosity), which arises as a consequence of this approach, is calculated using Cebeci-Smith, Michel et. al., Baldwin-Lomax, Chien&rsquo / s k-epsilon and Wilcox&rsquo / s k-omega turbulence models. To evaluate the performances of these turbulence models and to compare them with each other, the solver has been tested for a case of subsonic, laminar - transition fixed - turbulent flow over a flat plate. The results are verified by analytical solutions and empirical correlations.

Effekter av inkuberingstemperatur på kroppsform och fenstorlek hos juvenil atlantlax (Salmo salar L.) / Effects of incubation temperature on body shape and fin size in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Flytström, Annika January 2017 (has links)
Global warming, a consequence of the ongoing climate change, is expected to increase the mean global temperature by up to 5°C this century. This is predicted to have various impacts on the earth's ecosystems and especially on ectotherms which cannot regulate body temperature by endogenous heat production. There is an intensified interest in investigating the outcomes of climate change and the role of developmental phenotypic plasticity in relation to environmental conditions experienced early in life. Here I compare the body shape and fin size of juvenile Atlantic salmon that had been incubated at two different temperature regimes during embryogenesis. Morphometric methods were used to compare body size through a box-truss network of Euclidean distances and the data were then analyzed using discriminant analysis. Fin size was analyzed by comparing fin area using analysis of covariance with body size as the covariate. The fish incubated in ambient (cold) temperatures differed from the fish incubated in ca. 4°C warmer temperatures by having a deeper body shape and bigger pectoral fin area. There was no significant difference for dorsal fin area. My findings support the notion that Atlantic salmon are morphologically plastic when exposed to different temperature regimes during embryogenesis, but additional studies are needed to determine the ecological consequences of these changes. / Global uppvärmning, en konsekvens av pågående klimatförändringar, förväntas öka den globala medeltemperaturen med upp till 5°C det här århundradet. Det här förväntas ha stor påverkan på jordens ekosystem och speciellt ektotermer som inte kan reglera sin kroppstemperatur genom endogen värmeproduktion. Intresset har intensifierats för att undersöka klimatförändringarnas utfall och rollen som fenotypisk plasticitet har som svar på tidiga miljöförhållanden. Kroppsform och fenstorlek jämfördes hos juvenil atlantlax som inkuberats i två olika temperaturbehandlingar under embryogenesen. Morfometri användes för att undersöka kroppsformen genom ett box-truss nätverk av euklidiska avstånd som sedan analyserades med en diskriminant funktionsanalys. Fenstorleken analyserades genom att mäta fenornas area som sedan användes i en kovariansanalys med kroppsstorlek som kovariat. Fiskarna som inkuberades i normal (kall) temperatur skiljde sig från fiskarna som inkuberats i ca 4°C varmare temperatur genom att ha en djupare kroppsform och större area på bröstfenorna. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan ryggfenornas area. Mina resultat stödjer idén att atlantlaxen är morfologiskt plastisk när den utsätts för olika temperaturbehandlingar under embryogenesen, men ytterligare studier behövs för att identifiera de ekologiska konsekvenserna av dessa förändringar.

Trhání vodního sloupce pod OK vodní turbíny při nestacionárních stavech. / Water column separation under hydraulic turbine runner during unsteady operating regimes.

Vašek, Lubomír January 2012 (has links)
In this diploma thesis called Water column separation under the hydraulic turbine runner during unsteady operating regimes are solved the pressure pulsations of the reverse water hamer. In the thesis is deduced a mathematical relationship of elaboration the numerice model which is based on equations of continuity and equations of forces equilibrium. Numerical model is created in MS Excel uses for computation the numerical method Lax-Wendrof that allows consideration of variable sound speed as function of static pressure and allows variable lenght step in computation domain. Reverse water hammer is in the thesis solved with consideration of rotating flow behind shut-off valve, where we expect forming of vortex rope. This situation can be applied on the closing water turbine which has vertex rope under turbine runner. Specifically for this thesis was carried out the experiment of the reverse water hammer. Constants going into numerical solution are optimalized with using experiment and pressure pulsation are compared between numerical solution and experiment.

Potentiell koppling mellan elektrolys och landbaseradfiskodling : En analys av behov och tillgång på syrgas och värme

Hansen, Per January 2021 (has links)
Det kommer ske en stor utbyggnad av elektrolys för produktion av vätgas i Sverigeoch övriga världen. För att sänka produktionskostnaden och därmed göra vätgasenbilligare analyserar denna rapport vilket behov av syrgas och värme som en landbaserad fiskodling har, samt hur mycket syrgas och värme fiskodlingen skulle behövaköpa från en elektrolysör. Analysen visar att de arter som används i studien - tilapia(Oreochromis, Oreochromis,. Alcolapia), regnbåge (Oncorhynchus mykiss) och lax(Salmo salar) - i en odling som producerar 40 ton fisk om året skulle förbruka cirka1,16 procent av syrgasen och cirka 0,35 procent av värmen från en 3 MW PEMelektrolysör. Försäljningsvärdet av syrgasen och värmen från en 3 MW elektrolysörberäknas till cirka 695 000 SEK/år för syrgasen och cirka 1 830 000 SEK/år för värmen. Den genomsnittliga kostnaden för syrgas och värme för arterna i studien i enodling på 40 ton/år beräknas till 8900 SEK/år för syrgasen och 6400 SEK/år förvärmen i en landbaserad fiskodling. / There will be a major expansion of electrolysis for production of hydrogen in Sweden and the rest of the world. To reduce production costs and thus make hydrogencheaper, this report analyzes how much oxygen and heat a fish farm consumes andtherefore would need to buy from an electrolyser. The analysis shows that the species used in the study - tilapia (Oreochromis, Oreochromis, Alcolapia), rainbow(Oncorhynchus mykiss) and salmon (Salmo salar) - in a farm that produces 40 tonsof fish per year would consume 1.16 percent of the oxygen and 0,35 percent of theheat produced from a 3 MW PEM electrolyzer. The value of the oxygen and theheat from a 3 MW electrolyser is calculated at SEK 694,939/year for the oxygenand SEK 1,829,813/year for the heat. The average cost for the species in the studyin a 40 tonne/year fish farm is calculated at SEK 8,900/year for the oxygen and SEK6,400/year for the heat in a land-based fish farm.

Fast Sweeping Methods for Steady State Hyperbolic Conservation Problems and Numerical Applications for Shape Optimization and Computational Cell Biology

Chen, Weitao 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

On a novel soliton equation, its integrability properties, and its physical interpretation / En ny solitonekvation, dess integrabilitetsegenskaper, och dess fysikaliska tolkning

Fagerlund, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
In the present work, we introduce a never before studied soliton equation called the intermediate mixed Manakov (IMM) equation. Through a pole ansatz, we prove that the equation has N-soliton solutions with pole parameters governed by the hyperbolic Calogero-Moser system. We also show that there are spatially periodic N-soliton solutions with poles obeying elliptic Calogero-Moser dynamics. A Lax pair is given in the form of a Riemann-Hilbert problem on a cylinder. A similar Lax pair is shown to imply a novel spin generalization of the intermediate nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Some conservation laws for the IMM are proven. We demonstrate that the IMM can be written as a Hamiltonian system, with one of these conserved quantities as the Hamiltonian. Finally, a physical interpretation is given by showing that the IMM can be rewritten to describe a system of two nonlocally coupled fluids, with nonlinear self-interactions. / Vi presenterar en aldrig tidigare studerad solitonekvation som vi döper till ‘the intermediate mixed Manakov equation’ (ungefär ‘den mellanliggande kopplade Manakovekvationen’. Kortform: IMM). Genom en polansats bevisar vi att ekvationen har N-solitonlösningar där polparametrarna utgör ett hyperboliskt Calogero-Mosersystem. Vi visar också att det finns rumsligt periodiska N-solitonlösningar vars poler följer elliptisk Calogero-Moserdynamik. Ett Laxpar ges i form av ett Riemann-Hilbertproblem på en cylinder. Vi demonstrerar att ett liknande Laxpar leder till en ny spinngeneralisering av den s.k. INLS-ekvationen. Några bevarandelagar för IMM bevisas. Vi visar att IMM-ekvationen kan skrivas som ett Hamiltonskt system, där Hamiltonianen är en av våra tidigare bevarade storheter. Till sist ger vi en fysikalisk tolkning av vår ekvation genom att demonstrera hur den beskriver ett system av ickelokalt interagerande vätskor, med ickelinjära självinteraktioner.

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